The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 24, 1902, Image 3

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    THE DAU.Y JOUrm.u., oAcEfss, JREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 190&
The healthy
woman need not
fenr the change
which comes as the
Intituling of life's
aiittimn, It Is the
woman who is worn
out, nin down and
a sufTcror from
womanly licenser
who n n t n r n lU
dreads the change
SSSi 11' ?,
woman's life, and
- X- "M
the prevalence of
womanly diseases
makes it the duty
of every woman
who would avoid
unnecessary suffer
itm to take esnecial
care of herself at this time.
Tin- ills which vex so many women at
the change of life ore entirely avoided
or cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription. It makes weak
uonifii strong, and enables the weakest
to p.iss through this trying change with
tlic ir.iuquiiuy 01 pericci iieniin.
I nave been n very licflllliy woninn. and tilts
lini' Iit lecii very
v Haul with
i me." writes Mrs
Mirrio Morrn. ol ltttim Station, Clcnrfirlil
Co I'd nox 16 "I nm come lo me time of
ch.iiiKf of life, nml I have been nick a Krenl dent
off nti'l on When Mr, ltenuulft moved bcnUte
me I was nick in bed, nnd when kIic came to see
hip itmi ue were mikiiir over our ickiic, mm.
Ilsmmu lold me to try Dr I'lercc' I'uvorite
rrewriptlon nnd 'Golden Medical Discovery,'
nlso Pellets. I cot her to brine me a bottle of
Mih from the drug store and I used them.
Tlir did me a great deal of Reed, nnd I got two
mure bottles of Favorite Prescription.' f iietcr
aw such a wonderful cure. Ilcfore I com-
nirnral your retneuies 1 was goou lor nollilng;
.i hi such miserv I hardlv knew what to
' Knew wnat to uo
wliii tiiysell, now I cau uo all my work myself
ami feci ucll "
Dr. Pierce's Pleasaut Pellets are easy
and pleasant to take.
licked Ware
Very Cheap
Good for Camping
Come and See it
Ak also to see tho Firo I'olial ed
Ohisswarn. Just as cheap as "tho un
polished hits bean.
SaipM dished, sot ot six, 16 cents and
up. i arils.
; Midi berry bowl, each 18 cents and
JellvghiB t'B 25 cents n dnzen and up
Try Diamond lllend tea for
Ice Tea.
ill black
Phono '.'
F'i'0 Delivery
I '.in!, Sllhavy and wife. Stay ton.
'I'm McMnsters, Portland.
Mr. V. MeMnsters, Portland.
W .M .Kaiser, Salem.
, N. Smith. Portland.
.lanes C. Murray, San Frnnelsco.
P. Hodges, San Francisco.
U D. Warner, Portland.
V M. Sheakley, Stockton, Calif.
Mis. J. 0. Walker, San Frnnelsco.
Miss Alice Leslie Walker, San Fran
Min D. Daly, Corvallls.
!' W. Sltton, McMlnnvIllo.
'limit Gaunt, McMltinvlllo.
Urn II. Fltzglbbou, Poithuid.
) A Ilitckley, Portland.
iMwnrd Deggoller, CJiohalls, Wash,
J W. HobbB, McMInnvllle.
I' A. Collins, Grand Haplds.
I' J Tuska, San Francisco.
If you desire a good complexion use
Mokl Tea, a pure herb drink. It acts
on the liver and mnkos the skin
smooth and cloar. Curos slclc bond
a lies. 25 cents and CO cents. Money
refunded If It doos not satisfy you.
W ilte to W. H. Hooker & Co., liuffalo,
N Y , for free samplo. D. J. Fry,
Wo Have
A full line of Vacuum fruit pars, and
a o Mason fruit Jars. Those are tho
"est on the market. Uused by very-
,fimnnuAAMHiA..ntwiii, ., MAfitaiifitfiiAiaiiiAiAAitiifU!aiiuaflanKAAAAatiaMjttiuiiiu,aMuiiAA. ..jaAA
J 51-55 Stale Street
H8 v it .fcfcJBBfc3Ka-L-BS JrJygSt'JssBJ 9KH a
t Events
A. In the
oOClal KC3IH1
M"M"W"M"H"H1 llll i-M-H-M-fr
Draper-Parvln Wedding.
