0m,i ' i" i. """tTTSEr imiymnmwilllf wijtiiiiMiwawliw'jiftjgJMyw V, (- 'sSfcttu fc..i . THE DAILY J6URNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1B0& j -'.-.vt we TWO STATE SENATORS ENDORSE PE-RU-NA, NIGHT VISITOR AT PEN POST OFFICE CHANGES Msk5sw ampmg K A 'A IF YOU ARK IiE Sl'RB TO M WELL PROVIDED WITH Being Fired At By Night Watch, He Disappeared HTH fi 5 7) The- Force At Salem Slightly Increased is JU-E WHITI OEWeRu ,?MhH - & - ' . I OB MWMW i aBHwnPBBww1-" a c oinQ ! nsm A 6 O'clock Store y Hf iVI tMi H jIm BSV dflH HtfgSssfigW Blankete ft t- ..iBSSSsB AT I j ,& p. C. ? J F-l i jHRE' ' tn !pf,t - W". f ,Jh, $ New Linen Batistes Linen Lawns, Grenadines etc. Came . . . Yesterday iSS-fSftftiSSTifS NOWFORTHE COAST OR MOUNTAINS Deforo buying your supplies for your outing yon ahould call nt our atore and anu innpeoi mo moat complete line 01 camping boohs over anown. 8TAU HA MB. STAR RAOON. STAlt HAM HAUHAGU. BTAR SUMMER BAU8AGK. STAR DRIED 1IEEI'. BTEAMED COOKED HAM, The moat coraploto line of cniinod ineata aliown. ROTH 134 State Street. Si Not in Our Class YOU CANNOT Com pare the araiKJiro of the rubber stamp, nor the slip shod crlntlntr of worn out material, with the UP-TO-DATB PRINTINOwoare doing. Our work Is neat and artistic. Give us a trial and be satisfied for once with your sta tionery. We Deliver When Promised . . . Scliaefer & Palmer Room 3. 4. and 5 Moorea hlk. Phono, 2414, Rod, Shoea.. i That cannot be excelled for the money, MANY CELEBRATED MAKES . . SOME TAN SHOES $3.50 values to close them out at Id Repairing neatly done ...JACOB Y0GT... o 9 26S Com'l. St. a, $ RINEMAN'S DAROAINB. Shoulders, Per tb 10c. Deviled Ham tmall) per can 0c 0 for 25c. Deviled Hum (large) per can 10 3 cam 25c Sardines, per box 6c 0 boxes 36c. Salmon, S cans 26o Smoked Herring, Per box, 28c, Catsup, per pt bottle 1Bc a bottle S6c. Good Soda (18-os pkg ) Ac 8 pkge Mc, Corn SUraht per pkg Be Washing pawdr,per pkg 6c, yonr ImttM ad ess. W estautrjeet prleo, c&ib or idaraliiiM41inTi t mwhft lew "-- at TeUaJicne 131 JH. UajajMaBlttdkaalaWuSMMISKiaMatiiMsaLktaiMaskttttMBanH T?STmBHBBIBBew-Hh.vpapw,nv.Vrn, Variety Store' IHi J KirwHk. Nw lot el I.JUu AffltQVA M, WELCH f&, i,iti, a. a. . ... . M U17 VWPI, VI V'.U(t DVMt 1 1 Don't forget the great sale of children's dresses in the suit department. percale IDreeeee For children from 1 to 14 years nicely made and trim med with face, SPECIAL 45c each BEN FRANKLIN Wm tin Inventor of the doublo or bi focal spectscle letissi, which li now coraintr into auch general nte for thom who have panned the meridian or lilt Wo fit thn bl focal In all themeny dlffsr nt style. YT havo one special hl-focal nrrantement that hse never been ex celled for ulasa . ami comfort, and the preservation of aveileht. It comet nearer belnK the naturnl ey than any. thing In the war of a glnra Eyes toiled free, Chas. II. Hinges mrMclentlUo Optician. 88 Kioto St Nxl door to l.add & Ilmh bank Our Red Ribbon canned itoode nro proper goods to Inkn with you, THE IUOIIT KIND OF COFFEE. KTATII HOUSE COFFEE. KIN II BF. COFFEE. GltKQUS COFFBB. Tut up In nlr tight enna. Juat tho thing for you GRABBR Telephone 511 Dalrymple's A Full Line of Carlson - Currire Go's. Washable Art Silks Just to New Battenburg Pat' terns and Bra ds New Turn-over Collars. Silk organdies in beauti ful patterns and color' Ings. Boys' Clothing All that's new and nob by for summer wear. I $1.00 Suit up Good enough foranAl u Havana Filler SfWWAD,tSTAN0AROMVr," j - wm nsAUi d News nv efJJAST&twifirMJAf ra -- -.,-w,.msii liaAtea NUUbW fTM-isfflBgi X4aAe.. Klei Great Sale of all SUMMER SKIRTS All Summer I Cfiit-f Waictc atQfllAft oimi nui.atuiv Prices. $ ii I NEW TODAY. Wanted. Tliroo or lour inon to wont in haying, at $1.25 per day and board. Inquire of W, IJ. Duncan, six inllos uorthwost of Salem, on Salem and McCoy stngo lino. For Rent or For Sale. 12-room hotiso, partly furnished, largo grounds, stnblo, oto. 7-0-1 m, e Lost In tho business pnrt of tho city, ti point laco handkorchlof. Liberal rowanl Tor return to M Marlon street. 