The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, May 31, 1902, Image 1

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Watch for The Journal's Political
Cartoons In thlo Campaign.
Tonight and tomorrowprob'ab'jo
NO. 121.
Straw Hats
Crash Hats
Nobby rlmpca for dress wenr nnd wldo brlnm fnr Mminrt. u' i.n.n a
greni vanmy oi Biiapes nnu prices lor you to eelect from.
We have
Plenty of
25a wjoi ana
"" comfortable
AT 25c
You're AUssing an Opportunity of Getting Fine
Clothing at Racket Prices
If you fail to pxnmlnoour new Snrino linn. Wp anil ran mnMi liMor
qunlily good for I he money than you tan find nt any "regular store " Your
iiMgnuurB kiiuyv uiu q'lsniy 01
Recant o tl-oy have worn Ibom Nn't it about timo you were trylug a pair?
They'll reduce nii' nhoe bills if you do. Wo'ro proud of our Spring line of
JllAS SUIKI'S. lleniitiea at 50c; finer Rradoa at 60c, 76c, 95e.
Made of flue quality Madras cloth, Die. They're eolng to bo wn thla Sum
mer becaiuo Ihoy're practical. You'd better get a pair. Another largo ship
ment luBt received of RIBBONS. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. Wo un
dersell regular stores from !20 to 30 per cent on thei-o linei. LADIES' AND
nibii o ruiinijiiiiiuj vr ctki ucouiut-uun.
Salm' Ohonpeat One-Prloe Cash atom.
-E."f. BARNES --
The Peoples Choice Gaining Ground Every Hour-Reports from Every County Show That He Will Run Ahead of His
Ticket--Umatilla will Repudiate its own Candidate, and Ar. Furnish will Get a Death Blow in His Own
Home Southern Oregon will Break All Records Eastern Oregon will Give Chamberlain 1500
for a Starter, and He will Win Hands Down. '
,., T II pi- W.UlWM."UL"JW-f
..Grand Opera House...
Wiedemann's Big Show
In a Repertoire of the Latest Successes
Opening Bill, the Four-Act Sensational Comedy
Down in Egyp
5 Five Vaudeville Features Between ET
X Acts X
"Something Doing
99 AH the
Time .
Every lady accompanied by an escort holding one
30c ticket will receive a free admission,
The campaign closos with practical
assurunco that George K. Chamberlain
will bo the next govornor of Oregon.
Prospects are also bright for the elec
tion of other nominees on the state
ticket. The last weok opened with ev
ery roason for strong confidence; It
closed with Increased confldonco. I3x
perlertced politicians are now only de
bating the size of tho majority.
Mr. Chamberlain has nt no time
waged a defensive warfare; his olllclal
record has been blameless, his private
llfo spotloss. No one has dared to ad
vance any charges to tho contrary.
Having no material of thin kind to
throw against the nominee for govor
nor. his opponents have resorted to
misrepresentation, but all such havo
fallen of their own weight.
Ilelow nre authenticated reports
from a number of counties, nil of
which, whilo conservative, Indicate
that a great landslide Is In store next
Clatsop County Close.
(Journal Special Sorvlce.)
Astoria, May 31. Clatsop county
has always been a Republican strong
hold, nnd in national and state elec
tions the party has always counted up
on a majority of from COO to 700 votos,
but this bids fair to be an "off year"
for the g. o. p., and Its majority will
be groutly reduced, If not wiped out
In many Instance. This will bo es
pecially true on tho vote for governor
nnd congressman. P. I. Dunbar, tho
Republican candidate for secretary of
state, being nn Astoria man, will un
doubtedly poll n largo vote, nnd tho
balance of tho Republican state ticket
will probably securo small majorities.
A few wuuks ago Furnish was con
sldered a sure winner, but tho sontl
lnent has greatly changed since then,
! Democratic cnndldato, will got the
united support of ills party, and will
also draw a considerable voto from
those ougngod In the salmon Industry,
on account of Williamson's well-known
antagonism to the fishing interosts.
