-"" - v "srrtw,- tt0ajr&i ' --- " rJkhMmmmmmtm' . .. k..tM rtMi tMILi JOURNAL, dALEM, OR&&6U, f UlSDAY, JULY, 1$, IflOJ. THE uLixi 1 1 1 1 1 1 h i n 1 1 n n 1 1 irftrKTrr1rffflMfMMMM' wl1 ' 1 . wW44-H44H-W-tt"TrrT ' X b V- GOLD DUST. I bo killed either way If thoro bo not a gorging It with Improsslonsfl that nt I .. . .. , .. -i.ii.i .,l.r nnrtlnllv nnm H I "Lst tlw GOLD DUST twins do your work." I BHV j I m&&& Washing dishes in tho old way -3 times a day, 109G times a year, BBH: , H JmjJKF year In and year out means drudgery. II ST GOLD OUST I i'fV I ShSj&fc "v will jdo more than half tho work for you. It softens hard water ; cuts H 'la , H V -"fie"ti 5S"K?1t?2 trreaso and grlmo , makos dishes shine llko a new dollar. H i'm VsivSJo fTll,i Tho quickest, best and most economical way of H ?' r jfV ISOSJV MErWfo ' IK JmK. washing dishes, glassware silver, pots and pans. H .-4 '11 V$$$ Wf Jm H There's no substitute worthy the name. Insist ' IS I Mado my h THE N K' FA1RBANK COMPANY, 'Jill Chlcsco, tfowYork. Dojton. EULouli Makers of OVAL. FAIRY SOAP. HP" MrTrMlTTWTniM THF Mil Y .inilHIII HHil BkMIwmHII VHK SSWBPrfisWrVsi . ''a-' tZEFXiy fytfK DY HOFER DnOTHEHS. Inn Wmf '' - i ' W)'mS' m 71, . 7Sr"Sf iiKl '-ft Members Northwest Afternoon News paper Learjue. What tho Premiums JIro Like nimnoml "C" Rouu M'rniiixira cflti Iw osclmnitMl for oil ftortniit ucful mid uttnu live nrille, Our llhutrulPd lool. iln-nrll)liii- all niwl .loturfnir inj-nr of Uii.- j.nmlum-i l mhu on rtximwi A ihwUiI Hi- "ri,!,rJt J"1J '"."''"w ' wli'H Hie ITfiiiliiiiiM urn Mo. uml how rnally tuny wn je Mmurl, n.ito tliU llU rir!0 Winpiier-t: ft Inch Nut rrnplinrH. mnde nf iwl, rvatruiwj dllMtutr IMim. uiiorte.nolor,orOi-i!iiu. lold Ilalr PIiih. lnriii mIm. llMfhnll. or IHII. Jolntixl itiut ilroMMt. iimmn uiiim or Horn 1'lllotr . Jolnti I'slr 1'nr M WrPim! Conr '(ollwiUtau'' Pl""l',r B'ulw,i Koeliwttor Lump, or ia fnr ut hok' -NOW, wlilU jw ililnk f it. Premium DcpU Tho CudJhy racking Co., So. Omihi, Neb. J7ft:. Daily One Year, $4.00 In Advance. Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance. Dally by Carrier, CO Cents Per Month Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Avance. Qod Will Sprinkle Sunshine. Jnmmi Whltcomb Klli'y. If you mIioiiIi! hi-- a follow-iiifin with troulilf-'n llnK uiifurlwl, An' l(KkliiK likt lie didn't liuvtt h frlutul In nil the world, Clo up uml --lap lit in on th hack, uml hollar, "How d' do?" And KntHp IiIh hand tH) warm Iih'II know ho Ims u frluud In you. Thou ax him whnt'H u-hurtln' lilin, an' IuiikIi IiIh rnroii away, And toll ti I tn that tho darkoat uluht Ik JiihI haforH the day. Don't talk In Hnivtijiinl paluvor, hut day It right out loud, That (toil will RiirliiklH wiiimIiIiio In tho trail of -miry I'louil. Thin world lit limit In hut a lumh of plwiMuru ami of pain; Home iliiya aro lirlaht and miiiuy, and koiiiii art mIihiIiwI with rain, Ami that'M JiiHt how It outtlit to bo, fm when IIih cloinls toll by. We'll know Just how to 'prttulnto tht In1lit ami hiiiIIIuk rtky. Ho learn to tako It an It coiikm, ami don't sweat at tha wxm llwaii-w tho l.onl'n opinion ilown't (- liicldo with yourM; Hut alwuyn kwip remumbuilii', when carwi your path tuiiluViuil, That (tod Iiiim IoIh of MiiutdiluH to spill Imhlud tht- cloud. SE3. V i B& ThUitcnuturol on orery mx of tb nnnltia Laxative UroiiioOnin!itcTauiu 77TMtrfllio twitMlo hi www mM In ..mm ,l- IM pOLLMAjq CHERRY SBBDBR I & X XL' IIIH vorlt'Ot Ohorry HiHwlwr doos not oruaii tiio oliurry or oauso nuy loss ol Iuuhi; n prnatlsal niiiulilno lor Iiiiko, siiiull or OitN imrnm oiitrriut. inn fowl oxirut intc mIv in 1ia- irf n ry,i nu, .,j- i kulluilrWM tho swd Into out. dish