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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1902)
"WWf J ILfc"''' 4,1 )WwM.-' "' Mrtl!IWi . . J -x t :; v q t. f- . t'f V "i . R- ',, ii ,iih.M. " t'-"" '"I'""""'""M"""" ""- inn mHIw ''" , MMrtiWi g ..i. 1-.I.,.- . 8 yye liusc u u O'clock every Even ing Except Saturday aSg am w nr -i Ut VMtTO iOncH Great Clean-up of I Kai Ki Silks FRIDAY ONLY Tbo remainder of tko Bummer ellkaat leir than cost. We will tell tlio r. gular 00c grado (or OvJ $ari FRIDAY ONLY See Window for Styles . . . IriTV WII I INSPECT THE SITES Plan to Acquire Water Power Not Been Abandoned Investigation-Will Be Resumed in September ...-. in mi t k. 1002. ..... .,, ,a,i6U1l. 6Aliri. OriMftN, TURWATjjMjjjgjggB TUB WIV ww,.... , -- ,,,, ii . I ,-. GOLUtW 1901 HOPS SOLD FOR 20 CENTS Firm Realizes Big Figure for Old Holdings Many Xre Being Contracted At Above Price SPECIAL PRICES On men's and boys' bathing suits. The largest line in the city. Don't Miss the Great July Sale Great Remnant Sale Ail Remnants ONE'HALF Price IiJsssbp jyrtvVTu) mm wbt' r- flbVV av m V M v. orqjjy Jk-r TIIC-- "oui VAirro coe HMW 9 " THESE ARE FACTS SSJWJhr w.rrt .. k.n of dl..PPolnl..t to our.olv.. . pw """,1"" m$WV o beat .milppod .hop w. .in n..r rmnlr -.fork ourBelvo right lioro Our own experience fcr not to nny manner In tue county, nYnrri P rt woVkKlft Tnd wo have iibllshe.I ihefact that wo aro mitten o" tho art. Wa aro tbe originator, of low price Try ui and you will com. again. CHAS, H. HINGES Next Door to Ladd & Duth'a Dank Watchmaker and Jeweler, 88 State St. - NOW FOR THE COAST OR MOUNTAINS - . i II i, alnl.t ISSlil Uoforo buying your uppllei lor your outing yon snouiu en. UUr .. - and Inipeattlunuoatcomi'lato lino of camping goods over shown. wur Jiou iviiiuuh iMt j" - proper gooda to take with "., THE RIGHT KIND OK COFKBB. RTATK HOUHIi WlrfKB. Tho BTAU IIAMB. STAK HACON. BTAIt HA If BAUBAOK. BTAH BUMMKK BAUBAOK. STAK DHIKI) MKBK. STEAMED COOKBI) HAM. raoit comploto Una of canned Tho purpose of tho Salem city coun cil to Inapect, with a vlow to purchas ing, wntor power alto. aa voiced at a regular moating of the municipal logls Indira Inat miring, has by " anH beon obandonod. Tho Snlam city fnt.or never do things liaatlly. or wHliont careful consideration, but thoy have nover yot provoil recreant to a HolMmpoaed task, wlion tho Inter oata of tho public wore Involved. It will bo romamburod that after an exhaustive dlRcinwIon of tho aubject, Km council several weeks ago referred tho matter to a apodal committee, of which Aldormnn Oriswold la ciinir man. with Instruction to Invoatlguto . . - ....... ..Ii -. ..ltlt. nil avallablo wator powor uu -lu a radltm of thirty inlloa of Salem, nscorlaln tho coat ot purcliaalnK tho aamo, and tho capacity of each, nlid Miiort to the city council. An appro priation of $50 wan made to dofray the nnrnaaary oxPOHBOfl or mo invotmnu lion. Thla atop tho part of the city Ih conaldorod a preliminary move to tho Inatallatlon at aomo Hiibaeniiont time of a municipal olectrlc street IlKlitfiiB Plant. Tho ponding "vo yonra contract with tho prewent company ex pire In 1001, nnd by that time tho council expect to have completed a thorough Investigation of the matter, and bo better advlsud. It Ih learned from Chairman CiIm wold, that tho council committee will make IU Investigation early In Sep tember. Tho reason ror (lererring ui taak until the fall season la Hint the .Minimum