kkkV. - - i I niMi ilisfr it J iW ti Hi 1'iiiii fw Titrtiftil 'irnfflin vrieOt fefo jA MJAMrSHlL.njAkJ. i i' " r i WiliiliMVIIIIi IuaTH iof HC ? wrt.-fiw J- 1 h ijSfldffleMtaiaa i y(-2 Si (--. i - fHB D AiLV JOURNAL fcALEld, OREGON, WEDNESbAV, JUNE 13, 100& IpWMHWPMNWwWWIWWWWj RUTCH-BOUN trli Is a ocor substitute for legs, and affords a very i AfiIpt and tiresome mode of locomotion there is no more Sffi SShtffi? Jpcrsonrfowly and painfully moving along the ffi supported by these artificial limbs. mwlSrcumtttiam settles in the bones and muscles of the logs, jMnnVfttouredict that the victim will eventually become helpless StSlotata and muscles causes the most intense pain, the knees inrlnnilcs swell, cu.d when the natural oils and fluids that lubricate parts So completely destroyed the joints become locked and the musciea ornwn uu oi .....- - - - - .-UUMI jillS "" I"" --. - A V feffirsra and the eritty paixicica wuHiuuiuu. ,..... o by ie Hew rich blood, and relic! comes to the pain-rocked sufferer. S. 9. & leaves no morbid, Ej?.w, natter in the blood to reunite and produce frtSSa 8 sT? ctablereSy. and does not impair Se Sn or general hSSSWnlkntt or potash remedies. Write for ou? special free book on Rheumatism, and if any medical i i;In;nL Information la wanted, our physicians will gladly furnish f.dSLinf0r' HE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, DA. SPECIAL PERMIT ORDINANCE To Be Drafted By Salem City Council Aore Streets To Be Sprinkled --Will Construct New Sewer ..The Dimn sovero penalties for Infraction, of its provisions. , Dills Paid. Salem Water Co f 118.30 Thco. Darr .....' .15 Salem Gaslight Co .. S.CC Salem 1 P. & T. Co. .. 209.83 Patton Dros I'66 0. R Itodgcrs & Co fl9,C0 Salem Gaslight Co 9.6G Polilo & Dlshop '-. 4.00 Drowstor & Whito 3.C0 II. M. Wado & Co 7.C1 K. S. Lamport 2.70 John Hughes "" C.20 Cronk & Duchtol 1-00 '. .1. nines 3.90 69 Morlt8 ttttont'on. Its furnifhlngt. Bhould bo neat and tasty and (reo from usolos furniluro. .funt now we are offorlng Bnffolii, Sido- boards, Extension Tables and Dining Chairs in polished golden oak nt attrac tive prices. Wo also havo tho nowost In plato and photonraf rails. Thcso tails wo llnlsh in any desired color or furnish it In tho whlto. ' Sewer to De Connected. A potltlon for a sewer in block 88 has onuacud tho attontlon of tho coun- ti.o nr.iinnnco conimlttoo of th Sa ell for Bovoral wooks, nnil was nnauy loin city council at a meeting Tuwdny adopted last night. Tho committee on night was Ordered to draft a special streets and public property, after an permit ordinance that shall apply In investigation, reported that Mrs. h nn.rntinii to all lmnrovomunts of a'ltamp, who was among those ronton- public and private charactor, such an ' stratlng, claimed to havo recolvcd a sidewalk construction, sewer exenvat- permit In 1807 from tho eounell for a privato sowor. tho commiuco nan obtained Iogal ndvlco, and loarned thnt Mrs. Ramp, having recolvcd a ponnlt for tho construction of a pri vato sower, could not bo hold liable WEEKLY CROP REPORT ttWMa wgig n gj"" ii "' -- - ii BttwuMnaMertsSaaBSHaflBMti Summer Bulletin of Weather Bureau the Ing, establishing or street euros ami oreetlou of buildings. The neod of n health oillcor in Sa eom was agitated and briefly dis cussed.. Definite nctkm In Ilia cousin The House Furnishing Co. 03 Com'l fit., next to Post ofllco. Stores at Ralem and Albany R OLLMA