wimmmmmmeammimam iS&iiki&UX mma&fa OMiIWI'iliWii: J I l a KV' KP m THE DAILY JOURNAL, OALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1002. aaaimtmmtfmttm mmmumwmtmjmtmmmmmiimtmmnmmmmtmmim White' WffiS8fflPS5to White VHP 'rlBr wwiv VW1V , -.11 If- - LINCOLN mmvqhs PROSTRATION ""lURETirFE-RU-NA, e w '" - ftJ"" wre""""" a iti SCHOOL LIBRARY Ladies Library Union Give a Program ' The White Sale is making a big hit -- Everything in White goes at the time you need them at sur prisingly low prices. Xxxmxmvm Raise About'$7 5 for the Fund for Good Books s Ctias. Hi Salem's Leading Optician. 88 State Bt. Comparisons nMMM.UAM I rlnrr ntlL tlin fitronff points in favor of our rIubbob, demon strate Burorloriiy in the roakp and fln IbIi of our Iranica and ahow the liifElily polished, clonrcut and accurately con. tored oxcollonco of our h rises. Wo court comnariBon In our Mods, our lu ting and our lnotbods and requiio but nn opportunity to convince, as the case and comfort and pleasuro afforded In tho porfect vision our correctness al ways givo. Hinges, Next door to Ladd & Bunh'fl Bank mimmjm:tmmttwttmjmtmujinimtuttttmttmtwttjujtmm The 1 111 : i HMWWMi Self-oiling bearings throughout; 1-8 inch Diamond chains on all models; G & J., Hartford, and Palmer tires. The bearings in the crank hanger of the RACYCLE are directly under the crank centers, hence we jiave the narrowest tread and the widest spread of bearings, which insures the most perfect adjustment and easy running qualities, We use from 18 to 40 tooth front sprocket and from 7 to 14 rear. THE RACYCLE is the only bicycle that has eer used the large sprocket successfully. The front sprocket running between the bearings there is no sidfc pull, but the sprocket runs perfectly true. PRICE &3E TO Shirtwaists Entire line of white waists at special prices: $ 00 VALUES...)? 70 $ 50 VALUES... $ 98 $2 00 VALUES.. 41 35 $2 50 VALUES.. 41 75 Parasols A lot nf fine ones to close at less lhan half- price. Summer Underwear Special vsJues in light wpiVhts. Also the new "KORSO" vests for la" dies. Dalrymple's RINEMAN'8' DARQAIN8. s uiidr Uc)ei tt Our I'rlco 13 60 (4 50 2 00 II 25 $ 00 2 CO $2 50 n no 2 60 We are headquarters for the best line of sundries i obtainable at lowest prices. G. & J. Heavy tread cbsIiik '. M 00 Hartford Thorn UroB, oacli W 00 M. W. Casing -' M, & W. No. 1, Special Innor tubo l 00 Rubbor Grips, Leathor Covered ,.. 76 , Bolar, 1002 Lamp, Gas 13 00 20thOontnry Lamp, Gas $3 00 Majestic Lamp, Gas 00 Bearch Light, Gas, Wish Bono bracket 3 25 1 Everything else at equally low prices. Repair Depart We repair all makes of wheels at lower prices than any otjher house in the city and guarantee all work. ...'We make a special price on rims. Any wood rim furnished and put on 51 50 Plain black steel rims furnished and put on $ 75 1902 Morrow coaster brakes put on 55 50 Ring up phone red 2556 and make your troubles known and we will call for your wheel, repair and re turn it for less money than anybody else. Italian Prunes, 8 lbs., 28c Pottte Prunes, 8 lbs., 25c. Pink Doans, 10 lbs., 25o Small White Deans, 8 lbs., 25c. Good Flour, per sack, 70c. Sweet Oranaee, per dozen, 15c. Black Figs, per lb., 6c. Good Cooking Molasses, per gallon 30c. Fancy Table Syrup, per gallon. 