The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, June 28, 1902, Image 3

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    iffihat are Hutnors?
They are vitiated or morbid fluids cours
ing tbo veins and affecting tho tissues.
Tuey are commonly doe to defective dlgea
tlon but nro sometimes Inherited.
How do tbey manifest themselves 7
In ninny forms of cutaneous eruption,
iatt rheum or eczema, pimples and bolls,
nnd In weakness, languor, general debility.
How arc they expelled? By
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which nlsO builds up tho system that has
Buffered from them.
It Is (ho boV medicine for all humors.
A now coffco at 25 and 30 cents a
pound. Try a pound, and lot the coffco
sponk for Itself you -w 111 contlnuo on
tho snmo coffee. Wo guarantee It to
bo always fresh roasted.
Phono 2111 black 1-Voo Delivery
Geo. 0. Drowncll, Oregon City.
Ooo. H. Oravoj, Can Frnnclsro.
W. Wood ware', Pcrtland.
II. L. Oreon Now Yoilc.
Harry D. M'Jty, Chicago.
P. II. Woglo. San Francisco.
II. J. Ilirtun, St. Joo, Mo.
John Ttumman, Champoes.
It. McMurphy, Eugene.
Pnul C. Dates, Portland.
Ladies Can Wear Shoes.
Ono slzo smaller aftor using Allen's
Foot-Easo, a powder to bo Bkukon Into
tho shoos. It makes tight or now shoos
fool easy; gives Instant relief to corns
and bunions. It la tho greatost comfort
dlscovory of tho ago. Cures and pre
vents swollon foot, bllotors, callous and
soro spots. Allon'a Foot-Easo Is a cer
tain euro for sweating, hot, aching
feet. At all druggists nnd shoo stores,
25c. Trial pnekarjo FREE by mall.
Addross Alien S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N.
Y. 1
Fight Over State Senatorship.
Seattle, Juno 27. Tho Republican
county convontion hero today Involved
a hot fight over tho fltnto senatorship,
but tho ontlro ilologatlon will go down
for Harold Preston as candidate for
United States sonator against Foster.
Tho stato Is certain to go -as does
King county, honco it Is generally ad
mitted that Senator Foster will bo de
feated. o
Tho Excitement Not Over
Tho rush to tho drug storo still con
tlnuos and dally scores of peoplo call
for a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for tho
Throat and Lungs for tho cure of
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and
Consumption. Komp's Balsam, tho
standard family remedy, Is sold on a
gunrantoo and never falls to glvo on
tlro satisfaction. Frlco 25c and 50c.2
Stretching New
Trolley Wire
management of tho Salem
rnilwnv nlant Is BtrcttlllllB n
now trolloy wlro from the Stnto-stroot
tormlnous at tho penitentiary iu
Intersection of Stato and Nvlntor
streets. Somo oxtonslvo Improvements
aro bolng mndo to tho company's road
bed, and when complotort the sorvlco
will bo greatly Increased. The com
pany 1b oxpondlng considerable
amount of monoy, and has a largo
force of mon employed In plating Its
property in first-class condition.
Sick Headache absolutely and per
manently cured by using iyioki i"
A nlnnsnnt horb drltlk. Cures COJIStl
r.nrrr. nn.l InilllinHtlOn. UiakOS yOU
eat, sloop, work und happy. Satlsfac-I
tlon guaranteed or money back. -
cts. and CO cts. Write toW- H
HOOKER & CO.. Buffalo. N. Y., for a
free Bamplo. D. J. FRY. Druggist.
Is Happy After Ten Years of
Mr. Editer: I can recommend Dr.
Darrln's treatment. For fl .1
,. , i i..,z in troubled with rheu
matism in hip and back, akw dlebetefc
Through Dr. Darrln's leetrtcal nj
medical treatment I am cured oi i ne
rheumatism, and the diabetes is rapid
ly improving. Refer to me at. !
son, Oregon. . J" W lf, Site
Tho Journal writer knows Mr J aw
very well, and is pleased to Inform bis
many friends of his recover) . and
knows the case must be a genuln tone,
as Mr. Pate Is a man of good wj
and sound Judgment. He could not ue
Induced to make such a statement un
loss he know it to be true.
Salem's greateflt celebration
Ing to surprise all Oregon. au m..
all records In that line. In the niean
time tho boys can shoot all the-erac
era thoy want to.
Five Missouri experts are showing
the othor Mlssourlans that tn "
creianela in the state books exteea
? '1,000.000.
The coToTlsfo take -M.JJ
the fall. Here la hoping h ?$;
all his people may be alive and wen
to enjoy H.
Salem Social Swim
Calendar of Local Events.
July 4 Greatest celebration In Ore
gon at Salem.
Miss Mael Jones is visiting In
W. C .Knighton, of Portland, Is in
the city.
Dr. Allen Prcttymnn In visiting In
Henry W. Meyois is homo from
Mrs. Chnso Is attending tho Turner
Andrew J. Campbell has returned
from Wendling.