Ont of the prettiest nnd quietest
homo weddings or the seaBon was that
which attended the marriage of Miss
'Irate Mao Draper to Mr. Chester Al
ien Pan-In, both of this city, at high
loon (in Wednesday, July 23d. The
.veddlng ceremony was performed by
hi How H. A. Kotcliiim, of the First
'resliyterlan ehurch. of UiIh rltv n
the home of the bride's grandparciits.
Mm. John C. Hurggraf, In
M .1. I-...I ,-... ... ..
"",l" niwem. uniy uio immediate rol
atlves of the contracting parties wit
nessed tho Interesting ceremony, which
wns followed by a delicious luncheon.
The bride was given nwny by her
uncle. Mr. Chns. H. Hurggraf, of Al
bany. Hoth of the young people nre well
known In Salem, where they have lived
nearly all their lives. The bride Is an
accomplished musician, and a young
woman whose acquaintance extends
among most of the young peoplo of the
community, among whom she has been
laboring for yenrs In the capacity of
an Instructor of music. The groom Is
the youngest son of Prof, and Mrs. 'A.
M. Parvln, highly respected pioneer
residents of the Capital City. He is a
young man of real worth, and the
young couple have the best wishes of
a wldo circle of friends for a wedded
life of much pleasure and prosperity.
Mr. and Mrs. Parvln left on the nf
ternoon train Wednesday for a short
visit In Portland and at the seaside,
when they will return to Salem, and
make their homo here.
Harry Molr is In Newport for a few
weeks. ,
D. D. Olmsted nnd family have gone
to tho coast.
W. 11, Jones, of Lewlsburg, wns In
tho city today.
Samuol Adolph Is spending a few
weeks at tho coast.
II. A. Johnson and Claudlc Johnson
have gono to Newport.
County Judge J. H. Scott and wife
left this morning for Newport.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wontz are vis
iting with friends at Monmouth.
J. W. Hobhs, of MeMlnnville. depu
ty revenue collector, Is In the city.
Robert Henderson, of Portland, Is
visiting relatives at asylum farm.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lehman have
gono to Nez Perce, Idaho, to rosldo.
Mrs. C. U. Gnbrielson and daughter,
Ruth, loft this morning for Newport.
Mr. mid Mrs. C. M. Iiiman nnd child
ren are rusticating at Silver Creek
Mrs. 11. A. Johnson, nccompanled by
Claudo and Grota Johnson, left for
Newport today.
Dr. Grace Albright and Mrs. C. J.
WoHtfnll havo gono to California for
a Hummer's outing.
Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Upley, Dr. T. T.
Shaw and Mrs. T. C. Shaw left today
for an outing at Alsea.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Pattorson have
returned from n month's visit nt
Marshflold and San Francisco,
Miss Ethel Harris and Maudo Hobbs,
of McMlnnvIllo, wore tho guosts of
Miss Josslo Wain this wool;.
Mrs. 13. E. Gotichor nnd Mrs. J. P.
Irvine have roturnod to McMInnvllle,
after a visit with Mrs. J. F. Calbroath.
Alderman Sims left today for New
port, ns an ndvanco agont of tho Sims
family, who will follow In a few days.
Shorlff F. W. Sltton nnd guard came
ovor from McMlnnvIllo Wodnosdny
with an Iminno Indian for the nsylum.
Goo. W. nishop, of Watorvllle, and
W. II. Fitchard, of Utlca, two hop
dealers of Now York state, woro In Sa
eom this wool;.
Miss Susie Collotte loft this morn
ing for a two wooks' vacation visit
with frlonds nt Evorott and Tncoma,
In tho Evorgroeu state.
Mrs. F. Roy Davis, rocontly of Pen
dloton. Is visiting in Salem. Mr. Davis,
who, for seveial months, was employod
ns stenographer and typewriter in the
bank of W. J. Furnish, has accoptod a
similar position with tho 0. R. & N.
Com) any In Portland.
- -www,w....,wwww.... w wrw
Headquarters for.
Salem Branch
Lewis & Staver Co.
That gets your lungs soro nnd weakl
and paves the way for unoiiiniinln nr
consumption, or both. Acker's English
Remedy will stop the cough In a day
mill ltnnl - 1 . -
.iu iivui yuur mugs, it win cure con
sumption, astlunn, bronchitis, and all
throat and lung troubles. Positively
guaranteed, and money refunded ir
you aro not satisfied. Write us for
free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co.,
Buffalo, N, Y. D. J. Fry, druggist.
State Senator John D. Daly, of Cor
vallls, was In tho city Wednesday.
