The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 26, 1902, Image 7

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    jffiat are Humors?
. -nuiurt nr mnrblil fluids' roiirn.
1W"V" .,. nrtortn Ihn II,..,..
lbe TBi - --:-,".; "-.::::
-.niltt fttia n itnfwrlvn iltrrAa
.rtCOUli""111 "- .. Ul6"
aire sometimes Inherited.
...lfni ttiiimnnlti
W00 .-1 1.. tnniilfpflt thotnnclvrs ?
minr forms of cutaneous oruptlon,
Hjleata or eczema, plmplca and bolls,
a in wck"s, languor, ircneral debility.
a,. aw they expelled? Ily
mood's Sarsaparitla
I klch aUO Olllius ui iuu ojomui mm ua
fcJered from them.
K IS IDC una mwuiuuu .. Wn uumv.p.
Willamette hotel arrivals.
(i c Si'wr. Chicago.
(i ' itrown. Minneapolis,
prank W Cnnip. Now York.
Kianh I' limine. HuKeno.
lrs I. Hyi'i'i. Sonttlo.
jllss Auncss A. Ilyrne, Sonttlo.
j n N'H'Hh. Chicago.
Sam Simmons, Portland,
j Ifnlirrly. city.
v A Smiw , Spoknnu.
j j Hiiliunce. San Finticlsco.
j H Smith. Woodburn.
II fan "II. San Francisco.
j j Cnim. San Finnclseo.
joiopli l, Ho.oy, Now York.
C c linker, city.
John K Kollock. Portland.
j ) Will ox. Portland.
I) M Mfllnn. San Frnni Iseo.
j p Hioekby, Calif.
H Mi I nughllu, Calif.
jolit R .Inrvls. St. Paul.
It Is a Fact
That the Pioneer Iiakory makes first
rliss brrnd and pantry. A full supply
ilnya on hnnd.
St I'nul'8 Kplseopnl Church. Ninth
Sunday after Trinity. Mntlns anil
loly communion at l():;ii) a. in. fivon
kmr at s p m.
W ( T U The I o'clock meeting
it tin. W (. T. U. hall will ho ml
rcfisoil l Col. Sobleskl, the Polish
itrlnt Hood music Is provided. Kv
fr)lioil welcome.
First I'ultfil Hrethrcn. f!. 0. Oliver
putor Sunday School at HI a. m
Pnarliuns services at 11 n. in. and I
t m Subject of morning sermen:
flist Kvenlng: What Is .Mnn?'
Hnptiht liurcli. Morning worshli
nth si-mnui by Rev. Robert Whltakei
it id "." n in Hlblo School at V2 in.
C K snility at : If p. in. Uvenlnp
rlre niiilitrd: union meeting nt XI.
E (Inn I)
Christ 'on Lutheran Church. Fast
Statf Htii'i-t. Ninth Sunday aftei
Trillin lli'v. Adolph liberie, pimtor
Sumln Siliool at in a. m. Altar ser
tiro ni li a in. and 8 p. m. Sermoi
it 11 :m a in. and 8 p. in. Strangorr
KIihi t'lingri'gallonnl Church. Rev
tt 0 Kantncr, pastor. Preaching in
1" 3o a in Subject: "My Church.'
Siimla Siimol nt 12 in. Y. P. S. C. 15
it . ) in No evening servlcon. owliu
to miinii iiii'i'tlng at the Methodls
ihtin li
Mi'Hi.mIi ,i chuich. .John Parsons
past.ii h.nlios nt Hi:. '1(1 it. in. am
i in Sunday School nt 12 in. am"
IKpwinth I I'nguo at 7 p. m. Subject
Lof tin- minimise sermen: "Called and
RU'iieil In till ovenlui: there will
he a (iiiinn ti'iniici niic'O mpotlnir ml
n -hul by Colonel John Soblcwkl Mu
iW 13 !) fllrlH' elinlr.
I'liltnilun Church. Corn or of Che
vkotii and Cottage streets. Y. G
Kliot li . milliliter. Siiiuluv School
!iit rmitu tl Morning servjee at 10:3(
bi'locK Col John Sobleskl will spenk
JntlH tlicine Personal Religion." AH
loniinih invited, liven tin servlci
mltti il
tnitiil Ilvangellcnl Chuich. C. A
ialmip pastor. Cottage between Mn
Ion and Center streots. Services Sun-
Jl 27, 10(12. Sunday School nt
in Preaching at 11 a. m. Sub
J"t A Cnll to Holiness Y. P.
P ' P piayer me,otliiK nt 7 p in.
ii ftiultiir Kcrvlco. Union nionllnt
t M !: .llilrrli
It Fuht citrlhtlan. Cornor of High and
j'lniii htreets. Oeo. C. Rltchoy. mln
, I'll. Mi Mill' ,,,i,lnv n 111. nn n
Suiijett -Tho Cost of Wl'nnliiK
ouls Bible School nt 12 in. Junloi
R "' i p. in. Senior C. K. nt 7 p. in.