The opposition to tho Republicans
for tho legislative and county oIHoob
consists of a eltlnons' ticket, conn
prised of candidates from all pnrtlus
A strong fight 1b being made on thui
question of securing statu aid for tlia
preservation of tho flsharlos, and tliol
assessment oi property noiu ny corpora
ntlons at tho same rate at which other
property Is assessed. Tho result Is
that tho Citizens' have good prospects
of electing their nomineo for stato
senator, at least one roprosontntlvo,
and fully half of tho county tlckot. .
Baker for Chamberlain.
Raker City. May 31. Gcorgo E.
ClintntiKitnln will rnrrv IIiIr pnnntv liV
about If.n. MOSE FUCIIS.-
Crook County.
Prineville, Or., May 31. Can snfclyj
count mis. Crook county, for Chamber
lain by a small majority.
W. A. D00TII.
Gilliam County.
Condon. Or., May 29. I bog to say"
that from a careful poll of Gillian'
county, made by me. nt thojtrosont
time I feel snfc In saying that Mr,
Chamberlain will carry the county by
at lenst 60 votos. Very truly youra.
From Klamath. i
Klamath Kails, Or.. May 21). I hnvij
just nnisiied a poll of this county am
figure Republicans will carry It by ;
majoilty. The only dlfforenco on th
state ticket Is that probably Chamber!
lain will get n slight majority, and for
Hepresuntntive tho Kopubllerui 'resid
ing here. R. A. Knunltt, will. Ilkoly
nnd the most consarvatlvo place Pul- Kl 1B0 majoilty nearly all the conn-
ton's mnjorlty at less than 100, nnd M !' will go Domocintla
some even contend that Chnmbor
lain will carry the county.
Tho voto on congressman will be
Hoinowhat divided. Guides, tho Social
ist nomlnco, Is an Astoria mnu, nnd is
certain to receive moro or om of a
complimentary voto, In addition to the
ltepubllenn majority of over GOO, will
fbrenk nbout even on tho governorship,
'or pet Imps give Chnmborlaln n miinll
'majority. Senator ICuykondnll will
probably he defeated by Travis, tho
Democratic nomlnoe, nnd Withers,
Democratic cnndldato for sheriff, Is
sure of reelection. Tho other alliens
will probably go Republican,
Still Another.
1 know this, much, that Republicans
tear that Kurnlsli will loso l.nno coun
ty, while, on tho other hand, Demo
ciats generally claim tho county by
from 100 to 200 for Chnmborlaln. A
promlnontKopubllenn told mo yostor
day that Chamberlnln would carry tho
ceunty: that he would run ahead In
every precinct, and especially In Cot
tage Grove. Eugene nnd Junction City.
The outlook for Chnmberlnln hero Is
exceedingly bright, with chnnces that
he will carry the county by 100.
- Very truly,
Malheur County.
Ontnilo, Or., May 20. I think Cham
berlain will carry Malheur county by
ST. mnjorlty, but It Is dllllcult to securo
any doflnlto figures, on account of the
new Immigration.
I have noticed tho good fight you
have been making for Mr. Chnmbor
lulu, and think It will result In his
election. Knstoin Oregon, I bollovo,
will give Chamberlain nt least 1C00
majority. Your very respectfully.
Umatilla All Right.
Pendleton. May 20. A careful esti
mate of myself and other conservative
men convinces us Unit Geo. 13. Cham
berlain will carry this (Umntllln
county) by nt least 200 mnjorlty, and
If no frnud Is practiced, hy a much
larger mnjorlty. Mr. Furnish has on
trnnged the leading Republicans of tho
county by the innnnor In which ho
Lane by 300. f mnnlpuluted tho primaries nnd con
Kugono. Or., May 30. Chnmhorlulu volition of Umntllln county, nnd has
will have a majority of at leant 30 ) made a largo number of Republicans
over Furnish for govornor. his bitter and uncompromising oppo-
J. I). M'ATI.OOK. nentH, nnd they nre using every honor-
Another ReDOrt. nlile means to tlofont him. The Fur-
............ ...r' . , sorvatlvo ostlmuto It Is safe to say
Eugene. May 31. Tho Indentions nlsli men nro frightened, nnd nro seek- MFt chamberlain's majority will bo
corral. I fear much Illogal voting will
bo attempted and accomplished. With
a fair election, I havo no doubt Uint
this county would give Chnmborlaln a
much larger majority than that Indi
cated above. I am Informed that tho
attempt will bo mado to voto a largo
number of Indians nnd rosldants ot
other states. With n fair olocllon
Hi oio is no doubt that this county Is
safe for Chnmborlaln. Furnish ban no
moral support In thla county.