Geo. C. Drownull, state BenntoY from
Clackamas county, was In Salem to
day. Murray Wade has returned to Port
land, niter a visit with friends In Sa
lem. James Scott and family loft this
morning for a three weeks' outing nt
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cravon have re
turned to Murray, Idaho, after a visit
with Salem relatives.
Ralph Cox, Wells-Fargo's mosfloiigor
at Salem, has returned from an out
ing In the Elkhom country.
Mrs. D. L. Matheny and daughter
have returned from Halsey, whore
they attended a family reunion.
Mrs. Carroll Hughos and Mrs. John
Hoverldgo. of Spoknno. who have boon
visiting tholr sister, Mrs. John Molr,
left for their homo this morning.
Theodore Odonthal, the Stnyton
Sublimity real estate agent, was In
tho city Wednesday afternoon. Ho
reports the sale of much renlty in his
section of the county.
Gilbert W. Phelps, of Heppner, rep-resontatlve-elect
from Morrow and
Umatilla counties, was a Salem visitor
Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Phelps Is
a practicing nttornoy of Heppner.
Miss Jennie Cunningham hns gone
to Portland for a visit with hor slslor.
Mrs. O. W. Cavanagh, and will extend
her visit to the seaside.
Miss Flo Hallock, of Pendleton, who
has boon visiting at tho homo of Mrs.
Roso Bornnidl, has gono to Portland
to contlnuo her visit, boforo returning
to Pendleton.
A. McGIll and M. McDonald, of the
Oregon Nursory Company, havo gone
to North Ynklmn, Washington, to In
spect n nursery plant they havo re
cently acquired at that place.
Does Man
hood Fail?
It may sometimes, owing to nerv
ous disorders, but It Is hardly ever
lost, oxcopt In oxtromo old ngo. What
Is called Impotoncy or sexual nomas
thonla Is merely weakened power. Un
dorneath the ashes tho fire romnlus
aglow. It requires careful, scientific
treatment to fan It Into a bright flame
of life and onoigy. For those casos,
which have boon hlthorto the despair
of tho physician, nothing equals the
application of electricity, If by propor
curront and exact dosage, In combina
tion with tho scientific administration
of specific modlcnl romodlos, which
pouotrnto tho secrot ambush of dis
ease, oxtormlnatlng it root and branch
forovor. A rojuvonatlon follows Its
use. It producos rosults because It
roplonlshos tho vital tonicity requisite
to tho norvoiiB systom. According to
Dr. Darrln's peculiar and sclontlflc
methods of administration, It is n pow
erful vltallzer, Indlcnted In dlsoased
conditions, duo to all kinds of excess
Dr. Dnrrln glvos free oxamlnotlon to
all, nnd, whon nocessary, gives modi-
clnos In connection with oloctrlclty.
The poor troatod freo from 10 to 11
dally, oxcopt modlolno. Those willing
to pay, 10 to 5; ovonlngs, 7 to S; Sun
days, 10 to 3. Krrors of youth, blood
taint, gloot, impotoncy vnrlcocolo,
hydroculo and stricture a specialty. All
curable chronic private diseases treat
ed at $5 a wook, or in that proportion
of tlmo, as tho caso may require. No
casos publlshod without permission of
tho patlout. All business relations
with Dr. D. strictly confidential. Let
ters of inquiry answored. Circular
question blanks sent free. Dr. Dnrrln
will remain at tho Willamette Hotel
until Soptomber 1st.
Salem. Oreeon.
' -L HU 1
Lilientlial Bros. Answer the
Eugene Guard
Conditions Unfavorable for
Depressing Values
A reporter for The Journal this
morning called on II. J. Ottonholmer,
the Pnclllc coast roprosentntive of
Lilientlial Uros., of Now York, whom
the Eugene Guard says arc the hold
ers of 50,000 bales of 1901 hops. Asked
as to tho correctness of this state
ment, Mr. Ottenholmer said that such
a report Is simply absurd, and that
there are not 10,000 balos of 1901 hops
in the hands of all the growers and
dealers In the United States. Instead
of holding fio.OOO balos, Mr. Otton
holmer says his firm hns not 3000
balos of 1901 hops on hand, mid If
there were fjO.OOO bales of hops In
dealers' hands they would not contract
tho growing crop nt 10 cents por
pound. "Tho truth Is," snld Mr. Ot
tonhelinor, "It Is the scarcity of 1901
hops, and the complete exhaustion of
nil the hops in goneral that has caused
the advance, combined with tho fact
that, owing to tho prosperity of this
country, the consumption of boor has
Increased phenomenally, and with this
Increase there is a demand for a bet
ter beer, one containing moro hops,
and furthermore in Now York tho hop
crop Is the lightest known In the his
tory of that state. It Is estimated that
the crop will not exceed 25,000 balos,
against an average of G0.000 to 70,000
"As for England, cables report that
vermin nre still plentiful, and that the
ylold In that country will ba loss than
100,000 owt.. against a crop of GG0.000
cwt. In 1901. So that from a statistic
al point of view, there Is nothing un
usual In 20-cont hops."
