The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, May 19, 1902, Image 3

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venom as ever.
Chosen to Be City Supt; of
Salem Schools.
Mercury and potash
They hide its repulsive fonn, and this serpent disease,
stupefied by these drugs, lies dormant until the effects
have worn off or treatment is discontinued, when it
breaks down the mask and becomes as full of life and
Mercury nnd Potash may dry up the sores and eruptions, but at the same
time nicy anve me poison oacic into the blood and system, where it feeds
upon the tender tissues, membranes and nerves, finally breaking out in
most disgusting sores and even destroying the flesh and boues.
Mercury and Totash cannot accomplish a radical and permanent cure.
They have a palliative but not curative effect upon this treacherous snake
like disease. These drugs produce mercurial Rheumatism, destroy the
teeth and corrode the membranes of the stomach and bowels, causing inflam
mation and dyspepsia, nervousness nnd general derangement of the systei .
S. S. S. is a Specific for Contagious JJlood Poison, and the only antic' .
for the peculiar virus that spreads so quickly throughout the systei. ,
corrupting the blood and infecting every organ and fibre of the body,
M. . M. CIPStrOVS.tlll. SlrnpMt ntwl olimi.mfna
every atom of poison from the blood, it makes a D' W lo(lor- Tll salary of Biipprjii.
thorough and radical cure of the disease, and at tl e ' to"dont was placed at $100 per month,
same time builds up the general health. S. S. . jpayablo annually, and that otllcor will
contains no minerals of nnv kind, hut is n minl nnd tnnph nn tnnnv nlnaano tmo no ...
VeCrb!f rcmed' nnd we offcr S1'0?0 for P.rof to the contrary. ' the custom, but will dovoto more of hin
.?Z?5. n directs th. work of tho
., ... ... ,,.. v.. uuub i.uintm. uuun wi uu acni tree ia nil who
At a regular meeting of tho. boojd
of directors of tho Salem public
schools, Saturday ovonlnR, tho aunu-
al election of city superintendent, prin
cipals and teachers was hold. Prof, L.
It: Trover, of Roseburg, was oloctcd
city superintendent to succeed Prof.
HERE am no pret
tier Bhlrt than
ours. THK NEW
IDEAS in 8prhi?
eliirta are nil hero
vory handsomo.
Wo can safely eny tho prottioet
we over had. Wo havo ninny
exclusivo patterns. If you
want a cheap shirt, yet a good
nno, look at our linos at 50c and
75c. If you want tho boat ehlrt
for tho monoy you evor saw,
look at our $1.00 and $ 1 25 lines.
Any good style, nnd any ptlco
shirt (b here. Shirt satisfaction
is hero nlao that's what you
got In our shirts.
G. W, Johnson & Co.
Clothiers to the People
257 Commercial St-, Salem.
For Sale at a Bargain
The wliole steck: of clotti-
i t- or 1 v o -r ? -Fi i i- i- -i - -f -m or nrr- r e cj
notions, etc, Positively go
ing ou.t of business at 307
Commercial St, For partic
ulars inquire of S. FRIED
MAN on tlie premises
S. C. STONE, M. D.
Stone's Drug Stores
Tho Btoras(two In nunibor)aro located
at No. 235 and 207 Commorclal at.,
and aro well docked with a complete
lino of drugs and modlclnos, toilet
articles, pcrfumory, brushes, etc.,
Has had some 25 years oxperlonco In
tho practice of inedlclno and now
makes no chargo for consultation, ex
amination or proscription.
Summer Normal
The first term of the OnpllAl Summer
Normal begins on Monday May 5, and
continues eight weeks.
Classes will bo formed in all the
branches required for atato and county
For farther information address
J. J. KRAPS, Salem, Ore.
dlw 4-30 lm
I Worth of 80. pound sJeel rails, 50 new locomotives, $
V anrl S haw r nnrfiAC chair mrc rlinfno and W
i cafe cars is the record o'f the ' ,
yj Daring the past year, making it the most modern and up-to-date railroad il
v in thecountrv. Travel over it and enjoy the finest equipment nn earth,
rt 0. 8. CHANE, Gen, Pas Agt.,St. Louis, Mo. Rosa 0. 0L1NK, Iolflc f)
Coast Pat. Agt., Los Angeles, Cal. ft
schools, and giving them his personal
Principals for tho five schools woro
named as follews: East, W. J. Craw
ford j Park, W. M. Smith; Lincoln, L.