Mrs. It. Etter has gone to Turner to
spend a few days.
Mrs. W. II. Barr Is visiting with
friends In Albany.
Mrs. L. It. Stlnson has returned from
a visit In Portland.
F. N. Dorhy, G. Stolz nnd G. L. Rose
are homo from Portland.
Mrs. Alio Hohf, of Portland, Is the
guost of Mrs. A. C. Lawrence.
Mr. and Mrs. Orvlllo J. Hull are at
tending tho Turner campmeetlng.
Adolla Loroy, aged 40, has been re
ceived at the nBylum, from Astoria.
Mrs. F. A. Moore and daughter, Miss
Callsla, have returned from Portland.
Hugh Williamson has gone to Snn
Francisco to romnln about two
Mrs. J .R. Chnmberlaln, of Portland,
Is visiting her dnughter, Mrs. N. W.
G. G. Gans, stenographer In tho state
land office, has gone to Ynquina for
an outing.
Mrs. J. D. Lee returned today from
a visit to her daughter In Ellensburg,
Miss Carrie Campbell has returned
from an extended visit to the moun
tains near Eugene.
Gordon Hull, diugclst at the stato
prison, has gone to Mehama for a va
cation visit at his home.
Dr. Cartwrlght, John P. Robertson
and John Carson were Portland pas
scngors this morning.
John Maurer has returned from
Portland, where he has boon attend
ing and participating In the a North
west shooting tournament.
Mrs. C. 10. Wolverton has been called
to Tolo, Jackson county, by tho Illness
of her brother, W. K. Price.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Oden Athey, of
Boise, Idaho, aro guests at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Holland.
Miss Zcllpha Galloway and Francis
Galloway, of Oregon City, are the
guests of Miss Ilolcn Calbrcath.
Mrs. Wm. Dclschnoldor, nnd two lit
tle daughters, of McMlnnvllle, aro the
guests of Miss Mabel Crolghton.
F. A. Baker, Orogonlan routo agont.
has returned from Sodavlllc, whore
Mrs. Baker will romnln for the sum
in or.
. C. W. Hill nnd fnmlly, of Aloxandpr.
Minnesota, nro visiting at the homo of
H. II. Hill, In Salem, and may locato
Snlom peoplo are happy to have a
Salem man for collector of customs,
and I. L. Pattoison Is rocolvlng many
Mrs. A. II. Mulkoy. of Elkton, Ore
gon, enmo down to Snlom today with
her little daughter, Anna, who is be
ing treated by Dr. Richardson for
spinal troubles.
Mrs. Uesslo llnndall, accompanied
by hor daughter, Mrs. Jnmos Whip
ple, who has been visiting her brother,
J. II. Campbell, Sr has returned to
hor homo nt Woodvllle, Southorn Ore
John C. SIOKinund. county recorder-
elect, Is preparing to romovo to Snlom
from Gorvnls. Ho Is acquainting him
self with tho work of thnt department,
preparatory to taking charge of the
ofllce on July 7th.
Goddess of Liberty Contest
Increases in Interest
Tho frlonds of tho various candi
dates must vote promptly, and make
tho most of tho time, since tho polls
will closo at 9 o'clock Tuesday even
ing. Voto early and voto often.
Tho voto. as canvassed Friday ev
ening, gave the following reault:
Miss Mollio Bernardl
Miss Maudo Morrison
Miss Pearl Gonial
Mies Jenotte Brown
mi as Leona Ryan "'I
Miss Georgia Whlttlur
A Clinical Preparation That Posi
lively Cures the Dandruff Germ.
i most rimnortont dtacoveiy has
been made after a years ,u. u
ratory work aimed In a certain dlret
.inn-It Is Newbro's Herplclde. a
IreJaton that cures ; taMw-. PJ
tronB foiling hair, and speeony
nfanS" eradicate. dandruff
Then evils are caused by "
parasite that burrows Into the ecalp.
throwing up dandruff, as It 8"0
only Wv the cause, you ro
wer. UWZ"'
move the effect.
New Barser p.
.M: ?r:Xt5?tVe4iar
New Barber Shop
. state tret. anu wm p
tore.?? 8.HLdance Monday L
iieisonai ........uH
are fi4 tor yo. y w, e
your ..- - aUBdani a.
WTlJZL. Yon can J
am D'"rT- Mat. If yc " T
0f u,e WiJM poslUve gui;
8ll dranMU uae gtotoi J"
free fv w" '
N. y.
In Which Eastern Ainers Are
And Have the General Sym
pathy of the People
The coal trust Is fighting: to destroy
tho minors' union. Tho miners' union
Is not fighting to dostroy the coal
trust, but to save Its own llfo.
Thnt Is tho vital Issue In the strike,
ns Is clearly revealed by the publish
ed correspondence botweon the mom
bora of tho trust and Prosldont John
Mitchell of tho United Mine Workers
of America.
