THE bAi- JOUMNAu, JALEmi ORfikoN. sAYUhDAV, MAY 31,1902. inn'iTiiiwiWflliiHii iirVi' mifi mvti rtAatVBKlHBMMf For Furniture, Stoves, Gran' iteware, Household and Kitchen Goods Goto J. L. FREELAND Also One Spring Wagon, Cheap We have Two New Steel Acorn Ranges. Will Sell at a Bargain. A good marb'o top wnlnut eldo b ard a bargain. SICK MADE WELL, WEAK MADE STRONG Marvelous Elixir of Life Dis covered by Famous Doctor Scientist That Cures Every! Known Ailment, Catarrh jsa fonmit-illoiml dltean It originate In nruftilous condition ot the blood nml depends on that condition. It often em?os hwidacho and dizziness, :mpilr the tmte, iup1I and hearing, af fects the vwil onmim, disturbs tho stomach. It l Hlmiys radically and permanently curul ly tho blood-purify lug, alterative hihI to. lie nt('o;i of Hood's Sarsaparilla VIM crwt iiu lii Ine 1ms wrought tho most wonderful utrpi f nil diseases depending on --r .foil or tho ocrnfulous hnblt. HOOD'S 1 ILLS arc tlio belt cathartic Wonderful Cures arc Effected That Seem Like Miracles Performed the Secret of Long Life of Olden Times Revived, Salem Social Swim Address to Laborers. Q. Y. Harry, of Portland, state or of tho Oregon Federation ot Labor, and other able speakers, will address the public at Salont at 2 o'clock p. in. on Sunday, June 1st Tho speaking will tako place In Marlon Squaie. weather Is favorablo, other wise In the council chamber at the city hall. Working people are urged to bo proscnt, and the public Is cor dially Invited. o ' Everybody Kats at tho Whlto House restaurant, whero they can got tho very best kind of a meal at a low price. Opou da ami night. yL mf l&ll H 111 1 " li Calendar of Local Events. July 4 Greatest celebration lu Ore gon at Salem. Salem Abstract and Land Co. FRANK V. WATERS. MgT. ESTABLISHED 1880. ONLY COMPLETE SET OF BOOKS IN THE COUN IT. ...ABSTRACTS OF TITLE FURNISHED.., Parties wishing genornl Information iu regard to land or titled in Marfan county will do well to consult us. 259 1'2 Commercial St., Upstairs, Salem, Oregon. ..N?U) Drag Store.. HAVE YOU VISITED IT? DO SOON! It may ba "just another one", but it is different Irotn any of the ordinary kind. Different fittings, different equipment, different methods. Permit us to become acquainted with you ONE THING IS SURE, viz; that while the store is new, you can certainly count on getting a little extra of us each time, for we are working to get customers. After that you will be the best judge of our service. We shall be glad to make your acquaintance over the counter. 1 he Remedy is Ficc to all X ho Send Names and Address. WILLAMETTE HOTEL ARRIVALS. After vearg of natlmit pIiuIv. mul itnlv. Ing into the dusty record of tho past, as ' woll as following modern experiments in! ino renitns oi medical science, L)r Jan es W. Kidd, 3032 "Baltes Ruildlng," Fort Wayne, Ind., makes the ftart ling announcement that he Iibb surely 13. J. Hrannlpk. Portland. (leo. A. Peel, Portland. W. A. Williams. Portland. Mark W. 0111, Portland. C. T. Mumpor, Urpoku. Alex. Rans, San Francisco. 12. C. Solus, San Francisco. James Haley, Omaha. T. a. S. Soeloy, Pendleton. Chns. Muggleton, Janosvlllo, Wis. Ceo. Strachan, Now York. Chns. W. Hums, Snn Francisco. H. V. Gates, Hlllsboro. W. T. Gray, Portland. W. E. Hountrce, San Fianclsco. PERSONALS. 0. K. Pharmacy. O. O. COMPORT, PROF5. 