TRANSACT COUNTY BUSINESS K. T. Moores. fichool I 'ndniif nccoimt . r'coiiiif011, ''(""lty J,I,,K0'H IU 1 J. (3. Monro, I ponsc . I .fllllu l..l . . ......r, i wmuill, (Oliri IIOIISU I'X" 1 "(,"H0 50.00 I Rond and Highway Account' Allowed HC DAILV JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1902. miporlii- (unit Iiouho ox- siua 75.(10 50.00 proceedings of July 1902 Term Commissioners Court i in 'i M.ll ll a i' mil Ml Ml.' I nl' til in a i Id Win ihn li , I iniittci of llu cnticullntlon of , ni No. 2Ht!0 Ordered ciuit-cllml. i ic mm tor of tno coiiHtriictlfin of it (ounty lirldKc ncrosH the Sun iimt itt (luteH Contract nwnril . c A. (liny; IiHiIkc to ho coin- ,1 hy Sept. 1, 1902. i In' mat tor of robiilldliiK tlio wont ,K h to the brldKP over tlto Wll-iii- rlvor at Sitlum Couitm-t il.'.l to O. l Hoynl & Son. Scott - apinilnlud siipoilliloiidoiit of tlio , at a I'liinpuntmlluii of $2.5(i por (In '""to & UlBhop l' imtiu-nv. II. uttaway., '.'..,'. '.'. Henry l Mimaii Coutltuiud inyiur Aiarkinnil. A. 15. Toi'KorHiin . . T. tr. Hioltla-.. . John II. Hooth.. S. T. Holmit.. .. Jay Moruly Androw Peterson. J. V. Stnv.. .. V. .Men nun P. Uiuismiisson.. (irover Sltiinuina. . i Stove Sulfur. . . . C W. Yankee.. . , M. V. Ottoway.. . a. V. Davis Grant Juhiius. . . . CJeo. JnoliRon. . .. Aithur linker. . .. T. Hondoi-son. . .. .CliaB. MeGitlro.. . 1). A. Harris 1 Cary Nott V. llornor J. C. l.i'linmn. . . . D. lloworman.. . . I f. 'l' i i I)' i I. mutter of Hip hnmlH of newly i I'd olllcoi'A of Marlon county ini'd. Ii. ...w VI llltlll . ll. J. Wolman nil's tor various county ollleors invccl. n (In- inattor of report of A. L. rtiiliiK. retiring county treasurer 1 1 1 1 I'd. ii i no inattor of county aid for Mrs. his Reinstated. la tin' inattor of vacation of oortaln -ii..ts and avonuua In Mornlnsslilo v.iiiitiiin to Suluin Petition ginntod iiini icitaln streets vacated. in tlio matter of county nld for I'i.iihph Mlcliol Holnstiitod. in tin- inattor or taxes on lot 5, M' I. (!"'. of the city of Salem 11. II. i-imain. hiioiiii. instructed to accept i. ims thoroon from Simile & Held ii"l ii'inlt poiuilty. in the matter of the petition of G. v '"(' ct al.. for the location of a "int. mad -Viewers ropoit referred i' nl i the viewers for correction. iili iiiHtnictlons for them to moot at Hi' place of liPKlnnliiK July 21. at Id " ' luck a m In i ho matter of tlio appointment of ii'iHitlsors of iluiiMKQfl on the road ne. nod for hy Theo. lloutln ot nl. W. in i (Jiliiun. 11. R MoKoo and Scott l.nlnr appointed npprnliors of dam u"s iii meet nt the residence or Theo. 11,111 July 2.1. 11)02. at o o'clock . in in iho matter of nppolntinont of ap i'iais,.H r damages on the road pe ''I'oiiod lor by Jos. Utxol ot ul. W. J. "idiov. (loo. Clyinor and Jos. Hnrly mm "intoil to appralso iliiinngon to ' ' m terminus or sulci road on July l !'"