''TTBIfvviflf ssa n THC J An. JOURNAi., SALEto, OREUON. FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1902, REGISTRY ROLLS CLOSED Butyoters Can Vote on Free holder's Certificate. Tho total registration in Mnrlon county, wheri the books closed, jiot In eluding tho registration made Thurs day by notaries public throughout tho county, was 5763, as against a total registration of C405 for 1900, leaving a deficiency of 652. County Clerk JEIalt estlmntcs that registration by blanks yesterday will not exceed 300, leaving a shortage in the total registration of the county, ns compared with 1900, of about 350 voters. This does not In clude any estimate of Influx of popula tion in the county during the past two years, which is placed at 400 voters. There arc probably 750 voters In tho county who have not registered at all. Clerk Hall says the shortage in regis tration exists principally In rural dis tricts, the lists of names enrolled from the towns In tho largo majority of In stances equalling or surpassing tho registration of two years ago. Cleric Hall attributes the falling off in regis tration partly to the Ignorance of a class of voters, but largely to the in difference of voters generally, The registration in the ton Salem precincts Is practically the same this year as for 1900. Tho total number of voters registering this year in tho Salem pre cincts was 2272, as against 2341 for two years ago, or a difference of only C9 votes. Tho exact figures of tho registration will bo available within a few days, when tho registration blanks from throughout tho county nro deliv ered at tho county clerk's office. W. S. Nccdhnm, of North Salem, was tho last man to register. Mr. Need ham was In tho net of registering when tho town clock announced C o'ulook. o Conference . At Canjby " Tho Orogon conforonco of tho Evnn gelicnl Association will convene this year at Canby, Or., on tho 22d of this month, and tho preparatory meeting will begin on Tuesday proceeding. Dlshop S. C. Droyfogol, D. D of Read ing, Pa., will prosido. With this con foronco Bosslon tho pnstorato of llov. N. Shupp will close, on account of time limit. Tho eloquent bishop will mako a preaching tour throughout tho vnlloy and tho Sound country. Ho will preach nt tho Chomokotn-stroot Evan gelicnl church, Seventeenth and Clio mekota streets, on Tuesday evening, Mny 27th. Bishop Dreyfogol is a pro found thinker, a theologian and pulpit orator. Tho packed house, on his visit a year ago, at the samo church, will never forget his stirring sermon, and will bo delighted to hear him again. Rov. P. Conklln, of Flndlay, Ohio, a promlnont mombor of tho Ohio confor onco, Evangollcal Association, and old churchman and co-laboror of Rov. N. Shupp, has como to tho coast to take work In the Orogon conforonco. Ho Is visiting and proachlng In Portland, Or. Ho will bo tho guost of Mr. and Mrs. Rov. N. Shupp on Saturday and Sunday, and will occupy tho pulpit of tho Sovontoonth and Chomokota-stroet Evangelical church both morning and evening. Relics .of the Wreck W. I). Fenton and W. A. Orondahl, attorney nnd chief onglneor, respec tively, for the Southern Pacific Com pany, wora In Salem Thursday after noon, and made a survey and plat of tho scone of the ovarland train trostlo wrock In this city on December 7th, last, when Englnoor Whlto and Flro man Fish were killed. The Informa tion will bo used in the company's de fenso In the court whore damage suits are pending against