The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 09, 1902, Image 2

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J -K?Wf?H-
inaiWiami KtiKw'wMi"
1 r.
mm m f mn y& , Are iu many respects like other ulcers or
mm M. Mm M f Si torta, and this resemblance oltcn proves fatal.
wmwmmrw Valuable time is lost in fruitless efforts to deal
the sore with washes and salves, because the genus of Cancer that tiro tnulti
plyinjj in the blood and the new Cancer cells which are constantly develop
lag keep up the irritation and discharge, and at lost sharp shooting pains
announce the approach of the eating and sloughing stage, and a hideous,
sickening cancerous sore begins its
destructive- work. In February, 1800, 1 noticod a. aranll
yjrt l .. - ... -(of .pifl, lamp on mjr lower Up. The doctor oau
Ncitllccrof fiore can exist With- t,rl;d u b'ut Bnother came and broke
out soino predisposing internal cause outlnto an opdn aoro. I beonn to tako
that has poisoned the blood, and the S. B. s. and after I had takn aavon bot
opeu dischaiKingulcer, or the fester- u p h.- &
lag sore-on the Up, cheek or other ,,, w. P. Brown, Holland., 8.0,
part of the tody will continue to
Sread and eat deeper into the flesh unless the blood is purified and the
jicer germs' or morbid matter eliminated from the circulation.
8. 8. 8. cleanses the blood of all decaying effete matter. It has great
antidotal and purifying properties that soon destroy the germs and poisons
and restore the blood to'ita natural condition. And when pure blood is
carried to the ulcer or sore the Healing process
begins, the discharge ceases and the place Heals
over and new skin f onus. 8. S. 8. is a strictly vege
table blood purifier containing no mercury or
minerals of nnv description.
If you have an ulcer or chronic sore of any kind, write us about it, medi
cal advice will cost you nothing. Hooka on Cancer and other diseases of
the blood will be sent free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Gju
On all Carpets
Nothing Reserved
' Wcwish to reduce slock before Aug, lstt at which time wc
invoice, These terms will apply from July 10th to Aug
.. ' ""! .f Hot.lfl.ll .118
The House Furnishing Co.
80S Cotn'l at., next to Poet office.
BtOroff nt flaleiri and Albany
izc3i3iun tes. IflJ aecDo.
II IB perfect Cherry Header (loos
. not crush the chorry
LI noicnteii llio cuorry or oaiiRo
sr any toss oi juieo n practical
machine for laigo, amnfl or (Jul-
Ifornla oherrlos, Tho seed ostrnctlnp
anno iirivoa uio soon into ono ninli nml
actually throws tho chorry Into anothnr,
Tho mnrka of tho kulfu cnu soarcolv bo
noon nn tho soudod fruit. It rendu from
20 to 80 (junrta por hour. Retail prico,
85 cunts.
Member Northwest Afternoon News
paper League,
Dolly One" Year," $4.00 In Advance.
Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance.
Dally by Carrier, 50 Cents Per Month.
Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Avance.
Popular Mechanic, published nt
fliltngu, by II. II. Windsor, ha tho
following to wty of Oregon and Port
Intul: I Ban Francisco to be the future
metropolis of the world and Oregon
one of tho inot populou and im
portant state In America? Much
pruillctlon wn one mud? by n noted
Kngllsh sclontlit. and rocant devel
opment lent! many to believe there
wore good ground for hi theory.
It look a If Portland, Or., I ilw
tlned to become the Liverpool of
America ami an tne wonu in now
turning Its oye on the stato of Ore
gon, where tho wheat crop I nevor
known to fall.
The trade hetWMit the Phlllppino
IidnndB and Hawaii, cnrrlod on
through Portland and San Frnnclco,
Ib growing to enormou proportion.