J . "'... .r . . ,Kt "Ml Uttdw ,k ODJECTION8 TO A SPECIAL SION ANSWERED, The Journal Is In receipt of a let ter frtnn a prtimliiMit attiHiivy In Urn uUIIti (Hiuiily, who pi-MMiiU all that ran lie wild iiRitiiiit holding a Hpeclnl hmiiIoii. I In wtyH: "After rniivaMluK the subject with many or our riUmls In thin community wo have anlvetl at the conchmliHi that It Is not wum to call the IvkIiIk tur tohw. We think that the amendment to the coimtltutlou can Ih tuifon-wl without tlila, and that what HSHleaitlon may Iw , iieceMary can Hwult the regtilar Mloti In January "As to 'Hat salaries for the trttw of Stem, we have eoMaldcrtHl that sub- Jt very cluswly, aud haw concluded Uml there a uo rwwm wk) the ml arles trf tbe atato tiWceni cannot Im-I nklucml durtHK Ih.Mr term, at leaai there U tiothlUK to pnvwit It. espeel ' apoolal somslon to put It Into Immedl ato offoct and operation. The Umatilla lawyer soya tho not salary' refoi m can he obtained nt the regular session, but Immediately adds that It will piotmbly Involve the sub ject In lltlrntlon. Wo do not llko the principle of tlnkorlns; with a man'a salary after !) has taken the ofllco to which he was elected. It is a favorite scheme of the Democratic politicians to have the fcoa and perquisite ques tion thrown Into the courts. Many of them hope to make political capital out of It and embarrass the supremo court itself. This wm a favorite scheme of the Democratic candidate for secretary of stato who published u li ttr sayhiK he would take the mat ter Into the courts but wns not wllllnK to i ay that lie would serve as secro tar tf state If elected for a fixed Oat rt.ilit.y The politicians of both parties hope to Involve the matter In litiga tion, knowing that they may win out on technicalities find et court deci sions to sustain ' the present system. If a lint aalary Is enacted at a special Ht-fMlou, in accord with all the politi cal platforms. In accord with the ex proHsed will of the iieople. and In ac cord with the very spirit of the new amendment to the constitution, the official class would have to sue against the new law and could not win on a technicality but would have to win on merit and that they could never ac complish. Do yoti sco the. nlKKcr In the woodpile? The lawyer raises last of all the ob jection to a special session on the ground of great oxponse. A full twen ty dny's session need not cost ovor $10,000 to $12,000 and the siivlng therefiom would be Immedlnte anil In the Hint six mouths would amount to more than tho spelal session, and by KlvltiK tho people n. club over the reg ular session they would save the peo ple ten time as much. A lawyer In Kiilein who is Just ns Kood n lawyer as any lawyer In the state Hon. Tllnioii I'ord says with a Hat salary law and direct legislation put Into effect, state taxes would come down one half Inside of four yenrs. as the stato i avenues required the present year amount to ovor $1,100,000 the taximyers would wive over half n. million u year at the end of the present term of the state olllclals. . The Journal has shown conclusively that a Hat salary law alone would save at least fifty thousand dollars a year. Is not that worth IioIiIIiik a special session for? It Is fortunate for the peoplo that there aro some lawyers who take a broader view of this mat ter ami aro willing to see a great re form InauKiirated In it way that will not Involve the stato and the people In costly litigation A Hat salary law enacted at u special session would put (lie feo grnhliHi-M on tho defensive. At the regular session a law touching their compensation will put the people on at a disadvantage. o Dost the child can only paruany '- prolietid