. Salt Rheum You may cnll It eczema, tetter or nilllr "out no matter what you cnll It, this skin rienso willed comes In putchos that bum, Itch. tllTharifo n watery matter, dry and pcnle, owes Its axlslenco to tho presence of humors In Hie system. It will eontlnup to exist, annoy, and per Imps agonize, as long ns these humors remain. U i nlwnya rndlcnlly nnd permanently cur. b Hood's Sarsaparilla whUi expels all humors, nnd Is positively unc I'luiicii ii wmumiua "fiiiJiiona, A now coffco at 25 nnd ,10 cents a pound. Try a pound, nnd lot tho coffee speak for Itself you will continue on tho Bnmo coffee. Wo gunrnnteo It to ho nlways fresh roasted. Y0K0HAAU TEA STORE Phone 2411 black Free Delivery. WILLAMETTE HOTEL ARRIVALS. Fred McLeod, San Francisco. W. F. Joffilea, Portland. A. J. Singly, Portland. C. W. Kansoin, Snn Francisco. Geo. V. Rigor, Tillamook, II. A, DcshoI, Itlu Grove, la. G. A. Wostgato, Albany. A. A. Shaw and wife, Gntos. O. F. Paxton, Portland. Frank At. Dunne, Portland. W. F. Grny, Portland. Miss. Curtis, Portland. C. 13. Prnhuian, Chicago. Thos. C. liloomor, Portland. Geo. Soronsou, Portland. M. B. Whitney and wlfo, Wostflold, Mass. Miss Elizabeth E. Farrnr is sponding n month at GrantH Pass. . CONSUMPTION tho most dreaded and deadly of nil diseases, ns woll as pneumonia, and all Lung Troubles aro rolloved at onco nnd cured by Acker's English Remedy "tho king of nil Cough Cures." Cures Coughs nnd Colds In a day.. 25 cents. Your money back If dissatisfied. Wrlto for freo sample. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. D. J. Fry, Drug gist. """ "T"n r - Ontmffl nnfffcBBfiim'R I for anybody! yLL Havana Filler " FL0R0D0RA " BANDS an of samt valut at tags from "STAR." "HORSESHOE." -spearhead,""Standard na vr." " OLD PEACH & HONEY." "SAW IOC," "OLB VARGim" or "MASTER WORKMAN" Tetacco. 6 Buy Walker's Guaranteed Paints .When you want paint for your houe or your carriage that la mixed ready for the brush, you can And It at Walker's, the carriage trimmer and painter. I carry a large stock of the best paints Jo the world T,Y m varnish gloss buggy paint. One coat will make your buggy look like new. C. H. Walker ICO Go nmwelal SlreeL Salem Social Swim Calendar of Lncai r. ,... July 4areatest celebration In Oro- bu ui omem, A Fraternal Visit. Chadwlek Chapter, No. 37, Order of Eastern Star, received n ninnc. ..iu Tuesday evening from n party of Dal- "'3 Iieopio. a pleasant meeting was tho result, tho visitors returning home by moonlight, after tho lodge adjourn mont. Thoso comnrlslnir tho tmrtv were: Airs. Alllo Townscnd, of Dal las, worthy matron of tho grand chap, tor 0. K. C. of Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dolt, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P,. Mulr, Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Diddle, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. N. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dryan, Mrs. It. l! Chapman, Mr. It. 12. Williams, Miss Roddlo Campbell, Miss Edna Simon ton. Initial Lawn Social. Tho first Ico cream and strawberry lawn social given by tho Altar Socloty of St. Joseph's Society, on tho beauti ful lawn Tuesday ovonlng. wns a pleasant buccobb socially, and netted tho society a handsomo sum for the treasury. Tho Chemawa Indian Bchool band was In attondance, nnd It Is al ways a pleasure to hear that organi zation play. Tho boys did exception ally well last evening, and gavo a pro gram of their best selections, thnt was agreeably digested with tho dollclous refreshments served by tho ladles. New Pastor Received. Tho congregation of tho Chomokcta' street