333 Commercial St. NEXT TO DAMON'S GROCERY Salem. Oregon Dr. M. Theresa Schoettle ...OSTEOPATH 'Graduate of American School of Osteopathy at Kirksville, Mo. Offices in Tioga Block, Salem, Oregon. discovered tho elixir of lifo. That he is able with the aid of a mysterious com pound, known only to hiinfelf, Produced ib a result of the years lie lias spent in searching for this precious life-giving boon, to euro any and every diseaeo that is Known to me unman body. 1'hero ia no doubt of llio doctcr's earnestness In making his claim and tho remarkable cures that he ie dally effecting seems to bear lilm out very strengly. His theory ttllicll he advances is Oil,) of rnnann ntiil based on sound experience in n medical practice oi many years, 0 A. Moldun Is In Portland. Tip Humphrey and 0. 11. Hoyt, of Jefferson, were In Salem today. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gunn, of Senttio, are bnlem visitors for a few days. J. Dancy lias roturned to Portland, after a visit with his son, W. H. Dan cy W S. Dunlwny, of Portland, was in Salem Friday evening, returning to day. Louis Wlprtit. of Imlopendonco, spent yesterday In tho city with his miner, m. wiprut. Mrs. S. C. Dyer and Miss Ethel Knight will spend Sunday with Miss Oreta Locincy, In Jefferson. Judge nnd Mrs. T. L. Davidson ro tin nod this morning from an extended islt nt Pnlo Alto. California. Mr. Da vldson says the weather was cold and disagreeable during their stay In Cali fornia. Mis. Davidson rotuniH Im proved In health. Just Look At tho display at Hranson & Rn gan's. Dig, bananas, fresh strawber ries and now vegetables from two counties evory morning. Phono In your orders early. Don't forget llran son & Rngan. o Removes to Sumpter. Rev. Jos. Scholl, of tho Catholic church, formorly at Tillamook and other const points, hns removed from St. l.ouls, this county, to Sumpter, Baker county. o PROHIBITION STATE TICKET. N. A. T. S. H. Hours 8:30 to 11:30 and 1 4 o'clock. to 'aK to try his remarkable "hlixir of Life," as he calls it, for lie sends it free, to any one who is n sufferer, in sulllclent quan tities to ennvinco of its ability to cure, so there Is absolutely no rick to run. Heme oi the cures cited are very remarkablo. and but for reliable wltnestoa would hardly bo credited Tho lame have thrown away crutches and walked about after two or three trlah of tho remedy. ThoBlck, given up by homo doctors, have been restored to thulr fnmilti.R nml friends In perfect health. Rheumatism, i neuralgia, stomach, heart, liver, kidney, blood and skin diseases anil bladder i troubles disappear as by magic, llead- I aches, backaches, nervousness, lovers, consumption, coughs, cold, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis and alt affortionsf Win throat, lungs or any vitarorgans are easily overeomeiu n space of time that is pimply marvelous. Partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, dropsy, tfout, vcofula and piles aru quickly and permanently removed. It purilles tho ontire system, blood and Un dies, restores normal nervo power, cir culation and a state of perfect health is produced at once. To tho doctor all sys tems, are alike and equally affected by thisirreat "Elixir of Life." Send for lie remedy today. It is free to every suf lernr. State wliat you vant to be cured of and thoBiiro remedy for it wi.l be sent you free by return mail. The Great Rock Island Route. Through personally conducted tour ist sleeping cars batwoon Portland and Chicago onco a weolc, nnd botwoon Og- It costs tiotli'niif , (len niul Chicago throu tlmos a weolc, via tho Sconlc lino. Through Standurd sleeping cars dally botwoon Ogdeli and Chicago, via tho Scenic lino. Through Standard sleeping cars dally botwoon Colorado Springs and St. Louis. Through Standard and tourist sleep ing enrs dally botwoon San Francisco and Chicago, vlu Los Angeles and El Paso. Through Standard sleoplng cars and chair ears dally botwoon St. Paul and Chicago, lie miro that your ticket roads vlu tho Groat Hook Island Route. Tho best nnd most ronsonahlo din ing car service. For rutoti, foldors and descriptive lit oraturo wrlto