The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, May 31, 1902, Image 8

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It'. 'W
teenbaum a
Our goods will suit your taste.
Our prices will suit your pocket-book.
Dry goods at the very lowest prices.
Shoes that combine perfection of fit and finish with reas
onableness of price.
New goods' arriving daily in our millinery department.
Tiy us and be convinced that you get your money's
worth at
Greenbauffl's Dry Goods Store
Nozt Door to
A, Juicy Morsel for
Or dinner you can enjoy' from ono of our
tender and delfclous meats, steaks, lamb
or mutton chops, veal cutlets or ;ork,
Our meats are all cut from tho f attest
and oriraoatcnttle, and wo can supply
your table with frosh, nutritious and
wholosomo meats at bod rock prlcos.
Phon 201
4Amm d
J J Sun 'V
Hammering it into
His Head
Is n forclblo but neodlosj operation.
Less strenuous methods a! nruument
easily do tho business for lib. Tho pub
llo is awaro that wo sell tho best Rrtuiu
of pure, clear water Ico. Also that our
prices aro tho lowest; that wo rIvo ex
cellent service. 75 cents 100 lbs, to fam
ilies. Hpeclal rates to lariro cnnsumori.
Manufactured at tho Capital lco Works,
Mrs. M. Beck, Prop.
Coru is becomhiR one of the best crops
la plant St, Wo huvo n full stock of cholcu
91 Court St. FEEDMEN AND
f . .vs 4 n. msi r
(Bambrtnue Beer -
Old Pot Office Grocery,
tlio PoatofUco.
Just Look
At what wo tttvo yoa. Our beat 'efforts
aroyoure, first, last and all th tlmo.
Our laundry standard Is flxol at liitlb.
and wo novoc sli D from It for an instant.
Lot vour linon as well as your llelit
. hlno. A epic and span appearance
rntintu far evorvttilna. Our flrst-clasi
work will servo you M a general letter
ol Introduction.
Salem Steam Laundry
nnnnrm n AMCfrran. unit
Pbono 411 230 Liberty 8tro t
At Easter Time
Is when the oullding buslnoss will bo in
full swing. If you haven't Riven your
orders for your lumber requirements it
will pay you to got estimates from
(Joodalo Lumbor Co., for any and all
kinds of lumbor for out or itioido work,
lath, shingles, sash, doors, blinds and
everything needed in this line.
Goodale Lumber Co.
Near B. P. Pass'r. depot. Phono Oil
Do you want a paint that will
not peel or rub oil? If so
Patton's Sun Proof
It is fully guaranteed.
Savage & Reid
In this country. Now Is tho boat tlmo
toed corn,
& WHITE...
SEEDSMEN. Salem. Oregon
is welcome at
l?onimM 3?
. .,,..., ... ...
At the First
Christian Church
Following la tho Children's Day
program nt tho Christian Church, Sun
day. Juno 1, nt 8 P. M.:
Selection -By orchestra.
Song, "Wolcomo" Dy school.
Scripture, roatllngUIblo class.
I'rnyor Dy past Superintendent
Song, "All and always for tho
King" Dy sohool.
Ilecltatlon, "Lot Us Smllo"--Fred-
dlo Dornardl.
Cantata, " Dosldo All Wators"
Little folks.
May polo drill Dy olght small girls.
Hnzol Downing, Zoo Ormstoad, Gono-
vlovo Frazlor, Huth HanBhrough, Imo-
gono Williamson, Creta JohtiHon,
Ponrl Hoff, Blanche Llston.
Recitation, "Captain's 'Call to ArmB"
Voata Gardiner.
Solo,"Hollo Contral Glvo Mo Heav
on" Gonovlovo Frazlor.
Recitation, "Mothor's RcBtlng"
Neomn Massoy.
Solo, "AngoM-and" Delia Osborn.
Drill, "Chlstlans' Call to Arms,"
omllng with tableau and pantomlning
of "Jesus Lover of My Soul," given by
tho following young ladles: Althea
and Sylvia Jones, Celesta and Frances
Listno, Ethol and Edith -gatlnflold,
Daxtor, Delia Osborn, Nolllo Whlto,
Nolllo Clark, Nolllo Costelle, Clara
Itnslng, Claudlo Chllders, Delia
Dialogue, "Holidays" Dy seven
small boys.
