THE DAILY JOURNAL. Watch the Fight for Flat Salaries. Tonight and Saturday, (air. VOL. XII. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1902. NO. 30. E mix ni3'" & j-M-HI I 1 1 1 I Ml I II 1 II Mill II I H4H I I I M-f-m-H-H-H-H-f-fr t You'll Want a Cool Shirt Now Our assortment is Unusually Large . The 50c line Will eurprlio you. Tlioy'ro neat pottoma and well mado. Others at 60, 75, 95c Thofo flnur grndo- aro extra val ues. You ought to eeo them. Men's Shirt Waists 95c They're mado of fine Madras, It's tho most satisfactory shirting you can got. The New' I Yerk: Racket 1 FRIGHTFUL SCENE OF DEATH Two Hundred Men Buried In a Mine At Johnstown Explosion of Fire Damp the Cause Deadly Gas Prevents Rescue Men Were Seated Eating Their Lunches When Caught, in the Fiery Trap Clothing Ladies' and Men's Furnishings. Shoes Salem's Cheapest One-Price' Cash Store MiWi-iil t H-l-l-H-H-H-H-t-H-H-H-H- Eye orrows Mhtiv a troubhi of the nye is rofeiablM simply and solelv to wrong trlaspes IFittinc tlie iye with ulau'es is an uri. We have tho nronor knowledge and the - . - . . . . - . a '...'. . proper instruments (or doing it, correctly. II there's no lit there a no pay. Could rou aeK lor latrer terms. HERMAN W, BARR Jtalo and Lihorty Sts., Salotr. Scientific Optician. p Strong PtiH )tir puro and choico wince. Iiiiiorp, whisltlui, beers alo and porter liavu with tho public who appreciate liln grailo cxrellenco in wet uoods gone-rally. We have a superior Btock of tho best lomeetlc and imported whiskey in the country that have purity, ago ai.d low prices to recommend thou. TOP. ROGERS, 218 222 Commercial Street. tSSCwMwRlp' """- How About Your Eyes Get your eyes tested at C. T. Pom eroys so you can see perfectly. Gold filled sueclac'es warranted 10 years, formerly 3-50 now 2 00. Watches, gold filled cases, Elgin or Waltnam movement liom 10 to 20. C. T. Pomeroy . . . Jowolorand Optician, 2bS Com'l. St. 2XxXX)X5x Johnstown, July 11. At dawn today the bodies of 40 victims of the Cambria mine horror were brought up. The rescue party counted forty more, but could not reach them on account of the deadly gas. Some say 100 more bodies are beyond reach In the Impenetrable region of death. Others place the estimate at fifty more, but It Is safe to say the loss will pass 150, and may reach 200. The scones around the mouth of the mine, when the bodies were brought up, are heartrend ing. The wives, mothers and children of the dead had gathered early, and, when the first body appeared made for It with pitiful shrieks and lamentations. The entire police force of the city and that of the Iron Company were present to keep the frantic women back. The faces of the dead are a deep scarlet. All of the poor fellows had their hands uplifted close to their faces. The head of one of them was completely blown off. xxtfexxxi) A terrible, explosion 'took place in tho Cambria Stool Company rolling mill mlno, under Westmount Hill, ear ly yautorday afternoon, and how many aro dead It will tnkosovoral days to do turinluc. Thnt it may roach 200 or more men, is hollared. It was an hour after tho explosion beforo any goneral kuowledgo of what had happonod got abroad, and littndrcdH rushed to tho scono. At tho oponlng across the riv er tho pollco stood guard, porirllttlug no ono to outer tho mine, from which noxious gassos woro coming. Soon nftor tho news of tho explosion reached tho Cambria ofllcors, Engineer Mooro and A. F. Prosser mado an at tempt to entor tho mlno. Thoy woro followod by Suporintondont Robinson, hut tho deadly gassoa Btoppod their progross, and they woro compelled to return to tho surface. Foreman Rodg ors, IiIh assistant, William Blanche, and Flro Rosses John Whltnoy and Jphn Rotalic, and John Thomas woro ovorcomo by ttro gassoB, and it is feared Ihoy porishod in the horoic ef fort to rescue tho minors. New Governor of Australia. London, July 11. It is said that Harry Leslie- Dlundcll McClamant, M. R., member of tho Jockey Club and tho Royal Yacht Squadron, has