We know now why the coul trust
has rejected, with sneers nt the civic
federation and nt Archbishop Ireland
and Bishop Potter, all tho ofTers of
the mlnois to submit the contest to
Tho trust knows that it cannot go
before a disinterested tribunal, a court
of equity with clean hands.
Tho coal trust is Itself an embodi
ment of the union principle, enrried
')oyond justlco and law.
In declining to recognize tho right
of tho minors to organize for their
business ndvnntnge the Must seeks to
prevont thorn from following Its own
example, even within lawful bounds.
"Anthracite mining is n business
and not a religious, sentimental or
academic proposition,"' wrote ono of
the railroad presidents in refusing to
nccept ns arbitrators "so highly res
pectable body as the civic federation"
or Archbishop Ireland nnd Bishop
If all tho mine ownors had taken
that frankly cynical stand, holding
that "business Is business" nnd thnt
private inorala and public obligations
hnve nothing to do with It, tho coal
trust would hnvo been In a stronger
position than that In which President
Thomas, of tho Erlo railroad, placos
"It Is the Inallonable right of man
to labor," wrltos this politico-economic
thinkor nnd moral philosopher,
"and this without regard to national
ity, creed or association. To seek to
prevent is n crlmo. nnd wo cannot,
even by implication, sanction such a
So it is the Inalienable right of a
man to work In a conl mine to which
ho possos legal title. So It Is tho In
alienable right of that man to have his
coal transported to mnrket by tho
common carrlor on tho same terms
as nro given to othor mine ownors.
But If tho conl trust had gone before
tho civic federation to nrhltrate, Pres
ident Thomas who Is so nobly pre
pared to mako every sncrlflco for the
non-union principle would hnvo boon
obliged to admit that his railroad, in
conjunction with soven othors, had
entorod Into a union whoso chnractor
and opointlons are thus officially dos
crlbod: 1. By discriminating against Inde
pendent operators tho railroads hnvo
forced thorn to sell their properties,
until nt tho present time more than
nlno-tonths of tho nnthrnclto coal do
posits nie ownod, nnd more than throe
fourths of tho ontlro yearly product
is mined, by eight line of railroads
that nro substantially in entire union
of lntorosts."-Flnnl report of Indus
trial Commission, p 061.
2. "From tho Investigation of the
commission It Is apparent that tho
most potont factor In establishing
nnd maintaining monopolies has been
of common cnrrlora given by rebates
or otherwise Ono of our oldest mo
nopolies, though not nominally In
tho hands of n single corporation or
trust, Is thnt which controls nnthrn
clto coal. This business furnishes a
conclusive proof of the power of the
railroads through discriminating
rates to iMtnbllsh a monopoly.
13,000,000 tons of nnthraclte coal are
yoarly carried by rail to market nt
throo-iourths cont per ton per mile
In oxcoss of tho rate chanted for
carrying bituminous coal. This Is
$322,500 per mllo of excess charge
for tho yean's product, or $40,708,600
annually for tho averngo haul of 116
mllos to the gonoral market, or over
$1 a ton. This over charge, which la
greater overy year thnn the Interest
on our national debt Is made possi
ble by the railroad monoiwly."
CommlMlonor Phillips, Final Report
of Industrial Commission, pp 6(1-665.
8. "None of the railroads, with the
exception of the Control of New Jer
say. perhaps, nnd tho Delaware, and
Laesawannn and Weetern, Is permit
ted by law to operate IU coal mines
directly. The latter company Is able
to mine nnd ship In Its own corporate
capacity owing to the antiquity of
Its charter. Tho other railroads all
make use of subsidiary corporations
for this purimee. It Is difficult
to Justify this system of Indirect op
eration Some of the greatest fiscal
abuses of the tlmo have been asso
ciated with reprehensible methods
of accounting Involved therein. The
system has also made It possible for
the railroads to discourage the devel
opiuent of Independent coal mining
by Individual operators through the
practice of charging excessive
high rates for the transrortatlnn of
the coal from the mines to the sea
hoard." Pinal Report of Industrial
Commission, pp. 447-448.
Lawbreakers, monopolists and ex
tortionists banded together In a union
for mutual profit these are the mm
who nave the unspeaHaute uanwaenre
d to worKro(W tH nt to unite
for tfce vvtmUo f ' frrS.'
No woader the eoal trust ba rwfus
d to go lefor the alvlc federation
and stat its ease for arbitration
No woader that It has turned away
frow Archbishop Ireland and Bishop
Potter with a eon tern ptous shrug
and the scoffing eulamatiOH that
"anthracite coal mining Is a bweiaees
and not a reMgkm. sentimental or
academic proHeeitton."
The mercy that e-wwrs ef eoal
mines, frosen oL ami ludependeNt
operators, erwhed by thlwing rail
road rates, have received. Is the mer
ry that the mlfMfg, hjatoteee if act
united, woum gm. mm ihis invrwr
, t-u t,
Tfce .!
are rUt t stntgln
(or the eilsMwee k taeir uuhw.