tho company by the relatjvos of tho deceased men. Builders and Contractors Notice Roche Harbor Lime Roehe Harbor Lime GIANT CEMENT A' GIANT CEMENT AND ALL OTHER LEADING BRANDS. Our warehouses are overflowing with! these Dopular brands of lime and cement and cheaper tbaji, ever. These goods are all ! fresh from the kilns and cement is of latest importation. As'reeards lime there t r t rr cnoice; ir any ainerence u is naroor ana san Juan lime is, oemg u?ea in ronmnu anu eisewnere in immense quan- ( tities. Trv it and be convinced. Also a full line of buildiner material. BRICK.! SHINGLES, sawed and cut, HAIR, PLASTER. SAND. POSTS. FIRE CLAY and FIRE BRICK, SEWER and CHIMNEY PJf E. Respectfully. CAPITAL 1MPRQVBMBNT CO. Qfllce Phone 301, Res. 1991. 319 Fxont St. Salem. Ore. &&20&tGS yiM- ' uj i i i .i .... ..ii.i Salem Federated Labor Union At a regular meeting In tho Turner building Thursday evening the Salem Federal Labor Union Initiated about 30 now m.embors, increasing tho mem bership of that organj?:ntlon to over 100. Tho movemont townrila affecting an organization of tho laboring Inter ests In this community Is receiving sub stnnttnl encouragement, and at tho rate separate unions nro being formed, it will be but a short time until Sa lem will be n thoioughiy organized union town. A $7000 Brick Block M. Kllngcr has awarded to Welch &; Mourcr, of this city, tho contract for the construction of his new business block on Stato strqet, bids for which wore opened Thursday- afternoon. Tho building will be a two-story, throo-store-room brlqk nnd whllo the con tract prlco was not divulged, It is known the Btructuro will cost approxi mately $7000. Within n few years the accuracy In the production of both flat and round surfaces has so Increased that the speed of engines has been multiplied by three. With the nccurate bearings of tho present tho tripled sneed elves less trouble from heating than did! tho slow speed. of former years. ' TRAINMEN EXCURSION MAY 25 $2.00. for a Round Trip Up the Columbia The Association of Railway Train mon have an excursion pfnnnod from Salem and valloy points to Tho Dallas, Sunday. May 26th. Tho oxcurslon from Solum to The Dalles is by tho Order of Railway 1 Trainmen, May 26th. It will bo a J grand affair, with a $600 program of outertainmonts at tho city at tho falls I of the Columbia. I Tho gontlomon in chargo of It nro practical railroad men, and good on ' tertalners. Round trip tlckots aro only J 2.00 and for sale at Waters' ci & is no difference either in quality or weight. Take vouri t t C 1..-. .t ll T- miavor 01 pan juan wnicn k LOTS OF LAWSUITS BEGUN Will make Business for the Lawyers. Tho state of Orogon hns begun throe mldltlonal suits for Insuranco money on account ot tho reform school fire. The uctlons woro begun Thursday af ternoon against tho following named cempnntes: Aetna Insuranco Com-, pany, Sun Insuranco Company nnd Tho Llvorpool nnd.London and Globe Com pany. Each company carried an In surance policy on tho building for &2000, and Judgment Is asked against each for $1964, that sum bolng tho nmount pro rata that Is alleged to bo dud tho stato for the damagos result ing from tho flro at that Institution )ast Novombcr. Attorney-General D. R. N. Blackburn, District Attorney,.!. N; Hart and G. G. Bingham appear for tho stato In tho ponding litigation. Tho Insurance companies arc represented by Kaiser & SJator. Boston Is a shade moro foreign thnn Chicago. It has 35.1 