limnln rung tl'l 7tL o AlLY JOURNAL, &AL6M, OftBaoN, lmbAY( JUNE 13, ltf05, O mlfmitiiittvmiuait fciunrii-'-''---"-'ettssaftariOT H!1 ft MISS FAY LEE, President of the ShaKeopearlan Club, Kanna, City J&&L "You booklet came to lay homt like a message of health wfeea I had suffered with fci rf a rh?. ticfcache and bear tog-down paint. I was weak, nervous and hysterical and had not comulled any doctor, thinking It would pas away In time, hut instead 1 found that the pain Increased and were more freauent. I de cided to try Wine of Caroul .A Ih ftfinrl Hm.wu much improved. It teemed to act like a charm. I kept up the treatment and the result wmt satisfactory. Words i fall to ex press my gratitude for the suffering that is now saved me. I am In fine health, physically and mentally. I can only say 'think you', but there Is much more in mytejtftforyoa." rriEARING-DOWN I""" " lu,2 Kl worst that women know. If tJ youarosufferingfromthistrou- bio you need not bo uncertain about It. Tho pains in the auuoinen and back that feci as If heavy weights wera pulling down on tho nerves of tho stomach an) "bearing-down pains . Thoy may not be particularly sovoroat present but tlioy are growing worso. That headocbo which nearly dnyos you distracted now is caused by tho terriblo HUt Tat let. Il.l l IHUHMII I I WINEofCAHDVI seasonable Goods MWmSki lit v vagjE The House Furnishing Co. 03. dom'l at., noxt to Post ofHco. pOTLM"AT CHERRY tcotO CHtmiics. aj! sctos, R. M. WADE & CO. OREGON TODAY Harritt st, Laojrbncb Old Post Offlco Orocory, A; Juicy Morsel for Breakfast Orjdluner you can enjoy from ono of our tender and delicious meats, atoake, le&ib orjmutton chops, veal cutlota or pork, Our meats are all cut from the fattest and orimfiatcattle, and wo can supply your tabje with fresh, nutritious nnd wholesome meats at bed rook prices. E C.HCROSS SALEM ORB Pbon 201 Tf king Hold With apVira... 'The public has ou our flno beor People nnd that they thrive on a Kood, pure beer health, inniclo and vitality lifprovcd. It oIvcb the worklnuinuu backbone and the sedentary vitality and vigor. For a delicious beverage there is nothing to equal it. A taee of Ralem br in the hout la a Joy forovor and a ffgndlu need. Wt will deliver It to yajr door free of charge Jrlrs. W. Beck, Prop. m in HOACH HARBOR LIME. lEtT PORTLAND BRANDS OP CEMENT OFFICE OPPOSITE dOURT HOUSE, ON HIGH STREET. JLr m Vaku m Jywf J JL, X. i. I niiir JL Qctl 1W1. KesWence Phoue lted 8W5. atmfit nnrvmuiimiion. Tho nerves goon begin to give way under thestrain.xoupcruapsjump at any unusual disturbance, or Iaugtt or weep, ajvwu cally, at no apparent cause. That is what Miss Fay Lee, G0354 North Seventh Street, Kansas City, Kansas, was coming to when she rescued hcreolf by taking Wino of Cordui. Tho Wino mado imr n trnntf. healthy woman nrmfn. nn it has made a million other i.m ifMnir And healthy. isy jnuue- I.V.I''. &v - m - L ing regular menstruation mo cmuu systmnls relloved of the terrible wasting drains. Tlio ligaments which hold tho womb In place aro strengthened by a healthy flow and that organ is returned to its normal position. Returning health is the result. This Is what Wino of Cordui has dono for thousands of tho best women in America. If you need advico writo The Ladies' Advisory Department, The Chatta noogaMcdloinoCompany.Chaltanooga, Tenn., describing all your symptoms freely, and a lotter of advice will bo gent you. Secure a 31.00 bottloof Wino of Cardul from your druggist to-day. A million suffering women havo found relief in WinoofCardui. MM IWMIHIHW Light, cool and Invigorating, suit able for porch and lawn use. The right thing In the right place. Not eaolly In Jured by a night out, artistic, attract ive and serviceable. Necessary sum mer comforts. 