AlnHka with It many oiirco of com-
morco, Ib hourly glowing In Import
anco and our rapidly Iiicronlrig trado
with China Ib causing ninny oyes nt
this tlmo to turn to tho "land of tho
Hotting sun." Some mnrlnors tloclnro
Portland, Oregon, to havo tho flnoHt
natural harbor In tho world and It
may ho that this Is to become tho
grunt shipping contor of our unormou
trado with Alaska, tho Pacific Islnuds
and tho Orlont. At any rnto It U cer
tain that Portland's shipping Interests
nre bound to Incronso many fold and
the prospocU) for hor bocntnlne a ri
val of San Francisco as nn oconn port
nro not In tho least romoto.
Orogon'B Hplondld ngrlcultuml re
sources, tho riohne of her mil,
healthful climate nnd ndvantageous
location tiinlto this state of flnit lm-
porlanco to the lnvetor when consid
ering tho wonderful change of condl-
tlons brought about by our recent
warn, arrpilnltJoim nnd stupendous In
crease of trade. Knowing of these
thing It I rather surprising when
we noticed a short time ago the glar
ing announcement
rqnel in the Hit'
tire Tills e
I eM ev drill e fll
t'V llie. 11
will cine
Dyspepsia and
Liver and
Two hundred and fifty thousand
fr-c hr inc 9 In Oregon " Tho announce
ment Is made In good faith, too, and
all anyone ha to do to fool, as If (hat
state had been but newly discovered.
The fioe homo are of 100 ncros each.
They are government lands situated
In every county in tho stato and can
be obtained under the general rule
pertaining to govornmont lands, lie
side there nro now 400,000 acre of
school lands whlih may I) purchased
at the remntkably low price of $1.25
per acre. Thnt these offer will long
wait accoptanco Is not probable In
this day whon every Amorlcan Is
ready to recognize n good opportunity
for a good nnd prolltnblo investment.
"The first hnll bo last and the last
shall be first." Often It has been said
nnd often It has come truo. So it I
with Oregon, tho last of our states to
uttrnct any gront amount of atten
tion, may soon become first In coin-
morclnl Importance. It seems thnt mma
provldonco has rosorvad thl land of Old settlers will .im.i.iin.a i.n na.n
dom caught. Whon any ono Is caught
It Is apt to be the dupe of tho briber.
There can be no oxcuso advanced for
thin Individual, olthor, and yet tho
man who takes tho bribe Is hardly so
had as the one who originates the plot
and offers the temptation. Tho dim
fully of finding out the truth Is obvi
ous. All a: tie to the transaction
know the seriousness of tho offenso,
and they are shrewd onough not to
have any witnesses, who nre not ns
deeply Implicated as themselvos. If
chnrgod with the crime they proceed
upon the theory that they do not
blacken tliolr records by tho addition
of bribery, and with tho greatest good
cheor they swenr to any condition of
fancied facts as may seom to them
Jury-brlhlng Is not only a dangor
ou crime, but It Is shockingly com
mon. That It is not holng taken cog
nizance of In a city which lacka a rep
utation for Wrtuo I a sign of a hotter
moinl tono.
Thoro aro 01,277,440 noios of land
In Oregon. Of this 21.902.G9G acres
are owned by persons or private cor
porations, and (5,600,821 acros aro In
cluded in Indian, forosts and other
reservations. Deduct this owned land
and losorve land from the whole num
bor of acres In tho state, and the ro
mulndor roprosonts tho amount of
public land In tho state, subject to on
try by citizens, which Is 33,781.023
the most dreaded and deadly of all
diseases, na well as pneumonia, ami
all Lung Troubles are relieved at onco
and cured by Acker's English Remedy
"the king or all Cough Cures." Cures
Coughs and Colds In a day.. 25 conts.
Your monoy back If dissatisfied.
Write for free sample. W. H. Hooker
& Co., Buffalo, N. Y. D. J. Fry, Druggist.
8 1
p BaiVllBViaUv
I ft
placed upon It by some persons, and
It wnH confidently predicted that noth
ing oul'l como of It. Wo shnll boo.
