Bsror-'-aga wbBBttiBwB ii iMKilKgniftHi i Tfcmn1c .fTggi XTmmfWS!9SS THE D AILY JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1065. ? V a- . ' t I? Wfa v 9 imtwttmmBWttmmtmomttum:mmmmtmrotttm Strawberries HOME GROWN Home grown Clarke Seedlings strawberries fresh every morning. Phone us your oraer. Fuller & Douglas, Grocers 142 Stale St., D'Arcy Bldg. pono Mb1" 22fll mttuummnmmmtttttmmmuKWmm:mMmumm: r It's This Big is 4 It A Imr nt Dlnmontl "C" lnumlrv SOM) Inches Ieiik: 2tf Inches wido and 1 Inches hlg: It costs a llttlo moro or a littlo loss than live cents a bar depends upon market conditions and the coRt of the tallow used In Its manufacture. A bar of DKmotuTC "4(1 Soap Is enough f or n week's washing for a family of five. SAVE DIAMOND "O" WRAPPERS-We rejtem them for n!l aorta of tuorul una imraoitvo nniciet. iuimrawi. allowing oyer 300 prcmlnm nlven for wrplr, on w A poiiai win unnii 11. qnett. Bbitorial page of .tbe Capital journal AN INDEPENDENT PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. THE DAILY JOURMAL Members Northwest Afternoon News paper Leanue. of President Sohurmnn, of tho first Philippine commission, had been con tinued, Umt country would havo been at pcaco beforo this. Long may King Edward livo to car ry out his genorous ImpulBOS toward n bravo t)conlo. 8oon may tho Atnorl BY HOFER BROTHERS, i establish tho Bamo friendly and Dally Ono Year, $4.00 In Advance. KOnorous troatmont In tho Philippines Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance. , , of n Wyk.yy 0Cner,a5r? $1.00 KEt , Roo-ovo.t and King Edward arc two '- - - - groat men, and tholr Inlluonco In tho HUNDREDS ARE PETITIONING. world's affairs Ib malting history rap. Thoro havo been sent In hundreds uy, nnd malting it for bottor clvlllza of signers to petitions asking tho gov- tlon. ornor to cnll a Bpoclnl sosslon of tho o legislature to onact flat salnrioB, and - LET ALL QUIT POLITICS, put tho reforondum Into ortoct. All men who pretend to bo Republl- Tho pcoplo aro boglnnlng to reallzo cans In Oregon or Who havo boon Ilo that unless this Is dona thoy will loso publicans In tho past, or expect to bo all tho good rosults of tho last olec- In tho future, should quit playing poll Prltz, of Cincinnati, 7000 pounds of "the 1902 crop at 1214 conts per pound, 5 ccntfl advance for picking purposes. O. E. Johnson, of Sllvcrton, to Elsas 6 Prltz, of Cincinnati, 8000 pounds of tho 1902 crop at 12V6 conts, 5 cents ad vanced for picking purposes. SUNDAY SERVICES. DR fremlum Dept., Tho Codahy Parking Co., So. Omaha, Neb. -151 ..The Dining Room.. 1 "-iiij.iWUfl I iU ' i' llJUI WJ Jf -IT Merits attention. He furnishing should bo neat Bnd tnsty nnd Ireo from ueoless furniture. Just now wo aro offering Duffels, Side boards, Extension Tablos nnd Dining Olinlra in polished golden onk at attrac tlvo prices.' Wo also have tho newest in platoand photoKraf rails. Tlieeo rails wo finish In any desired color or furnUli it in tho whlto. The House Furnishing Co. 008 Com'l at., next to Post office. Stores at Palotn and Albany QOLLMAM CHERRY SBBDBR actbcO'CTtRRHs. .ul ottos. . , Js I X tT"! UB perfect Cherry Seeder does notcruuit wio cuorry or causa any Ions ot Jutco; u prnctkml nmclilno lor inrgo, smnii or uni llornln clivrrtos. Thu seed oxtrnetlnc knllu drives the feud into ono dlttli and actually throws thu cherry into another. Tho marks o( tho knifo can scarcely be seen on tho seoded fruit. It sends from 20 to 80 quarts per hour. Retail price, 85 cents. tlon. and tho oxlstlng abusos that woro admitted in all platforms will not bo abolished. Following potltlons woro rocolvod Blnco last ropert: Dr. D. M. Jonos and 20 other substantial cltizonB of Soda- vlllo;S. Illlgard and bIx, from Mil wood, Douglas county; A. J. Prultt and 12 from Hayosvllloj Z. K. Fergu son nnd 11 othorfl, Snlom and Scio; F. II. Lewis and 14 others, East Marlon street, Salora; J. A. Kenworthy ami nine, Safum; Qcorgo Zwlckcr nnd eight, East Twentieth street, Salem; Joseph llurko and nlno othorfl, Liber ty; L. M. Uocdor and 19 citizens of AtlDlflVlllc. All tho petltlonB recoivod tho past week wero today transmitted to Gov