Evangelical church, on Tuesday ovcnlng, tendered Uio now pastor, Hov. T. Tt. Hornschuch, a reception nt tho -residence of Ira Shcnefleld. An address of welcomo was made by Rev, u. i uoyai, uev. Hornschuch re sponding, and refreshments wero served. Tho ovcnlng was spent In got ting acquainted with tho now pastor, tho occasion proving a pleasant affair for both minister and pnrishonors. o Mt. Angel Commencement. Tho commencement exercises of tho Mt. Angel collego will occur nt that placo June 24th, and on thnt day tho train will bo held at that point until uftor the ceremonies, nnd will lenvo In tlmo to connect with tho north and 3outh bound tialns nt Woodburn, thus visitors from valley towns will bo ac commodated both ways, o To Wed In the Month of June. Six marriage Hconsos wero Issued by County Clerk Hall Tuesday. Thooo re ceiving wedding permits, In addition to thoso published yesterday, were: Sophia Lossnor and It. G. Itoss; Net tlo May Read and Everett C. Down ing; Helen Hunter and II. C. Mangus; Florence Duffy nnd liobort Koohl. PERSONALS. Mrs. J. Harding nnd children aro vis iting In Gor'vals. Tllmon Ford wont to Eugene today to nttond court. Fred McTlmmonds, of Dallas, wns In Salora Tuosday. Mrs. W. F. Boothby has returned from a Portland Ylslt. Mrs. M. E. Poguo has returned from a visit In Albany. Mrs. John Roynolds has roturnod from a visit In Portland. Ray Gilbert has returned from a business trip to Portland. Caroy Martin wont to attend com moncomont at Eugene today. Miss Goodo, tho modlBto, Is homo from a wooks visit at Portland. Mrs. J. M. Hansbrough, of Roseburg, Is tho guest of Mrs. A. C. Lawronco. Miss LouIbo McGeo has gono to Eastern Orogon, to romaln about ten days. Miss Lulu McIIafflo has gono to San Francisco for a month's vacation visit Mr. and Mrs. John Mlnto are attend ing tho State Plonoors' Association In Portland. Mrs. Ida (Pooler) MoAllstor, of Le land, Utah, Is tho guest of her sister. Mrs. Back. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Stannard, of Portland, are guests of Mayor and Mrs. Bishop. Horman Lossner, with F. K. Reach & Co., Is visiting his parents. Rev. and Mrs. Lossner. MtRH Maud Myers, of the l.ineoin school, wont to her home at Sclo. to spend tho vacation. David McCully and daughter. air. f J. CrelKhton. are attending the Ploneors' reunion In Portland. Mrs. M .J .Magors and Mrs. Franks Cornell are among the Salemltes at tending the Pioneers' reunion In Port and' . . . - Frank O'Neill, the rock contra, tor. was In Portland this week on busmen but returned home last evening to re main all summer. ,,.. Mies B8ie York, of Oakland. Califor nla, accompanied by Ml. Marjor Moore, is visiting her cousins. Mrs B. Slater and Mrs. & A. Pierce PreU CHngan aad Miss Vern Clm 8an, who have been Mvl.g here for Lvera. moatbs. Mt today tor I W . u.h they will wake their fu J to Mr. RMkln 0. If Yakima, will be mw ter streeU. We Are After . MMMS that iec8. by RESSLER ELECTED PRESIDENT Eugene Professor Gets Alon- moutli Normal School Plum A telephone message from Hon. S. B. Eakln, who Is nt Monmouth today attending a meeting of tho board of regents of the Monmouth normal school, glvos the Information that at a meeting of the board this afternoon I'ioL E. D. Ressler. superintendent of tho Eugene nubile schools for several years, and later a member of tho fac ulty of the State University, was elect ed president of the Monmouth normnl school. Prof. Hosslor's many friends will congintulate him upon such an honorable advancement. Eugene Guard. Tho readers of this paper will bo pleased to loam that there Is at least