-'. at in o'clock ii. in. !" Hie matter of the petition of It. 1 uoih ot al.. for the location or a ' "" load DIsnilBHPd. '" die matter of the report or V. V. '''il "f uanantH drawn to jurors In .iitciuliincp t J,,,,,, ,,., ()f r,.(11t "'in Approvoil. In the matter or the petition of John Pallor et al., tor the lotntlon of a "nut) road- Kstahllshed. in the matter or tniiMforrlnt; money '"in the special road fund to the kuii- ml I mid--The county tien'muor is In- n iif led to tinnsrer wild special road "mil ainoiiiitiiiK to IS.112C7 into the iK'iai fund. In the matter of lelinlitmdng A. I. '"miiiik. o.- ounty - trcnmiror Or-' ' nil that the clerk drnw a warrant " tin- mini or 13.5(1 to wild A. L. I'i'WiuiiK to rolmhuiKtj.lijm for monuy, nd fiom his porsonnl'-fundsi-- ,v ' In the matter of taxes on the Y-.'.M. 1 A InilldliiK Ordered thnt thu ""lit accept 1201.81 and receipt In 'ii tr all tnxos due thereon. Salary Account, 1 W Uiirbln, slmrllt's ui """ ;;..:.... is i.eniiiche. nenor ac "iint W Hall, dork's account. H Kowlaiid. recorder's no- nun . . :, ireusureri J. 11. Anshv. H. II. Osborn.. . G. Summer. ... Goo. Koech W. II. Seott et al. Amos Taylor.. . . 10. Martin 10. Hartley W. Gtilvin G. V. hudwlf,'.. . Capital Co.. Capital hum. Co. , A. L. Whlteinau.. Louis Pulaky.. .. S. 10. missel Dcnsinore Hi-cm. S, S. dieason Clifford IOIkIii II W. Klsln V. It. Slinnson O. C. Whitney H. 10. Pendleton V. O.storniaii H. , W. M. Cllne et al H C. Porter et al Johnn Whitney Continued John Whitney John Whitney Salem Gun Store ii . . L'.UO ."(.. 3.00 .... 0.00 . .. 2.25 . . . 3.00 . .. 3.0(1 . . . 0.(10 . .. G.0O . .. 0.00 . .. 0.00 . .. 1.50 . .. 5.25 3.(11) .. 2.35 i i ' ';t.oo ... 00.00 3.0() ... 12.00 . . '1.50 (.. 1.G0 3.00 G.0I1 .. 12.00 0.00 3.(10 3.75 33.00 . . . , . . . n.on 0.(10 o.oo 17.25 37.00 20.25 1.00 G.OO 7.50 ;i.nn 2.15 23.91 11.25 13.50 23.25 Co Continued. 11.15 21.00 0.00 3.110 10.50 33.00 ,10.00 23.10 21.10 Gi.on 21.70 14.50 l.QO Snlem Gun Store 12J10 win. Mosler 3.00 II. W. Cross Monitor Trading Co Jns, 10. Smith.. .. Hubert Scollord.. .. John Scollnrd. . . . W. II. lOgan l-'rnnk Goodell. . .. W. H. Scott C. .1. Hull J. Winter Peter Mais II. II. Hrown V. It. nuHctto.. .. J. Hostottor Perry Pugh W. M. Ilushey.. .. J. Hurke J. It. Gibson Win. Towiidond. . . Goo. nimlck M. 11. Kester A. H. Hevoiis W. H. McKay K. Trombloy l" Trombloy,. . . ,. N. J. Mlker 10. Taylor John Koeneko. ... G. Koenoke. . . . . , Geo. Gist L. S. Hrower Win. I.ninareax. . . . Max Henkes Jos. H.vnn Jos. Kulliicr t Chas. Melr !'. Trombly ji.oo uu wniieman M. II. I.ooney II. A111111011.. Wm. Aschornianiu' . .. ..... II. SchornlUiiid ..t .. II. Schornflond.. . ..rL,W!i II. Schornlloncl H. . Stliornllend Monitor Timllng Co . .. v . .V4" .v i. t 1 " in ', ! -'5.00 0.00 2.85 3S.25 1.50 7.50 1G.50 G.OO 8.25 12.50 1.50 7.91 G.50 0.00 0.15 5.25 2.10 2 1.90 12.00 15.75 9.00 13.75 1.00 7.50 G.OO G.OO .G.OO 10.50 9.00 G.OO 13.50 18.75 no no G.OO H A A S. T. L. Golden J. 10. Murphy U. P. Nye J. I Wonruii J. V. Wohrun Spoor Hros