..ifcy of all w
SKew ta TlWf rH.bUc x i
And n uwt stntggie tt- win r
h trim
g &Z
M artful nil a T?rtnnrrt TIhato i
iuiu lUVUO HJOljaUO JJlVUllPetor, Apostle and fifth Sunday aftor
Does a Wonderous Work for
a Lady Who Was Al
most Crazed With
Pain and Suf
fering. It Is well known thnt torrlblo rhou
mntlsm, sciatica, and neuralgia cause
more helplessness, acute Buffering
and agony, than any of the othor dls
eases that nllllct hnmnnlty. Tho
great medical virtues of Pnlnos Col
ery Compound makes it the only trust
worthy specific for tho euro of nil
forms of rheumntlsm nnd nournlgln
Thousands of sttroug testimonial let
ters fiom the most prominent people
or tlte Inuu, prove Hint Paine s Colory
Compound has bnulshod these torrlbly
fatal troubles whon nil other treat
ment tins failed. Mrs. Margnrot
Bethel, of Bralnerd, Minn., after
thirty years of agonising tortures had
a desire to end her life, If it was tho
"will of Heaven; she nhnost prayed for
the time to lny It down. Honvon
directed, she made use of Pnlno's Col
ery Compound, and Is enjoying truo
lire once moie. Sho snys:
"For thlity years I have boon a
great Bufferor from neuralgia In the
head, nnd nlso with rhcumntlBin In
tho wholo body. I begnu taking
rallies Celery Compound nnd soon
found I was much better Before tak
ing the Compound, my life was ttuch a
burden that I almost prayed to lay It
down. I was bedfast every two weoks
with horrible pain In tho hond, and
neck, until I was almost crazed. I am
nble to do harder work and more of It
today than for twonty-llvo years. I
am really enjoying llfo again, thanks
to Pnlno's Celery Compound. I am
sntlsftod thnt my life has boon pro
longed many yenrs by Its use."
Second of Christ, Scientist,
290 Liberty street. Services at 10:30
a. in. and S p. m Sundays, nnd ovory
Wednesday evening nt 8 p. in. Subject
of lesson sermen: "Christian Science."
United Brethren. G. O. Oliver, pas
tor. Sunday School at 10 a. in. Preach
ing services nt 11 a. in. nnd - p. m.
Subject of morning nddress: "Tho Al
chemy of Influence." Evening: "Re
demption." Mothodlst Episcopal. John Parsons,
pnstor. Service nt 10:30 a. in., nnd
Sunday School nt 2 in. Tho Epworth
Lcnguo nnd the congregation will go
to Losllo church for evening sorvlco,
whore Bishop Cranston will pronoh.
Unitarian Chinch. William G. Eliot,
Jr., minister. Morning service only,
at 10:30. Subject of sermen: "The
Distinguishing Characteristics of the
Gospel. According to tho UnltnrlnnB."
All welcome
Lutheran Church, on East Stato
stroot. Fifth Sunday nfter Trinity.
Rev. Adolph liberie, Kistor. Sunday
School nt 9:30 a. m Altnr service at
10:30 a. in. Sermon at 11 a. m. Even
song nt 8 p. in. Strangers welcome.
First Congregntlonal Church. Rev.
W. C. Knntner, pastor. Preaching nt
10:3o n.- m. und 8 p. in. Moinlng sub
ject: "The Marvelous Power of a
Great Faith." Evening subject: "Tho
Sea of Olnss." Sundny School nt 18
m. Y. P. S. C. E. nt 7 p. in.
Central Congregational Church, cor
ner of 10th nnd Ferry streets. T. II.
Henderson, astor. Preaching tomor
row at the uminl hours. Subject at 11
a. in.: "What Love for the Church
Constrains Us to Do." Subject nt 8 p.
m.: "The Soul and Its Anchor."
First Baptist. John M. Define will
occupy the pulpit both morning nnd
evening. This will be Mr. Dean's last
Sunday. The new pastor. Rev. Cliffs,
will arrive here next week, nnd will
begin his pastorate the following Sim
day. First Preabjterlan Church. II.
A. Ketchum, pastor. Preaching ser
vices at 10: SO a. in. and 8 p. m. Morn
ing service- "Our Nutlon's Duty To-
ward Ood." Text DettL 8:18. Itvetilng Pnts from a hill, lly setting tho first
sermon from Ps. 81:12: "The MeHniiinU that run out and fixing them to
serines of the Man Who Trusts in
the Son."
United Krnngellcal Church. C. A.
