.& .. THE DAILY JOURNAL, 9ALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY, 16, 1902. dBBBBM BjWMHBK,MMnSiK I KvsZ0Si3m9v. BBBBBI 1"""" sKSjr EflBaaBl lBTsTsaaBBsaaaaWaKS5 BBBBaaaV fifl-WWWWW 5225BHH fl BaVsjisavi I BBBaaaVllfll d&m HHMIRIBi 9 " ' "FORCE" FOOD CO., 'rov'de". R. ... Nov. 6, ,90l. Buffalo, N. Y Gentlemen : The "FORCE" came safely to hand. I am greatly indebted to you for it Some of the packages have been Riven to my friends and the others have been used in my own household. I hear but one opinion expressed concerning the new food. The verdict seems to be that "FORCE" is the most nutritious of all the cereal products One friend tells me that a small'quantity eaten just before retiring seems always to insure Jiim a good night's sleep. Yours very truly, Name furnished on application CLASSIFIED X A. ADYERTISEmENTS 11 For fTgoilt mm .ijSfEfS Ad venlscment i. f ivt linn or lets' tn thit tninm inserted three times for 25c. 50t Week.si ?S month. a.I over tmlfcWZ&V8S&$2 Years dercd Vnnllln wna cold by a Oman from tho East. 5' 'wo lmvo tho pump kind of Ifo cull. iThoipfedHr Irtduan, clour, white (gnu BtrguR. iCall(for",Gryetal Sugared vniii: Jpfno". ;fc Tho prlcp ie cheaper than what it has ueon'aold (or. ikokIma tea store fffidfffEK ROASTER. '21liItiiaok. Fa-o Delivery (CMETirE HOTEL ARRIVAL3. iorTJacltson, Portland. Nowbauer, Now York, lapjflon. Portland. JloSoit. .Portland. jJamofioii, Portland. jushong, Portland. iHlllaSnu Francisco. tQlaqa. San Francisco. icr and son, Albany. iBaltou, Portland. IDruncr. Portland. Cauonor. Portland. .'ortland. ESiTIFEROUS GERM. PSfTdaTEe3lwEEKLY BAND CONCERT FUND The Journal solicits subscriptions for a wookly oponnlr band con cert by the Salem Military band. Tho fund to bo subscribed Is to bo paid each week to some ono designated by tho band organization, nnd to bo given at ono of tho parks in tho city. Subscription Per Week. Ilofer Urothers , , COc . . In the Concert in Willson Avenue Tho Saloni Military band announces an opon-nlr concert to bo given this Bnlloy, Mrs. R. A. Crossan and Mrs. evening in Willson avenue. It has Mason lmvo gone to Portland to , been sovoral weeks slnco Salem pec- nUeml tho A. O. U. W. and Dogre-e of plo havo enjoyed a treat of this kind, IIo"' stt Brand lodges, and thoy will no doubt Bhow an appro-' John Jonos wont t Albany today, elation of tho band'B efforts to enter- to take tho position of chof for Col. tain by turning out tonight in largo ' Everett during tho oncampmont. Goo. numbers. It is to bo hoped enough ! Dlt0 a,8 W0Ilt n,onB ns assistant, interest may bo taken in this credit-1 nv- J- Oliver and family havo ar able musical organization that tho'rlvctl from Colorado, to mako their plan for a wookly band concert, nnd ,l0mc lu Oregon. He will preach for possibly two or moro a week, may bo ! llev- Crawford for two months. Mr. and Mrs. I). A. QrusMcndoir, of Minnesota, arrived today on their wed ding ttip to visit their cousin, C. 0. i Scluamni, of this city, THREE MONTHS' W0RK Receipts From Prison Stove Foundry Were Large arranged. Tho program will bo ns follews: March i'Searchllght," C. W. Mini- noil. Overture "Head Liner," W. II. Moc-1 Mrs. Clara Morton and daughter, Ulo. I who lmvo been guests of Mrs. Wornor Hroymnn, left today for an outing at March "Albanian," R. II. Hall. Cornet solo "Addah Polka," I II. Mchanm. Upjtho Scalp Into Dandruff t8aps the Hair's Vitality, Bvlip complain of falling hair mot know that It Is the re- land ruff, which Is caused by a Ousmaraslto burrowing up tho Jigs down to tho sheath hltuojhalr is fed in tho scalp. longlUio hair root Is shriveled tnojhalr droi)s out If the work jgerml is not destroyed hair hmnlnc until baldnoss conies. V'SS0 'iH dandruff