.s-usBjrsrsfio f wt P A - w THE DAIY JdUHNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL U, 1flo2. Mta&M aaK5- Hi i v- i ti Mr wire rvthlnir monor. fined year (Srrttit a woman can do anv reuonable health that Wine of Cardul brings makes Freed from those terrible devaiUtlntf naturally. Wine of Cardul regulates the disordered menstruation and cures leucorrhoea, falling of the womb and periodical pains In the head and back caused by standing or sitting a long time In the same position. Thedford's Black-Draught puis the bowels, stomach, Uver, kidney and blood In proper shape. Greatly Increased strength and endurance li the natural result. Most cases are cured quickly. All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardul and 25 cent packages ol irudiord ttt tdrlra and Httratara, addrw, . rivin IMpaiUnrat," TO uiatusocfa, ZZ$&iH!&&FJTt&JrJr&? l ...CHICAGO PEOPLE'S BARGAIN HOUSE. Alteration Sale Still Continues The following are only.a few of the startling; tantalus we are offering for this sate. It continues for three days. Ladles' $2.00 dress skirts. 98c. a.oo rainy aaysKins, use. 10c towels. 18x36, honey comb, 5C. c linen nncxins4c. Best quality calicoes, mill e-ds. 2 l-2c. 7 l-2c acron slat hams test quality 4c. SOe full sliellankets 35c. 75e wrappers, pretty pattfrns 35c. ooi puis aress eooas u izc. lot stock inti Kings nest quality, 4c Men1 35c Merino underwear 19e. $3.50 rainy day skirts $2.35 styles. Children's emtroldrred caps, 12c. Men'ii hats from 25c up. new MUST HAKE HOOM FOB CARPENTERS AND BRICKLAYERS 1 AlcEVOY BROS., Proprietors. W Court Street. ...TRY OUR NEW GOODS. Cheese Sandwich, Long Branch Cracker, Snow Drbp Crackers, Oysterettes, Butter Wafers, Lemon. Wafers, Graham Wafers, Harritt Si Laojrbncb Old Post Offlco Grocery. 3 f. (5oobe Salem's Greatest House Furnishing Department Store. The great increase of freight shipments receivedat Sa- em is due to the large sales of Charter. Oak .Moves, made bv the sole agent in this city. THE FLORENCE " SANATORlFM BALEM.1 'OREGON A first-class julvnto lioapitul (or tho treatment of chroulu mul autvlcal cases. mult tliepaal year especially ueod. Oonvonnitlv located within of lho city. Tlio most malum (urnlsliinK nnit Intoat nppllitucoa throughout tlio building. Hon toil by hot watur mul lighted by rub od olectlelty Hero tlio elok can havo tlio comforts of nn elegant private homo, combined with nil tlio advanlagos of n general hospital without the noise, confusion, nud publicity attending one, Outalilo phyaolana brliiKlnft citaus in fronted asBlilod in operations If roquoatod, ttonwritoor nppiy personally, R. CARTWRIGHT, M. D. SUPT, YISITORB. WELCOMED DUTWBHN 2 AND 4 t. M All But the Dude Ja-St js,-,...- iTrT'iiinni niiinwiliJ The House Furnishing Co. SOS Com'l at., next to Tost ollieo. WHY RIDE THAT OUT-OF-DATE BICYCLE When Columbias and Hartfords arc to be had at such reasonable prices and on such easy terms, This is an age of progress. Man ; ufacturers of the Columbia have kept pace with it, As a result , the Columbia of 1902 embodies many improvements and refine . ments that contribute mightily to cycling comfort and pleasure. Be up-to-date and get the benefit ot them. Sundries, repairing, wheels to rent A Strong Woman Iowa City, low, Aug. It, lfOO WM iick lor inreo years. Wo trfd without relief and (pent muon irdalnndfonr My wife uiea wins or uaraai snaronr bottle cured her. Ohe took two mora bottle, knowing ahe would hara to work bard during the niyhArveat. Bho attended to all btr houie hold datle and loaded end unloaded all the har, ThI rncdlclno Rata ber itrornrth. For tuerir (he mi weak nod tired and could bardlr Bet about, but (Inoe (ho