The members-elect to tho loglslnturo
have promised this reform and tho
state officers have agreed to It. If it
shall be neglected by them it Is tho
duty of Governor Chnmborlnln to veto
every aproprlntlon 'bill that carries
items for fees and perquisites, nnd
put the responsibility upon the major
ity to pass It over his veto If It cnn.
That will make tho quostlon ncuto so
that people will understand it. It
might be assumed that all thoso gen
tlemen meant to keep their word, as
some of them doubtless menu to do,
If somo of them wore not now rising
up on tho othor side. Portland Jour
nal, Juno 10.
the buying public prices thai will l.e eo ntlr.irtivo thnt the ertnl.
est pockot bonk will find in way to tho Chicago Store. Head
and remembor.
TKcFrolch lawnB. )ii 3c
2qc silk finished dimities, nil col
ors, special yd . ,...14o
30c black silk striped grenadines,
new, jinr vd 18c
8c colored end black Persian
lawnf-, the latest, yd 12c
20c black Bilk finished Iudln Lin
ens, new per jd 18c
Mill ends boat rnllcoes 2j4c
lli'Fit npron ginghams ... ... 4c.
15c fancy striped ticking, best
quality, prjd 10c
15c lluck linen tovsrls, tlzo 30x18,
bargain Uc
Mhii'o 50(1 leather gloves , , , 25c
Men's 15c hop gloves , fin
Men's 25c suspenders. ,, 15c
Boys' 45o blue, sniped overnlls 2l)c
Men's 50c Bnlbrltgnn under-
wonr 25c
MenV hitts prices hull.
Hoys' hatp nt nnv prico.
200 yds best e pool thread ...,,, 2c
10c side combs 4c
Ladies' 75c bicyulo gloves ....45c
HqIiIcb' lOit h'tet hUck Iiopu. . ,5c
Ladles' summer underwear ... 0o
U5i5 whilo bed spreads 05c
many chnrms for a cortaln people and
thnt people Is now about to tako possession.
R. M. WADE & CO.
Trjftw JLtjli9tIm.ifJi. mm&
GambriDos Beer!
It is a great affliction for a wonmii to
have her face disfigured by pimples or
any form of eriiptUe iliwww It makes
her morbid and sensltiw, nnd robs her
of social enjoyment. DUflguriug erup
tions nre caused by Impure blood, and
ore ei ureiy eureil ny tile great !)lool
mwllciiie Dr. Pierce's Golden
nseovery. It removes fnim the
lHirlfyliig mnllciue
Aledlcnl I)
'CSI-'OOIO ',17l3E3C3C3SCaE2',Sr
Everybody is welcome at
AT.HX fnPNnVRP Oor. State Mid Commercial.
'Phono, Main 81.
10c linen towels good sizesonly 10c
'50c shirt waists reduced from 75c now
only 50c
75c shirt waists reduced from $1.25 now
only 50c,
'Muslin underwear, the best in this city for
the money
Bedspreads worth $1.00 now only 75c,
Millinery, latest styles, nicely trimmed hats. Reason
able prices.
GreenljaunfsryGoods Store
Next Door to the Poetodlro.
blood the tXlOHOIH iiimnrltlui ..lit,.l.
cnuw disease. It perfectly nnd perman
ently cures scrofulous sore, ecunm
tetter, bolls, pimples mid other eruptlie
disease which arc caused by the blood'
impurity. It lucre the action ol
the blood-making glands nnd thus Ir,
create the supply of pure rich blood
ry U.lly broken out wtltM Klw crrl
Mich I sptnl KrMt ileal of mouty w,lli oc
tMinii.1 lor .llirrr.m klii.Uof w.l, Uil rt
of l)r Plicc Uolditi Mnlkul Dlxeverr Hr
it l,l,,luk," OM '"H 'f Ihl iellclH I
.... ...,..,,.,.,t ,, Burr MkinR lurfr UMIIrt
raiirriy nirw .Ichii wlt iramirnrml
If llltH tJtl
I m. ..i...7. . : -;- " ..