Dross quartotto, saored By War
ner, Rogers, Stogo and Martin.
Song By Stalwart Quartotto.
Cantata, "Tho Mothor's Dream," in
which llttlo Pearl 55lnn takos tho part
of tho child, Mrs. Stover, tho mothor.
Benediction Rov. Geo. Rlchey.
(Portland Dispatch.)
Wo aro rollnbly Informed 'that a
leading director of the Lowls and
Clarke exposition called tho Orogo-j
nlau down in its nttompt to mnko It
a partisan nffnlr, and that tho Orego
ulnn editor smothorod' tho lottor.
Howovor, since it was called down
tho paper linn stoppod it editorially
but haH brought Into sorvlco nssoclato
odltoiH-froin a St. Louis Republican
papor. Wo would advlso tho St
Louis man not to put nails Into tho
colli n of tholr own oxposltloh. The
DoinocratH of tho country aro paying
tholr money for.thoflo shown as woll
as tho Republicans.
When Mr. Furnish wafl elected ono
of tho MeKlnloy doctors In 1000 he
wanted to take tho electoral vote to
Washington, but, as ho had tho Binall
ost vote, It wouldn't do, bo ho put tho
(ItioHtlou to tho other throe: "What
will It ho worth to you guntlumon to
lot mo take this voto hack?" In othor
words, ho wnutod to buy tho right to
bo tho hoIo roprosuntatlvo of Orogon
nt Washington, hut tho othor gontlo
mon hnd too high a bodmo of honor to
pormlt such n dlsgraco, and, as a last
resort, they took him along, but thoy
queered his graft In udvauco.
(Nowhorg Graphic.)
The Salem Journnl In doplorlug tho
nffeiiHlvo notion of a numbor of iiowh-
papurs and Rupuhllcau manngora In
tholr offorts to forco Governor Geer
out of tho llopuhllcnn party doelaroH
that In Hplto of tholr persecution Geer
has not boon turuod out to grass, ns
tho Republican party Is too largo,
and tho people too fair in tho trlnls of
pursonnl mnlico on tho jinrt of of to
vongoful and dlHnppolutod olllco
hiiHtlors. It Furnish wan oloetud what a lino
lot of Umatilla chiefs would bo dis
played In tho olllcos In IiIh control In
nnd about Salem.
Tho Beit Team.
In tho old days of heavy toamliifc
tho strongest and host team on tho
road carried tho brooin. Tho "North
Coast Limited," on tho Northern Pa
olllo, cnrrtoH tho broom among railway
trains. It Is tho only olectrle llghtutl
tralu oporatod In the Noithwoet. and
you cau tiavel to tho Kast on It as
cheaply as on any othor train.
A. D. Chnrltou, assistant general
passougur ngout of tho Northern Pa
olflo, at S65 Morrison strettt, corner of
Third, will be glad to glvo you full In
formation regarding routoa, rntos,
etc., either in person or by lottor. St
Hon. Geo. E. Chamberlain at
Home Town.
Albany Democrat.
linn. Geo. It. Chnmberlnlu arrived
from Solo ami was given a warm
greeting by hU old friends here of nil
parties. At 8 o'clock In the evening
without any demonstration, In demo-,
amtle style. Mr. Campbell, Mr.
IMuakmnu and Prof. Wann and an lm
meuso crowd walkwl to the armory,
with nuisio by the Shedd and Albany
bands, which did themselves proud.
There was no parndo, but the streets,
were lined from tho hotel to the nr
Ury. The Corvallls baud. In white
unforms. headed a flue orawd of three
ar loads of euthuetastlo oltlsens of
Uiat city who arrived at the armor)',
ut 8 o'clock.
a The armory was packed full, several
hundred standing, and a good many
hundred remained outside unable to
get Inside.
The plfttfurtti was 'decorated (n a
tasty maimer. j
Judge Whitney Introduced
theJ 6viLir joUrnal, salem,
I Chamberlain, who spoko for over an
. hour, creating enthusiasm, holding his
warm friends of many years and malr
ing new ones. He confined his re
marks to Btnto Issues, showing up tho
extravagance of Uio past few yearn,
which has rnoro than doubled our
taxes, advocating flat salaries, without
enormous fees and promising a veto
for graft legislation. Ho paid his com
pllmonts to Mr. Fulton and invited in
vestigation of his own official career.