ha been taking Wine of Oardnl (ho feol bettor and stronger than when rear of age. JOB. A. ElBBNIIAFBIt. Mrs, ElnrJuftr had tried everything durln her three ytr slckntu and hid iptnt corulcf. mbl money. She wm weak and could hardly get about (or three years before she took "WINBo'ORDU. Now, after taking the Wine of Cardul, she can work with her huiband In the hy field, That Is turd work, but It Is not es injurious to a woman's health as Isbor In ttoret, factories and offices where thousands of girls are closely con- after year. With the aid of Wine of work and enloy flood health. The a woman vhjorousln body and mind pains a woman grows well and strong uiacK - uraugnt. frmtitomf. "Tha Iadlaa' Adrtaarr , uuttanoon, Tann. MadialM Corny! or, ' STORE... Ch'ldren'sdrtsses nicely trimmed 25c, Children's 50c trimmed tonnets 25c. Ladles' 85c latest waists, buttoned down J lie back. 49c $1.35 Paris point kU gloves, the latest, II aharlaa c Children's school handkerchief, lc. 25c clmptd rubber hair pins, best qual- iiv. ine ttnttn. Beauty pins, best quality, cold plated, . lOcdoz. 10c side combs 5C . 40Cbrlls, the latest patent Silk tucked andMureen 25c Salem, Orcjfon -A lor tlio purposu lor which it is four blocks of tlio business Dart with tlio greatest courtooy, anil For tonus nud further Informix J Are essential features of a well furnished room. Walls should be papered, floors carpeted, suit able pieces of furniture and pic Hires all harmoniously arranged. We make a specialty of these essentials. Htorea nt ShIuiu m d Albany. O, J. WILSON B&ttotial Hage of THE DAILY iiOulAL Members Northwest Afternoon Newa paper League. BY HOFER BROTHERS. Dally One Year, $4.00 In Advance. Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance. Dally by Carrier, 00 Cents Per Month. Weekly One Year, $1.00 In -Avance, COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. State Senator. E. M. OHOI8AN, of Salem. SQUIRE FAIUtAH, of Saloin. RopresontatlvoB. FRANK DAVKY, of Snlom. K. T. JUDD, of Aumsvlllo. THOS. U. KAY, of Salem. A. M. iLAFOLI.ETT, of Ilrooka. Sh'orirf. ' JOHN F. STEIWE'K, of Jefferson. Ciorlc. JOHN W. ROLAND, of Salem. Recorder. JOHN C. SIKOMUND,, or Gervals. Treanuror. W. Y. RICHARDSON, of Stayton. Commlsaloner. WM. MILKY, of Aurora. Aflacaaor. CHARLES LEMDCKE, of Duttovillo. I Survoyor. HYRON II. HERRICK, Jr., of Turner. Cororcr. "A. M. CLOUOH, of Salem. JuHtlco of tho I'oaco. (Salem Dlatrlct) E. D. HOROAN, of Salem No. 1. Constable. GEORGE H. IRWIN, of Salem No. 2. o MEN WITH MONEY ARE WANTED. Mr. Stophon A. LowoII, of UmaUlla county, may havo boon foollbh to ontor tho canvnaa for tho nomination for gov ornor In competition wltli so wealthy a man and ho grant nn organizer no Win. J. Furiiiah, tlio Pendleton bnnkor Lowell ought to know that It cohUi a great deal of tnonoy to got a nomina tion In tho dominant party with tlio proHont flyntom of packed prlmarloa. It Ib well known that men camo from remote countloH in tho atato nnd de manded from tho Qeor hendquartorfl at Portland largo suiiih for oxpouscB, and whon their demnndH could not bo met tho trnnafor of their votoa to nomo othor cnndldato wna onally nccom- jillahed. Mr. Lowell waa nlao foolluh enough to wrlto a letter to Tho Jour nal, xaylng that thoro wuh nothing in tho coiiHtltuthm forbidding tho placing of all Htnto nlllclals on a Hat aalary, nud that tlio taking of feeu and pcntul hUoh, hh now practlcod, Ih forbhldon by the uoiiHtltution, and that all fees uud uarulugH of cuoli olllco belong Into tho trotumry. TIioho nctioiiH of IiIh in ado lilni unnvnllnblo with tho puah olementH ot tlio llopubllcnn party. Lowell bolongH in tho Democratic or minority