:a.wk" or v$
The sole motive for sulwtltutton is to
pwmit the drniler to ninVe the little
more profit iiald by the sole of less mcr
Itorlous iiaetllclncM. He Kuln.i ; you oe.
Therefore accept no subedtute for
"Golden Metlical Discoiery."
The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, n book contalnlg 1008 pages,
s ghen away. Send ai one-cent stamm
for expense of mailing only, for the lxx!k
in patmr covers, or 31 stamp for the vol
ume bound In'dotli Address Dr. It. V.
nerve, IhifTalo, N. Y.
Tho Bnlllng from Newport News a
fow day ago of tho now Pacific mall
lovlntlian, tho Koroa, foroeeoa tho
coming of a new ora an tho Pacific
oconn, whoro tho now nnd expanded
United State oxpectu to build up an
Immense trndo. Tho now llnor, dis
placing 18.000 tonfl nnd coating J2,-
000,000, In one of tho Hoof bolng con
structed for the trado between San
KranclHco and Hong Kong, and sailing
from Newport Now who will make her
way around Tho Horn, making but
two mop before bo roache the
Oolden Gate City that 1 to be her
homo port. Ono of theHo stop, by the
wny, will bo .Montevideo, whore Al
bert V. Swnlm of lown I tho United
8lntB consul, while tho othor will be
Viilpnrlso, both being inado for tho
purpose of recoallng. When the bat
tleship Oregon went uround The
Horn she made n record of being the
largest wnrtihlp that over threaded
that dangorou ptiHKnge, and now the
American Hhlpbullder will eHtabllHh
another woild' rocord by Hondlng the
Koren around tho hiuiio muto, she be
ing the htrxoat voel of commerce
that ever attempted tho trip.
Immediately upon urrlvnl at San
KmnrlHcti tlit Korea will sail upon her
maiden voyage, making tho first atop
nt Honolulu. After 0110 dny'n tarry
there the big venue I will sail for Yo
kohama, a distance of 3,400 iiillo.
going f 1 0111 there to Hebo, n dlstnnco
or iRO mile, from thoro through the
Inland w to Nagasaki 100 mile, fiom
Nagasaki m mlleg to Slmnglml, and
from ghaiiHlial the final SCO mile to
Hong Kong. llemnlnlng In Hong
Kong twelve day, the Koien will then
stmt on the homeward voyage, mak
ing the name sUh on the return pn-
wge. Iter sister veel, the Siberia,
l now Hearing completion, and will
soon join her In the service, giving tho
United States the two queens of the
Pacific, mid opening up an opportuni
ty for the greater dHelopment of
American trade mid Intercuts In the
Orient. The Pacific ocean bus a rnnt
future mid the American cnpltnllsUi
evidently nppioclnto that fact.
IbIioiI at tho above flguros, and staro
with an Incredulous smirk on their
fncos when told that not half, only 37
por cent of tho public land, including
tho rosorvntlonB, has boon taken up,
nnd that thoro now remain C3 percent
of tho entlro land surfneo of tho state
unappropriated, but govornmont land.
in an past years tho location of
a vast amount of public land in Oro-
gon, with Its mnny advantages, has
also had some disadvantage to the
peoplo, In that It was tho causo of an
enormous drnlnago of money from the
stato. Notwithstanding tho operation
of tho humoHtcnd law saved a vory
mrgo mini of monoy from holng tnkon
from tho stato annually, yet tho
amount that has annually loft Oregon
for tho United Stntos treasury, as tho
purchase prico of land bought In the
stato, ha amounted to moro than n
nuaiter or n million dollars, or some
thing ovor 1 per capita for ovory
mnn, womnn and child In tho state.