N oration of the matter will probably bo for hor proportionate oxponso of n takon at n subsequent moetlng. ! For Permit Ordinance. City lfocordor Judah roportod that tho proposod legislation for uniform curbs upon tho city's strode Involved somo olghtoon or nlnotoon ordinances, an undertaking ho did not fool competent In a legal capacity to chaiigo and draft anothor. Ha was of tho opinion mat a strict onforcomont of oxlstlng ordi nances portalnlng to streets would romody tho Irregularity sought to bo Improved upon. Stolz moved that coimnlttoe bo om poworad to omploy legal aid and draft an ordinance providing for tho estab lishment of uniform curbs, but tho mo tlon rocolvod no second. Aftor somo furthor discussion, tho ontlro mattor was roforrod to the conimlttoo on or dinances and city rocordor, with In structions to omploy logal aid and draft a general permit ordlmmco thnt will apply to sldownlk construction, establishing curb lino, sowor excava tions or erection of any building, pub lic or privato, the ordinance to include CHERRY SBBDSR IB sccdco (TStSnito. 1ft oeeos, C"i R. M. JHIH norfict Cherry Scodor does f not crush tho chorry or cause 1& any loss or juice; a uarncni nnolilnn fnr lurito. Hlllllll Of Ulll- Ifomlii cherries. Tho Bod oxtrotlnp knllo drives the seed Into one dish anil actually throws tho cherry lno nnothor. Tho marks of tho knifo can srarcelv he soon on tho seodod fruit. It eoeds from 20 to 30 quarts per hour. Itclall price, 85 cents. WADE 8l CO- STRAWBERRIES GREEN PEAS CABBAGE motherhood," says the doctor. Sotne tinion he qualifiefl the Btntoment, and says: Impossible witliout nu opera tion." Yet both these iuiposfclblcM liave been made poeaiblcs by the uoc of Dr. l'ierce'fl lravonic rre scrlptlon. Many tlineo til liimlrniicca to lllotllLT- hooil are to be found in womanly diseases or weakncHses, which arc perfectly and pcrmnneiiiiy cured bv " I rt voritc Pre Bcrlntlou." Thl rent grMwresjakaTffl iLSegtW . medi JMmSffifMW 9"c t ior wouicn curi's Ir regularity dries dcbilllnttiiir drama. It heals TODAY HARRITT & LAffiRBNOB Old Post OWco Grocory. A Juicy Morsel for Breakfast Or dinner you can enjoy from one of our tamlor and dolluloua meats, steaks, lonib or wutkn chops, veal cutlota or pork, Our moats ore nil cut from the fattest and nnmostcnttle, and wo can supply your table with fresh, nutritious and wholesome meats nt bed rook prices. E C, CROSS SALEM ORB l'hon S01 . HMnk v vBvFtit m 8 jfm3BKfxmsJ tA rfsmr I V iHrM tXBmmaw and ijrwrwjBimp kXwBEpu v y?) fBMF Vuff BKr Pw t wy gonoral Bowor to bo constructoa ny tho city, especially since sho would derive no direct boneflt from tho sow or. Tho committee rccommonded that tho city proceed to tho construc tion of tho sowor, which was badly nocdod, since existing conditions wore a mennco to tho health of tho commu nity. Report of commltteo was adopt- od. Tho potltlon of property owners for tho improvement of High street, be tween State and Trndo streets, was granted, tho work to bo dono at tho ox- penso of tho ownors and undor tho su pervision of tho street commissioner. Health Officer Needed. Stolz, chairman of tho commltteo on hoalth and polico, In reporting on sev eral offensive cobs pools thnt had boon complnlnod of to the council, said con ditions in Salem omphnslzod tho neod of a hoalth oulcor. It was the sonso of tho council thnt tho monnco bo abated undor tho nulsanco ordinance Streets