pnrty, whom thoy havo to rely on tho popularity of a candidate with tlio people in general for hla huc oi'Hii. Tho Republican party oigana do well to rend Lowell out of tho pnr ty, if It Ih going to be run from the Portland Rtamlnrd of an expensive fac tion running niter men with tho moat monoy to got control of conveutlonH. Ilnl that neeiiiH to bo what tho peoplo wnnt, nud tho "poor man" cindldntoH, like (leer nud Chnmberlalu and Low ell, might an well prepare to takn baek BcatH for ten yenru to ramo. U'h men with money wo wnnt to tho front. Wo imiHt havo them. o MR. SCOTT NOT A CANDIDATE FOR SENATOR. Editor Scott again Holemnly naaurea bin rendom that ho Is not a cnndldato for tho United States Sounto. That la tho only way to got It. on .tho old linen. Keep In tho background. Have your naino dropped Into tho gamo nt tho right moment. Tell tho people that you nro for aonio ono olso, uud carry on n huge dtH'optlon of. npponrlng ttu porlatlvely ahy nnd modeat. That la tho way Molirldo. nnd Mitchell nnd the others wero elected beforo. Hut tho people nro going to havo aomothlng to ny nftor awhile. They nro going to huvo a voice In thu election, nnd oven In tho nomination of candidate for the United Statua Senate. That time Ih not fur uway. nud the old gnmo of Hllpplug Into thu buck door Ih past for ever. Tho botdueaiH of Mr. Simon In openly being n candidate for ro-olcc-tlou.und tho knowledge that If n ma jority of the member of the leglala titro nro for him he will be re-elected without buying u Hindu vote. Ih why meu like Scott and othera, who Hock ft back-door entrance to tho Sounto hnto AN INDEPENDENT PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. him. They do not want direct and open appeals to tho people. That would do awny with tho secret manlr)- I uiuuuiia iinu ciir-wiuspenugH oi men , like Scott, McGinn and Matthews. Mr. ' I Simon's open and abovo-bonrd candi dacy liafl much to commend It, as com pared to tho man who says ho don't want It and finally has manngod to have It forced upon him. There la only ono renlly fair nnd perfectly hon oat way to bo mado aonator, and that Ib to bo a cnndldato for it nt tho suf frage of tho votorB themselves. YOUNQ MEN ARE THE LIFE OF THIS CITY. While the older genorntion havo done some good woik to Improve our city's circumstances tho past four years, It Is the young men who 'aro tho life of the city In Its fratornal or ders and its military company. It Is tho young men who keep alive that most glorious manifestation of any civilized nation tho town brass band. Salem has today by far tho best band this city haB had In many years. Those who heard thorn play nt the Fourth of July rally at tho city hall Monday night were surpriaod, and tho young men's hair would havo bristled with pleasure if thoy had remained to hear tho compljments. Thoro aro places whoro ago and sta bility and good counsel count for ev erything. Hut glvo tlio young men crodlt for generous and disinterested public spirit, for whole-souled devotion to things besides dollars. A FEW WORDS TO THE SALEM FRUIT UNION. Tho Journal would llko to havo tho thoughtful attention of tho Salem Fruit Growers' Union. It Ib n now or ganization, and In ordor to buccoci! must make n record this season. Tho first crop thnt will havo to bo handled by tho Union will bo tho strawberry crop, of which thoro are ovor 100 acres In tho organization. At a fair estimate tho Salem Union will havo 10,000 crates of strawberries to Hhlp, and C0.000 to 100,000 pounds for tho cannory. This will bo tho lurgoBt horry product ovor put Into the market of Salem. Thoro will bo besides thousands of crates of chorrles and blackberries and