8ee them. Stores at Haluin and Albany SBBDBR x w 'llIH poifict Ohorry Seeder doef not crnnii tun cnorry or cnum nny 1ohb o( Jutco; a practical rnnctiino ior largo, amnu or win Ifornla cherries Tho sued extracting knlle drives tho reed Into nno iIIhIi nnil actually throws the oherry Into another Tho marks of tho knlfo can wnrooly bi seen on the noailed fruit. It feeds from 20 to 30 quarts per 1 our. Retail price, 85 ct'tits. STRAWBERRIES GREEN PEAS CABBAGE GARDEN SAND OR LOAM. 8AND AND GRAVEL. BllWH Bbitorial pnQe of tbe Capital THE OWL! JOURNAL Members Northwest Afternoon paper League. News DY HOFER BROTHERS. One Year. $4.00 "In" Advance. Dallv Dallv Three- Months. $1.00 In Advance, Dally by Carrier, 60 Cents Per Month. Weeklv One Year. $1.00 In Avance. ADVERTISING TIPS WORTH WHILE ' It Is porhaps nowUosB to say mnij the newspapors are tho support of tho local merchants, the opening wodge to public Intorost and approval, tho medium through which tno mor chants' wares aro introducod to tho people his sponssrs, ns It woro, his advocatos and Indorsors. As thoy are tho accepted modlums of conveying tho news from one part of tho world to anothor, no are thoy become tho mossongors of Btore news from tho merchunt to tho consuraor. Retail advertising Is or ought to be Btoro news. A special salo Is out of tho ordinary, thoroforo, news. Tho arrival of tho spring stock Is nows. Tho production of now stylos, tho fixing of special prices, tho absorption of a bankrupt stook, or a fortunato purchaso from an overstocked manufacturer all this Is nows. Retail advertising should bu whole somo, cloan, succinct, forceful and convincing. It should bo treated as nows and bo displayed appropriately. If you havo any thing to say to tho public, Bay 1L Don't hagglo about or light around IL Don't concoct any puzzle or In (laflnlt phraseology. Don't get It Into. your hoad that you nro writing for an nudlonoo of colloge profossors and that high-flown language Is ossontlul to awaken appreciation, Don't wrlto ovor tho hands of the people asaumo that you aro a sales man and havo your customor hoforo you. Talk to him In plain, simple and easily understood English. Toll him whnt you havo to soil and toll It promptly. It should bo ho treated, not In a Honsatlonal or bombastic way, but In a conclBO, straightforward, plauslblo mannor, In languago that is Htrlklng, slneero nnd forcoful. Don't ho afraid to display your matter. Don't ho afrnld of white spaco. Advertisements In tho dally papers must not bo dull or stupid or common plaeo, If you doslro tho full worth of your Invufitmont. Do dlRtluct, original and Individual. PUDI.IC1TY AND THE DOCTOR. The atatemunt Is mndo, says tho SyiaoiiHo Telegram, that Dr. Cyrus I'Mrod, hoalth olllcor of Now York, flnds many reasons why . roputnhlo physicians should udvertlsu tholr bun Inous In the dally newspupors. Ho Bides the lianullts to tho doctor him self buiieflts to which ho Is clonrly entitled nnd of which he Is robbed by nuglectiug to advertise it Is a groat convenience to the public to learn nt first hnud whoro to And a physician who mukuM a specialty of a particular claw of diseases. Dr. lMson is conll dent that the ban on advertising will soon be removed. Dr. Kdsoii, wIioho runic Is of tho hlgliwt, undoubtedly voices the seutl moiit of the more enllghtonod and pro gruHslvu luenibors of his profession when he Insists thnt old fnshlonod projudluo Bhould bo dono away with and tlio medlual faoulty should no longer ho compelled to hldo tholr light under n biiHhol. A groat many physlclnns got a goodly amount of advertising through the public press, nnd froo ndvortlslug at that. No physician ovor Intorposos objections to having his nmuo men tioned In the public pross hi connec tion with any notable surglcul opera tions. In fact, many physicians who look