cnnarlty of tho different sites may he determined. A compe tent engineer will bo employed, and iii sites that have already beon offered tho city will receive thorough Inspection. on a wnif nnd son. of Sllverton Moiidny nfternoou purchased of a Sa !... i.i. mroiicv BO bales of 1901 bop at 20 cents. This Is a remarkable figure, and Is the record price for the 1301 crop. In fact It Is the largest nrlco paid for Imps In the bale alnce 1802. ir..iimi!il renditions prevail rosiui HOW ABOUT REWARD? Would Finding of Merrill's Body Entitle Discoverer To Money?--Janes Remains In Washington Temperarily: The report tlmt Tracy has .nurdered Merrill Is generally discredited. Still the possibility of such a thing. Is very probable, when the true nature of Tra- uK-on rmiMlilcratlon. The chances that Tincy has killed it-riii nrn even. In thus putting his i.nrinpr out of tho way CHANCE TO PUSH! Rally of Salem People Inter ested in Immigration I Just Thoro should be a big turnout of all . .... ,..! In BOPtll'lnK tO frrSu oMmmlKr.t.on that tho trnnscontlnentnl railroads are bringing to Oregon. ......i un aiiiH.rmimuii-in. i ., The iinmiK"111"" ""' . ,i ( o Harrlman lines will no in b. a your " "TI. - laAaissswwaW8 saMsWSMSfiwawn- Dreams The Silks in Our A. New Spring ' Neckwear Are Dreams of Beauty . .. C.4 fo, seUloe choice neckwear, but W . ,- anv vrc have hereto shovi ,v ; (l We h?vc Ui A i A !( r . . ..i-4 Thr. BtQCU IS ncrc rtuuy B I a i l.Ai. in IMf illlUl "w " 'a. the best maau . - . choosing, and the styles arc .w.. -- Interested, and inrata ahown. ROTH 124 6,UI Street. KIN II BB COFl'BB. OHBUGB COFFBB. I'ut up in air tight curia. thltiR for you Just tbo &. GRABBR Telephone 511 Not in Our Class YOU CANNOT Com-1 pure the smudge of the rubber stamp, nor the slip shod printing of worn out material, With the UP-TO-DATE rniNTINOwearedolnr. Our work Is neat and 4fc artistic. Give US 8 trial and be satisfied for once with your sta tionery- I We Deliver When Promised Schaefer & Palmer W Roorui 3, 4. and 5 Mooroa blk. 1'uoue, 2414, Red. niNEMAN'8 DARQAINB. Italian Prunea, 8 I be., 25o Pctlto Prunea, 8 lb., .28c. Pink Deant, 10 Ibi., 28o Qmall White Deana, 8 I be., 2So. Qood Flour, per aaok, 70c Dlack Floi Pr lb Be Qood Cooking Molatiea, per gallon, 30o, Fancy Table Syrup, per gallon. COo. Maoaronl, No. 1, large alio boxee whlto or yellow, per box, 35c, Scotch Oata, per pkg. 10c, Jumbo Much, Four pnekagea 24k eente. Bulk Gotoanut 1S per lb. Mrtn ua your buttor nud asga. W n.v iilfliMt umrkttt nrtii. caak or morabandlao. New Veils and Veilings In bright green and royal blue; embroidered with white; the lateit for hat velle. Alto an lm meneo line of atnple and fancy velllnga by the yard. 25. 50. 75c Parasols Don't forget that we are cloelng out everything In Summer Para sola at leee than half price. It'a worth while to price them If you only nee one two week?. Wash Goods Theao warm daya are melting those piles of aummer goods. Many cholco patterne left, howev er, If you hurry. Blouse Linens We've never aeen such a rush as thla season for Linen Dress Goods Another big lot Just received. Bet ter get aome today may be gone tomorrow. 