H. Baker; North, J. S. Graham; Cen
tral, Mrs. Allco II. Dodd. "With Uio
exception of tho contral schools, whpro
tho principal will recelvo ?C0 par
month, tho principals will recelvo ?70
por month for tho time school ls in
sc bIoii.
Grailo teachers will recelvo $G0 potf
month after tho first year, and are as
Itose E. Moore, Leila Parrlsh, Emma
Kramor, Ermino Dushnell, Ethel Flet
cher, Halllo Thomas, Allena Mellon,
nertha Ketchum, Margaret J. Cospor,
Pearl Applcgate, Anna M. Gordon,
Ella Welsh, Myra 11. Nicholas, Maudo
Myers, Orvlllo Uallau, Dortha Uyrd,
Anna Flschor, Maria D'Arcy, Musa
Gcer, Luella Goodc, Clara G. Scott,
Cora Litchfield, Mary Altkon, Nellie
Starr; Agnes Shophord, N. Adda Hart,
Julia McCulloch, Carrlo Oglo, Ethol
Rlgdon, Mlnctta Magors.
Tho assignment of teachers to
schools will bo mado liy tho city super
intendent An olectlon will bo, hold
Juno 16th, when a director will bo
oloctcd to succeed H. A. Johnson,
present chairman of tho board, who
has sorvod acceptably for olght yoars,
but declines to again bo a candldato.
View of the Advoontca of the Lnrse
Ilouae anil the Small House.
M. Sunnier Perkins writes to The
Poultry Menthly:
"I bollt've In poultry colonization
that Is to Any, ninny small coops and
liouncs scattered over large areas and
occupied by few fowls rather than a
few very largo houses occupied by
many fowls. Better put 1,000 fowls
liito r0 different houses than Into only
two or three larife houses, oveu If tho
latter really contains thvsamo area as
tho former. Wo don't want too many
under tho satno roof. It is the same
case us It Is with tho human habita
tions In congested city qutirtorg, the so
called tenements or rookeries whero
men, women nnd children are so hud
dled together that they arrive ut nei
ther physical nor meutal staudaids of
proper development. So with poultry.
It won't do to crowd them. Thoy uocd
abundant air upaco nnd to bo so sep
arated Into small numburs as to avoid
contagion from dlseaso. The Rinnll Iso
lated houso Is the Ideal plan at nil
.times and especially us summer comos
on foraging mom Is needed and u lib
eral ni mi for eneh.eoiony of birds. Un
der such conditions strong breeding
stock and vigorous laying stock may
bo maintained. It Is very good policy
to have light coops and fencing built
In sections so as to bo taken apart and
put together at will."
Tho editor of Tho Monthly responds
ns follows;
"We publish tho nbovo not beoauso
wo believe It or Indorse It In toto, but
bccaiiRo we wish to give oil sides of
such questions. The colony houso has
Its. place', especially .for breeding stock,
Its greatest-ndviimago being that It al
lows the use of larger ynrds In connec
tion theniwlth than uro possible In
cuwiuatlou with u loug houso cut Into
lomparutlvi'ly narrow pons. Hut for
bouses for laying stock, especially
where hens are kept by tho thousand,
and more especially for wlnlor laying,
theo colony houses count well ulgli be
ing, impracticable.