per cont. of for eign born, while Chicago has only 3I.G per cont. But Now York Is moro for olgn thnn either. Tho percentngo of foreign born Is 37 per cent. These threo run a closo race for tho lead. San Francisco comes In with 31.2 per cent. gar store, Patton Bros book storo unit J tho S. P. depot. Buy your sents oarly, uh only a limited number can bo ac commodated. Bosldos the wonderful scenery nt tho dallos of tho Columbia, there will bo a balloon asconslon and parachuto Jump by Prof. Mlllor, Prof. Mldgloy and his blko riding on tho high wire, nnd plenty of good music, o Mother Gray Sweet Powders. For children. Mothor Gray, for years a nurso in tho Children's Home in Now York, treated children successful ly with a romody, now proparod and placed in tho drug storos, cnlled Moth or Gray's Sweot Powders for Children. They are harmless as milk, pleasant to tako and novor all. A cortaln euro for feverlshnoss, constlpjation, head ache, toothing and stomach disorders and romove worms. At all druggists, 25c. Samplo FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. 4 o I Mr R. K Bondurant, of Portland, is In Salem on a business trip. He leave for the South this evening. 33(i! Sm Juan Lime San. Juan Lime I li 1 fi 1 I equai in quamy o isucnei GRAVEL, LATH, CEDAR! sli?55"- 'it Arid Land . Contract Tho Stato LnrTlt Board on Thursday I afternoon cjqsod a' contract with tho, orogon jjcveiqpmom company, oi Portland, for tho reclamation of a tract uf arid laud consisting of 69,000 ncros In Crook county. Tho contract Is mndo undor tho Carey act, and em bodies the Bnmo essential torms that wero contained In tho ngroomont ro contly mndo with tho Portlnnd Do volopmqut Company for tho reclama tion of n tract of slmllnr land. Tho" ap plication ot tho Pilot Butto Develop ment Company for tho reclamation ot about 78,000 ncros In Harney vnlloy, Is undor consideration by tho board, nnd tho contract will soon bo execut ed. Tho proposals from numerous oth er Incorporated concorns nro on fllo, and will be acted upon, by tho bpnrd soon. Salem Dlrd Study Club. Tho rogulnr weekly mooting of this growing society will be held In Unity church this. Friday ovenlng, and all porsonB Interested In tho subject, whothor mombors or not, nro invited to bo prosont. Tho subject for discus sion Is "Audubon' Warbler," a nntlvo bird of tho Northwost, If not of Oro gon. Somo specimens of this wonder ful little bird will up Hhown from tho excellent collection of Wni. Wnrnor, who hns boon giving somo very Inter esting talks about birds at the previous meetings. One of tho Interesting fea tures of tho sessions is tho fact that they are quite Informal, and that upon roll call every one present Is asked to OREGON "Here Gepnrc, here's the chair. I knoyy you and I don't know the.othef, fellow.""' "'"'' '' Portland Journal. state homo nxpoilnnco of the pnst wooll wtlh birds. This Includes the children, nnd bilugs out many unlquu, as well as lnstructivo points. 