O. Dencer et al Capital Linn. Co W. H. Scott I) N. Hrown H. K.llnll i S. A. Diako Sklpton & Page H. 10. Drake J. A. Aupperlo.. .. ,. ,. . Hen Drake R A. Mangold Capital Co Capital hum Co , H. Amnion It. W. Craig W. H. MoKny ConUnuod. Phil Painter J. P. Hlnnrlinrd Walter Hatch W. M. llushoy M. It. Moore J. Nurt Karl .lory II. Cleveland H. P. Townsoud P. II. Lick C II. Van Ordon W. W. Allen Wm. Jollv Harry Shaw Goo Hudd Carl Hatch lOd Doncer J. M. lOakow J. M. Dlnsinoro , Charles Zosol H. 10. Diininn P. Noelon W. .1. Culver Wilbur Dove , H. Lathrop , Prank Henbcttz W. G. Walker J. II. Porter Capital Luni. Co Dan Haines It. P. Morehoiisoi Wm. Cnrtor G. W. Anderson Fred Carter 10. Shoemaker Kills Voung A. 10. Copeland J. It. Landon ft Son 11. .1. Porter C. 10. Taylor ot nl J. It. Wordou 10. D. Needhnm Win. Zosel O. Ireton. 35.00 7.20 O.on G 00 1.20 27.60 11.10 20.25 2.00 9.76 22.50 8.00 10.50 21.90 22.60 13.15 0.9G 11.55 23.25 1.60 0.00 11.60 1.B0 3S.00 31.60 1.S0 13.60 70.60 46.00 39.00 3S.00 1S.00 27.38 21.38 21.3S 21.20 102.76 37.00 27.38 1G.S7 12.50 32.00 S2.3S 2 1.38 2.G3 22.S7 57.00 11.00 3.10 9.75 7.60 9.50 S.25 1.60 1.60 15.00 8.00 .05 2.00 25.25 13.G0 7.60 1.20 G.OO J. It. Gibson : 22.S7 .M. 11. aiooro. . C. Moore O. Hyrnes . . . . L. Martin.. .. O. 10. KritHo. . . J. A. Morgan.. It. A. Harrison. It. P. Uolso.. . A. lOoff T. C. White. . . J. Townsoud. ....., .J.I. Wm. Crothors. . J. II. Carl.. .. Flunk Wilson.. K. M. Ilowo-... Joe lOvaiiR.. .. 10. T. Malvln.. , M. Suiuts AVI I In nl Mai tin.. W. Mathoy 11. Horren L. G. Hoasouer Pohle ft Bishop.. .. Flank Welch C. L. Watson 10. Mason A. Potv.ol , L. A. Huckner H. Morris A. 1 1. Tucker ft Son.. II. F. Hall II. F. Hall Geo. IOdwards Jesse Pettyjohn .-;-,, II. K. Hall..-,. Peter Mcinnrch. Kcl Horren.. .. Henry Carter. . Joe Hamsoor. . . . Otjen G. Steolhaiiinioi F. llobnrt.. .. T. Hobart.. .. j, . . . '? IW IB3 .$33 3U&33 261.17 l. Downing, "Hill i"m nc f. 3.33 83.3.1 F. I). KiilKht. John Itiissoll 10, Howlnnd A. Imlah F. J. Hlce 17. G. Kellogg Mason Kellogg W. P. Hlnglo H. C. Uluegur Chaw. Hownll G.OO 1.50 1.50 1 Andrew Peterson. 1.60 'A. I). llolmrt..-Y 37.96 .11 Howland ?"'.80PA. Shearer 28.96 Mrs. S. LoFlommo. . .. .. 111.20 Theo. Gorvals y .; 1 1.00 1 D. S. Yocler 7.60 ' I). S. Yoder 3.70 i W. II. Downing 8.76 1 C V. Yeimko Continued , ,'t.oo I J. F. Short -.. .. 1.G0. Knox ft Murphy. Vfii . 3.00 7.20 9.00 9.00 3.00 7.50 3.00 12.05 0.00 G.OO 19.60 0.00 G.OO 3.(10 7.26 1.25 1G5.50 3.00 22.50 L'.OD 1.50 1.00 1I.G5 20.00 21.25. 