ono dronded disease that sclonco has been able to euro In all Its Rtncoa. nml that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo is tho only posltlvo curo now known to tho modlcal fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, ronulros a constitutional treatmonL Hall's Ca tarrh curo Is taken Intornally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho Bystem, thereby de stroying tho foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tho constitution nnd as sisting nature In doing Its work. Tho proprietors havo so much faith in its curatlvo powors, that thoy offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any caso that It falls to curo. Sond for list of testi monials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 7Bc. Ha.l's Family Pills nro the best, o Bed Time I tako a pleasant herb drink, tho noxt morning I feol bright nnd my com plexion Is bettor.. My doctor says It acts gontly on tho stomach, liver nnd kidneys, and Is a pleasant laxative. It Is mado of herbs, and. Is prepared as easily as toa. It is called Lane's Med Iclno. All druggists soil It at 25c nnd CO con Is. Lane's Family Medicines movos tho bowel -onch day. If you cannot get It, sond for freo samples. Address, Orator Woodward.LoRoy.N. Y. There Is Nothing I.tko good broad and pastry. The kind that Is mado at the Pioneer Bakery Is pure and wholesome, and always ploasos the consumer. Cheap Wood. Now Is the Jlme to lay In your sup ply of slab wood. The cheapest wood In the market. Leave ordeis at the ofllco of Capital Lumbering Co. 1 t-2t OA.'?vJtXJ(L. Beuitlo y II KM Ym Hiw AN BwgM o "What Is Man7" Is the title of n splendid little book by a Salem author, and should he read by ovoryono. A nlco present for uny young man. Prof. W. C. Hawley says: I hope for this book. the wldo read ing It dosorvos." For salo nt Pat tons' book storo. Price 10c. G-G-Sw The Reason Why The White- House restaurant has such large patronage Is beenuse the moals that nr Berved are the best money enn buy. Opn day and night. 0"' CASTOR I A For Infants and Childreu. The Kind You Have Always Bough Boars the Slgnitnro ol Hnnfl RiMMl for anybody! yLL Havana Filler " PL0R0D0RA BANDS en ef samt valut at tars rem "star.1' 'horseshoe.-' "spearhead: standard navf.-' old peach a honey:' ..savlog:-'-olbvarguY" UASTBR WORKMAN" Totecco, V , wmm THE DAILY JOURNAL, SALEM, MOWWWW) I - lllWIMW.-Mm-JlJMUL-mj I JliUJUl-JUMI-JW I WERE GIVEN DIPLOMAS Graduating Exercises N. W. IN. C. Tuesday Evening: Two Good Alusical Programs Presented Monday The final program, consisting of tho graduating oxerclsos of Uio second nn mini commencement of tho Northwest Normal College, was given nt tho First Baptist church. The presentation of the diplomas was mado by Prof. A. J. Garland, prosldent of tho college, nnd tho address to tho class was dollv ered by Rev. II. L. Boardman, prosb dont of McMlnnvIllo collogo. Diplomas wore awarded as follews: Commorclnl course B. W. Snydor, F. E. E,llls, C. J Carlton, Jasper W. Long cor; English course Miss Cora Talk Ington and C. A. Lewis; classical course J. W. Mott, T. II. Lnufmnn, Paul G. Stall!. The program of oxorclsos was as follows; Piano duot Overture. Lucia Lam mormoor, Donozottl, Miss KlniBoy and Miss Longbottom. Invocation Rov. Geo. S. Rltchoy. Vocal solo "Ovor tho Ocean Blue," Potrlo, Dr. Z. M. Pnrvln. Recitation "Tom's Littlo Star," Miss Boatrico Short. Vocal solo "Rojolco Groatly," linn H'l, Miss Dolla Osborn. Address lo clnBs President II. L. Boardman, McMlnnvIllo college. Presentation of diplomas President A. J. Garland, N. W. N. C. Piano solo "Valso