'Very respectfully,
H. D. 110YD.
I cougintulato you upon tho courso
of your pnpor In so brnvoly nnd boldly
championing tho cnuso of the pooplo.
Hon. T. J. Hnlley, prosecuting nttor
nay, from Pendleton, was a Salem vis
itor today, and ho estimated Uiat tho
least that his county enn glvo Chnm
borlaln for governor Is 200 ovor Fur
nish, npd from that to GOO, or poslbly
moro. Mr. Hnlley Is a thoughtful man
who knows tho conditions up thora
vory Intimately, and, whllo ho Is u
friend nnd nolghbor of Mr. Furnish, ho
can see only doom for bin gubornn
tnrlal ambitions.
Wasco County 100.
. (Jottrnnl Special Sorvlco.)
In Wasco county, so far as tho stato
Tho Dalles, May 31. Tho campaign
tlckot Is concerned, lit now closed, and
ostlmntoH on tho result may bo mado
with some degreo of accuracy.
Tho Republican lenders concede thnt
their former majority of 100 In tho
county will bo materially reduced, and
tho''hlghcBt estimate they plaeo upon
It Is 200, whllo Democrats are confi
dent thnt tho majority will bo entirely
wliod out, and that tho voto of Wasco
county will bo glvou to Chnmberlnln
by a safe majority. Thoy also oxpect
tho voto to be very close on the en
tire tlckot.
Mr. Furnish hold n meeting In Tho
Dalles on Wednesday evening, but It
was disheartening to Republican lend
ers. Tho most radical partisans havo
not a word of prnlso, olthor for tho
mnu or the speech ho rend, whllo luke
warm Republicans oxpross dlHgust.
Tho campaign on tho part or Wasco
county Republicans Iiuh lacked spirit,
whllo tho DomocratH havo boon alert,
nnd left nothing undone to advance
the Interests of their ticket. On a con
servative ostlmuto It Is safe to say
Baking F
The difference of cost between agood
and- a poor baking powder would not
amount for a family's supply to one dol
lar a year. The poor powder would
cause doctors' bills many times this.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is
the most economical in the end, because
it goes further in leavening and insures
perfect, wholesome food.
Used always in making the biscuit
and cake it saves both health and money.
rVUdc from pure, grape cream of.'tartar,
most healthful of fruit acids.
Pmce Bakiho Poworn Co.,
Notii. You cannot, If you value pood
health, afford to uta clionp, low-grade
taking powders. Thoy nre mostly, in
spite of tho pure food Inws, made, from
nliuu, which endangers the liunltlu All
physicians will tell you thut such pow
ders in food are injurious,
. 't,,, ... . .rf .w.w, ... -- . r. . j "-. ...v ....... ,.i,w.,rf , I mi.
support of his party. Rutchor, the nre stiong that l.nno county. wlth'np"K to muster In overy man they cnnlioo
Busy Week In Congress.
Wnshlngton. May 31. Next
Ex-Governor Pennoyer Oead.
Portland. May SI. Ex-Governor Hyl-
aA..l.. M.......... .11 t I I..
,.,. t. ulnnl. of tb. .ml .r th.; '"Zrt mS' & hi"wS
BlEF' iiWii ''tiHjrfHiy
a.r Q1) Art
M V r. i1 m
We have jutt received a bg- involco of
Tlie prices range from (J0c to $1.00.