to Be Sprinkled. A notltlon for tho erection of a wator tank on tho south sldo of Court streot, near Cottngo street, to ho used for streot sprinkling- purposes, was prosontod Blgnod by Patton Dros., ot al.; tho tank to ho orccted at a cost not to oxcood B0, tho city to benr ono half of tho oxponso, tho property to belong to tho city whon complotod. A reinoiiHtranco to tho grunting of tho petition for tho oreetlou of tho tank, which had boon erected without the coimont of tho council, wns prcsontcd by J. II. Albort. Somo discussion re sulted, In which It was dovolopod that the movomont had tho popular backing of cltlzons gonornlly, who had agreed to lioop Court and Stato streets sprink led west from Twolfth stroot at tholr own oxponso. Upon motion of Stolz, seconded by Orlswold, tho potltlon was granted, tho city rosorvlng tho privi lege to tonr down and rotnovo tho tank nt Its own plonBiiro. Concessions for the Fourth. Application of Salem's Fourth of July gonoral commltteo for tho uso of Marlon squnro, and tho stringing of bnnuors across tho stroot on Indopond once dny, tho Bamo to bo romovod af tor tho oelobratlon. Tho city authori ties, upon motion, woro authorized to nppolut special pollcomon, to servo without pay, on July 1th, upon nppll- . GambriDas Beer! AND G-OOB "S7"3E3CDES3eCJEB",Sr Eveiybody is welcome at THE NOBLB irrrv rADMAVED Oor. Btolo and Commercial. ALbA V-Vn 'Phone, Mulu 81. at ? . - m iiii mm. aw jw . 'f $P3.OO0.0UU Worth of 80 pound steel rails, 50 new locomotives, and 55 new coaches, chair cars, dining and cafe cars is tho record of the iuuummntiou and lect ation, and cures female weat- iicoi, It maicca weait wotiu-u utronir and sick women well. l wUh lo add itiv leitlmouy tn lmiidred, uf iMhni lo Hie k.ltinrnf. lL-rcr'A mrtllcltif . wrilnUr. IiU II DePonl.efMiww. nuuoora Co , Minn "HaretUx-toreJ wUU a grcl mauy ..t...ui..tt- a.u.1 MtiM-UlLBlAi have tnlec been In a UcMpUol ft Ircatiuent My cac Ii Uti wfiAttlieltutiWcwn, Heart wmul.lnnocMcntou ()f tho gOUOinl chmmlttOO, part of ll txxly . aluWoc anclU. and nrarlr every ailment a woman couul lure. I look many n Mile of 'lmtenl raeJldnea' vrltUout eflo-t I lf gim Ukliif Or P1t' l'oril lTe acripllou. aid ten uimitlu afterwanl I birlli to a lentKMiud Iwy AU thnuUm AaJ ilalni at a faa that 1 nntr tout ttar a thiJ, llotli the baliy and myaelfwtre atrwiir. and I gut anng ileudMlytlauktoyour mUcluc. The Common Sense Medical Advixer, loos large pnges, In paper covers, is scut fin on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to rwv expense of niullitig only. Addresa br R. V. l'ierce, Buujilo, N. Y, Good enough for anybody ll Havana Tiller " 3Et, jSL3CX3EtO J&. DD Durlne the paet year, maklug It tho most modern and up-to-duto railroad & in the onuntry. Travol over it and enjoy the Quest equluujont on earth. $ O. B. ORANE.Gen, l'as. Agt., 8t, lauls, Mo. Koss O, OI.INE, raolUo M Ccaet l'r. Agt., Los Angeles, Oal. HiKf-5fai'5a r1tnfr,5, ...Oregon Corn Meal... We have a ulce slock of Fresh Uround Ureson uom JMeai. someuiiug int tias uivb Ik n iii nuu juu the rtl tsite to it and is far better than kilu dried meal. II Hie no other. ruouMei ...BREWSTER & WHITE. fUCwrtSt. FEEDMEN AND SEEDSMEN. Sales., Oreeon 1 " nCKCDORA BANDS en f samt vain as tars from "STAR. ' HORSBSHOS; "SFBARHSAD.1 5 TANDARD M vr." "OLOP&ACH& hwsy:' "SAWLOG." "OLB YARGINY" ( "MASTER WORKMAN" Ttfacco. Men Wanted for Uncle Barn's 