mmmmSm. r jk. WxiaLteB TPfl? ''Wf'WI ' ""' Hc DAlU JOURNAL, 8ALEN1, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY M, 1&0i frill I i II II 11 8 11 II III 1 I . H-l IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII m-H-M-.f I ...CHICAGO STORE... I PEOPLE'S BARGAIN HOUSE. . SMASHING DOYYH PRICES-Tho Chicago Btora it certainly a wonder for giving low prices on reliable Roods. It la hard to find Its equal, Honest dealing; and sterling values has tuada this atoro a ftetiuine hlvo ol business This sale only for Tuesday and Wednesday. Ladleo' 39i! sailor lints 10o 15)o linen colored wash dres goods. Sale prlco, yd 7t.c 50c Fancy novelty dress goods 40 Inches wide, special, yd. .25c 60c black French lace Grena dines, salo price. . .18, 10, 25c yd SOo mercerized satlnottes, all colors and black, sale price. .22c 7XJ double twill crath toweling sale price yd 4c 1JK heavy hemp brown crath towel in r. sale price.... ...7c 15c navy blue duck, yd ....... .Uc 86c whlto P. K tho best, yd. .19c Towdlt, all prices for this sale 3,4, 0J, 8, 10c Ladles', children's and nil'ies' 35c best ftunbonnets H prlco 10c Ladles' calico wrappers, half price, 35, 76, 08c worth up tof 1 60 Ladies' shirt walitn half prlco Men's 6"c buck gloves, only. . .25c 16c hop canvas stoves 6c Men's 05c derby ribbed under wear, hoavy, (ale price ?lfc Men's 60c summer undnrucnr 26o Men's 2.00 blue flannel shirts speclnl Rale price (I 30 Men's 65c soft shirts 35c Itibboua. laces, ladles' und child ren's summer underwear at un heard of low prices. McEVOY BROS., Proprietors. Court Street. Salem. Oregon I II I I I I I I I I I I M 1 4-M I II H 1 1 I I I I I It 1 1 M . I I I II I I I II I Look out for a rush at Fried man's. Something is going to hap pen. Meantime it pays you to go there. FRIEDMAN'S 307 Commercial St. tiniii 1 1 in iimniiHiimmni 1 n i n h m i mil 1 Oregon Blue Ribbon ..STATE FAIR... i, THF Mil YJnilRUI. CITIZEN- MIL. U.IIU.I vwwiiiii. . SULUlfcKS Member Northwest Afternoon News paper League. BY HOFER QROTHER8. Dally One Year, $4.00 In Advance. Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance. Dally by Carrier, 60 Cents' Per Month. Weeklv One Year. $1.00 In Avance. Salem, Sept. 15th-20th, 1902 jj Will Be Bter and Better Than Ever. i CASH PREMIUMS ON EVERYTHING 'Send for Pemium List. JW. H. Wehrun?, M. D. Wisdom, Prcs., Hlllsboro, Or. Sec, Portland. 4 1 1 1 I I II I H I I I I IM-H-fr Mill 4-r-H-f4-T--HH-H-l I It M 1 1 I 1 4 pOLLMA CHERRY SBBDBR DO THE ELK8 WEAR CORSETS? ForaotiH noticing tho fine appearand of tho order of ElkH when on purado hr.vo Involuntarily boon led to ox claim: "Do the I). I1. O. K. wear cor Ht)lH?" Tho order that inoott In Salt I.nko noxt month wonrB tho bolt In mnny oth or roopectH, nnd a Krent many poruona Iuivh boiiti led to mmpoct that their universally flno ahnpo I duo to stays of some kind, Wnt If thoy do? Many of tho mem bora nro lino specimen of manhood, and ir thoHe Inclined to ilnngtnfT pro portlonH do pad or two stllTonlng miip porU thoy do It to hold their own In tho order. There Ih no hnrm In ap pearing to good Ailvniitngo tindor any clrcumHtnnceM, and I8lkn run ho their tnemhora tako an outh to look tho near out poHsllile like a man ought to look. It will never bo known whether the IJIkft' ritual require insmhom to wear oornetH, but It Ih cortnln that thoy are required to wear corset fitting unl forniH when on parade. Hvory uniform Ih tallor-mado nnd corset-flttod. Ouo renHon why bo tunny people he lluvo tho KlkH wear coraetH Ih becntiKo so very few largo nnd lloehy men be long to tho ordor. It Is claimed by some Hint It Ih not tho coraotH that keopH them out, but bornuso thoy can not ho conveniently tossed In a blan ket. It will probably nevor bo revealed whothor they wear any