jjjJTBfrfftiffnBw"iWiTri i" ' 'F'fl' ' ' ,Wltp" IXjMmJ'wW' )ww t-ajjifc- ik PWrrlPff sswp-sw--- --- ii i i i u i ysMSjar V It ST " 1 A '! A ' I - Uncrowned Queens. In lUe original meaning of the word r every woman was a queen, for tile word queen meant woman. In monarchic countries the wife o! the king became Use queen M woman. In America we give the word back Its original meaning and every woman becomes a queen. The crown of wofonnhood Is maternity. Every healthy woman looks fonvard to marriage. Every wife looks forward to motherhood aa the crown of wifehood. And yet there are many uncrowned jf-r' ifueeoB j women who because the dr-alre Vj tfot children Is unrealised feel that they 5U have1 misled the full regal height of .ft twemanhood. fi K It Is one of the sad features of a large bureau of medical correspondence such as la conducted by Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, ,N. Yi, that It has to tlciil so many times with the disappointed hopes of women wllb have failed of tho happiness of matenilty. Hut It Is one of the glad privileges of this same medical corres pondence burenu that In the greater number of such cases, the obstacles to maternity are overcome by the establish ment of the womanly health. Not Infrequently women wrlto that they feel perfect! well and cannot understand why they are denied the maternal happiness which they desire. Snch women learn that feeling well nnd being well ore widely different matters. Few women arc by nature debarred from the happiness of maternity. In the majority of cases Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, aupplemented by his free medical consultation by letter, ore suf ficient to establish the womanly health and remove the obstacles to maternity. AN OPMRATION AVOIDUD. "I had been a sufferer from uterine trouble for about three years, having two mishaps In that time and the doctors that I consulted said that I would have , to go through an operation before I could give birth to children," writes Mrs. Blanche ft. Evans, of Parsons, Luzerne Co., Pa., Box 4. "When about to give up In despair I aaw the advertisement of Dr. Pierce's medicine In the Wilkes Barre Record, nnd thought I would give it a trial us n last resort. I bought a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Pavorltc Prescrip tion from the druggist, T. V. O'Donnell, of Parsons, and after taking It felt better than I had for years. Vclt liunrovrd before I had taken oue-bnU of the bottle, After I had taken four and n half bottles I gave birth to a brlnht baby girl, who Is now four months oh), and has not had n day of sickness. She Is as bright as can be. I cannot nay too much In pralso of Dr. Flercc'a Favorite Prescription." Dr. Plerce'a Favorite Prescription Is peculiarly and specifically u medicine the m For Bargains Shoe, hats, caps, overalls, R iery, dry goods, trunks, valises, tin and granite ware. Glass ware, crockery, window shades lace curtains, notions of all kinds, Toys and dolls, a fine. line of sea shells?' We buy and it'' sell for spot cash and can give on everything Salem, Or., 274 oeqpassGGG mm vstehe 3La&te8 Basaat '118 STATE STREET. Call and see our fine line of Mercerized Glnshams.and Silk Zephyrs for Wafsts and Dresses, MRS. M. 3X)iSS3eI ,(;,TRY OUR ' Cheese Sandwich. Long Crackers, Oysterdtes, Butler Wafersi IFT ,T r Old Poit 3 - Salem's Greatest House Furnishing Department Store. r The great increase of freight shipments received at Sa tin l due to the large sales of Charter Oak $to?es,rqnle y ikfok ajjnt in this city. for the cure of diseases peculiar to women. It will cure any disease which Is curable by the use of medicine, and often cures diseases pronounced Incur able by local physicians, or which they state are curable only by surgery. Favfcrlte Prescription establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals Inflammation nnd ulceration and cures