ernor Geer, nnd ho was' gratified to got iiinm. ami road tho names all over carefully. IIo recognizes that tho pot! tionB aro not political, but como from all classes of citizens, from tho larg-. est tnxpayor to tho humblest day la boror and woodchoppors. Tho Journal dovotoB a page to flat salary roform today, and prints a largo special edition for circulation In nil parts of tho Htato. Those who havo this roform at hoart should cut out thoso potltlons and start in for anoth or wook'a work for a good causo tho redemption of our stnto govornmont from nn accumulation of grafts and ofllclallsm. Pay no attention to tho politicians nnd push pnpors at Portland, but do your duty as a citizen. Tho necessity Is lmporntlvo for put ting our statu govornmont In bottor order. Got right at tho foundation, nnd lot thoro bo a clean-up from top to bottom. Flat salaries woro promlsod In nil tho plntformH, nnd why Bhall tho law not bo onactud? Can anyono glvo a good reason? Dlroct legislation was carried by a throo-fourths vote for tho constitution ul amondmont. Why shall It not bo put In offect? Clrctilato a potltlon, and baolc up tho stand Governor Geer and Oovor-nor-oloct Chnmborlaln havo takon In favor of thosu reforms. Ono Is n Uopublican and tho othor Ib a Domoerat. Iloth rocolvod the voto of a majority of tho pooplo at tho rocont Htato oluctlon. Hut It Ib tho duty of citizens to back them up In what thoy bollovo Is right, and malto public Bontlmont over whelming for thoso two roforniB. Lot uh curry a majority of all tho pooplo to tho governor on potltlons, and convlneo all tho politicians thnt thoy cannot put an Important roform boforo tho puoplo to got tholr votes, and than cheat thorn out of It. Friends of J. B. T. Tuthlll can all vouch for him that he stands for pro gress In our public schools. Vote for him Monday. R. M. WADE & CO. OREGON STRAWBERRIES GREEN PEAS CABBAGE TODAY Harritt st Laojrencb OKI Tost Qfllcu Grocery. A Juicy Morsel for Breakfast Or dinner you can enjoy from one o( our tender and delicious meats, steaks, lubib or wotfon chops, veal cutloU or pork, Oar meats aro all out from tho fattest and primwit cattle, and wo can supply your table with fresh, nutritious and wholesome meats at bed rock prlcos. R C.J.CROSS SALEM ORB I'hou 391 Taking Hold Willi ' a Vim... Tbe publlo has on our fine beer. Fof le tlud that thuy thrlva on a Kood, ' mmf br health, tuuiubj and vitality iw proved. It Bt7t the worklugmau Vkla nnd the fcdetitrry vitality and liettr, Fr a dellsJauv Wveruxe there is HUiiKto equtl It. A W9 of Salem bw Ik ihn lowt Joy fareyr sud a irli4iB mtd. W wftl d-livor It to ytmt &m frw ol elwrga. M. l. Bsck, Prop. ROOSEVELT DEMAN8 JJUSTICE. In a special mossnga to CongroBN Friday Proaldont Ilouaevult renowu tho domain! mndo In his first mossngo to CQngre for tho enactment of rec iprocity 'with Cuba. Ho plonds thnt a grout and powerful nation koop Its pludgoa with tho struggling baby ropubllo that has been set on Its feet at tho cost of American blood and trensuro. Ho repeats thu words of Pronldont McKlnloy, who nrguod tov thfnlrnew and justice In our commerelnl rota tions with our uenrt Island neighbor republic. Ho warns thu Hopuh.llcnn party that it has a history and roputatlou for ItoeplUK IU plodgoa that must Jiu kapt lntuot. ltoosuvelt has tukou a hold stand against tho party managers lit Con gross, but he has strougthoued his hold on tla peoplo of all partltw by his lldullty to fundamuntul priclploa. Tho trend ot commercialism and nuu-hlne polities la to disregard the most solemn obligations. Party prin ciples and the constitution count for mora trlllea among tnw strenuous or Knnliers who uro now In control of.H- tlcB, fnco tho responsibilities of good govornmont and do what Ib right. Thoro Ib no room for politics of tho kind Orogon hns had too much of In tho conduct of tho loglBlaturo and tho stato Kovornmont. Election of United States senator and congress man is political, but laws, stato rov cnuos and appropriations ought not bo prostituted to politics. Thoro must bo room In nny mnn's mind for Borious consideration of tho business welfare of tho Btatc that