THE OREGON DELEGATION. Will Itcosevelt huve the Oiogon del ogutlon to the next national conven tlon? No. Why 7 Hecause Oroti vory soldom sonds a delegation of positive men who have minds of their own to a national con vention The men who stood for positive ciunlltlos In Oregon Republicanism have nearly all beon retired. The tiaders In spoils and tralllckors In oHlce are In tho saddle, and will send men there to stand In. The field will bo against Roosevelt, nnd Oregon will bo In the field to down a positive man. If Roosevelt Is renominated It will be without the aid or consent of Ore gon from present Indications. Mr. Hnnna will handle most of tho Southoin state delegations. Ho will contest Ohio nnd the territorial votes. Ho will fight Inch by Inch for control of the national convention. All the lloatlng and trimming elements will lie "for sale." Under the proaont combination Ore gon will be cast In the scnlo "for all ihe Is worth," but she will not go to RotMHjvcIt, we prophesy. WHY NOT? Snlem has achieved an honest gov ernment. Taxes nnd debt have been wiped out, and revenues nro Increas ing. Marion county tins achieved an hon est city government. Taxes have beon reduced, debt wiped out nnd revenues nru Increasing. Is there a good leasnii under heaven and existing In the mind of a sane nnd patriotic citizen why tho same result shall not be obtained by the applica tion of the same principle In our stnto government? No. Then why not do it? Shall the whole state ho held up to the continuance of an Irrational un constitutional grab-bug system of fees, perquisites and jabherwock grafts gen et ally 7 Does the Republican party want to get Into the attitude of the bunko-mail, who has been able to work the peoplo on a sharp shell-gume7 The people have oyes, and they can put two and two togothor, and they know that the result of reasonable lint salaries would be wholesome and ben eficial, and would tend to put order nnd economy Into our Htnto rovonuoH. You can fool tho peoplo once with stnto platform promise on so plain a matter. Then bewnro. The Sure Way to prevent Pneumonia and Consump tion Is to cure your cold when It Jlrst appears. Ackers English R.m.dy will stop me cuuKu " -" ---.-drive the cold out of your system. Al ways a quick and sure cure for Asth ma; Bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. If It does not satisfy you tho druggist will refund your money. Wrlto to ua for freo sample. W. H. HOOKER & CO., Buffalo, N. Y. D. J. FRY, uruggisi- U ...CHICAGO Kt ! PEOPLE'S BARGAIN HOUSE; a direct vote of the people Is what Abo Liin oln cnlled an enduring ques tion. It Is a question that will not wear out right awny. In almost any political party but the Republican party, "as she Is consti tuted," Geer's vote would elect him senator. It named the soiintor In Kansas against old Boss Jonos, who had boon a ring and boodle senator for 20 years. A popular vote would not be disre garded In the Democratic pnrty, or the Populist party, "did she still exist." Tho Indications are that the push politicians would llko to buy (Jeer off, but they don't want to buy him with the sonatorshlp. They wnnt to buy him oft with something thnt don't so apparently belong to him. If ho were a McBrlde or a Williams ho would take up some world's fnlr Job, or any old miscellaneous candi dacy. The vote for Ooor Is a ticklish thing, a poser, a hoodoo, one way or another a hoodoo on Oeer or tho Re publican pnrty. It moans Ooor for senator, or some man almost equally popular with the farmers, if the Republican party Is to save Its bacon. o Some men have greatness thrust upon them. John Anderson, tho man residing near Seattle, who was held up In a