8hlp. Fred Joaophson, chlof innstor-at- arms, U. S. N., In advance for I.lout. J. P. Morton, Ib In tho city to open a recruiting olllco at tho city hall, whoro ho will bo from the 19th to the 24th. to tmllst men nnd boys for the U. S. navy. Hoys of IB to 17 years as ap prxmtlcu. Thoy will bo sent to a training school at San Francisco, where thoy will bo trained before go ing on board ship, mid also llnlsh their school education. Tho boys havo all l kinds of Inducements, aud can becomo ' warrant ollloors, with salarloa from l JlSdO to $1000 a year. Landsmen, for training nru men without n trade They. also, aftor olght months train ing, can go into dlfforont branches of the service. Thoy can hocome potty olllcers and warrant olllcors. oloo- trlclans, and go Into tho engineers' do imrtmout, If so desired. Thoro Is a great domain! for machinists, black' BinltliB, plumbers, holler makers, cop persmiths nnd patntors, nlso for yeo men, to perforin clerical duties. Salar ies up to $00 n month and expensos pnld Also for hospital stewards, wltli like salaries, who can becomo phnrma data with salaries from ?H00 to $1800 yearly Non-commissioned oftloqrs from the army or marine corps can on list ns mnstor-at-arms, with salary from $30 to $06 per month. Carpentars are also wanted. Hoys under aga must have consent of parents or guardians. Portland, Oregon, June. 17, 1002. GENERAL SUMMARY. . Tho wonthor during tho past week was dry and very favorable for the growing crops. Tho maximum, or day tompoiaturos In Western Oregon ranged between CG degroos and 7C de gress, and tho minimum, or night tomporaturos between 42 dogroes and 52 dogreos. In Eastern Orogon tho maximum tomporature ranged be tweon CO dogreos and 82 dogreos and tho minimum tomporaturos botwocn 38 dogroes and 52 dogreos. Tho days wore modoratoly mild, but tho nights weio rathor too cool for tho rapid ad vancement of corn nnd gardons. Wheat, oats, and barloy aro heading undor very favorablo weather condi tions and thero aro hardly any doubt but tho wheat crop this year will be as good a's last year's crop, notwith standing the damaging freeze In Jan uary. Haying Is now well started in the wostern portion of the state, and n good ilrst cutting of alfalfa Is bolng housed In excellent condition. For Home unexplained reason, tho crop of timothy Is not as heavy as usual, but clovor hay will amount to moro than an nvorage crop, llango grass con tlnuos good and stock is generally dono nnd tho lato reports lndlcato that tho clip will bo abovo the nver ago In quantity and about tho avorago In quality. Hops aro doing splondldly and no complaints aro rnado of lice. It has boon too cold for corn, but tho plant Is thrifty and its cultivation Is gen eral. Potatoes and gardons aro back ward, but othorwlso promising. Fruit contlnuos dropping in many sections, and chorrloa will probably not amount to moro than half a crop. Strawbor- rlos aro plentiful and tho indications nolnt to good crops of blackborrlos and raspberries. COAST DISTRICT. . Hay City, Tillamook county, Capt J. J. Dawson. Owing to tho amount of dry woathor wo havo had this weok, a largo amount of farm work was dono; tldo-land hay and somo dovor Is being cut; green goosebor rloB, radishes and scnlllons aro In markot; thoro Is a largo crop of llpo salmon borrles; plums and chorrlos are sot, and show about half a crop. Myrtle Point, Coos county, L. Strog. First part of wook warm, lnt tor pait coolor with northwost winds and no rains. Grass and gardons Browing vory fast; somo barloy yot to ho sown on low lands; barloy Is somotlmos sown as lato as July 1th and mnkos a crop. Milk Increasing at croamerlos. Rouds aro gottlug good. No lato frosta horo. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Rosedale. Tho woathor has boon fl.no throughout tho weok. All crops havo boon bonoflted by continued sun shine. I.nto grain shows markod im provement. Corn is making a thrifty jtnrt and cultivation has commoncod. Strawborrlos aro ripening. Fruit prospects gonornlly good. Albany. This wook has boon fav orablo for growing crops; grnln of nil kinds looks woll. Gardons aro growing rapidly, and strawbarrlos aro ready for market. Sheop- shearing Is nonrly ilnlshod. Roads nro drying off rapidly. Tho past wook has been gonornl ly clear and cool. Pall-sown grnln and grass ara growing nicely, but spring grain does not look vory promising and needs rain; the fruit crop will be light, with the oxceptlou of some varlotlos of berries. SOUTHERN ORKQON. Jackson county. Woathor good for haying; farmers nro cutting alfalfa; tho ci op Is ubove the average and Is coming into tho barns In fluo condi cendi condi teon: gardons extra good; whont Is good, hut will not be cut for somo time; frost the 14th. hut not heavy enough to do any damnge. Douglas county. Continued fnlr and cool weather. Tho ground Is get ting quit dry. Grass has a good color and Is growing fairly well; haying has commenced; pasture Is beginning to dry up on some of the hills; there Is some complaint of Italian prunes falling off. also some varieties of ap pies; pears are nut good. Josephine county. Clear and warm nicely. Corn and other crops making line growth; quit a'frost on the llth but no damage done. Raitge feed In this section extra good; fruit needs thinning very badly; no roporu of rust as yet. GOOD HEALTH Can only'be obtained by keeping the blood pure nnd the digestion perfect. For this purpose Hostettcr's Stomach Dittcrs was introduced flltv years ngo, and today it is rccognlzod as the leading health restorer in tho world. It wili;curo Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Flatulency and Malaria. Fever and Ague. Try It. HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Our gg"flagMMaft 60c Hammock It has boon thought advlsablo by tho Hon. Thos. II. Tonguo to hold a sec ond preliminary examination for tho naval cadets. Tho examination will occur at Salem. Tho montnt exami nation will bo conducted by Prof. W. C. Hawloy Juno 2C, beginning at 8 a. m., and tho physical examination by Dr. J. A. Richardson on Juno 27. Can didates will be oxamlnod In reading, wrltlnc. spelling, arithmetic, geogra phy, grammar, U. S. history, gonerai history, algobra through quadrolles and plane geometry (live hooks). Candldatos aro advised to submit thomsolvos to a local physician before coming to Salem, as only men ot sound bodlos, robust and well-formed, be tweon the ngos of IB and 20 years, and resldonts of the first congressional district, aro eligible. Ono cadet and five alternates aro to be appointed by Congressman Tongue. Is a good one, but we havs better ones for $100 with plllow and stretcher.' Our S1.50 hammock is a beauty in light colors with long Valance pillow and two spreaders Wc have them all the way up to $5.00. These goods were bought direct and our prices arc