"TJic assumption lu tho ubovo that
the fowls ure crowded or suffer from
Impure air or disease simply peoause
they aro In largo houses In large num
bers Is cntrlrely wrong. Home of tho
worst cases of overcrowdlug nnd tilth
and disease we lmvoVvor seen or hoard
of were- in small housos. The compari
son betweeu the orowdod city tone
meats and large poultry houses would
have had moro. force u quarter of a
oentury ago. Today some of tha most
sanitary dwellings In tho world arc
Koine of tbeso modern city tanpments
and apartment houses. Tho average
nnnltrvman will ke a largo houso
cleaner than he, w.Ill a tlot of small
hquses.of equal .capacity 'simply be
cause be can do It easier. On the score
1 of economy of material, of tlmo and of
I lalrar the lopg house Is ahead. U Is
cheaper to build and cheaper to care
' for nud keep In repair. It Is less ex
i posed to storms In winter, nnd every-
I thing can bo better kept under the cyo
of 'tho overseer. Le.t soino of the ndvo
cats of colony houses try to care for
1,000 hens each kept In 50 colony
houses In separate yards during some
of our northern winters. Let them
Visit these houses several times dally
to feed.i water nudeenn platforms and
replenish grlt-nud shell boxes and sup
ply new litter and spray the roosts and
gather eggs nnd n few other details,
nud pome one would be looking for all
ot her Job before many weeks had pass
ed. It Is well to havo some colony
houses. Thoy nre good for tho breed
ing stock during spring and summer.
They are good for the young stock
during tlie growing season. But when
It comes to keeping hens by the thou
sands In houses accommodating only
20 each they arc not what are wanted.
The long house Is the only ouc (o ecou
oinlr.o Inbor, allow tho usotof labor sav
ing devices nnd reduce ro.t of care to
tlit minimum '
hie ns a lower grade, but If mixed with
white the lot will bo classed ns Inferior.
Hen nnd goose feathers are treated
tit the same way, each kind by Itself al
ways. It Is usually reckoned that this other-
wisq wnsto product -will pay for half
the picking except In, the ense of Rcnld
ed liens, whin It does not pay to bother
With the fentheis. Dry picked hens
brlpg only 10 cents nt the highest and
generally nqt more than 7 cents.
All, feathers tlnd a ready sale to Job
hcrq and pillow manufacturers.
It Is well to send samples to different
concerns when joti liave them for sate,
and they will make the price according
to quality a they see It. Oftentimes
one firm will give more thnn another
for the same goods. Thomas U. Tay
lor In Farm Poultry.
Poultry Ynril.
Black pools In the barnyard arc poor
watcrlug places for the fowls.
Work Is the main factor In successful
poultry raising. Don't shirk.
A good gamoco?k Is about as good ns
a1 guinea for scaring hawks nud crows
and not so noisy.
The heno that molt early arc the
ones that you should keep, for they will
lay lu winter, when eggs are most In
Now, bewnro of rotten milk nnd
spoiled messes. Soino peoplo seem to
think that fowls belong tq the buzzard
What pnsses far cholera Is often the
result of cxpostiro without shade to the
Inlcnso heat. Brahmas nud Cochins and
all big, heavily feathered fowls arc lia
ble to heat prostration.
If the enrly chickens arc to lay before
cold weather sets lu, they sbonjd be
well cared .for at this season. Give
them plenty of food, plenty of roottl
nud good nlr. Sell off tho old bona be
fore they begin to molt.
tilled with vrnss plots Tii tTic cchtc"r7
The other street run nt right angles.
Allowing Air the maximum, growth of
the city provision Ik made for tlireo
school hu.lldlugs, and In connection
with each H u lnrge public recreation
ground. This feature 1ms especially
loiuinciided Itself to the architects ntid
promoters, since It has been so highly
nppimcd In the large eastern cities.
I here are also u number of small re
serves In the residence district thnt
may be utilized for similar or other
needed purposes. In addition to tho
piovlslous mado for common schools
and u high school, the board of direct
ors also has In mind the establishment
of a technical school for training In
si-lcntlllc nnd skilled trades.
The paramount feature of the whole
plan Is the provision for homes for la
borers. As much If not more attention
has been paid to this phase of tho sub
urb than liny other. It is tho Intention
to make tho homes lu tho Industrial
city the most desirable, convenient and
comfortable. The proposed plan Is to
furnish these homes with light, heat
(uid water from the central power plant
at a nominal cost.