Op the subject of tho Philippines ho
would trent them llko other U. S. ter
ritory, and when capable of self-government
glvo them Bolf government
lllco Cuba under tho protection of Ihc
United States.
After Months and Years of
Suffering:, This Woman
is Now Able to Tell
An Interesting:
"It was an eventful day for mo,"
said Mrs. Mamlo McLean, of No. 200
H. Congress Btreet, Detroit, Mich. "I
looked into tho futuro and saw health
and happiness in storo for mo.
"I had had a gloomy llfo," alio con
United. My ontlro girlhood was Bad
doncd by ill health, tho result of a
cold contracted at a critical tlmo In
my thirteenth year. Months and
yours of suffering followed nnd doc
tors did not holp me. My blood had
turnod to wotor and tho natural func
lions of my box had ceased. A noted
specialist in tho diseases of women
who was , treating mo said my case
was hopoloss and that I could not live
moro than a fow years at tho most.
"I was so wotik that I could not
wnlk across tho room, I had not the
sllghtost nppetlto, my feet and hands
woro always cold and I was mlsorablo
and unhappy. I wasted away to a
moro shndow; I looked frightful and
no mediclno that I took did mo any
good. I tried to bo resigned to my
fato, but It was hard.
"Then enmo tho ovontful day. An
old friond of our family camo In and
told mo so confidently that Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Palo People
would euro mo thnt I began to hopo
and llfo looked brighter. I started
taking tho pills and I soon could boo
that thoy woro doing mo good. My
flosh bognn to fool wnrm, my color to
come back and I felt strongor. Im
provement wns gradual but Hiiro. I
continued faithfully with tho modi
elno nnd soon my functions beenmo
normal and health came back. My
frlonds thought my recovory was al
most a mlrnclo and tho physicians
who had given mo up for death woro
forced to admit that Dr. Williams'
Pink PIIIh had dono what they could
not do.
"I am now, as you can see, a
sound, healthy woman I cannot ox-
prose my gratitude but can only say
that I owe my life to Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People."
No dlscovory, of modem times has
provod such a blessing to womoii as
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Po
plo. Acting directly on tho blood and
norves, Invigorating tho 'body, rogu
latlng tho functions, thoy rostoro tho
strength and health in tho oxhaustod
patlont when ovory offort of tho phy
stolan proves unavailing. Those pills
aro sold in boxes nt 60 conts a box or
six boxes for J2.C0, and may be hnd at
all druggists, or direct by mall from
Dr. Williams Modlclno Co.. Schonoc
tady, N. Y.
Rich Nugget Found.
Ashland, May 31. Supervisor Gard
ner, a fow days ago. picked up a nug
get worth ovor $330, from his Green
view initio. Just ovor the California
line. Gardner stumbled onto the nugN
get when least oxpeetiug a llnd. Thai
spsolmon resembles a human hand,
both In slxe and shape.
A Few Pointers.
Tho rooent statistics of tho numbor
of deaths bIiow that tho largo majority
dlowitU consumption. This dlsoaso
may commence with nu apparently
harmless cough which cau bo cured In
stantly by Komp.s Balsam for tho
throat ami lungs, which is guaranteed
to curo and rollovo all casoa Prleo 25
cents and 50 conts. For sale by all
druggists. 1
Ladles Can Wear Shoes.
Ono slso smaller after using Alton's
Foot-liaso. a powder to bo shaken Into
tho shoes. It makes tight or now shoes
fool easy; gives Instant relief to oorns
and bunions. It Is tho greatest comfort
discovery of tho age. Cures and pre
vents swollen foot, blisters, callous and
soro Bpots. Allen's Foot-Base Is a cor
talu oura for sweating, hot, aqhlng
feat. At all druggMs and shoo stores.
35o. Trial paokago FREE by mall.
Addross Allan 8. Olmsted. Le Roy, N.