right. Mokl Tea positively Cures Sick Headache, Indigestion and Constipa tion. A delightful herb drink. Re moves all eruptions of tho Bkln, pro ducing a perfect complexion or money refunded 2Cc. and 50c. Write to us for froe sample. W H. Hooker & Co., Ruffalo. N. Y. D. J. Fry. Druggist m W t " 1 l rT'.J'.r A.viaritct wuowuiuw wuuf "Make Salem a CooaUorae Market" Hop Market. Hops No sale. Flour. Flour $2 70ffl$3 bbl. Potatoes Apsles. Etc. Potatooe-C075u Onions, $1.76 to $2 25 por 100 lbs. Dried Fruits Dried npploa-0(Ji. Iinllan prunos 4Uj to 60j 3) to . Petite Prunes 4Cd to 60 . 3,tf 4c. Wood Feoce Posts. Etc. Big flr 13 GO. St'cond growth $3.00. Ash-$8 50. Body oak-f 100. Pole oak $4 00. Cedar poste 0 to 10c. I$.ilni wood $2.50 and $3 00 lilies. Pelts andFurs Green hides, No. 1 7e. Green hidos, No. 2 5c. Calf skins lQ5c. Sheen 76c. Goatskins 2oo lo$ 1.00. Gray fox 25 to 50c. Coon 10 to 40c. Mink 25c to $1.25. Otter-$ I to $5. Hkunk 10 to 25c. Muskrat 1 to6o. Wildcat 10 to 25c Wheat, Oats, Etc. Wheat -50c. Oats-3lc Barley $10 por ton. Flax OaBli, Northwest, $1 70. Live Stock Market. Rteorn l4jC. Oow8-3Wi4c. fcheep $3.60gro8s tof 1,00 Dreseod veal OMe Il.... lt.,.. Rl. KLn Hoys, dressed 11)6 Wool and Mohair. Coarso wool 13c. Medium 13$c. Fine 14c. Mohair 23)c. Hay, Feed, Etc. Oats-$10,S and $1.10. Bulod cheat fO to $8.50. Clover $7.007.0 Feed barloy $10$20 per ton Bron-$18 60 Shorts $20.60. Flour, wholesale $2 05. Dairy and Creamery Products. Dairy butter 15c. Creamery 20 Store 1625c. First-claea cuuntry, per roll 3bu. Cream at creamery, pan skimmed US He. Separator skimmod 1510 Stelner's Market, Chickens OQlUo. Spring 12 to 16c Ejga per dn.nn, 14c PORTLAND MARKET. Pobtland, June 17 - Wheal Wans Walla, 0i Flour Portland, beat nrades $2.85Q (3.40. Graham $2 60(3 $2 80 Out Choice White $ 1.25c $1.30. Barley $20 $22.50 perton. Milfltufl-Brau, $16 HO. Hay Timothy $12816 per ton. Onions $i,36 2.75. Potatoes 1 00 $1 15 per cental. Batter Beat dairy, 14lGu; fanny ereiunery,1718Kc;6tore 13 15 ,tt Egca-Oregon, ranch 17 O IS Poultry Chickens, mixed $4.50 5 50; lions $5 50, tnrkeye, live 13 14c, Mutton Gross, 4c Hoga Gross Ofc. Beei Gross 4$c. eal Gross, 7)tfc 8o U , Hops 12 Vc16c, ool Valley, 12 licit; F-astern UM-gou. 8(.12e:Mohalr, 25'.0clb, Hides Dry hides, 10 pounds and up wards 15c Ct 15 FOR A NAVAL CADET A Second Examination Will Be Held In Salem The examination that was recently held in Sftleni of apfHtcants to ap- potntmwit aB cadlets to the aovern iunt' naval and mtUUiry academies, from the flwt coHitrwwIoiial district. was unsatWfactory. and a second ex- application ta U suporlnUudenL All nwlHatioH wtll Ue kW June H4T Only bids must im in hy I o'oltwk p. m, yung mwi of sownd hodlw can b ad June 3. 190. H. B. DIOKHRS. wltted to the United StatM military C-17-lt Superlateadont. and uaval academies Por this reason ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure Dyspepsia and all disorders aris ing from Indlgeetloi). Undursed hV physicians everywhere. Sold by all druggists. No cure, no pay. St emits. Trial package free by writing to y. H Hooker & Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. Reform School Supplies. Sealed proiMsals aro hereby invited for furnishing the Oregou State Re form School with supplies for the six months ending December 31. IMS, a list of which will u furnished upon 1 PLEASING 1 1 RESULTS ; n nluavs fellow the u- if News bra's