Halting, pastor. Sunday School nt in
a m. Annual Children's Day exercises
nt 11 R m Y. P. S. C K. prayer meet
ing at 7 I' in At 8 p in Adjutant
(Jarab'l hr-tti i Wnwn as "Jie the
Turk of lit' Saltation Army will
Bp Pierre's
MMUIwrck-(wU M fV ?
wrttM m It . of bn)MCitM
Xmm tal rd wry " ' M
laudMi MHI SmfmrUtt "
These) wUe tor ArtHtio U to
hot tlM desdr to nwke she little wre
msdH fmki hy the tale T leu mentori'
Ue 5ww He ; r to-
TbendArv, aeeet so suUtltute m
Chicn MHa Dlcevry."
B J5" v " y viUm
St Paul's Episcopal Church. St
i i nuuy. matins nnu noiy communion
nt iu a. m. Sunday school at 12 m.
Evensong at 8 p. m.
There will bo no services at Brooks'
Catholic church tomorrow.
Children's Day Observance.
The annual Children's Day will bo
observed tomorrow at tho First United
Evangelical church nt 11 o'clock, when
tho following program will bo run
dored: Organ voluntary, MIbb Ida Stogo.,
Chorus, "A Morning SOng."
RoRponslvo reading.
Ladles' quartet.
Recitation, "Pleasant Fncos" Mag
glo Bartruf.
Recitation, "God CarQth" Wallace
I Hunt mid rOmrii. "CJnMinfli nf Mm
I Lord."
dred Alton.
"UlnmolodB Day" MR.
Recitation. "Remombor Boys Mako
Mon" Conies CnsBbaar.
Recitation. "ChriBjl nnd tho Child-
ron mmio HUdoipil.
Chorus. '"TIs Good to Bo Allvo."
Recitation. "The Weather Song"
Adolph Rabins;.
Recitation, "Beautiful Grandma"
Kthel CaBcbeer,
Recitation. "Little Klndnossos"
Vera Kitchen.
Address, C. A. Rablng.
I ndlos' quartet.
Scripture versos, Huldn I.ardln.
frnncis iiudolph, Frank Arthur, Chas.
Recitation, "God's Love" Millie and
Llllle Rablng.
Recitation, Nolly CnBobeor.
ChoniB, "Blessed Are Thoy."
Reopening of Leslie M. E. Church.
Tho members nnd frlonds of old Lob
Ho church nro happy. Thoy havo a
now church. A comely and pleasing
stiucture adorns tho slto whoro tho
rormer chinch stood since 18C8. On
June 29th, nt 3 p. m.. Bishop Cranston,
of the M. E. church, will preach tho
dedicatory set mon. At 7 p. in. tho
Leagues of tho First nnd Losllo will
meot In a Joint service. At 8 p. m. tho
closing service of tho day will bo hold,
details of which will bo mibllahod
later. All formor mombors nnd friends
nro especially lnvltod to attend and
participatc in these Borvlcea.
Win. P. Kissinger, of Eugene, shot
and killed Mrs. Win. Garnor, near
Boise. Idaho, and thou killed himself.
Thoy were formor lovers.
t Time to Train J
Strawberry Vines.
k It. Uofer, Snleni, Or. f
Thin month Is the time to train tho
vlnt'H for new uliints to sot out oarly
in the Fall. It properly done, growors
of stmwberrlun onn gain nearly a
year's time on' new acreage. There Is
all the difference of a year between
much of tho nursery stock from tho
far East nnd the best homogrqwn
plants. It will ony nil who oxpoot to
grow for tho market to look after a
good plant supply for noxt year, Somo
plants will be needed to fill In missing
plants In old jialohes. If new acrcago
Is to be put out making the new plants
is very Important Most struwberry
Btowors raise somo plants to sell For
all the purposes plants should be
,...!.. r,u iitr,inir am mikhIMiv nn.l tt few
simple rule about raising stniwberry
plants niuy not be out of place i
1st. The best plant ure obtainable "
only from nw stock- that Is plants set
out taut Fall or till Hprmg rmnin
ftom older vines have not the vigor nnd
vitality of growths from the younger
1,1 Do not make over one to four
the ground with a stone or lump
earth they will root Immediately. All
srtondury runnrs starting from this
new plunt should be removea.
Hy this proefsM you will get large
. .,..... ...i.i. mau aa .wiuAf
iruiig iiw ' " """ i
and with a fully formed orown, ami u
it t m -rly in the IM11 as the
uround will iternilt you will gel a prof-
ffilriHSpiSi grown '
In this wav and st init in the latter
".', ueotainb.r r early In Oetober
wU Ims UH ? "eM Tyear old and"
bW nearly n much
Tt U be aTguid t .at this Is a great
.imi r work ami you vt lit ask "Does
ft ir llwl , trtll l li ways and
umUftflea trial will cinvln. you.