Tho reporter asked Mr. Ottenhelnu'r
If there was any likelihood of his linn
dumping their holdings on the market
and forcing the prices down, or "bear-,
lug" the market, as tho Eugene Guard
puts It.
"In answer to that question I enn
only any," said Mr. Ottonholmer, "that
assuming tho Guard's statement or
prophecy to bo correct, It would bo a
most silly thing for us to do. What ob
ject would we havo In depreciating
the vnluo of our own holdings, to nay
nothing of our contracts? 1 hiving
bought our hops cheap, the only busi
nesslike course for us to pursue Is to
got nil we can for our hops, and that
we Intend to do.
"Ever since last December the argu
ment has been used with growors by
certain dealers, who wore Interested
In seeing lower pi Ices, that Lillenthals
would dump their hops on the market,
but ns yet we have not done so. and It
is not likely that wo will, especially
when wo require every hale wo have
to supply the wants of our customer.
Wo are tho only dealers In the busi
ness who have not unloaded their
hops, and we have Inquiries every day
from our competition, who ure anx
ious to secure Home ofmr holdings to
supply their trade. Growen need have
no fear that we will dump our hoiw on
the market, and thoreby depress val-
iios, and they cnu rest assurred that
every halo of hops of the 1901 crop
will be wanted by tho browen before
tho new crop comos in."
Asked as to his opinion or the prob
able value of tho 1908 crop, Mr. Ot
tenhelmer wild that his firm Is paying
2u cents, and at that (Inure he Is will
ing to buy the crop of any grower who
has not the confidence in values to
wait until the crop Is In the bale. Mr.
Ottenhelmer said that he thought it
advisable, from a business standpoint
for those growers who have nut al
ready contracted to contract at least
half their crop at this figure, thereby
Insuring to themselves a good profit.
This Is the conservative coursu, and
eliminates, In a measure, the gHmblliig
feature of hop buying," concluded Mr.
New York Crop.
Says the Waterville Times: "The
warm weather of last week and iwrt
of this was broken by a cold way on
Wednesday and Thursday, which
with the return of wet weather
(becked the growth of the vines. It
does not seem, therefore that the vim
ex pt in the most advanced yards, ran
IHMslble amount to more than oue
thlrd of a crop, and there 'are some
yaids Into which it will not nay to put
a box.
"For these reaMHa tbe offers for the
19o2 crop are very high. Several grow
ers claim that they hare bn offered
30 tents, though we have not beard of
any one accepting even thai (tatterh g
price. It Is believed the bops will
start as high as V) cents. Thus
therefore, who have fairly good yards
are to he congratulated.
"A tlraiN r ol red from Oregon
today says that parts of the state were
swept by a wind storm yesterday, aud,
that though the extant of the daiaaa.
is not definitely known, the hop yard.
are estimated to have been damaged
to the extent of 10 lo so par cent."
What E. Clemens Hertt Qe. Have te
Say in a Letter Dated July 1, 1900. 1
We beg to svtNsiit 10 on tt,.- follow
log stAtlatics with r. f. 1. n . t in hop
, situation i Ut- 1 htat. s f.,r tk
past tea yeam. Our fleets the
production and net production and
not exportation of hops In tho con
sumption of beer In the United States
during the above peried:
Crop of year !J1b DrlsIlls
1893 29-1,000 .16,000.000 8 1
1894 301.000 33,000.000 91
1895 305,000 31,000,000 90
1890 193,000 30,000,000 51
1897 217,000 34,000,000 Gt
1898 232,000 38,000,000 01
1899 237,000 37.000.000 01
1900 224,000 40.000.000 50
1901 105,000 41.000,000 151
1902 (ost) .... 210,000 45,000.000 49
Ton yoars . .2.408,000 373,000,000 c05
Aerlcnn production. Heor browed
In America. Hops produced In
Amui'lcn for overy 10,000 - bnrrols
brewed, c average.