13.00 20.00 G.OO .1.00 1.30 G.OO 20.00 9.00 1.50 8.70 3.00 8.00 5,25 3.0(1 1.50 1.00 35.00 G.OO 1.50 '2M 1.60 .1.00 G.OO 13.60 6.26 J)() 1.60 'O. r Hutlpr I J A. Colby Will Mattlson Dean Hutlor Peter Luclor G. 1.. JeiiBuu Jos Vnndobcok Frank Cm tor ot nl.. 15111s Hill et al Jessa Sltepard Cas llnss et al Malt Uass ot nl.. .. Hun Waters ot al.. . S. L. North et nl.. ., G. II. Trnsk et nl.. . John Hushes W. D. Clnggett D. S. Heniley it. r. uolso Chas. Seoley , O. A. Dpnmls O. K. NpIsoii It. McKee A. 13. Dniilclson .... S. Petorson G. 13. Pctrats Ousto Potratx II. Otjen J. T. Itoss Henry Grimm Joo A'nn Cleave L. D. Simmons , ltnymond Slmins . . . , J. W. Whlto It. D. Thomas Hoy Morely Joronio Jlorely John Gosln AV. II. Dixon l'l-ank Grimpes 10. It. Seoley N. Tonkstad Goo. T. Doiiuoy .1. u. Simmons T. F. Hayes W. A. Hosier Lester A'anCIevo. . . . Xom Seoley Monitor Trading Co. II. C.Woalernc.oriT.. . M. Fletcher ... Aseliornmn C. It. Work Dnvli Mangle II. T. Hrueo H. S. McGlnnls Geo. Albee Frod Garbe L. SI. Heedor Geo. Hrown. . ' O. A. Chnppol W. G. Morrilleld.. .. D. F. Tucker L. F. Hutler L. A. Dickenson. . . . Jas. II. 18.00 3.75 3.00 G3.37 13.25 22.70 1G.15 7.75 G.25 15.00 15.75 9.15 17.75 11.50 0.76 20.00 2.00 0.S5 3.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 9.00 15.00 0.00 9.00 3.25 3.00 1.50 20.60 3.75 3.00 12.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 12.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 10.50 G.00 3.00 5.75 1.60 22.50 G.OO 35.00 G3.00 GG.OO 3.00 12.00 12.00 3.00 G.00 3.00 1.60 3.00 1.50 1.C0 75. H 1 .. .. .. ... Simpson 3.00 U. F. Slmnsnn Aug Albim J. A. Cnllabnn . . John Schwab . . . J. D. Simmons . . J. K. Huff UonJ. Hlnckwoll. . J. K. W010 Henry Doylo. . . . 10. 10. Hnrxpp . . . S. T. Arnold.. .. Jns. Walker.. . . D. F. IOastourn .. G. W. Sturgis.. . 11. G. Porter. . . . D. Hastings. . . . Itlchnrd Walker . J. A. Heod Glonn Walker. . . G. G. IOdos A. Jakol II. II. Lang.. .. II. A. Van Hohron Felix Vaughn. 1.50 3.00 3.00 111.00 S9.00 7.00 10.60 19.50 10.50 11.25 10.60 160 3.00 3.00 0.01) 0.00 0.00 S.26 3.00 1.75 3.00 0.00 1.50 I F.J. Van Hohron 3.75 II. 11. Condlt 75 J. II. Craig 3.00 G. 11. CornollUB 12.OO J. 10. Lowls G.6S II. W. MoNenl a.on G.6S 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 18.60 27.00 3.00 5.25 18.00 87.00 J 21.00 . A. 17.26 10.60 15.00 "vi. 60 - a .00 r3.00 30.00 3.00 7.00 John wliltnoyMuJ W. W. Hruo?rX I. C. Nt'iuli-iams". Wm. Mil A F HQUar$, John Suhvtfali.. . . . IIIM. I'.KITIILS.'' .j J AM. .. Alox Coyle M 9.00.' w m Bffiy " HV ' "n L. lj..Klfy.. J. 1 .. ., f. !.' lJ'oif ,l,lh & Slmnimn ... ...v .....1, 1 ...... ...... 1 .... ii......... I'.-t'...... . " l.rnm itlllK ll OO ..-' 11 o& oifiin ,. ,,.. l 6G.00 dpjjyKSkjL. 2.00 F . lyKlaKk. 51.00 1 rFJMIM 7.60 . . . "? -L 8.90 ' fflfc.7.61)! ...25fl.30i .CVHUA K-f-f4"HH-4-f-H-m-44-fif-H"H'4ll t I -If I -H r. l Jl II. Hloor. C 10. A'anNoys Goo. T. Judd IOd Prink Peter Donkor .. D. L. KnHtbiirn John Hoodogholmer. . .. C T. Parker Hold. Woddlo iilonn Hllyeu W. F. Woddlo Gray Hros Gray Hros F. Hauborg F. McClanl J. II. KnlKht Capltnl Improvoinoul Co 10. lloyar .W. II. Uipiu .Mo Mulkey F. II. Moltian 11. Stocwtsl .Iiiiiiiu MoMlllnti Albeit SelUongor .'. T&t J 10. A. Taylor 8.1111' A. j. j. nniiiim J.J& A. 1 KuiikIo 18.76 J. I). Hardwlck So.imi F. A. Fttimey jfl.W) fillua Imiua n o.. F. Sllhavey 40.261 u ;r I " UIISKCM " I, Ion. Scoiiiiis 8.M 8"W. II. WlUol 2.60 .76 I F Amend Ift.fco 7.1 J ItuniliaiiKh . . 