25, 30, 35, 40c yd "DAURYMPLE'S Attorney John Hayne, of Salem, Ro- etirod an order from JuiIro UoIho, In Albany Mondny, rKlHtorliiB tho land or William V. WoBtliiKhniiBo. under tho Kelly-Torreim ayHtem. The prop erty In qtinallon (ontalnn 158.B0 acnw, located In IIiIh county. It will require two yenra yet before tho title Ih per fected, but after all that time It will be -nf,. nimliiHt all nttael8. Thla la the tlmt eaao renlHtered In the tate, but many other will follow. In tho hop market at thin tlmo. and the Is dllllcult of prediction. I.lllonthal llroH., through their local aRont, II. J. Ottenbeimor, report hav ln written, within the paat four dny. several larKo contracts ror we u . .. n ..mi. nl Some crop at -" ojiim I-"- KtoworM aro convinced that tho record price has beon reached, whllo othors look wise and continue to hold their crops oxompt from all obligations. Twenty conta a poumi ih mv mih"" contract figure offored for hopa slnco 18'J0, when thoy wont a high as 40 cents. Secretary Jamos WliiBtanley. of the OroRoti I Ip Orowoi-fl Aoclatlon. Ih In receipt of advlcofl from London to tho effect that all old hop have noon Mimrncl no. ami tbnt tbo EnBllah crop for 1002 will not oxeced ono-rourtn or an averago crop. Mr. Wlnstanloy nil- vises Kiowors. who have not nlrenuj contracted, to bold their hojw, for he believe a Htlll further advance will bo noted In tho market, nnd that good hops may thlH fall brluK as high a 50 cents a pound. May Break the Record. A well-informed revlow of the situa tion showH that many yarda are likely in he short In yield. It It stated that In one of tho IniRost Salem yards the vlnwt have not urnieil out ai an. ami tho owners aro aollcltoiw about the yield. It Ih known Hint many yarns nau u larger porcontnuo of iiiIhhIhb hilla this HprliiK than over before, due to tho cold and backward sprint?. If the pres ent promise of showers Is mndo nood tno yarda will bo In flno condition for tho piopnwitlon of aphis. The season has all tho Indications of liuliiK a wet Tracy's ... ....... tvmiiii lm Itnnrovcd, ciiancos m ei-i' "- - -- but on tho othor hand, Merrill, by dl nrmliiK and othorwlHO dlHBUlslnK him self, could reach friends, and enlist outside assistance, which is essential. i.fnrn the fURltlvM can hope to ac- ii.i. iiw.ii- AHffiee. The latter CUIIll'iinii . theory la tho more generally accepiu", nlthougli many aro convinced that Merrill has actually been murdered by bin desperate associate, and Insist imt this foncluslon will find conllrma- (ti In tbo discovery any day of the body of Merrill. Tho possibility of such a discovery naturally sukbosIb the query couia tho discoverer of tho body of Merrill make claim and collect any of the re waid money. nmountlnB to $ir.00, from (ho stnto of Oregon? It Is not believed any part of tho reward money could be collected, for tho more flndlnB and de- iiu-rv f Merrill's body. Tho clrculnrs that have beon Issued by tho stnto of OreKon, announclnx tno rownru, i .-. iih follews: "$3000 reward for the capture and return, dead or alive, oj Harry Tiacy and David Merrill, or $1500 for each one, etc." It Is contend ed thnt tho ilndlnB of tho dead body of either convict would not constitute n "capture," and tho discovoror would not have any reasonable claim upon tlio reward under tho provisions by which it wns offered. Many think that tho stato could well afford to pay a reasonable reward for tho return of Men Ill's body, under any conditions, for tho beneilclal effect It would have on tho discipline of tho othor prison era. Tho failure to ovontually kill or capture tho btaco of convicts will havo a dnmuKlnB effect on tho prison dis cipline in the fiituio Wnrdon Janes, who went to South llend Inst week, is now in tho vicinity t,..,i.,tit meet all there should bo