female weakness. It Is the best prepara tive for motherhood; tranquillzing tho nerves, encouraging the appetite and In-, dttcing refreshing sleep. It makes the baby's advent practically painless. "For five years my wife was In an almost helpless condition, suffering from female weakness," writes J. B. Everrllt, Esq., of Hagerman, Washington Co., Fla. "Last Septemlier I decided to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. She took several bottles of the medicine and gave birth to a ten-pound son on January 311, 1090. one in now sound and well and doing her housework." I gladly recommend Dr. Plerce'a Favorite Pre scription," writes Mrs. T. W.O.Stephens, of Mils, Northumberland Co., Va. Before my third little boy was born I took six bottles. He is the finest child and has been from birth, and I suffered very much less than I ever did before. I unhesitatitiKly advise ex pectant mothers to use ' Favorite Prescription.' " AM INVITATION TO WOMKM. Sick women, especially those suffering from dis-( ease in chronic fonn, are Invited to consult Doctor 1 J'ierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is held in sacred secrecy and woman ly confidences are guarded by the same strict profes sional privacy observed by Dr. Pierce in his personal consultations with sick women at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Insti tute, Buffalo, N. Y. Ad dress Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. In a little over thirty vears, Dr, Pierce, ichlcf consulting physician to the In valids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buf falo, N. Y assisted by his staff of nearly n score of ph"stcinus has treated and cured hundred's of thousands of weak and sick women. Dr. Pierce's offer of free consultation by letter Is not to be confused with mis leading advertisements of "free medical advice" made by those who have neither the professional qualifications nor the legal right to practice medicine. Any one can give advice on any subject. But the "medical advice" of a person who has no medical knowledge must be worthless and may bo dangerous. In consulting Dr. Pierce, women are addressing a physician whose skill as a specialist in the treatment and cure of diseases peculiar to their sex has given him a national reputation. There Is no similar offerof free medical ad vice which offers advantages equal to those offered by Dr. Pierce. Accept no substitute for " Favorite Pre scription." The ouly motive for such substitution Is to enable the dealer to make the little more profit paid by the sale of less meritorious medicines. A MItDICAt, WOKK l'RKlt. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, containing over one thousand large pages and more than seveu hun dred illustrations, several of them litho graphed in colors, is seutr on receipt of stamps to pay expense of malting only. This great medical work deals with subjects of vital interest to women. It treats of medicine, hygiene, and physi ology ; of the laws of reproduction and of biology In general. It teaches how to enjoy health ami happiness in a long life. There is no chsrgo for the book. Scud 31 one-cent stamps (expense of mailing omy), tor iuq volume in ciotu binding, or at stamps for the book in Fi japer covers. Address ut. u. v. fierce, (JutTalo. N. Y in Anything shifts, gloves, underwear, hos you the lowest Racket prices Com. St. Prop. FENNELL NEW GOODS,. Branch Cracker, Snow 'Drop Wafers, Lemon.Wafers, Gittham QiUco Gwory -L. . iBoobc STORE. Starr i.-wawi wwrp g 5B$itofcM jpe ofttbe Capital THElftlLHOllfu. Members rjorthwest AfteT-noon News , paper League. DY. HOFEfl BROTHER8. " BATUIIDAY, Al'ItIl-12, 1902." DaTTy One Year, $4X0" In Advance. Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance. Dally by Carrier, 50 Cents Pep Month. Weekly Ono Year, $1.00 Irt Avance. SOME' -UNFORTUNATE ADMIS SIONS. .Tho organ ot- tho dominant Ropubll can faction at Portland nays ChamUorV lain would bo a lesa able man than Oi'or for govonior. Ab Chamberlain la by far the most able man In Portland, popularity muBt bo bancd on ability of Tionfo kind In tho mlndu of tho pboplol Again tho factional .organ sayB tho govornorBhlp nqpdrtinofc-Wrnuch graco ful manners and "mellifluous speech, nn attempt to slur Chamberlain. In tho next sentence It claims for Furnish "tho qualities of a gontloman a loyal heart, and an aptitude for mak ing and kooplng frlbnds." It Is to bo hopod his oxporlonco In keeping political 'frlonds will bo mdro satisfactory than Geer's was In koop- Ing tho friendship of a certain iiews. paper. o USELESS HEALTH OFFICER. Tho Sonato Is to approprlato $20,' 000 to Improve tho quarantine Btatlon nt Astoria. This rocalls tho fact that Dr. Fulton enjoys a slnocuro ns state hoalth of ficer at a good salary, with practically nothing to dp. Tho U. S. quarantine station at Mi torla inspects ovory vessel ontorlng at that port. Dr. Fulton has about oa much to do for tho Btatq salary ho gets ns th sor pout had In Kdon, after Adam ami Evo wero no longer In It. ' With this Improved quarantine sor vlco at Astoria, thoro In no longer any oxcuso for maintaining tho nUto) sine cure for tho bonoflt of Dr. Fulton.1 "" GETTING. THEIR REWARD. It tho 35 nntlRopubllcan rrfombers In tho last loglslnturo had stood like n solid wall they could havo named n Honator. Hut tho opposition divided, nnd part, of tliem voted to eluct, and did uloct, Mitchell. Ills first ballot of- Importnnco 'was for tho'Ilanna-Pnyno ship subsidy, now. denounced In tho Domocratlo plat form. Ills Chlnoso oxuluulon bill wllli prob ably bo dofoatod, and tho Nicaragua cnnal will bo mortgnuod to corpora tions. Any woll-lnformod citizen knows thnt Mltcholl was hnml-tn-glovq with tho corporations, Even Democrats aro liable to loam that AN IMPORTANT MATTER. As on all othor Important mattors, tho Oregon dologation In cougroas In divided an to who shall go on tho con gressional committee That commlttoo handlon tho cam paign funds ot each stato, sends out spcnlcors, Bpooches nnd gardon soods. Oregon should not got loft In any of thoBo Important mattors. What Is a congressional campaign without funds and cabbago nood. Tho dologation fihould got togothor on thin, If thoy can't agroo on mattors like Improving tho Columbia on paint ing tho Portland postofllco. Mark Ilanna should como out hero and lino tho boya up on some ono be fore It Is too lato to plant gardon saBS. '' o KEEPING YAQUINA CL08ED. It Is stated that tho Honato will In oreoso tho IIouso appropriation from 110,000 to $76,000 for Coos bay, nnd (20,000 to fSG.OOO for Sluslaw. Tho most important harbor for tho Willamette valloy, Yaqulna bay, Is shut out of tho appropriations as usual. Wo do not objoot to llbonU appro priations for Cooa bay and Sluslaw harbors, but all Western Orogon pro tests aealnst abandoning Yaqulna. Aftor shutting all counuorco out of Yaqulna, tho only harbor that has a railroad Into tho-AVMlamcttoi valloy, thoy maintain a life swing- station thoro. That enables tho politicians to koop a few appointments to koop tho people In lino, while wator competition Is shut out. O'l '" THE REPUBLICAN COUNTY -TICKET. Aftor tho fino bunlnoss record made, by the Republican county government of Marion county, assisted by a Demo cratic tax collector and a clerk beyond push control, tho taxpayora and voters will du woll to continue that kind of administration. Tho Republican coun ty convention endorsed that admlnls tratlon ot county affairs, and put up mon who aro in harmony with the spirit ot that program not to run the county lu dobt, to glvo tho people a business administration, and reduce taxes. After hooping their pledges ai they havo by wiping out 1100,000 dobt and reducing tho running expenses from 90,000 a year to 144,000 & year, the voters and taxpayers can do. no