kind of an ab dominal support or not, because after ii man becomoa a member, not oven bin wife can get him to give away tho HocrotH of tho order. Tho order that Ih HiiHpected of wearing coraoU Ik about tho only ordor that tho rcx who wear corsotH cannot oven get a aide door entrance Into, yet no one use tho hullo ho well aH tho Hlk. The problem romnlim unaolvud. DISBANDED I Jft&YM Ml, (1 Wffm 0tt6T6" CPtRRICO. jU sccos. & 1 ' - I IT X II IH perfect Olierry Hueder does notorusli the olierry or cause any Ions of Jnice: n iiractlcitl innchluo for large, small or Uil llornla cherries. Tho need uxtructlnc knllo driven tbu seed Into one dish nml actually throws tho olierry Into iiuui!...r. Tbu marks of tbu knife can m'aroolv be seen on tint seeded fruit. It neoda from 'JO to 'SO quarts per hour. Retail price, B6 cents. R. M. WADE & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Roche Harbor Llmo. Uest brands Portland Cement, WOOD; sawed or full length, All kinds ol building material, sand, g'avol, Utli,hlnilii, etc. 181-183 Ooni'l Ht. BBNTLBY Phono m Main. 20-PERCENTOFF-20 On all Carpets Nothing Reserved We wish to reduce stock before Aug, 1st, at which time we invoice, These terms will apply from July 10th to Aug mtU, REMEMBER THE PLACE X X X The House Furnishing Co. ABOUT WALKING. A rorroMpondnnt nskH tho editor of IIiIh paper for IiIh opinion nbout walk ing. Ah tho editor never wnlkn when ho enn avoid It Ii Ih opinion Ih not worth much. TIiIh Ih not a walkliiK age. The world no longer goon on foot very much, and when It iIoom It don't go on a walk, AhIiIo fiom a heavy ill aft borne, a yoko of oxen, or a mini turtle, nothing wiiIUh, not oven a tramp. Kvimi laboring men In eltloH and Hchool children walk hut llttl". TIiIm Ih a busy ago, and their time ih worth too much. Tho editor of a dally pa per worth reading cannot afford to tnk tho llmo to walk oven a Htep. Wo ouch tniw h college prmldeut wnlklug nlong the Htreet rubbering in all dlrectloiiH. Anlieil what ho wan do ing, he wnlil : "Kiiuuterlng, only unun terlng." AlthoiiNh holding a $8000 a year po Hltlon In tho hiiHloMt ago of tho world'H hlHtory, thlH man had time to Haun ter, iih ho called II. In a year or two ho lliitteiied nut wimplHtoly. lie didn't oven walk. Ho mumteml. Tho odltor of (IiIm paper hiuui't time to walk. Mm ride or runs. The ob jection to people niuiillig 1m that It at tructH attention, ami m few people run. People think a man who ruiw u great deal Ih erasy. In Japan everybody rldiM, but the men who propel the Jlnrlkulm, and thoy run. Thoy run an aveme of live mllttM an hour, and they are the llnest intiHeltHl iiihii In Aula. Kunnlug Ih thtt bent txrrlst. It keepH a mnii limber. Woman would be fur liioro graeful If thy whiI not forget to run. If thuy wr told by (lit doctor to run. their Iiiiikm would ox imnd. tblr IiIwhI t'lmilNt. they would throw away thwlr uiuwHltHry droM. Th writer alwnyM hum whmi hw can do mi. Thort Ih ih much to thnt In the world. m much to ! douo. mi many pop to talk with. o much of lumuty to iiijoy, and w Hiiich of ihhI iimw to apM'Mitil who would b time by wulklux? Albany Democratjells of the Closing Scenes The nnnttul encampment of tho Oro- gon Natlonul Guard Ih now a thing of the past, nnd all that remains of tho annual plmle, ho far a the guardHtnon aro concerned, nro tho memories of the guard houso und tho extremely warm wenthor In which the nncamp mont wnH etitabllslied. The Salem company wns only too glad to reach home. Speaking of the closing scones of the encampment, tho Tuesday evening Al bnny Democrat makwi the following cemment: "The annual onenmpmeut Is u thing of tho past. After a six dayn' export enco It cloned thin afternoon. The flint to leuvo the grounds wore tho three compnule of the