60c. Scotch Oats, per pkg. 10c. Macaroni, No. 1, large alzo boxes whlto or yellow, per box, 33c. Jumbo Mush, 2a lbs., 5c. Bring us your buttor and oggs. Wo pay tUgboat inarkot prlco, cash or morchaudlBo. M. T. RINEAIAN 132 Stato St. Tolephone 131 Tho primary and grado toachors of Lincoln Bchool coveiod thomBelvoB with Klorv with tholr library ontor- tnlnmont Tuesday night. Tho pcoplo of that part of tho city and suburbs turned out on mnsso, and, wltn tnoir friends In othor parts of tho city, filled tho Grand Opora Houbo with a splon illd audlonco of frlonds of tho schools, In California and somo othor states It would havo boon called a roso fostlval, and at times thoro woro nearly 100 lit- tlo children on tho stage, dressed In red, pink, yollow and whlto, all bear ing and waving garlands of beautiful Oregon roses. With tho electrical of fects and muBlc It was indeed wondor land and fairyland combined for tho children and their parents. Mrs. J. A. Carson accompanied tho llttlo ones in tholr dramatic renditions on tho piano, and 'Miss Blancho Brown played for tho marches, as well as a oolo. Tho staKO was banked with roses from end to end, tho work of Mrs. I. L. Pattorson and other ladies on Gaie ty hill. This banking in itsolf wns a work of art. and showed tho most beautiful offectB under electric light. Tho first song, by about sixty llttlo ones, was beautifully rondorcdnndvory patriotic. Tho klndorgarton exorcises woro especially beautiful, and woro under the direction, an woro nil the drills, of MIbbos Wolch, Myoro, Nichols, Applcgato and Ballon. Tho ribbon drill, by sixteen girls In whlto, wa's ropoatedly cheered, and tho young ladles woro indeed a swoot Blxtoen. Tho Brownies' school was in the twi light, thoso mischievous fairies novor working In broad daylight, and wnsn gom in tho way of costuinoa and act ing. No little boys ovor woro on tho stugo at Salem who did as good work as that band of brownios. Tho clos ing drill, "In Uio TImo of tho Hobos," was tho crowning mastorplcco of tho ovonlng. Noarly a hundred children, roproBonting a gorgeous sunset on a roso gardon, with songs nnd drills, must havo takon patlonco and hard work In tho preparation. It was re peatedly applauded. Tho most pleasing rocltntlon or. tno evening was by MIbh Buckingham, who uavo a very offectlvo rendition of Jnmos Whltcomb Itlloy's "LItornry." It wns tho host proBontatlon of Hlloy dia lect ovor glvon In Salem, and the speaker rocolvod a moat hearty on coro. Tho ovonlng closod with a roar ing farco, "Tho Old District School," by Kontlomon and latlloB of tho Lin ,i .inii.iiiinrimnil. with Frank Davoy UB podagog. Old tlmos woro Indued rSl' S!i i' & Y k 3X fliSBBm! ' ii . . . ,' J. A. WJU'Bun. i ,' . .i.i r ir,1iif.n!lnll.HHIl PrftncUCO. i ji iiec-j- ju" -- TOOK DEADLY POISON Airs. H. C Epley Mistakes Bel ladonna for Cascarets Only Timely Medical Attend ance, Saved Her Life Hon. J. A. Hlmpmin,H!rM9r.v oi uw Board of Education of Kan Pronclsco, Col., wrltcB: ,,.,,. ' have found Perunann Ideal tonic. Some months ago I suffered with neu rasthenia (systemic cntarrh), caused by too close application to office work. My system seemed worn out and I felt far from well. I found Peruna bene tiled me very much. It built up the entire system and made me feel like c new man. I believe It Is well worth the high praise bestowed upon It. Wntemlo catarrh always gives fall warning of It- approach, nnd can Ik eu-ly wnnll off by tin. propar treat ment. Floating brown Bpeoks before ?."..- ,m,t.il confusion, fits of nor Vouh headache, .looplcwnortj, nartiM o heat, clillly bohmIIoiw, palpltrttion, Irrl taWIltv, deopondenry; nny of the mptoiiM or all of thorn , should 1 proinptly mnt by tho use of Porunn. ConKrouaman K. V. lirook-hlre, fron Indiana, In a wont letter from wli IiiRlon,I).C.,BayH: 3?rom what my frlondrf y, Peruni 1h a good fonlo and tv nfe ntturrli cure. 13. V. llroolwhlro. 