a Rieat attendance at ..... i,v (mil. nnd Impress Superin tendent McKinney and bis staff that there Is one city in western w mm has boundless resources, and will give a most cordial welcome to new comers. t. nm- business men nnd represen tative citizens turn out and meet tho representatives of tho fireat transpor tation companies, nnd convlnco thorn that wo havo Breat Inducements for Intending Immigrants, anil are remy to back their efforts to bring people to tho Capital City. Affidavit. ti,i t to certify that I, D. B. Hunt- nvelved from mo wearing 9 S us with a call, that you Si scekinp. or you 1 it. Try it. A 81. a ' am J tf11 tiJ , . .i- r,.f Sc Jf vou arc tic nunung an- v4.. ... 1NOW mk -. - , .., ., ... n , t vou will cimcr mw i.iv. - 7--, will watAt the tic you will sec andl Mlaa llertha lliibtmid haa rKturuwl from her clmwea at Portland, wboro she has been tho past year, and will spend the aummer uioutha at Salem. Miss IlublHird Is one of the beat pian ists on tho Pacific coast, as well as mm of tho bar-duet workers In the West, and will practice Ave hours dally while at homo. She will take pu pils at her home, one block west of the North Sulem school. . ... !.. f .1.1. ttrj.ntlwip U'tll ?,UVT.,".,1 1 ' ., Z nJ of Tracya opoiations. and lending ICICII IHH Llll hiiii.B" n" --! About once In ton or twelve years . ,...u um rortv cents n pound. As imiin mk ' -, they ulmrnr. IinVO JllSt factory a complete line of undertaking goods, consisting or uurmi un, robes and trimmings; also as fine n funeral car as there Is in the stato. which makes as comploto undertaking parlors as there Is In the city, at 155 Court street. Phone. olUce, 801 Main; phono, residence, 2181 black, o- DIED. M'Al.USTRK. At his home, No. 130 ,i 1, arm nlom. Oregon, at vmiii-.i ov.x.v.v, . 7:20 a. m., Tuesday, July 15, 1002, II. H. McAllister, aged 13 yours, of typhoid fover. Tho deceased was born at Uonseller Kails, New York, cm May 12, 1850, and mnri-imi r.tinlla MuuKcr at Krwln, South Dakota, on Noveinbor 28, 1885. Ho came to Oregon In tho fall of 1807. locating In tho Waldo Hills, east of Salem, where ho liven nnui msi "i". when ho removed to Salem. Ho leaves a wife nnd one daughter, Miss Eva; al so one brotbor nnd three sisters, as follews: Chns. I.. McAllister, of Shaw; Mrs. J. S. Swoot and Mrs. J. K. Dun la), of nockvlllo, Connecticut; nnd .Mrs. If. W. Mantle, of Harrlsvllle, New York. Tho funeral announcement will bo made lator. o gT Johnson & Coll Si .. .! - - - 257 Commercial ov. Clottlen to tte wople ,Jtt Celebrated Wolff-American mcyy . M.,nin.l blcvclo mode. The bearliiw , J Aro ho moaVren., ------ , w,thout rci,,,tring uuu.v. . proof, Bolf-olling anu wm . " Superb Ruby Finish 1902 Model 55 1902 Model 55, 1901 Models ioiSo. Soeclal Model Wo flt any coaster brake, $5 extra cycles at 150 Htnto buwji, $4( ..$45C". em.' '. re!' 8co'onr'elVint lino ol IiIkIi-ruJ i ivierritt Davis, Agent. essBSsij(iJslS6S fisflssf $35 j? BICYCLES havo paased theaOcent mnrk. It Mr. and Mm. Olinrle V. Cravtui. of Murray, Idaho, are vlaltliiK Salem relatives, 'hurley." as he Is popular ly known In Salem, looks well and prosperous Ho U cnshUr of the Hank of North Idaho, at Murray. Tiitoe Bi cydes "Tlic Easy Running Kind' M. T. 152 State St. MNEMAN Telephono 131 SMttaaBMMMHinnflBBnHia&H H U m H M M H M M a s. M HI M M M M M Will I ,11.1 .. l t BURLINGTON PACE-MAKER GOLD DUST FLOUR Mad by THE SIDNEY POWER COMPANY t)ldnti Oregon. Made for family uso. aak your grocor for It. Urau and shorts always ou hand. A, T. WALN Agent Silver Creek Falls ...Stage Line Balftof to ArRntlul, vU Wbitraker and Miqrn. Levo fcfaU-ui poH IUc 7 .. wwkdaa only Carry pmmowi & pwik&j i. J-in-wtrnouutaiu cutlug trip opaa to Salam people. 