The board of directors named lu tho
prospectus arc well known gentlemen
of tho highest business stnndlug, nnd
not a single one of them would lend hla
t-nnio to n doubtful enterprise. Tho
pint will contain 23 factory sites, all ly
ing along the north side of the grounds.
South of tho factory district will bo
tho residence nnd business part of tho
"What Inducement will your compa
ii m i,u,il mm.
. FOR FMDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY-Tho two great days, tho
two days that makes memornblo prices for tho Chicago Btoro, under
pricing every article no offer for this boIo.
AT 8 1-2C Doublo twill block
Annllno dyed Batcen. Color
guaranteed. Regular price 12o
For this sale 8Je
AT 4C 20 Inch Jaco Btf iriped acritn
vory protty design. Regular
price 8Hc. For this sale 4c
AT 9C Whlto dolled Bwlfs.splen
did value Regular price 12c.
For this sals only Uc
AT 8 1-3C White India Linen.
Fino quality. Regular price
V2iii. For this snloonly. 8c
AT 29c 04 Inch croam tablo
damask, tho greatest tablo linon
that was ovor offered for tho
monoy, will wear liks iron. Reg
ular priccroOc. For this enlo. ,20c
AT 5c Ladies' Swiss ribbed un
tlorvesls. Fancy tritnmnd necks.
Regular prlco 10c. For this
Bii'e only ........... , , Be
AT 12 l-2c-Tttffateon silk. Fln
Ithed porcaHne. 'UcaiitKnl qual
ity. Rfgulsr prico 20o. Fo
this sole !$
the fire ami were burning up beyond
the reach of help. Next morning was
Sunday, nnd Illlynrd's brlgado rushed
n third gorge, adding another spur to
ny offer to factories to locate on your ! tlic "rltlsh captures, and all tho army
grounds?" one of the directors was ' lwan l0 ctw ovcr uo victories which
nHl-c,l I later turned out valueless.
"To iimiilnliln U-..II rnnllnlli..l nn.l I I" nil tllCSO IllOVOmciltS tllO British
-w ,,, . w ,SBB1HM IMIII
New goods arriving daily. Beautiful wash goods and Summer
goods of all kinds now on exhibition, Got our prlcos. It will pay you.
MrFVfW RRflC DrnnrtnAt-c
ill ., v m uawwt a i vwi IwtUlvJ.
X tOUft street. l SfltemOrei?nn
Jr4Jrjz--tArKi.-xjrJM'.j . ... .. . . -!?
i.'r.rt ci itz r.Jgc. fcsf'isa '.do 'ino- ,,,, u ,ripMl ,ilt( itmta t0 , niCt,on, ,
the tall grass had been tired by shells, m-i through the irk oh th hilltop. Then th
nml ilin ltrltlnli In tlinlr annWril lrlint1 Mttr (Ue Ififin, tlwrni trury. tiictwant. from tr-
InnkiMl nt tho wnrin pIou- with nnvv nl. I ,ry crc,c "SJ " k"0- (To-J ielow th
iookhi ni iue warm giow witn cny, , ni- ,,, mountlln ,,,,0 ,Ilva U, g0
though thO rumor Sped along tho lino 'trow ahrapnrl, alrlnci of It dottlnt th cobalt
that some Boors had bceti caught In ' iky uii imll imi miok it a glint hind wcr
1'nriioae la to llnllil n City Where
Workuieu Mny lluxi 1'lriiaunt
Ilouica Near 'l'lu-Ir Hiuiiloriiicnt..
Sloilel rnetorlra l lit Krculi-il.
When Columbias and Hartfords are to be had at such reasonable
prices and on such easy terms, This is an age of progress, Man
ufacturers of the Columbia have kept pace' with it, As a result,
the Columbia of 1902 embodies many improvements and refine
ments that contribute mightily to cycling comfort and pleasure
Be up-to-date and get the benefit of them, Sundries, repairing
wheelsto rent.
r T ?c7crrT .err ivr i
- 9 -T JK. JL -JL Hi ir Vai.,.0 Xta JL X.