.uiiniK Hcivlee omitted for union tern-
ran. . meeting.
St'im.l Church of Christ. Sclontlat
''J l.iiuity street. Services nt 10:3(
m and S ii. ni. Sundays, and ever
JJuiltitiiluj evening nt 8 o'clock. Sub
ft f le.ison sermen: "l.ovo." Thc
H'l nu Invited to those sorvlcos
"'I u he free rending room, same
Fast Presbyteilnn Chuich. H. A
'tMiuin imstor. Sahbiitli School at
Hi Pri-atlilnif sorvlcus nt 10:30 a.
,' Tit 1st Peter 1 : 4-B. Subject:
lit' til UVl'lllv lnlioiltmirn Vrunip
ffopli - meeting at 7 n. m. No evon-
j"K8(iui. Union meotlnir nt First
K hurch to henr Col. Sobleskl
'i,ir and confeience meeting at 8
j'l I iinrsday
(The Price ol Pleasure
It is hard for a lovely woman to forego
be pleasures of the life which she wa3
Ned to enjoy and adorn. She may
rc io oe busy all iay in oince or in
w, yet she cannot deny nersen ine
cm flexures winch aie ottered ucr.
if. Jiui inc ruwijuc
often too great lor
her, and sue pu
fers from headache
and liackache as a
S r "- rrtnuniipnce of
..' ' .t
ifr Vomcn who are
tired nnd worn out
will find a perfect
tonic and nervire
in Dr. Pierce's I-1-vorite
It cures headache,
backache and the
other aches and
pains to which
women are subject.
It estauhshes regu
larity, dries weak
ening drains, heals
inflammation and
ulceration, and
cures female-weakness.
women strong and
sick womeu well.
"1 in H pleet
with yourinwucuont,
I hardly know what
thanks to gWe you for
your kind favor "
write Mr Mllo Brv
ant of Iota. TUoraa
Co. G "1 iuffered
r a k and the lower part el my
" P piUuon of the heart, that at
i . lie down Could hardl
' ' '" rmnj but after utlng three
i a 'e Pretcilptlon ' and two thU
t f eaunt Pelfet I am like a new
ma much with ffreai
Uf " vliaiJ 4UC PUIiUHi
.n, -v:" oi long sunding, are in-v,lM-.nU
Dr Pierce. by letter.r.
. ;"inaence Is held a strictly pr-
p ?)lrredly confidentil. AddrtM
K V Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y,
V ,"
V 'i rvff
Qnrial Dai 1m!
..In the wVlttl M Vtll III
-H-4H 1 ,t..4
Hov, P. c Hetzel has gone to Pott
land. Miss lCdnn Price is visiting in Pott
land. Mrs. J. R. Ktausso, or Poitland, is
visiting In Snlotn.
Sipiiro Fnnar has returned from n
visit with his fnmlly nt Newport.
Miss (Jrnco ninemnn Is homo from
Albany, whom sho hns been the guest
of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Condlt have re
turned from n shott recreation visit
nt Newport.
Mrs. R. s. llenn, accompanied by
her son. Robbie, has returned from ii
visit to her father, Pror. Thus. Condon,
ni Hugono.
Harvey L. Wright, tho accommodat
ing bnggngeman for tho Southern Pa-
elflc Company at this city, was In
Woodlittrn Krldny afternoon.
Hon. H. R Mulkcy. prosldont or tho
Southern Oregon ' Stnto Normal
School, at Ashlnnd, arrived In the city
Friday afternoon, and will be Joined
by Mrs. Mttlkey when they will go to
Monmouth for a visit. Sonntor Mttl
key says ho will not be a cnndlilnte
:or president or tho sonntu.
Miss Leda Huron Is visiting in Port
land, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. p. Hnrr are visiting
'n Alt. Angel.
Mr. nnd Airs. Fred Neckcrmnn spent
the day In Poitland.
Hishop U. L. linrkley retuined to
Portland this morning.
AIlss Anna Cross has returned from
a visit with friends In Albany.
Ross Plshburn nnd Klbert Young
are at Newport for a few days.
Airs. P. II. Stoat has gone to New
port for n few days' recreation.
Airs. T. Sims nnd children have gone
:o Newport to spend tho summer.
L. L. Lnchmtiud. the hop buyer, hns
'(turned from a trip to New York.
Airs. Prod Lockley and d. C. dans,
Jr.. have gone for a recrentlnn nt
Miss Kd nn Purdy hns returned from
in extended visit with friends nt Lan
ding, Iowa.
II. 13. ThlolBon has Joined his fnmlly
U Newport, and will spend Stindny
at the Boasldo.