Is toltlll tnMana. until now thcro haa plfflMproparatlon that would butMtoday dandruff is easily Nowbro's Horplcldo, hnlr glossy and soft yiColbath hits turned into tho treVsufjl 372.19 on account of I.osey, W. IJ. Warner. Waltz "Holona," W. O. Potoo. Uarltono solo "Old Kentucky Home (vnr.)" I. J. Martin. Schott. "I.ovo Letters," W. S. Hos kins. Intormozzo Salome, Wm. Loraino. March "Greeting to Unngor,"R. II. Hall. Rng Two Step "Ilowery Duck," Tom Turpln. Seaside Voting Contest. Cut out tho coupon in this papor and help somo desorvlug and popular young lady to tho seaside, who might otherwlso not get an outing. Tho votos aro already coming In fast, and wo would like to mako tho first an nouncement of the J'osult Wednesday evonlng. Prepare your ballots and hand them into tho ballot box nt Tho Journnl of fice. wjam tnaKgsl treasuHl tfcfiBBel Few Pointer. scentntntlatlcs of tho numbur a sffithat tho largo majority consumption. This disease tatnenco with an apparently i-.coush'. which can bo curod In- Cemp.s Balsam for the WllungB, which is guaranteed idlraUevo all cases Price 2S dlBOrcents. For sale by all PERSONALS. e Have inojogyacuutn fruit pars, and orilfrult Jars. Thoso aro tho hoimarKet. Uusod by ovory- PUtANSON & RAGAN. r ftho dologatos of tho food and Dairy Con- t, haalbeeu In sosslon In Port- ItKrough Salem on tho overland Monday nftor- turn to Portland, bay- klrcult of tho valley, jgfet Sido to Corvallls. TheJlBen, N, J. Judau and rero at tho dopot and ,tho uembers copies Jrecontly Issued by the SalemwCommorcIal Club, laacriptlvo of Marlon county, sourcoa? WSTION isofofjmoro discomfort than r allmant. If you oat the atHyouMyou want, and that )yipep5ila Tablets will mako ceaupHipcrrect ana prevent attendant dlsagroo- i'ou ran safoly oat me. if you take one afterward Sold by r a positive guaran- oy refunded If you aenu to us for a HOOKBR &i CO.. laantllliii jP1 M I IRtlSHVlU ItahSBa mm O. V. Allen Is in Portland. N. H. Uurloy was In Aurorn todny. Aahaol IJuhIi, Jr., Is visiting In Port land. John nayno roturned todny from Al bany. Felix La Branch wont to Portland today. Hon. J. Clem, of Albany, was In Sa lem today. J. C. Wolf, of SUvorton, was In Sa lem Monday. John R. WInstnnloy has roturned from Eugcno. Row II. A. Ketchum Is at Gladstone for a fow days. Stato Sonator C. W. Fulton, of As torla, was in Salem today. Mlssos Ilda and Mabel Jonos aro visiting with frlonds at Brooks. L. K. Adams, 11 C. Glltnor nnil J. J. Murphy woro In Portland todny. Adolph. Baker has gono to Phoonlx, Arizona, for tho bonoflt of his health. Mrs. J. J. McCormack and Miss Alta Hougham havo gono to Mt. Angol for a visit. -Miss Gortrudo O'Brien has returned to Albany, aftor a visit with tho Mlssos Coshow. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bundy, of Inde- pondonco, woro In tho city today ton business. . Miss Church has gono to Portland to Join a party In making tho nseont of Mt. Adams. Mrs. Miles Carter, of Hood Rlvor, Is tho guost of her mothor, Mrs. Eliza both T. Raymond. Geo. F.,Rodgors has roturnod from a fow days at Newport, whoro his fain lly will spend tho summon Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Morodlth and Mr. and Mrs, B. Frank Moredith havo gono to tho Moredith farm south of' Salem, whoro thoy will spond the summer. Mlsa Nelllo Standlsh, who retumod Monday ovonlng from a year's visit In Chicago and Now York, wont to Brownsville today, to visit her father. D. B. Irvlno and wife and daughtor wont to Portland today to attend tho wedding of Mlsa Maggie Williams, Mlaa Ruby I nine to be the bride's maid. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jon have been re-oleotod superintendent and matron, respectively, of the state blind school. The other teaehera and employes have also been reappointed. The school will reopen on September 231. Mr and Mrs. Wm Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davey, Mrs. R. D. Holman, Mra. L. Klbole. Mrs. Kd. Presiding Elder Neff. of Phllomnth, nnd Rev. Crawford, of this city, left today for Coos Bay, to conduct camp meeting. Col. Jefferson Myors and wife ar rived this week, and took tho Wood burn branch train for a visit at Sclo. Elder Blown, of tho Church of Lat ter Day Saints, wont to Eugene today, to work at fenco building. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bolt and child ren, of Spokane, arrived today for a visit with old Salem friends. A. McGIll and family returned todny from a fow months'vlslt nmong old homo scouos in Ontnrlo. Mrs. Isabel Hooth, of tho state ro fonn school, roturned fiom a vls.lt at Portland. R. E. Giny, who conduct tho Inde pendence Entcrpilso. was In tho city today. Captain Ormsby, of tho forest re servo army, wont to Albany today. j But for the confusion that resulted In tho escape of Tmcy and Men 111, i which Interrupted for several days the operation of the stovo foundry at the penltontlary, tho receipts from that department for tho throe months end ing Juno 30th, would linvo boon tho largest in the life of tho foundry. This fact Is revealed In tho quarterly roport of Superintendent Lee, which was filed with Gov. Geer this aftornoon. The receipts from the foundry for the peri od covorod in tho roport amounted to sons charged with committing offenses ngalnst tho federal statutes last year, 113 wero of American bortb. "Will Hang In Stiloin." The above newspaper headline Is supposed to ro fer to Tracy. If ho does, It will bo when somo old lanchor with a couple of coon, dogs lnlugs him to town. Whnt a soft snap to be a sonator, and to bo Invited to Invostigato the tltlo to that nnclont frnud, tho Panama canal. And then tho frnud will lend to controversy. A commlBslon will havo to go abroad and deal with Froiwh financiers. There's millions In It comparad to dealing with an Impe cunious rag-tag and bob-tall greasor lepubllc llko Nicaragua. Cuban trade with the United States has fallen off more thnu $8,00u,000 In tho past Ave months, as compared with tho same months last year. At tho port of New York tho Imports from Cuba havo been $7,403,f)97 less and tho exports to Cuba have $720,307 less. Thoso figures show how foolish It Is for this country not to enter Into friendly reciprocal relations. Cuba Is a field our mnuufneturors and pro ducers ought to cultlvnte. Tho Salem bathers' union has adopt- od tho International sealo of prices, FREE BAND CONCERT FOR SALEM Help the band concort fund. Every business man who Is Interested In making Salem attractive and making Is pleasant and enjoynblo for people to spond their sunnnors hero should con trlbuto to this fund. Thousands of people, young and old. will onjoy a free weekly oponnlr band concert by tho Salem Military band. It adds immensely to tho life and en joyment of all, and wo should not fall to raise a Biifllclont fund to ensuro tho concerts ovory weok this summer, nnd encourage the maintenance of tho band. The chlldron especially onjoy opon nlr music. Tho BtrootB will bo full of carriages, and all who have horses will drive and enjoy tho outing. Add your namo to tho subscription list In this paper. Muslo Is a great clvlllzer, and wo should not let bo fine a band disband for the want of support. $.131. lfj. whlln tho nvixtnurm nf (tin prison, other than tho salary account, !0Urc0B for l" io filthy lucre. ...1.1.1. .i .. .i0 I Thoro aro a fow nets thoy porform not on tho schedule that might bo added with profit to tno artists of tho long bow nnd reclining chair. For lnstance: How's This? Wo offer Ono Huudrod Dollars Re ward for any caso of Catarrh that can not too curod by Hall's Catarrh Curo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Wo, tho undorslgned, hnvo known F. J. Cheney for tho last 1C years, and b.o llovo him to bo perfectly honorablo In nil business transactions, and flnnn- and charge for a great many tilings clally "bio to carry out any business that woro heretofore not considered , obligations mndo by their Arm. which nmountod to $1811.00, aggre gated only $1287.38. Tho roport contains additional In formation concerning tho ponltentlary as follews: No. prisoners Juno 30 310 No. prlsonors March 31 318 Increase during quarter 1 Received 32 Discharged 20 Escaped 2 Dally avotago 317.0 Earnings. Hoard of U. S. prlsonors $ 20 1.28 Convict labor N. W. foundry.. 3531.15 Total s $3S25.I3 Receipts. Beard U. S. prisonous to March 31st- $315.71 Picnic Postponed. Tho picnic of tho First Congroga tlonal Sunday School, sot for Wodnes day, July 10th, has, boon postpnnod, ow- Rented Stock In. Ing to a previous ongagoment for tho j This Is the tlmo whon tho pianos and grounds. J. B. T. TUTHILL, Sjipt. orgnns rontod In tho winter are mostly In stock. If you want to rent any, now Is the tlmo to got good Instill monts, or If you want n good second hand Instrument, you havo n chance now to soluct fiom a largo lot. I lmvo In sovoral square, and ono of them Is n specinlly flue caso nnd tone; If any ono has tho room It is n bargain. For anything In tho lino call on GEO. C. WILL. Dualnr In Pianos, Orgnns and Sewing Machines. Shaving around a mole, 10 cents. Pull- West & Truax, Wholesalo Drug gists, Toledo, O. Waldlng, Klnnau & Marvin, Wholosnlo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood Ing an Ingrowing hnlr. 10 conts. Doing n"d mucous surfaces of tho system, the Potor act. credit on account, 25 Tostlmonlals sont free. Prlcos 7Gc centH. Cutting wisps out of a country V' bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills are tho bast. o 'J ( -' Samples of Our Handiwork Demonstrates the superiority of the Palem Steam Laundry. You'll find them in eur office and alio on the per rons of scores of well dreated people in Salem. Bach people are the heaaldi of oar skill, .Thejr carry the proef of it everywhere, and tbey confirm and ex tend our popularity. Styles differ, but in laundry work oar Troy style has Ibe call. H;r Salem Steam Laundry COLOMIH, J. OLM3TKS, J'HOl'JUKTOa. DOKODS D. OLMMTED. MQI. Phone 411 230 Liberty StroU Affidavit. To all whom it may concern: Stato of Oregon, County of Mnrion, ss: I, A. J. Basoy and A. M. Clough, bo lug each for himself first duly sworn, say: That tho said A. J. Basoy nnd A. M. Clough purchased of D. E. Hunt slngor on tho 21st day of Fobruary, 1002, all of his undertaking Imslnoss In tho city of Salem. That at the tlmo of tho sain of said busluoss tho said D. E. Huntslngei' ngrood with us nnd pledged his word and honor that ho would not ongago In tho busluoss of nn undertaker In tho city of Salem whllo either of us continued In this line of busluoss. A. 4. BASEY, A. M. CLOUGH. Subscribed uiul sworn to hoforo mo this 10th day of July, 1002. Witness my hand nnd Notarial Seal. P. II. D'ARCY. (Soal.) Notary Public. SUPPLIES FOR THE PRISON JOURNAL X-RAYS. Trusts. Big trusts havo little trusts Upon their backs, to bite 'em; Ami little ti lists havo lessor trusts; And so, ad Infinitum. Thu movomont of real estate In Sa eom Monday was unusually active. The good-will of oven a harmlefw nocttfwnry cat Is worth cultivating. Oregon nnd Washington officials are disputing which state shall have the honor of hanging Tracy. Foreign bom cltixeiiH will take pleasure In reading that of 627 per- Contracts for