M U Q u B W H H H W U H H M M M H t9 18 H H M M a H Q a h a H Watch the Fight for Flat 8alarlce. VOL. XII. W4 - M - H - traw Hats Crash Hats Our prleoB urn chcnper tlitn year than ever boforo. The c lino of rraidi hats looks well enough for dreau wear. Of course e havo them liner ut EOc niul ()5c. Fancy braid drees straw hats at 05c, !)5c. tl.10. '??&? ??,T,,py,ro ,h0 cooleHt on earth. HARVEST UATS at 10c, 15c. 20c, 25c. SUMMER UNDERWEAR (or in vn from 25c up. The 45c grade is extra gooil value. Shirts, Overalls, Gloves Ami nil kf mis of goods for harvest wear. Our $1.15 Horsehide Glove is the best on the market. 'Iliey stand the hard wear and stay niii i niin iniitijic Our tlOc hurst hide glove is good but it pays to buy the best. The New York Racket li the best pluco in the city lo buy Our prices uro lower than at regular stores for the paine iiunllty. SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE .PRICE CASH STORE. E. T. BARNES, P'rop'r. hHHw'HH 1 1 1 1 h-m-h-E The House of Handsomeness HandpomeneEH is ond domiuont featuro tt tlie Barr Block goodnosa is the ithor, Diainondp, walclies. jewelry silverware, cut glues all mo ut beautiful as tlify are good, nnd hs g' o I up t bey are beaul iful. There's a third magnet, too lowur prices, For we are content witii less than usual jewelry profit. Barr's Jewelry Store Cor. State and Liberty Hts. Upheld By All Sorts AnJ conditions of nion. A Overholdt's One old ryo whi koy is held in high ( vor alike by the mlUionniro and the me. cliRiiic. Has the social charm expres sed by the "'mellow," n will as purity and maturity tnrecon mend It. Invahi ahlo for medicinal un' HeaJ on" the nwkot. Wo Imvo the ll'iii.t bran I of wines nnd lliiuurn at lowest r rirm. J. P. ROGERS, gga- X SPECIALIST X A. Al BANCROFT. Mir. of the BANCROFT OPTICAL CO. 259 Com'l St, Salem, Orcton We do our own trlndlflgs ExaralrMflon fre. Navel Orangeade Something Good to Drink at SODA FOUNTAIN 114 State Street. BBBBBUBQIBBBH11BBBBBBBB9II THK THERMOMETFK IS LO V In the kitchen, always whengas is used for cooking. And yon don't have to worry over th rise in the price of wood. It is the fuel pat excellence in the warm weather, o heat no aulieft. no dirt nodr.et. Instead, comfort, con venter ce, ' leaniiuew, economy. Ga stove and raniisa of every ne and style euppliml by the Salem (iab Light L'i mpany at lowest prices. SALEM GAS LIGHT CO. S ..Phono 5S3. 4 ChemekeU 8L u BBBBBBIBBBBBaBEBMBBBBBBl jH bye I 1 fcfrm h b ? iT" s 4H V'l M THE 444 - HmH AND Leaders in Low Prices. How About Your Eyes Get your eyes tested at C T. Pom eroys so you can see perfectly. Gold filled s.ueclac'es warranted 10 years, formerly 3.50 now 2 00. Watch.'S, gold filled cases, Eljjm or Waltham movement fiom 10 to 20. C. T. Pomeroy . . . Jewolernnd Opticiun, 2S8 Com'l. St. BUILDING AND REAL ESTATE Many 'New Buildings Going Up in Salem Are Work was bogun this woek on a number of new buildings In Salem, nnd with the active operations on Stnte street, the city continues to present a gfpiie of unusual activity fn building circles. Among the buildings put up of which mention has not yet been made aie the follewing: It. T- Kay. residence. South Saltun, coat about S0O. Mrs. Heck, barn, Knglewood. $5o.. h. S. Uadellffe. Yew Park, rosl dence, $1000. Ilev. W. Hoblnson, University addl t.on. au addition and general Improve ments. $000. John Mlnto. Minto's lsiaU. hay barn. $S0. O J. Wflifln, Bast Salem. SuxlO foit addition to hoi house. SO0. George Whlttaker. store Me on Brown's Island. fT. The tiaBSfers of realty tor Uie week reiiresented in the aggregate J:'o,m)0. This thing has bees gulng oh for six monthe over the coast, gradually worklug IU way eastward. AlHMit W days since Ike wofeweat reacHed the inlerlor of Ue state, ad since the Kiuiitfi nm of Umber towte have beea gled on la Crook county. vaAr the timber and stone act. - y San Pranctata. JiT U WMii. fl.lttt. DAULYJ STRIKE IS NO JOKE Messenger Boys Stand Firm And Are Augmented By the Checker Boys Causing Delay and Loss the Board of Trade to Chicago, July 2(1. The ranks of the striking Western Union messenger boys were augmented this morning by a walk out of the chock boys on the board of trade, causing secrious delay and a consequent loss of money to the traders. The operators were ordered to fill the checkers' places, and Uiose who refused to obey were discharged. Sev eral riot calls were turned In tills morning, extra police being necessary to disperse the noisy crowds around the telegraph offices. The strike, which was at first regarded as an opera house affair. Is affecting busi ness, and is no longer looked upon as a Joke. The Western Union continues to advertise for men and boys to tnke the boys' places, offeilng them $40 per month, but are receiving few applica tions. HE WAS A FALSE FRIEND Mrs. BiddleisRobbedof $30.