New Location --.-'.. . 135 Court St
Tho proposed liidiiHtilal elly for In
dluunpolls Is on u much broader plau
thnn iHgeiieially understood. and tillage
other than iIoIIiiim aro considered In
projecting It. 'I he plan is one of IiuIuh
1 1 In I Improvement, applying to both em
plojers and employed, wiyn The Jour
nal of that city The purpose Is to build
n city where lnlmrliiK men will llnd It
pleasant and prolltuble to live and nt
the Hfune time be chwe to their employ
ment. In coimldciliifi the iiopod on
tirpilse the directors have given labor
the Hiine coiiMhleratliiu as qnpltnl, iwil-
Izlug that upon a harmonious adjust
ment between emplpyer uiuf tiinployee
I (Wis tho Miccetts of the lenture. Ko
prouoiilied Is this HentliniHit that the
dlieetors have made, provision t elating
to uiauufaeiiirerH nud sites that will
prevent nuy filetlon.
A committee will be nppolnlcd to In
vestigate ctuli iippllcnut fjr n site, the
committee to couslst of one lepresentn
the of the lioard of trsilu. ouu of tho
Commerelnl club hihI two of the board
of directors of the Imliwtrliil city.
'this commit tee will aM-vrtalii the uttl
tud of the company to I(h vmploieeH.
tho vondltlous IiiiihishI upon Its work
men, Ihe ismiiwiiaMlkiu aud ronsldern
tlon thy twelve. Its iMltloii lenard
lug organised Islwir. the llimnelal ro
puulblllty of the eoiieern, the charac
ter of work and product manufactured
us well as the (HTroimllty of uIUcoim of
the eoin(Kii).v ami tho oinployws and
the future stability mid pciuiuiipncy '
the cutcrpi Im4 Having iwsmmI upon
thim polutH. ih coiuiiltte will recom
munil or dJmppr)uii,. site being grant
ud to Ihe nHlkaul ity the board of ill
rtKtors Taking tin? precautlpns to sulect
the uiont dHlrablu ehiiw of uiauufue
tillers, tlie iHwrd bnllv lw aueccHS
of th IndiwH-tsI dty will n a great
niwtsuri haw mi Hs(nplUhl Prom
4 tti 12 Hri a" ' ht KTNntiNl free for
faetory Hltc. Ixf'ln UiHiusM raHglnt;
us hlu an SZW All Uibt Iwlng gratis,
the dlrttctotk f-l that they eauuet bo
too HN-ful in luMMtlng who tholr ten
quu shall U- lu onler to attain the
lilt I piirpo of tb plan. Ha tar as
tlit aeliwl (-oMttrtK'tton of th factories
Is coikituhI Hi- iMMnl will clalwiio
iltrv(0iwhlp ttitor Own hh umleratand
Intc tUt 1 hey wMI bv wtdl tuillatel
jhmI UhUHhX. tmtmi, afblHtitlal ami
Ale UutWtUfi sul UH fmiHHMl Into
ckhw iua rn-r. lu eUtft or maisuMc
tiirfrs they o1re arv those whn nre
lntitfM.tMi m Ufluirial i-ltennfiit and
am willing Ua-sJopi i1tii plan of
fjwtory vtiHaiwu. tturb as (1111111-;
riWMi. but h. f lory, lauodry and utb
r ulpineui fmiiMl 10 Imk prtiHtHlibt IU
Instltutloas witt-rr torb urrafiKits
bar bwn ul- TU featurt-s are
Mat cvtupmUon ''Nt H la the leir U
lAtrMl nwNi ' ! to rtoKi)Ut Uit
Itytoailr wMi.iwi mtemwi ry fur the
mUk a4 'iir 1 1 of iltr viuptoytaat.
In t&Muji. Ui- rtklnv jNirt of 1)m
laburi as aiucb r- lts two Imh as
lu u bualiie uul luiluvtrtftj JttrkU.