Ensuing Six Alonths Are Awarded Superintendent J. D. Lee. of the state penitentiary, has awarded the contract for furnishing the prison sup pile for the ensuing six month. Where the award for any one claim of supplies Is divided nmong several bidders, the various bids were se gregated and the awards by article were made to the lowest bidder. With the exception of flour, all supplier ad vertised for have beeo contracted. The bids for flour are still under consider ation. They were as follows : Fisher. Corvallte. iter lb $8.11 Balfotir. Guthrie & Co 162 Salem Flouring Mills Co tM The following award were made- Meats Steualoff Bros., Salem, $4.60 wr hundred. Shoee Oregon Slip Co., Salem, at $1 36 a pair. Drugs Capital Drug, Star and D. J. Fry. Salem; WeedanL Clark & Co.. Portland. Drygoods Meier ft HtnHk Co., Varu land. Bnglaeers' wpptleji-Oray Bros , 8a torn. I14&M. Hardware Ofay II ro.. Salew. $S.. M. Groceries WaHer Unas, and Jakn Hughes, of Portland. ANOTHER TEST CASE. Hi'Ight'K DlHeiiHC uiul DlnlietcH Arc Powltlvcly Curiihlc. If you aro troubled with Impure blood, Indicated by sores, pimples, hondacho, etc., wo would recommonil Acker's Blood Elixir, which wo soil under n positive guarantee. It will al ways cure SeiofuIoiiB or Syphilitic poisons and all blood diseases. CO cts. and 1.00. I). J. FRY, Druggist. o Great Immigration Rally Tonight. The Salem Push Club lias called a special lin'ctlng for this evening at tho city hall, to meet the general olllcera of the Hnrrlman system, who are trav eling through Oregon to talk up plans for seeming a larger Immlgiatlnu for tills section. Goueial I'liHsenger Agent Conmu, of the Harrliiiau llnffs, arrived In the city Tuesday nt 1:31 p. in., with Gen eral Immigration Agent George M. Mc Ktnney and his stnff, and they will re main until 1 0 : 30 p. in. They would like to uifct nil who are lutonstod In securing Immigration for tills section of Oregon. A speelul session of the Greater Sulcin Club has been called at the city hall at 7 p. in., and the entire city louiK II will be present. 'dltor's onrs, lu to 15 cents, according, to thu size. Plcltlnir hnlr out of lnrim .. I It li 9 Par nostrils .10 cents iMospectlng blaclc cma8 brcad ndpa"-"A full 8lU)ply iiuuuH, j cuius u iiii7.cn. por leiuiiR u That tho Plonoor Bakory makes llrst hunting or fishing story, that has been always on baud. told hoforo lu the snme shop, $1 credit The Science of Osteopathy Many people havo been led to lie lleve through falso reports nnd Igno ranco that Osteopathic treatment was painful and even Injurious to children or weakened Invalids. Nothing could bo farther from the truth for It Is ndapted tn tho case, and In nowise Is It Injurious to the frailest child or weakened Invalid. But rather It Is Invigorating and strength onlng, nnd, novor Is thu patiout worn out or mndo norvous from tioutniont. Howovor, thoro nro many fakers and pretenders In Osteopathy who do not understand how to give treatment properly. . None nro gonulno or com petent who have not attouded school at least four tonus of flvo months oach. Drs, L. E. Wycktiff nnd Mrs. Onice Albright, of I. O. O. F. Templo, Sulem, nro graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, a twenty months' school," nnd thoroughly qualified to give sclontlflc treatment and handle any ease put In their enru. All dis eases, especially chronic dlseasos und doformltlos, yield to the troatmout without knlfo or drugs. Hours 0 to 4. Phono Main 2721. Odd FoIIowb' Templo. Salem, Or O H. MACK SttccosBor to Dr. J. M. Kceno, In Whlto Comer, Salem, Oregon. Parties uesiring auponor operations at mod el ate foo in any brnuch aro in especial rpquesL STEUSL0FF BROS. Dealers In Live Stock, Vholoaale and retail butchors and packors. All kinds of freak and salt moats. Flno sausages, hams, bacon and lnrd. 316 Commercial street. WANTED. Wanted.Peenlo of all inr fmm in years up, to pull flax. Apply In per son Thursday morning at Gorbcr farm, ono-fourth rallo woat of big 8a lorn bridge. Eugene Bosse. 