DrlllanU'," Mos. xkowskl, Mrs. .las Batt. Monday's Recitals. The following rovlow of tho two ro Cltals of tho Collogo of Music, glvon on Mondny. wns prepared by a spectater: The closing recitals of tho N. W. N. College of MuhIc, at 3 nnd 8 p. in. Mon day, nt the Baptist church, wore outer talnmonts reflecting credit on both teachers and students. The Juniors, u tliu nftornonn, both the singers nnd players, showed flno taste and ex presslon, rondorlng their plecos In such manner ns to recolvo tho gonor ous applause of tho audience. Thoso taking part bosldo thoso who helped In tho evening, woro Dora WI nnns, little Florence Cunningham, Nelllo Hoover, of Brooks; Ethel Burk holder, Mlnnlo Conley, Miss Stockton, Jannettu Booth. In tho evonlng was tho crowning ontortalnmont of Dr. Parvln's work. Kvury number wns highly appreciated by tho Inrgo nudloneo prosont. Tho program oponod with tho famous "William Toll" overture, with two pi anos, given In flue tono nnd finish by Mr. Batt, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Borgor and Miss Draper. Mlse Mary Payno playod "Tho Bolls of Chandon," by Sudds, In a charming mannor. This wns fol lowed by a chorus, "Hopo," by eight young ladles, which was sung In tine harmony nnd vocnllsntlon. Miss Klmsey. of Albany, played Leybach's dlfllcult fantnsle on tho airs of IiSonnniubula. The phrasing wns Hood, bringing the melodies clearly through the maze of scales and chords. Miss Short. In "O. Light of Hopo." by Donesettl, sang In flue stylo, being called buck, responding to an encore. Mr. Batt probably excelled any amn teur performance ever heard In Salem, playing In n masterly manner Howth oven's greet sonata, "Sonata Appas sionate." He received nn ovation from the audience, and responded by pluy liig the "Witches' Dance." "The Night Ingule's Trill" was sung sweetly by Miss Nina Johnson. Tho exocutlon of the trill and the runs weiu easily made Misses Byurs and Short saug a humorous dueL "Hewnre." that was much appreciated, and received a re call. The recitation. "Flying Jim's Um Ittit." by Miss Sshlbrede, was fi delivered, waking "H f' l1"' touchlitc sentimeHt of the imem. Mls UnbottMU. the only graduate this year, gave two pieces, "Allegro," from Haeihoven's Sonata Pathetlque." und "The Two iJirks," by I.oschetlsky. domonstratiHK that tho honors given wr-r- fltlinKly phiced. Miss Delia On born "Uriiaul Fly With Me." Ver di the great aria from the opera Krnanl. Her effort was highly nrtls I if Miss Bynrs sang "The Carol of tin- Lark." by Bailey. Tkte was a flu . ffort. showing clearly a phhI pnwft fr fuiui mwmim. Dr. Parvln pr axunl the dtplowa to Mttw Longhot loin, with sows aniiraprlato remark. rh- prucww closldg wtOi tke xrand luo. ' Norma Fantasie," artangetl by DiailM-ni, fiivMi BMceesafMUr by Miss tiraiwr a4 Mr. BoU. AiUr Mie wx- r us Umt were nay eiwtwaUla tions uKmntA on Ue sucf of Utc rt ttal . ii o Mother Qray's Sweet Powders. Fur eblWrea. Mother Gray, for years a nurse Is the Children's Home io Kew York, treated children successful y with a remedy, now prepared and plated la Ue drug stores, sailed Moth er Oray'a wet Powders for OblldreB. They are harnlesa as milk, pleasaat to take and ae-ver fall. A eertala cure for ferrihaDS, eoasUoJatlon, head ache, teeUilBg and steraash disorders aad reweve worms. At all druggists, lie. Sample FHBK. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Iltoy. N. Y. U1HU1 J "'" " ' " .?" " ft. MtM 1J MH. BtlBtMHBH t" VesM A2? . S3KE3T U OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE FOREST RANGERS NAmED Several to Enjoy Summer's Outing On a Salary A partial list of tho supervisors and rangers of tho Orogon forest roservo has been announced. Tho other ap pointments will bo mado soon. Super visors W .11. II. Durfur, for tho north hnlf of tho roservo, nnd S. C. Batrum, of Uosoburg, for tho south hnlf, havo been appointed, the dopartmont having decided to havo only two supervisors this year, instead of threo, ns In tho past, Tho following rangers havo boon np pointed, nt a salary of $G0 por menth: Northom division David A. Carter, of ArgontI; Wm. H. Nnsh, Ale; Chns. F. Elgin, Roscdnlo; Milton D. Mark ham, Forest Grove; Arthur B. Lacy. Rlckroall; John L. Dlmlck. Mt. Hood; Oliver L. l'aquot, Wnmlc; Joseph II. Prout, Dufur; John E. Somocal, Du fur; Wm. C, Wnlkor, Dufur. Southorn Division Snm R. Thurs ton, Eugene; Robort J. Watson, Oak Creek; Addison S. Iroland, Olalla; Chorion J. Van Kilo, Roseburg; Robort W. Ventch, Cottage Grove; Junius C. McCully, Jacksonville; Henry Irolnnd. Jacksonville; Frank L. Lent, Drain. Acker's Blood Elixir positively Cures Chronic Blood Poisoning and all Scrofulous affections. At all Union a mntchlosn system tonic und purlflor. Money refunded If you aro not satis fied. GOc. nnd $1.00. D. J. Fry, Drug gist. o o j. ts o act. x j. . awn the. 9 ! KnA You Harc Uwn ttaiffh Bre rTL.tMffc; I-3J2-- 0 MOUNTAIN AND OCEAN. Summer Rates and Train Manage ment on Corvallls & Eastern. Kdwln Stono, mnnngor of tho C. & K. railway, has Issued a very pretty Illustrated brochuro advortlBlng Ya qulnn bay, that people who aro planning to go to a sumnior ronort would do woll to Bend for. Special excursion rates aro now mado to Newport and return for tho sonson. Tickets nro on salo from nil S. P. and C. & K. points through to Newport nt reduced rates. S. P. trains oonneot with thoso of tho C. & 15. at CorvalllB and Albany. On or about Juno 30th the C. & 12. train from Dotrolt will lenvo that point In tho morning, mooting tho btu. train at Albany at noon, una inni pas soiigora from Dotiolt, Broltonbush or othor mountain rosorts from Southern I'nolllo points enn leave Albany tho snmo nftnruoou without Iny-ovor, reaching Dotrolt tho name evening. Tickets from Corvallls and Albany to Dotrolt, good for tho Boason, nro on snlo nt both points nt vory low ratos. o The Great Rock Island Route. Through personally conducted tour ist stooping cars betwoou Portland nnd Chicago onco a week, and between Og don and Chicago threo times a week, via tho Scenic lino. Through Standard slooplug cars dully between Ogdon and Chicago, via tho Scenic lino. Through Staudard slooplug cars dally betwoou Colorado Springs and St. Louis. Through Standard and tourist sloop lug cars dally betweon San Francisco and Chicago, via I.os Augolos and Kl I'aso. Through Standard sleeping cars and chair cars dally betweon SL Paul and Chicago, Bo uuro that your ticket reads via tho Great Rook Island Route. Tho host and most roasonablo din ing car sorvlca For ratos, folders and descriptive fit ornturo wrlto to A. H. COOPUH, Gouoral Agont, Portland, Or. SOULE BROS PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS For Salem sod vklrltt leave order at ft Will's Musk Slwt. PORTLAND OR, The Science of Osteopathy... Many poopls have Iimh IshI to bf llvs thrwuKh fals raiKirts and iguo ranc that Oslwipathlc trtwtniont was painful and veu IuJuHoms to children or wsaksRwl Invalids. Nothing ciwhl bs farther from the truth for It Is adapted to tho cas, and I Howls Is It iHjttriaus to tk fretlsst ehlhl or weak! Inralia. IlHt raUiw It Is iNVigorating and strsttlh slfiK. a4 Nvr Is ths naUHt worn t or ma4 hwvoms from troatsHwiL llowsvsr, UistM art many faker and Rfoiomtors