The heavy crop of tho yoars 1S93
1891 nnd 1895 w'ero the results or
greatly Increased acreage In hops
caused by the high price that ruled In
1S90. In the three years mentioned n
vast surplus of hops was carried ovor
and pricos ruled much below the cost
of production of hops, from and In
cluding 1800, less thlm tho annual re
quirements. This short production
was not felt until within lite past few
months, as the surplus ncctimulnted
by the crops of '93, '01 and '95 havo,
with the ciops grown slnco then, cov
ered tho requirements.
At the present time, however, prac
tically nil of the surplus stock of new
hops, old hops, ond hop extinct have
not boon used up and when the 1902
hop crop Is harvested there will bo a
clean-up of old stock In America such
as has been ktlowp for twenty yenrs.
For the coming season, evon should
tho crop conditions be Ideal, and n
maximum crop raised, there would not
bo over 210,000 bales produced on the
acreage now In hops, nnd this produc
tion Is Insulllclent for the ordlnnry re
quirements. The realisation of these
conditions Is the cniisu of tho present
price of hops In the United Stales be
ing about one hundred per cent high
er tliun were the prices last fall.
During the past ton yoars tho Pn
clllc coast hops gained an Immense
hold on EiikIIbIi and even the German
markets. Last season notwithstand
ing tho enormous crop In England,
and the fait that American hops cost
ovor fifty per cent more than EhkIIsIi
hops, the oxpoits from this country
(ovor nnd above the Imports to Amer
ica) weie 1.5,000 bales, and of the 1902
Pnclllc Coast crop heavy contracts for
English brewers' account have al
ready been made, and aie IicIiik made
as fast as the growen will sell at reas
onable tlgures.
Tho English crop this year will run
much shorter than tho 1901 ciop. ami
Indications are that their demand for
1902 American hops will bo much
greater than Tor the 1901 ciop. In
milking up the estimate for exports of
1902 crop we have taken the same
amount as expoited In 1901. Thus far
contracts of 1902 crop for English ac
count greatly exceed those lor 1901
crop at same date last year, and the
present demand Is larger, but as the
Ameilcaii shortage will curtail ship
ments ahroail, the oxpoits for 1902
cannot lie safely estimated at this
Dining the past ten years the not
exports (that Is export, over Imports)
for the United States have been:
Crop or year Ills His His
ISM 90,000 20 1,000 5K
I SHI 78,000 223,000 08
1SH5 70.000 229.000 07
1S9C 15.000 148.000 41
1S97 80,000 137.000 to
1808 107,000 125,000 33
1S99 B 1.000 183,000 19
l!Hh 70,000 151,000 39
1901 05,000 180.000 32
1902 (est) 06,000 115,000 32
Tutsi 10 years 730.001) 1,078,000 el 5
Net exports. Production less net
export. Production less net ex-
isiits pur 10,000 barrels brewed. 0
It will be seen from above figures
that while the yearly production of
bops In the United States was about
fifty per cent more In the yean 1893
'91 and '95 than to any of the yours fol
lowing, the consumption of beer lu
creaHi'd by about fifty per cent during
the NHiue period. If the prices during
the coming season run as high as tho
preHi'iit prospects Indicate, there Is
certain to be a wild rush for more
hups, and In another few years when
planting cornea Into hearing brewers
may expect a recurrence, of overpro
duction aud low prices, but until such
time Hi hop growers expect to get
fair prices for their product.
Of the lfJOK Pacific Coast crop some
thing over two'thirds Is already In the
hands of dealers and brewers, ami fu
ture prices will depend very much on
the activity of buyers In taking over
the lemniniug one third Nearly all
glowers have sold a part of their crop,
and Ui'-y will naturally be more or less
Htubiixin In holdliiK on to the balance
of tin r crops on an a Uw and alvanc
I111; market
I 1 S- 3faiHS&irBfcP2?5r3B'l
I I f W TBOIJI'iWa y r!A M
f fJf It Hunts Dirt U
Mdr-and Finds It II "
fafeJyf m 'u
WMl There's the beauty of WH g
(M Diamond "C" Soup dk g
Vfl it not only "buuU" dirt gjA H
W finds M. M g
V boak the clothes over MJ gj
night. Add afswtbipxef jH g
V) DkunoturC H g
H Next morning, when you WM M
l get up, your clothes are KfH g
' half washed. , m m
WKATl'Kk"- rMU lifia LSg
,jaf tut ll wrt. ol uMftiJ "4 , iSM M
Wti U.kbbu"M'!aitUiM
' asT t''" tut rmun fiomtif SH g
kSL Freedom Dpjrtsst B
; WJ 5a. Omitn. Ktbr. V M
iivwi ' 'ir,t'laTf,''wll'S"i?SSsis B
Successor to Dr. J. M. Keeno, tn
White Corner, Salem, Oregon. Parties
desiring suporlor oporatlous nt mod
erato foo In any branch aro In ospo'clal
roquosL ..