C. d. Albeit hns returned to his
lomo nt Vheaton. nftor a visit with
3nlem rolntlves.
AIlss Kthol Trunx. who has been vis
ting nt the Phillips' home, has re
'.uriicd to Jefferson.
Airs. J. D. Lee hns gone to Clo Blum,
md other points In Washington, for a
.'Islt with her children.
Prank Dnyey. aecoinpnnled by his
laughter, Alias Alerle, wont to New
tort to remnin over Sunday.
Airs. A. P. Alorrlson. of San Prnncls
"o, was the guest of her sister. Alts.
Or. Al. Al. Staples, this week.
Chits. L. AlcNary and Wnltor T. Stol
.vero In Portland today to witness the
Portlund-Iltttto gnmu or bnsohnll.
J. d. Stelnbrennor, Alt, nnd Airs. J.
W. Johns and Alts Puller left today
Or u two weeks' outing nt Slab Creek.
II. Cntlln. J. II. Albert and d. P.
lodgers Iiavo gone over to Newport
o spend Sunday with their- families,
dovurnor nnd Alra. door hnvo ro
omed from nn nscent of Alt. Adams
.hut they innde ns members of tho Ala
mums. John Pechter, secretary of tho Sa
lem Y. Al. C. A., hns gono to Sonttle
to nccompnny n local association
ninplng pnity.
Aldermnn nnd Airs. O. Stolz, nccom
pnnled by Air. Stolz's brothor. Win. C.
3tols5. nnd family, of Dayton, Ohio, loft
today for u short outing at Newport.
Airs. Dave Hill, accompanied by hor
laughter. Airs. Prod Clovolaud, who
.ias boon visiting her cousin. Mrs. C.
D. Purdy. left today for hor homo at
lotnostown. Noith Dakota.
Prod Loekloy. ono or the Snlem lot
.or carrier's brigade, left this morn
ing for a six weeks' outing. Ho goes
direct to Pendleton, ami will visit
Crater I akn before returning to Sa
lem. o
The Excltemtnt Not Over
The rush to the drug store still con
tinues and dally scores of pooplo call
for a bottle of Komp's Balsam for tho
Throat and Lungs for tire cure of
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and
Consumption. Kemp's Balsam, tho
standard family remedy, Is sold on a
guarantee and never falls to glvo en
tire satisfaction. Price 25c and 50c.2
Good Meals
Aro always had nt tho White House
Restaurant. We try to satisfy our pat
rons, with first-class meals and cour
teous trentment. Open dny and night.
Minor Mention
Loca Import
The new laundry plnnt at the Che
mawa Indian school has been In
stalled and will be ready for opera
tion on .Monday morning. The me
chanic who installod the plant, and
who hns had largo experience in
handling laundry machinery, says the
Chemawa whool has the bet Institu
tion plant on the coast.
Frank Pickens and Florence Motilett
were granted a marriage license by
County Clerk Roland this morning.
Judge Boise this morning granted a
temporary Injunction to the further
construction of a dam in Sliver Creek
by John Llchty. of Silverton. The in
junction was granted upon the appli
cation of the Union Light & Power
Company, which allw that the con
struction of the daw will destroy its
source irf water power for the opera
tion of Its electric lighting plant, by
which the towns of WoodbMrn a4
Alt Angel are UhtJ. The papers la
he i as were served this morning by
Deputy Sheriff J. L Shlptoa. who went
to Silverton. .,
a martin id the Oroater Sawto
Commercial Clab has been called for
o dock Monday afternoon
nvinrb Mnmiav aiiernoou. u
the editor of
who is touring
leathering data
his paper that he ejpects to itaue
fall. He has a proposition inai " ,
sires to submit for Uw "
of the Salem, Clun. ana or --
.. ..
the Minnesota rnsut. ; -----h-' - - v , -" aa. ,)rilMjd,tB M Dr. 0uHI1., lllou(l
the IHii-MH' tvu B"1"T;. :TST It will cure eon- and Nerve Tonic for lie per box. or
for a special saw" ""ir.T o-i.mD k.i,iii anil ll boxes for $2. or sent nr wail, on re-
a full attenuanc o. .- --
la urged
Department Orders Pupils of
Mexican Blood Sent Home
Some weeks ago orders were Issued
by the Indian bureau of the Interior
department that ull pupils of Indian
schools having Atexlcnn blood In theli
veins be sent homo, says an exchnnge.
This will nffoct very largely the
Bchools nt Phoenix nnd Tucson, Ari
zona, nnd In New Aloxlco. Pursunnt
to tho order, over CO have boon dls
missed from the PIiobiiIx school, which
hns an enrollment of nliottt 700, nnd
a regttlnr attendance of probably (inn.