7-H-tf, Wanted. Three or four men to work" in haying, nt 1.25 por day arid board. Inquire of W. B. Duncan, six mllos northwost of Salem, on Salem and McCoy stago lino. Wanted flvo young men From Ma rlon county to prepare ut once for positions in the govornmont service. Apply to Intor-Stato Inst., Codar Rapids, la. C-17-2m Huie Wing Sang Co , Bpfclsl Sale o( all waists, white uudernear, wrapper lloor miming. BOTTOM PRICKS :: ;: !S 140 State St., Salem, Or. Wanted Evorybody to try Oregon Foot Eaao for all foot ailments. Onxo trlod always used. ABk your drugglut or sond 26o. S. L. Hayes, Halaoy, Ore 5.271 Well Digging and Brick Work Wolls dug and cleaned. Jobbing In brick work and cistern building. Founda tions put undor houses and chlm uoys biillL Apply to A. F. Holt, Salem P. O. or northeast corner Rlvoraldo Addition. 7-12-lm LOST AND FOUND. X ah Wa OFFICE UirY HALL For water sorvlco apply at ofllco. Bills payablo monthly In advance. Make all complaints at tho uHlcto. Lost. On Saturday ovonlng, between Hotel Wlllamotto and the livery Btnhle on South Commercial street, a black moiocco purse, bearing the name of Mrs. John J. Roberts. Find er please leave at this olllco. 7-14-3t Th? flnne;.. .4 FINK W1NK8, LIQUORB ' AND CIGARS. . 102 Codrf St THE ELITE CAPE 208 Commercial Street Mcala at nil hours. Open day and night. 1 Only place in tho city handling tho ninouH OLYMPIA BEER Is the Reception Hnloon. Wholesale and retail. R ECKERLEN, Proprietor Ladles Can Wear 8hoes. One slxe smaller nftor using Alton's Foot-Kaso, a powdor to bo shaken Into the shoos. It makes tight or new shoos foel easy; glvos instant rellof to corns and bunions. It Is tho greatest comfort discovery of tho ago. Cures and pro vents swollen foot, blisters, callous and sore spots. Allen's Foot-Kaso Is a cer tain cure for swoatlng, hot, achlug fast. At nil druggists and shoo stores, 26a Trial paahngo FIUCK by mall. Address Allen S. Olmsted, I.o Roy, N. Y. 1 S0ULE BROS. PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS Found A black luuys purse, contain Ing somo monoy, manicure tools, a tie, hnudkorchlof, overshoes, a Bwoator, a tlnniblo novor used, a powdor brush, a Ilnu tooth comb nnd a bottle of porfumo. Ownor can havo same by paying for this ad, and proving proporty to tho satisfaction of tho Under, R. Andorson, 210 Conimorclal street 7-9-Gt Don't You Know Anytmng about Kd warda Market? At 410 State stroot Boat placo to buy frosh and curod meats at tho lowest prlcoB. Phono 2C24, B. lSdwards, prop FOR RENT. Offlco to Rent. Next door south of WellS'l-'argo & Co., 011 ground tloor. Apply to T. II. Walt at 100-102 Com mercial stroot. 7-12-31 For Rent or For Sale, pin lly furulHliud, stable, oto. 12-room house, largo grounds, 7-9-lm. PORTLAND OR. ForSiltm and vicinity leave orders at Ceo Will's MUklc Store Your Step Mother Ib still hero busy ns ovor, and whon your clothes nro nil out of ordor, worn, with buttons off, tnko thorn to her at tho Salem Dye Works. At this oBtabllshmout you cnu got anything set to rights, from a pair of gloves, to tho most olaborato silk gown. A gentleman can got his hat cleaned, his trousors croaaod, or hla whole suit rojuvoiiated to Biilt hla tasto, alBo four suits a mouth for 1. Buttons sowod on, rips Bowod up, suits pressed on short notlco. Now goods shrunk for dressmaking. MRS. C. II. WALKER 105 Commercial Street BrBitenbushHotSDrinffs imtST CLASS 1IOTE j V W. HOSS, Proprietor. This popular, best ol all