Barr's German Salye
Meals quickly all cuts, or bruise?,
Draws sjroiie88 out of lame back, and
draws clivers out of lleeh whTch ofton
break off too short to pull. Sticks like
sticking plntor. Try It, and you will
novor bo without. By mall 2Cn.
120 State Street. 8alem, Ore.
Huie Wing Sang Co.
Special Snlo of all waists,
wbito underwear, wtnpperH
floor mattings. BOTTOM
PRICES. :: ;: ::
140 State St., Salem, Or.
Tb? flDDe..
AND OlGAllS...
102 Cotiri 5!
203 Commercial Street
Monlfl at all hours. Open day and
Only placo In tho city handling the
la the Reception Saloon. Wholesale
nnd retail.
E. ECKERLEN. Proprietor
For Salem and vicinity
leave orders t Ceo
Will's Music Store.
F.W.ROSS, Proprietor.
This popular, beat of all summer re
sorts is eltiuted near Ddtroit, eastern
terminus of CorvalltH k Knstorn R. H.
in tho heart of tho Cascade mountains.
Regular pack train mitkoq dally trip
from Detroit to the sprites. Touting
privileges free All cmnp ouppllos can
be purchased at tho spring's. Kxcullent
lljlilng and hunting. Ratos urn very
reneouablo. For further information
address, F. W. ROSS,
7 1 L'm Detroit, Oro.
S. C. STONE, A. D.
Tho storos(two In nuuihor)nre located
at No. 235 ami 297 Commercial at.,
and aro woll utocked with 11 comploto
lino or ilriiKB uml mudlcIiiQB. toilet
nrttcloB, porfumory, brushes, otc,
tins linu somo 20 yours oxnorlonco In
tho prnctlco of modlclno nnd now
makes no charge for consultation, ex
amination or proscription.
For wator sorvlco annly at olllco.
Bills payable monthly In advunue.
Mnke nil complaints at tho olllco.
Buy Walker's
Guaranteed Paints
When you want paint for
your house or your carriage that
Is mixed ready for the brush,
you can find It at Walker's, the
carriage trimmer and painter. I
carry a large stock of the best
paints In the world. Try my
varnish gloss buggy paint. One
coat will make your buggy look
like new.
C. H. Walker
luO Commercial Ktreet.
Pack Ksat- in iU own coun
try where tbe JitirliiiKUin
K'mdh is even better known
tiisniulheNortberesl i.l
siesk of It as the "smooth
It Is a goml name a good
name fur s good rend.
It i s good nsine Iwjtuse it
telle the truth the fiurlitw
toii'slrsfk Its smooth KV-KRVWilBHB-
I'siiver to
Ulitesge. stul tit 1mI. Hll
liugs to timahs end Ksnssi
L'Hy. 8l Psl Uf Ohlcsgo
(io Kift next time via Malt
I-ake, l3envr st.d tbe Huil-
ingloii Route.
C SHELDON, General Ael
100 Third Street.
Portland, Ore-
enbush HotSpr
Adverilsements. five lines or less. In this column
s monih. All over five lines at the same rste.
Wanted 1- Ive young men from Marlon
county at onco to propare for posi
tions In the government service.
Apply to Inter.State Corres. Inst.,
Cedar Haplds, la. 7-23-lm-dw
wantea. A gooil tilntug room girl at
Strong's restaurant. 7-22-tf
Wanted. Men with teams to haul
wood. Inquire of F. p. Talklngtoti,
102 Stato street 7-21-tf
Wanted. Peoplo of all ages, from 10
yoars up, to pull ilax. Apply In per
son l'liuisdiiy morning at Gerher
fo-.ii, onofourtli mils west of big Sa
lem uiiugo. Kiigono Uosso. 711-tf
Wanted five young men From Ma
rlon county to pruparo at onco
for positions in tho government
sorvlco. Apply to Intor-Stnto Inst.,
Cedar Haplds, la. G-17.2m
Wanted Everybody to try Oregon
Foot Ka80 for all foot allmontB.