7 m WARKKN W IU VIS, Prop. 118 hhIm at the raluol iS.(Kl tuilfts an hour, MsrrbSil. luoi. 1016 Hillea in 1017 mm ulw, r-ttbnuiy l. Ihs'T TUt are tli world's k n, mado and htdd by the Huillnuteti, a ( makar In gornl orvU' aiul ratdd transit. The HurliHktQH H te al so Uohlt otkr wurkl's ir erdi that are woilh aiV ln about. ( C SHELDON. General Ai't 100 Third Street. i Portland. Ore- EMMllRBlBllBISIIHIZailBKlia a s a u M M m at m a a a M M H Wh YtHi Mnd Ik army of aatarlel rtdera of the TrtbUHtf crmatantly on the lu crenaw. Ilvwry customer la a eouatuut friend ol tka wkawL akouldn't thj- b. If tb uUawiiia of r)wlr bttia couut fir uttytblMic lu worth tk wklle to i.nsldr what wbttti ttt kuy. llroken rauka, brokau fork erowHa. dofwtUe bearlnga am tblngs that don't trouble the Tribune rider. Aak tbut, they kUOW A goodli' kit ot wtoomi-baud wbeola. all aorta at popwlftr prlcem. We have aoM ttleUd bariHlM in whele ail ready to rtb at 110. lu auudrtea we bave everythlaji Use ruatuwera Heed, froaa Ure toite to btaniM. Tbe BatuHr M mm at U la tretclaae leal. boumbt rbenn to ell. aVtsar tasNHa. MaJeetk? latiuw. oil Ikihini all aorta. Carbttie. I vmmt for N oetUv A Am IMawfc Iteui-tWistit, keavy rajst baa. It Ih more than likely timi tnoy win ut JumplnR upwnrda nt the rate or two or three centa a Jump. The only dniiner now Ih ovor-atlmulutlon of now acre- Ke. and tlien tho collnpae from over pnMluctlon thnt follows. If the acrtv hko can be held down Oregon hop Krowora have n lionauxn for many yearn to come. Home new acreage will bo needed every year to make up for worn tint llelda. Hut It la onally overdone. No one ehouhl fomet the factor which the Uioffon hop pool, orgnnlKed by the Onuon Hop tlrowera' Aeeoclii Hon, throiiBh Mr. Durat and Frank Fel ler, bna undoubtedly been In Htlmulat- Iuk an advance, nntl holding It for the benellt.tif the producer. The presence of that organisation In thla Htate had a wholoeoino effect, and tho apeculn- tor all know that lu nny event heie la an organisation able to hold large crop, anil put them directly In the i.auda of tho Ilritlah buyers. Twenty-Cent Hop Contraots. The II rat JUt-cent contract covering the 1U0 hop crop lu Marlon iMMinty. were Med thla afternomi. The con trni'tliiK tlriu lu each Inatnuoe la Ul leuthal llroe.. aud the following are the contract : IS. .. J. It. and M. 1 White, of Monitor. SU.Oot) imwmiU at 0 centa O. 8. I'owemy. Woo.lbHrn, lU.oofl pound at 10 centa. rNiK I'oey, lluttevllle. I J, WO (Huuda at 90 centa. II. It. (leariH aud A. J. VnuWaaeen- such naalalanco a he can In purauliiK the murderoiia convict. Mr. Jnnos may not return until aomethlna; dollnlte Is learned concernliiK Tracy and Merrill. Sick Headache absolutely and per manently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleaeant borb drink. Curos Constl pntlon and Indigestion, makos you eat. aleep, work and happy. Satisfac tion KUMxiinteod or money back. 25 eta. and 60 eta. Write to W. II., IIOOKKU & CO.. Iluffalo. N. Y., for a free aamplo. D. J. FRY, Drucelst. Good Meals Aro rtlvvnya had at tho Whlto Houbo IteBtnurant. We try to satisfy our pat rons, with first-class meals and cour teous trentaiont. Open day and night, o The Salem Iron Works Has been leased by H. M. KdRnr. tbo machinist, and he Is now prepared to do Urst-class mnchlno and foundry work. Mr. Kdsar Is a well-known, up-to-date machinist. 