to A. E. COOPER, General Agent, Portland, Or. o The Finest In tho world Is what ovorybody says about tho In end and pastry made b tho Pioneer IJnkory All good house keepers use them Once tiled nlwuys used. F For Govornor. REV. A. J. HUNSAKER, of Yamhill County. For. Secretary of State. DAVIS, of Umatilla County. For Stato Treasure. M'DANIEL, of Multnomah County. For Supt. Public Instruction. W. KELSEY, ot Yamhill County. For Stato Prlntor. W. W. 11R00KS, of Multnomah County For Supremo Judge. C. J. URiailT, of Wasco County. For Attornoy-Gonornl. T. H. GOYNE, of Tillamook County. For Congressman, 1st District. REV. HIRAM GOULD, of Yamhill County. For Congressman, 2d District. it. SPAUliDINO, of Wasco County. Marlon County. Senators, P. L. KENNEDY, of Woodburn F. M .GEORGE, of Salem. Joint Senator. W. P. ELMORE, llrowiiBVllle Representatives. W. L. HICKS, Sllvorton. G. , THOMAS, Salem. CLARK PEMRERTON. Sidney. 0 F. ROUND, Mehama N. SHUPP, Salem. Clerk. I.. It. I.ANDON. Woodbuin. Sheriff. W .A. RICE, of Rosedale. Recorder. 10 GARDNER, North Salem. Treasurer. KODERT RICH), Salem Asossor. 8. U FRABIER. Commlsslonor. D. A. HARRIS, East Salem. Survoyor. C O. REYNOLDS, Salem. Coroner. H. S. JORY, Salem. Tho Kind You Havo Alwnj-s Botifrlif;, nml ivhleh Ima been in uso lor over HO years, has horno tho sigimtnro of . una has been inrulo under lila por- -T2rf.2?,ss BO,,nl8norvlsiru 8nco italnihnoy. '-CV4 AllfWllr nimnrll'nnl,.i ,.. I.. 1.I. -m-w ,w . , v9-K. ua.u ju.ftl&ft villa All Conntcrfolts, Imitations nnd " Just-as-jjood' nro hut Experiments that triflo with an i endanger t!us health oC Infants and Children Exuorl' ico ntjalnst Es.norliuout. What is OASTORIA Castoria Is a, lmrmlo.j Btihstituto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Tlcaflant. It contains neither Opium, JIorphIno nor other Narcotio snhstak-.oo. Its ap;o Is its giiarantue. It destroys Wmns nnd allays Fevorlshness. It euros Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relievos Teething Troubles, euros Constipation and Flntul'jney. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomueh and Dowels, glvii.g healthy and natural sleep. Tho CbJdroii's Paunccttr- jfho Mother's Friend. CEfUINE CASTORJA WAYS Koars tho Signaturo of CLASSIFIED A.A ADVERTISEMENTS Ai.'f en,s' fvc line or less, To this column a month. All our five lines attftesaine rate. WANTED. Wanted,A girl or oldorly woman, able to tako earo of house; family of two. Inqulro Journal offlco. 29-tf Wanted Everybody to try Oregon toot Kaso for all foot allmonto. Pncc tried always used. Ask your druggist or send 25c. S. L, ilayos, Hulsuy, Olo. 5-27tf (z&yfiyuc&M Thb Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC 0NTU OOOMN,, tT MURRAY BTHIST, NtW TOHH OIT. For First Class dressmaking go to Mrs. p. M. Hondorshott, nt 403 Sum mer streak Fourtoon years' expori onco In Portland. Only superior work turned out. G-3-lm Wanted. Curpeta and rugs t;o cloau, by tho now centrifugal process, car pot8 not Injurod and thoroughly ren ovatod at small oxponso. Loavo or durs nt 300 Marlon stroot. Work dnlled for and dollvorad. Grover St IWwards. 'Plione lllaok 25 IG. 2-27-tf It la Settled at Last Uy all who havo trlod It that Dr. Austin Albros hoart tahletH never fall to euro. Try thorn. Snmplo boxoa froo, nt IDC cor ner ot High and Mill street A. S. Kightllnger, ngont. 5-0-lm LOST AND FOUND. Lost. An Irish setter dog. Roturn to 11. S. Hewitt, Salem, for reward. C-30-3t I'ound. Lady's ehllton boa. Journal olllco. Inquire L. .lnjinmxM.v.rtwiimwiieiw I WHITE HOUSE RESTAURANT. 