rnspborrles, and many othor kinds of grcon fruits to ship nnd put Into tho cannery. Hut tho strawberry crop will lend nil others. Now a word to tho Unien: Tho mom- bora imiHt sustain their organization, If It Ib to bo n financial miaaesa. Thoy niHst Biuitnln tho olllcera, and bo wlb ling to work undoWthelr direction, nnd be loynl to their Inbors. Tho Union has mndo nn ngrecmont with Mr. O. V. Allen, who bundled tho Salem cannory a numbor of years with great success. Later tho hoard of ill. rectois must employ a shipping mnn agor. Tlio flrBt duty of tho momborB of the Union Is to ngroo, through their direc tors, to turn In about three-fourths of tholr crop for tho cannery, and agree to furnish tho rest for shipment. It Is tho duty of tlio members to call Individually on tho secretary of tho board of directors, and authorlzo tlio board to act for them, nnd this should bo dona nt onge, bo thnt tho board ot directors may hnvo a bnais. Co-operation Is nil Importnnt, and membeni of tho Union must loam to trust tlioao they oloct to aot for thoin. Whether jou llko n director or olllcer or not, It Ib your duty to sustain him while In olllco. All this work of handling fruit through a Union at Salem Ib new busl noas to berry growora nt Salem. Thoy iinvo all much to learn. Hut wo know from what has boon done elsewhere that there Is great profit In n well managed Union. Let tho members nil consider tho wltuatlou, and make a loynl effort to show that tho Union hero enn bo mndo n buccoss. And re member, tho bnttlo for flnnuclal sue- ST J:,Str b' f0UKhVNFANTS,. WEAR-SIioi t and o I and bibs, good qualities, WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH ROQ8EVELT? It la Bald tho president of those United Statoa actually rejoiced whon the opposition broke down tho fonooA rodo ovor tho rulos of tho House and trampled under foot tho speaker and tho sugar trust. I To bo sure it wns only n llttlo vlo-l tory knocking out tho differential on' retlnod sugarun Itom of I5.00Q.00O or IG.000.Q00 n your to tho American 8u. Bar Uetlnlng Co.. and Hoosovolt ro." Jolcod! That amount of money taken from tho surpltiH profits of the sugar millionaire will ham,,f ?,! coming congressional campaign very llttlo. Thoy will only speud their money the moro freely to carry a con gresu that will not do such things. Tho country Is not Bafe If Hooso volt's Hough llldora In Congress are Congress are permitted to have thing tholr own . .I.-... way Next they will hit the oil. or' Qt(ll il-ltuft 1I1 IaI II... - . . -.. u.t Hv , lo ueit. or Mark namm'8 ahlpplng subsidy. Hoosovolt bettor let up If ho wants A nomination at tho hands of those IV trusts. And If thoy do not nomlnatoKi him. who will nut nn n u.w.ik.k.iiii.. dollar campaign election? fund to ourry The ladles ot tho Maccabees Michigan havo won n dUtlnet victory lu thftoouru that glvo thorn the right io wtpauo:. At least, taaft the gist of the decision. tbe Capital THE PORTLAND JOURNAL.. In ono month tho Portland Journal has grown to be a woll-doveloped jour - nallstlo Infant of eight pages. , It Is well spiced With exclusive now features, and some quite noted Btoaps from various parts of tho stnte. Tho heaviest business men of Port- land seem no longer afraid to glvo their advertisements to an Independ ent paper. Tho managing editor Is Alfred D. Howon. Ho was ouco a member of tho Washington legislature, and edited a papor In Pacific county. Ho conducted the Astoila Daily Pioneer for throo years, and was for Home years the mntiaglng editor of the Portland Dally Telegram. Tho Dally Journnl will havo to fight for its oxlstonce.or oven to get a fair oppoitunlty to reach tho people through tho mails. o . Remember this: You can't teach your boy or girl anything better nnd nobler than to bo a kindly nnd consid erate gentleman or lady. They may bo that and havo no wealth or college education, nnd thoy may have both tho latter and not bo tho former. It rests with you, dear parents. On tho oth er hand, your boy or girl may instinc tively become kind, gentle and con sldorato In manner and speech, and success In life will Jjo In proportion as thoy do that very thing. Hut you had bettor have a hand In shaping that matter, anil to bo successful will have to pny some attention to it yourself. o Tho pi leas of living aio still to bo advanced. Thoy havo advanced 20 por cont. In tho past year, and now the beef trust has sot prices up nnoth or notch, nnd seeks to control the butter- mnrkoL Does this system of ad vancing prices tend to tlio distribution or tho concentration of wealth? Nlco point, to study, that. If to distribution, then trusts aro a blessing, if wo could only realize it. Ono thing, if moata go too high, wo can eat moro fruits nnd vogotabloa, nnd they aro cheap on tho Pacific censt. Tho American peoplo ent too much meat, anyhow, o With tho ndvnnco In tho price of necoBsltlos wngos of labor nro going to ndvnnco. Thero nro going to bo Btrlkos. Tho custom of paying mon with families from 75 conts to $1.00 a dny for labor In this country Is going to no -moailled about 100 per cont. i within a yonr. j o Buy and Try a Box Tonight. 1 While you think of it, go buy and try a box of Cascarcts Candy Ca thartic, ideal laxative, tonight. You'll Z1 rh r m " r XCZ K..ii. ah Ti .; . 'w"" -1"'" '" uum. ill lllllggiais, IDC. ' c"el" :::n::::::t:::n:tnnj:n:j:njn::t:nni:n::nn:nnn:n:::j:j::nt;:::n:::mjm::::m::::: fine Ubilliner Our Millinery Pari irs never held more attrnctloiiH than now. Hiin drwls of new and boHiitiful Imts keep romliiif. New thinuB to nhnu-vnn every time you .come huts of bust from r 2fi up. Children's "Special New York Millinery Parlors MRH. UOOKKR, Manager. Mmtmrammmtmnmmnmtmitmtmmtmimmtnmtmmmmmtnnttmmin Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store New goods in laiire quantities received this week, AUSLIN UNDERWEAR - Night gowns, chemise, draweis, corset covers, skirts, in great variety. There never was such fine goods at such little prices. SILK MllTS AND GLOVES MILLINERY DEPARTMENT - Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store Ki'Tt iWr io Do Your Horses Good i mxv " V.! r5l f r iIi 1 1 . We liavichmr, oh-at mid tinio'l.i- i,. !' HWMly. Uur r oei.re il.e 0RM( ,0.ng. "BU U,MOj, l,8 SAVAGE Si RBID 322-324 Com'l st , . Auuiiis for tli !,.(,. ii..i ..,..' . " atcDSMEN - -.-. CPVS T - - k S3.000.000 .'I . ). ifi liM-th nf Oft nA ,m Hi "' " " yumm oicci X t- :uin nuiu rnnrnnp uu u,i vuavHw-a, Luatr cars, aining and cafe cars is the record of the '?( jy JJ VffW IN- VV uC3k-JICa-4rSL.?-Hi IN During the past year mating it the moat mmi-m .. i . . il of S; luthooonutrv. travel over it ami Z HLe'n"u',u-4-a railroad 0.8. CHAN 8, Ge. Pa. Agt., St. iU u" Hnr1??' " tlu '& 3-oumal Peoplo nak the editor for all kinds of Information. A young lady wants Tho Journnt to give a frecklo receipt. Wash them with eau do cologne enrly j in tho evening, and about 10 o'clock brush them With a well-selected mous- tncho. An old lady who has tried it says if It docs not remove, it will nt least cause you to forget them, o That wldo-awako town of Jefferson in getting ready to put In a bank, and plans aro being mado to build a now brick block. There aro a lot of very fino peoplo In and around Jefferson, and It Is In many ways ono of tho buU comunlties In Oregon. Morgan's $150,000,000 trust to con tiol all tho