'The habits of tho birds and tholr usefulness Is fully dlncuMied, thus giving all pros ont a practical knowlodgo of tho bird frlonds with whom thoy niu dnlly sur rounded. A r?OER WAR SONG. I.ntrt I r nt Out? of Secretary llny' I'iichis. Ono of the pooms which Secretary Hny wrote In the dnys when ho hold such humble rank tlmt he could afford to Kitttlfy his tsto for writing verses has been triinehitod Into Dutch, and .1... ft,...... ...in I lit tint rIVn tictvnnl U'fir as a iwtrlotlc sopg. Tho pong in quos- tloii was written durjng the civil wur lu honor of tho Union volunteers and Is entitled "Whan the Roys Como Home." One of the secretary's iicijimlntniico remarked tho othor riny tlmt the people In coiiKieM himI elsowhert who nro uccuhJiik Mr. Hay or not affording milll dent facilities for the rurnlnliliig of ro ller to the IWmt prisoner ought to be inollluml when this fact become known, "tor." mM ho. "Hay hits fur nished the IUhth a good war boiik. and that has houmUhim buen known to be n better thing for an army to lune even than fMMl."-Nuw Vork TIuhm. To C'rlln. (With aKlKt" 10 lb wUe f tln Jon ton. ling ie m anlr wtth tM nw. A4 I wUI ! wHk mlM. W ivalti u wl ih ehaltwiiw mtf It iin wim pom; mmiWm. Tli ti a Mr ul lOi rU It doubikuM Hmh In (Mm; I'll ( lh rote ot Him mh If itaMi'M Um itomnHwm Htln. -WtAInatr HamMI rj il II of) Mi In raliltiva. Tli t'rnao for bulkllug ohl roouw tiwt ! lutirwaluic blaturlciil hmmmtIh tloiu in IIm- wr ml(HM of Ihr twenti eth tvuiury JllUi In In dtnr of Im-Iuic ourrtitM Ur th nrwlr rtch niiu er ttliw niMiMi (9 nM.'t wliUIn lU iwr'or. on IU IfftH nrmie lilghUiwlM, tbf iJniiltMl k cabin lii whkii he wan born m) tb X-w Yurie I'r. Mny ti b.n lb microbe with It! .Srl I r l'r C"r. TIm- Bvtt( mm to which clay has tu put i that of mUMi vioUm hih) raoUMlluM, myu (! (ivtrolt Nvwi-Trit). una. It la mid that ttwir (Man are nofu rr nud www mUnUttm tkaa tboe made of oud aod tbat ihy paasoM the ad tauraaw f not beinj; ntfeetwl by U10 weather. Tbey ure uade at the earth sows re factory of 8renwlti. A Male Woman. St. Louis, Mny 15. After traveling about tho country for four years In malo attlro, Lizzie, alias "Jim" WIsloy, a woman tramp, was arrested In East St. Louis yostorday aftornoon. Ac cording to tho woman's story bIio has travoled considerably walking and riding on frolght trains. All during this time her box was novor suspected, nnd sho (lid a man's work, and saved her earnings, which sho deposited in a bank In Bridge port, Conn. "Jim" snys sho Is going to her fath er's homo In Coultorvlllo, III., to pay oft" a moitgngo which Is about to bo foreclosed on tho place. Tho woman Bays sho started out ns a commercial tiavolor. Feminine ap parel seemed to mllltnto against hor success. Then sho donned malo at tire and mndo money nt less preten tious employment, o Thoro Is moro catnrrn m this sec tion of tho country thnn nil othor dls easos put togothor, and until tho last fow years It was Bupposeu to Up Incur able. For n great many yeara doctors pronounced It a local dlsoaso, and pro scribed local remedies and by con stantly fnlllng to euro with local treat ment pronounced It Incurable. Sclcnco hns proven catarrh to bo a constitu tional disease, nnd thoreforo rcqulros constitutional treatmont. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is tho only constitutional euro on tho mar ket. It Is taken Intcrnnlly In doses from 10 drops to a tcaspoonful. It acts directly on tho blood nnd mu cous surfaces of tho system. Thoy offer ono hundred dollars for any enso it falls to euro. Send for circu lars and testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 76c. Hall's Family Pills aro tho boat. Tho 2500 Inmates of tho NowYork almshouse lost year woro fed at n por capita of about 10 contH n day. Thoso persons lived on hrond and coffeo for breakfast, bread and stow for dinner, and bread and1 tea for supper, without sugar, butter or vegetables. Market Quotations tions TodayX 4 