better than to say they endoraa that sort ot politics and county govern ment nut tho people should remem ber that eternal vlgllanco Is tho price ot good government This condltlor of affairs eatmot bo maintained trvMa Hon county by leaving tho political manager a frx hand, to do an thy" AN INDEPENDENT PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. pleaso with public omccs. There aro still signs of the exlatcnco(of a strong push that will i)lungo tho county In dclit'to pay political jobbers, and theBO mattors mfmt not bo lost sight of. The crcntlon of an additional county of fice tho forcing of an oxponfllvo ex nortlng scheme, tho running up of county oxpenses the past six months aro all signs of what push methods can accomplish if unrestrained. Still The Journal bellovos that un der all tho circumstances tho Republi can county tlckot should, bo elected. Tho Republican legislative ticket Is composed ot men of mora than ordin ary business ability and stability of chnracter, that will not pass laws to Impose now taxes, and will not create now offices at tho dictation of the push politicians. Tho throo senators and tho flvo representatives will bo found to bo a .unit for good business pro grams and goad business policies, nnd will not bo found executing tho bid ding ot hucksters and traffickers in spoils. Tho delegation stands un pledged to anything but the reform principles that pervaded tho county convention, and aro oxprossod In tho resolutions and platform ndoptcd by tho convention in Marion county. .Thoso reform principles will bo rolt era tod on tho county canvass, and will be fully discussed -by- tho cnndldntcs on tho Republican tlckot, and by tho opposition Tho people of this county should not hesitate to demand pledges to bo moro publicly given front thoso Republican candidates, and thus cm phaslzo tho dotnnnd for politics that will Buroly mako this tho best gov erned and most prosperous county In tho stoto. It is also tho duty of tho minority candidates, and should bo porformodf.wltboutnregard .to tho dec tlon. Tho pooplo have thin satisfaction, that tho Marlon county convention was not conducted under tho cqntrol of ono faction, under boss rulo or at tho dictation of' any clique Whllu tho convention was undor tho control of Governor Ooor and Sonator Simon's filonds, no effort was mado to shut out tho minority In tho formation of tho county tlckot, or tho legislative tlckot In fact, promlnont and active mombora ot both factions woro put on tho ticket No Republican was shut out of the convontlon on account of bis vlowa or convictions on any public or poTTtlcnl question. That Is Uiq Marlon county Idea ot political freedom and fnlruosn, and tho only tiling tho peo- plo havo to guard against Is tho mani festation of puslimothods,-whlch are always moro prevalent lu tho dominant pnrty than olsewhoro.1 With thoso inlliioncos kopl undor control, tho pooplo havo reason to expect pro gress nnd, guoil govommont at tho hands of the Republican party of tills county. This Is not .said at tho In stanco or solicitation of a slnglo can didate on tho Ropubllcnu tlckot, or at tho request ot tho commlttoo or any managor. Thoso otatomonts aro mado solely on tho basis ot tho facts or tho situation, and warranted, wo bollovo, by past history. ' ' O ' GEER REPLIE8TO HARVEY SCOTT In a lottor to a Portland paper Oov. Ooor says: When your Salem correspondent naked mo a day or two agn "for an In- torvtow about my sonatorlal candida cy, I answered that I "had no sona torlal candldnoy, and, thorofnro, noth ing to ay on tho subject" What I said should havo boon stated lu his report, but, slnco It was not and In vlow ot tho column ot irrolovant gos sip which followed, I fool callod upon to say thnt my present disposition is to quit politics, for all tlnio, not at all In a uourod way, but as a mattor of good Judgment As nn oxcluslvo, or ovou as a par