In Osteopathy who rto not MHdsrsKautf how to mJv trsatmont HMiiy. . Nena ure gonulno or coin ftMnml who havo not attaadsd school at toast four torms of flvo months ach. Ut. U K Wl cJff asu) Mm. Orae Albrltjht. of I. O. O. P. Twnpk. MaUm. aro graduatew of lbs American iebool of Oatooeatky, a twenty wontlts' selisol. aad thoroughly uallfid to 4ve selentifle troatitteat aad handle any case pet In their ear. All dls easoii. eeoeelaUy ekowk dtoeassM ajnd dJa)rmMSos. yteW to the tmtMeot wHkot kBlfe r lm&. Hours to 4. llioue Mala 2721 -Qda Feltews' Temple, 8oIra. Qr li 1902. VIWUMM ITfIfTlTrTW?S T huhiltnArviftcfitrt Afcgc(ablc I'rcpnrnlionlbr As slmllaimg ihcnxxlanilltcdula -ting llic Stoinachs and Bowls or Promotes Digestion Cheerful ness and Rest.Contmns neither Otfnim.Morphme norhuernl TIotNviicotic. , IiVXoftMDrSWVa.NrCllKR 1y4v Seal ytwSfrtt JfWrrjrwwVMiw Apcrfccl Hcmcdjr forConslipn Tlon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea mnl Loss of Sleep. FacSlmllo Signnlurc of NEW YORK. O. H. MACK Succossor to Dr. J. M. Kocno, In Whlto Corner, Snlom, Orogon. Pnrtloa doslrlng superior operations at mod- ornto foo lu any branch aro-lu oBpoclnl requost STEUSLOFF BROS. Dealers In Live Stock, Wholosato and retail butchers and packers. All kinds of frosh and salt meats. Flno Bnusagos, hnius, bacon and lard. 316 Commercial street. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Moots all mall and pnssongor trains. Baggaga to all parts of the city, Prompt tervlco. Telophono No. 211. IlOMYRll & IIISDIIICK. Barr's German Salye Heals quickly all cuts, or bruise. Draws sarunr-es out ollinui bank, ami ilriiwn rllvers nut ol (IuhIi wluoh often break off too short to pull. Sticks like sticking planter. Try it ami you will never bo without. Ilv mill 'luo. L. M BARR, 1-0 State St. 8alom, Ore. Your Step Mother Is still hero buBy us ovor, and whoti your clothes ore all out of order, worn, with buttons off, take them to her at tho Salem Dyo Works. At this establishment you can got anything sot to rlghtu, from a pnlr of glovos, to tho most elaborate silk gown. A gontloman can got his hat cleaned, his trousers arafod, or hln whalu suit rojuvonatod to suit his taste, also four suits a month for $1. Buttons sowod on, rips sowed up, suits prossod on short notice. Now goods shrunk for dressmaking. ARS. C. II. WALKER 185 Commercial Btreet. S. C. STOWE, A. D. PHOPHIIirOH OF Stone's Drug Stores SALEM, OnCQON. The otnrssltwo In numberlnra located at No. 235 and 21)7 Commercial St.. nnd nro woll stocked with a complete lino of drugs and modlclnos, toilet artluloa. norfumery. brushos. uio.. lias had sorao ib years oxpuenoo in the praotloo of modlolno and now mnkos no charge for consultation, ox- snilriBtlon or proscription If You Haven't Tried Our FRESH ROASTED COFFEES You Have Missed Soniclhlnir The Salem Coffee Roaster JOHNSON & O'FLYNO, Props. Phone Main 2724. I. O.O. P. Temple L. D. HENRY'S REAL ESTATE AND RENTING AGENCY ii st 230 ComMie'sUl Huh t PHONE MAIN 2681 SALUM ORB. Proposals for Wood for State Capitol. Sealed bids endorsed "PropoeaU for wood for CJUil." addrossed to the eadefeltaed. will be reeotfod at the aUtoe of the secretary of state until oVtoek jt in.. Juno 3W. ls. for all or aey aart of afo eords of fir wood. et wlillo Kroon fHMH Wx body Hr and well sea sowed. All woi 'l'H he four feet tOMg. reasosably sifalgkt. ad not loss than two aad oiie-hlf Inches In dlawe ir. to be delivered at saeJ. place as may be deatgnaled. within (amr Qt Ave UkKks of the CuHltol grouwls. eloiidy eerded. withiHit Volk-keade, not later OtAM SeptomtMtr 1. IMrt The right Is