trans-Atlantic lino steam ships will bo a good thing, If It keep j "TI- a Gfeaf about a million Amoricons at home wlCell from Europo long enough to got tnclrRock Island eyoa open 10 mo iniquity oi some oi the trust methods. Eastern states that had locusts In 1885 expect that pest again this year.;tlona at chlcag0 in Union Dopot for It takes seventeen years for this all points East. Dally standard sleep clcadae to reappear, and this Is their lng car between Suit -rafSfPfiaw tlmo on earth. They aro to appear In Mny. Several men In Salem havo gono out of tho dog business since the, appear- , .r . .r, anco In this paper of an articlo by a correspondent, who laid down the dog law. Tho peoplo of England aro said to bo moro deeply excited ns n nation ovor tho now gamo called lug-Pong, than ovor their war In Afrlcn. Congressman Cushman declines to pel form nt tho crack of tlio whip. He should bo run out of tho party, if tho trusts ure to bo protected. ' o Salem Is tho Uvest town In Western Orogon, and will fittingly colobrato tho day that gave birth to tho llvest na tion on tho globe. Wo know Mnrshflold had ono tan nery. Now it seoms to have anothor Tho Dally Coast Mall. Tho pialilo and Mississippi valley states are suffering from heat and drouth and high winds. I'M n rut ii Yonr iioffuM Willi UiiarnrntM. Cnndy Oitlmrtlc, cuio toiintlputloti foiovor. .On "in If an O fnll.drti?ilstf) refund money Help civilization by Joining the bird protecting society. fcttractfid rAMnv r&Yujiu-n i&- ! "-!! -H "C N.r ,o.d m bulk. Htwart of the dialer who trlw to stl "omethln hut atjioiw) " Tli a aignu .iri in on ovrry bv v of iiih Kiuuint i altG IJ"PTlflOllinrnTiibl.ik , . r I lil ! . -, I. In .,,. l- mnterlHl nud and wotkrnnnshlp aro 1 Oponinp, Day" Tliurfday and Fridny. long dresses, skirts, slips, caps little prices. - IS cents a pair R.ceivingnew good every day. tl v PoBtolhce. and Cows Like Hay? ... mi BIOCK lOOll, , -.-w a i i,. . inns, U flCW lOCOmntfVAC i tf Conallis & Eastern Railroad TIJMEUAJtD. No. 2 For Yaquiun: Train leaves Albany 12:61) p m Train lonvcs Corvatlli ... 10) p rn rinlt) Krrlve Yaqulna 0M& p. ti Ki. 1 -Ueturnlnifi I envM Ynquina (lOOn iu Luiivph CorvalllH ,..! I:W a. in Artv(. Albany .. . . 12:15 p ui No. 3 For Pctrell: Leaves Albany 7 00 n in. Arrive Dm colt. .. ....12:15 p, m No. 4 1-rom Detreit: Lenvi-F Dt'rinlt 12:45.p. m ArrlCH Albany 5:40 ji. m 1 nunc I nrriu'M in Albany ip lime to connect with the P, l, eoutli bound, train, ib well ns tfivluir Ho or tluee hnnr In Albnnv before, departure oi B. 1' North bound train for Portland. Train No. 2 (ounerts with the S, P. weal aide train nt CorvUlls Crossing for Inilo endence, McMinnville and all p'iinlc north to Portland J. Tvn.vhn, Eovtis Sto.vb, Audit. Albnnv. Mbikwh " ino Is tho only lino oporntlng week ly personally conducted tour i s t excursion enrs between Portland and Route Chicago change via. tho world's great- nnt- iinnntn 1 1 r mnlrlnr? Atnan Pntltlnii iin co Ulty i"?nv,e,r . IfflfflRflffl Chicago, buffet, library, HTWIHW smoking cars between witmJKt Pueblo, Denvor and Chi- cngo. Tho most reasonable dining car Borv,? between Pueblo and Chicn- BO- If you nro going to Kansas City, 0raaimp Do8 Moines, Chicago or any place East, you should onqnlro about the Great nock Island Route boforo purchasing your ticket. Ask your nearest agont about It, or wrlto for folders, and any Information desired. A. E. COOPEH, Qen. Agt., Portland, Ore. PJJK A Juicy Morsel for Breakfast Or dinner you can cujoy Irom ono ol oif tender and delicious meats, steaks, luiih or mutton chops' veol cutlets or ;ork, Our meats nre nil cut Irom the Inttcst Htid tiriuiHBt c ttlo, and wo can