sensational way by Trucy, has been on exhibition In a lending Sonttle saloon, where ho and the proprietor have beon reaping a rich harvest. I'lio bargrtlns and prices wo are glV- M " M'l. Greater Tnan tyer ioi; ..h-m- dv i. .t u.. SlifBtor- ?KU,.n -r K, rvvM ame turn - P .toSBw7iB.'iS5. SW in low price ,IW... and bonorab.e TO LOVERS OF EMERSON. The Atlantic Monthly for July con tains some ICmersoulanit or unusual In terest and Importance. a series of transcription from Kinoi-sou's unpub lished note books telling or his talks and" walks with William Kllory Chan uIiik. These extract, with their line, racy ilavor of transcendentalism and quaint humor, are exceedingly charac teristic and slKiilllcant. Klsewhere In the number I printed a letter or ICm erou' I'flntnlnlnic some curious al lusion to "those red-eyed men," the editors of the Atlantic. THE VOTE FOR GEER. Tlltl -15.1100 VOliMi for fleer fnr Hnlfu,! r,,, , . .... I writ a a woman can Stnto Henator are not so easily ills-' i i cmm.it tinuic " To say a pleasant word to anyone was almost impossible." "I w troubled with female nenknrt for elsht years, and Miflcred more than I can tell." writes Mrs Oust Ioser or Ovnuilo. Deertodge Co , Mont " My dixltion was affected to such an extent mat to say a pleasant word to anyone was altnoit lintMmlhte "I had two oter tlons performed by oneof the most sUllcd inrKenns of the West, hut did not get relief Then, ma I ii it my doctor's strict orders, 1 commenced taking Dr Werce's Favorite Prescription and OoMcn Medical Dis covery,' and r so fol lowed t he a ' vice given lu the Common ruse Medical Ad- vlser "I continued this treatment for three months, and day am as healthy uml aetiully throws the uluirrv Into a not her. Tho marks o( the knife ssn seareely lie seen on the seeded Irult. It hhhU Ire in 90 to ; i uurls per hour. IUlnll prWe, 8 uents. R. M. WADE & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ltooho Harbor IJme. l)t Uramls Portland Oewem. WOOD; mw tir full taiftii All kinds of building hWHI, miuJ, n'svei, UUi, .blu!, i. D. S. BENTLEY 181-183 Oom'l St. A Juicy Morsel for Breakfast MstJ(!ter you can enjoy from one ef ou -Umit and dttllolous meats, steaks. Isub w SMHttOD obom. veal outlet ur cork. 6w nut are all out (rem Uitlttet imH. tinweitcattle. and wo can sutmlv wir tble vrllu Irtish, uutiit ous end w$kMtn4 mauls t bed rook prices. I'lioue (Mil Mala C, CROSS SALBM ORE Hub i """'" ' "' - &a I iLsf W-Jwtffl .AMR ''Was isffclggySpry? lou.tltutliHi, the few am) salarteM hum rre4vel by tktiu, are not JusUIHshI am It is iuur Utatt probable thai without auy lettaUwi on the sub Imt. uimih amplication, the courts WOMW L tbiH Mlile. We tbiuk that Uiw la iiotkluK to Justify a special MswkNt of the lecUlNlurts as the resw ter could acvsMMpUah evwythina dir U. sXnuthsv objMUoH la the iiwt Pft us (mmU1 session. ' Who ever uMnl of an atneotweut to te ctMusUtutloa putUtii Itself Into ton Mild MTiM-t? Ab smeuauieut ui the urSNAlc tew is nut leMl.laUo. and aessta a aUttu( tu iteHue Ui oawniUoii Uwa utiiy fin be Mfurvl and rtm atrM) The aiidHiMt needs a short Mt to maiie it More datult and d lare how u Kiutlt h put into upera uiitt. or ii in be a were uiMxuluthM lorve hniuK iM the air with no nay lu "totuh It oT." Kiht per cosil of the voten way tH-uiitiu lor the iuittaUv a4 ivo m vut fiu- th rWonMsduiu, hut H la uiu.i t.