"hetway of making strawberry
Bewsrel Oewarel Dewarel
IlHlIders nnd owners of dirty con-
ret gravel For beet results get
clean wwnd concrete gravel from the
fault ill Improvement Co.. 319 Front
street. Phone 9M)I.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to letrn that tliere Is at least
one dreaded disease that selenee has
been able to eure In alt IU stages, aud
that Is MtMin. Hall'a Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be
ing a constitutional disease, require a
conatitHUonal treatment Hall's Ca
tarrh cure Is take Internally, actiag
dlntetly upon the blood and mueeue
surfwee of the system, thereby Ue
trnvine tba fouadatton of the disease.
and giving the patient strength by
tiuiLaiuv ub thu eoaslltHthiH and ae-
elsUng nature lu doing IU work. TJe
nri.nrii.tnm hnvtt so much faith In Its
curative lowers, that they offer One
Hundred Dollar for any ease that it
falls to euro. Head for list of testi
monials. Addreee n
Toledo, O.
gold by druggist. 75c.
IU t's Family Pllm are the beet.
az! 'lw OflrJt. . .
pfi'h.s'fi.r.j, wrsiKom
b. lltnnwiium tpayfw
It. 111 M ." M "MW.W
rtlM, KM
f t&CxM
r ttJLSrixsizssxrz.
y p
He Was Deaf, and His Hearing
Was Restored By Dr.Dar'
rin's New Mode of
Tho truly wonderful cures Dr. Dar
rln, at tho Wlllnmotto Hotol, hns no
compllshcd are bolng tostlllod to by a
host of afflicted sufferers who enn bo
aeon and consult ml on the miraculous
euros on their bohnlf. It Is safe to say
that no specialist has attained tho
pronilntmco of Dr. Darrln In this coun
try, and he cannot holp but meet with
grand success.
Thoso who nro disposed to doubt Dr.
Darrln's cures will havo tholr doubts
Bhakon on reading tho following cnnl
from Judgo O. P. Mason, of Portland,
now residing In Seattle a man well
and favorably known to nil our read
ore His caBo will go far to establish
the skill of Dr. Darrln, who cured him
eight years age:
Dr. Darrln Donr Sir: Your elec
trical treatmont is most undoubtedly
a wonderful success, I hnvo been for
a number of yenrs gradually becoming
deaf, particularly In my left oar. For
the lout fow years I havo feared thnt I
would bo compollod to glvo up my law
practice entirely, ns nt tlmos I could
not hear woll enough to understand
what witnesses testified to, unless thoy
spoko In n high tone of voice. A short
time ngo I commenced treating with
you, mulnowcnnhcnrnswellnsl could
20 years ngo. Iu fnct I find no dlfll
culty nt all In hearing any ono speak
In an ordinary tone of voice. I am
frank to say that In my caso your
trentmont hns boon n succosa. I nni
sorry thnt I did not npply to you booii-
or. Refer nnyono to mo.
O. P. MASOty
Dr. Darrln will bo located at tho
Wlllamotlo Hotol until September 1st,
having oxtendod his tlmo, owing to bin
extoiiBlvo practice.
plants was to let n olnut set all tho
now plautH It would sometimes 20 to
SO, nnd often a oerfeot mat of plnntn,
none of thorn large or strong,, and most
it thtm liunv, weak and emaciated.
None of this kind of stock ever makes
much of a crop he tlrHt year after
plnntlng. With such nlantB the rule
Ih to wait a year for u crop. It tnV
u year to get thorn on their feet, to
gruw a crown thnt will nroduoo frutt
Iu profitable quantities, for all tlmo
such plants wilt never be ns strong as
if the vines lmd been trained nnd lim
ited to producing on nn averngo of
two new plunts to the hill.
As tho runners have to be removed
from enoli hill attor tho fruit Is off, It
Is not uiuah more work to train two
plants fur new stock. After plotting,
go through the rows you want to mako
plnuts from nnd remove all weeds, then
go through and train the two strongest
runners, luylnir a riud on tho runner
next to thr tlrst Joint and Dimming ore
the runner tluil In Just starting. Train
till III Willi til'1 TOWS HO tllllt yOU OBIV
run tho cullvntor through onoe In a
while on hand can tiulu several
thousand In a duy. and etioh piunt
grown this way. If set out eurly In the
run, win jiruuuro - uvi.m yvuim ".
next year of the finest quality,
If such plantH are grown near to
where new aoruage In to be laid out,
they can be removed In the 'Kail with
the ftlt on the roots and nevsr stop
It will be said this means work but
It is work tlmt iwya. We Jiavu been
iwylng too little attsntlon to getting
iilants Mtnrtel right and we have been
growing too much ioor product as a
A wHk plant Will noi oiuy
. .; ti.- r.. I..H will nv.
" "" " " -" " , " ;. "
rr have the vitality and pro. iu-ttveneM
"f a properly trained plant. I am
satisfietl that It wlU W ny grower
to raise hie own plunts In this way.
The nurseryman who grows plants to
mlile by the thousands, at $1 SO to
" W .W. Is doing It to meet com-
i-HIUva eommerelal ' "'u t'
strawberry grower for profit must go
to the b.gln.ung and grow hie plants
on correct principles If he would gel
ihgrjaUtt results.