During the fiscal year ending Juno
.10, 1U02, tho receipts at tho United
Stntes land office in Orogon for land
wore $361,701.47.
Undor tho Irrigation law. recontly
passed, tho monoy hoiotoforo received I
ly tho United States for land sold In
Oregon, instoad of bolng carried out
of tho stato, will be oxpontled In build
ing reservoirs, Irrigating dltchos anil
In otherwise reclaiming nrld lnnds.
How's This?
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ro
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O,
We, tho undersigned, havo known P.
J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and be
hove him to bo perfectly honorablo In
all business transactions, nnd finan
cially able to carry out any business
obligations mndo by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesalo Drug
gists, Toledo, O. Waldlng, Kinnnn &
Marvin, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo,
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is takon Inter
nally, acting directly upon tho blood
nnd mucous surfaces of tho system.
Testimonials sont frco. Prices 75c
per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho best.
Congregational Anniversary.
A delightful tlmo Is nntlclnatod nt
tho First Congrogntlonnl church this
ovonlng. Driof skotcho of the chuich
organizations, lottors from absent
members, nnd Interesting papers by
visitors will also bo load. Bxcollont
music Ib also provided for. A cordial
Invitation to everybody.
$ McEVOY BROS., Proprietors.
( Court Street. Salctn, Oregon
S!!.. . . . -.
At taster lime
is when the Imildlng luie'i esa will Ut
lull ewlni!. II vou haven't elven vm
orders for your lumber rcqulromenuj
. will pay you to get estimates Ira
Uoodalo Lumber Co., for nnv nnilJ
kinds ol lumber for out or inside noi
Inth, shingleB, cash, doors, blinds
everything needed in this line.
Goodale Lumber Co,!
Near 8. P. Pnss'r. depot. Phone!
..Go to the Ladies' Bazaar..
For shirt waists, belts, underwear, corsets, hosiery,
ribbon, laces, shirt waistings, and other goods in our
line, An especially beaut flul lot of new veilings. Our
goods are marked very low, Call and be convinced.
The Ladies' Bazaar...
118 State Street, Salem.
see "as
Mokl Tea positively Cures Sick
Headache, Indlgoatlon nnd Constipa
tion. A dollghtful horb drink. Ito-
movos nil oruntlons of tho skin. nro.
duclng a perfect complexion or monoy
refunded, 2Gc. nud BOc. Wrlto to us
for free sumplo. W. H. Hookor & Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. D. J. Fry, Druggist.
Koohe lUrbor Llinu. llest brands Portland flamMM U'nnn. ... 1 . ,..,. '
length, All kinds of building material, sand, g'avel, lath, shingles, etc. I
Good enough
for anybody!
;Au Havana Filler
The long auuinier varntlou I not n
Physical internally to the teweher. ns It
I to the uruHliig child. Tmelitf. u
rule, are not harder wurkwl during
"- " " "mi ihhu are men or
women engngwl In 0th.r mlnful ...m
i. uii me contrary, the Impreti
Ion prevail that th hvsx tMolir
a wxt hm" in ernlux a com
fortable living. An minimi ru,in in
HIlUUHIIItiliy IWCMMUy M or,1)r ,
Hev the irkiMHwene and strain of
uiiHimuuik It la also dealrable
from the emntoyef tmidoiut In o
ur iu nmKu an ewptoye's
AecordliiK to Movernmont reports,
the wheat ciop will be short. Markets
coniinuo to show- no particular
chmiKe, from a local standnolnt. tho
nbsence of any export business of
moment nnd the wlndliiR up of tho
"cat year tlotiacthiK from Intorest
In the situation, anys tho Wot Const
Trade. There was a certain amount
of stieuKth developod In KaStorn
speculative center on the basis of a
wot hnrvwit and repotted forolRii crop
shoring, which wet reflected In U,
cent better pi ice by oxporter. who
now quote Off Vic for club and CCc
for bliieatem. but the prlnclpnl course
apoi miRinea I on milling nc
count. The bulk of bluostotn Bultn
hie for milling I well cleaned up
Ihroimhcnit the Pacific Nnrtw
nnd a heavy promlum tins boon ox
acted fiom the mill which sook to
Pick up a supply sufllciont to keep
them In .operation until the now crop
I harvested and available. All sorts
of price have been .paid, with n
rmme up to 70T78c nt tho top.