Others may be sent home, ns it is
dlillettlt In ninny cases to dlstinulslt
between thoso of mixed blood nnd na
tives. Their presence In the schools
Is nccounted for In two ways. Some
were born on regorvntlons, but more,
perhaps, were town residents, having
n largo proportion of Indian blood. The
children being sometimes uninnnnge
able In public schools, were sent to In
dian schools, where a discipline or the
military order Is maintained.
Piom Inquiry at the Chemnwn
school It Is learned thnt the order
above rorerrcd to does not npply to tho
Salem school, since there Is not In at
tendance nt thnt school any pupils
thnt come under tho class. The or
der applies particularly to the schools
or the Southwest, and Its enforcement
will materially reduce the enrollment
nt those schools for a time. About
the time the nbovo otdor was made n
similar order was Issued providing
that all pupils having less than one
eighth Indian blood should be dis
missed. This order hnd application
to the Chemawa school, but did not
reduce the attendance to spenk of. It
probably resulted In tho dlsmlssnl of
a pupils, but no more.
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any enso of Catnrrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHI2NI3Y & CO., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho undersigned, hnvo known P.
J. Cheney for tho last 1G years, and be
llovo him to bo perfectly honorablo In
nil business transactions, and finan
cially ablo to carry out miy business
obligations nindo by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo. O. Waldlng, Kinimn &
Mnrvln, Wholesnlo Druggists, Toledo,
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Inter
unlly, nctlng directly upon the' blood
nnd mucous surfaces of tho system.
Testimonials sent free. Prices 7Cc
per bottle. Sold by nil druggists.
II 'i's Family Pills tiro tho best.
Personal Mention from Aumsvllle
P. S. Pound mndo n business trip to
Stilom Alondny.
drnndma Davlo. nrtor a two weoks'
illness, is much Improved.
Tho Modern Woodnion of America
callod a special meeting Alntuliiy ev
ening to transact buslnoss Incident to
tho donth of H. H. McAllister.
Air. nnd Airs. A. P. Spoot spoilt Sun
day lu Albany, roturnln'g on Alonday's
Uncle Chnrlos Poost. while working
in n haymow last Tuosday, full
through a mnu-holo used to put liny In
a manger, sustnlnlng an ugly cut on
tho head, nnd brulsos about tho bedy:
although he Is laid up for u row dnys.
no snys he will soon bo nbout again.
J. A. Smith, or Bolknnp Springs, ie
ports n big ciowd and a good tlmo. Wo
miss his smiling face nnd practical
Jokes, hut can glvo him up a few
mouths In tho summer for his faithful
uess in tho winter.
Rev. Dollaihlde, or Salem, delivered
nn able sormon In the Christian
church Sunday morning. His argu
ment was convincing and dollvery
forcible. Wo hope his visits will bo
moro fro(ttent, as his logical discus
sions have won many admirers in this
.Mrs. J. P. Murphy and daughter.
Ada, who aro visiting In the I2ast, re
port much high wator and Intense
They say Oregon Is hard to ex-
cell, a fact wo all realize.
AIlss Lulu Alartin. for the past two
years or Grants Pass, came homo Sat
urday to spend tho summer. We wel
come her hack, and are glad to see
she looks so well.
fiugene Bauer died Sunday morn
ing, after an Illness or nine months. He
leaves a wire and two children and a
host or friends to mourn his loss.
Swank & Johnson, managers of the
Aumsvllle flouring mills, have added
to their "staff of life manufacture" a
complete graham burr, and are now
prepared to give the public an article
In that line hard to excel)
Air. and Mrs. Lee, Randall, or Tan
gout, spent Sunday at the home of
Airs. Rnndnll's parents. Mr. and Airs.
Jas. Klrkpatrlck.
O. H Ollbeit. of Portland, nn em
ploye of the Pacific States Telephone
Co.. is spending a week's vacation at
his old home in Aumsvllle.
Helberger Bros., of Sublimity, re
ceived n new Advance Threshing out
fit Tuesday.
Rev O. K. Perry preached In the
Ohristian ehureh Wednesday evening.
nwinir tn th auiuJntment nnt huln
.auarallv known, the eaaertutatliin waa
.mall Thr in no rearular Ohrlallau
minister here at present, but steps are
being taken toward securing one. and
we hope to have regular serrlees In
the near future I
Miss Laura Bell, of Hood River. Is
visiting her auHt. Mrs. Oeo. Stursda.