Y. 1
Position of Labor Federation,
Wdltor Jeurnal:
Noticing an Item In your teatte of
yesterday utatUtg that labor unltnt
leaders have an Idea that they onght
to go Into politics. I would restwitfully
aek s)hm to etute the attitude of the
Oregon Federation of abor uyon the
matter. Salem Federal Labor Union
U lu receipt of Instruction against go-
lug Into partisan politic, but la urged
to use every effort to secure the elec-
turn of those candidate. Irrespectlvo
0re6on, sA-rUnbAY, MAY 3i,l6o
of party, who aro favorable and most
active for tho material IntoreBts of la
boring people, and labor organiza
tions Of course, in tho Oregon campaign,
as well as In many othur placeB In this
day of labor unionism, the discerning
candidate will not fall to stand for tho
rights of labor, but hero, as in all
placos, laborers aro looking Into tholr
records, nnd weighing their sincerity
In the balances, and It may bo depend
ed upon that, no matter what their
political name, laborors will stand to
gether In support of those who aro
most oarnost In support of their In
terests. R. A. HARRIS,
Chairman 1'ross Commltteo Salem
Fodoral Labor Union.
$600,000,000 IN ADVERTISING.
How Would You Like to Help Spend
While It is truo that ovor $000,000.
000 aro annually oxponded In this
country for advertising purposes, It Is
equally true that skilled nnd experi
enced advertising -mon aro fow. This
buslnoss noods a vast army of odlclont
mon and womon, nnd merchants nnd
manufacturers say that It is almost
Imposslblo to got hold of thorn. Con
aequontfy, salarlos aro high. In
every lino of buslnoBS advertising
must bo done, and If outsldo help oan
not bo obtained, It must bo dono on
tho Inside. Thoroforc, tho young
clork or othor employe who studies
advertising and learns Its working
principles stnnds a much better
chnnco of promotion than this follows
and soon finds himself enoying a
largor salary and working his way to
tho front.
Advertising mon unlto In saying
that tho business offers by far tho
most promising and profitable field
to tho youth of this country. Thoso
who have a profession, or a business
already choson, or aro preparing for
It, or thoso who aro already in busi
ness, should ndd to their other quali
fications a knowlodgo of tho advertis
ing buslnoss. In thoso days success
without nd vol tiffing Is an Impossibility
nnd thoso who loam to ndvortlso rap
Idly capturo tho buslnoss nnd earn
fame and fortune whllo othors lag be
hind. Mr. Charlos Am tin Bntos, Vnndor
bllt Building,- Now York, ono of tho
host known American advertising
mon, and an acknowledged authority
on tho subject, is responsible for tho
statomout thnt ho has porfected a
plan for teaching advertising which
brings It within tho roach of ovory
body and which cannot fall In nchlov
Ing tho largest measure of results in
tho shortost time nnd ut tho smallest
possible oxponso. This plnn ho prom
ises to sond free to all who wrlto fork,
Thoro is moro catarrn in tills sec
tion of tho country than all othor dis
eases put togothor, nnd until tho Inst
fow yonra It was supposuu-to bo lncur
ablo. For a great many years doctors
pronounced It a local dlseaso, and pro
scribed local remedies, and by con
stantly fulling to euro with local treat
ment pronouncod It Incurable Sclonco
has proven catarrh to bo a constitu
tional dlseaso, and thoroforo requires
constitutional trcatmont Hall's Ca
tarrh Curo, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is tho
only constitutional curo on tho mar
ket. It Is taken Internally In dosos
from 10 drops to a tcaspoonful. It
acts directly on tho blood and mu
cous surfaces of tho system. Thoy
offer ono hundred dollars for any
easo It falls to curo. Sond for circu
lars and testimonials.
Addross, F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by druggists, 75c
Hall's Family Pills aro tho best.
Down In Cuba.
They'ro about to cut a melon
Down In Cuba,
Whother rlpo or not. no tollln'.
Down In Cuba,
But they seem to think they've grown
Big enough to wnlk alouo.
And to call themselves tholr own,
Down. In Cuba.
There's a rocky road before you,
Little Cuba,
Cloudy skys aro. bending o'er you.
Little Cuba,
Though you stumble, though you tilp,
Though yoti'vo made a slide and slip,
Keop a rigid upper ltn,
Little Cuba.
If too big the undertaking.
Little Cuba,
And your stomagh. It Is nqhlng.
Llttlo Cuba.