1 511 Molrlng.. .. C. Fnrmnan. . . . Arthur J. Smith. W. C. Gnnt... . T. IJ. Jones .... T. 10. Horren.. II. Melting.. .. II. ..olt-lug. . . . Levi Horren. . .. Mai tin Nicely.. John lllsoborgor... Pierce Collard. . .. I). A. Van Gordor. . J. P. Mulkey Max Scliniltt II. DoJardln Capital I. inn. Co.. M. Hrminan Cap. Luni. co A. II. Kinus C. L. Slionhord.. .. Julian Dtiponl,. .. C. II. ltlchos W. A. ltutherrord.. Albert Nys II. 11. Hrown Walter Woolery.. . Scott Jones C. L. Davis AV. II. Utter Win. Jarnjiibst. . .. Wm. Galr J. U. Hurnes John W. McKliuipy. Hamlin Smith.. .. Mary Hlrschliergor. C. P. Hagen John Zollner Fi'oeinnn Van Dale.. J. II. Russell J. 1). Harbor S. 10. Hussell T. Littel 10. SlcCloniy SI. C. Peterson. . .. C. 11. Hoyer Win. Hlce W. L. Hatch . N. Hrown J. h. Painter J. Honey Albeit Parker 1. W. Potter Fred Cm lor Win. Carter C. II. Haines C. II. Haines C. Silver It. II. Sunblock.. .. Henry Koll Win. Illllonry.. .. Hobl. A. Wltzel.. .. Geo. Kraiis , It. Urhans G. It. Cornelius.. .. C. A. DunnlKiiii. . .. 11. 10. Robertson . . , W. L. I.aForo.. .. F. It. McCarthy.. .. It. A. Woldiiian.. .. Win. Fry Hert Lathrop 150 W. 10. McGrnth 21.00 N. Commons 5,50 A. Nordyke 1 F. Dragor u.75 A. 10. Adklus u.oo I. S. Kort n.Bo Salem Gun Sioro 17.00 Thos. W Cutsrorth ar,ii S. II. FraJor 7.50 C. P. Darst g.00 C. Diisenberry 22.10 Illlibs ft Pnlg 5.30 H. V. Olunnrt , 7.50 F. It. DiiRette 27.00 N. P. HasmuBseii ir. 00 J. II. Van Halo s5 lOlinor Tanner is 00 N. J. Wlllard 13.50 Sirs. G. W. Luclwlg 7.50 John Maun 12.00 L. M. Gilbert 1.50 Arthur George. . , J. L. Gontij .... 26.5(1 li. M Wade ft 1 1 1.70 1. L Ilc.wor 108.00 D. I. Hrown 78.00 L. A. Dickinson 01.00 C. A. Duiinlsan 28.00 himcr Denny 60.00 nn nft I iiy.iiw i.6() 3(i.0() 3.00 28k 12 7.50 90.00 12.00 2.60 6.00 5.25 3.55 3.76 2.90 G.OO 8.26 27.GG 1.60 6.52 G.I5 10.00 S.00 29.50 S.25 25.90 22.60 20. SO 12.S0 9.00 G.OO 9.00 1S.00 1 1.00 2.50 32.73 1.75 1.50 10.S0 35 90 5.25 7.50 G.OO 10.60 3.00 IS.00 27.00 10.50 1.50 15.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 1.60 G.OO 1.50 10.00 2.00 21.76 G.OO 8.25 12.50 5.00 3.00 M. M. Hlggh A. M. dough ,....,. Snlem Hospital A. Hiuio D. J. Fry Disallowed. " C A. O'l.eary Current Expense Account. 98.88 'A. Hill. - 8.00 GG.OO" 2.00 70.00 Goo. F. HodK W. W. Hall W. II. Hurkhaidt ft Co.. Salem Sentinel 10. T. Moores Glass ft Prudhoiniuo. . . . Chns. Leinboko lrwln-llousoii Co W. J. Culver Sllvertoii Appeal A. L. Downing Patton Pros Stntosmnn Job Olllco., . F. W. Durbln R. 10. Moores J. II. Howlnnd J. H. Scott H. Pupo W. II. Hurkbardt ft Co.. ostein Union Tel. Co. Court House Expense C. W. Gllllnghnni Paclllc States Tel. ft Tel. Co.. 29 60 Huron ft nnmllton 25.77 Hurt ft lluell 12.05 Jos. Myers ft Sons in Knox ft Sliirnhy il.nn balem Water Go 19.30 Win. Hrown 20.n Gray Hros lOlectlou account contlniiod to An- gust term. Insane Account. X J. Jutlnh ,$ 5.00 J. D. Shaw 6.00 Coroner's Account. ' lnuuoflt on body or John D. Fnln. . ...