The appointment of the free rural
mail carrier, at this place, has not been
made yet. Several parties have a-
idled but the SBleetlon will not be
known until September 1st
t rq ti ist a cough
That not vnur lun km sore and weak
'and pa-s the way for pueumoala or
,r - ta-Ti imebTea T PtositlTelr
--- - rWnnded If
SLW.Bi2; . in.i WriteaTfor
i"" - w. Hook & Co .
i ...ud...Ai.tiikSi i4Aisn aiicpm t-nninn ?v Hsww will iiiwiiisu iu gv un iiiul
N Y I J Fry druggist
lt r,"''ll,,''"',,,M,","lll'"wiryiBte-irii
AH Kinds of Excitement
Tho three harmless hunters who
passed Salem Thursday morning
caused a liberal amount of excitement
up the valley. The people of Albany
became badly frightened from the re
ports that had gained clrciilntlon out
of this city, nnd this only tended to
aggravate the state of affairs at fin-
gene. Of the reception of the hunters
nt fiugene the dttnrd had the follow fellow follew
ing: "Tills motnlng Deputy Sheriff Prod
Plsk received a message from tho
sheriff's olllce nt Albany Informing
him thnt three men on bicycles, nil
ueaviiy armed nnd ono rosctn
bllng tho description of the norotrlous
outlnw. llnrry Tracy, had passed
tlnough theto on their way south. Of
flccrn nt Hartlsburg and Cobttrg were
also notified.
Several hours later word came from
Harrlsburg that the supposed outlaws
had pnsBed tlnough thnt place, and
shortly afterward tho countable at Co
burg telephoned over that they hnd
Just passed through there, and thnt It
wns strongly believed ono of tho men
wns Tracy, but that he (the constable)
was Umld nbout stopping them with
the small force of two or three depu
ties, which ho hod bnndotl together nt
the receipt or the word Troiii Albnnv.
It is said that the residents or Cobttrg
were badly frightened, and stayed
piety well. Indoors while tho men were
pnsslng thiotiKh.
"Deputy Sheriff Plsk. who hns
cljnrgo of the sheriff's olllce while Air.
Wltrhers Is away, didn't hnvo n very
strong belief thnt the men wero Tracy
and his pals, but took the precnullon
to notify the countable nt Springfield
to look out for them ir they wont that
way, and kept n lookout for them him
self hero In fiugene.
"Shortly before noon the throe bi
cyclists arrlvcA bore, wholly uncon
scious of the excitement they hnd de
nted on their way up the valley. They
went to the Ilnmiiiot Cnfe for lunch
eon, whore Deputy Plsk Interviewed
them, nnd wns nt onco convinced thnt
these men were not tho bold outlnws
thnt the Albany. Ilnrrlsburg nnd Co
burg people thought them to be. One
or the men Mr. Plsk Is acquainted
with, having been n rormer vosidont
of fiugene. They stntod thnt they
wore on their way rrotn Vancouver to
Ashlnnd on n hunting trip."
If you desire a good complexion use
Mokl Tea, a puro herb drink. It nets
on tho liver and makes tho skin
smooth nnd olenr. Curos sick head
nches. 2ft cents nnd 50 cents. Money
refunded If It doos not satisfy you.
Wrlto to W. II. Hookor & Co.. Buffalo.
N. Y.. for freo sample. D. J. Pry,
Hotel Arrivals This Week At
Newport Beaches
At the Ocean House.
Mrs. S. L. AlcPnddon. Helen AlcFad
don, Corvnllls; Ira L. Campbell, wife
and duughter, fiugoue; Alls. W. C.
Hull, AIlss Jessie Hull, drnnts Pass;
Batbuia A. Roth, Job IC. Roth. Al
bnny: P. M.' Cnrtor. Ynqiilna: Mn.
Lennox AIcPhoiHon. Seattle; Mrs v.
o. Moore. Salem; AIlss Thompson, liny
City, .Mich.; Airs. Richard L. .Mean
At the Abbey House.
A. A. McNnry, Salem: J. K. Wenth
erford nnd wife. Albany; .Mrs. It
Ramp. Harrlsburg; P. K. Allen. Al
fhany; Chns. L. Kirk, Corvallls; Uiuls
Al. Smith. Acme. Ore.; T. Holversou.
Salem; C. W. Cnuover, fiugene; Al.
Al. and C. A. Blackburn, Cresco, la.;
Ora Clodfelter. Chas. Bllyeu, Hairy
IJoBord. Independence.
At the Bay View.
W. II. Alolr, Tho. Sims. Mrs. H. B.
'Ihielsen and daughter, Salem; C. A.
Johns. Baker City; C. II. Younger. B.
W. Allen, Albany; Wyatt Harris. Ale
Mlnnville; .Manuel .Mayer, Ida Alayer,
Lebanon; C. L. Peehler, IC. I Shep
herd. C. II. Mooie. AIlss Anna Iloult.
Pertland: Win. Faber and wife. Al
bany; Geo. Dorcas, F. W. Durbin.
Salem: AIlss Croulse. Corvallls, Dr ('
B. Matthias and wife. Amity.
A Good Housekeeper
Will always use the beat bread and
pastry that money can buy. Patronise
the Pioneer Bakery, and ymi will get
the beat.