7-'J-3t Found A black lady'H purwo, contain IiiK Home nioiiuy, munlcuro tool, n tlo. handkorchlof. pvoraliouH, a uwoutor, n thlmblo uovor luod, powdur briiHli, a lino tooth comb mid u bottle of norfiiino. Owner can luivo Mtimo by paying for thin ad, and proving property to tho mtlflfuctlon of tho fludur. W. It. Auduraoii, 21'J Coininurclul ntreot. 7-!)0t o A. M. Clough, Undertaker, 107 8tate street. Phono Main 1351, Salem, Ore Qon, successor to D. E. Huntslnrjer. Residence Droadway and Mill, North Salem. Phono Main 221. O ' D. E. Huntslnaer, funeral director, 150 Court street. 'Phone Main 801. Residence 21st street. GOLD DUSr FLOUR Made by THE OIDNEY POWER COMPANY Sidney, Oregon, Made for family ubo, nuk your grocer for it. Hran and shorts always on hand. A. T. WALN Affent Wheel leather WIumi tlit mm hIiIiioh iionv" there will bo Home of the finest rlillnn of the wluiltt ymr. Wm Iiiivh quite a minibiir of tlu 1UU1 inudelH of tho Tribune at 1 35, hetildeH a plenty of the 1V02 mod ids, nil helghta, in lilno and black, at 110. Wo can hive you any tiro, any sndle or any bnr, ami fit you up at one. Coaster hrakoti 15 extra. A Tribune wheel Ih tho Hafoet wheel In voMlment you rail make; U'h llku buy. Iuk Hold SO'e. In all tho Trltnuum In use lierMibouta you never fliitl ono with dHfwllve liearliiKH, oracke! fork crown, broken oranka, or any of the ulliiienU coiiimou to the oidlnai-y run of whel. Theee are fart that vim can prove for yourself. I have a number of apleudld mwm In etH-uml-hund whwele, Iwiih ladle' and nU'. thwt wtll be worth the while to . Come today, uhi! yu' get (UH U-k. CnrUlde S poimde for II ceuta. rYiwh and pure. a weeivy CMt 1mm. bntM Hlckle- plHted foo ihiihu. II bj- IVt Inehee. 10 ceitU. If a ifood uue, evei back-in-lie. liHHMtr km himiM h whlhj tb lat. SlHwlHl uit. u llret-otaae kwp. toa. Oil Iiiimim at all prlo. IHlkr to rllM niUtHM- grip. I'Jfkn. kMa, cycloMttiM, otW. impfe. ! akMi ail HMtMortM you ueU for lh. wbewi; vHlttr (trteoe. '. tiien, tawM tfotcMr gManta iimt KH,i,,t tit tMMMM fraw arwe iuiw on IihikI ngalH. Km. tiaurv All JtUt llMU k NHtiS) . TboM rHitle callers. with tfce rueiUit4l " bbtrk frM tu all ,1 K.1 F. A. WIGGINS 2Wr Liberty Street Salem Walnut Slice I an tlM rw in ih, J6,,t HUj ,Tt, 0I iK u inMHi Mery uy, UKiSUUNK PHKOQIIK TAXDUAKAMKIJR J'KN'KKJJIST 011KWS KtNtJrOUUI IM C1WX CRBAili i. tv hi a trial if jj vaBt el can-' FLEUR DE LIS . . , ' Hi a' iJtrwt. Cal Scoville, Veteran Driver, Takes Another Route On addition to the clerical force and Hoveral minor changes In the su bordinate plncoe at the Salem post oineo havo been mndo slnco July lHt. Mlfw Kva Dlmmltt ha taken a posi tion ae aefilatant money order clork, nt a snlary of 1500 per year. Tho ad dition of another clork In this depart ment wa much needed, ae tho forco prior to Mine Dlmmllt'a aid, had moro than it could convonlontly perform. Tho familiar faco of Cal Scoville, the voUran mall cnrrlor, whoso Horvlco extends ovor a period of forty years of almost continuous servlco Is greatly missed from tho mail wagon in tho carrying of mails