tial buslnoss, It Is moro llkoly to lead an honest man to tho poorhouso than anywhoro olse. and the. uncertainty ot Its sucooss, coupled with tho certain ty of willful misrepresentation and un merited inbuso, moro than outweighs Its ptcasuroa. It has boon froquontly charged that I am no politician, nn accusation whloh I havo novor boeu dtsposod to deny. I may bo pardonod for adding Uiat I do nut deslro to acqulro that accomplishment, as loug an it im plies an ability to fathom tho myster los of Multnomah county politics, and to keep perfect peace with Its kaloldo scopto panorama of shitting scones. Tho man who la your frlond thoro ths year may bo your bRtorost onomy noxt, although your first notification ot tho change. Is tho onslaught What la nourishing food at ono time Is quite llkoly to bo destructive poison at another, and that too, without any change In condition what over, so far as an outsldo Republican In tho hay seed ranks can discern. Public questions ot largo import and tho public welfaro aro lost sight of, the only ono bolng who la best oquipped to survive tho premoditated onset of tho campaign vilification. The factional floht In Multnomah county dominates Oregon politics so completely that a campaign Is not a contest between Re publicans and Democrats, but between Republicans. Principle Is lost sight of In the struggle for personal suprem acy, Tho situation la not insplrlug to ttin tffin L'll1tl l 11 t l fnaA fnrm it all. and to work toward hlKhr!StED WHEiVT U choice Supply. IdoaU. "NOTHINQ IN IT." Astoria Budget, Dora. Afow. by 0 tho lludset stated that whlloitho Uepublloan atato con veatlon tiidorod r platform In whloh It declared. In favor of placing all statn officers on specified salaries without fees, tho convention was not sincere In Its action and the plank was slipped In simply to hoodwlnck tho public and secure tho votes ot a few unthinking doctors. Now tho Orejionlan, which Is tho Dlblo of tho "faithful" In Oregon, substantiates that statement In an editorial under tho caption of "Nothing In It" As everything which appears In tho Orcgonlan from a political dlssoratlon to tho prlco of spuds Is considered gospel by tho rank and (Ho of tho g. o. p. a careful reading of the article In question should convlnco them ot tho way In which they aro being mis led by their party platform. The edi torial was published April 1 and ex tracts from It aro as follews: "Thoro Is one pjnnk In tho Republi can Btato platform for which tho Ore gonlnn bespeaks a friendly but not too zealous consideration. It Is tho ono on salaries for Btato officers. It Ib an Implied pledge, but, unless wo mistake, It has a hard row to hoc in tho way to redemption. It is essenti ally nltrulstlc. It doesn't warm the hcarta of any considerable fraction ot tho boys. In short there's nothing in it "Where Is tho man who Is going to tnko oft his coat and invest time and money In Bomo effort to sav tho Btato treasury from a system of voxatlous, demoralizing and' unconstitutional foes? Who is going to pay out good monoy to somo lawyer to draft such a bill? Who Is going to Bit up nil night learning a speech In its favor? Who is going to tinde bin vote lor prcsldont of tho senate or speaker of tho houso In roturn for a favorable commlttoo report on ealailcs for stato omcors7 rMSHSti2iS Bag CHICAGO PEOPLE'S BARGAIN HOUSE. WE DON'T WANT ONE CENT LyrZyXWfiW you tmrcliMc In our store. The public shows ty tnelr literal patronage the real true merits of house whn does business la an us to-d ate business way 'Not the quai Ity of foods cut but the crlcej. to the lowest possible notch Our ireat troub f now li to et the goods quick enough. They sre so d Just as fat ss we can get them In. Hapld selling and little p-oflts gets rid of them quick, Head on. 15c Swiss Ribbed Ladles' vests 8c. 75c black Uenrallne underskirts 39c. Hc ladles' stockings -4c 7 Sc calico wrappers 35c. Rust apron ginghams 4c. Mill enJ of calicoes 2 l-2c. ISC black 4lik lace 2 1-2 Incite). 