( luuMMi to ikstue Ue ftetuas of in,o iiuuUiMtS, hOW thV aiuli CLEAR THE SIDEWALKS. One of the matter lu wlilt-h our city Is woefully belilud tho time la lu per inlttiim hleyelea to run tm the slde- WIllkM, Not n elty lu the Unite.1 Ktatea tol erates this at least at the time of the year when there la hcmhI wheeling on the roads and atresia. Theie mlKlit ho evwi an exception ninde lu favor of wheelmen tmlnjr the iMenmtiB MtlHI ti U) it a. Ill, autl e to 7 p. in. to allow the working iwople to go to mid friMii their labo The rest of the time the pedestrian ahould not U driven to stand aalde for all kinds of riders, wmie eareful and some reckless. A Salt-m tatly aaya she raniun Ko out tm her ou sidewalk without lw lug wklstle.1 dovNu like a tlog by some. wwvUer that thies not take the trim bis to carry a bell. If the wheelmen ocwW mn use the sidewalks there would sikmi be a good path akHtgaido irf evry street. After alt get 0 riding ou the streets the la requiring a lantern ihi a wheel at nigui rould be repsHtod. It Is uo wore just to wake a whstlmsN carry lawtsm thau a pedsstriau, or a driver of any whirl Uut arat M all cycllsu be kept off ihe sidewalks lu the city at least In the suburbs there is uo protes Hon t.tit the shotguu. posed of. Oneo the people have beKUii exprtws Iiik thuiiiHulves. they do not let ro of the privilege. It Is not (low ixirlleuhuly they clam or for; for the principle of the thlitK. Is the most Important; far moro than the mil ii. (leer has declined himself for direct legislation, mid direct elurtlou of sen ators, and that Is more than most of the polltlclaiiH have done. On the baala or the princlplo of tho thing. (Jeer will Ret pretty nearly overy vote lu Marlon county for senator. And the members will nut be going far from wrong. They might do a great deal worse than stick to a prln- iple The proposition to elect aenators by IkKtur I'iercr enoiiuh for his kind letters to me." Womanly dis eases, as a rule, spoil the "disposi tion," uecause ot the extreme ncrv- dpnline. 85c all wool drc is Roods 40 In. greys nnd ne special oJc Ific fuel blaok .alio. c 85 grey brilliftntlnedresBKOOdBBOo Black lATvns, blsrk erenHdines and fancy summer dreis goods, HALF I'MCK. 15c drcea canvas, yd .8c 35c merrurlzed Batinettfp, nil colors, lookB liko filk and bet ter for wear, yd -30 15c Chaintireye, all rolora, . . . .Uo 55c white Engllih I. K.. boot goods made, yd i-Oc ICc white Indin linen, J d 0c 75c double thread lace curtninB, mIo prices "jjc 8V,o turkey red napkins. ...... .oc 15c white linen napkins, largo mo t,c 25c No. 40 nil e!lk ruck ribbons, nil colors, yd ..... ........ 16o Tb"bcBt ladies blnuk Bttctings , 011 earth for J 'Jo 35c wliito all over laco, yd. ...loo LaoioB' 10c piiinmpr underwear 5c 15c linen colored applique, yd.. 80 6O0 blncd French lisle Btock'gs UGo 30 pieces criiBh tonollne. half price, yd 40, 8)c Court Street. ftkEVOY BROS., Proprietors. Salem, Oregon I UU&HHtWWtHHWmm4r -S 'I 7 kA rifa t Frie dman Busy, walking down ail lines of cloth ing, hats, ladies' and men's furnishing goods tor the final wind-up, v v 307 Commercial Street lid-Sumw Rettuction Sale Dry goods, millinery, shoes. Re ductions on all lines of goods except spool cotton " . sr' Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store Unp- ousness and sufferintr thev cause. piuoM as well as health is restored to the woman whose diseased condition is cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. After cijht years of sufTeriiiR and two fruitless operations, three months' use of "Favorite Prescription" restored Mrs. Moser to perfect health. This ereat remedy for woman's Ills, establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals intiauiuiatioii and ulceration and cure female weukiio.sa. The Coninion Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 larne twues, in naner covers. Is sent free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to luy expense 01 inaillnij only. Address v. mrce, imiialo, N. Y. iuy ex I)r. R. jH-H-H-H-l I I i 1 I I H H-rill I I H I I I I I I I I I) U I I I 1 I I I I I I I- II Journal Voting Contest I - F0R -- The Most Deserving and Popular Young Lady in Salem. 