boon chosen to succeed tho Earl of Hope toun as governor-general of the com monwealth of Australia. Tho Earl of Hopotoun resigned his post last May, snylng his position was a heavy drain upon ltis private- resources, and that the salary attached to tho governor generalship was wholly insufficient to maintain tho dignity of tho oflleo. j Tho appointment of a woalthy sportsman, who is bettor known for his horso racing than Ids political pro clivities, to fill tho position vacated by tho Karl of Hopotuun, on account of inadequacy of tho salary attached to ft, is gonorally considorod rather a novelty in tho selection of colonial gpvbrnors. i Tho coronation bazaar at Loudon was opened by Quoon Alexandria Thursday afternoon. OWING TO FATHER'S REBUKE mjxvsxsx&scfXE(mx&g&&m!, have a clear track In Ita Might, whon it went tearing past the regular train, and thus prevented what would have proven a uiKimiii cuiiibiuii, wmi iuni Bible great loss of llfo and propotty. Tho runaway car continued on Uk course until a succession of cttrvos and tip-grndos were met with near Tolo. and hero tho car "died" on tho main line. Thu runaway car made tho dis tance between Ashland and Med ford, 12 mlloB, in nine mlnutos, and cov ered a distance of 27 miles In Its wild rush. o Portland Young Man Commits Suicide Sent a Bullet Through Ills Heart The President At Oyster Bay Oystor Ray, July 11. President Roosevelt disposed of a largo amount of curroRpondonco this morning, nnd tonight had n gamo of tennis with Ills 1 children, a horseback ride, In which tho ontlro family, with tho exception of Miss Allco, participated, followed. Tho president has rocolvod a ronlv to Johnstown, July 11. At 8 o'clock, Govornor Taft's noto, hut will not mnko iriBave You Ever Tried Salem's Botanical Doctor? iHo urn mai absolutely cures cancora, tu ipro, gravel, kidnoy and bladder trou- 31 bono disoasos. asthma, skin dls- Instructions. Dear Friend: ju must bear In mind that this JJcino Is not a polsonouB tonic, nor jmulant, nor a temporary rollof, vhToS you got from poisonous drugs, 5 tho results are sure death soon- MXaxlIator. Those poisons go In your ansa, and destroy tho llfo of them indrercato all kinds of diseases, can- Arnilrt tnmnrn cnnnumntlnn rlrnnov tPPOldlseaBOB. otc. Do not blamo tho adtglne whon It takes an effect and Kp tho poisons or disease In tho You must not oxpect to be easos all without the uso of tho knife or poisonous minerals or mineral of any kind. Thoy are used to being humbugged. My niedlclnea aro composed of na ture's herbs what tho human system requires. Whon the animals got sick they will help themselves to thoao herbs, for thoy have tho Instinct, nnd tho pooplo havo not, bo we have to make a study of It It has been a llfo Btudy with me. Do not get weary; this life Is too short and too swoet to worry out of this world. seven additional bodies were brought up. Twonty-slx are idontlflod. All tho doad, it was proven, dlod while eating lunchoB, nnd wore soatod In groups of flvo and ton mon, with tholr dinner huckota lie-side- thorn. Tho remains of tholr lunches was scattered over tho tloor, and evidences arc that tholr llvos wore snuffod out quickly. It la ovldont that flro damp of tremondotiB forco swopt down upon tho mon with tho spood or a high wind. Most of tho victims aro foreigners. Royond tho four mon at Uio hospital, it -Is almost cortnln that not ono man oscapod allvo. It public until negotiations with Vatican Is finished. the Was Marrried Only Six Hours to His Foster Sister Telegraphic Briefs. Treasury statistics show great in crease with tho Island possessions. Ratrlco, Nob. has had a $ 125,000 fire. Congressman Hull has boon ronoml nated In Iowa. Tho hot wavo at Pittsburg hns been followed by heavy rnlns. The United StatoB has boon asked to Intervono In a triangular contest for tho torrltory -of Arco hotween Hollvln, Pom and Chill. Two long-haired medlclno fakirs, heavily armed, tried to hold up tho steamor Dubuquo, noar Rock Island, and woro both