its taxes bo not too high, that its rovonuoa bo not wasted, that officials respect tho constitution, that open and notorious grafts bo abolished that all do right. This mental attltudo toward tho Btato gov ornmont should bo maintained by nil who aro capablo of reading, thinking and forming opinions for themselves about public matters. If any man or woman Is a Republican from Instinct nnd rofusoB to do what is ngnt no cause tho idea has not originated with somo loss God pity 'om, Tho Jour- nnl bollovos that at hoart tho groat mnjorlty of Republicans, oven mon llko Editor Scott and mombors of tho now loglslnture, want to do what Is right in tho matter of enacting a straight flat salary for all stato olllcials instead of tho pronont Bystom of foes nnd porqulsltos. Tho Btnto officials thomsolvoB want what is right In this matter. Thoy do not on- Joy tho criticisms and suspicions that aro hoapod upon thorn undor tho pros out Indirect Bystom of compensation Govornor-Elect Chnmborlaln will not enjoy taking tho omolumontB on boards and commissions ho will bo compelled to talto, unless a flat salary law Ib enacted boforo 1903. Tho editor of Tho Journal hnd a long talk with Hon. I). H. Loonoy of Jofrorson, yostordny, on tho Bubjoct of a special session, and ho oxpressed tho opinion frooly that tho Hpoclal sosslon of tho loglslnturo was nocos sniy, nnd tho HopubllcnnB would make a mlstalto to not onact a Hat Balary now. Mr. Loonoy is a strong partisan, nnd doos not bolong to tho Geer fnc- tlon, If thoro bo such a thing. Hut ho has onough horso Bonso to boo thnt falluro to do that will postpono the roform four years nnd rob tho Repub lican party of tho crodlt. Ho said somo doubta existed nB to tho Stato Prlntor bolng roaehod by any law passed after ho Is elected, but ho said oven In Hint caso It was bottor to do what was right and was plodgod In tho platform, nnd If tho Stato Prlntor could boat It In tho courts ho would do so anyhow. Now that Is the plain nnd reasona ble talk of an agricultural Ropubllcan In a clean agricultural county llko Marlon. If tho Republican polltlclnnb who talto a narrow, selfish, personal vlow of politics will consult with dis interested votorH thoy will find that to do what Is right In thts mnttor Is tho easiest and cheapest way to pol itics. Hut It is snld Geer favorB a speclnl soHSlou bocnusQ ho wants to bo United States sonator. Lot us bo fair and Just and honest, (leer would be cnll lug a legislature togethor when It might Injuro his chances of bocomlng a senator. Hut suppose It made him senator. What of It? If flat salaries aro light shnll this reform bo put on" four years bocauso It may or may not make somo ono senator? It's a Bhamo that a public nowspnper has got to bog and plead with anyono to do a thing so manirostly just and right as that stnto ottlclals should be paid definite Ilxed salnrles and that all fee and earnings ot their olllcos should bolong to tho stnto troasury. Hut It seoms no good thing can be accomplished without agitation. The agitation must be carried on until the victory for flat salaries is won. The poople know what Is right and must not ceaRe to demand it until they get rite Journal will print petitions Some Pertinent Questions. Ucglster: Tho Snlom Journal, whlch bofoio election yollod ltsolf. hoarse over tho extravagances of tho InBt leg islature, now wnntB a usoloes special session of tho samo legislature, hold at an oxponso of $25,000, Just to plonso our retiring governor, T. T. Geer. Tho poople won't stand for it. Lot us boo! Did not tho register Itoep tho Uopublican stato platform running in its columns during tho cnmpalgn? And did not ono plank of that platform plodgo tho Uopublican party to onact legislation that would cut off tho enormous fcea and perqui sites now enjoyed by atato olllcials? And would not falluro to legislate on tho stato official fee and salary abuse beforo tho offlccra-elcct tnko tholr re spective positions allow them to draw compensations for tho next four years tho term for which thoy woro elect ed? And would a Bpcclal session ot tho legislature cost "$25,000, aa stated by the Register? "Tho