The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, May 10, 1902, Image 4

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HAS tmrJMm jttm VMmuuuwJwwuu
ajtaawwr j-to tj 3-
Tho Dalles TImoe-Mountnlneor: In
privato conversation tho othor W. II.
Scott, editor of the Orogonlan, stated
that thoro Is not a man In Oregon bet
tor qualified for the olflco of govornor,
or would make a more acceptable
chief executive than Geo. E. Chambor
Inln, yet the Orogonlan Is pursuing IU
' yellow dog" course, and pleading for
an endorsement of Republicanism in
soliciting votos for W. J. Furnish.
President Roosevelt Determined to Get to Bottom of Charges of Inhuman Conduct Against
American Officers In Philippines-Court Martial Confronts Gen, Smith and Other Officers.
Gen. Smith.
Gen. Chaffee.
Oervals Star: Govornor Geer an
nounces that he will be a candidate for
senator. This action Is premature, and
will avail nothing. It Is a question ay
to whethor the law Is constitutional,
and then It Is questionable as to
whethor th people doslra Mr. Geer.
One thing Is certain. It will either
"make or break" him politically.
HHfflU 'Lbsssssssssssssssssssssk. $B3nBsl fassssssssssssslBsssssss!
K flv tmKr ssssssssssssssssssflft fjHH t
"PJegLBEr tsssssssssu Lsst HkJhBH a
sLLssssssssssm j sH bbssssssssssssssssv Ki'-assssssssssssHBssssssssssssssssssssssEBsE
HHst Jiti jssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH H V',HHH
VLssssssssssssssssssPf jaHIKlffilBBHHPV dujBQHBBHBKJHCSBHVU
Meals for Business Men, for Farmers for
Worklnemen, for Ladles' and Families.
Served in I tinner from pond stock, well rooked, and at
reasonable rates.
GEORGE BROS., 106 State Street.
Otto Hansen
Every Description of House Finish Made to Order,
flcroll Hawing and Turning of all kinds,
Thin In tho finest fruit farm In the
n groat bargain. It It) located on the
nnd commands a vlow of the river for
Thoro aro 05 ncroH, with 40 acre
old, and In perfect condition nearly a
Intorcst on tho InvoHtmont last your,
owner, would bo n very profitable prop
Thoro aro fine bulldlngH, good bar
Tho proporty Is ownod by tho Flremit
vicinity of Salem, and will bo Hold at
reservoir hill, Just south or the city,
miles and looking over throe counties.
In fruit trees from five to twelve year
II pruueit and cherries. It paid good
nnd, In the hands of n practical mnn as
ns nnd the most modorn fruit driers,
n's Fund Insurance Co., and must bo
Eugene Register: Until tho consti
tution of the United Statos Is changed
we cannot elect a United Statos sona
tor. except by vote of tho legislature.
Dut the cholco of the people for sena
tor selected under provisions of the
Mays law ought to be the choice of
the legislature. Othorwlso Oregon
cannot fully say It Is In favor of elec
tion of United Statos senator by direct
Mainour Gazette: Of course tho leg
islature Is not compelled to olect the
candidate who rocolvos tho groatost
number of votos, but It Is thought, that
since there Is a great popular domand
for n law providing for tho election
of senntors by n direct voto of the
people, tho legislative assombly will
not daro refuse tholr support to the
people's cholco.
Apply (o JOHN G. WRIGHT, Resident Agent, Salem,
Theo. M. Barr
Lobnnon Crltorler: Govornor Geer
onrnostly doslred tho nomination for
govornor. Othors namod would have
probably taken It. And yet all of those
and many more were almost scornfully
passed unnoticed; a now convert,
ready to spond his money, a Republi
can of but flvo yonrs, who had nevor
voted for but ono Republican presi
dent In his life, was chosen ovor nil
the prominent inon of tho state. This
Is a glorious reward for a denth-bod re
pentance. It Is encouraging ambitious
young Domocrats to leave tholr party,
but It Is fearfully disheartening to loyal
young Republicans who havo laudable
political nmbltlon.
Secretary Root.
By order of President Roosevelt, spared
The fiendish water cure said to be Practiced on natives.
MaJ. Wallar.
In tho official Investigation General Jncoli H. Smith for butcher- ate victim Is bound hand nnd foot
the charges of cruelty of American that Secretary of War Root has been IntS natives, if the reports are substnn- and water forced down his throat un
tlniiy correct, ah oiucors accused oi . in nis siuinucu iiiuicmis. rnvatcs
perpetrating the fiendish water cure are then ordered to stand on tho
officers In their treatmont of the I'll- ordered to make. President Noose
Iplnos will be thoroughly sifted to tho volt hns cabled Gen. ChnfTee to In
bottom and the guilty pnrtlos brought veatlgnte fully the newspaper reports
swiftly to Justice. No man Is to be of the Waller trial nnd court-martial
aro to be tried by court martial, man's stomach forcing tho water out
Above Is a graphic picture showing of his mouth. The agony Is snld to
the Inhuman practice. The unfortun- bo awful.
Isfactorily than Harvey's did to him.