killed. Two mon nnd a woman broke Jail at San Diego, Cat. In n flro at Reno, Nov., the lC-month-old baby of Mrs. A. U. Nelson was burned to death. A Paris dispatch says tho experi ments with Bubmnrlno wiroless tolog rapliy at Chorhorg wore successful. Mossagos woro racoivod without dlfll culty whoa undor wator. Vancouver Harracks, Wash., is like ly to be mado a larjco army post. POSSI u SURE OF ITS PREY QUEEN'S CHARITY BAZAAR Biggest Affair of Its Kind Eyer Held Notable American Women Largely Interested Sheriff Is Confident Tracy's Escape Is Impossible Completely Surrounded He is Hiding In the Brush On a Hill Another Story of the Spectacular Display of the Outlaws Iron ,Nerve Tracy's Movements Since Thursday, contotnplato a concerted niovo from all sldoB at a given signal. Altoona, Pa., July 11. Tho officials of tho Cambria Mining Company this morning stated that tho list or doad would not oxcood 80. A ;nost rigid in vestigation of tho dlsastor will be mado as soon as posslblo. RESIDENTS TRAVEL IN BOATS Pottland, July 11. Cliffoul D. Hur voy, 21 years old, six hours nftor wod ding his fostor sister, committed suicide- last night by sending a hullot through his hoart. Harvey, who had been tending bar for his rather In tho saloon on tho northwost corner or Park and Morilson streets, reported for du ty nnd put on his apron at tho usual hour last night. At 8:10 his lifeless body with a 38-callbro rovolvor lying noar tho right hand, w.s round In a back room or tho saloon, and his ratti er Colonol J. II. Hnrvoy, was standing a fow rM)t fioin It. Summons for phyMlclamt were sent In. but medical nld was of no avail, for death had been almost Instantaneous. Intimate ft lands of young Harvey said that his net was duo to an unfor- tunato love affair. Ho had become at tached to his foster-sister, and his pa rents objected to their marrlago. Thoy Idolized Clifford, who was their only son, and they wlHhod no wedding which would take him from tholr homo. Friends also said that the sui cide and tho young woman had boon married nt Vancouver In tho after noon, and It was to tholr union that llarvoy attributed tho rubuko of his father, although Colonel Harvey, at that time, know nothing or tho potted wedding. J. P. Morgan Lend His Jewels for Exhibition London, July 11. Tho ootonatlon bazaar, which Is probably tho hlggost affair or Its kind uvor hold, and an or ganization which was chloily duo to tho onorgy or Mrs. Choato, wlfo of tho United Statoa ambassador, and other prominent Amerlcnns, was opened by Quoon Alexandria, yesterday aftor noon, Tho bazaar was hold In tho bo tanical gardons, Regent Park. It waa In nld or tho hospital for sick children. Ovor C000 tickets, nt a guinea each, woro sold In advance. Stoppod at tho home of E. M. John son, Wednesday, Rodo to Johnson's placo on tho whlto horso ho Btolo near Ronton Tuesday night. Arriving he gavo tho farmer money with which to buy n rovolvor nt Ta coma. Tracy told Johnson ho would kill tho ratnlly ir tho messenger Informed tho officers whoro ho was. -Johnson obeyed orders, Tracy remaining at tho ranch until .Wednesday night, whon Johnson returned with tho weapon. Tho outlaw departed on horseback, and Johnson waited until yostordny morning hororo raising an alarm. News camo from Sheriff Cndlheo, nt Seattle, lato last night that ho now has tho locnllty In which Tracy Is hiding. Ho Is believed to be oficuuood on n hill, commanding the approach from Tho ndvanco will ho preceded by the hounds, which will ho cast looso Im mediately aftor daybreak, hi tho hopo that tho fugitive may bo driven to hay. Michael Dolan, who Bays ho posi tively recognized Tracy, Is well known In Auburn, nnd Is regarded as a thor oughly rollnblo man. Independent of Dolau's roport thoro Is abttndnnt ovldonco that Traoy was In tho vicinity of Auburn yesterday nftornoou. Two young women residing near whoro Dolan llvos, reported tonight they saw tho phantom-llko outlaw. Ho passed them on the county road, going In the direction of the