8c lot lace strlprd taffeta ribbon 5c. Uaby ribbon 2 yds. forte 25c children s overalls 15c. School handktrchlets tc t 2.50 dress skirts $1 35 . 1.35 white lawn wiltts trimmed with Insertion and fancy embroUcry 75c. WEARETIIE MAKERS OF LOW PRICES ON RELIABLE GOODS. McEVOY BROS., Proprietors. i; Court Street, S3.000.000 ! Worth of 80 pound steel and 55 new coaches, chair cars, dining and cafe cars is the record of the If ( During the past year, niRklii(j It the lu tnu rnimtrv. Travel over ti aim O. S. CUANK, Gon, l'ns Agt.,8t. 11 I IH1.I I'UB Allt . .rm AIIlMIIIIS. liRI. -.---. O"", - rnwiSW5? THE FLORENCE SANATORIUM SALEM, ortcGon. A tlrst-elaea pilvate hospital for tlie ttttattneut of cl.roulc and surgical cases. Utiilt tliepa-t year ospuuially for the purpose for which it is used. Couveuently lornted within (our blocks of the bueiueea part of the city. The most modern (iirutBulnyn and latest appllancw tl.roughnut tho huildltiK. Heated iy hot water and llehtod by gas end oloctiolty Horn tho slcs cau have tho comforts of an elegant private home, comlilmnl with till the advantages of a general hospital without tlm nolte, confusion, and publicity attending oner. Outside phvcciaits bringing cases in treated with the greatest courtesy, and asBlcted in operations if rqutgtl. For terms and fitrtber inlornm tlouwrlto or apply personally. R. CARTWRIGHT, M. D. SUPT, VIRITOSS WHLC0MPD flETWBEN 7 ANn 4 P. W All Ladies SARGENT OEM Arc pleased with it, and tltcy will pass along the word that the Gem is an indispensable kitchen utensil, that it is useful daily, that there is nothing like it for preparing substantial and dainty dishes, that itrttdds to home economy by utilizing "left' overs,"' Housekeepers want Sargent's Gem Food Chopper assoon as they R. M. WADE & CO. CLOVER SPPft Snerinl nrir I . FIELD PEAS a cut in the price. LAND PLASTER at the lowest prices in the city. &F" Oall ami Rt mr (trims. ...BREWSTER 91 Court St. FEEDMEN AMD -Journal "Wo do not wish to bo unduly pes simistic or unjust to nnybody, and possibly wo aro In error about tills mattor. That Is, maybe thero is somo hopo of reward about this proposal which has escaped us, aud may yet load to oratory and ovon action. In bucIi caso the project will havo n rea sonable show of overcoming that con stitutional Inertia of legislators whlsh has so far effectually provented this peronnlal blooming reform from coming to fruitage. Or perhaps some body will got mad about It and push tho bill through which would bo best of all, and would sufficiently reward this outburst of long-suffering disap pointment." DON T 'louACCoSPrf nnd SMOKE YourLlfcnwnyl Von can be cured of any form of tobacco uslnu eaulljr, be maile troll, strong, jtiaKtielle, full of new life nml igot by taking NO-TO-BA8, that makes weak men strong, Many gam len pounds In ten days. Orer 0 00,000 cured. All druggiiU. Cure Guaranteed. Dock t aud adlce I'RUU. Address 8TMRI.INO iliMUUY CO.. Culcaao or Ntw York. V O CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Slgnatnro of SiSS cmsHcnrrrt's emoush 7AB KBEfl H llrlLlnnl nnrt Onlr tlfnulne. 'VtlNSAFl-:. All .i" l.u.l 1-. . Ufirrlrt t-.SS vy '' ciik u j. vi r.irs knumhii r Swmt In IKI t.ui.i n..unu mi.. ...ito -v -Ori'J with i lu, i i n I iiLv no other. Itrru.a ' M i Y4-J Dn-itfrr. n Miti'tlmilnim anil Imlta- - rtftli.n.. It ').l.r.l.i cfiral l(. mutton UUttftr Aladlftun huunrc. iIULA- I'Aa. T BE 9 35c fancy percale waists 19c. 85c fancy percale and linen effect waists 12 1-Jc fancy striped ticking 7 l-2c T.iurla ill nrli-e rrnm 3e no. rne very mcsi jut St 50 children's trimmed hats 65c 45c children's calico fancy trimmra zsc , Men's 15c suspenders 5e. l-or the next three days we offer big bsrgalns In the following d psrtnents. Dress goods, table linens, domesiics, hosiery, underwear, notions and tlb- bins. ft Salem. Orcsron rails, 50 new locomotives, most modern and tip-to-dnto railro.id enjiv ttie unosi rquipinent nn earin. Louis, Mo. Koss O. CLINK, Pacific Who Buy FOOD CHOPPER hear of it. X mX. fnr n chew :, ' '" & WHITE... SEEDSMEN. Sales, Oregon 4"Qiiffiaay rciu ?ra&. Corollis & Eastern Railroad TIME O AllO. No. 2 For Yaqulna: Train leaves Albany 1J:S0 p. ni Train leaves Uorvallls. . . 