pcoplo won't stand for It?" Does not tho Register really mean that tho politicians and officials who hopo to reap reward and exccsslvo compen sation nt tho oxponso of ovory tax payed do not "stand for it?" Eugcno Guard. Friends of the public school should vote for J. B. T. Tuthlll for school di rector Monday. He stands for bet ter schools. PIANO VOCAL RECITAL N.W.N C. Gives Another In teresting: Program Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday-Coming: Recital Congress and political machinery. ALL HONOR TO KINO. EDWARD. General Ittltolt rend to tho assem bled lloer army the congratulations of King Hdwnrd, who pralsod the burgh rs for tholr brav Btund agalust su perior numbers In defunsa of tha causo they were lighting for. Of course he was cheered, as brave nieu always appreciate a magnani mous art from una In thu posttlon f a ronquerer. That was tae wlsoat ast of King IMwartlt Ufa. and show him to be a every weak and cltlsens must circu late them constantly until the battle is won for a utate house cleaning. Right and justloe aro In favor ot this proposition and "right wrongs no man." Those who aro Indlfforont or sneering at this reform have not studied into the dotnils aB presonted In this pnper. it thoy will do that they will no longer oppose paying a reasonnhlo flat salary to ovory state otUoJal and no more y Friends of the public school should vote for J. D. T. Tuthlll for school di rector Monday. He stands for pro- far-seaiug stuteuinau. ami politician of gross, consistent with good financial tbe hbiker aad better order. ; management of the district. As Ural stud generous a nolloy oh j 0 . he part of our HuvarumtuV toward. More Hop Contracted, the Filipinos would have reaojied het-j Additional bop contracts wero filed ter results than the application of too ( with County Recorder Rotawl Friday much "water-cure," afternoou. as follews: It MoKiuley bad lived and the policy Heu Otjan. ot Meridian, to IWsaa &. Tho pupils of tho College of Music of tho Northwest Normal Collogo gavo nu Intorostlng program or vocal ana instrumental soloctious at tho colloge apartments In tho Murphy block Fri day ovonlng. The nttondnnco was good, and n keen Intorost was mani fested in tho work of tho pupils, which wn very prodltablo, reflecting duo ro ward upon tho faithful labors of tho Instructors, Prof. Pnrvln, Mrs, J. M. Drown nnd Miss Graco Drnpor. Tho program produced last ovonlng Included tho following numbers: Ovorturo "Hnrbor of Sovllle" Rossini Mrs. Hergor, Miss Drnpor, Mr. Hntt and Mr. Drown. "Shuphord's Song" Krug Pearl Alport. "Who Is at My Window?" Osborno Miss Nina Johnson. (a) "Festival Sounds" Holninn (b) "Klrmlss" Gurlott Gortruda Cunningham. Rooltntlon "A Funny Story" Joslo Koeton. Sonatina Hnttmnn Miss Mnrle Huntloy. Rooltntlon Cutting from "Mnrmlon" Mr. Clifford A. Lewis. Sonata In O "Allegro and Andante" Mosart Isabella Aoltormnu. "Spanish Gypsy" Wntson Mls Hynra. "Turkish March" Mosart Miss Mlnnlo Qouley. "Parndo Rovlew" Hnglemnnn Mls llooth and Isabella Acker man. This evening a roooptlon to tho members of the graduating olass and Invited friends will be given in the college room by the second year olass. Tomorrow morning at lo 3u o'clock at the First Uaptist church Rov. John M. Dean will preach the annual baccalaureate sermon. The re mntmler of the commencement pro gram will be given nt the Baptist church. Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock will be given the junior musical re cital, and in the evening the graduat ing recital of the seniors of the Col lage ot Music and graduates In music. During Monday and Tueadny the art rooms In the Murphy block will be open for the Inspection of visitors, who aro cordially invited. The graduating exercises will he hold In the Iiaptlst church at S' o'clock Tuesday evening. Tho address to the class will bo de livered by Rev. H. I noardmnn. pres ident of the Mcaltnuville college. o Friends of the public schools should vote for J. D. T. Tuthlll for sohool di rector Menrtay. He stands for the em ployment of the best methods to build up our public schools, o gA 11 y .OT OTI Wl WTT fJ PW u....