$ 20.15 .. .. 2.00 .. .. S.80 .. .. 1.00 .... 9. .. .. 20.0J 5.00 10.00 2.60 .. .. 6.00 SO .... 0.06 . . 7.00 . ... 1Q.00 3.02 .... 3.75 2.15 2.50 ,. 10.16 .... ,181 Account. .$ .76 11 I.' I nn.. . . J. 10. lOldrledgo.. W. It. MoKny.. .. P. Goelln Geo. A. lOborhard. A. J. Huysorlo.. . 10. A. Vun Dninino J. 10. lOldrledgo.. C. W. A. .lotto.. . lOllznbeth .lotto.. Frank A. .nto. . . A. T. .lotto J. 10. Smith John Prlinmo. . ., A. .lotto Dr. II. F. Glesy. . . W. W. GloHy..r M. .lotto.. ..'..'. Hi.2"i Lilly .lotto IK. mi 15.60 5.00 7.60 12.75 15.75 3.25 ...$ ; ' ' ! f John Shlck J. A. itnuiar II. F. ft W. W. Gliwy.. J. 10. lOhlrlodL'o Iniltiost on body or Frank Fun-oil ot al. D. F 17.50 1.20 1.20 if 1.G0 LOO 7.00 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 3.3(1 3.30 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 10.00 2.00 O. P. L. H. A. D J. ('. A. F. F. J. I. ano. . . . Lltchlleld., Vlhbort.. . Pnlmur. . Mursh.. ., MoAtoo. . G. Unas. . .. T. Janes. . . . ...$ . n-m . . l.t'liihiL'or. . 1 M . . '. "-. 62.50 LOO 1.01) 1.00 LOO 1.00 LOO 1.70 l.7(T 1.70 , 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 GO.OI) 8 50 F. A. Dultelto 11:1m Philip Glover 6(1.00 A T Ilubflrt 80 00 S. II Hutch B6.00 It. Jiirdnn 11,111 II Kraiis Ki'.nn II Rallies :t 1111 II RiinspH 10.77 M. H Smith 3000 18.001 N. w Sllvor.. , J. .1 Selles. . . . (Inner Simmons J. II Van Dulo.. Fred J. Wold.. 'I. ' Noedhnin.. 18.00 20.60 3.00 C.(HI 09.IH) 10.60 27.(H) W 7.00 ; S (Ml 2.00, l !' Duvldson Poor Account, 08.00 OO.oii 89.00 107.00 , 6G.00 7.90 8G 00 I Fry F Lane .. II I iutoIx. . ,. .. W .. I). CkiHMiJtt-ciDInallnwnd. ii... . 11. r iinii.-n uimuj-, . T. lli.lveltHUi ft Iti'ili Gmbor. . I W 0.76 9.00 10,00 Co r v.. H (' Htonn Hkltoii ft Pal0, . .. IS.26,I F I hub ; a. s rcppjoy.. . ., . II. A Jones , Mm iilKimer ft Dlwiue. I 1 l iiiiymplo & Co. .T.-:. 2.50 2.00 1.00 3,87 2.00 15.00 5.00 N.on 1.60 .K 2 25'l D. A. HolmniiKtt A. C. Dllley.. .. It. Itui-kluy J Hum nn Ross. .-' J. I). Leo. . . . d, . . . , F. Glrarcl.. Oscar Ilnlr.. l .. . Wm. Fine V. II. Ilobeitson 10. 10. Fisher (. II Hobertsoii J. II. Lewis Circuit Court Account. Georgu Hros Salem Sentinel Witness claims allowed. Jnll Account. Durliin Duibiii Durbln Durum, Rebate Account. Jeffrey A. O. Condlt Overplus on ax Sales. D. II. Johnson $ D II. Johnson - Continued D. F. Cumpboll Contluuud. Stock Inspector Account. I). I) Keller J County Court and Commissioners Ac count. J. II. Sottlwnelor Statesman Pub. Co. Heifer Hum I. C. Nociilhain Win. Mlley Justice Court Account gtnto v. John I las, W. II. Qiiotiucm. . , . ....... W. W. W. W .$ 3.26 12.50 .$106.78 78. 1 G . 91. 02 12. 10 A. S. Davis S. U. Hnis (. M. McOloiiShllu.. .'. ..' " D Hrown .... C. Hass State v. Fr,., Holt.' W. II . Wuoonor. . . . A. HIM .'.'