For a piece of broad and Jam,
You know where, poor little lamb,
You can llnd your Uncle Sam. .
Uttle Cuba.
Chicago Tribune.
Their Value Demonstrated by
Dr. Darrin Now Stepping:
at the Willamette
Unseen foreea are more powerful
than seen ones. Weetriclty performs
euros silently but surely. To this
many tbntwaHiWi who have been eured
ean testify. Many who kuow nothing
of It opihm It; bet truth always iaeU
with tierce oposltten, which in the end
only hastens oh the victory. We do
nut profeee to understand tkie wneeeti
power, iMtt Joyfully accept the great
boon to health, feeling that Dr. Darrln
la ahead of the uge, and is showing to
(the world this new wethed of cure. As
an example we append Mrs. Dewey's
To" tho"" Public I 1'was ft patient
under Dr. Darrlti'a euro eight years I
ago, and wlsli to relate my experience,
that others may benefit by It. tor
many long years I had been .aullctotd
with diseases peculiar to my sex, dys
pepsia and pain In my chest, heart
and stomach. I had lost flesh until
my weight wns 105 pounds. After a
few months olectrlcnl nnd modlcalj
treatment by Dr. Darrln, I recovered
my health and gained 40 pounds, and
am now enjoying good health.
Of a German Editor of Obstinate Deaf
ness. (Portland Freio Prosso.)
Tho lack or loss of ono of tho flvo
human sonses isolates a patlont thus
afflicted as ontlrely from tho world
as If ho was banished to a lono iBland.
Whnt gratification can bring us tho
society of our best frlonds and ac
quaintances If their volcos do not
-AM1. nt.M AnM If tnatnnrl nt If Wft
lUlVil Will UUI, Ul t, "'o.vuu w.v,
aro only conscious of an indistinct
murmur? With tho loss of hearing all
Joy and pleasure dies within us, most
so in tho domestic relations and fam
ily life. Tho song of our chlldron
sounds from their lips but docs not
roach our heart, their thanks ami
prayora aro an ompty sound. No birds
sing In tho branches for us; no sound
of tho whole naturo reaches our ear
a feeling of sorrow and despair fills
our heart. It makes no dlfferonco if
our suffering Is duo to an obstlnato
cold or other catlscs.
To glvo our readers a case, the most
convincing becauso taken from tho
circlo of our nearest acquaintances,
wo rofor to Mr. J. J. Kern, who 8Uf
forcd flvo years ago from a dlseaso so
obstlnato that IiIb mind bogan to suf
fer. Mr. Kern was at that tlmo editor
of tho "Nachrlchton and Frolo
Presso." and tho loss of hearing and
tho constant nolso In his ears proved
a great obstaclo In his business. Dr.
Darrln cured him by clovor treatment,
and tho evil has novor roturnod.
Card from C. C. Pratt.
"Mr. Editor. For 20 years prior
to going under Dr. Darrln's treatmont
In Portland, flvo. years ago, I had boon
badly afflicted with catarrh of tho
stomach and bladder. I was terribly
bloated with dropsy and dyspepsia. I
had given up all hopos of rollof, but,
thanks to Dr. Darrln, I was cured of
all tho abovo montlonod diseases, and
I still onjoy tho best of health. I re
sldo at Coos City, six mlios from
Marshflold, Orogon, and will gladly
answor any questions, by lottor or In
person. I heartily recommend Dr.
Darrln. O. C. PRATT.
Dr. Darrln's Place of Business.
Dr. Darrln can be consulted free at
tho Willamette hotel, Salem, until July
Cth. from 10 to 5 o'clock dally; ovon
lugs 7 to 8; Sundays 10 to 3. All cur
ablo chronic dtsoasos, lost manhood,
blood tnlntfl, Btrlcturo, orrors of youth,
catarrh and deafnoss, aro confidential
ly troatod. Cures of privato dlsoasos
guaranteed, nnd novor published In
tho papors, and no euros published
only by permission. Most ensos can
rocolvo homo treatment aftor a visit
to tho doctor's offlco. Inqulrlos aiv
swored and circulars sent free. Bat
torlos and bolts furnished, with full
directions for tholr use. Eyos tostcd
and glassos fitted,
Fresh Today
And ovory day, flno spring lamb and
nice tonder voal and all kinds of
smoked meats and sausagos, at Fend
rich's Market
Reduced Rates via Southern Pacific.