separate battalion of Kastern Oregon, who left on the 7 o'clock train. Among tho mcmherH wnH Private McDonald with a broken leg. At 1 2 : .'SO nil the companion south of Alhnuy, thoso from ICugeuo und Ashland, loft for their homes, leaving tho dust and HiitiHliIno on Camp Wil liam Tho Hlgnal corpo, a flno body of HttiilentH of Corvallls, left for homo on tho C. ft IC. at 12: IB. Tho others left by special train at 2 o'clock for tho north. Tho Albany company wnH tho last to leave the grounds, when do ing ho leaving tho camp In n clean con dition, with nothing but tho roads and guard llnoH to hIiow for the encamp ment, excepting the 120-foot (lag polo, which will bo brought to Albany and erected nt this city. "Most of the men reported u splen did time. There whore somethings, of course, to growl at. Some wanted loss sunshine. They would have liked to have been In a grove with refresh ing Hhndo, some would have liked to have been away from country roade, etc. Hut, altogether, it was an experi ence they will long remember und many of them will cherish, forgetting the guard hour and other disagree able experience. "Last evening tho trooiw were again reviewed before a big crowd of visi tors. Mayor DiivIh had tho honor of riding In the cnrrlnge. Tho review and the dress parade, like those that had preceded It, were of an Interesting character. "A hocoiiiI ilt 111 wiih given this morn ing at 8:30 o'clock, lasting an hour and a half, by the 20th light artillery, of Vancouver, with Hold guim and can sinus. It wiih a splendid exhibition of trained soldiers, and was witnessed by un liumeiiHo crowd of people. The miiuiiHverH. with tho booming of the cannon, were very realistic. The ar tillery tomorrow morning will pass through Albany and ciom tho bridge for the West Side, returning home that way. Company (1. of this city, made an excellent showing In tho markings made by Colonel Jucksou, Inspector general, one of the best posted mili tary men on thtt coast. ComHiiiy I'. of Portland, was given the Ilrnt place, with 17.1 out of a 'HMMlhle SOO, Com pany C, of Portland, second place, with Pill, and Couiimny (I. or this city. A and C, of ICugeue, and II, of Ashland, h tie for third place, with 1M) points, In dicating practically little ill (Terence betwevu the best coihihoiIch." o EASTERN OREGON NOT IN IT Salem Man Tells of Advan -ages Over All A prominent Snloin business man, who has Just roturnod from a trip through Kastern Oregon, sayn that section of tho stnto is a wonderful country In fact It rivals Western Or egon. Hut, an Is usually tho case, this Salemite returns more pleased with the delightfully pleasant and moderato climate of the Willamette valley. The Salem merchant spent most of his time In Union county, and reports that county of great agricultural val lie lie maw Home of tho finest fluids of grain und hay meadows, yielding onormoiiH crops, he ever witnessed. So cially, the people are most agreeable to meet, and a stranger always fares well at their hands. Ho also Ib con vinced that Kastern Oregon Ih a splen did place for any ambitious and In dustrious young man, since tho oppor tunities for money making and ad vancement nre probably more numer ous there than In tho Wlllamotto val ley. Hut wlille Kastern Oregon may have advantages, It also ban disadvantage!). Very llttlo fruit can bo raised, nnd tho wind and heat during tho summor montliH nro so Hovore und oxcobhIvo nH to be almost unbearable. Another ob servation mndo by tho local morchant Is, that largo capital Is usually re quired to engage In buHlnesH enst of tho mountains. At nny rnto n man with the same amount of capital that enables him to conduct a buslnoHH bore In the Wlllamotto valley, would not bo of much prominence In competition with tho