- 000 Worth Jewelry Philadelphia. July 20 N. Hashlrn, ex-inannger of the opera house here, was arrested this morning on a charge of stealing jowels, said to bo worth $30,00)1, the property of .Mrs. Con stance Diexell-Hlddle, the divorced wile of Dr. Clements Blddle, U. S. N She was on the stage for awhile, but afterward retired to private life. It Is Hald-.dio-waa.frJutidiy,.wtli Hushlm. CIVIL WAR IN HAYT! Provisional Government Has Been Dissolved Washington. July 2)1. Two dis patches received thin morning from Unitoil Statos Minister to Hnyti Pow ell Btnto that civil war has boon do- dared In thnt island, and Admiral Kll lick declared a plrato. The provision al government has boon dlssolvod and Picsldont Firniin. with nn army, Is advancing on Port Au Prlnco. o . Push Club To Meet The Greater Salem Commercial Club will hold a special ineotfiiK of Importniico at the city hall at 7:30 o'clock this (Saturday) evening. The purposo of the meeting Ih to receive a proposition from the managing editor of the Minneapolis Tribune, who Is gathering data for a special edition of his paper that will be devoted to the Pacific Northwest. The meeting had been called for Monday afternoon, but.-l at tlio request of the editor, the time has boon chiingod until this evening, and it Is urged that as many or the members as ran will attend the meet ing, which will be of great luterest to the people of Salem and vicinity, o Had His Eye-Teeth Cut. Old Bill Anderson's pet tuoukey. "Bulger," who has been at large sev eral times of late, and has scare I the nerve (Hit of several prominent citi zens, is no longer dangerous. In fact he never was. but. like his master, is a good bluffer. But in order to put at rest the gay and festive clUsene who are apt to monkey with other people's petit. Old Bill has bad Mr. Bulger's eye-teeth cut that is filed off, so that he couldn't hurt any one if he did bite. A veterinary dentist was brought up from Portland to iierfarm the opera tion (and It was suceesaful) but Bill i,uneetly believes he eonld buy seven monkeys for what It cost to have this one Used. Col. Sobleskl WUI lecture oh "The Ittse and fall of I'utand and the Struggle Bf her l'euule fur Political Freedom" at the rteet M. M. ehureh on Mondajr, Jy Sg, at S g. . AdmtafteH. eeuw; ebMr under ' J MMta- SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1902. PECUUAR SUICIDE. Young Man Jumps Into the Funnel of a Locomotive. Joplln, Mo.. July 2G.Oiln Grellsh, nged 23 years, of Leavenworth, Kan., committed suicide between Lebanon and Springfield by leaping Into the funnel of the locomotive drawing the westbound Frisco passenger train. Ac cording to passengers who arrived here, Grollsh climbed on top of the water tank and, with a yell, dove Into tlio tunnel. Ho was pulled out by the tialnmen with difficulty, terribly burned and dead. ' The contiact for building the new sawmill for Oeorgo Hume, nt Al durbiook. near Astoria, has been awarded to Joseph Surpronant. The mill will be of 10,000 feet dally 'capac ity, and will be finished as rapidly as possible. TRACY IN THE EAST Notorious Outlaw Receives Much Attention One Fellow Impersonates Tracy By Writing Letter Tracy has received much nttentlou tluouKliout the Knst In hia varied es- ' (.apndes since leaving the penitentiary 1 Juno Uth. The writer Is In receipt of i letter fiom Massachusetts, In which tlio author says the nnine of Trncy and his ilnrliiB deeds are known In ev ery bninlet nnd town In all the Eastern states. Tincy is considered n heio by the populace, which Is disposed to admire lilni. The outlaw receives much attention through the press of the East. The, New York Herald of recent dnte con tained some humorous illustrations descilptlve of tlio search for the crim inal, and tlio following letter from 'v!!"