Thr? uial.i i mwiv from what
la to b the I utral MlU bUIUeW pUlt f
.nr IiitM; s'rwOi r to b ueau
. -
substantial manufacturing cpmpnnleH
wo w III offer f reu fnctqry sites, the best
of shipping facilities ntid cheap heat,
light nnd power, with n cash bonus
where It Is deemed advisable. This
will bring the factories to us with a
rush, Koine old established companies
that havo outgrown their present loca
tions or tiro unfavorably situated aro
already making Inquiries, and new en
terprises, now being organized ure also
looking jn this direction."
John I. GiltlHhs, who Is ono of tho
most active of the citizens pushing the
matter, states that they hnS'o received
already numerous letters of Inquiry
from large manufacturers In different
parts of the country, some of them em
ploying ns uiauy as (M) men each, ask
ing for sites in tho proposed suburb.
Dip llUtiMfr Oiil)' nn Iucliteiit In a
WruU of FIkIiIIiik A lrnrrnl Hiiro
(iielo Por '1'lioan on the Oatalde.
Tlir I Irrar Hurra.
Copyrifhl, 1U01, bf 0, U Kllmtr.
not, ns many
suppose, begin
and end with
tho catastro
phe upon the
lop Itself, snys
ono who was
Iherp. Tho no
tual lighting,
Ihe "rush and
hold" which
distinguish a
battle from a
untie engage
ment, begun on
Hnttirihty, Jan.
L'O, and ended when the troops dragged
their exhausted limbs back over tho
Tugeln pontoon again lu the dawn of
Katuiday, Jan. -7. Between those two
dates tho fighting was uninterrupted
and dogged, mid It Is of those sovuti
days of strain, with thousand charg
ing, tiring, dying, along the crest of the
mnuntnlim, that one who was present
will think when lie hears the battle of
Hplnn Ivop mentioned lu after days.
Buller's tlrst march from the Tugela
toward Ladysmltli seemed to boa cleau
sweep of Boers front his truck. Finally
tho British eamn In front of u rank of
mountain spur flcpntntod by dark
gorgos, The fluid was In form of a cres
cent, with Splou kup at one horn. Bark
of till this, on high ground, lay the main
,Bour position. The crest line of tho
Cldgo the uoers held with a few men
nud mndo no show of resistance, when
the British rushed them. This enabled
llullur totsond home dlsm)cli0M of his
marvelous victories lu driving tho
Boors fiom key positions one after a'lir
.(Jyucrnl Hart's brigade rushed tvo
gorges on Hattirday, tliw L'Olh, but when
his men were hurled forward of thu
ci out lluo upon the open ground lead
ing back to tho Boer defenses on the
distant ridge tho wily burghers showed
that thy were not asloep, neither (ly
ing bvfoiu Buller's army. Grunt guns
and Milliners begun to volley bullets
and shrapnel, nml tho British rested
thai night with sore kuueklra and shins,
thankful that they still held thu crest
held their breath, gripped their wea
pons for death struggles, used up their
nervo nnd vigor lighting men of straw,
nil with tremendous show of energy
nnd valor. The Boers plnycd a good
game. They let no chance slip to rnko
the British advancing Hues with shrap
nel and often mowed down tho ranks
lu heaps, llenlly tho British died count
less deaths In Imagination.
A lull followed one terrible outburst
of Boer lire ;mured Into some of tho
Queen's nud Yorkshire regiments who
tried to rush over the linked tlat.
"It was ol tliort duration." mj- tlic menjrmout
writer nhose lorj' In lllickwooj' Ii th bull ol
llil arrount, "in J broken Into by th first
hot ot ill tU,Y continual sniping nnd totlty
flrinir. All ilouff ih rWm nn the iltidr roll ot
flrv, from Iwhlrul low tanner, 1IR bowliferi, from
little dcprpiilotH, lorncllmMiIylnif awiy In portion!
ol Ihe line, onietlinea redxilillnf In Intensity
thruuvliout Itilfiigtlm Ifbyodininon linpiilie. Now
nil (hen a romptny would top tlie orcheitr vrllh
rhytlimlc voile), while thoiiHnd of (ire lincei
nn llher aide tlatd tlitlr handi tor moment
ft to lliten) then the lndcmlcnt Urine would re
eornroener. rifle br rifle, until th rhvthm
tolUy waa Urdwntii in tlie tn-rntnuoua tattle)
thru two or three Mailma would chime In, ami
the whole ridge reaounded from end to end, peak
culling- lo peak, ravin to ratine.