Kastern Orogon business man. After summarizing all his observa tions nnd conclusions on tho boom towns and proportions of tho Inlnnd Kmplre, our morchant concludes by Haying that Salaiii Ih emphatically tho howl town In Oregon. We hnvo more building and Improvements than nny of the fast towns. Our rontH nre more reasonable, and business conditions nro better In every way. He soys Sa lem lias mom vnrlod resources nnd greater prosperity In More for the mnny. While KuHtern Oregon is all right for a whllo for the "bonanza" farmer, with thousands of neroH, and for the bnnko'r-merchant with his train hmdH of goods, the grunt multi tude of cuHtoiuorH nro tho lonely stock borders und farm hands, who work for comparatively Htnnll wages. At Snlem n man or small means can go Into htiKlncg. and pnwper with the rest of tho community, In proportion to his In dustry, and there Is also greater social as well km business oqunllty. Verily. Salem Is todny the acknowledged peer of the best town on the I'nclfle const Minor Mention Local Import JOURNAL X.RAY8. The Qood Old Days, Oh. fH- tbi jkmmI obi Imt of IHTHW Hre cam the IImihUh I'miiuhiu To claim owr moiiwy. Thtt old straw bat f 4wit4 wuv Wblck uh might wwir hhU m Ihtve That h look! fuggy. Imw 8041 CW1 St., next to roit office. ll'nllSlS MfVV J ik Ti!rVST v R'ifyl ' Air V8P31 t . r A -- Vfejrf farfmirP Btorw at rUlcm ami Albany At Easter Time it when the halldlnu buainots will bo in full swing. If yu hnvmi'i given your orders for your lumber riHjulivuiont It wfll pay you to get tmtlutates from (looitale Lumber Oe., fer suy and all khult of lumber for out er luiide work. latb, ehlnnlwi, sash, doors, blind i ami everything uoeded la this line. fioodale Lumber Co. Ner fl, 1 PaM'r. depot, PLouo 051 With brntf RtMl tm ltl mi the Ha. The giMMl j-omUi Ih m& attntrta (!( Hp HHtl klkM "Tkt Wat, as ptuA to all IstMU. 'rtwi our roet IT vmU Now ooU $,M lie curries! Iiuu u siivHM arM. II HwUe tke aid nwing m; UwHWMfi W stHtd kar to. WHMtmi Star. lnAbly mHX CHdtkee and hi dwrHUle wr MfUklit tkl Twy wa USt m lMnl WtiWN Ut wmiI tiwt Snn Juaw 4tarKi m an etnpiy aiuu'k. IbrfM New. The tauyvn wtU mU a taHj Agfa! .MettH DhIh was granted a divorce from Kmnk P. DhvIh. and the uHtl) of the minor chlldreu. by Circuit JmUt ItoUe WmlneMtoy afteruoon. J. W. Shelton Ih plHlntliT lit a di vorce suit against Mary M. Sheltou. detwrtloii belug charted. The parties were niarrltnl at I'oont Oruve In 1SS2. Itlchnnlaon & Itlchaniwm nt attor neys for the plaintiff. Complaint Ih being wade that Uc Mleelou cemetery k beliui deepoUtnl of nearly all the Howere ou many of tke gruvee. Thle Is particularly true lu tke lot whereU are burled the ear!) pUuteer mlealoMuriee of Orvguu.. It Is bad enough to wiIo4h Mowers from a door yarl. but to steal Bower from a grave chu only b rouel)retl a mis deweauor. W. L. SklpUm. of title city, expert eured au uumtual accident the other uay. a lew oaye ago be raised his arwto rtHuovealNprikbe whettbe felt a altan palu Ih kls arm. which becauit mure or leu ttelpleee. He paid uo wore atteettlow to Ute matter for a fen days, but the atttlctwt member m not rvetored to tu MUuntl coudlttou and We CHHumited Dr. W. H. Uyrd. An tnvetiigMtkM dlacloeed that the teu doit Wad beem torn from tWe bone of the arm. TW aceideut la cuuatdered tWe more remarkable since Mr. Skl Um welcWa over W0 pounds, and U ime of tWe atroHgeot men tu this city. 1-tfOttR C. SWafer and rrnk Stlbovy looay ubUUed a marrliue lie Judge Ilolee rWuaed to mm .ti rwrco m ute wit of W. U HutuMker x-a. Mary llHueaker. Mamie K. OotWrun hiu knmi.i ..,. for divorce xgMluat Wm. Uoutrup. The rCSr wtrnotj in mis county In nuinusr un fur the L appear We sell the nreatest of blood onrl. flers, Acker's Blood Elixir, under a pos itive gunrantee. It will euro nil chron ic anil other blood poisons. If you havu eruptions or Horee on your body, or aro pale, weak, run down, It la Just what you need. We refund money If you are not sat Is lied, go cents and $1.00. 