! lepeiter: State of Bravado. July 10, 1001!. To tlio Editor or the New Yoik 1 lei aid: 1 Things tins been nllflrod dull since the posso inn out of ammunition, i' never know before thnt posse was an-1 other name for photographers. When i I started out to be a bad man I used to , shoot the posses just for the fun of seeing them kick. The sheriff sent word to me that tlio pnpora woro getting tired of fur- j nisbliiK tnrgots for mo, nnd If I didn't 'quit It ttfCy wVnildn't pi Int my name, j except at the regular ndvet Using, int es. I bogged the pardon of every son of i ., u.i.i 1, rri..in ilf.W.i 111,, til If .k flft.lt' .1. f,llll l.lflt V.1I..V. 1.1.,,.. n,u ,i.l HIIVI that, niul asked if thoy had anything ngainst mo. They said they must le ply In the negative, which I took lo menn thnt I have squared myself. Since I Iihvu been on the warpath I iinve killed eighty men, made eighteen women cook "grub" for me. and sent twi'uty-nliio farmers to the surround ing towns to liny devilled hum and cartridges for me to use In tlio woods. Somo of them is Impostors, for 1 henr tliut thoy are now going around bor rowing inoiioy from their friends, say ing that Harry Tracy, the outlaw, needs the money to buy gnus with. I mny bo ii ilosporate ehtuaetor, but I tell you 1 1 uro that I won't stand lor any such touching ns that. All guns demunduil by mo on the pain of death will be receipted for In full, ami I won't have no unauthorized person giving the merry linlia to their ci edi tors on my account. If It ain't no bother, please deny in your valuable paper that I carry a ton of red pepper for the bloodhounds. Bloodhounds is faithful and Intelligent animnls and Is woith IUhki apiece. I don't think It is the correct thing to have lite followed around by them IiIk Danes, like the pictures have It. I'm a bloodthirsty wretch and am always accompanied by bloodhounds. Do you think I am a fake "Uncle Tom's Cabin" company? The next time IClUa gees over the ice she will throw the bloodhounds off the scent, or I won't nsk you for one. It Is lonesome out here, for these Western posses Is that unsociable that they do nothing but sit up on their tay uses and talk about gun plays and bide In the woods until a photographer comes along. Their tht-y '' pining to be shot at. Would you mind sending me some choice reading matter? It would di vert my mind while these fellows In the big hats talk about taking me dead or alive. The fellows with the cam eras have taken me alive about alt I reckon I'll stand for. My amuse ments, aside from looking tierce and threatening to shoot fanners' wives. If they don't make belter pie, consist of wishing that I hadn't started In this outlaw business. Nobody comes near me by aecident. but what ills teeth begin to chatter. and he begins to talk shop. I'm tired of It all, and one of these days the Iteofde will bear from me. If you can tell me anything else to do to be real desperate don't fall to answer by re turn malL Trusting that these few lines will Mud you well, and hastening to say (feat I. toe. am In the enjoyment of good health. I am yours rett4tfully. I1KNHY TItACY. ajlai UJJ.L TUB OUTLAW O URN AL JEFFRIES " KEEPS THE BELT Australian Floored In Eighth Round Pause in the Fight the Tide Turned In Favor of Champion Who Was Badly Punished Snu Francisco, July 2tl. Chninpion Jeffries spent last night and today In the Ilnmninn baths. Ho shows the ef fects of the terrible punishment ad ministered In the fight, his face Is cut and bruised, his nose broken and both eyes are so swollen that he can scarce ly see. Fltzslininoiis nlso passed an uncom fortable night, nnd became delirious nt I! o'clock this morning from pain, the result of the knockout jolt. The doc tors stnte tnat It Is not serious. Oth erwise he bears no mark of the con test. The story thnt has been pub lished to the effect that the fight was n fake. Fit, purposely pretending he win knocked out. Is not generally credited by a mnjoilty of those who saw the light, nnd is vigorously do nled by all concerned. Mnyor Schniltz will prohibit nil future con tests If satisfied that It was a fake. A993S0O90a9(os-aese9et;c5(eaot99)eeee99a a Affairs of Cholera has broken out afresh in Manila. Earthquake shocks are frequent In Madrid. An nntl.frlar demonstration is on foot in Manila. ' A violent epidemic of cholera Is threatening Upper Egypt. Typhoid and yellow fever Is raging at Valencia, Venezuela. Germany has adopted a customs tariff on the Import of silver. The governor of Panama Is willing to accept peace proposals. Rehearsals for the coronation procession Is going on In London. Terrific submarine eruptions occurred on the Azores Islands. President Loubet has ordered the close of Catholic schools In France. Business is paralyzed In Venezuela, owing to the revolution in S progress there. Dr. Zellia, Palestine explorer, has unearthed the ruins of Solo- mon's temple In Samaria. ?A severe typhoon is sweeping over the island of Luzon between the 13th and 18th parallels. v 9 China will abolish the llkln throughout the empire, thus securing S free transit of all merchandise, native and foreign. 