summer re ports is Bituuted ut-nr Detroit, eiuilnrii terminus ol Corvnllni k Kntteru R. it. in ttiu hunrt ol the Ciitcsdn mountains, IU'Kiilar pucK trniu umkus dally trip from Detroit, to tho eprlmtN. Tenting privllcxfH free All oniiip etippllva win be puruhared attliu BpriiKD. Kxcullent flBbing nnd hunting, ltatoa nro very rt'Hiioiiublu. lor furtlier liiforinatlou aild'titr, F. W. ROS( 7 l '.'m Dutroll, Oro. Pearson, Page Co. WILL BUY FRUITS OF ALL KINDS FOR PACKING AND CANNING nt top market price. Now ready for butl neeo opposite Capital Droivory, Sulum, A Qood Housekeeper ilfflll fe1arap llllrt Alferf l.B.f.1 1. HAH 1 llftltfl lit bib) una inn i;wnv. ijiiiuii uuu f F pastry that money can buy. Patronize ' "rHHK UYIS the I'ioncfi unKery, ami you win get the best. WkU lki Kultun OuiuiMlMtrc undfrei amltwtkM, oe (rf th littttsaUir ut 10 ou at ike bwrt Imomh (krleluB la Him KrimriMMi attd unlMid UttH Ut itmmm a wtrlulu i-mm- ( lirlllkl' dlaMM iur a Waal, lie woaed C II. AUcauf Kll'awt. a lot met eoaducutr of tli H. V. Co , iu Iwyuad bUHwa uU. Hlbt ilcluu UttddMcliirwl Ibf rM rbjualc Drtebl'MtllMMtM) It wit itrl- albtinHO eaaio, diHT, l-p lm.unm, aigui hwmih awl uomI whhLumi, iiuIb aad littraMMM I'utUrttl want ou tna CXuiuouod Juae I, IMII W aow eopr from tb wriilvo rel June l- lutniHeol Skla rlearer ,Ur baltvr AllMUUMB ilacraanlBV I'atleat nuob voeauraxMt J ilk C'allatM4 IniMOTenaat Mora aiu muni woi bCiDDlU ti Jul it-: 1 CeotlatMKl IniMOTenaat jbuawo 1 to yield btliaua. Albumuo dUuialablatf u jriem -Nut ku fatorablA Went to tb eaualrr una besau u ummi neiunu-a ami frUmg UMltr, Iboush not probably quite no A lavoranw laauiaiioo u well iu. Inat rvuort Ibe dleniipeuriuK ot tba aUbt swaau July Jt (raMf asala dbappaariatf A men gtilu lew, aad !. Auc I I lbu- vaowat amlUMMM. IS Itlat elaluu, be U Msrl weU. ileal AM INI ada bjr railroad imww tew : ami CoaHaaad leMOfaMnl. bw Utfbt HUHUril wm m - -. j- - r.T .. . i , aow la iu itv ww aa tur fjuu ble aaaly! 8m, Oru- HNS BiMtIM -Aeld mmr Jtb AgoJiien j.. Traee fttam. tor Oaala Ne At lbt wftihHr. JaMarr hi. mt, P at j -mlttrtj roaarwad. bet ie a till alBMirt aad viHb btir MHIoaall liast la on Ibe oellDaaltr Madia 1 warka ajyraa Uuit Nrtbt'a Dtoaata aad wmwi are iwmtai k bet are HMtllTeli mwrarta uadar tb fultas Qamita ill Cammna forui ot kUaay dalai aad rb aaMlUa udar bat afcert reaiat aaaa.) Prim. l lor lU llrigbi' IHj aad Ib On.. W MiMilgoeaairr l . " raaaUaa, ! empeuadM rtvi taM bm ur pa- LaiHr ana hbhih urt-ywani (j, Jf rfjui,, paojpbbHa malbjd Iraa. Iatser Co.. Portktnd. I C. C. Comfort, Sole Agent 25,000 New Words aro addeil in llio lust odilion of W'obetor'u Inlornulional Jhction nrjr. 'J'lio Tntornulional is kept always nbroast of llio timoe, It Uil.es coiistaiil work, ozpensivo work ami worry, but it is tho only way to keep Hie dictionary tlio Standard Authority of llio Euglibli mienkilit' world. Otber diclioimriee follow. Wob- ster leadii. H is tlio favorite with Judges, Soltolara, iitliioators, Frinlers.eUJ., iu this and foreign coiinlrioa. A postal cam will bring you intorosting sodrneti pagos, oto. a. & a MKitniAM company HpJlINOI'XKLI), 31am. vvni.unzH or WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY. Local Manager L. D. HENRY'S REAL ESTATE AND ! RENTING AGENCY is at 2110 Commercial Htro t PHONE MAIN 2681 SALEM OWE, NIEHaitHBBIBBBHgiaHBEBBaaHH S. C. STONE, Al. D. PH0PHII1T0R 01' Stone's Drug Stores 8ALEM, OREGON. Tho Htora(two In numher)nre located at No. 23C nnd U87 Commercial St., nn.l urn urnll utnpkul with a COinUletO line ot drugs uud uiedlclnos, toilet! urtlolea, perfumery, brushes, eic. Una had some 86 years experience lu tlio prautlce of medicine and uow makoH no charue for consultation, ox amluatlou or prescription. FOR BALE. aabbbaabbN For Sale. Fresh young Jursoy cow and calf. Apply to 0. W. Penrmlno, two tulles north on the rlvor rond. 7--tf Kor bale Now liver boat, with sail, 18 fuet lone Iutendod for KosoUno launch, cheap. Iiiipilru nt Journal olllce. 