'Rummer Catarrh," a b'wlt written bj pr. Hartmaii, l'reIdont Tite x '" Baiiltarlum, on the Kiibjr-t of tho ner toim ilUturUnoea pacnHar U ummet wnt to nnyaddrcw by The Poruut Medicine Co., Columbus, O. posBlblo for mo to bo Bilont. Any porson who chargos mo with bolng a mombor, or in any way con nected with Uio A. P. A., dollboratoly falsifies. J. B. T. TUTIIILL. OREGON PIONEERS MEET 6 F. youno 540 North Cottage Street. Rubber Vehicle Tires ahown nn In a lurid light, and croated a groat doal of morrlmont. Tills part of tho program was In charge of Mr. and Mrs. John Bayno, and w'as very hoartily approolatod. Rlstlno's orches tra vary kindly donatad tholr aorvlces. and tho young mon woro warmly ro momborod by all tho friends of Lin coln school. At tho closo Mr. T. I Davidson thanked tho nudlsnco for tholr gonorous patronago, thankod tho pious of tho city, tho band, tho Light and Powor Co. nnd tho Grand Opera Houbo managomont for tholr liberal iasslBtanco to tho library fund. About $75 was raised for now books for the Lincoln school llbrnry, which will bo selected by a commlttoo of the ladles, nnd bo In position and roady for the schools when they opon In October. Tho ear lines furnished special sen loo In all directions, and then some of tho public-spirited people of South Sa eom had to walk. Thirtieth Annual Reunion 'in Portland Today Tho thlitloth annual rounlon of tho Oregon Pioneer AsoBcintiou was opened In Portland today. Tho Native Sons and Natlvo Daughters will aid materially In making tho affair a grand succosfl. Tho program of tho day was as follews: Music. DoCaprlo's band. Calling to order by proeldont, Judgo J. II. D. Gray, Astoria, 1S39. Prayer by tho chaplain, Ilev. J. w. Miller. Portland, 1850. Address of welcome, Hon. George II. Williams, 1863, mayor-oloct of Port land. ItoBiionae, by the presldont. Appointment of commlttoo on reso lutions by tho president. Music by tho band. Annual addross, Hon. T. A. McBrlde. Oregon City, 184C. Poom, by Mrs. Juno MoMUIon Ord way, to bo road by J. C. Moroland, 1852, Portland, vlco-presldonU Occasional addrees. W. T. Wright, Union, 1862. Music by the band, o A. M. Clough, successor to D. E. Hunslnger Funeral Director, 107 State Street, Phone, Office, 1351; residence, 221, Salem, Oregon. Mistaking tho deadly drug bella donna for a practically harmless preparation, cascarot, an extract from nhittnm bark, very nearly resulted fa tally for Mrs. II. C. Epley this morn ing. Whllo tho patient has not yot ontlroly passed tho critical point, it Is thought her llfo will bo saved with out Borlous conBequoncos resulting from tho unfortunato mistake Tho confusion of tho two druga re sulted from tho fact that Uio vial rnntidnlntr tho nolaonouB belladonna was not labeled, tho label having, from UBago of tho bottle, boon re- mnvpil. nnd novor replaced. Tho bot tlo containing tho other preparation, which was harmloss, had nevor been lahnlnd. Karlv this morning, Mrs. Epley, who has beon in poor health for somo time, rnmnlnlnod of feeling indlBposed, and remarked that bIio thought of taking i dnsn of tho chittum bark extract. Dr Knlev loft his homo about C:30 o'clock, going to tho Insano asylum to do some practicing inaquartet for Salem sJuiy lth celebration, and was called homo an hour later. Mrs. Epley took tho nolHon about 7 o'clock, and Boon real Ized that Bho had mado a mistake. Be ing alono, alio started for tho homo of a neighbor, D. A. White, one block dls- taut, but had covorod only ono-liair of tho distance when Bho was over- come by tho drug, and felt In a help loss condition. Fortunately tho neigh bors wltnossod her condiUon, and, rushing to her assistance, woro In formed that by mlstako a big doso of belladonna had boon takon. An ometlc wns given and Drs. Prottyman and Byrd summoned. Upon tholr arrival antldotos woro introduced, and every thing dono to avoid tho fatal rosults that scorned imminent. This aftornoon Mrs. Epley was rest ing comfortably, and hor rccovory is expected,. 0' DIED. DIED. At tho family homo, two miles east of Salem, at 12:45 p. m., cntnr.inv Tnnn 1-ith. 1002. of con sumption', Clarenco L. Updograff, acod 30 yoars. Funeral Borvlcos woro hold at tho homo at 9:30 a. m., Monday, Juno lGth, nud Intormont mado in City Vlow Comotory. Friends of tho fam ily kindly boBtrowou tno gravo wiui tho most beautiful floral offorlngs. 