Onco tried always used. Ask your
druggist or Bend 26c. 8. L. Hayoa,
lialsoy, Oro, B-27ti
-ost. A side comb, BtutltledvTtlicrys
tnls. somewhere botweon S. P. dopot
and Commercial street. Finder will
plenso leave at Journal olllco.
For Rent. Five-room cottage,
mont and wator. Call on
Aug. Schrolbor, 121 High street. 7-22-tf
For Rent or For Sale. 12-room house,
partly furnished, largo grounds,
stnble, etc. Inquire Journal olllco.
7-91 m
For Sale. A secondiTiil aJTich
wagon, with box, all In good condi
tion for $20. A snap for somebody.
Mitchell, Lewis &. Staver Co., Sa
lem. 7-23-flt
For Sale or Rent. Tho Labor Hx
chiingo warehouse, In North Salum.
Inquire of Oeo. Orlswohl, UO Stato
street, or Oeo. Jacobs, at blacksmith
shop uo4ir warehouse. 7-18-Ct
For Sale. Now river boat, with sail,
IS feet long. Intended for gasollno
launch, cheap. Inquire at Journal
olllou. 7-8-lm
For Sale. 3-year-old Jersey cow, with
hoi for calf. Inquire at Journal of
llco. 7-7-lm
For Sale Cheap Hocoud hand thresh
ing outfit. Advance Separator, 3Gx
CO, with wind stacker. Also 13 II,
P. eiiulno, with wutur tank and
wagon. All In good order, Prluo
$700. K. M. Croliian, Salem, Ore
gon. G-l-t-d&w-tt
For Sale. Now mid socond-hnnd bug
gies, now aud uocoud-haud eprlug
wnguiiB, buckboards and carts, at
tho Salem Carrlago and Wagon Fac
tory. Wornor Fonnoll, proprlotor,
30 1 Commercial utroot. 4-10-tf
Salem Drlduc Closed.
-flood ferry run-
ulng at Lincoln.
Musical. -MUs Ileithn Hubbard has
returned to Hiilem for the summer
mouths, and will take pupils on the
piano at her home, one block west of
the Noith Salem school. 7-15-tf
Well Digging and Orlok Work Wells
dug mid cleaned. Jobbing 111 brick
work and cistern building. Founda
tions put under Iioubsm and chim
neys built. Apply to A. F. Holt,
Salem P. O, or iioithsnst corner
Riverside Addition. 7 12-1 m
Don't You Know Aiiytinng about Ho
wards' Market? At 410 Statu street
Dost place to buy fresh and cured
meats at tbe lowest prices. Phono
2021. II. Kdwurds, prop
All Kinds Ot camping utensils,
stoves and tents, and second-hand
goods nt J. N. aiiauts. 107 Court
street. 0-ll'tf
Protection Lodae No. 2, Auclent Or
der United Workmen, meets every
Sutunluy evening In the ilolmau
Hall, corner of State aud Liberty
streets. Visiting brethrou welcome.
F I.. West, M. W.; J. A 8owood,
Sherwood Foresters No. 19. Meets
Friday nights in Turner blook. Ira
Hamilton C. II.. A. !. Hrown, Sec.
, Centra, Lo(j(e No, ,8 K. of P.-Castle
Hull In Ilolmau blook, corner State
and Liberty streets, Tuesday of
each week at 7:20 p. in. Claud
Tuwnsoiid, C. O ; Jtdoc J. Itlggs, K.
of It. aud H.
J. Carmlohael Hop buyer. Ottlee In
llushllreymau building, ttalem, Ore
, gnu. ttainples of oliuiee hope sella
ltMl from all growers.
J. H. Drewer, physician and surgeon.
Office In Gray block. Rooms 7 and
0, Phone 01.
briaht. Twenty mouths graduates
of the Amerloas Hcfcool ot Osteop
athy, Klrksvllle. Mo. Dr. WycHott Is
the only twenty months' gentleman
graduate in ls. Odd Fellows'
Temple. 'Phone Wain tl.
Or. M. T. Schnettlc Hraduate Ameri
..oau School of Osteopathy, Klrks
vllle. Mo. Offioe in Tioga bloek,
over the 8pa. Offloa hours 8:39 to
U:S0 and 1 to i. M3
W. O. Robblns, Dr. of Osteopathy
OradMAte of the Oehiwbhi College
of Osteojfathy, OWago, lit 0ie
117 Court street, Obrouia diseases
a specialty.