The Dispatch along with the Oregon-
Ian "wishes him well."
. . . Barr & Petzel . . .
Hot Air, Hot Water, and Steam Heating
a Specialty.
John Stout Planing Mills
Largest Plant in Western Oregon.
Finished Lumber, Sash, Doors, Aouldings, Interior Wood'
work, Counters, Showcases, Shelving etc. Estimates fur'
nished to Builders and Contractors on short notice.
JOHN STOUT, Proprietor.
Salem, Oregon,
Burroughs & Fraser
Tinners, Plumbers, Iron Workers
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron, Cornice, Roofimr,
and in their line about a building. Estimates fur
nished on short notice.
Lebanon Advance: Tho Republi
cans of the state will rebuke on June
2d tholr rocont state convontlon, which
plckod up a lledgllng Domocrat over
tried nnd truo Republicans; and tho
Republicans of this county will do the
same thing to tholr county convontlon
for turning down Governor (leer for
Mr. Furnish.
Mnrshnold Const Mall: The Port
land Journnl armies that If Oregon
were not considered so solidly In the
Republican columns, this state might
recolve moro attention from congress
In the mntter of appropriations. Isn't
that as bad as putting the dollar above
the mnn?"
Polk County Itemlser: In every
part of the state the plain people who
havo to foot the bills are being told
of the evils nnd abuses In connection
with tho state government nnd the In
dications aro that very many Repub
licans will vote for a change of ad
ministration. The present annual
emit of the stnte offices Is about $00,
000 which by the Hat salary system
could be roduced to not over $60,000
and Just ns good service secured. All
liberal, conservative Republicans are
asked to look Into present facts slid
what could be done.
Immense Investments
Are now being made in farming lends in the Willamette
Valley. Owing to the faot that these lands can be eh
Htatned ou mob very favourable termo. We are still in the
advance In offering inducements to purahaeers, Wo
have grain ami (took Urmn, (rutt farm, small traete
and oity property. Holds, mill, hop rnuehea, ettrw.
UlAOjktmltliahope, alto lierseaMHlealtie tar el. Iwtfu
snee a specialty, alto Notary Puulte. : i t :
Bossorth., Ryan & Co.
a92CoramercUI St Salem, Oregon,
Aurora llorealls, Rep.: We are told
that grave questions are nt stake In
this cnmimlgn. If such Is the case, It
Is h pretty time to put up ns the Re
publican stnndard bearer a man who
has been u Republican for only six
years. We do not intimate that Mr.
Furnish Is not u good man for the of
fice of governor, nor do we doubt his
Republicanism It Is too late to en
tertain such doubts now but we do
consider him n weak candidate and
his nomination a slap at many tried
and true Republicans throughout
the state who have well earned the
honor of being governor of Oregon. It
Is not Mr. Furnish" fault that he has
been chosen. He Is ambitious, lauda
bly so, and iMHwtbly would give us an
unrivalled business adiutnlstratlou.but
that does not excuse the schemers
who. It seems, purposely gave the Re
publicans a nominee who may not be
the choice of the majority at the polls
oh June 8. It Is useless to endeavor
to hide the fact that all over western
and southern Oregon Republicans are
Poem on John Brown.
States aro not great
Except ns men may make them;
Men are not great except they do and
Rut states. like men,
Have destinies that take them,
That bear them on, not knowing wily
or where.
The why repels
The philoeophlc searcher;
The why and where all questions defy,
Until we find,
Far back In youthful nurturo,
Prophetic facts that constltuto the
All merit comes
From braving the unequal;
All glory comes from daring to begin.
Fnme loves the state,
That, reckless of the sequel. j
Fights long inid well, whether It ke
or win.
And there Is one
Whose faith, whose fight, whose
Fnme shall placard upon the walls of
He dared begin.
Despite the unavailing;
Ho dnred begin when failure was a
When over Africa
Some future cycle
Shnll sweep the lake-gemmed uplands
with Its surge;
When as with trnmphet
Of the Archangel Michael
Culture shall bid a colored race
When busy cities.
Those, In constellations.
Shall gleam with soiree and palace
and domes.
With marts wherein
Is heard the noise of nations;
With summer groves surrounding
stately homes;
There fugitive orators
To cultured I.acedaomon.
Shnl tell of vnlor and recount with
Stories of Kansas
And Lacedaeman,
Cradles of freedom, then of ancient
From boulevards"
O'erlooklng both Xyaiuag,
The statued bronze shall glitter in the
With rugged lettering:
"John Brown of Kansas:
He dared begin;
He lost,
But losing won."
Ktigene F. Ware, the Kansas man
apiwlnted commissioner of pensions.
Culllngs from New Books.
Selfishness In public life Is a crime
against ono's highest ambitions. The
Women love the lie that saves their
pride, but never an unflattering truth.
The Conqueror.
The patron saint of bachelor girls is
a saint of expedient. He has to be.
He couldn't hold down hie Job or his
halo If he were not. Misdemeanors of
If the sentence "Thy desire shall lie
unto him" was laid on live as a curse,
yet her daughters have found their
deepest happiness therein. The Wind
ing Road.