to and from tho trains at Salem. Mr. Scovlllo still re tains tho contract, but has omployed Prod Bchlndlor to porform the work whllo ho drlvo tho Salom-l.owlsburg stuuo. under subcontract with A Connor. Wm. Hondorson, nB mnlllng clork, has oxchangoil places with lion P. Taylor, letter cnrrlor for route No. 2, In the city. Sitb-cnrrlor for work during tho Hiimmor vacation season havo roportod for duty, and, in order of service, tlioy nre: John II. Farrur, Hon T. Kunilor and Prank A. Hnkor. Clel llaydun, rural freo dollvory car rier tor route No. 2, has roelgned IiIh poflltlon. An oxamluntlon will prob ably be held soon for tho purposo of selecting his succeesor. Insane Asylum Awards Made The. semf-nnnunl award of contractu for suppllofi to bo fiirnlshod tho Insane asylum will soon bo nnnouucod, as tho inauagomont desires noon to plnco or durs timlur tho contracts. A pnVtinl list of tho bids Is given bolow. No bids are given on the principle ltom that of groceries for tho reason that tlm bids Htibmlttod by tho several mer chants nro In complox form. No two bidders mndo an offer on the snmo complete list of ni tides to lie furnished and for that reason tho figures are omitted. Tho snmo Is largely truo of drygoodi-, where different linns have bid on different articles, and the bids herewith submitted cannot ho used for comparative purposes, Ifi. C. Crotw wns given the contract for meat at 10.71 cents and (). Stein er will furnish 1000 pounds each of the following varied of salmen: Chinook nt 8 cents, steellietuU at 0 cents, sllv- orsldea and Iduebncka nt (I cent ewi'h. Some of the other lilils aubiultted were us follews: Tobaeco. (. IC Water ISOO HMiud cliew lug tolincoo, at SSltc 1017; 10O0 IkhiikIs O. K. Durham, at 2ik, 1260. Qrocerles. Rruth and (Iniliw. 160111. John lliiahtf, Wellor Hhm., Ilarrttt &. LawruiiCH and other hid on gro ceries nleo. Doothe and Shoes. Iivlu ft Petty. ?J07; I. ai-eonlwuni, 1150; Oregon Sluw Co., 1i0.l0. Leather and Findings. Churl) U Malstlc & Co. PoitlHiid, 111R.S1 Stationery. IHitttw lira.. ISS.11. Flour and Feed. IbtlftMir, nuttirlM .( Co. WW Ihut! No. 1 Hour, at 11.08. 1II8T; SO barrota No. 1 xruhum, at 11.70, IS I. J. A. Aiippwle, Jefferson 9iK) bar rH Nu. 1 Hour, at 13.CI, 17 SNlein PhHiilHg Mill Co. W bar. ret No, 1 thHir. nt 13.l. 123T6. L'urvHlli Plotirinn 51III 0O uri rt No, t tlottr, t 1l.l. mW; So tons of bran, at Its. 1510; SO lou of h(wt. at 118. 1IIU. Orookery and Glassware. MW & Prank. 1W.70; llarritt & Uwrwu. 11 11 it. Orygeds. T. llulvrMi & ou,, 1IS77.I7; Mer PlWUll. 1JtiU.iS; Old. WOTthHMM, ,, K1m. Iltlltt; SaiwH Woolaw Milk. w j-imwi tw. at . JIM, Contracts Awarded. Tke MylutM bonrd this artemoim wunid verl addttiuoal cotttmcta, as foliew: StMUoHry PiUtoii Uro.. SUti. Crwkr)' ad Ulii)wan-Bw- HarriU Uwiwc. mIh, and Mokr ft rrak Co.. murtiaiui IjNiUitr Htod PiMHiii-MUek Woou awt km IrU & VMS. SHbMM. Plomr OwvallU PKhiHh Milk. To Assimilate Food seetlmt your stomach nud liver are in proper condition. To do it easily aud pleasant ly take Beecham's Pills sUftMrWf. i u. n j v. HON. J. H. 8AUEIL Hon. J. II. Snucr, Stato Senator from Tiniiclas Co.. to tho Nebraska legis lature, writes from Frank's Hotel, Omaha, Neb., as follews: "Having tried Pcruna I can com mend It to all as a great tonic and par- tlcularly good as a remedy for catarrh. ...J. . SAUDR. Honorable Patrick Kennedy, Memboi of tho Massachusetts Legislature, writo! tho following letter from tho House oi Representatives, Ronton. Doctors. H.Hartman: Dear Sir: "I have no hesitation tr. saying that alter having tried dozem