0 ; : t.asr One receiving largoBt voto will be given a fieo railroad ticket to ii Newport and return, ami board and free entertainment at the Bay View ; ; Hotel with oholco of the finest room in the houio for one week, beginning I ! Saturday, August Kith. Votes on accompanying coupon will be received a', this olllco, and re- J suit of ballot announced from day to day. Noxt Door to tho Poptoffieo. ff f. jpe. .: c' xmui ; .ussrriir h . i cs m - C ffWSZI VlJTZIl K??sSi u . AvPiv At Easter Time Is when the building business will bo in full swing. If you haven't given your orders for your lumber requirements It ailt pay you to get estimates from Goodalo Lunibor Co., for any nnd all kinds of lumber for out or inside work, lath, shingles, eaflh, doors, blinds and everything needed in this lino. n'- . V "OWnJaT" THE PRECOCIOUS CHILD. The uuulsely unwociwu ihlia u vry imrw. VtmU hi aeMotu justl- . .ttnouutx to Ui4r vkMpm c wkun aM tmiwtHNidwtt. Tli willy 0 rtoi-- HouW kMM-1 i 1. 1. ..... -w .- ..- 11 n aw not saw a crust of tar- .... wnitn icuaa to tu bttitlly whm uiniy JOURNAL VOTING COUPON One Vote for Miss. for one week's free seaside outlntr at New port. Aueust 16th. "Illllllll """HllllllllllliiiHit -PER CUT Off- On all Carpets Nothing Reserved Goodale Lumber Co. Near 8. P. Piisn'r. depot. Phono 051 ese ..Go to the Ladies' Bazaar.. For shirt waists, belts, underwear, corsets, hosiery, ribbon, laces, shirt waistings, and other goods in our line, An especially beautiful lot of new veilings. Our goods are marked very low, Call and be convinced. ...The Ladies Bazaar... 118 State Street, Salem. s'asees A Good Wife and Health... Aro a man'a best wealth, and he can contribute to the health of himBol and wife by uslug tho Capital Brewery beer. It ia pure, healthful and nutri tious, and is a dolightful bevorago a any season, and during warm weather there isn't a thirst quencher that can equal it. Capital Brewery Co. .Mrs. M. Beck, Proprietor. Gambrinas Beer! AND 20 20 CrOOD ,,l?Sr3HCXS3Sa:3E3"Sr Everybody is welcome at THB NOBLE ALfcsX CORNOVRP Cor. State and Commercial. THa almu n ui (AM l M nk.U .. . . 7 " """ fll.xt ami unKodurt, im -U...I... -j k. . , . "f" UIHf ""Ii Ih- m. m.rrzr izrizL .r .-? ' . .-Pi.-. . ammMj . ttoufcl b. kaaw .,2' T"" We wish , .. ...I. Lr a Tum ii wit! g. to .. .. uu-yu Zr ."T " v a' wre ug, 1st. at which time w . . " " -w 1 wvw wvvsj nsjj UMistftnn tk iS. !.. , .. w-i. u will W wtuit a iimi u.JnuwiL . . " ."M" invoiee. Th. ,, ...in ... , . . a w-tor- d,.a Mli.. m,uZt:'rarTu wm uppiy Irom Juy I'HteM (Ii lnu,.,rt i , ,k- .T. .r" " "W. and USt 1st. KEMHfViRPP TUB Dl Ar? UJ I - - - - . U4 Wfc 'Phone, Main 81. 9 STRAWBERRIES GREEN PEAS CABBAGE TODAY Harritt & Laqjrbncb Old Post Office Rv,v V - AX V 1 Post Office Grocery. Tbt iismlur. m rry Ux of U ccuIb. Laxative flrmnn.finInlniTujA- VyiWtittPlX rM04r tUl awi vW lu ot uy. klU Mlanui I Ik h.blv .. .l.. . """ " a vvhav-h ,. uui ,.T177Jt," 7. " "" ."?" a . . .mu ..u u mzu: JZJSLirTf .to. x 10th to Aug X , OUt mmathtmm- tui i. h.iiH.. .J th. - li .- T7"' "" ' J"- 'rtj mn.1 ud w, io4 .-, .."TIU-. Zm .!r "' rk ,ha BM1, L-uL..: rr ?i:r.imrm u wnidi win VWMI IU smMMt.... JUlW,H - 1 iBiiiw, ur '' ''s ' " HH IN I In f the ut IwcUlaturv. The House Furnishing Co. : St., next to PosUoflloe. c.. o , E tores at Ralem and Albaay DIXON DEHORNER Dehorn vour eaivtMan.i t.unn r . Dixen Deho'rBor. a thuk mTiV that i.nnii. mM5' and ,cPPe" b"t ' ...BREWSTER & WHITE... Psedwen aad SQdnie. L t 91 Court Strost, Salsa, Or,