locality whero Dolan believes he Is now hiding. Joseph Jnne, warden of tHo Oregon penitentiary, Is at South Rand. Wash., to Identify the msned. held there, who all sldos, and the plans of the sheriff Jim believed to ho Merrill. CS-X&. Seattle, July 11. The sheriffs posse which surrounded the hill where Tracy It hiding, near Kent, exchanged shots with him at mid night. The men are all expert marksmen and woodsmen, familiar with the country, employed around the hill. The bloodhounds are on the trail. Tracy tried to board a freight train on the grade at S o'clock this morning, but failed, and retreated Into the brush on the hill top. The sheriff believes he has Tracy where escape Is Imposol ble. The railways are permitting the search of all trains. fcXD&XsXOrtLrjWsM DRESSED ASA ro- FlOOd Situation Unchanged, and Doing Much Damage Dr. Cook cures all kinds of disoasos. Dr. J. F. COOK, 301 Liberty St., 8a- lem, Ore- la the man you ounht to n a few days, for your sickness , consult. He Is a natural doctor. He Is Igeaso has 'een a loug time com- descended from a line of German herb- ailsts, the best physicians In the world. Thin Is his fourth year In Salern, and and It will tako a .long time fit out of your system. It will months or a year to build up a body from the bones up. the people do not Johnstown. July 11. Tho work of identifying the victims Is fonturod with sconos past description. Only tho wives, children or parents of tho doad nro admitted to tho morgue. The wives threw themsehoti on tho lifeless bod I ob of tholr husbands, and tholr eric moved the stoutost hearts to tears. Up to tlie noon hour 37 Identifi cations had been made. An official statement Issued by the mine officials says the explosion was due to fire damp. Dos Molnos, la., July 11. Tlie flood situation Is practically unchanged, al though the great danger that threat ened yesterday is not bo Imminent. Thu river is In some places two miles wldo. The wator Is black and foul, and It Is feared thoro will bo nn epi demic when tho wnter recedes. The sewers are chocked, and suwago Is filling tho cellars. WILLING TO ARBITRATE Freight Hands Agree to Abide By Decision of Board BOY Woman Wanted to Beat Her Way On Trains Cliltnao, July 11. In nervous mi- RoaU are the only means of travel V-t characterising the attitude of the union teamsters, and doubt enshroud In the flooded districts, and are uece- Johnstown, Pa., July 11. Bight llvo man were found In the mlno this .. mt-i- i ... .. I up. ms in scores or patients and friends can tes- afternoon. They had secured nlr by understand, j tlfy to his skill In their cases breaking the air pipe. At 1 o'olock 87 tead the Above Remarkable Cure. tMW-BDaZH-BE-(B----!l-- Vj.s. f r-r j f HBHE -.-i. -7 M J Kl- to li-C!-?'' "ri.M VVU !JHl 11 .if.- J . . i S , mmjmm s isi ihe wl :xsmr . ! .-v-iSk-? ih ( i M tfB!--E- f - N--PH-Pk-SS ' ,nm n?'y5Z- .Wc Ric4?5iBBt Iflll dWWM . .x mamie f Diva : BYE a: specialist x A, M BANCROFT. m.r. oi jne BANCROFT 259 CcmlSt. OPTICAL CO. Elen, Ortfoo W do our owa irtallats. Exmlea:loa free. sary In reaching many houses, which j K sottlament. the freight handlers' the occupants refuse to vacate. Oretit ,,4r,ko (!fl,,tliiues. It was nnuoiincwl destruction will prevail, and the 3U00 1 ,a(lt nlgUt UlIlt u, ,-jiroads wore will victims will have to subsist on charl- !nK t0 aitrate. the frright handlers ty. IIundratlR were compelled to Imi( bavin areMl t abide by any decision in the parks last night. The property arrivud nt by the local board of aibl lose will exceed J1.0&0.O00. T)lwe wn- trjU(m IjJt UJ) p JWM1 ,Jl wpreBen. a break of the levees In the factory tntlv of tj1B rallrwids failed to up- district last night, almost completely JH,ar ut the apoliiUd place. In view of submerging large brick hulldliiKM rew.nt (eVeloimenU Uie millce fear flllel with costly machinery. Many outiraQus. and 200(1. natralmen are Rattle Creek, Mich., July 11. Dent rlco Phllhurii, or Detroit, was arrested hero Inst evening for masquerading