supply your tsble with fresh, nutrition and wholesome meals Ht bed rork prlct-s E, C, CROSS SALEM CFE Phon 291 . Mf- vsrr-' vr 35- -S" 3t ' VMHt All Ladies SARGENT GEM .. WM) M M ,.v Arc pleased with it, and they will pass along the word that the Gem is an indispensable kitchen utensil, that it is useful daily, that there is nothing like it for preparing substantial and dainty dishes, that it adds to home economy by utilizing "left'' overs," Housckccpeis want Sargent's Gem Food Chopper as soon as they 1 car of it. X 2i R. M. WADE & CO ...Red Clover Seed... Special price, f 11.00 per 100 lbs. First class, clean, Oregon eeed. Now la the time to buy, ...Prussian Stock Food... This article has proved to be the best food on tho market. Also Heava Powders, Worm Powders, Poultry Food, etc. ...BREWSTER & WHITE... 9!f """J!1,, FEEJWEN AND SEEDSMEN. Salem. Oregon fl SaccessfaTMove"' Since we came to 307 Commercial St. we have gained many new customers, and the most ofour old friends found us. We have bettt r facilities for handing our goods, Our expenses are much less which enables us to pw better bar- Rains to customers. Those who have traded with us found it so, and those who hae not, will find bareainsin our cloth ing. See our S4.00, 55.00, $7.50 and $10 suits and you will not go away empty handed. Come and take our 21c corsets, they sell fiomSl to 52 each elsewhere, hxtra bargains in lace curtains S. FRIEDMAN, PS - s. Friedman the auctioneer.) baa ifflM Pon&'O Ala fflt OREGON (PSHORTfcir iIWE and union Pacific DEPART FOll TIME SCHEDULES From I'ortlunrt, Or, AKH1VK FhOM Poll nnd Brxc-litl Silt l.Akr. PnllTPr. Ft. Worth OmfiliH. Kunsan 8 50 k, ra. (My, Rt. LoulJ, LIiIuro 4 so p m, Tin limit IurIou ami jwi Atlantic hxpreit 9 p. in. rta Hunt ington lt Luke. Pcnrcr K Worth, Omaha, ,Kann CIlT, Ht, I ullll, tlllCBfiO mul East. 8.10a. tii St Paul Walla Walla, l.ewlMon, VantMall Hiiokaue. Wallncc, full 6-15 li. rn. man, Mlnnoaiiplls St. via Paul, I)ultitli..Nlllnatik(;p Spokano .(JlilinRO, and Knut r 7? -" , poi HOURS , 72 IPTLAND TO CHICAGO po tnanje oi Lars Ibroimh tickets via tills route to p!I KnMcrii point-on Pnlent Southeru I'n ei tli- depot office. OCCAM AMD RIVER SCIIBDULP From Portland Ml Mlllnit itatea ubji-tt to chatiRe 8 p. m Korean Fraud co 1 j.. m Pall cvi-rj-5 day IUilly exct-pt r-OlUMWA RIVKR i t. m. Sunday ToAMoila anil Way t-z.Buudt 8 p in. LuliclluK. Hntunlfty 10 p. tn. WILLAMETTB BIVER Steamor Ruth leaves Salem for Port land and way landings on 1 uepdny Thurs days and Stiturdaye, a bunt 1C n. m. For OorvnlltB end wny landings, Mondays, WedneedBya and Fridays Bt about 5 A.! ORAIQ, M. P. BALDWIN, Gen. I as. Act. Agt. O. R. & N dock Pnrt'nnd, Ore Pslcm. Ore At Easter Time is when" the building btiBlnefs will bo In lull swing. If you haven't ghen yrur orders for your lumber requirements it will pay you to get estimates from Uocdale Lumbor Co., for any and nil kinds of lumber for out or inside work, lath, shingles, rash, doors, blinds and everything needed in this lino. Goodale Lumber Co. Near S. P. rneB'r. depot. Phono 051 A Man Who is Not Fastidious About his laundry "rk will take it to ''any old place," but thoa who are well bred, and want tbf r linen ti be fault less in its color and tin sli will fcek nut tlio Buloro Steam laundry in timo, jiiBt as water finds its level. Our laundry work in Incomparable, and is the Ol faction of tho laundry nan's art Try us. Salem Steam Laundry COLONin, J. OLMSTED, ritOPRIKTOIt DOR000 O. OLMSTjrO, MQR Fhone 411 210 T.i)xrtv Pte-t Who Buy FOOD CHOPPER 307 Commercial Street. i uDposue ine rosionicc his office with ua. ?v New Location. 135 (iourt St. v lllaWBillpjiliPiiijwnw