Hed upon the Kovernment croji
reiMirt. InillCHtliiK n yield of approxl
nmtely JW)(H).ooo busheU winter and
",'"w-",,u mwiiBi spring; wheat
there will be a shortage of nearly
l00.oiW.000 biwh.ta in the combined
crop this year, n compared with
! return on last season's n,.t,,.,t
Still the yield will l.e a fair one and
mi earn anil wit m more nearly
normal tker will b remov.-d n
ourc. of demiuid which has absorbed
uiiiiieue nmouiit of uhu
Mother Qray'o Sweet Powders.
For chlldron. MoUior Gray, for years
a nurso In U10 ChlldrotTa Home In
Now York, tronted chlldron successful
ly with a romedy, now propared and
placed In tho drug stores, called MoUi
or Oray's Sweet Powdors for Chlldron.
They aro harmloss as milk, pleasant to
tako and novor fall. A cortaln curo
for fovorlshnoss, constlpjatlon, head
acho, teething and stomach dlsordors
nnd removo worms. At all druggists,
25c. Samplo FKEB. Addross Allen S.
Olmsted, LoRoy, N. Y. 4
o- .
A Good Housekeeper
Will alwnys uso tha best broad and
pastry that money can buy. Patronize
tho Pioneer Iinkery. and you will get
1110 nest.
I "
I if-3Jte - V&.CV v "" 1
I ISwLjrr Sr r ' l
A Good Wife and
Aro n man's boat wealth, and lm J
contrilmto to the health of bird
and wife by uahc tho CapltHI Brewl
hetr. It ia puto honlthfut and nut J
tioui., and is a delightful boveroKii
nny Benson, ana during warm went!
thero Icn't a thlret quencher thnti
equal it.
Capital Brewery Co
iMrs. M. Heck, Proprietor.
Breitenbush HotSprings
F W. ROSS. Procrlttor.
This ponnlar, best of all cummer re
sorts Is situated near Dstrolt, eastern
lerminiiB of Oorvallls A Kaetern It It
m the heart of the Caecade mountains.'
Hcgular pneic train makes dally trio
from Detroit to Dm m,in.. t .,.'.
nrlvilan.x tn " ,. ".'"
j v" " ainp supplies can
be purchased at the eprinss. 'Kxcellent
flhlng and hunting. Rates aro very
reasonable. For further Information
address, F.W.ROSS,
. 712m Detroit, Oro.
It Beats the Deck
How wo can put such perfect workman
ship on a shirt front, collar or cuff ia
what .everyone says that examines our
limitless laundry work. No t-pot or fray
to mnr the beauty cf the irrepronchnble
color and Unlsh put upon It thnt defies
competition by nny foundry in tho
Jtnto. Our laundry work linn reached
tho top notch of perfection thnt has yet
boen obtained.
Salem Steam Laundry
Phonejll 230 Liberty Btwt
I8U1B3 ComM U
A Juicy Morsel for
Or dinner yaeii enjoy from one af our
U)udr ab4 dcJleious mjwU, steaks. Jasb
or wuitoa sJwpo. wl eiitfeu or uvfkt
Our newt aro all cut Irom the fattest
ml primesteattle, nnd wo can supply
your table with Ireah, nutritious anu
wtwloma meats c4 rook price.