upon paid advertising with some thing akin to holy horror are delighted to got a little advertising gratis. o KING LEOPOLD'8 REVENGE ON A JOURNALIST. How Delfllum'a Ruler Got Even on a French Editor Who Slighted Him. The following story of the revenge that King Leopold of nelglum took ou a well-known Parisian editor has just leaked out, says the UhlcaHO Ameri can and Is causing the Journalist in question not n little trouble. Several years ugo, when King Leo pold was very much Interested In plans for the future of the Congo State and seised every opportunity to bring It before the public, he heard that the editor of one of the most GOLD DU8T. I ?Ltt the GOLD DUST twins do )our work.' Mori qIoums are rutfcod out Uun worn out GOLD OUST HUp4j ur feMkutl save eur ltt, Btur nM itf rw wwnwi uun imp ana ouwr ntthbuj Pewdf. K&l onlby TUB N. K. FAIRDANK COMPANY, . ChUio, mwYwk. Botn, SU Uul. I . M&to ot OVAL FAIRY SOAP, AN INDEPENDENT PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. influential French papors was tem porarily stopping at Brussels. Unhappily this gontlomnn, accord lug to Fronch custom, was accom pnnled by a young lady, whom you might at best call his stop-wife. Now, King Leopold was not the innn who took offense nt any trifles Ilka this, and as ho wanted to uso the Influence of tho paper In favor of hi pot scheme, ho Invited tho editor and Mils step-wife to dlnnur on fnmlllc in U0 roynl ,mInco The g,I08ts wnro ,n0( anu wnca rl(!,lt royany nIKi ovor the coffco and cJgara the 1(ng trlt(1 to int0roBt the 0(,ltor )n Cougo n(Talrs, hut the ropre sentntlvo of tho French press re malned silent and coolly polite, so that tho king at last rose from the table in disgust A fow months lator King Leopold went to Paris and, as usual, wont to the Hotel Continental When there ho always llkos to take his 'meals In tho main dining room at ono of tho resorved tables, and whon ho came down to dlnnor this tlmo his oyo caught sight of tho samp editor, this tlmo accompanied by his genulno wlfo. An Inspiration camo to tho king Hero was his rovengol A few minutes later a most beauti ful bouquet was handed to tho unhap py editor's wlfo bearing a card marked, "Leopold, King of tlio Bel gians," nnd Insorlbod, "To Madam X., In friendly romcinborancc of your flslt at Palaco Laokon." Tho friends of Mr. X. nro very anxious to find out if ho succeeded In giving a satisfactory oxplanatlon. EXPLAINING FURNISH'S DEFEAT. Tho Pendleton Tribune, (Hop.) for Furnish, Bays: "Tho fact that he was a banker per haps asfllHtod tho bollof that ho was a 'boodler,' a 'froo bootor,' etc. Thoso assertions, of courso, woro absolutely uutruo but, nevertheless, thoy made good campaign stuff, and Mr. Furnish booamo tho victim of trnducors, whose hendquartors woro In his homo olty. Othor cnusos of loss slgnlflcnnco en tered Into hln dofent, tho rosults of which would bo dlfllcult to ostlmato Bopnrately. Sonntor Simon's lnllu onco was doubtloss against him. Gov ernor Ooor also was out of sorts, and remained in an III humor. Whllo he was disappointed bccaiiBo ho failed to bo ronomlnatod IiIb blttornoBS might havo softened to somo extent, and his support might Anally havo bcon won ovor to Mr. Furnish If his candidacy for tho United Stntos senate had boon treated dloroutly by the OroRonlan Tho Trlbuuo does not doslro to defend Governor Geer's conduct, nor does it wish to conmiro tho efforts of tho Oro goulnn to bring nuccoss to the bond of tho ticket. It was simply a mlstako In iho troatmont of tho baby act. Tho publicity glvon Stophon A. Lowell's letters to George K. Chnmborlaln, by tho pross of tho stnto friendly to Mr. Furnish was nlHo anothor mistake of no small Import, to which tho Trlbuno pleads guilty. Moro was mado by this bugaboo by Mr. Furnlsh'H frlonds at