of other remedies without relief, lowe my perfect health and clear voice oi today to Pcruna. I know It to bo a sure cure for indigestion and Its nttendani allllctlon, nervous debility. Tor tho six weeks that' I was on tho idatform through tho recont campaign I used Po rutin regularly, and nlthough I spoke two and three times each day my voice never failed me. I know that Poruna ii a reliable cure for bronchial troubles." P. J. Kennedy. If you do not dorlro prompt and satis factory results from tho use of Poruna, write at onco to Dr. Hartman, giving o full stntoment of your case and ho will be pleased to glvo you his vnlnablo ou vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, Presldont ol The Hurtman Sanitarium, Columbus, O MUTE SCHOOL OFFICERS The Election Will Take Place Very Soon Thero is considerable Interest In Sa lem in the forthcoming meeting of the State Hoard of Education, when now olllcer of the muto school uro to he otected. Tills would iinvo been held before now, except for the absence of Governor (leer the past weok, nud the absence now of Stnto Superintnud ont Ackemmn. The public In general Ih continued in tho belief that a chnugo should be had at the Institution, nnd slnco an unsucceful attempt has been made at the employment of an Eastern man for superintendent tho general feeling I that it would he bet ter for the Institution to employ nn Oregon man, who would naturally be moro In touch with the patrons of the Institution. Oregon no doubt has several mon who are competent to take the position and conduct the school satisfactorily, and one of these is more than likely to bu selected. Among tho men who havo sorvtMl in the Institution are Mr. P. S. Knight, tho pioneer manager of Oro (ton's mute school, who Is now In Salem, nnd, although not an applicant for tho place, could no doubt be secured for superintendent, nnd Mr. Knight has always shown special qunllileatlons for tb iHwltlon of matron, which position she tilled for years, and wa always considered a veritable mother to tho pupils. Mr. J. IJ. lCnrly. who has also hld the lHMlUon for several years, Is nu applicant for the place, nnd his rep utation Is of the hlk-httst, both a nn Instructor and a, highly moral gentle limn. ICtther of the gentlemen would no doubt prove ncceptHhla, both to the boanl and the public, and there are pixrtmbly others in Oregwi who would do well at tli bend of this Institu tion. Whtver Is don, the lion nml xtHK'tAtlon Is that th boanl will be able to ho organise this school as to fUrnlsh good results, and at th sum tlm-avoid scamlals. PERSONALS. Mrs, C. J. Willi, of PonlHwI. wns In MioMi today. Utabop II. I. Unrklegr. of Portland, wM Um dig- In Sake. Bent Lone of lortliMut. Is visiting Mis pnrsnts In UUs city. C. A. Seklurwl and fntnlly Wave re uwvNi to HoMbrg t llv. Dr. d Mrs. W. B. Mors and Mr. W. A. Cualek kav bum tu N'uwiuu-t Mr. sad Mrs. it. II. Oaafcow ami sons har gon to Sodsvill for an outing. I Mrs. W. It Datn has gone to ' Auwsvlllo for a visit wltM rtotlvs. i Miss Ada Dutl'. of IH Chwimul T. as. Is the gut of Uiss BHib- HorgHH. I ,,Uo tha hnuk- At th rivr iwnk he ' Oovernor ar vlsiud kls farm. Har W" 'M 1,ow, Aw lookliig up and ' Maeeseyr today. II nuuto th trin R.,aw rivr. Tracy til nt up and! wkl. , caHUon4l m to keep still. I lay in Mis Ulu Jon. who kas kM vis- thu litloH Hntil cailel to by Mr Mm kr kroilMr. kiKHiitodMt Jc3ns. of tk bltHd sckool. kas r.Jbp" ,B0 r Waokyard. where thU turtMd to JoftMvow. MttttoHwa. IndleaUwg a nswauaiuw. ' O. P. Rodctra. suxompnttlM kls fKn.