1). J. Fry. druggist, o Thomas Sims has ' brought suit UKHlnst Annie staytoii fur Hi7.l&. al leged to be tho balance duo on nn as slgnod claim from W. II. Hobson & Co.. for gtocerlee and merchnndlso l o How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars He Hard for any case of Catarrh that can not he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. J. CHUNKY & CO.. Toledo, O. Wo, the undersigned, have kuown F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve hint to be perfectly honorable In all buslueea transactions, nml tinnn. chilly able to carry out nny business obligations made by their linn. West A Truax, Wholesale Drug. glstH, Toledo. O. Wnldlng, KInnan & Marvin. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, noting directly upou the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. I Testimonials wnt free. Prices 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. H.tli's Family I'llls are the best. ! - o Breltenbush Hot Springs. Many campers are already nt this' popular resort. For full particulars address f. W. HOSS. i 7 Detroit. Ore. in ""BaHaifcei WHAT IS THE USE Of suffering from indigestion If you eat what you want, or of starving your self to avoid such distress? Ackers Dyspepsia Tablets taken nfter eating will digest your food perfectly, and free you from all tho disagreeable symptoms of Indigestion and dyspep sia. Eat what you llko nt any time, and tako an Acker tablet afterward. Positively guaranteed. Your money will always be refunded If you are not sat isfied. Write to us for a free sample. W. U. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. rriZZucn every box of the genuine 'r,, A TndvaBroino.Qi-- (?Z ZhZv-irirt''to' LaUlllVW "'""- old in one .- m " - SnTBOUNCBR J i-' X . TI, ,r IKd M direclcd or money re'.unded. . Guaranteed to keep Hies off ol Block If apiM m . ..... ,1.. t:. LiOB KILLBRJif ' ...BREWSTER & WHITE A Philadelphia woman committed Btilcide on account of the death of her pet dog. A Few Pointers. Tho recent statistics of tho number of deaths show that tho large majority diewlth consumption. This disease may commonco with an apparently harmless cough which can be cured in stantly by Kemp.s Balsam for the throat and lungs, which is guaranteed to euro and rellove all cases Price 25 cents and 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. 1 It Is a Fact Thnt the Pioneer Bakery makes Drst class bread and pastry. A full supply always on hand. s Lots of men with gold teeth owe for the metal, and the work. too. Feeduieu nnd Seedmen Salem, Or (3 CZtJi VhlJbil'l La-.-' ;,o fun.. 'ivrr'r.""'!",,Ji',";','i0'"1 You Can Escape From Trouble Hy taking your "men nnu to u c nlilrtB fancy vests, duck or linen irouleVs to a tlr.t-.-laM laundry. K;r..ti.heilon is .");; Wo launder your 'jf enffi kirts and curtains, and aiao hdleV ilVlrt waist.. In a manner J hat defies tition by any laundry in Oteaon. Try nr""' on your Summer garmen Is and will eAve you from faying cuss oida. Salem Steam Laundry COLONEL 1. OLMSTKD, 1'ROrHIKTOn. UOnODS D. OLMBTBO. MOB. Phone 411 230 Liberty Htrott Two Hospitals Said Diabetes. Rrlltt'H DlHcase nnd Dhibctes Arc Powltlvcly Curable. People either cured or recovering from the rtbovo dheuseM ure In esry ward In thliclty. .Mrs. U C. Matliewson, jiroprletorof tlii-Cllflou Hotel. SOS Powell utrcet, In one of tlieui, uml ujnkii tlilt stutemvet: WJ l'oirpll St., Kn rrnnelaeo, Xot. 91. 