Arst thitn by, his onemlos. Thus did Simon and door, with strong personnl followlngs, supported by Lowell with a small support, combine to cloud tho new star thoy saw rising. Thoy fearod It would outshine tholr lights, nnd through jonlousy born of disappoint ed ambitions, thoy sot nbout to dark on tho political sktos of Oregon." THE CHASE OF THE CONVICTS. The failure to capturo the escapud convicts wns not duo to any lack of energy or vigilance on tho part of state oAlelals, or the ofllcers of Ma rlon county or the city or Salem. The faot that thero was no roadlness to sacrifice the llfo of any good cltl nen for the capture of miscreants like Merrill nnd Traoy shows our olllclals think more of human life than their own iflory. Vengeance will overtake the mur derera. They will havo no pence and no rest. Their career will be short. The hand of an Allwiso Provldono.o will surely bring them to Justice There Is an over-ruling power in tho arfnlra of men that does not permit murder to go unpunished, or the blood-guilty to escape. Ills suffering Is meted out as suroly as the earth re volvee nnd time runs Us course. The murderers are sure to meet a violent death any day. They will be shot down like dose when their time, cornea, and will never be permitted the dignity of a legal execution. THE ONLY WEAPONS GRESS. OF PRO- I While we have imlltlenl parties, and I rvfurui orsjnnlsations of varliws kinds, I ami churuhen ami lodge, none of thein, bring dlreot pressure to hear for pro glees in publlo affairs. , The publlo newspaper that takes up a cause and fights for It day by day liu'h by litoh, ami the power of pUtion In the hands of the people are the only direct and effective weapons of pre, green The common cftlaen and voter, ur cttlsew if not a voter, who is IttterweUiV In good government, and will clrcu late a petition. Is a greater power far reform than courU or arwile. He la the peaeeiul for of rlvlliaa tlon forging ahead along Hues of wor- nl progrewj. lie Is the winuU-man of Itwoeful revolutions, that will carry the Ulwwluge of free lustltutlona to the world's ead. It ts a great task to chance a grtat 0Sm T e Bitters ill positively indigestion, Dyspepsia. ; Constipation 1 Billlousncss,', ' Nervousness, and Malaria, 'Jry n bottle i and rntiofyi younelf. Tne gt inline has oil' Private Stamp over the neck. existing abuse like the Oregon fee and perquisite system. Such fights aro not son with powder nnd cannon, but the citizens who sign petitions arc ns brave poldlers as over bore arms. An independent pross and the sim ple petition in tho hands of the intel ligent reading and thinking cltizon can transform the state. So keep up the fire for a special sos slon and a flat salary roform. A REPUBLICAN DUTY. Tho Journal Bupportod all tho Re publican ticket excopt tho candidate for govornor and state printer. Us editors arc, and have been nnd claim to bo Republicans. Tho Republican leadership of Oro gon Is still In tho hands of tlio people, and can bo changed at any tlmo. Cer tainly certain assumed leadership that manipulated tho last stnto convention Is discarded. Without onterlng into any contro vorsy as to tho futuro leadership of tho party, tho Republican party had hottor bogln to think of kcoplng Us promises and doing what is right, ln stoad of pluylng dirty politics. Thero aro a lot of Republican pa pors in Orogon and olsowhoro who keep harping on our duty to tho Phil ippines, and standing by tho army, etc. Wo havo a duty at homo, as well and tho spoils army of politicians to light Tho easiest and cbeapost way to manngo tho Republican party in Ore gon and olsowhoro is to do what is right. Flat salaries cannot bo onactod In Oregon unless tho Uopubllcan party says go ahead. It Is tho party in pow er, in tho majority. It must not and