Phon m
I'lmiiii qui Mam
"" y I
Work ntfut
flfeOlho. Hilt It I UUHlWao.... I
dliiary , to -Dllj .... m ,.,l th moikhi drawing to a , i.,B
ihim hvhtv v i.. ,uul wnlese foreign shoria ai.,.i.i
- "rf J -l til Up
Good enough
for anybody!
All Havana Filler
ihoiiUi in ,,
lIU' fit IrtAMSk ...... v. ..
""" "" "HMiiue vbnru and
vn. mu the kwlth of the tollwr
kk1 hi Mm.j, a ellmtu iu Waatorn
nugon ujfords, w r two w nm
" a.atluH ousht to kei the
i-uii wno UK8 rwaoaabu. , ...
tiinuel' during U, hwjuju, o( tetar u
Pink of coadltloM for work the
-. HruUnu rum to mo turmi,,.
n.t iu ummt. m extmsM row la
WlUtr tl) uVArtav .1.. .....
IIIMl hlllu Ik. L. . . .
r " ooay ouckt to
'""u siryiB4i result. iH tfc ttrm.
mm nn or today H tW .ihrt.-
ou the Kkioe.
foreign ahortaaaH bIlm.i.i
he of roiwidiirabl moment there are
no mttou to anUeliwte value nboe
the fairly aattefactnry llgmvs obtain
from the crop uT 1M1.
To the Seaside and Mountain Resorts.
Tickets nro now on snlo at all South
ern Pacific and Corvaltls & Eastern
R. R. offlces, through to Newport and
Ynqulna at reduced ratos, Southern
Pacific trains connect with C. & E.
at Albany and Corvallls.. All tickets
good for roturn until October 10, 1902.
uu june n tno u. & E. trains from
Detroit began leaving thoro at C:30 a.
m., meeting the Hay train nt Albany
Passongers for Dotrolt, Ilroltenbush
and other mountain resorts cnn leave
Albany the same aftornoon, reaching
Detroit In tho evenlnc. Ticknia nm
on salo from Albany to Dotrolt at I
d j uii it ii ii i-im -amiiii nin n mn nr
(j , .. ..w.m V.UHUIIIB ui is.HO, EO0U
for return until October 10th. with
privilege to get on tinln at rny point
t "i mm vitiy.
The Southern Pacific Company havo
now on sale round trip tickets from all
points on their line In Oreeon to
either Newnoit or Yanninn im. ..-i.,i.
lege to roturn via elthor iiA.t - r...
'Uo -'Xi8'0113 ,n connection with
tho c. & E. three-day Sunday excursion
' vets, good going Saturday and ro-
'"""" .'lunuay, are niso on salo nt
ery low rates from all S. p. and C.
& E. points
Full Information can be obtained as
to rates, time tables, etc.. by applica
tion to any S. p. or C. & E. agent.
a Svj t 1 1
" osuMrvs
From Portland, Or,
wa. ra.
via uunt
InEtou AtiruTio"
840 p. ro.
ti jtunt-
Kut Mall
8:18 P, ra.
811 Uke, Denver, Kt.
Clly, fit. IxjiiI. Chicago
and KitU
Salt Lake.- Usurer KL
. av.i. i ...:
Cttr.ft. U,ui, UiUago
snd Hat.
Spokwio. Wallace, 1'ulll
man. MlnnrAnrn ji
I'aul, Duluth.Mllvraukee
im iMcraHiento uM Annual of
forty uge 1 a jJctortul newspapor
the ot ro4tM,Mtan waken.. n,i
-piuw auu mtow aotue of tn,
Wltg,t by swsu of whUh Cai.for
nlM WshAtui La a
"-- urw ui ye of the
word. Tto Uk fcM wutra,te,
Nortliern and SoMthwn California in
wot efectlv nwniwr for . ....
r d of t)t utte. M ,,,. '
vw.tnuiij eUHCdtlNl
WHAT JURY-nniBEHsTTrsin Ut.r. T. '7T1T. IWget tna
8-veu juo-brlber. '' 'AZ SL" . i
wn-ta-i. Un kmm tmu m,hv .- Tk. U Z 27 ." T hU'
tt rhl..... " I -w Mwrv liA U1HV In n
IUIS ttt .!. ....... I Un..l ... , "
- lnw wiwiirw iwtiinNi wajr aji4 dm,v,.u. .......