190!. for two )en I luffi-trd nrritly Jrm Jllt Flslly I lirnl lu ro to oni of tlie hmptli'.t, koIdk tu one of Ihh olly'o re ty ti. Three rhyMni ttere ronflniHHl tny mm at illalKw. od put me under tr-ntnicnt and nrlct diet. Odiloe no re'lef, I went hotn t not itetdllyorM tnd wi-nt to anolber writ known illy hxp!tl. The phytHlB( there o tltl (lUlxrtm, and 1I1M thtt they ouuld prolong my life, txit tint I could never I" elL I left the bo pllnl after few month completely hroken down, the permniewe of unr Wj II per cent. It wa at tbl)upiure I heard of the J-'ulton Compound and lit fur It. Theondand third week I began to W unlalrrrupMly, and found that tbe awful llilrrt I had Hiffered with for over two year had left iu. 1 am now an entirely different pertou, IhnuKh eat f ti taking It to tnture pertnaneney. I have recommended It to a bumtjer all getting favorable riwiiia. one waa a warm frlea.1 and anolber U llerkeley attorney who had Ilrlgbt' Heae and l noo perfectly reelored. I dlttlke publicity, but feel that tills thing ought to be known. .Mas. C.C. MaTTHiwio. Medical works tigree that Drlght's Uhs.iM nud Dlnlivtei aro Incurable but 87 porcont. are ponltlvely recovering under the Fulton Com pounds. (CoiuuMn forma of kidney complaint nnd rlicumiitlun offer but abort reilitance. Price, II for tu llrlght.i Disease and It.W for the Diabetic Compound. John J. Fulton Co , W Moulgomery ntrt, San Krunclsco. sole com poundem Frno teHta made for piUgula Do icrlptlve pamphlet mailed freo. C. C. Comfort, Sols Agent. A Good Wife and Health... Are a man's best wealth, and bo can contribute to tho health of himBo'f nnd wife by using tho Capital Brewery beer. It is pure, healthful and nutri tious, and is a delightful bovorngo at nnyecaeon, and during warm weathor thoro isn't n thirst qiipncl-er that can cqunl it. Capital Brewery Co. Mrs. M Heck, Proprietor. A Juicy Morsel for Breakfast Or dinner you can enjoy from one of our tender and delicious meats, steaks, Juki b or mutton chops, veal cutlets or jork, Our meats aro nil cut from tho fattest and nmnnatcattlo, nnd we can supply your tablo with froeh, nutritious and wholopotne meats at bed rock prices. E C, CROSS SALEM ORE Tho n 291 LHnCUU'll CflGLISH raTOTOL PILLS 1 TJv llrlitlntal nml i wm m v p 'nlv Ornulao. I.idlc.t.iilirocr1rt llrll N.-K. Al,. . . I..JIm. ir tiiiciii vii;k' i:(ii.iHll la lll.ll iri (.ul.l r,.!.'ll- bom Milil HM'.j.r, . 'laLvnualhtr. IUuta IliUtmu, Kub.lltuUon il limit, liana. It f t yr Oruffi.t or ,a4 -If. la "f. '"' I'arllculara, TratlnaaUl l"llallfrr..rl.a,llra."Mlllr,bl ra- irn aii, I ,,.mm, ir.iimoaiai. paiiiBf MaiUaa IM (a4f. allllrujiim ( hlfhMlfr( Wfmlf.K'a uaaliaa Mqaara, I'lllLA I'l Do your Children ASK QUESTIONS? Of courso thoy do. It ia tboir way of learning nud it ia your duty to answer. You may neod a dic tionary to aid you. It won't an swer ovcry question, but thoro aro thousands to which it will giro you truo, clear and doflnito answers, not about words only, but about things, tho sun, machinory, men, placoa, storios aud tho liko. Then, too, tho childron can find thoir own answors. Sotno of our groatost mon haTO ascribed thoir power to study of tho dictionary. Of courso you want tho best die-1 tionary. Tbo most critical prefer tho Noraud Enlargod Edition of webster's International Dictionary. fjft if " 'y j'lMfioiw frwmn ttioul u irnle " feSSrV0' & c' MERRIAM CO., 8PRINOFIELD, MASS. j- it 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 i nun ui Journal Votii fates - ----- F 0 R . r , The Most Deserving and Popular Young Lady in Salem. UST On. raMviiiK l-rgMt vote wijl le KVen a frw rallwd ticket to NjHHt and wtarH, ami Inwrd and free enUrtaiuuient at tbe Bay Vjew ...