take tho responsibility for action or non-action. How many tlmus will tlio Uopubllcan mnnagors decolvo tho people In this matter, and escape punlshmont? So far as an lndopondont paper Is concerned It will bo bettor for the Uo publlcan party to break Us plodgos, and fall to stand on Its promises mndo tho poople to onnct flat salaries. That lino" of conduct will result In political overthrow, confusion, disor ganization and dlsmomhormont of tho Uopubllcan party. More power will go into tho hands of independent raon, who will break party lines and light for rofoims out side the Uopubllcan party. Tho Journal prefers to secure re form without demoralization of tho Uopubllcan party. The party is ca pable of grout things, and Us rank and lllo demand and oxpoct great things of tho party. Whon It falls they will ho dlsgustod and turn to now leadership outsldo tho party, Just as thoy turned to Mr. Chnmborlaln and ulectod him gov ornor. If Mr. Chamberlain woro a typical partisan demagog ho would not favor tho special session to enact flat sal aries uud put direct legislation Into effect He would wait to profit by the failure of Republicans to keop their platform pladgos. Will Republicans do their duty? JOURNAL X-RAYS. Wo shall next hoar of Traoy and Merrill taking breakfast at Ilotol Portland. The campaign liar, who has been so much In ovldensd during the past fow weeks, can now take u rest. livery IlluglUhmun can feel proud of his new fellow-oltlteive In South Africa, hut chances are he will n'oL The Introduction of the Portland deteatlvee dldu't help solve the prob lem of capturing Traoy and Merrill. A Philadelphia phyv.Iolan recently Hueeetefully grafted a set of eyelids for a patient who had last his own In a tire. A man hiding Ih the brush has every advantage. He oan see all that is going on outside, and no one can see Mm. If. Ri Senator Manga says, there are thlrtylH votccmofl In elos proxim ity to tk route of the Nicaragua eHal, hu cHtr ImiHcsmMt eouhl h offered to the HdvoRtMrutw Ameri cas tourist (Couujs Qraw Lader.) It whs UHd aUent Ivalf of the peo ple of OreH have gDt It Into their U4 that the stnte noverHweut hw keti jHst a "lftetie" too stie.ranaHL HOtwitiiftUftiltMt; Senator PuIibn hl to tho contrary. The OrecoHiao Is quotiux the con stitution to oontlHue the urea eat eye- torn of eoaipeHeaUux stats o)fU4ta Is dlrwt violation f k oWtltwttoH. The people, havo voted down all amendments to the oosstltetlou x- 1 wm. ffi??yBp i3yfeyiw pA... STOMACH. BITTER Journal copt direct legislation nnd tho Orego Ian does not want that to go Into of rect What ddos the Orogonlan care for the constitution? What Is the con stitution among frlonds, anyway' A Santa Cruz preacher who has left tlio Baptist chinch to become a Mohammedan Is said to wo crazy. Probably ho Is not out of IiIb head, but moroly a little Insufficient In hts molality. It may bo that ho profors to the orthodox Heavon the Paradise of tho Persian of which Tom Mooro wrote: A Perslnn's heavon Is easily mnde; 'TIs but black oyos and lemonade. Chamberlain Is olected and still wo'vo got tho Philippines. Wouldn't thnt ar you? Now that tho "war is over" and whon tho smoke of battle has entirely clearod away, tho atmosphero will bo in flno condition to proparo for ono of tho biggest colobrntlons arshfleld has ever had. Marshflold Mail. Of course, evorybody will celebrate ovor tho victory of tho people! Dx-Governor Boutwell's " Grant Uomlnlscences" Include a good horso Btory. President Grant wns attracted by a horso owned by a Washington butcher, and ho bought It for G00. Subsequently ho took Senator Conk ling out to rldo behind IiIb now acqui sition, and the president asked the senntor what ho thought of tho anl mal. "It strikes me," said tho senator, "that I would rather have