-'11- tke hnths- strun whi,-h ' to .'wet todAjp. wksw tkr will m4 tk Nwwtr, Mr. Nobjrr will! mum kono neat nek. Mrs. K. Catt4iH and. ckildrsM. .Mm Haeiry IL Tfclte, Prdrlc D, Tktol- ... ,,, (miWHNI uav Khm to Nvwyort for aa wtsudsd wit- oofdrat, wore arrested this mora iuS iRg at Rsaton. De The authorities nt tho state prlBon on Tuesday evening reported that dur ing tho previous night, a stranger had visited tho nromlsos. Tho visitor had evidently planned an invasion of the prison enclosure. Ho was detected up on the wall by Night Watchman Simp son, who fired nt tho figure, which Im mediately disappeared. A thorough search was mado yesterday, but no trace of tho visitor couiti no iounu. Whllo the prison oHlclnls do not know who tho man could havo been, they are satisfied that his inotlvo, nt least, was not a good one. In mnking IiIb rounds of tho Interior of tho ponltontlary enclosure, about 10:30 o'clock Monday evening J. D. Simpson, Inside night watchman, saw a man standing upon the bridge bord orlng upon tho prison wall, near the northeast corner of tho penitentiary yard. Without warning, Mr. Simpson, who Is an uncle of tho wife of the mur dered guard, Frank IJ. Perrcll, fired, and tho man leaped from the wall, and, In tho Intense darkness, mndo his escape. Tho man appeared on tho wall near tho post of J. D. Arbogast. Qlnnn lw ndrniifi nt Merrill nnil Tra cy, tho guards nt tho prison havo been J especially vigilant, to tho extent nt. least that the small force of night em ployes Is capable. Recont happenings j at Oregon's stnto ponltontlary will douhtloss load to u thorough Investi gation by tho legislature of the needs r0 ti rt InatltittltM netft Itntt tr I ii lirnlfo ui liiu iiiniiiuiiuni tiiiu uisr iu iiiiiiutu conditions, that a repetition of the tragedy of last month may be averted. FAILED TO BAG THEIR QUARRY (Continued from First Page.) up6n their quarry. Prossed to des peration, Tracy horo mado a circuit, headed duo north, nnd plunged Into the outskirts of tho lake, whero ho finally succoded In casting tho scent, it wns now dark and Ounrd Carson iO' turned to Ronton. Anderson Tells of His Trip. Seattle, Wash., July 9. Surroundod by n morbid crowd of men in the Ron ton saloon, John Andorson, tho unwil ling companion of Tracy, tho outlaw, rolated his exporloncea since tho night ho loft Port Mndlson in Johnson's white boat, until his rescue at tho Our rolls liouso at G o'clock lost night. From Ills story It Is evident that Tra cy has accomplices who are londlng him material asslstui.ee In his flight through tho country. "We left Madison on Saturday night at 9 o'clock," related Anderson In his broken Kngllsh. "Wo went to West Sonttle, anil arrived nt daylight. I pulled tho boat. Tracy hold tho gun ovor mo all the way. Wo lauded south of the West Soattlo olovntor undor a trestle, and wont directly Into tho woods. Wo spent Sunday In tho woods at West Soattlo. Wlion it got dark wo ca.no across tho bay In our boat, and landed at tho sawmill nt South Seattle. Wo thon started on tho railroad track toward Ulack Rlvor. We crossed a largo hayflold and wont Into tho woods. This wns Monday morn ing. When wo got Into tho tlnibor, wo cooked breakfast Wo then roated un til afternoon. At 3 o'clock wo started through the timbor toward Ronton. "Just before we roached tho railroad bridge ovor Illnck river, wo met four; men, and Tracy said, 'Hello. Fred.' and Jumped down tho bank to where the men were standing. Tracy tnlked to the men for a few minute. After the talk. Tracy left one of the men to watch me. II nnd tho threo others, after blindfolding