7-8-lm All Kindt Of camplnc utunslla, Htovea and touts, and Hccond-hand uoodH at J. N, Hhautz', 107 Court atrout. G-n-tt Hor Sale. a-yoar-old Jersey cow, with hulfer calf. Imiiilru at Journal of flco. 7-7-1 m hor Sale or Trade. A raru chance to Kt a nice Hiihurbau homo ot 30 ucrea, nil kinds of fruit; good build Iiimh; flue crop of eralu 011 plaoe; Nome farmliiK tooln and eomo furnl ture. Will give Immediate poarnw hIoii. Joahuii it. Hiulth, three-fourths of u mile Boutheaat of depot. 7-7-2 w r-or Sale Cheap Socouu baud thruah lug outfit Advance Separator, ilb'x Ctl, with wind utackor. AIho 13 II. P. onuluo, with water tank and wuKon. All lu good ordor. Price 7W. K. M. Crolsan, Salem, Ore gon. C-H-d&w-tf For Sale Pure Poland China sown. V. II. Ugan, Salem, It. U. No. 8. C-21.Hu For Sale. Now and Bocoud-band bus glue, new and second-hand apring wagona, buckbourds and carts, at tho Salem Carriagu and Wagon Fac tory. Worner Fenuull, proprietor, 301 Commercial street. 15-tf M K ttl U M kfl n to M S3 a H m m u m a M SS s Buy Walker's Guaranteed Paints H m M M M M H H H H M pa When you want paint for your houte or your carriage that It mixed ready for the brush, you can find It at Walker'a, the carriage trimmer and painter. I carry a large stock of the beat paints In the world, Try my varnish gloat buggy paint. Ono B. F. JONES, Attorney at Law Toledo, Oregon. Was dork of circuit court for six yoara and baa an uu to data abatract of all property In Lincoln qounty Firs! Class Bicycl? Repairing And all kinds el aiiudrlea at FRANK J. AlOORE'S 10 Court St. Pkune SOIL OSTEOPATHY. I. a coat will make your buggy look ji Ml 8 like new. fij I C. H. Walker fi 16C Coouwalsl Btreet. MMMHSaMBKaWafBHIUMMSBBBBi nr. L. E. Wvokoff and Dr. Oraee Al bright. Twenty moutbs uradMutes of the AwerUaii tUUuoi of Osteop athy. Klrkavllle, Mo. r Wyckoff la the only twenty months' gentleniau graduate In ktalew. Odd Fellows Temple. 'Phono Main tltl Dr. M. T. Bchoettle Oraduate Amort- ..can l3cbool of Oateopatby, Kirks- Yllle, Mo. Office In Tioga Moalr. ovor the Spa, Offlee hours 8:30 to 11 -an ami 1 to 4. 313 W. O. Robbina, Or. of Oateopathy ! Oraduate of the Columbia College ' of Oateopathy, Chicago. III. Offlee 167 Court street Chronic dlaeasea a specialty. LODQE8. Protection Lodge No. 3, Ancient Or uer united wurumen, meeiu orury Saturday eveulng lu tho Holniun Hall, corner ot Stato and Liberty utreets. Visiting brothron welcome. F. J. Wfsl, M W . J A. Sellwood, Recorder. FOREBTEns OF AMERICA LV.t Sherwood Foreaturs No. 19. Meets Friday nights lu Turner blook. Ira Hamilton C It.. A. L. Drown. Bee Central Lodge No. 18 K. of P.Caatle Hall In Holman blook, comer Bute aud Uborty atreeta, Tuesday of each week at 7:30 p. in. Claud Townaewd, C. C; Zudoc J. Illggs, IC of II. and 8. TONSORIAL. Evana' Darber Shop. Ouly flrst-claas shop ou State utreeL Mvery thing uw and up-to-date. Finest perselaln batbs. Bhave, lee; balr-cut, Mo; baths, 1. Two flrst-elasa boot blacka. O. W. Kvana, proprietor. Ryan's Shaving Prlor. Seven first eluas barbers euguged. Flneat bath rooms iu city. Wo use antiseptic Btsrlllxer. J. Ryan. Prop. jTcarmlchaol-Hop buyer. Offlco lu Huaa-Uroymaa building, Balem, Ore? gon. Hamples of oholoo bopa solid Red from an growers PHY8ICIAN8. X H. Brewer, physician and surgeon. Office In Cray block. Rooms 7 nd 9. Phone 01. Drsltenbuah Hot Spring. Many cawjHMV Ird3f M lh'" wMMitar resoft For full partlaular rddrees V. W. HOSS, 7.2.eod Detroit, Ore. I