-. .,M ,oatu o, me BHWt room In the hu.e for one weak, blaning Rturald. lu...i.t tail. 4 Vot on a.o.iHyiB8 mmixm will bo reoolvoi at Utis tWiitv. aad re tult of ttallot auBwaal frM day to day. Octobwr, ISM. Uwt Ua. Oaa, W fZu Z K'TSfiL? Hi " ': " u-u ii .a .... a.. IT" "T""" " ". u. Waunutu au ..... ., svw Mm ?IWV rawii. ur.ifur Mrs. """ m "! INHlkkor UHi- 1HMM NW. If Uw .:.Ra mat m4 a ajr U Um wittar k vmkk r lot Um kmh wto Mvmi tlt itfartsVUr to ko to Old coual. A awd Musekeer vi niu-Hy iiiaj Um iMit m4 ad wtor tt tHMwty mm br. immtM w nmm mmv. ami wiu u tan U.t. JOURNAL VOTING COUPON Oae Vote for Miss for one week's free sciside outlntr at Ncw coa. Aueust I6tt. ; 4MMH juf"'m" "S ) i V1 GafJibrioas Beer! AND Everybody is welcome at THB NOBLE ALEX CORNOYER S;lt8f:,m,norciftl- STRAWBERRIES GREEN PEAS CABBAGE TODAY HARRITT Si Laoirencb Old Poat Office Grocory. To the Seaside and Mountain Resorts. Tickets are now on sale at all South ern Pacific and Corvallls & Kastern It. It. offices, through to Newport aud Ynquitia ai reuueed rate Southern Pacific trains connect with C & R. I at Albany and Corvallls. All tickets good for return until October 10. 1902 On June 23 the C. & K. trains from Detroit began leaving Uiere at 6:30 a. m.. meeting the Uuy train at Albany at noon. Passengers for Detroit, Breltenbuah and other mountain resorts can leave Albany the same afternoon, reaching Detroit in the evening. Tickets are on sale from Albany to Detroit at J3 00, and from Corvallls at 13.26, good for return until October 10th, with ., nrxmS.00 ualn at a' l't The Southern Pacific Company have rZLT e.E01?nd,.trll) Uckeu f"n all Ii.i v. "r ,,w, in Oregon to either Newport or Yaaulna. with privi &! t..r?.t,irn Vla ,Uier K8' or Vest thin i ii T"' " conctlon with uckeu, good going Saturday and r. urnlng Monday, are also on n1 vry low rate from all s. P. Tnd C .t K. points. ' v- toPrSelnfSr.M!Sn. CRn be 0b,a,U61 as io rans, time tables, etc.. by annllrn Hon to any s. P. or G. & S. agent " o Corvfalis&EasternR.R. OREGON fliuUNIM PACIFIC DKfART FOli Time Card No. 20. 18:46 p. W( 1:M p. n :5 p, aa, No. 2 For Yaquloa Uave) Albany laveaj CorvaiU No. 1 Itetunliia.- we. oJSE :::-i:-2aa"- Arrive Aihv m. No. 3 For IWi. l,:l P i. I-Ve Albanv Arrtve Detroit i:T? m- Uavta Detroit .... g.M Arrires Albany . iT?5 a- m- Tralaa 1 an i .::.. ll:0 a. m. boid trila as wJii , . p south h ". Wfc, M2two or Prturi of s. JtSL de- Train No w- ."T"? "ln P train. CoaTuT Z. ?. . '"B uireci service to v-T """Hy ir Mcent bevcne. a1 ad Train t for ru,. '" PortlAJ r-S "Wd train CQlL-Hgn fortUnd 8 racial liX) a. m Tla Hunt. Ingtou HauuT Eipreta 8 M p. m Tla Hum- lugton 5nasr Fiat Mall 0:15 p a. Tl flpoiauo TIMESCIIEDUIE3 ftiim Itortland, Or. salt Uke. Uonver. Kt. tSorth. OniflhM. ITHnaaB wiT. m. Loul., tblcago uu niufc. Salt Lake. Denver Ft worth, Omaha, Katumi 7.,P'. i-ouu, unicago and K. a',. Walla VallRlTurltnn 8kane. Wallace. I'ull- oian, Minueapolla 8. I Paul, Uuluth.Mllwttukeo vuicago, ana km. ARU1VK FUOM 4:80 p in 8:10a. m ::Oia in 72 HOURS w PORTLAND TO CHICAGO No Cbante of Cars 72 OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE . From Portland iMtlr eioeni SumUjr 8 p. ta VU aalllug dates .ubject IU uuauU For an Francisco 811 every 6 days COLUMBIA RIVKIt ToAatorla and Way Landings. i P. ID x.BunC ox. Bund i Rf WILLAMETTE RIVER bteamer Ruth leaves Salem for Port lanaand way landings on Tuesday .Thura rKind g"t1urilay8. about 7 a.m. For wryallia nd May landinga, Mondays, ttlneedaye and Fridaye at about 6 ArLo'0AIa' M P BALDWIN. P; naa8j AP- ARl O. B. & N. dock Portland, Ore. Salem, Or O. P POMONA C T, Cb's PASSENCER STEAMER leaves for Portland Tues day, Tluuedsy and Safday at 7 a. in Quick Time, Cheap Rates Deck: Foot of Trle st, M II IH Ml 1 1 I It Ml 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 HI I H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UI4 nu r, BALDWtn. Krai hlW'taWHHHa