In male attlru. Shu and her husband ex pected to bent tholr way to Poitland, where "Rob," or Robert W. Phllhurii, had a bettor Job than In Detroit. He had not money enough for both tick ets, so his wife was to stay with his mother. Roatrlco objected, and met "Rob" at tho dupot with brown curls clipped und dressed as it hoy. She mnde him promise to tramp It, and whon they got this far they were ar rested. This afternoon they were ie leused a truiikful of clothes having ar rived for the girl. Hhe will travel the rest of the way In a sleeper, while "Rob" will ride on freight trains alone. Well Selected Posse Are Now Closing In Seattle,, July 11. At 1 o'clock, Guard Carson, working wllth his dogs, after Tracy, says the fugitive Is but a short distance ahead. He Is traveling fast toward Palmer, having evidently been frightened by the numerous road guards, and Is making wonderful speed. The posse now thinks he slept last night at Buckley, Burns' old dis trict, densely covered with brush and woods. He Is traveling faster than at any time before. The posse has been kept on the run for some time, tho done giving tongue always. The chase Is now In a dense woods. From four sides the posse Is approaching a cen tral point. The last posse was organ ized by miners from Dlack Diamond. A battle Is expected when the posses close In. Later A telephone report at 2:15 says the fight Is on, and three deputies havo been shot. Seattle, July 11. At 6 o'clock this morning tho sheriff took tho blood hounds to Covington, near fthoro Tra cy was last soon at midnight, Tho sheriff Is confident tho end will como today. houi wete washed away. held In readiness for Instant call. bodies had been recovered. The re port of a second explosion Is untrue. WILD RUN OF FLAT CAR. Must Stand Trial in Angeles County It yi" I DAY HA. ISO TEBROR9 os kltcbca Is ei-lrccd with s No hcatloe up of tbe whole hot day. Heat U oaly sp ire eee-Jr A a nailer of uoaiy a r-a.e wH! sees ta savta- Of tuiL wkia ha-M mlec-tlorwt-4 caaaot bvertsitmat. ike t coac-ttn:e of I-U cleaaiy i mniicr M m! Mi H m ;-f ci if.? .. -.- ..-.... i Tmucm ua Lium -u. Cr.emskeU 8L ff 1 M 5' Navel Orangeade Sosiethln. Good to Drink at SODA F0UHTAIH 114 State Street. Breaks Away From Freight Train on Mountain Grade. Ashland, Or., July 11. A remark able accident occurred on the South ern Pacific Company's lines here ye-U-rday. A flat car, loaded with rock fiom the Dunn (marry, got away from a-i extra freight train at Ayers spur, e'.x miles south of Ashland, and eame tt-arlng down the heavy Siskiyou mountain grade, and through town at the rate of R$ lailee an hour. The run away ear went paet the dispatcher's office like a blue streak. The regular northbound train had only left the sta tion a few t-lBMtee before, ami was ob tbe main line Bearing MedfonL sfiii if seemed, as though It wottW twrely be overtakes asd erased JU by the rwaawar car Train Dtoftateher H. ft. Puere wlrwl to tbe Medfortl oSlw of tie lrajfldtBK danger and there was iut time for th brafceuian to rush to' t'iaK-e Bott of Wood burn tUe switrb and )t the runaway car aira today THE CALL'S LIBEL CASE Los Hun Pranelsco, July 1LClaus SpreckhM and Manager Leak, of the Call, today applied to tbe supreme eourt for a writ of habeas corpus, r- " ' qHMitlRg their relas from custody. They must stand trial In Los Angeles, iXii2r!iaiffl2f-X)( DOE8 IT PAY. " A merohant who had two stores In small villages tried an experiment. He put a bargain counter In eaoh store contain ing the same articles at exactly the same prlee. In the newspapers of one vil lage he advertised his speolal counter. In the other village he did not advertise and sold good, amounting to $984. In the store In the village where he did advertise he sold goods amounting to $1,7i. Iron and Hteel. Coronation To Be in August London, July 11. The king contln lieu to Nlet well, and Is Improving In every reepeeL Liverpool, July 11. The Post today. In speaking of tho king's lllniMw, says: Ills majesty Is