.'" State v Puinpiiiv. N. J. Jiidnlt.. ,. D. W. GlbHott . tSn.lM v".l " " rinl'oniino J. O Donald. J. II Lev Id " ' State v. Hate lingers' .1. O'Donnl.l . Mrs. 8. . Reed ' "' J. H. Lowls C LaFm-e . .. ".....'... " ti. Zltntnei man .... c. inFore ;; ;; S. It. Hoilm'iH ... O. Follet State H. P. Frinr. " "' J. u'liotiald J. It. Lewis State v. Hd runts. J. O'Diuinld .... .1. 11. Lewis ' ..'.'.'.;' Stnte . Foster. Continued in August torm. Stnte itiMs HlhbnM Continued to August lorin State v. G m. Parklr, 1 I Continued to August Idrm. State t'lyde SlamlluA nisallnwed. ' Slate v Gnivor Lowls. o- Hound 7.30 i 1.70J .? . i.?l. 1.00 W xi 'A ia w' 11.26 iinTi 12.G0 'io.ioj 1,90 2.70 2.50 2.60 1.70 2.70 J. Vincent. II. Clark.. .. lOtuinn Hell.. J. H. Lowls . L. Holtou. . . . J. hurley. . . . Mrs. Toters.. J. F. White.. D. W. Gibson. D. David.. .. State v. Win. J. O'Dcnmld C. W. Chntllrle. Arthur Smith. Chun Puuh. . J. II. Lewis M. Springer 1.1. Stiode Q. Hoqknor.. . . .. , F. illauiiiiack. . . . .. G. Dawes.. . . . . . State v. John Mnrkloy. J. O'Douald pon :!obn-r,w::::::::o 11 u .1 "" 11. r. uiwij "-tsvft. 'ii(Q F. K. Oslinrn S fl VnA F. W. Durbln .''! I 2o!sofctO F. A. .lotto fijo A. Jott r.,70 ' ,j,i" , 70 .11. nriiiuiri i. . .1 1.7 Strode. ..bii7l..iifsrrtslo3 '..''.;;ii.TiSfli!lt2 3.60 , . 16.3(1 " 3.60 tf 3.60 -1 . . ' a rti C. W. A. .lotto J. 10. Smith W. W. Glesy Jolin.HiiliiU.. .. ,,. r;uima I.. .Murphy . 0 The' valley pnf&s, nvlTh nous, iK uiianmious 111 ...... .. ... 1 ' nun full T fi'7ll . fi.7() . 0.70 MMflrtOI 39.70 or alive. few oxcep the onliiliiii -2 ..-- ., Mrs. Waggoner is entitled to the rowan! offered for (lorrlll, "dend J. A. I 20.00 1000 I NAor ' I vtwll:l. llSiniSMMtALl VmiiinNAnry 76 00 . 9 GO 31 on' 2G 10 20 10 30 Oil I I i D III own . U. G. Clur,. niit-tT iiunn A Hill K. T. Muttljliiii,. . ,. ., S. C. Ilnss.. 7. JwhhIo llnss M. MjJLohllii.. M A. g. Davis ('. llnss Slato v. Fi-uiik Haas. W. II. QiitMrtar. . . . T Mntthlciu G Clink IP. in 2 30 1.71 I 70 10 30 1 70 I 7o l.7o XIVi .to I 7ci !l 2ii I 7" I 7o Needed in Every Home THE NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION OF WEBSTER'S International Dictionary A Dlcllonurr of ENGLISH, lVlimraiiliy.U.oiriiphy, fiction, ale, I Now I'Ulea Throuehout 25,000 New Words I'hrasaa and Dtf'nllloni Pi'I'iiinl under Hie duvet niiikt m-I'.ii of W. T. IIAKKIS, l'li.D., LL.U., I 1 1 hiiitii ('iiiiiiiuHiHiiit-r of 1-Mu nil iiMit'il liy nliugHC'iirpHiif coin Mti'iii iHiiiiltii mid cdlloi. Rich ninilltiM 2364 Qunrlo Pas 3000 llluilrailonA IffTfie iHlffnoliomil nuflrl iunril ill JS0t. xmrrmliua the "I'Hnliifiilgtit " Tin- .11r01ut l.'