reserved to reject W or all bids, or to a iept ur rejeet Ry part or a bid F I UUNUAll, -I4 w a. 8e retary of Ktate MfcAiptiPitf 'I, ft i,;&m$& -n I Kill I EXACT COPr or WRAPPER. g g ITS JLg I vJlKIaB a- TMr ctHTiiieoMPNY. Htw renn city. mmmmmmmsmmmmmxmmmmmmmmtmmmmmm 'Ufa Ii I VIi MFB BBHP W vWHSHLRbV W Tor Infants and Childron, wmammmmmmKvmmmmmmiMnmmmmmirmmmmmmK The Kind You Have Always Bought n Use her Thirty Years o. a t, c's PASSDMCBR STEAMER POMONA Leaves for Portland Monday, WtdntidavafldFrldiy.10s.in. Wednesday sad Friday,!! nr Cnrvallla Tueiday.T For Corvallls Tueaday.Thurs- day and Saturday at 5 9. m. Quick Time, Cheap Rates Deck: Foot of Trade at. M. k UALDWIM. Alt. amd UNION PACIFIC DKPAW FOll TIME SCHUpULr.9 Krin ("otlUml, Or, AnniVK ritOM (,'hli .;.) l-ortlnl HpvcUl 9, oo. m, Tift Hunt Ingioa Hilt Ukr. PetiTor, Kt. Worth. Omtlit, Kui Oltr, HU liuuh, Clilcogo 40 in. ana Ki. AlUnllo Itiprixa Dalt Lake. Denrcr Kt. 8J0 10 ii. m. worm, umana, Kani filOn, in Tlslluut City, HI. touti, CIiIcmo and Kul. lUKtOU St. Caul KMI Mall 0.15 p in. Vu BiHikaue vT)i"Walla. iiwijton, man, Minneapolis ,81. I'.ul. Diiliith.M iwauki'o :t0 i in iitueoKO, auu . 7" hours w 77 Lt 0T-AD TO CIIICAOO Ho Chanre ot Cars Through tickets via this routo to nil Huttern points on ralo at rJouthurn I'a- elllo dupoi oinco. OCCAM AMD RIVER SCHEDULE I'rom PortUud Allaallllig date tulijocl io nianer KoraiiK'i0 gaTlTU74llr 6 p. m. i u m IUI1) ICWpl nr icwpl ;OI.UHUU H1VKK TnAtler'a aul Vr Uixtluil 4 i. m. unclajr x. Huua IL in. H"u tunlA) Ei WILLAMETTB RIVCH Btoamer Ituth lnavo Balom for Port-laiidandwaylanduimfonTuoAlayJIiurs-dsys and BatutdnyH, shout 10 R. in. For Corvallls und wny IrtiHUniw, Mowlays. Wodnosdays and Fridays at alwut 6 A'.L.0ltA.M, M 1. BALDWIN. Oen. I'bm. Ajjt. At. 0. It. A N dook I'ortlaml Or fnlem. Oro HUIE VYING SANG CO. . We keep all kinds China and Japan mattings. Fire Works, Pry floods, Rllk, Ladles' underwear, Wrappers, Wulste, on sale cheap. HO Htute Street. Salem. Ore. Salem Water Co. OFFICE UHY HALL Far water sorvlsa apply at ofllfltr. Ullls payablo monthly In advance. Makn all complaints at the olllae. Tb? flnneis . FINK W1NHM. LIQU01H AND OIOAU. 102 Colirt 51 B. P. JONES Attorney at Law Toledo, Oregon. Was etork of cireult court for six years and has an ue-to-dnte abstrsol af all woporiy tw Llafoln ctHMiVy-- THE ELITE CAFE 208 Commercial Street, im si a lMr. Open dsy and cht. Oelv Ih the ilty lmmlllHg (he ,W,,' OLYMPIA BHER Is toa ttseepttoii Saloon, Wholesale end retail- R HCKERUB.N, PcporjcLor Bears the Sipature jrAW ft ,ffV I W For I HMaHaaMMiiMMaMiNMWmniwwpMh n'HrttfBWIPffTHliii - 5SA CLASSIFIED -X-X ADVERTISEMENTS - -'"" ' ' ' "'!'- '" Advertisement, five lines or less. Is ihts cetKts wseitto three times for 23c, 50c aweK..I.S a montD. All over live lines st the sane ttte. WANTED. Wanted. Boys to leavo nnmoa at moS scngor ofllco, 288 Commercial street, for futttro roferenco. Chance for po sition for right boy. Musk havo wheel nnd furnish good references. Wages, $13 per month. KU-3t Wanted to Buy -A light halt spring bo cheap. Address C-13- wagon; must Journal. Wanted Kvurybo'dy to try Oregon Foot Easo for all foot ailments. Onco tried always used. Ask "your druggist or sond 25c. S. Lv Hayon, Halsey, Oro, 6S7lf LOST AND FOUND. Don't You Know Anywtng about Kd wards' Market? At 410 StatastroeL Best placo to buy fresh and cured moats Rt tho lowest prices. Phono 2G24, B. EdwardB, prop FOR RENT For Rent Flvo rooms, at 382 Marlon Btreet. No ono with small children nood apply. 6-16-3td-lw For Hont.--our nicety lurmsnea Bleeping rooms, In good location. Apply nt LIston's insuranco omco. McCormaok block. 