"It waa lo tlili era ild ns accompaniment of mm
kttry that the wrllrr'a battalion moted foiward
late In the afternoon lo rtllcv regiment UHn
the ctnt line. A ilicll or two wide ot th mark
and a sprinkling of bullctt dropping alrnott xr
pendlrulatly were all tho notice taktn of our un
arm but doublle alirnalcd advance. Kvenlng
waa Juit falling when wo entered the deep gorge,
I the lop of width lay the battalion we bad
roino to rcrtivr. It wtl a curlout and deprrulng
aptctarle. Iinngln huge bailo of blacklili
brown earlhtnware with aldta ao alecp that your
reck Ii itralued aa )ou look up tram your miI
Hon at the bottom, from th encircling rim art
darting Innumerable ipurti of flam looking al.
iriott icarltt agalnil th darkening iky. Thea
re from th rlttea of men clinging Ilk (Ilea to
Ihe rmt line. All around a casual 'whit, wliltl'
more fell I hln heard, is Ihe llauur bullele whisk
down t th end nf their flight and plop Into th
oil earlli or alrlha Willi a crisp split upon
bowlder. Tbero arc not very many of them now.
for Ihe lloera are eating olt after a hard Avj, and
we aro acndlng thrm ten Lee tlctlord'a for on
Mauser acrou the plateau.
'Th relief I soon effected, W climb th
atony will. Th released battalion aturnblea
wearily past ua and disappear In Ihe gloom be
hind to Ua well earned reit, all tav on of Iti
otntcr, who refuses to go until Ii haa found
oine of hla dead lying out on the plateau. If
liokra about In th darkne In front of us, Onda
th horror h fa looking for and on hla return
Joint u In a hasty candlelight dinner with as
much uneonctm ai If It had been out mushroom
During the night tho Boers planted
some guns to rake tho gorge and show
ered tho British with small shot nil day
the 22d. There wan not an Instant's
cessation of tire, not nu Inch of ground
gained nor nn Inch lost. Another night
the counterpart of that of the 22(1, hrti
ken by tho tame fusillade nt dawn, and
another day under ceaseless rain nf
Iron, nud tho battalion was ordered
back for n night's rest, then, early on
tho S J (Ii. was vent forward to support
the attack on Kplun kop, Hplon kprt
had been seized In the night.
"Aa we started tow.jd the fatal kop all waa
quiet un Hi summit. Tit atormtrs, hating wun
h hill after a brief aouffl with a aurprlted pick
et, were busy rearranging (he eonfualoti tf a nlitht
dvanc and piling up aangara with th tew leos
slyoe available. Th enemy, very much diaoon
rerttd far th moment, wcr quarreling In ka
Ufigreund aa to ttxjr neat wr. Only a few
Urd eptril lay n the far 1 ot the rWg will.
Si lr 'wueUi.g to turn Dp.' Over all lay a
feiuv iuUI and g ntrtet wMeli wat eurtouily eon
traatwl with Ik faroA volleya from th spur and
..fM of our left altaik Then th tun roa and
Viujtug anuwball into th air, nhll the mob of
liny figure awijed and shook, disintegrated and
reforuml Into prka In a manner terrible to ae to
ine who knona Vvhat the lash of ishrapnel la like.