tho $500." Woll. that'B what tho butcher said," remarked tho president. (nugonu uuurd.) Will Uopubllcan mombors-olcct of the legislature reftiso to voto for Gov ernor Gcor for United States senntor In compliance with tho expressed will of a majority of tho Uopubllcan olcc tlon of tho state? Whoovor does not will thoroby drive a good-sized splko Into his political coflln. Furnish has boon laid peacefully to rest, now If Geer can capturo tho senatorshlp not a fow other Uopubllcan politicians who havo tholr oyos on tlio senatorial plum may woll unlto In walling, "Ho who laughs last, laughs host." Tho king, ho ridos out in state And the UBRomblod thousands wnlt To suo him pass; and soma will Bay In tones exceeding loud, "Hooray." Tho ordinary citizen Doth board a street car now nnd llion The only words ho hears aro thoso. Repeated oft, "Stop llvoly, pleasol" Rut wo who do not rldo In stnto Oitrsolvos may much congratulate, Since no ono llngors 'round about With bombs to decorate tho route. Washington Star. Excursion Rntn to Dunucr. Tho Northern Pacific ofTors a rato of J47.00 from Portland to Donvor and raiiirn. uaios or saio Juno ZZ, ana 23 Limit of roturn July 31. Passongors may go via Northorn Pacific and roturn via somo othor routo. Forfurthor par tloulars soo or wrlto to A. D. Charlton, 255 Morrison street, comer of Third, Poitland, Or. C-10-2t BABY IS STRANGLED. Fifteen-Months-Old, Infant Huna Itself on Perambulator 8trap. Tho Infant daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Strathouso, of Bolso, Idaho, was stranglod to death Woduosday oven- Ing. The child was In a porambulator carrlago, and In somo manner sllppod below tho carrlago strap, and before It was discovered tho child was dead, l.lfo was oxtlnct whon tho child was found by Its mothor, and boyond all medical skill The child was 15 mouths of ago. TEARFUl OR CHEERFUL? Whether a woman is tearful or cheer ful depends not on what she has materi ally, but what she is physically. Many an indulgent husband ts driven almost to despair by the tearful outburst of a wife who has "every thing she wants," He wants to know what's .the waiter. Hut the wife cant tell. She only knows that lie is dc prwised and despondent. b u c h a condition is uwially re lated to mhuc form of woumnlv iiMAfw. The mental depression has ita QorreejMndiug womanly weakness. Doctor Pierce's Paonte Preicription changes tearful women to cheerful women b curing the diseases which cause phs ical weakness and depression of spirits. It establishes regularity, dries unhealthy drains, heals inflammation and ulcera- hum, wi cures temaie weakness, siiki. ris L,r.s'.rmu w lo all aiy wofV 1 tint pnbe twir nri ctMt m taes a I Hc IfaByooeSeuWu "Favorite Prescription" makes weak sowaa ntxmg ami sick woiaen well Aecopt ho sttWitute for the medleiue Mkich v,wks woudera for weak women. Keep the tow da healthy by the SSSf.1 tW Piwc' awnt iiiM S kBOT T " l y by o5' I ' Eczema, Psoriasis, alt Rheum,Tetter and Acne Belonr to that class of inflammatory and disfiguring skin eruptions that cause more eenuine bodily discomfort and worry than all othef- known diseases The impurities or sediments which collect in the system because o poor digestion, inactive Kidneys and other organs o! elimination are taken up by the blood, saturating the system with acid poisons and fluids that ooze out through the glauds and pores of the Bkin, producing an iude Bcribable itching and burning, and "loan cheerfully endorse yourS. B. B. the yellow, watery discharge forms a euro ror r. . .r-jjg into crusts and sores or little brown rem6dle, itb no BOod effeoL.Tmt after and white scab9 that drop off, leaving uslnir a fe w bottles of a. S. S. was entire. tffpystSi ly Mo.nt;x:w crack and bleed, or give it a scaly, fishy appearance; again the eruptions may consist of innumerable blackheads and pimples or hard, red bumps upon the face. Purification of the blooa is diseases. Washes ana powaers can ' lies pass vu relieve the skin. S. S. S. is the only guaranteea purely vegcraoie oiooa purifier. It contains no Arsenic, Potash or other harmful mineral. P Write us about your case and our physicians will advise without charge We have a handsomely illustrated book on skin diseases, which will be sent free to all who wish it. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, G. H&! COP-jrtiaMT 3X3GX3GGX3(i Sfc. rr, MBKXtbiH J, C . I i II I Aft ..Go to the Ladies' Bazaar.. For shirt waists, belts, W ., , , , i , s riUDon, laces, snirt waisimp, ana oiner gooas in our I line. An especially beautiful lot of new veilings. -Our gooas are niarnea very low, ...The Ladies' Bazaar... 118 State Street, Salem. 3-)3IS Greenbaum's Our goods w ill suit your taste. Our prices wi 1 suit your pocket-book. Dry goods at the very lowest prices. Shoes that combine perfection of fit and finish with reas onableness of price. New goods arriving daily in our millinery department. Tiy us and be convinced that you get your money's worth at Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store Next Door to tho PoatcfHco. A UOTION 3ALB AT 307 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. Commencing on SATURDAY, JUNE 14th AT 10 O'CLOCK And to continue every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 2 p. ra., and eery Saturday nt 10 a. m. and 1 p. m. ENDING JUL,V 5. Tliu lino of goods offered will be seneral stock, consisting of ladles' silk, wool on nnd cotton underwear, torchon and linen laces and insortion ; ladies', misses' and children's gleves: fancy trimmings and ornamonta; eilk corda and Ueieli; silk and worsted bindings: non vans button rlhluinn hn,,l'fBrM.lof. lmllet' and children's hose; stat onery; ladies' nnd gents' knives; rasors, suspenders, sweat ers, shirts; youth's, children's, mon's, and boya' clothing, and many numerous articles. REMEMBER TnOPO Who WAIlt tn Httond tlm anntlnn but Btart promptly on time. SAVE MONEY BY ATTENDING THE AUCTION. S. FRIEDMAN, Auctioneer I f V BE.t2cmtaLyHi 'j k rsy w pnnini .1 yA Plant Corn Coru is becoming one of the best crops In this country. Now is the belt tin to plant it. We have a full stock of choice seed corn. ...BREWSTER & WHITE... 91 Court St. FEEDMEN AND:SEEDSMEN. Saleru. OrefOB ambriDcis AND Everybody THE ATP.V mPMrWCD i. tt. u.e on y nmny u.u -, om umc - &""; lations, antidotes the Uric and other acids, and restores the blood to its wonted purity, and stimulates and revitalizes the sluggish organs, and the impuri- .- . rr l.m.(rr1i tli a tinturfll channels nnd """6" . V I ri i. . At Easter Time Is whon the building hnsInoM will be in lull owing. If you haven't given your orders for your lumber requirements it will pny you to get eitlmates from tioodalo Lumber,. Co., for any and all kinds of lumber for out or inside work, lath, shingles, panh, doors, blinds and ovorything needed in this lino. Goodale Lumber Co. Near 8. P. PaeB'r. depot. Phono 051 underwear, corsets, hosiery, a I , SSI aii ana oe convinced. THE PLACE rn l.rfwl Ir. mn Wn Ii.v nn hplll A Perfectly Laundered Shirt Front... Ia worth gointr miles to see, insny miles to pet. Yet we will give you Jost that and bring It to your door. Oar laundry work it proverbinl for i11. "fr" lence ainoug thoso "In the know. JIf we call for your washing Ibis week ami return it ou the day promised, a tampw of tho way we iauuuer th ngs7. Salem Steam Laundry COLONKL J. OLMSTKD, PBOPBIKTOB. DOROD8 D. OLM8TBI), KGB. , . Thnne 411 210 Ulwrty ti Beer! x'&sacasY is welcome at NOBLB Cor. BUte and Commercisl. X X Tkona,Main81. Vi .... " ij-,w w A4- i'Mmmimmmaimim 'tiSk e.v!wfciJ