-..- nvinD fariors. Soven'jKt:
class harbors ongaced. Flnnut ,.k
:.n !ty- Wo Uh
"""i"'. . nyan, frop.
Evans Barber Shop.-Only flrst-claw
Bhop on Stato streot Every thing
now and up-to-dato. Flnoat porcelain
bathB. Shavo, 15c; hair-cut, 2Bc
bathB, 2Bc. Two flrat-claB boot
blacks. 0. W. Evans, proprlotor.
The Great Rock Island Route.
Through personally conducted tour
ist sleoplng cars botweon Portland and
Chicago once a week, and botweon Og.
don aud Chicago threo times a week,
via tho Scenic line.
Through Standard sleeping cara
dally botwoon Ogdcn and Chicago, via
tho Sconlc lino.
Through Standard Bleeping cars
dally betweon Colorado Springs and
St Louis.
Through Standard and tourist sleep
Ing cars dally betweon San Francisco
and Chicago, via Los Angolos nnd El
Through Standard sleeping cars and
chair carB dally betweon St Paul and
Uo suro that your ticket reads via
the Groat nock Island Route
Tho host and most reasonable din.
lug enr Borvlco.
For rntoa, foldors and doscrlptlvo lit
erature wrlto to A. E. COOPER,
General Agent Portland, Or.
Notice to Contractors.
The undersigned will rccolve scaled
proposals for tho construction .of a
ono-story school building, to bo orect.
oil In School District No. CO, according
to plans and specifications In tho of.
flco of W. I). Pugh. All malarial de
livered on the ground freo of charge,
from tho Gorvals depot. Rids will bo
recolved at the nbovo olllco on ,Au
gust 1st. at 2 p. 111., and then publicly
opened. The board roserves tho right
to reject any aud nil bids. (Signed)
K, M. SAVAGE, Chairman.
Louis Aral, Clerk. 7-21-td
Express and Transfer
Moots all mall and passongor trains.
Uaggago to all parts of tho city.
Prompt service Tolophono No, 241.
The Science of
Many people have been lad to ba.
Ileve .through false reports and Igno
rance that Osteopathic troatinont was
painful and even Injurious to children
or weakened Invalids.
Nothing could bo farther from tho
truth for It Is adapted tn tho cnuo, and
In nowlso Is It Injurious to tho frailest
child or wcakonod Invalid, llut
rather It Is Invigorating and strength
ening, and novor Is tho patlont worn
out or innilo uorvous from troatinont.
However, thero aro many faliora and
pretenders In Osteopathy who do not
understand how to glvo troatinont
properly. . None aro genuine or com
petent who have not nttondad school
nt least four terms of five months
I)rs, L. IC. Wyokoff and Mrs. Graoo
Albright, of I. O. O. F. Temple, Salem,
are graduates of the Ainorlcnn School
of Osteoputhy, n twenty months'
school, and thoroughly qualified to
give scientific troatinont and handlo
any case put In their care. All dis
eases, especially chronic diseases and
deformities, yield to the treatment
without knife or drugs.
1 lours 0 to t. Phoae Malu 2721.
' Odd Fellows' Temple, Salem, Or.
SrUoii to Aripmtli.l, via Whlteaker and
return. Leaves Baltuii pott olllco 7 a.
m., weekdays only. Carry passengers
ami ttiickiiimi. I'lnoat mountain oilthiK
trip open to Haluin peoplo.
7Ht. WAltltKN W. DAN'IH, Prop.
H at 2.10 Commercial Street
First Class Bicycl?
And alL kinds ol
sundrlee at
10 Court Bt.
Phone na.
Steusloff Bros
Dealers In Live Stock,
Wholesale and retail buUhers and
tuckers. All kinds of fresh anu sail
meats. Flue sausages, hams, naeon
ami lard 318 Commsrelal street,
Your Step Mother
Is still sere busy as ever, and when
your clothes are all out of ordor. worn,
with buttons off. take them to her at
the stalew Uye Works.
At this establishment you can get
anything set to rights, from ,P"f ?
gloves, to the most elaborate suk
gown. A gentleman can get his hat
cleaned, bis trousers creased, or ba
whole buU rsjureuated to suit his
taste, also four suits a on "' V'
UuttouB Bewed on, rips wed up, suits
pressed ou Bhort notlee. Now goods
shrunk for dressmaking.
19S Commsrelal Street
Attorney at Law
Toledo, Orejon.
Was Jerk of olroult sourt for six
years and has au up-w-uaw ausiwi
of all proporty In Lincoln eouatf...