0 Ed. Martin, the American pugilist, won the colored championship 9 of the world from Bob Armstrong In London Friday. i A meeting of the privy council wan held today aboard the king's 6 yacht, with a view to proclaiming August uth a public holiday. 9 The new Chinese minister has sailed for the United States. 9 2 English cabinet officers are anxious over the king's condition. S 8eo9&efiecQsfea4)a59 Jeffries' share of the gate receipts are ll.:!i;. EitzslmniouH' lltHOl. Sun Francisco, July 2)i. -Bobeit FitxHlmmouH hist night forfeited his Inst claim to the heavyweight cham pionship. He was knocked to the lliHir by JamoH Jorfrlos, and counted out after lie hml so hudly punished the champion, that It was a foregone conclusion among the spectators that the big Australian iiiust win. Bleed ing from a number of gashes, ap parently weakening, and clearly un able to copu with PIUsIiuiiiuiih' supo i lor skill, Jorfrles delivered two lucky punches, as FitzslmmoiiM paused In the right to speak to him, and turned the thin. Flt'.slmmons tried to rise riom the mat, but sank down again In bidplessuoMS, and heard himself counted out. wheie but a moment be foie he had npimreuUy all the better or It I will never fight again," said the .attle-siiiriHil vetuiaii of the ring when he bail siillleiHiitly lecnvMred to talk "Tlio fight was fairly won, and to the best man belong the laurels." "You're the most dangerous mail alive.' said Jeffries in return, "and I consider myseli lucky to have won what I did." FlUsiminous had been fighting ut a Bilious gait, cool and delibeiate, and chopping the champion (o pieces with e terrilfle rights and lefts that have made him famous, It was a draught hois and h rnur from the tap of the gong. When the wen cam together FIU simmona upHtrei rather worried, but on the oneulug of the first round hi assumed the air of absolute roufldence and fought with the deliberation of tilt gfueral that he Is. As early as the SMond round 11 U had Jeffries bleed tug profusely fiom mouth and uone. Asalu anil again be landed on his bulky opponent, getting awsy lit mikIi BITTER FEELING IN FRANCE Religious Riots Arc Has Grown Out of Paris. July 2 Police ouunlMloii ere visited the Catholic schools today and read the decree or expulsion to those who had not compiled with the law. Ko disorders, beyond occasional rrtee of "Long Hve the sinters." oc curred. Several schools were found elueed. The expuhtiun of the sisters who defied the law wan oliid be cause or unpreirfiredness to comply with the order clever manner that it brought down the great house with cheers. It seemed Indeed that Jeffries could scarcely weather out the gale. Thon the eighth lound came, and after a series of hot exchanges Fltzslmmons paused with his guard down, nnd spoke to the champion. Tlio lattor's reply consisted of two terrific blows thnt brought back to him the Hooting ciinmpionshlp, and forover removed tlio veteran, Fltzslinmons, from the fistic nrena. Fltzsinimons took his de feat with amazing good cheer. Charles W. Armstrong dropped dead nt Canby. Or., yesterday. Ho was stricken with apoplexy. His ago was G7 years, nnd he was one of the most prominent farmers In Clnekamns county G0MPERS WILL BE IN SALEM Labor Leader Will Meeting Address Under Auspices of Local La bor Unions Snniuel GomperH, president of the Amcrknn Federntlon of Labor, will address n mass meeting In Salem, Sunday evening, August 3d, The place Is not yet announced, but it will probably be Marlon square. His coming Is due to the work of Salem unions, which have been actively working to secure a dnto ever since It wua discovered that Salem was not all Nations Included in the Itinerary or his West ern tilp. Vigorous effoits will be put fort!) to give htm u grand reception here, and to this end the notice of ills coming Is being Hpread all along the lino, and excursion rates on the mil load ami liver will probably be se cured BADLY INJURED IN RUNAWAY. Man and Woman Are Thrown on a Darbed-Wlrc Fence. Pemlletou. July 3)1. As Mrs. (lor trudo Hammond, of Pilot Itoek was driving from this city homownrd Thursday, two