60c gets a good one
Iron Bed Steads
From $2.75 to $30
Any color; Cresm, Ivory, White, Nile, Brown,
It lack, Mahogany or Green.
""v TT h B B h fc5 M
t"" ST" YHni(iJB I I
They are Here
That Long Delayed
Shipment of
Morris Chairs
Retter than ever, and the pricei r
what you can afford to py. We are the
people wlio made Morrie Chairs cheap. We
are etill at it.
present session of congress. Not only
will the dobato on the PhlUppIno civil
government bill bo brought to a con
clusion, hut a program of action upon
Cuban reciprocity and tho Isthmian ca
nal bills will be marked out. Loaders
of the Senate oxpectod adjournment
nbout Juno 26th. Monday and Tues
Park and Morrison streets, nbout I
o'clock yesterday afternoon. He wns
nlone In his library. In the upper story
or Ills residence, nt the time ot Ills
denth, and was not discovered until
about r, o'clock, when his wife, return
ing from a street enr ride, found him
lying prone on the floor near n sofa,
from which he uppnrently had fullen.
Mrs. Pennoyer immediately sent for
physicians, ami Drs. White, Dickson
dny of next woek will be devoted to
will be taken at J o clocic luosuay. . . , . . . ,
That It will pass Is a foregone conclu
slon. Tho Isthmian canal bill will
tneu be taken up. the donate continu
ing to the end of the week. Tlu Cu
ban reciprocity measure will probnbly
be reported to the Senate Wedneda.
Its future will ho a matter ror a con
feronce. Tollor
sugar men from
noyer had been dead about nn hour.
and It was the opinion that either
heart disease or iiHpHxy had taken
him off. There was every Indication
that hi death was peaceful and pain-It-is
The newt of the governor's denth
nmlL few other hoet!wl" t,om" n" ll "nrlse to thousands
The wS nrJ prepar ' V hl" rr,e,"U '""".ghoul the state.
lug to make a hard fight agalnat any , "' -, . " " " " M' ?
proposed concession to Cuba, but It li-gf.111 r "I )";I""J " ,t
,,t l.laia,l tl.nt fhv rnn .lnlnv tint Mf"1 ,n . J 10 UHH r Lle elailtl. Let
vote very long. In the House the weeK
will be occupied by a consideration of
the anti-anarchy bill. Pacific cable
measure and irrigation bill,
Washington. Muy 31. Colonel Ar
thur Wagner, continuing his testimony
before the Senate Philippine Inquiry
committee, this morning said he knw
no uriiver or more humane soldier than
General Rell, who lasued the recoucen
trato orders In the Philippines. It
the president attend to his own btiHl-
neas, and I will nttend to mine," at
tracted the entire nation. He was the
only governor of Oregon who served
two terms. He wan nominated In 1H80
by the Democratic party and elected
governor by a Iikmi majority, ami was
re-elected In 1SUW hy nil Increased ma
jority. At the clone of his term of of
fice he retired to private life. In I Hit 3
he was the nominee of several imIU-
leal parties In Portland for mayor of
.WMn cUy' an" Wtt" 8,W!ttt,, t0 t,mt of'
vvas wagners opinion inai me couuiic i .i,.,.,. i.a i..i ,,.,.11 ! f.iiuu ,i
of the war was as humane as any war ,
flee, which he held until the cloee of
I lilu ilaillttliitf n tuntiitltihtlnn
ever carried on. He defended the re-' '., " ?( .;
concentrado fwllcy on two grounds, JtX,mLThta dJaU i
duty and right. Duty was to protect , at Uw ,,in "f "'" ,imuu
the people from attack of armed i
hands; right vsaa that which the army Portland. May J1.-1be funeral of
had under the rules of war to with-1 ex-Governor Pennoyer, who died of
hold sustenance from the enemy. The apoplexy last night. Is to be held
burning of villages and town som- j Sunday. Flags are at half-mast to
times wa a military neceeslty. suth ''ay In honor of the venerable states
as the burning of Atlanta by Sherman M"U1
I IfbrSo fraeets I
We Make Awnings for Stores andDwellioS
Kin Kin
A new drink at
Mtr.of the
259 Coa I St, Silta. Orccoa
We do our own
Eiimtaittoa frt.