6-11-tt For Sale. Now and second-hand bug glos, now and Becond-band spring wagouB, buckboarda and carts, at tho Balom Carriage and Wagon Fac tory. Wornor Fonnojl, -proprietor, 3G1 Commercial stroeL 4-lG-ti LODQE3. dor Unltod Workoon, mcota ovory Saturday ovonlng In tho Holman Hall, cornor of Btato and Liberty etroots. Vlaltlnrf brotbron welcome. 8. A. McFaddou, M. W. J. A. Sellwood, Ilocordor. , FOREQTEnS OF AMERICA--Court Bhorwood Forostora No. 10. Mootn Friday nlghta In Tumor block. Ira Hamilton O. IL; A. L. Drown. Boo. uontral LodQo No. l K. of P. (Jaatlo Hall In Holman block, cornor SUto and Llborty otreota, Tuosday o each wook at 7; 30 p. m; Claud Townaond, O. 0.; Zodao J. Illgge, IC of R. knd 8. FOR SALE. rSaTrerTi: plant lu good repair, Including bot Ilea, oxttacta, llxtures, etc. It Is do ing a Reed business, but owner must movo, and will glvo a cood barualn. or trado for town property. J. II. Undorwood, Turner, Or. C-lC-Ct ttcreon uoors. Mow and uecoud-hand, also an Invalid chair ut a barealn. J. N. ShanU. 107 Court strooL 6-K-tf For 8alo. becoud-hand wagon. Mitch oil, LuwlH & lltaver Co., Cl-55 State Btroot. C-ll-lw. For Sale Cheap -Hocond hand tUruHu"" liiK outfit. Advnnoo Soparator, 3Gx GC, with wind stacker. AIho 13 It. P. engine, with wntor tank and wagon. AH In good ordor. Price 7I0. E. M. Oroloan, Salem, Ore Kon. O-K-d&wtf F57 ttalo-Twonty-aoro tract with" now barn, threo miles oast of Salem, at n bargain, If taken soon. Iiupilro df 0. M. lleavor. H. F. D. No. 5, Sa lem. G-17-Cd-lw Screen Windows 3G centa to CO cents onch. Suroon doom fl.lG, Including hardware. Wlro foncliiK for all pup poses. Jimt received a carload Of shingles. Walter Morloy, o'J Stata street tl TONSOniAL. EvTuuinSaTD'm shop on State stroet. Every thing now nnd up-to-date. FInoat porcelain baths. Shave, ICoj hair-cut, 25c; baths, 25o. Two first-class boot blacks. 0. W. Evans, proprietor. Ityan's Shavlno Parlors. Sereu flrstr class harbors ongased. Finest bath rooms Id city. Wo use antlsoptlo sturllUor. J. Ilyan, Prop, HOP .AfjD OPUCEBUYBRe. rCaTmchw-lTop buyer. Office la Uush-Uroymnu bulldlnu, Salem, Oro gou. Samples of chotoo hops jiollc Hed from all growers. D U B N ES 8 C A R P gi J, H. Drewer, physician and surgeon. Office In Oray block. Rooms 7 and 0, Phone 91, L Burl Fainter aud puper hunger, moved to 140 Stato street, oppoalU John Hughes. Leavo orders or call for estimates. 6-1-tf Notice. Wo Wish to give nouco1 thai Mr. W .. Simpson Is Uio duly au thorized sexton ot tho L O. O. Fv oemetory, and has sole charge ot the same. Partlea having business at tho comotory will please consult him. Trustees of Chemeketa Lodge No. 1, I. 0. O. F. C-21-U OSTEOPATHY. ....& --- T -. t V M Of. L. sVvVyokolf and Or. Qraco bright. Twenty months grnduatea nt the American Sohool of Osteon uihy. Klrkavllle. Mo. Dr. WyekofC Is Ute only twenty mouths' genttemau t-raduate Im Salem. Odd Fellows' Temple. 'Pheua Malu 8731. Of.M: V. fichoettle tiraduato Aiueri ' ..can Sahool ot Onteopathy, Kirks vllle. Mo. Office In Tlo block, over the Spa. Olllco houra 8:30 to UtSQ and 1 to A, W.""tt. nob'blns, Dr. of Os.eopaiby- Oraduato of the Columbia College at Osteopathy. Chicago, III. Offlee H7 Court street Chronio diseases a speolalty. New t(le fl,,ry, The undersigned has puwUased th lIHte gallery of Hart & MeLeaaoa. and have secured the servJeM of Mr Carl NenUtrom, who U knowa as one or the aaest operators on tae eoaet. Krleads. patrons, aad the nubile, cor dially lavlted to eajl. Over Plor pie's store. T. J. flRONIUM, Vrf. 6-5-t.eod .- , - vnp?'3 R"