-iltiial h'diliniof Uit Julrumiiiiimt unit mmd in pclobtt; IUWI I il Ihr lillriTliHil "( Tm tT 1 1 1 1 itali ' Wblari Uulllaa Ulcll'anarr irilll(lllMWII I'fS. nl Hull tViililililiilriilHM .i,a(W ulkllIMlkl Iim! IIU.IC I lift -i-lkM III 'llllllllyj WltHHUIlHUtllUltO." - i"i 1'iirii I, rlr ci mill i,k u ni "ii iiiiiilktlllilll. G.c&C.MEIVaiAMCO. Vubllshors, Spi-lni'Dold, Mnqs. ( MnilHJ 1 ypjclMtunr IHIIWfH I I II IU ,1 I I l4K4444H44444 1 1 I H I 1 1 H MGbormiGK Bnders The synonym for all that's good in harvesting michin ery. MAs good as the McCormick" is the stock in trade of many arguments from other machinery men, but the lact re mains that AkCormicks lead in every section. 1902 Machines, not old k ones. Right or left hand, as de; L sired. . See that you get this year's machinery when you buy, ft gets old soon enough. N0t6 Ttll Binder wne The celebrated "Plymouth," an eastern twine, at the 33ine price you are asked for much inferior grades. Seeing and trying h believing, call and see for yourself. Harveslo Goods The harvest trade as usual finds the old implement home on Liberty street prepared for business with all the goods the farmer needs. In addition to our big trade on AkCoimick Binders and extras, we supply extias for the Woods, and Osborne machines, machine oils, cup grease, binder twine pump hose fpr tanks, etc., and all such, besides repairs for Russell machinery. We are busy, busy all the time, but we always try to take good care of our trade. We are glad to welcome the farmer whether he wants to buy or not. Call and see us. YY C otZLL studeDa ier waaons jx SUiduJjakor .VaKon and Huvkjcm. MeCurmlck hurvewtiuK Machinery. Kiiguull HngliiQii and Tbreatiur. ParsooB fjelf Foedurw. Rueicull WlndBtackkHm, Hlrdwell ClovcM- Hulltirn Hay Halant. Ohio BnUas CuUrn Hero KaunlBK Mill. Monitor Drill and HucMlem Fairbanks-Morse Oaaollnc ttMjjlMBH. Mollnn and Syracuse I 'lows lluliuct and 1'. O Guklvatora. Huffalo Itttu slk. aprlnt and dUc Harrowa. HiiIc-Ih Hutary Duw. I'towa. Hinder Twines uud llrYiUH Shc pile. HxUau for Met'orwlok. Wedu, aid OaHrnt Mowctrs. ! Hay TouU. TrtUiHo Illryclen, ( And Whcil HundrleM. Htandard and Wbltu Hewing Mackiuea ' aud Hupjill, And all other good unually carried in a flrattlaaa lmpliiii(Ht boua Another bigcar just unlordtd ai d mn ;g n sheds full a'd oveifJovM'ng, The In resi trade I is lej;un UiNaAiiJui The Studc baker costs moie ikn Sv nc. . c I K li irre, mhI is better. If the olheis were as jood the v wiild vell for as i much. ( :ill aru ue yrur eyes and 01 r i ,'pi in a nuiiuic. i Birdsell Clover Hullers 'I lure is oiig to be mere trcniy in c! mi I ulliij. than threshing or anylhirg else of the if rt in the Willamette Vak ley shortly. Get in ( n lie gn urd llpoi wiib lie o'dut IPil machine made. "The BirdseP.' Nody ntw 3a4 alkali times to hip en a da's notice. Drop u a line. TRIBUNE BICYCLES BICYCLE SUNDRIES i WIGGINS' IMPLEMENT WDU Successor to E. M, Croisan and E. F. Parkliurst 255-257 Liberty, Street, Salem. J a i 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I t IH H I H t I H I I I I I I I m H ' U " I l l l l I H I HM-4444-H I I I H I I I M H I I I! I I M Hi Ml II Hi I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V H 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iimwniiin