young men, Charles Mortimer, and a mini by the name of Wright, attempted to puss iter. As a result both teams became frightened ami win away, spilling the occupants of both buggies ugalust a wire fence, wrecking each vehicle and injuring the uorses. Mrs. Hammond fell upon the barbeil-wlie fence and lecelveil some severe Injuries, one of which was a deep cut under the arm. Hhe wa brought to Pendleton In au exhaust ed (ouilltloii fiom loss of blood, and her wounds dressed. Mortimer also fe.i uHiu (lie barbed-wire and was quite seriously mangled. He also was biought back to Pendleton. Wilght came out without a scratch, o Al the pieseiit tlms throughout the Ninth west Investments In tlinii lands aie absolutely the uioier thing rtiiiiiff won irmr ii'iHiitevirr tin ing toiieeiVHllre aie plunging into timber lauds. Hie putting up 1 1. u uuniey like board of trade speculating Slid they ste doubtless pluyiiiK a huh thing game, but If this ginet rush wi-h to buy mining slock, it would be dents nated a erase. ii O ii Jin The Oroulee studio Is still dolus business over t New York Itai-kut 4tore. 7-M-tf Spreading "'Disturbance Enforcement of Laws Pails. July 2- The religious dls tuttiaiDes that hate grown out of the enforcement of religious association laws, are causing tliu government un easiness Six thuusand extra troops have been orderttd to Paris to - rein force the garrison here The trouble Is extending to the country districts. In Brittany the feeling Is especially bitter It Is said that prefects have warned Premier Combes that disturb ances are probable Weather tonight and tomorrow, fair, colder. FISHERMEN MEET J)EATH In a Gale On Fraser River Storm-Tossed Waters Cap sizes Fishing Boats Supposed That Eight or Ten Persons Were Drowned . Vancouver, B. C, July 2fi,T-Thq heavy gale which lias boon blowing for the past LS hours is responsibly , for two known deaths, and there Is every reason to bollevo that 8 or 10 other men have been drowned In tho storm-tossod waters. Last night two Indians found an upturned boat oft the middle nrm of tho Fraslcr river, and, upon Investigation, found a man cling ing to It, and supporting himself In tho water iuiioiib the floats of hts fish. Ing net. The man did not live to reach shore. When landed at tho Fraser riv er cannery ho was dead. Tho body ". baa been Identified as that of Fritz Fabln, well known, having posed as tho Inventor of a navigable airship. Entangled In the net, among the tloats on which Fabln was supporting him. . self, was round a coat containing a number or letters addressed to Flornn Scliiniil. It has been learned that Schuinlz and Fahlu had been fishing together, nnd there Is reason to be lieve (hat Schuinlz was also drowned. Two nion Sam Hunt and Tom Criuikshnw Halting for tho Canadian Pari lie cannery, have been missing since Sunday night, and It Is bolleveil they have been drowned. A number of capslsed fishing boats have been seen In the gulf. Four In dian boats capsized off the main river, and It Is belluved that eight ocuupan(s wore drowned. A boat containing two white men turned turtle off the Hand Heads light, hut the occupants were rescued. Another boat, belonging to the English Bay cannery, capsized 200 yards off English bay beach. Its no cupants weie rescued. News In Brief. Andrew Yin hough, of Weston, Uma. lllln cinmtv iiiiinliivnit nl l.'liilclinr'H sawmill, above Weston, was killed "fiy a fulling tiee. He had Just finished cutting thioiiKh a tree, but was too slow In getting out from under, nnd was struck on the head by a limb, frnctuilng ids skull. ' Mrs. John Powell, of Unity, was Draught to the St. hillznbeth hospital, In Baker City, suffeiiug from a mini her of cuts, bruises and broken bones, sustained by being thrown from the stage while eu route to her home. The wheels of the heavy coach passed o'viir her head and body, severing her left ear, breaking three ribs and bruising lier spine T" Ice Cream in Paper Paiis to Take Home pint . 1 pint .. 1 quart. tyallou ,.10c ..16c .EOa Zi rin's 154 State St., Phone 2874. X $1,50 Summer Petticoats 98c Today t At the Big Store frfHIIillllHIIHIUIUHr NO. 148 .iJj , ,H"l!g WKW mrlM v .SBissssssssssflb sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHb. f iS . i ) i 'a f3 m 4 tf w- 1 , s " k". .' 1 I " ti i" ," -WrWJww4-" TmwwWmmWWj$t)ik tfi itrtr'tiffii 3MMaB Krv-aj; ' 'i iHsmsmIH gfldsMnsieiMi issnli sssla si liiHntsi ifr ,n iiisft litf nsWf rf 'Wr inwssnsnsKSBsjpBHMWStffssrq,'vVi(sv'