mo. went off and stayed about an hour. When they re turned they brought a bottle of whis ky. Then wa started out. Tracy forced me to walk In front, and he fol lowed behind, accompanied by the four mwi w met on tho bridge. "We arrived at Renton nbont 11 o'clock and walked up the railroad track through the town on and a half mil ast of th brickyard. Here Tra cy tied me up. and h. accompanied Uy th four Strang men. left me. Thy rturnd nt daylight this morn iHg. and w went further back into the brush and cookd brakfaat. Tracy told in he wonld go away for awhile, bttt woMid com back in an , WU,Hl h tmtHl. h brought a little fKMW OrroUs hous. and we wl to th Grrlls nlac to- S"8 - W wr in th hous about hr ,lMrs. whn Tracy took ma o.,t ' QTJte, wkwi I hobble! cmt of hw V wrt.M fctauto. Job- i-Tnuv u ., . ResiUMi cabin uii (.. --.. ,.... PrHL Tb knads are working aear' rmim. iur tHftll blitti-a.l , i.. Increased Guard Force feats Entrance Did you ever try ours? They're made in Sale... and tho prices can't be touched by other retailers. You Eeo tho middle man is eliminated. (JOLORS-srsy, mottled, scarlet, while, vicuna, etc. . Prices per pa r $3, $3.75, $4.00, $4.50, $4.80, $5, $6, etc. Other Suggestions i , , .-.,. .o., ii Ami won't tho sun hu hot I Yon If you will have to travel many niilea ovor dusty ronda, you d better pet one oi our Dusters AT " $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.50, each . Of Course You'll lake a Sweater And several NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. Wo havo good shlrtB at 50o; others up to 12 75, for the finest Pongeo Silk. Wo mlgnt niao mention our ouiiuk mmo, iuv iiu'"j " " -but then the place to get everything In men'a wear is at tho 110 ...Salem Woolen Mill Store... 254-250 Commercial Slrcet. lmim.MiixmiUhsaLi 0S3SX3e ,- .K " LJ.V!'VWtAA"Ok (ffc BICYCLES CUSHION FKAME, 1902 CHAINLESS CUSHION FRAME - - Call nnd eeo the 1002 RAMRLER CUSHION FRAME, It id 305 dsya ahend of nil. ROCKING CRANK MANGER does away with tho flat ami clumsy Bpring. CALL AND EXAMINE IT. YOU WILL LIKE IT, Ririrlo ClltlrlriAC Of nil descriptions nt prlcon ns clienp as DlVjtlC OUUUHCo anywhere, and wohavo just what you wnut. BICYCLE REPAIRING Wo havo a complolo bicycle repair shop. Wo fit all uuikes of bicycle tires. Wo repair all makes of MoycloB. Givo us a coll. Wo try to plcaeo. SHIPP & HAUSER 258 Commercial Street- Opposite Capital National Bank. Celebrated Wolff -American Bicycles Are the most perfectly constructed bicycle mndo. Tho bearings nro dust proof, self-oiling and wilt run u thousand miles without requiring additional oil, 1902 Model 55, $40 1902 Model 55, Superb Ruby Finish $45 1901 Models $35 1902 Special Model $25 Wo fit nny coaster brake, $5 extra. See our elegant Hue of high grado hi cyclrs at 1G0 Stnto Street. Merritt Dayis, Agent. utu:j:mjm:t:jrj:j:::::n:t:m:jtu;::t::u:j:::tt::::njmj;nmt:u::t Come an6 See TH8 Ileforo you start on your summer outing. Wo have Juat what you rant and are now mnkiug a specialty of yonr wants. Everything carefully" packed ready for ehipmeut when desired. : : Fuller & Douglas, Grocers II 142 Stato St., D'Arcy Hldg. w8mu::tt:nm::m:mmmK:mmu:mum:mHmwnummHHmwtmttmtl CJI tU U A We also Have Camp Chairs Tables Tents, etc. I V.1 i Rl II JL And won't tho Btui hu hot I will want a Straw Hat U'n lmv, llioin nt ldc to $2 00 A H cap will nlo be a uaoun nrticio. Our prices are 15 to 75c XfX3a Phone Mnin 2201 $35 - $40 Your Vacation! Will be more ,compleie if you take one of our Palmer Hammocks JgJmH iilliw W asssW Mi'Vi i 'liT iiil 'j' f Tii4 afljHfli 1 Cm) W