1 fa- m,:JXJttSKOBuKlBSBMamXfrtSV1fSSSZi m uhiCHP.Ari' I'Nniinii ENHVROYAL. PILLS W OrtlrtI iim1 fnt 0Myfw fo, CIIK 111.1 i:it'K NllLlHlI u w 1 1 rHV a t- II l-Vi l Draril.l la Itl.l) I Uul.l R..I.III. Ulll M.1.4 iih bi. ni 'x.k I Mkfl n otkrr Iltni. !ntfrroufcRubiliuil.N. ftitd lmll tUn. H nr lir.tll.t. f M4 4 l .L.. f. lartlrMli.r T.IImiiI.U Hi t'll.ll.t rrl miU,"inlttlirti r Inn llatl. KKIMI1I Tr.tllM.I.I. 1114.. " .11 hl.t..l.r Ufl.l U Meals for biislne'S men, for burners, for worklnumen. for ladles, and families. Honed in beet manner liom good stuck, well cooked and at reason able rales. k. GEORGE BROS., 106;State Street. EmBCBEBmSBn&&BBEBEMEt9&ttE&&mEEB?mSmKmBw cXH3E3ftJGiVliSw jrUB WHHBSniOSBLUHtfsfiVlwbiBU VUBip iLni'MQflBJsMnJ' J. F. GOODE Salem's Greatest House Furnishing- Department Store Charter Oak stoves and ranges by the car load, Fixtures and repairs kept saley by us, Found. On tho hleyclo path botwoon Salem and Urooks, a coat. Inqulro at Fair Grounds storo, and pay for this ad. 6-28-3t Don't You Know Anything about Ed wards' Market? At -110 Stato BtrooL Host placo to buy fresh and curod inenta nt tho lowest prices. Phono 2024. U. Edwards, prop FOR RENT. For Rent nt Once. Modern suburban eoltngo with six ncros. Nearly ono ncro In vogotablos. Will bo let chenp. Inqulro Journal olllco. 29-tf -nMiujrim 'wmu FOR8ALE. Deddlno Plants. Vorliouns, 15c doz; asters, loc do..; cosmos, Boarlet KeranluinH, etc., at Gllllnghnm'u. C-28-tf For 8ale, A light spring wagori. lu UUHo of It. II. Wtwtnoott, (12 Ferry street. G-23-tf. For Sale. New and Boeopd-hand bug gloB, now and nocond-hand Hprlnu wagons, buckboards' and carta, at thu Salem Carriage and Wagon Fac tory. Wornor Fonnoll, proprietor, 30 1 Commercial street 4-10-ti LODGES. Protection Lodge No. 2, Ancient Or der United Workmen, moots ovory Saturday ovonlug In tho Holmnn Hull, cornor of Stnto uud Llborty strootB. Visiting brethren wolcomo. 8. A. McFaddon, M. W. J. A. Sellwood. Rocorder. EjaziflgnTirTorryngmrrTTm WIGGINS IMPLEMENT HOUSB M of all Trad Gasoline Mm This gives you an Idea of tho "Jock of all trades" gatvollne engine that wo nre selling. It Is a product of the Fair banks, Morso & Co.. ono of tho largest manufacturers of gasoline engines in tho world, and Is time tried and rolla- bio. They can be had with tho pump ing attachment as shown here, or without It at $10 less. These engines are In uso all over the valley, and are unquestionably the most economical powor that one can use for any work within their limit. This Is a 1M horse power, and weighs, an shown. SSo pounds. The quaftlou of weight la. highly important, for you laa't get sat Isfactlou out of a light engine that l trying to develop power. This has phosphor bronze boxings Instead of babbett metal, which lattor everyone knows is not as good for gasoline en- WE SELL... McCormick llai vesting Machinery, Russell IingliiHH and Threshers, Stude baker Wagons and Uuggie, Monitor Drills nnd Seeders, SyraciiH and Mo llue PIowb, Ileuecla Rotary Dlo Plows, Hero Fanning Mills, Ohio Knsllage Cut tern and Mowers, Huffalo PltU liar rows, Tribune llleyeles, Standard and White Sewing MachlnoH, Hinder Twine. Harvesting Kxtrnw and Sup plied, Hay Tools of all sorts, Portland Anchor Fence. Gasoline Iinglne nml ever) thing that properly IihIiiiik to a (list dtixH Implement house. Russell Engines and Threshing Machinery The Ohio Ensilage Cutter and Blower glnes. It has platinum poh on the sparker, much more durable than the stoal points found on other. It is the suction feed, instead of the gravity feed, thus giving the engine the bent of gasoline, instead of only the lower heavipr portion. w will be pleas! to sud circular and price to all in quirer. Call ami mm it In use at th store. - FOHESTERa OF AMERICA Court Sherwood Foresters No. 10. Moota Friday nlghta In Turner block, Ira Hamilton U. It.; A. U Drown. Sec. Central Lodno No. 18 