Herplclde, the m w stien uiic nire tor iLindruH and fall ing hair. It possesses certain proptrties that kill the genu or microbe that causes all the trouble by sappine the oil out ot the hair bulb. With this parasite destroyed, dandruff and the falling hair cannot exist A thick, soil growth of hair springs forth where formerly thin, brittle haw, or perlM- total baldness held sway. OtM bottle will coavUx you o( H$ notu. Fer Uk at all Pint-CUu Dru j Storo, IIIIIIIIIIMIM.nl .AIJUU (vnufcbno ijiXimcMlffflKyji.ip ivjpr s:! At Easter Time is when the building business will bo in lull swing. II you haven't given your orders for your lumbor requirements it will pay you to get estimates from Gondalo Lumbor Co., for any and all kinds ot lumber for out or Inside work, lath, shingles, snail, doors, blinds and everything needed in this lino. Goodale Lumber Co. Ncnr 8. P. Poss'r. depot. Phono 051 soosssexixs ..Go to the Ladies' Bazaar.. For shirt waists, belts, underwear, corsets, hosiery, ribbon, laces, shirt waistings, and other goods in our 8 line. An especially ueauuiui iot or new veiling, uur h goods are marKeci very low, an anu oe cunvinceu. ...The Ladies' Bazaar... 118 State Street, Salem. Greeiibatim's Our goods vi ill suit your taste. Our prices wi 1 suit your pocket-book. Dry goods al the very lowest prices. Shoes that combine perfection of fit and- finish with reas onableness of price. New goods arriving daily in our millinery department. Tiy us and be convinced that you getyourmoney's worth at Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store Noxt Door to tho Postoffico. AUCTION SALE AT 307 COMMERCIAL STREET, HALEM, OREGON. Commencing on SATURDAY, JUNE 14th AT 10 O'CLOCK And to conjinua every Tnpsdnv, Woq"nesday and Thursday at 2 p ro., and every Saturday at 10 a, in. and 1 p. in. ENDING vJVLY 5. Tim line of goods offered will bo eeueral stock, consisting o( ladies silk, wool en nnd cotton undervN ear, torchon and liiion laces and insertion; ladies , inleiei nd children's gloves; fancy trimmings and ornaments; silk cordj and tseHi; silk and worsted bindings; pou pons buttons; ribbons, handkerchiefs; ladles n children's Iiobc; slat onery; ladies' and gents' knives; razors, suspenders, swesl ers, shirts; youth's, children's, men's, aud boys' clothing, and many numeroui articles. REMEMBER THE PLACE 307 OOXME'JLi ST1- Tnqto who want to attend the auction be on hand in time. We ring no belli but start promptly on time. HAVE MONEY BY ATTENDING THE AUCTION S. FRIEDMAN, Auctioneer JiXTWCM ?X riu.d y Taking Chances By sending jour linen to an unrelif-ow laundry isn't iee if you wa-it ite i i 1 ..n.wlitln anil witU 1II1T I. III L'l.lll CU11UI.1U... Hv- . good color and unisn on u cerr.t iH Mutual Congratulations Are always circulated In the family when there Is plenty of Ice during tho heated season for frosen dainties. frappd drinks, crisp salads and vege tables, and the proper preservation of foods. No one will go without this greatest of luxuries and necessities when we will Mrve them with the hixhest grade lee. CAPITAL BREWERY CO., Mrs. M. Beck, Prop. Vnn Uk gooo. coior ami uninu hh " -- - nj Pocliances by having your linen p colored shirts "laundered here can alway rely upon them Hf "pluk of perfection" In une iuU-. work, and without (ray or tear to row iiiein. ii Salem Steam Laundry cotoNKi. j ouiBTKD, fBorairroB. DOROCa O 0LV8TK". MOB Fhone 411 " 23U Liberty 8 V