Tho Southern Pacific will make
special ratos to San Francisco on tho
occasion of the convention of tho
Noblos of tho Mystic Shrino, at that
point in June.
Tickets will bo jm salo from Juno
3d to 8th, lncluslvo, nnd will bo avail
able for stop-ovors In California. Full
information rolatlvo to ratos, limits
and othor conditions will bo cheer
fully supplied by all local agents of
the Southern Pacific. 23-eod-td
Voters, Attention I '
For parties having homostoads In
Lincoln county, and dosiring to voto
at tho forthcoming election on Juno
2d, In Toledo or vicinity, tho Corvallls
& Kastoni R. R. Co. have placod on
salo round trip tickets from Albany
and Corvallls to Toledo and Yaqulna.
good golug Saturday, May 31st, and
for return trip on or boforo Wednes
day, Juno 4th, at $2.50 for tho round
trip. To Bocuro these rates partlos
must go in a body May 31st, but can
return separately,
6,a07t Manager.
Proposals for Wood.
Sealed bids for the delivery of 100
cords of large, live body fir and 30
cords of grub oak wood, 3 to 7 inches
lu diameter, for the use of the Oregon
state peultontlary. will be reeelvad at
, the office of the superintendent until 3
!. m.. Tuesday, June 10. 1808, at
which time thoy will be opened.
Delivery of said wood must be made
on or before September 15, 1S02. The
said wood nuwt be sound and of good
Accompanying each bid must be
cash or certified check equal to 10 per
cent of auHHtHt ef hid.
Right U reserved to reject any and
all bids. RMders are Invited to be
lureeent JOBBPH a LHH.
SuiwriHteudent Oregon State Pelteji-
SakNU. Oregon May S, mi. Mg
O .A. & J? o 33L X J .
ftunti vjttlKiftdYNlkMttMMllMfa
New Belts
We've iust received a new
line of swell styles in ladies'
belts. New Moire effects,
velvet and ribbon combina
tions; triple elastic belts etc.
The buckles are daintv, the
prices moderate.
Rub-Drv Bath
The finest bath towel eer
produced. Very absorbent;
J made of imported Egyptian
S cotton; try one.
Hair Pins
Made of fine shell in straight,
curved, and crimpled; can
be bent any shape and stay
in place.
25c a box
Union Title Abstract Company
We are pro pared to furnish you a complete and most corroct
Abatract of your jiroporty in Marion county at very low
charges and without dolay. Our abatract books aro open for
inspection. Any information required in regard to land otc,
will be cheerfully furuiehed free of charge. :: :: :: ::
At 30D Marion street, have just installed a new plant for
cleaning carpets: They take out all the dirt by centrifugal
force without in the least injuring the carpet and where the
texture is soiled the spots are cleaned with dry steam. No
moisture applied. Carpets, taken up, cleaned and replaced
at moderate cost. The finest rugs cleaned without injury,
dolors restored and all germs, moths, etc., effectually re
moved. All carpets etc., called for and delivered.-
300 AUrion Street.
et it
Your Carpet,
Your Linoleum.
Your Shades,
Your Iron Beds,
Your Mirrors,
Your Chairs. '
Your Lounges,
Your Pillows,
Your Many Other Things.
The Hniist Fiirnkhftw Co.
rsCom'lat., next to Poat office.
The great bargain sale at Friedman's, No. 307 Commercial a'
taken hold of the laboring men'a hands
and many of them wearing pants have
quality and nrlr i,i h.m tu! ..
sunstroke, and those who earn their
know where to get their handkerchiefs, at Friedman's. For
strength, Friedman's socks take the walk, for they get stronser ev"7
wear them. Remember the place. . . --
It Only Takes
Two Weeks
To Get
nter national
And when it comes you'll
be pleased with' it. The
style, fit and workmanship
of International clothes wins
the admiration of all swell
$13.50 to
of m
Your Wall Paper,
Your Matting.
Your Curtain Hois
Your Mattress
Your Picture Frames
Your Rockers,
Your Couches.
Your Cushions.
Btoree at Balem and A9"
In the way they are buying ou'
captured our auapendera,
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307 Commercial Street.