. ' - ".iwtinirB
WHIIIUf. BllMlll
OW iVit O08 arowy,
umt aUt as tags fro
smiwsAe: standard myk
"U0 mat & Hotter.'
a Ohloajto court
.'nt to tae iMuiiAntiurw .... .... Itku,
or. fled fc,r,w wW u i.L Z tlosi. .ZuTT T'. ""!
NT by ttiyiM. tjuo T.r.k..""r. " WUCMlture It I
- w - n . m mam Haaat 111 immmm nn uavu a. j
nw kiN am ha. .-jIT .-ZT. "" wwi o- farthest in
..l.d.. . "'"HfM-"""'" OnilOU tola! ...
..-..r,, ,u WHk,M UtMH rutulll,,. ..... Itlv , ... 1mmi
hr,. i, prtthawu,, ,,,., ,. " ""4 L,T" " "" to attract
--- mamws w mm niiiimmii mm iu.i n.a a
u m- am m mwM ar. .11. . - ""'waHBB maummaaLar mm " - ...
"" v NirtMM &MM vinln. .. K . . . " rw. H nwy
atutck two. ,. whau mZ M77wmml w,8t Hd for rto.
il tfcat he way tmmm k- -T Z rir"" W tartw8 of
Bpokano PtolcaaVanTasai!
i:&U p. in.
&:36 p. m.
e same valut at tags from
"STAB." MOOCC ri,-'."
I Time Card No. 20.
No 2 For Yaqulna:
! 2 rVSiX.- !:.
Arrive Ynqulna ..
No. 1 Returning
Leave Yaqulna 7:00 a. m
Leave Corvalll 11 :M a. m
I Arrive Albany . V. Vs ,, "
No S For "-15 v ln-
Leaves Albany l-fto n
Arrive Detroit ........ JJ S"
No. i From Detreit: l
Leaves Detroit C:S0 a
Arrive Alb&nv "'
'til,"18 ! au,J 4 "rtv. in AllTany a
time to conn,ur with ... c au
uiree noura In Albany before da.
S's P- orth hound n.UB
irain ro 8 cannula i.,,, .,.. Co"'"'" and Albany glyl
Trahi 3 for Detroit. Ureitanbuah and
other mounuu, rorta Imb5j
Por furthtr InforwaUaa annly to
J. Turner. Ag.nt, Albany. Manacer
77 hours , 7J
ro cnacte oi tars
TJ routih tioketa via this route to
u-asieru points on enlo at Southern
cmc depot ofliee.
, from pomsca
8p m.
UI wiling date nubjcctl
to obanso I
KOfiauKranolMX) I
vrvrj a uaya
D. ra.
ToAitoiU and Way
Wll I lunrrii divi'd
Steamflr UlltV. Im. Dnlnm Inr Pi
"ays nna Baturdays, about 7 a. m.
wi ,8i BDl! w lauding. M"'H
..ouuBBuwyg una ifrianys at aooe
ueu. mi. At. Agt. O. R & N 4
Portland, Ore. Palem 01
O. G T, Co's
Leaves for Portland Tues
day, Thursday und Sit ds;
at 7 a m
QuickTime. Cheap RiteM
BOJk: Foot of Trade st .A
n.r. haldwhsi
ht-11. -ttoHiti fc,H fatu.if.
KaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalilBH 'mWmWmW MJrXH. Vfct i LshSaaaaJffittaaaatfttl afja IM
HaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB " mWSfKmw
miXttmXXmXXttmXXttmm "'i """ BWEsBa-BWlM8j"'ffliiaH