7-1 l-2t CUSHION FKAME, 1902 HU1NLESS CUSHION FRAlWE - - rv Turirn' KltAMK. it Is 31 tho 1002 KAalL,'' x.u."- Call and eeo ahead ot all. - r...i,. ilnen HWflV BprinK. CALL AND EXAMINE IT. YOU WILL LIKE II 441 ryuH clgBJ itmm K with tho Ht and PLAYING HIS OLD RUSE (Continued from first pago.) NEW TODAY. Notice. The sim atvel bndge llt be ojn until M.)) July lttb whfu It will bo rloaeil and a 'em suttiluti-d fr tho next So or S -laia ccnnultu. Rubber Tires far Bujglei. We it rubber dm to aM aorta ot rtmt asvr alae. eawisel aa4 tire. ad giMraftU tbe work. OU ami ua. Tbe price U eot ao smeb aa wtmhl UMagte. Rubber Urea) wve yovr He and add to your comfort F. A. WIGGINS )iv rjr uf a W7 Liberty Street Salem hove. St. IHiuI. 11.000 pounds at 11 ceMtx. II. II. (leerlu aud J A. llunmr. St. InuI. li.iHKi puuuda. at 11 cents . o Minor IHention Local Import Ihiul Terry waa artvated Mooday ev eutai. cbarged witb the bm-euy at lablitf tarkle ot tbe value of J I. Tbe cowpbUntMg wtUtOM Mra lilta Allen, and tbo M'i eaawltwrUon waa astAsJ tt tt at U4 tawislV h si ftil ril lalilaaft ' Horgjui. but In tbe tueautiwe tbe raae waa aottled oot of court. tiuuerlnleudettt Urowu, uf the Sa Wtu l.igbt. Power & Traction Com- mux. la crippled wltb rk attack ot rbeuuiaUaM. lie eaye bo never bad an ache or oain before, and uoee not reUeb tbe latrodocUo be U reeeivinf to Orco. Judglsux fro tbe weather that U prevailing tbia mmmmr, Mr. HrowH aaya tbe Oregon climate mutt bo altuibtr to that ot Mlnneeota. lu deocrtbing tbe rllwate of tbat euie a touriat oare anld that thoy hd "nine woetba ot winter, and tbree woutbe' ruaaed btio falL" o I High winds preralhMt Monday tbrougbout Southern and Kaateru Ot- egm. Telegraphic eoNtwunication waa luterruptel, aud shade and fruit tnwiJ uprootvd. O'Neill went Into the bouse, while her huabaud started to feed his pigs. While he waa doing so O'Nolll hap- pened to glance up w a mud answer lug Tracy'a description steal from the bniHh ou tho oppoaito sldo of tho road from Auburn. He thought It wna sim ply an Indian boy, and spoke sharply to the hog, which weie makluK a nolae. Aa he apoke the farmer saw tho man auddenly duck down and run like a deer along to the fence which faces the farm, lie carried what appeared to be a iltle In one hand. He wore a bluch slouch hat. aud ran with a Iouk stride. An old hopklln fnew the road between O'Neill's bouse and the hog pen. When the man reached tho kiln he dieappeured. The farmer then thought for tho Bret time that the man waa Tracy, tunning quickly to the house, ho called his wife out, eaylng he wanted to apeak to her. She believed ho was Joklug. and paid no attention to him. When he told her that Tracy was in the vicinity, however, she nulckly obeyed. Mm. O'Neill ia In very bad health. O'Neill feared for the result if the murderer should insist upon stopping at the house, so he took his wife to tbe Jonea llroa.' ranch, half a mile down tbe road towards Auburn. They remained there Sunday night Wheu Tracy disappeared be was head ing In tbe Auburn direction, but tlrey w nothing of him as they walked to tbe Jonea farm. O'Neill give a very clear account of tbe affair. He la a conservative sort of a wan. and stands high with all the people in tbe neighborhood. At first tbe deputies were Inclined to scoff at tbo