anxious to hurry the coronation; It may be held August Uth The doctors believe It would be to his advantage to have It as soon as po slble, ns his mnjesty Is worrying him self a great deal about this subject. IxndB, July Is officially an nouufcd today that the eonuiiHtloN will occur between the Sth agd Uth of Au gust. o The Oklahoma Tragedy. JojiIIh. Mo.. July 11. The bodlesi of the four persons fotiml murdered near Prudence, O. T. Monday, are believed to be those of A. C. itone, wife ami two children, of llaxUr Springs Kan J. W. (Hon, who Is In Joplln. says that his brother. A. O. MtoHw, left Ras ter Hpiingu June Oth for Oklahoma, county In the Gagt) IIM suit. Argu menu began this morning before Su perior Court Judg -Slose oa a writ of prohibition regueetfld ky CJage to pre vent Police Judge Pritz tmm trying the libel cam. The governor and both deeudaRts were projent. ' 0 ,., u "' overland, and that he was In &Se332 vicinity of Pnideneo at the time Summer Hotel Clerk (U bride and the iHurdera were suppo-ed to nave groom) Do you wleh a northern or southern exuasureT Urlde (bluuhlnglf)- Oh, please, air. no esftHiere at alt' July Suwrt Bet. o Tbe wife Ok. Clmr, Pre lost my bathing suit! WHftt shall I dor Tbe husband Don't imy anything was in about it it won't be missed July Smart get been committed. He had been la the bay baelNete at Ilaxter SuriHga, and bad gou to Oklahoma, seekiug em liloywwt as a harvest hand. He car ried but little money, but had a valu able outfit. Stone was 90 years of age. and bis wife 38. The children w-e a girl, aged 8 and a boy of . These descriptions fit those sent from Pjuilv&CO j Seattle. July 11. Prom two shies of the creek above Covington the potties are closing In. They believe Tracy Is between them. The hounds failed to follow the scent, although It was known to have been made by Tracy. Tlie guards say the ground Is too dry. Tiaey met a girl and a Imy last night, and asked the road to Palmer, also one to Seattle. He appeared to be feeling had. Ills wonderful nerve seems grad ually breaking down under the strain I'or tlie first tJme since his escape he has (he appearance of a hunteJ ani mal. Rumors received at noon that he had been seen again near Kent; proved to lie unfounded. Merrill is re IHirted to have Ihuhi seun are tulles above where Tracy waa supimmmmI to be, but the olHeers aro unable to con firm this. The sheriff's pnes Is hiHler selected than ever befor.. o Teashers Are Net Preselytlng Washington. July 1L--A cablegram hu lMf-n received front Acting Oov m urrivlit of the Ihilluidiice. d H4n tbMi the schnol teachers a proselyting antoug the Catholics o--In Twe Seas-s ef the Ward. As the late congressman rram the Pourth New Jersey district strolled up ilroad street in Newark two weeks befor. his death, he pasted a couple of gentlemen standing uenr the I'm dentlal building, ouc of whom has political ambitions. "I should like to be In his tttum right hom - said the politician, mus ingly. "A big ttsh. I suppose' resjarhed his oompanlait. "muh eoll tic ally and lUnrally." was the reply. "He's a congressman and his nam In leJinou.' New York TlrjMM. TiUJIte: Mint Primrose Don't yoH ver give ynr ttog any exerciser Mies Hollyhock Ifondllug a fat pug dog at course, I fxd him with chocolates every few minut" just to make him wag his tcIL I Traoy Looks Worried. Seattle, July 11. At - o'clock this morning Tracy was seen on tlie hill top. The sheriff believes the fugitive Is where esoape Is Impossible.. Traoy nppenred to be visibly worrlod hon seem by the duputlue hint night. ' o - Rert R. Rnrker, a well-known Salem hoy, who is usHocinted with a protul netit legal linn In Ohlongo, start for Balem on tlie 10th Inst., for a two weeks' visit. Miss Chnrlotte Lunn, of North Yak ima, Wiuhlngton, is the guest of Ijer aunt. Mrs. A. A. llurton, on Hast State street. FRESH TODAY. Salted Almonds SaltedJPeanuts Zinn's 154 State St .Phone 2874. 5 l M Peerless!! Sale Or Summer-Goods Read Tomor row's Ad, !a.MSWWl"fl.B:I to.'