Many people have been led to be
lleve through false reports and Igno
rance that Osteopathic treatment was
painful and even Injurious to children
or weakened Invalids.
Hothlng ooiild be farther from the
hruth for It la adapted lo the ease, and
In nowise le It Inhtrltws to the frailest
child or weakened Invalid. Hut
rather It Is Invigorating and strength
ening, and never is the patient worn
out or made nervous from treatment.
However, there are many fakers and
pretenders In Osteenathy who do not
understand liow to give treatment
properly. . None are genuine or eow-
patent who have not attended school
at least four terms of five months
Drs. I It Wyekoff and Mrs. Qruee
Albright, ef I- O. O. K. Temple. Baletn,
are graduated of the American Hohool
of Osteofathy. a twwty months'
school, and thoroughly qualified to
give solentlfle treatment and handle
any ease nut la their ear. AH H
easee, tmmy threat dU aud
deformities, ytW to h twUment
without kulfe or drug,
HouraOto. Phone wain wi.
Odd Fellows' Tp1e. Salem, Or.
Successor to Dr. J. M. ICceno, In
Whlto Corner, Snlcra, Oregon, Parties
desiring Buporlor oporatlona at mod
ornto fco In nny branch aro In ospoclal
Dealers In Llvo 8tock,
Wholesalo and retail butchers and
packors. All kinds of fresh and salt
meats. Flno sausages, hams, bacon
and lard. 310 Commercial street
R ire worlds
Huie Wing Sang Co.
140 State Stioct.
Salem later Co.
For water Borvlco apply at ofuce.
Bills payablo monthly In advance.
Mako all complaints at tho ofllce.
Th? Anne?;..
102 Cotort St
Bsfjg - i igawniiLrn ifmwui wm.sjgn eww nana
208 Commercial Street
Mcnla at all hours. Open day and
Only place In tho city Untuning tho
i tho Reception Bnloou. Wholoialo
tnd retail.
E ECKBRLEN, Proprietor
la at 230 Oommorclnl Htrotit
For Salem sad vlcloltn
leave orders tt Ceo
Will a Mutlc Store.
Your Step Mother
Is still bore busy as ovor, and whoa
your clothoB nro all out of ordor, worn,
with buttons off, tnko them to hor at
tho Salem Dyo Works.
At this establishment you can got
anything sot to rights, from a pair of
glovos, to tho most olaborato silk
gown. A gontlomnn can got his hat
cloanod, his trousors crcasod, or his
wholo suit rojuvonatod to suit his
tasto, also four suits a month for 1.
Buttons sowed on, rips sowed up, suits
pressed on short tiotlco. Now goods
shrunk for dressmaking.
196 Commercial Street.
S. C. STONE, M. D.
Stone's Drug Stores
The stores (two in nttuibor)nro located
nt No. 235 and 207 Commercial st,
and aro wall stocked with n complote
lino of drugs and medicines, toilet
nrtlolns. tiarfumery. brushos. oto..
Has had soma 26 years oxporlouce la
tho practice of modloluo and now
makes no ohargo for consultation, ex
amination or proscription,
Id sited In largo or
email lots nt
The Salem Coffee Roaster
Phone Main 2724. I. O.O. F. Temple
Express and Transfer
Meets all mall and passenger trains,
llagguge to all parts of the ally.
Prompt itrvlae. Telephone No. 211.
Where you cn buy cheapest. We loll
only the best grade of goods.
iltrlelly Pure White Lead, none better
At 7 He per pound
The Celebrated braird of
Middleton Oil
lleit I.lnfol Oil made fully hi to sUhJ
ard si to purity
Uollcd Oil. 80c per gallon
Raw Oil. 78c per k-allon.
Q hhU delivered fren.
Fry's Drug Store
130 Com'l StM Salem. Near P. O.
Barr's German Salye
llesU qulrkly all euli. or brule,
Draws sareutMi out otUme !, sud
draws silvers out ol flwlt mhusU ottwi
bresk ell too shert to pall- Stleks Ilk
slisking pUer. Try It and yen wlb
nsvur Im wltbent. lv wtll 'Jee-
1J) State St. Salsm. Ore.
""' YKe4 Hei Weithe'r
IhHM nt Hfttveat th White Heuee
llouinurattt froat seeVlHsr 'JUSt M gOOd
meale aa ever. Jt? J faUOpja
aay au wiu
Advertlsemtnts, five Uses or !m. is title Mtaff
laaened three nates Tor 25c 50caWk.$l.5
a moata. All over mouses arise man raw.