Women are fond of blaming the dev
il for their misfortunes, but after all
they are his beat ministers. He can
generally be quite sure that they will
do their liest to help him. The Story
of IWeii.
With all mathematical accuracy two
and two nlways made four, by adding
a certain amount of personality the
result will very nearly equnl five.
The College Student.
It Is as easy to escape from death
as from a woman when once she's af
ter you Twenty-Six and One.
From Wit and Wisdom from New
Rooks in the May Km.
The open air season of the year Is
ushered in by Frank Leslie's Popular
Monthly for May with a thoroughly out
of door number, filled with storlos of
birds, beasts, fishes, tramps and othor
outdoor folk, and dedicated to sport,
to nature and to the Joy of living.
In the May Hra appears the first In
stallment of a series of articles on
Marie Antoinette. Under the pseu
donym Henry Francis, the author,
hides the personality of a well-known
figure In the literary world one whose
knowledge of French court life Is per
bspe unequaled In this country.
The story Is beautifully Illustrated,
and will, no doubt, attract a consider
able number of readers to the excellent
magazine In which appears.
Be meanin' of courage an' common
tense must be understood. Many a
man have died Tom bavin' too much
bravery, but common sense never
killed nobody. The Black Cat Club.
If the ladies whom gallant gentle
men delight to serve could guess what
scant touch-stones of. worth these
same gentlemen some times carry In
to the adored presence many a hand
some head would be carried with less
assurance. The Valley of Decision.
To De Wet.
Thou hard pressed son of blood and
aching toll.
Keeping thy rocks as she-hear keei
her den,
And standing still the unforgiving soil
With red drops Jetting from the
hearts of men;
Umg life to thee, De Wet. Cod keep
and save
Thee for the goodly work thou hast
in hand
To teach the huekst'ring world what
price the brave
Still wring from robbers of the
Teaching how sweet among the skyey
It is to draw a freeman's fearless
Better the life of the too harried fox
That slavery so bitterer than death. '
Truo soul! Teach men how Reed It Is
to die,
If but the face enn look to freedom's
C. E. S .Wood In The Independent
The Stover Gasoline Engine, and What
It Will Do.
Gasoline Is tho most economical
power In use today, and on nccount of
Its clieapnoss Is rapidly taking the
plnce of both steam and electricity.
The farmer, romoto from nn oloetrlc
plant, can use It; tho special knowl
edge of the stoam onglncer Is not re
quired, mid It costs nothing whon not
actually at work, nnd when It Is
pumping his water, churning his but
ter, sawing his wood or grinding his
food It costs loss than any other pow
er. For turning the lathes of tho repair
man, printing tho local newspaper, or
limbing suusngo at tho butcher shop,
the gnsollno onglno is worth many
tlmos Its cost. And tho Stovor Is the
best engine on the market for tho fol
lowing reasens:
1st. It has loss parts than any oth
or, consoquontly onslor to operate and
keep In order.
2d. Will last longer than any other
because It has less parts to woar out
8d. .Will develop groator power on
the same amount of gasoline, for It is
heavier, nnd absorbs loss powor In its
working parts than any othor.
The object of all mnkors of onglnes
vlx: to devolop tho most power with
the least cost and trouble has been
attained in tho Stovor to a gronter de
gree than any other.
We carry tho Stovor gasoline en
gines In stock from 1 to now
er, nnd will quoto prlcos and send de
scrlptlvo matter on application.
Investigate tho Stover before you
buy a gasoline engine. Mitchell, Lewis
& Staver. F. F. Carey, manager Sa
lem branch.
Smoked Meats.
We are offorlng a flno lino of smoked
meats this woek. Hams 12 conts per
pound and shouldors 8 conts. Fine
sugar cured breakfast bacon and fresh
family lard, at Fendrlch's Market.
Salem Abstract and Land Co.
Parties wlibing general InfermtUen In Mgartl te land er Utiei h
v Marion oeunty will de wall toWuult ui.
259 12 Commercial St., Upstairs. Salem. Oregon.
Dufur Dispatch: "The Oregonlan
will be glad to see Governor Oeer a
candidate for the United States Sen
ate. It will be gkd to see bis spirits
He with the prospect, till he shall
discover once more that the world is
not wholly a cave of gloom. Nobody
has a better right to be a candidate
for the senate than Oovemor Oeer.
And the Oregonlan wishes hint well.
However, It always has a disposition
to utter a word ef caution to those
who build all their expectations on
politics, and who set ottices up before
them as their main stay, chief good
and Anal hop. Confound It, there
are so man set backs!"
The foregoing from the Oregoalan.
is Interesting In the light of the state
ment made wet week by Harvey W.
Scott, when be went "way back and
sat down" In the senatorial race.
'Ootttottnd It, there are so man- set
kaek." And who knows it better
than Ilai-TW't We trmX. however.
that, GevernM deer's oandWaey for
the V. 8. senate may reenH more sat-
0 &
The Practical Shoe Men.
Have Just Received an Elegant Line of
Remember all Goods Guaranteed.
No Trouble to show Goods.
...Repairing a Specialty...