report, but, after an investigation. C. S. Cad) , of Auburn, who has taken aa acute interest ru tne pursuit. came to tbe conclusion that tbe mau was undoubtedly Tracy. o Indianapolis. July !. Delegates to tbe national convention of miners, to consider tbe advisability of calling a sinae oc uie Duuutinous miners, are beginniug to arrive. President Mitch ell is among this morning's arrivals. It U tbe general opinion tbnt a strike will bo ordered. Parasol. Would tho party who through mistake, took tho poaii and Kold-hnndled parasol from Mrs. Illshop's on tho afternoon of tho re ception, plenso return It to her home. 7-15-3t o Bicycle Sundries SKMWr ua a call. Wo try to piease. sfiipp & hause: 258 Commercial Street- Opposite Capital m tt:m:tttmj::m:m:u:mtnmmmt:mmmiunmmttfs Come anb See Ikloro you start on your summer outing. Wo have juat what you vant and aro now making n specialty of your wants. Everything carefully packed ready for Bhipment when denlred. : : Fuller & Douglas, Gi-oceti i 142 Stato St., D'Arcy Bldg. intmtmumttttnmmnp.ttimtttt:mm:ntttmuttt ttfeL Your Vaca For Sale. Light, opon, threo-quurtors buggy and slnglo harnosa. at a bar gain. Apply to Mrs. M. J. Crelgh ton, ono block west of North Salem school. 7-15-1 w Musical. Miss Hortha Hubbard has roturnod to Snlom for tho summer months, and will take pupils on tho piano at bar home, ono block wost of tho North Salem school. 7-15-tf Lost. On tho Gardon rOad, a bunch of keys attached to a chain. Finder will bo rowarded by leaving samo ut Journal olllco. 7-15-3t Lost. On Chemeketa, between Church aud 20th Btreets, a beart-shapwl silver locket, wltli sllvor chain; monognun of 11. II. n. on face; con taining boy's picture. Suitable re ward will be paid for Its return to Journal olllce. 7-15-3t San Francisco, ll-H6!MK. July 15. Wheat, D. E. Huntslnger, funeral director, 155 Court street. 'Phone Main 801. Residence 21st street A. M. Clough, Undertaker, 107 State street. Phone Main 1351, Salem, Ore gon, successor to O. E, Huntslnger. Residence Broadway and Mill, North Salem. Phono Main 221. feAL3 '"ak&SKSgaffiaEr- cuf no ia A. S Will be more complete if y4 take one of ouj Palmer Hammocks, We also Have Camp Chairs Tables Tents, etc. e0o I Jboee.. That cannot be excelled for the money. MANY CELEBRATED MAKES . . . SOME TAN SHOES $3.50 values to close them out at Martin 1'eUel was taken ill in a Commercial-street restaurant at uoonl today. He was taken to his home onlo .T.. .... . A ..... .a i A tuiug sireei. anu naa aoour recor ered. Repairing neatly done- ...JACOB V0GT... 265 Com'l. St. e 9 e c 6 j fgap uasssejffi? Q! H W dlsadHgl iMYou Xff Bodlc iffiWi ttssjf which' v 1 i WrfWherc T Palpal an oerow oltnfmtnS WlUU eiESSiiiaagEiiiii 7st-!-"c G2 v Juet received largo ehlpment oi China-1 Ufll I O UC1M' ware, gold band glassware, tinware, and aleves with mathers for fruitcauniot. i rieao quicKiy ail cs-i I Drawa sareueaa out oii AlMrVinRA M. WPr.r.H drawe sllvoraout of W xi . o. . . n. .. break off.too short to J iue unoiy oiom. at i uun oin ou gtlcklDK planter. Trf nover be wirhmit. Uf ForealoatBARR'SJE 120 State Street. sineieii Walnut Slice Is all the rage in the East ami we are making it real, every day. GENUINE PKNOOHK STAND CARAMELS PEPPERMINT CHEWS PEANUT CRISP LOG CABIN CREAMS Give us a trial if you want good can diea and ice'cmin. FLEUR DE LIS . . . HI State Street. CAPITAI- p Express and ' Meets all mail ts&? Baggage to r. Prompt aervice. Jft; i riMjft'siiiisijiih-