$1.00 and $1.25
I Sbirt Waists
Open till 12 p. m-
114 State Street.
Slanders Governor Geer Over the Name of a Man WIioq
Does Not Appear to Exist Infamous Falsehood
Sprung at the Last Hour That Will be Resented
by People of All Parties
Thn Orenonlan descenda todav to the lowest dentha of nettv nea- K
nut politics that have characterized Its course throughout the present y
It prlnta In a very conspicuous position a letter from an aliened
resident of Marlon county, or one who claims he resided many years
In Marlon county, charging Geer with having' sought and obtained a
legislative clerkship.
Governor Geer was shown the letter, and denounces It as an In
famous lie.
Examination of the Marlon county tax rolls shows no such name
as Sllno R. Whltcome appears there. The letter was probably written
In the Oregonlan office, and may be kome of the clumsy work of Jack
If this election does not go exactly as Mr. Furnlih's friends would
like to have It In Marion county, they can lay It to the Oregonlan's
course in the treatment of Governor Geer.
He has maintained a guarded silence, under an oppressive fire of
persecution before the Republican convention, and ever since.
He was nerfectly wllllnn to smother his disappointment at not
being renominated, and go to work for the ticket, If ho had been given K
any assurance whatever that It would have been received In a friend 5
ly and sincere spirit.
Out he got assurance of not being treated otherwise than with con- K
tempt, and was plainly told the party had such a large majority In 5
the state that his services were not needed.
Was that good party wisdom, was that consideration for the K
rights of a safe governor, and a successful leader of the party who f
had built up that majority In the state for Republicanism?
Renubllcans oenerally can see what the endorsement of this kind r.
of political management will lead to, and If they want to have any ?
party organization whatever left In Oregon, will rebuke Furnish and 4
Scott, and will give Governor Geer an unanimous vote for United r.
8tates senator. y
Si-eh contemptible methods as this ought to coat Furnish enough
n.p .hi nn votea rlnht here In Marlon county to defeat him. r.
,.r . . --- .
Took Him for a Deer.
wuintH Pass, Or., May 31. Alliurt
Teal was shot In tho northern part of
Josephine county yostordny, by his
brother, William, who mistook him for
a deer He was shot through the
thlgli. me bullet Hiinttarlng the bone.
Ills recovery Is doubtful,
Terrlfflc Storm on the Dljck Sea.
Constantinople, May 31. A torrllllc
storm Bwopt over tho Ulnck Sun Fri
day, and 30 vessels wero wrecked nnd
inn lives lost.
Continued Storms In Texas.
Dallas, Tex., May 31. Tho hoavy
storms- continue, nnd tho Hod rlvor
Hood Ih IncroiiHliig rapidly. Pooplo
nro moving to higher ground. A $80,-
000 hrldgo at Vomon was swept away.
Hall pelted cnttlu to death, and ml air
urops of a great area.
No Aid from Portland.
Portland, May 21. The buulus
men of Portland have (Iran up the at
torupt to raise G0,000 to aid tbe Thaa
der Mountnln road from Wolaar, Ida
ho, ns only 800 could be raised, aad
no chnnco for moro.
Panic Is Over.
, Port do Franco, May 31. Le BoJT
leru Is subsiding greatly, and the pu
le at St. Vincent lu nearly ovor. Mt.
Poloo, though Hinoklng, la no longer
throntonlng. Many bollovo tho worst
Is over. Nearly COO uatlvoa loft Guat
aloupo today,
.aBSBBSBTaVAr eflRH - smim Jwl e.JrVi jy,jj
3-ubge XH8
lly what Hearodnliig Jud us by tho ooutlnuud throtikc of buyers that
i. Jtiduo us by tho values that your friends and neighbor!