0 DOZEN HATS Q Wp'vp itisr added to our fine assortment Of men's hat uMr. This was a fill-in order, representing our actual ........ . - i . i . t. iv.it p fh s Snr tier above wliat we naa anucipaiea. 11 is no idle boast to say that we carry the largest stock of uoic iiAtwppn Pnrt and and bacramento, ana wnat is very imoortant to the customers, we have accomodations for showing them over 100 styles in lull view in our line hat case. Those Boys' H ose j At? P-ninp- like hot cakes. It would be good econo- nw tn stnr.k ud a vear in advance for your boys and girls. They're a snap at two pair for a quarter, and remember they're the famous Iron Clad. Of course everyone knows the place to go for a styl ish Spiing suit is the , Sab Woolen I S ore 254-2? 6 Commercial btreet, Salem, Orcion. XWWrtY555X55XiXSXiXBGDe k'AXtf x BICYCLES CUSHION FKAME, 1902 CHAINLESS CUSHION FRAME - - Call and see the 1002 RAMDLKR CUSHION FKAMK, it is 305 day s abend of all. ROCKING CRANK HANGER doeH away with tho Hat and clumsy spring. CALL AND EXAMINE IT. YOU WILL LIKE IT, DimMa ClltlririOC Of all descriptions nt pricoB as cheap as DlLVwlC OUllUllCa anywhere, and wohavo just what you want. BIOYOLE REPAIRING Wo havo a comploto blryclo repair shop Wo fit all makea of bicycio tires. Wo repair all makes ol iioyclo8. Givo us a call, wo try 10 pieaeo. Good Healthy Action is easy to have by taking this famous old remedy To look well and keep well, use Beecham's Pills. Bold ETtrjTtlifre-In boitt toe. nd e. SHIPP & HAUSER 258 Commercial Street Occoslte Capital National Bank. SeXS32SXWi CLARK'S SEEDLINGS ARE NOW AT THEIR VERY BEST. , Do You Want to Can Clark's Seedlings? If Boyou muBt got them thin week. NEXT WEEK WILL BE TOO LATE. Givo tiB your orders for VAOUM, MASONS AND SUN fruit jara; tho very belt to bo had. NEW TODAY. H MiHmM(mtmtwmwmtmuHmtxumtuttutmtunturttmttnmumum this is it (Notice... Tbl U the place whero you get looet f k at an Jionwt price. AUklRda o bicycio repalrlpK and all Sriadft M Urea and sundries at restouuble IMtQevrt vum y 00E art HT9 l'hor hone SOIL Yariety Store yw Line of LAMOOK gTS i j TIH 1A WlIlEU ' BALLS TtHi.KT WAV .MjWj&XCH Mr. N. II. Vtulev it (till with mo In tha Bwiujr mooliino depaitmout, and auy repairing lelt in lila ciiarc will do promptly attended to and the wprk guarauteed, Mr. N. II, Burley la one of the moat thotough tewing maenina men in tho ttate and U oompatent to re pair any and all machine?. He la la up wlio connected ith any other sowing machlue home, F. A. WIGGINS 9ft$.3e7 Liberty St ttOGWUKI M" Wu aro fitting rubber tires U nw and old bURKlos, and imarantoQlnB nil of our worc In ovory way. Tho coat of rubuorlnc ft "K ih not as muon u moat pooplo ImaKluo. and tho comfort la woll worth the whllu. Wo fit all altos, from tho small alio up to the vory largest bUwi for haolsu or cabs. Wo havo tha latent Improved ma china for tho work', nnd can fit tlraa to anything that's wanted. Call and see us. I hava a Koodly number af swaml- hand wheal. 1u both ladlaa' and Knta" and will Ball them low to olean up atocU. We keop Balling thoin down all tho while, but wo uIbo ltoep on trading In others, and tho stock doaa not dlintuluh aa rapidly aa It ouhUL Uavo i good aaoond-hand upright ouBtno and hollar for aala. Hollar la -horao, onfilno Mioraa. Call nud utw thorn. A barguln for somo ouo. Two Bocoud-haud wagons for sal ohoap. too. Wo nro not waatly run ning a Booond-liand Btora. Uut the trade hits boon so large on bloyolos and vehicles of all sorta that wo have a,ulto a nuwbor on these Usnis on baud for trading. Call and see F. A. WIGGINS Card from