There are lots of good things the
doetons know nothing about. We fre-
(lUelltly cure IMMHtle of disease after
doctor have given them lip. If
" eomes from over work,
Halpatlon. or exposure, causing
or watery blood, and loas of
"M'' aH" strength, we have the one
r, rained? In Dr. Ounn's Blood and
Nr,v These tablets taken
wth mnals turn the rood Into rich red
WaWl. waking strong steady nerves.
a4 ,H5,ra,,,"K the strength. bulldlHg
lld tt at ,h rat of 7 u n
I"" This means health. For
nv, ,vw al4VI4f HJflfi til IMVMHII,
or a pale, yellow complexion, a better
more. Doctors
know nothing about this remedy only
the fax-t that we make cures, as we
nay been doing this for twenty years
! rf prte WrtU,
phUrt telling a'1 a tout Una rat mad
Ulne. AdTr.. Ur. Onn. Phlladel
phla Pa
For sale at Dr Stone's drug
storea 1
us for a pani-
SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1902.
Midsummer Sufferings,
Quickly Dissipates Tired
Feelings and Gives New
Life to the Weak, Ner
vous, and Debiliated.
Tired, languid nnd (lespondont reel
ings prevnll to an nlnrnilng extent
during tho heated term or summer.
Such reelings Indicate depleted blood
and n reoblo condition or the nervous
This Is just the time when Pnlne's
Celeiy Compound Is needed to build
up llesh nnd muscle, brace the nerves
nnd clear and strengthen the brain.
Sick headaches, nervous prostration
sleeplessnoss and a general reeling or
mentnl and physlco' depression bj
which lire Is in- 4lmost Intolerable
In tho hot weatuer. can nil be speed
ily hnnlshod by the use or a bottle or
two or Palne's Celery Compound, na
ture's sunimur renovator and strength
giver. Pnlne's Celery Compound never Tnlls
to repair the wasted and worn out tis
sues; It cnltns mid perfectly regttlntes
nervous notion nnd brings thnt sweet
and restful sleep that mnkes life-Imp-
Tho medicine that In the past has
dono such marvelous things for others
Is the kind thnt you should use nt this
Coventor deer hns been Invlred to
nnine ten delegates to attend the
Trnns-Allssisslppl Coininerclnl Con
gress, to be lieni In St. Paul, August
1H-22. The delegates will be selected
as soon ns men are found that will ac
cept the appointment and attend the
Does Man
hood Fail?
It mny sometimes, owing to nerv
ous dlsordois. hut It Is hardly ever
lost, except In extreme old nge. What
Is cnllod Impotoney or soxunl ne'urns
thenlii Is merely weakened power. Un
ilerneuth tho nshes tlio lite remulus
aglow. It loipiircs careful, sclontlllc
treatment to Inn It Into a bright llame
of life nnd uiieigy. For these enses.
which have been hltheito the despair
or tho physician, nothing eiitnls the
application or electricity, ir by proper
current nnd exact dosage, lu combina
tion with the sclontlllc ndmlnlstrntlon
of specific medical remedies, which
penetrate the secret ntubush or dis
ense, exterminating It root nnd branch
forever. A rejuvenntlon follows Its
use. It produces results hecumfo It
replenishes the vital tonicity requisite
to tho nervous system. According to
Dr. Dan Ill's peculiar ami scientific
methods of ndmlnistrutlou, It Is a pow
erful vltnllxer, Indicated In dlsensed
conditions, due to all kinds or excess-
Dr. Darrlu gives freo examination to
nil, nnd. when necessary, gives modi
duns In connection with electricity.
The poor treated freo from 10 to 11
dally, except medicine. Those willing
to pay. 10 to K; evenings, 7 to 8; Sun
days, to to .1. ICrrors of youth, blood
taint, gleet. Impotoney vuilcoeele,
hydrocele and stricture u specialty. All
nimble chronic private diseases t rent
ed at $5 a week, or in that proportion
of time, as the cuso mny require. No
cases published without permission of
the put lent. All business relations
with Dr. I Htilctly confidential. Let
ters or inquiry answered. Circular
iuestioti blanks sent free. Dr. Dan In
will remnin nt the Willamette Hotel
until September 1st.
208 Commercial Street
MhmU hi nil bourn. Open dny hiu)
Only place in the city hand iii the
U tiie Reception Saloon. Wh'ilerale
am! retail.
R ECKERLEN, Proprietor
For Salem and vicinity
leave orders at Ceo
Will' Mlltlc Ktort
Bruitenbush HotSprings
P W. HOSS, Proprietor.
This popular, best of all tummer re
sorts is muaieu near uoiroii, ( (intern
terminus of Corvallia A Kateni It. It
in the heart ol U'e Catcade moinitalnv.
Regular paes train niskes daily trip
from Detroit to tlio pprnntH. jeniing
privilege free All eamp tiipiilts can
lie purchsHHl nt the spring. Kxeelluut
flthing sod hunting. Ita'es are vtry
restoiiMble. tor furl lit r In'oruuiioii
add re, V V IlOK.