K. of P. Caatlo Hall lu Holmau block, cornor Stato and Liberty stroots, Tuosday ot each week nt 7:30 p. lu. Claud TowiiBeud, C. O.; Zodao J. Rlggs, K. of R. and 8. TOrORIAL. Evans' Barber Shop. Only ilrst-clnBa shop on Statu atreoL ISvory tiling new and up-to-dnto. Fluoat poraoluiu baths. Shave, lCc; hair-cut, 26a; baths, 2Cu. Two Urst-olasa boot blacks. C, W. Evans, proprietor. Ryan's Shavlnu Pwlors. Seven flrat class barbers ongaged. Finest bath rooms In city. Wo uso antiseptic sterilizer. J. Ryan, Prop. .19P.AftP. PAJ?yCEJ YERiB. J. Carmlchaul Hop buyer. OUlco lu uush-jire)iuau bulldliig, Salem, Ore gon. Sample of choice hops solic ited from all growora. "' "' II T I 1.1 U- I ll. Ml III. (it In your onl.r fci '.mi' n d iiij'Ili t r uv. 1 i will (all and c.- you. lCx tills line. If )'U hav- an old ciikIiim i t, a- la (u h ii k "il of all thtn tlint jom WHiit to traile h.ihI uv word I Portland Anchor Fence o i xvhSO The e nul-l I.Iov.-r will i. ff. i UhUr from this, and will ! w.-u ntUm th the ou we sold hurt s-a m. All eUrs will bar, the lointh Mower, nmd the discharge pipe will i . . af a lusher Mifiit ou the fr.H cttett 1 mi. niH'liiiii- ha the lrtt eatwity of any m blue on the market, ui in guratd ahMolutuly. Writ for prices CULTIVATORS Stu4Jakr bun U every style BiWe aon. too the bM at the hwt uric cownnurte with goad ajBf. W ha hoice thlaga la aew natty ope bog gles for the sprtag and summer trade. the Karkec Call Umvtte light rigs on raa' tutor. to show good. No Uoubl VT il e-uHlvatOf of all sort either la Umim or towp!- aad aa site ou hA of several of the btst Uutm In Um 1UW. Aas HvHrikv4 aud to-shovl in aay etyl. BUSINESS CARDS. J. M. Dollarhldn 'Dealer aud Coli trac tor. Kxcavutlon a specialty. Teams wanted. Halem Hotel. G-lOlm J. H. Drewer, physician and surgeon. Offloe In Oray block. Rooms 7 and 0. Phone 01, L. Durt Puluter and paper hanger, moved to 110 State street, opposite John Hugh. Leave orders or call for estimate. Cl-tf It ot a trlfli moil Uiai otlo i kinds, bat on w up is iln-in to stay IHiilt of No tt wire knd will sUad the ardent Ufg W Mil the tawps. iu i ht-ls and wlr, jrou Uj the buluilu ('ail aud sm n ur Witt for taulogu. mj . mmmm0m - - - McCormick Mowers, McCormick Rakes, McCormick Binders A Boor fV of lk old rllable cuttlag already midr wigr, ad rahM to bum hi aery that for 70 yrs has stood mui-h nor than distant oar hut tb tt oi ih hardost usage man can ' soli's rarord. give It Our uiowr aud rake trso Is , THE ONLY I'ERPECT DRAW CUT Oa U narhei I found ou the Uv Oormkrh mower Call and s lh polaU for yourswlf Havlt frame widest frauis havlst cutting bar loMgeat pltwau aud tnauy other potuts of suprlo(y. Always glad U jMrW you Kstra for McCormk.', $M ajsw lu stotk Also furalsa trw for O i'iii and WmnIs machinery. Notlao. V wfih to glvo notlau that Mr. W .0. MlmiMgu la tho duly au thorised sxton of tho 'I. O, O, P. lentetery, aud bus sole charge of the same. Purttw having busluee at the cemetery will please oonsult hint. ot Oheiueketa Lodge No 1, 1 u. O. V, I-2J-U 08T80PATHY. oTtTtHyTrirnRWy'olt ami In Uia o Albright. twnt months araduai ot the Awjrlan Hi tiool of ustvopathy. under Dr. A. T HtUl. Hit founder of th bcIm QKnulne ostuupathy boars no rnlatbHt to utaauutu Ullug, -if tnt'"tt thera p'utit ui massage, n4thr can It be taught by mail. Hour 0 to I. Phuuo Maiu mi Odd fellow' Tample, Haloni. OrogoB Dr. M. T. Schoettle Graduate Amerl- . van gebool ot Osteopathy, Klrkn- vrlle, Mo. Office lu Tioga bloah, over the Spa. Olllgo hpur 8j30 10 11. 3o and I to i. " 8-12 O. 1-i. MAUK Successor to Do, J. M. Keene, In Whit Corner. SWlatH, Oro. Partlw doslrlag suparlor operatioila at mod erate fee in any brauoh ar la espwlal request. K . ummmmttjmmim