Mr. Tuthlll. Hill tor Jeurnal: In your editorial columns of Tuos day. I notloo tha Btatemeat that one of tho nrxunionta used against mo at tho olcotlon on Monday wns that I whb an A. 1 A? As to the lamias of the oloction. I have nothing to say, tho votera havo sottled that; but whon uccused of be longing to an organisation whoso bin otod and un-Amorloan prlnolplea nro utterly abhorrent to me. ami an ir- ganlsnUuu which 1 havo always op posed by my voice and voto. it is lm- Piipfbep Evidence That we are doing a fair share of the job printing in Salem is from the I act that today our plant is fully twice as large as when we started in the printing business less than four months ago We Deliver When We Promise Schaefer & Palmer jfjr Rooms S. 4. and fi Moorei b'V. Phone, ml Kevl. Good enough 1 fhrnmhnrivl 1 9 OS 9 laBIl v HLP mi v M ll Havana Filler i s &zWi Lvoy 1 !SmP Zkl ! ::K'M WmSf&m i WmM?WmMm mmW:mMM riHg$oH Watch Lost. Ou asylum road Tues day, Bllvor snap case, opon face El gin watch. Klndor roturn to Journal otllco for roward. G-18-3d-lw o For Sale. One second-hand phaoton, In good ropalr. Inquire at u. M. Wado & Co's store. C-18-3t o Wanted fivo young men From Ma rlon county to prepare at onco for positions In tha govornmont service. Apply to Intor-Stato Inst., Cedar Rapids, la. C-17-2m " WHEAT MARKET. San Finnclsco. June 18. Whoat, Chicago. Juno 18. Wheat, 78 72 He. GOLD DUST FLOUR Made by THE SIDNEY POWER COMPANY Sidney, Oregon. Mado for family use, ask your grocer for it Bran and shorts alwaya on hand. A. T. WAIN Amnl ' FLORODORA " BANDS en c sami val as tag from STAR," " HORSE SHQSr SPBARNEAW"STANDARD M W," OLD PBACH A HONer." "SAW LOG." "OLE YARGINY" fir "MASTER WORKMAN ' Tfc&cco, Jacob Uogf 265 Commercial St. Good Stock of Shoes o All Up-to-date Prices Right l?Aili fLP iNila In ams nku ( 0U a a I rt nt all. lUrwirlatf liowe on uji ii'MHra. ROTH & GRABBR 124 SUie Street. Telephone 511 ttttmmtttMtmut:uttttmjttmtmtmnmumittK:mttmtmtnmmat trawbernes HOME GROWN I Home grown Clarke Seedlings strawbenies fresh every morning, rlione us your order. Fuller & Douglas, Grocers U ii iai Kt n'Amv lil.lif Phone Main 2201 t ntn:mmmunmttnramtt4ntmmtttm:w:nt:umjttnmmmmmtat Celebrated Wolff-American Bicycles ArethemoBt pericntly rousUucltd bicycle made. The bearing are dnt proil, eolf-oillnK and will run a thousand miles without requiring additional on, 1902 Model 55 $40 I9Q2 Model 55. Superb Ruby Finish $45 1901 Models $35 1902 Special Model $25 Wo Qt ny eoanler brule, $5 extra. St our elegant line of high-grade hl cyclte at U0 stale Street. Merritt. Davis, Agent. i - - ' . . J i ill liiiairaWMBMMMWWWWP B ij I IB JI 1 GO STORh BBI PEOPLE'S BARGAIN HOUSE- I Sensational Bargains Xfn''r X and think for a moment whero is the best plare in falem to buy rJ " v i" uwi iui inn iruBi uiuiwv. int aiietuou jo cbohj ""." ., . rniflAfJn RT(IIIIM.hU.rn.n... Il,,u nr..Hla l-on Olir ItOfO 1 WCwirfWI fr t - - JACOB U0GT.. 265 Commercial Street. f. ways humming with business. X 16c Covert cloth, all colors . . .9c C 25e Boiftst linen lawn 15q ft 8Wf embroidery 2W in. wide.. Ho oeieaia, neci , ...uo funooiinets , joe 0 white 11. S. ehitt waiita 05r Hoys 36c overalls, ihlu and bib 25c Men's 5e ueok ties 15c Meu'a 10e blaek ox 5c Meu'a SO) Utlbriggan under- wear, all colore 12c Men's 41c wit shirts 33o 1 ejs 5: 16c s S ico Va Hrta' Boys' SOo Summer underwear 25c Ladies' 8Ho Pammer under- wear LadieB' 15o white lisle vet SUo black French lace stockings 25e black lace slockinss J1 Udiea 20c black stockings . vk No 40 23o silk tafleta ribbon W Best bat pins, 2 for....- fl 200 yd. best spool thrtad 80e black silk belle 80s Jap silk, all colors McEYOY BROS., Proprietors. OK0U I g Court Street. - - - - - r Salem. K0if -? Llbfrty 8t, 8alm. lJllt, WOotartStwftt.