7 I Sin lMreii. Ore.
S. C. STONE, M. D.
?0PklET0R OF
The tftors(two In numberiare located
at No. 236 and 2V7 CommarcJal HH
and are well slocked with a complete
line of drugs and medicines, toilet
articles, perfumery, brushes, eta,
Has had some 26 years experience in
the practice of medicine and now
makes no charge for consultation, ox-j
aminauon or prescription.
!SnL.e?enM' live lints or less, la this column
1.flsi?i.1,h?.1? tlm"l 25c. 50ca Wttk.$l.50
a month. All over five lints t the same rate.
Wanted. Ono hundred wether conts.
also 100 sheep, alt owes; must bo
good stoclc. Pnrtles having thnt
number or less write me, doscrlbo
stock nnd .quoto prices, nnd I will
cnll and seo them. C. .Marsh, Salem,
Oregon. Box flC. 7-2t-3t
Wanted Five young men from Alnrlon
county at onco to prepare for posi
tions lu tho government service.
Apply to Intoi-Stato Cortes. Inst.,
Cetlnr Rapids, In. 7-23-lm-dw
Wanted. Men with teams to haul
wood. Inquire of F. I. Tnlklngton,
102 Stnto street. 7-21-tt
Wanted. Pooplo or all ages, from 10
years up, to pull flax. Apply lu per
son Thursday morning at Corner
fo-ji, one-fourth mllo west of big Sa
eom brldgo. fiugeno Ilossc. 7-14-tf
Wanted five young men From Mn
rlou county to proparo nt onco
for positions In tho govertiinont
8orvleo. Apply to Iiltcr-Statu IuBt.,
Cedar Haplds, la. C-17-2m
Wanted Everybody to try Oregon
Foot Easo for all foot allmonts.
Onco tried always used. Ask your
druggist or scud 25c 8. L. Hayoo,
Halsey, Oro.
Ladles Use our harmless' Remedy
for delayed or suppressed period;
it innnot full. Trlnl free. Paris
Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
.ost. a pair or goiii-rimmeu glasses
nnd chain, between Hush's bapk and
Zlnn's confectionery store. I.envo
at Journal olllce, and oblige the
owner. 7-2i-3t
For Ront or For Sale. 12-ruom houso,
partly furnished, Inrgo grounds,
stnble, etc. Imiuiro .lotirnul olllce.
-or sale or Exchange. A itrst-cinss
Jersey bull, Bttbjoct to roglstry. For
particulars sou J. II. Howell, Cross
nud 12th slroots. 7-2C-31
Hor Sale. A sccond-hund il'A-liK'li
wagon, with box, ull lu good condi
tion for 20. A snnp for somebody.1
Mitchell. Lewis & Stnvor Co.. Ha-'
letn. 7-23-lit
For Sale. Now river bout, with sail,
IS foot long. Intended for gasoline
launch, cheap. Inquire ut Journal
olllce. ' 7-8-1 m
For Sale. 3-your-old Jersey cow, with
heifer calf. Inquire ut Journal of
lieu. 7-7-lm
For Sale. Nuw and secoud-huud bug
gies, now and second-hand spring
wagons, buckboarda utid carta, at
tho Snluui Carrlugu and Wagon Fac
tory. Werner Fenuell, proprietor,
301 Commercial strooL 4-lG-tf
Salem Bridge Closed. Hood furry run
ning ut Lincoln. 7-22-1 tth
Musical. Miss llerthn. Hubbard bus
returned to Snlem fur tho summer
months,, and will take pupils on tho
piano nt her home, ono block west or
tho Noith Salem school. 7-lfi-lf
Well Digging and Brick Work Wells
dug and cleaned. Jobbing lu brlclc
work and cistern building. Founda
tions put under house and chim
neys built. Apply to A. P. Holt,
Sulum P. O. or uoitheuHt corner
Itlvursldo Addition. 7-12-lm
Don't You Know Auytning about fid
wards' Market? At 410 Stato street.
Uest place to buy fresh and cured
meats ut the lowest prices. Phono
2V24. U. fidwards, prop
All Kinds Of camping utensils,
stoves nnd tents, and second-hand
goods ut J. N. Shuntz', 107 Court
street. till-tf
Protection Lodge No. 2, Ancient Or
dor United Workmen, meets ovory
Saturday evening lu thu Holiuan
Hall, cornor of State and Liberty
streets. Visiting brethren welcome.
F. L. West, Al. W., J. A. Mellwood,
Sherwood Foresters No. Hi. Moots
Friday nights lu Turner block. Ira
Hamilton C. It.; A. I Ilrowu, Seo
Central Lodge No. 18 K. of P. Castle
Hull in lfoimau block, corner State
and Liberty streets, Tuesday of
each wook at 7:20 p. m. Claud
Townseud, C. C, Zadoc J. Rlggs. K.
of It. and S.