- sa - X J' ", fc'3' First Prosbytorinn Church. H. A. Kotchum, pastor. Preaching services at 10:30 a. m. nnd 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 12 m. Young Pcoplc'a meet ing at 7 p. m. Second Church of Chrlat, Scientist, 299 Liberty street. Services nt 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sundays, and every Wednesday ovenlnn at 8 p. m Subject of lesson aormen: "God, tho Preserv er of Man." Methodist Episcopal. John Parsona, paBtor. Services at 10:30 a. in. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 12 m nnd Epworth League at 7:30 p. in Rov. D. A. Wattora, tho presiding elder, will preach at tho ovonlng service. Unitarian Church, corner of Cho- mokota and Cottngc atrceta. W. G. Eliot, Jr., minister. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Sorvlcos nt 10:30 a. m. Sorvicea qonducted by M. Herbert Loo, of tho Portland high school. Ev onlng sorvicoa omitted. All wolcomo. Contral Congregational Church, at tho corner ot 19th and Ferry atreets. T. II. Henderson, pastor. Preaching tomorrow at tho usual hours. Subject at 11 a. m.: "What Confessing ChrlBt Hoforo Man Moans." Subject nt 8 p. m.: "Not Signs, but Spiritual Holp from Heaven Needed. First Congregntlonal Church. Rov. W. C. Knntner, pastor. Preaching nt 10:30 a. in. and 8 p. m. Morning sub Ject: "John's Roport of tho Christ Life." Evening subject: "Tho Power of Hnbit In tho Formation of Charac ter." Sunday School at 12 in. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m Mlas Florence Price lendor. United Hrothron. G. O. Ollvor, sup ply. Sunday School at 10 a. in. Preaching sorvlcos nt 11 a. in. Sub ject of morning sormen: "Tempta tion." Tho evening will be devoted to tho Children's Day exorcises. An on- tortnlnlng program will bo rendered by tho children of tho Sunday School. All nro cordially Invited. Contral Congregational Church. C. A. Rablng, pastor. Cottngo between Center nnd Marlon streets. Sorvlcos, Sunday, Juno 15, 1902. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching nt 11 a. m. Sub ject: A"Tho Contentednoaa of the Soul." Y. P. S. C. E. prayer meeting at 7 p. m. Gospol service at 8 p. m. Subject: "Tho Heat Company." St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Third Sunday aftor Trinity. Holy com munion nt 7:30 p. m. Matins nt 10:30 a. m. Sunday School 'at 12 m. Evon song at 8 p. m. Tho Rev. tho Hon. C. Camming Drtice, chaplain Seaman's Institute Portland, will descrlbo his work in tho morning, and prcacli In tho ovonlng. Morning offering for Senman's Institute. First Clirlstian. Corner of High nnd Centor BtreotB. Geo. C. Ritchey, mln- Istor. Tho services Sunday will bo tho last until nftor tho Turner enmpmcet lng. It Ib Important that all members bo present. Sormon at 10:30 a. m. "Tnko Yo Away tho Stone." At 8 p. m.: "Tho Complotod Man." Dlblo School at 12 in. Junior C. E. nt 4 p in. Senior C. E. nt 7 p. m Charles Schomnkor, londor. All aro welcome Tho Most Rovorond Aloxandor Christie, D. D archbishop of Orogon, will administer tho sneramont of con llrmntlou to a largo class of children at St. Josoph'B church tomorrow, im modlntoly aftor high mass, which will bogin nt 10:30 a. im His graco, whoso eloquonco and convincing logic com mnnds tho admiration and serious thought of non-Catholics, as well aa Catholics, will preach at tho ond of mnss. Tho mombors of SL Monica's Altar Socloty and of St. Josoph'B church will glvo a lawn social on tholr own spa cious aim auractivo grounds next Tuesday ovonlng, Juno 17th. Ico cream and calto will bo sorvod. Tho Chemawa band Is ongngod to furnish tho music, which will bo Intorsporsod with choico vocal selections. RACE ALBRIGHT Pioneer Osteopath Established Practice in Salem Since HgflHE' XliBpflg'B Tit MHnBI e- GOOD UVING Quite often results in bad health, because what is termed "good living" is usually the gratification of the palate without reference to the nutrition of the body. When tbe good liver is a business man and rises from n full meal to plunge at once into work requiring mental effort the result is almost sure to le disastrous, because digestion draws upon the same nervous forces wuicii are em 2fe PS ployed in thought. in time the stom ach becomes dis eased, the pro cesses of digestion and nutritiou are imperfectly per formed and there is a physical breakdown. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and otlier organs of digebtion and nutrition. It eliminates the effete poisonous matter which originate iu the system as a con sequence of imperfect digestion. It gives sound health to the whole body. OoMu Mniml DiKwery h prsvtd a trait Uta4B la ." fiite Mr Blleu R Bam. of Will it AAKllldk -. Ik-I.l . ' SZZ' "' "i r my ttowaeh of liMlauul wit 6cHBbf iSut. luut w, OUIW Ml HUUrtHlKT. li MM Ul a r SS (& rX I had iloctorei for my toieh !' fiBS through a jeuum: alwut any teal bmafli in s I kwi vry kk spell a4 grew tat Ink WUc I miuimm in ,7 to tike lir I.n-.' TS2... kot timr i miu u. .j .r.i; : have tli ItMMt, tMj, ,H tw x,1 kKT . P1"- lnw' Cwwn Sense Medical Adviser is sent nt oa receipt of sumps to pay expewse of malliag wh: SxjimI ai oue-ct stamps for the book In paper covers, or 31 stamps for tbe cloth- uoHwi volume. Buffalo, N Y. Addresabr.R.V.Pitrce, Graduate of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirks ville, ivi). Second floor I. O O. F. Temple. Phone Main 2721. No knives, no drugs, no faith. Office hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 4 o'clock. At Easter Time is when the building business nill bo In full swing. II you haven't given your orders for your lumber requirements it will pay you to get estimntes from (Joodale Lumber Co., for any and all kinds of lumber for out or insido work. lnth, shingles, panb, doorp, blinds and everything needed in this lino. Goodale Lumber Co. Near S P. Paee'r. depot. Phono 051 3eex335xs ..Go to the Ladies' Bazaar.. For shirt waists, belts, underwear, corsets, hosiery, ribbon, laces, shiit waistings, and other goods' in our line. An especially beautitul lot of new veilings. Our goods are marked very low, Call and be convinced. ...The Ladies' Bazaar... 118 State Street, Salem. 2r reGj Greenbaum's Our goods w ill suit your taste. Our prices wi 1 suit your pocket-book. Dry goods al the very lowest prices. Shoes that combine perfection of fit and finish with reas onableness of price. New goods arriving daily in our millinery department. Tiy us and be convinced that you get your money's worth at Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store Next Dot r to tho Postcffice. AUCTION SALE AT 307 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. Commencing on SATURDAY, JUNE 14th AT 10 O'CLOCK And to continue uvory Tueedsy, Wednesday and Thursday at 2 p, m., and every Saturday ut 10 a. iu, and 1 p. in. ENDING JULY-5. Thb lino of goods offrred will bo eoneral ftock, consisting of ladios' silk, wool, en nnd cotton underwear, torchon and linen laces and insertion; ladiOb', misses and children's gloves; fancy trimmings and ornaments; silk cords arid tared); silk and worsted bindings; pon pons buttons; ribbons, handkerchiefs t'lsdiee' and children's bore; Btat ouery; ladies' and gents' knives; rsiors, suspenders, sweat ers, thirte; youth's, chlldi en t, men's, and boya' clothing, and many numoroui articles. REMEMBER THE PLACE 30V COMX ST- Tnoto who want to attend tho auction b on hand in time. We ring no belli but start promptly on time. SiVE MONEY BY ATTENDING THE AUCTION. S. FRIEDMAN, Auctioneer ' A Perfectly Laundered Shirt Front... Is worth golncr miles tq see, msny miles lo cot. Yet we will kivo yu "" thnt and brin it to your door, our lsundry work la proverbial for R,,"f61" lence amonR thoso "in the know.1 May we call for your washinic this week smi return It on the day protn'sed, a eampie of tho way wo launder th ngs?. Salem Steam Laundry COLONKl. J. OLMSTaD, PBOrBUtTOB. DOROD8D.OLM8Tn.UOB. . . r hone 411 23fl Uberty mre Plant Corn Com is becoming ono of the best crops in this country. Now Is the bet tiros to plant it. We have a full stock of choice seed corn. ...BREWSTER & WHITE... 91 Court St. FEEDMEN AMD3SEEDSMEN. Sateffl. OrefOB GambriDcis Beer! AND 35-0030 lrDOC3CS3SC3Ea3r Everybody is welcome at ALEX COPNOYPP Cor. State and Commercial. 'Phone, Main SI. m .i r-' rf? n