Ni w a trio of ihclti would burst at the rear
tnd ot the mob, which appeared to surge forward
I little, reducing (he depth of th target) then
mother placed with diabolical skill in idvanc of
dm nl, Th men In rear edged still farther
forward until a solid maw of humanity stood re
lieved upon the sky line. Quick aa a flash th
who!' Uer battery waa upon them. Ilangl Dangt
Jiang! lUngt V stormSoi ' pVoJitttlca lore Into
Ihe black lump which broke Into agitated patches,
some edging forward, some back, softie disappear
ing altrfgelhcr it Ihe men composing them felt
below our line of vision. Again the asm per
torinaner shelta behind, mor forward, herding
their victim on to the alaughter ground tor th
coup de grac of that appalling salvo. Bplendid
gunnery, but a frightful spectacle in all Ita all
houettcd clflmc'sa up ther on the isorbacked
ridge, visible to the angry, pitting eyea of th
whole army.
"Meanwhile our artillery and big naval ord
nance biased tnd thundered their beat and hard
est, at first methodically, with calculation and
mtteh confabulation, and tirellng of telescopes,
then linpatle'hll, then wildly asul'despalrlngly.
Will those lloer nun's neveriitopl Vou may tak
It on tl word of a gunner that each ot them
Ins been hit at least all times, but stilt th
booming from, heaven know wber ind th balta
of amok mer the summit ot Bpton kop. Even
the pompons, whose lain must be lea hard to
locate, add their stream of shells without let or
hindrance to the avalanche falling upon th un
fortunate rrWn'of VVoodgaje't brigade, th storm
era of yeaterday, the sufferer of today. Then th
mist and the night came down together, th firing
teased, and Ihe weary thousand! below In th
gorge and on th Mighty encarpmtnti slept not a
wink (or tear ot what might befall the atrtcktn
hundred! on th kup,"
That night tho hill was. evacuated
and the day passed In burying tho
dead. Toward evening orders came to
retreat to tho pontoons across tho Tu
gela. Tho lnlghty caihpalgii to Lady
smith was a lizzie. Hardly woro the
orders Issued when It began to rain, n
cold, pitiless, liicenxitnt downpour,
which soaked tho thin khnkl In flvo
minutes. Tho battalion of the Black
wood contributor covered tho retreat.
"VVItat a mttth that wiaNh wrltea, "back
over a itony eiulgmlre down to th pontoon. Tin
mini was iltpry a Ice and inkle deep. Kvery
tecend cafne tha flatter Of a fallllg man or strug
gling horse, strry second ,' ihrk n th ilow
moving column. Her and there a stifled cry
would tell ef a sprained inkle, and a form would
be carried out from the midst of Ihe pres t
m mW fled blofe It Wheel th list filmy tclt
a.1 JfMppeared. unei eoultl s h ettwdrU tg
tir lef Hw llillisli furor Ilk Mill blaik marl
MtMl agalrwt tU light Idu iky, and IwW thlek
h. y aptwrdt
"Sunly Ike luwwlt must lm very narrow If but
u brlga.l mist liuJH together In till mismer,
I mark swli it irtllleoiuen dream of, but Mklen
atM tu S4. Th hor arlllUrlMi i4 ihfin al.
IHxt aa s.jii aa we do A loi front Ibis high
iruuntl wiiUli nh Hi thf ttwifttfui f a T av4
Ii . II.., , I )h k a. Iwfl fl weHlV IHHik In. lb
rifi! Dime ronu ov A hobabmam loouxd
VV." '
await th arrival oL.retchr. Every hundred
yard or ia th dug fm of bertcman loomed
up, rntlnle ai a ititue,. cloaked and dripping,
Tii wir th moUntad rnert distributed along
th traek to mark It eours. About 4 a. in. th
Nlh, Just a dawn brakt over th iwollen, dismal
Tugsla, th brIJg wn reach!, and ai tha but
battalion tramped over tbt'wofnout plank which
ewajred sikly btwsth th moVtng weight a atn
gU slisll ar)( itt4tlj from It enemy' potltloa
way bk In tl. wist and fell with a aplia lota
th water aliiugtld."
It was like tho full stop at tho end ot
a chapter, a chapter of falluro and sor
row unrelieved nuvo. by tha ceaseless
horolsm of tho dead nnd tiring whose
duty It bad been to write It.
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