J. Carmlchaet Hop buyer. Ollloe lu'pjjoNE MAIN 268I
uusn-iiruymuii uiiiiuiuk. duiuui, um
gon. Samples of choice hops sollo
Red from all growers.
J, H. Brewer, physician and surgeon,
Office In Gray block. Roome 7 and
0. Phone 91.
DryTrETwyckoff and Dr. Grace Al
bright. Twenty mouths graduates
of the American School of Osteop
alhy. Klrksvllle, Me: Dr Wyckoff la
the only twenty mouths' gentleman
graduate In Salem. Odd Fellows'
Temple. 'Phone Mala 2721.
Or. M. T. Schoettle Oraduato Amerl
. rnn School of Osteopathy. Kirks
vlllo. Mo. Office In Tioga block,
over tho Spa. Office hours 8:30 to
man and I to 4. Ml
W. O. Robbina, Or. of Oateopathy
(Jraduate of the Columbia College
of Osteopathy. Obleago, 111. Ollloe
167 Court street Chronic diseases
a specialty. -
vv- TON80RIAL.
class 'harbors engaged. Flnost bath
rooms In olty. Wo uso antlsepMc
sterilizer. J. Ityan, Prop.
Evans' Darber ShopOnly Urst-class
shop on Stato street Every thing
now and upto-dato. Flnost porcelain
baths. Shave, 15c; hair-cut, 25c;
baths, 25c. Two urat-clasa boot
blacks. Q. W. Evans, proprietor.
Notice to Contractors.
Tho undersigned will rccolvo sealed , .
proposals for the construction of n '
one-story school building, to ho erect-' '
ed In School District No. CO, according
to plans nnd speclllcntlons In the or- '
flco of W. I. l'ugh. All material HOw
Hvored on tho ground freo or ohargo"'
rrom tho dory-als dopot. Bids will bo
recolved at tho abovo offlco on Aft. '
gust 1st, nt 2 p. m., nnd thon publicly
opened. Tho hoard roBotvos tho rjglit "
to reject any nnd nil bids. (Signed)
K. M. SAVAQI3, Chairman.
Louis Aral, Cleric. 7-21td '
Express and Transfer
Moots all mall and passenger trains
Bnggago to nil parts of tho city.
Prompt orvlce. Tolophono No. 241
IB -
i 9
Buy Walker's
- g Guaranteed Paints 1
. m 5'
When you want paint for
your house or your carriage that
Is mixed ready for the brush,
you can find It at Walker's, the
carriage trimmer and painter. I
carry a large stock of the best
paints In the world. Try my
varnleh gloss buggy paint. One
coat will make your buggy look B
like new.
s C. H. Walker
S 100 Commercial Street.
Bar r's German Salve
Heals quickly nil cuts, or bruise?
Draws sironona out of lame baik, etui
draws slivers out of lleh which often
break off loo short to pull, Hticks like
I sticking plator, Try it and you lll
! never bo without. Hy mnll2oo.
120 State Street. Salem, Ore.
Huie Wing Sang Co, ;
Sppclal Sale of all wnlstn,
white underwear, wrappers ,
lloor mattings. HOTl'OM '
I'RICKS !. '! ! '
140 State St., Saiem, Or. j;
Th? flnnefr.
102 Cotirt St
Your Step Mother
Is still horo busy as over, and whon
your clothes aro all out of order, worn,
with buttons off, tako them to hor at
tho 8alom Dyo Works.
At this establishment you can get
anything sot to rights, from a pair of
gloves, tn tho most olaborato silk
gown. A gentleman can got his bat
donned, his transom creased, or his
whole suit rojuvenntod to suit his
tasto, also four suits a mouth for II.
HuttoiiH sewed on, rips sowed up, suits
pressed on Bhort notice. Now goods
shrunk for dressmaking.
195 Commercial Street
For water sorvlco apply at office.
Hills puyablo monthly In advance.
Mako all complaints at tho offlce.
Sulum lo, via Whlleaker apjl
return. Leave Salem PPt ofhee 7 a.
in., weekday.! only. Carry passengers
utid pBiiksves. Finest mountain outing
trio open to Haiem people
7 lit. WAHKBN W DAN'ia, I'-'op.
is at 2,H0 Commercial Htrust
First Class Bicycl?
And ull kimlMif
FftANK J. M 3 ORE'S-
10 Otnrt Ht. I'ltonw 8ft W
Steusloff Bros
Daalers In Live Stock,
Wholesale and retail butchers; am)
packers. All kinds of fresh and salt
meats. Fine sausages, hams, bacon
and lard 316 Commercial atrast.
Attorney at Law
Toledo, Oregon.
Was olerk of circuit court for six
years aud has an uo-to-date abstract
of all property In Lincoln county. . .
-r i
' tfm