Home Market" X o "Make 5letn a Cool Hop Market. Hopa lCc jvflry eenrco Lhurnnol. Dec. 5. I Ions nt lxmdon PncillcOonBtletendyndvnncliiKH'JcGtSea Flour. Flcut-2 7Bbb. Potatoes Apples, etc. Tot nt 008570 Onlone, f 1.75 to f 2 25 por 100 Ibn. Dried FrulH Drlod npploB G7c. linllnn tirunoa IUa to 60s IIJu to Vi l'otlto rrnnua 40a to 50a. 3 (ftlc. Wood. Fence I'osts, Etc, lilt; Mr 13 50. Becond Rrowllt $:i.00. Ash 13.60. Ilody oak-l.00. Polo onk H.OO. Cednr poale 0 to 10o,. Etca and Poultry. Kukb 13c Hides. Pclliandrurt Qrcon hlclca, No. 1 7c Grcon hides, No. 2 5c. (Jnlfeklna 105c. Bhoop 75c. Goat8kliiB-26ctotl.OC. Gray for 26 to 50o. Coon 10 to 40c. Mink 25o to $1.25. Ottor-II to 5. t-kunk-10to26c. Mnekrnt 1 to 6c. Wlidfnt-10to25c. Wheat. Oats, Kile. Whunt -65c. Oate :Wo Hftrloy 111) por ton. Klux-Caeh, NortliwoM, fl.70. Live Stock Market. Bteora-lIKc Cowb 3jlo. Hheop-a.50Kroa tof 1,(0 DroBaod veal OWc HoKB.nllvo biio Hokb, droBowl nX Wool and Mohair. Coareo wool 12c. Medium 13c. Flno 13c. Mohnlr 24Kc llay, Feed, Etc. Haled cliont-f7.50 to H. 0lover-7.00. Feed barluy 111) per ton Hrnn-flH60 8hort-'J0 60. Flour, whohwalo f2.(15, Dairy and Creamery Products. Dairy buttur 12". Cruamury 17K Btoro 16c. Flrot-clnsB w untry, per roll 35c. (Jrrciin at creauiuy, pan skimmed I3Hc. Beparutor iklmtnod 16 1(1 Stelner's Market. OhlokeuB 10c. BprliiK 12H to 15c V.Mi per dozen, 13c PORTLAND MAnKKT. PoirruKD, May 15- Wlfwl Waiu Walls,06(tt0fl. Flour 1'ortlaml, bent vrudos 2.86 $3.40. Graham (2 50(2 6O OatH Choice White ll.itfe f 1.27. Ilarley 120 $21 yr ton. Millftun Hran, $154i(KI. HayTlmothy-tl2IJ6 per ton. QnionB-$J.2fi (22.76. FoUtoee 1 60 (B $1 06 per cental. Ilutter Heat dairy, ISffllaj lanoj creamery.l017c;Btore 10 lS'.O Eggs-Ortvon.ranoli 16 m lo I'oultrv OlilckeiiB. mlzetl '.' 60 14e $6.60; bens $6.60, tnrkeyB, live Mutton UroBS. 4SiC IlOKB Gross lt. Oeelf-Grow 4Ke. Ceal-Grosa, 7Hc 8c H-. Hope lXrfcltc. Wool Valley. 12 (M 13ctt- Eastern Orifton,R; Mohair, 216ct!-, Ilkleft Lry bides, 10 pounds ami up wards. 15c Q 16. Bed Time I take a pleasant herb drink, Uie next inornliiR I feel bright and my com plexion la better. My doctor says It acta Kontly on the utoroach, liver and kidneys, and Is a pleasant laxative. It Is made of herbs, and la procured as easily as tea. It Is called I-ano's Med icine. All druKKlsta sell It at 2o and (0 cents. Lane's Family Medlalnes njve the bowel -eaeh day. If ypu aaanot eat It, Bead for free samples, Address, Orator Woodward.LoIloy.N. y. AN OLD SORE months of diligent and faithful use of external remedies that the place remains ns defiant, angry and offensive ns ever, Every chronic sore, io matter oti what part of the body it come!, is nn evidence of some previous constitutional or organic trouble, nnd that the dregs of these diseases remain in the system; or, it may be that some long hidden poison perhaps Cancer htm come to the surface nnd begun its destructive work. The blood must be purified before the sore will fill up with healthy flesh mm inc skiu regains lis natural coior. it ia through the ciiculntion that the norid,, corroding fluids arc carried to the sore or ulcer and keep it' irritated nnd inflamed. S. S. S. will purify and inviiroratc the stammnt blood when all sediment or other hurtful materials nrc washed out, fresh rich blood is carried to the diseased parts, new tissues form, and the decaying flesh begins to have; a healthy ntul natural look ; the discharge ccasc3 and the sore heals. Sovoral yoara ntro, my wlfo htul a so voro soro loir tuul wan troatoil by tho beat physicians but rocotvoil nobonoflt. Our clrufririot advised hor to try 13. 