J U1U.1UII ! IIIIIIU MlllWIIllllli1
Wanted to BuyOno pair of young,
sound and Bervlceablo horsos. Ap
ply to T. W. Potter, supt Indian
Training School, Chemawn, Or.
t C-27-2t
Wanted. Trustworthy persona Iu each
county to manage business, old es
tnbllshcd bouse, solid financQU
standing; straight, bona Ada wookly
cash salary of 18, paid by check
eaoh Wednesday, with, all cofpensos
direct from headquarters; manor
advanced for expenses. Managor,
379 Caxton Bldg., Chicago.'
Wanted, A cnrrlor boy with bloyola
or pony. Apply nt Journal office.
Wanted. Table boarders by weok, or
board and room. Corner of Chomek
eta and High streets. Tho Misses
llayloy, Props. U-23-2w
Wanted five young men From Ma
rlon county to prepare at onca
for positions In Uio government
Borvlcc. Apply to Intor-Stato Inst,
Codar Rapids, la. 6-17-2m
Wantod Everybody to try t Oregon
Foot Easo for all foot ailments.
Onco tried always usod. Ask your
druggist or Bend 2Gc, 8. L Hayes,
Halsey, Oro. ; 6-27tf
Don't You Know Anytmng about ld
wards' MarketT At 410 State street.
Best placo to buy fresh and curod
meats at tho lowest prices. Phone
2024. U, Edwards, prop
For Sale or Exchange. Ono Shrop
shire and ono CotSwold ram, on good
turms. W. U. Duncan, McCoy, Or
c-gou. ,C'3.'3t.
For ' STTlo Cheap Socond baud thresh
Ing outfit. Adranco Separator, 3Cx
CO, with Wind stackor. AIbq 13 H.
P. cnglno, with wator tank and
wagon. All In good order. Price
7C0. E. M. Crolsan, Salem, Ore
uon. G-M-d&W'tf
Sheep on Shares. Seventy head to
lot out on shares. Inquire of Lee
Dnvls, It. V. D. No. 3, Sulom.
For Sale Pure Poland China sows.
W. II. ligon, Suleui, It. D. No. 8.
For Sale. Now and second-hand bug
gies, now and second-hand spring
wagons, buckboards and carts, at
tho Snlom Carriage and Wagon Fac
tory. Wornor Fonnoll, proprietor,
801 Commercial stroot. 4-16-tf
Screen Doors. Now and second-hand,
also an Invalid chair nt a bargain. J.
N. Bhants, 107 Court street. 6-14-U
Protection Lodge No. 3, Ancient Or
dor United Workmen, meotu every
tiaturday ovuulug In tho Holmau
Hall, corner of titato and Liberty
streets. Visiting brethren welcome.
S. A. MuFaddeu, M. W. J. iV. Bull wood,
Bherwood Korosters No. 10. Moots
Friday nights In Turner blook. Ira
Hamilton U. 1L; A. L. Drown, Soc.
Central LoUfle No. 18 K. of P. Castle
Hall In Holmau block, cornor BUto
nud Liberty streets, Tuesday of
each weok at 7:80 p. m. Claud
Townseud, O. C; Zndoo J. Uiggs, K.
ut 11. and B.
Evans' Osrber Shop. Only flrst-claM
shop on Statu strooU Kvory thing
uuw and uji-to-dato. Finest porcelain
baths. Ohavo, lCc; haircut, 2Sa;
liatlis, 2Co. Two nrst-clans boot'
blacks. C. W. Evaus, proprietor.
Ryan's Qhsvlnu I'arlorc Bovou first
class baiburs cngusod. Finest bath
rooms In city. Wo uao antlsoptic
storlllzor. J. Ityan, Prop.
J. CarmlchRol Hop buyer. Olflco lu
Ilush-llroyman building, Bnlein, Ore
gou. Bam plea of cholco hops solic
ited from all growers.
Money Loaned On Improved fanns
nnd city property at lowoat rates of
Interest No commission, no delay.
Call and see. I. N. Maxwoll, room
18, over postollloe, Salem.
L. Durt Painter aud paper hanger,
moved to 149 State street, opposite
John Hughes. Leave ordure or call
for estimates. 5-1-tf
J. H. Brewer, physician and eurgeon.
Office In Gray blook. Rooms 7 and
0. Phone 01.
Dr. L. E. Wyekoff and On Grace Al
brlQht. Twenty months graduatee
or the American Sehool of Osteon
uthy. Klrlcavllle. Mo. Ilr. Wyekoff U
the Mily twenty monthV antleiaan
graduate In Salem. Odd Fellows'
Temple. 'Phone Mala 2731.
Dr. M. T. Ochoettle Oraduate Aet-
..can School of Osteopathy, Kirka-
villo, Mo. Office In Tloxa, hleek,
over the Spa. Omae hours 8:99 Uj
11:30 and 1 to 4. M&
W. O. Robblns, Or. of Osteenathy
Oraduato of the Columbia College
of Oteopalhy, Chicago, III, 0e
107 Court street. Caroulo tllsea
a sneeJalty.
Wh iitity lakirs
idrfees, witte Mr nae? WHHrsebU N. J
mills NivarY Co., m