Iroiusut our store.
nave pureiineed at our store
Judge us by our prices, that's all wo utile.
Today's Special Offerings
..Are Interesting to All
Pull gunge, guaranteed stslnltef, extra good -in
talc value, nod some stores rell them for fi C
ilCe, Our price, TODAY O.N LY. 2WV
Black Petticoats
Spun gln9 with Ufletn ilk ruflle, aooord- (hrt Q
dinii pliilled, today only ".,.lip4iUO
Luatrnl with uaennllon plaltctl taffata llk (JQ CA
ruflie, tedny only CpJ.Ov
I XCbe bicBf Store 1
Burning Villages and Towns a Mili
tary Neceaalty.
W-akiiMfUin. May 31 -Felipe Iluen
caul no. former secretary of state un
der Agulualdo. who la tu this cntry
to study American Institutions, was a
wltueaa Itefore the House cowmlUee
on Insular affairs today He hoped
that tne United States would give
tils people a Just and liberal gm
eminent, stated that before the boetlll
tie. lu Manila, lu October. 1S9I. the
hi llu! no hd wade eet-ret arrange
ments for an outbreak when Agom-llla
tabled that MiKluley refused to re
ceive him as a representative of Uie
Filipino government. Aguwlllo ad
vised the Filipinos to rebel Agulnaklo
told tnem that Dewey )iad promised
them Uietr free4ow. Agulaaldo being
the people's Idol, Utey trueted him.
but now they know tbey d been de-
Strike Net Off.
Wllkeebarre, Pa,, May II. Preel
deut Mitchell, of Ute MlHewurkere' re
turned UMiay from klti Weetem trip.
He said all Ute present We talk la
wlUtout foutMtaUea That no nmi
Horn tor a settlement of Ot strike are
Mm J O Hall and daughter, ot ML
Tabor are visiting friends In the oily.
Not a Pound Is Delivered by the Teamsters.
fhlfago May SL The situation of
Sale of Men's Wool
uie if niuaiers sinae mia morning is j 4
wrtouN. HUtckyard rejH.rts Indicate ? bWCfl I CrS
Ilvered. Tlie hoteU and reetaurauU . M a VALl-Kl FOIt
have been notlned that If they con
tlnue U patMHilae the parkers their
supply of Ice nud coal will le rut off
Dp to date, however, there has been
u vUileuce
Inaendlary Fire In Portland.
Portlanu. May II The baaket fac-i
tory of A ! Daueon was burnwl thla
morning. loe IKKmi It was of in-
cendlary origin
Remnant Sale
During our Ilaekward .saaan Sale
wolmvecut a great many remnanls
lu all binds of uooda which we will
offer to lay only.
Great Reductions
is mi vAi.ufts rat
l 00
(1 to
Ladies' Bustles
A good quality woren wire buatte
will be given free to orery lady who
nurehaaeil at our regular price, a
shirt waist costing 1. or moro.
There will b lively shipping at the Hi. Store today on aeeount
ol our many sprehil induevmenta to buyers. Come nuy time to
day, there will lie plenty of help to erve you. :; :: :: ::
Parties wishing ire
cream in large quanti'!
Jao mI1 rnttex ttintiau!
I ico tyi'i oarw hiuiij
by seeing
154 SUte St. Pbone 2874.
i mtmeewmami
fl Cf Glass Riddle
Clark's Out OIsm. of wlueb we have the exclusive salo In Halem, la a rlddU.
Its prlee it leaa than tlie uhI, yet none but the expert oould doteot the illghteat
difference In rlHni4 or ftnUn. The same ddleaey and beauty U there, yet at
rantJrinratd tmal'er wit A new shipment w Mat in, winprlilu. a ui.uUItudu ot
eliariniiii; ptee. We wotikl Hiuah like to have you see them.
Barrs Tw-ry StQre
Oer, Hate anj LibMly Sla., 8ln. Laur,,Ln, PrU.
rSfJg" TgraM-aac m-fc. , ' bs