8. 8., which alio did. Fourteen bottlos cured hor nnd nh has booil well over nines. J. n. MAnOI.D, S3 Cannl St., Cohoos, N. Y. skilled physicians for which no charge DIscasea free. THE SWIFT ?fEVSS-Tifl.Sf!.Hi IN ALL SHIRTDOM iflssssst Ik. VON BRAND19 s WADE MARK G. W. Johnson & Co, Ji li.t i. ii.Aln ... ICV rnmnnrll Cf .' Qnlini. F blUllllKia IU lilt SVPIU - Z2i?-?&?i?&C&C!& If Your Boy Wears STOCK NGS Or rather weais them out and your patience as well, here's good news for you. Through an error at the fac tory we have received a shipment of 100 Dozen Paii-s . a Of children's hose, the celebrated "Iron Clad" brand, sizes 7 to 10, which had not been ordered. Our cus;fojfj ers will profit by the mistake, for we are gpfng, to Clean 'Em Out At 15c or two for a quarter. Come and see them, they'll bear investigation. We are headquarters for Boys' SuitJj, Hats-jCaps, Shirts, Underwear, Sweaters, Extra PantsJ OverallsTetcf ' JUST IN-Boys' soft besoaf shirts, with worJaTte double collars to match. Sizes 10 1-2 to 14. Price 50c. Wooe Hi 254-256 ComncrcUl Do Your Horses Good Hay?. inh t. Wo have clovsr, die a nro the lowest KC-lng. Wo are prepsred to furnish it. Wo havoclovsr, cheat and timothy hay fe( he best iiality, Our prices nro the lowest going. SAYAGB 322024Com'lst. Aiteuta (or Ihe International stock food. T; TX C Tr 5R 307 is Friedman's store, There you'll get bargains by -the score; Clothing and hats and many things nice, Get them at Friedman's aCa low price,. Trunks and valises and doves that will wear, Sweaters and pants, also shirts that won't tea. Laces anu ribbons, scissors and knies," frices that you have not seen in your Ijjes. Now when you need any goods in this line Look for S. Friedman on a big sign. sOr if some auctioning need to be done) To this same Friedman you will pleaseicpme. Mftjn UMM.M understands welf, Any old Salemlte wjlj fo you tell Tfcat 111, the auctfon he's worked many years And In the business he's not any tfSers. " SELECTED. Will Bour the sweetest disposition nnd transform the most even tempered alov nble tinture into n tt'6'sdrnffi&l'ariU irritable individual, , If impatience or fault-finding: we ever excusable it is when the body Is tortured by nn eating and painful sore. It is truly discouratrintr" to find after S. S. a. is the only blood purifier that is guaranteed entirely vege table. It builds up the blood arid tones up the general system as no other medicine docs. If you have a sore of any kind, write us nnd g"ct the ndvicc of experienced and is made llook on lllood and Skin CO.. Atlanta, G. SPECIFIC 1 WllIUUO oro no prot-, 7S ' tier Bhlrm"-tlifaJK rt i otire. THK NEW Llv IUI3AS In Spring sw ahlrta nro nil horo vory hnndsomo. Wo can aaloly say tho prettloat wo ever had. Wo hnvo many exclueivo pnttorns. If you want n cheap fihlrt, yot ngood nno, look at our lines at 50c and 75c. If you want tho boat shirt for tho monoy you over taw, Innk ntnur 1 1.00 and tl 25 lilies. W l! Any good stylo. rindany prlcS l shirt Is Hero. Shirt eattefaction? I- l .1 4I.-1I- ...l... K......"- ; is uuru uibu iiiui a wuntvyuu i. cot In our ahlrta. f& J uvuillltl.iai ., vi(m- j.vj o I 8 btrcct, Ssltn, Ortroa, and Cows Like St R3ID SEEDSMEN A'A , v.l v- & V4 4 'Li ) &ll m con Ima ffc "in i K 3r laiBBBBSSBBBBBW L sbbbsibbbbbbbB y