153 p. m Cialn arrives Ynquina - 0:45 p. m No. 1 Returning Leaves Yaqulna OOVa. m Leaves Corvallls .11:30 a. m Arrives Albany .'.JlSp.m No. 3 For Dotrelt: Leaves Al'mny 7.00 a.m. Arrives Detroit .12:15 p. m No. 4 From Detreit: Leaves Detroit.... 12:45 p. ru Arrives Albany ... 6:40 p. m 1 rains 1 arrivos In Albany in timo to connoct with tho 8. P. south bound, train, as well nB Riving two or three hours In Albany before departure pf 8. P. North bound train for Portland. Train No, 2ronuct nlth the B, P. west eiilo train at Corvbllls Crocsing for Independence, McMinnville and all points north to Portland J. Tohneb, Edwin Htonb, Accnt. Albany. Manao The Great Is tho only lino operating woolf. ly personally conducted tour i s t excursion cars between Tortland aud Rock Island Route Chicago chango via. tho world s great est scenic lino, making closo connec tions nt Chlcaco In Union Depot for all points East, pally stanaaru sicep ing car uotwoon oan Lnko City, Denver and Chicago, buffet, library, smoking cars betweon Pnnliln. Denver and Chi cago. Tho most reasonablo dining car sorvlco between Pueblo anu untca go. If you ore going to Kansas City, Omaha, Des Moines, Chicago or any placo East, you should enquire about tho Great Rock Island Routo before purchasing your tlckot Ask your nearest agent about it, or wrlto for foldors, nnd any Information desired. A. E. COOPER, Gon. Agt., Portland, Ore. &mm A Juicy Morsel for - Breakfast Or dinner yon-can enjoy Irom ono of our tender and delicious meats. Bteake, larab or mutton chops' veal cutletu or jiork, Our meat are nil cut from the fattest and tirinittat cnttje, and we can supply your table with fresh, nutritious und wholesome mente at bod rock prices. E. C, CROSS SALEM ORE Phon 2U1 n - rt F 9tf. VT " w ft n' tv v ?-. b iSon? Ae r AS accessfal Move Since we came to 307 Commercial St. we have gained many new customers, and the most of our old friends found us. We have better facilities for handling our goods, Our expenses are much less which enables us to give better bar gains to customers. Those who have traded with us found it so, andgthose who have not, will find bargains in oupclotl ing. See our 4.00, 500, 7.50 and $0 suits and you will not go away empty handed. Come and take our 21c corsets, they fell from $t to 52 each elsewhere, Extra bargains in lace curtains at 5FRIFHM HM 307 Coramerclal Street. lliL.UI 11111 Opposite the Postoff Ice. P. S. S. Friedman Mhe auctioneer,) has hid office with us. FIELD PBAS We have a superior article in the way of Canada and Blue ProMW rield leas, and uttr pnoea are tho loweat going, SEED WHEAT W e aw prepared to furnish Foley aud Deflanca soed wheat In ?il.n0U!n! SfELTZ-If you want a grata ihat w ill make a large qu tlty f fttr-d trv hi.lx. a LAND PLASTER AND FEKTILIZORneTltiBibcr that we. are beadq-ururi ' aaytaurVm this Hu SAQi 322-324 Com'! St. tfiSw UNION PACIFIC AND DKPART FOB TIMBSCIIEDUIES From FouUnrt, or, AKWIVR FROM CulCAKO I"ortlnil HliPClSl 8G0s, m. vis Hum Ington ''Atisntio" Ftproii B p.m. tin Hunt ington 8lt Lskr. flMivof. P. Worth, Omaha, Kanrai City, St. Louis Uiloic aud Eatt, 4.81 p a, UU Lke, Di liver I. Worth, Oman, Imidi. i Cltr, St. I.oti U, ( tiii'sio and Eft.t, 8.10a. m, M. Haul Fast Mali 0:ia p. m. via Spokane Walla Malta, l,viMo.., -3lokne, Wallace, I'm l man, Minneapolis HI Haul, Dultith.MIIuaukci Chicago, and Kant. :00 a m. 72 HOURS "- 72 PORTLAND TO CHICAGO . no tninie oi Lais Through tickets vln 'iin mute to all Enstern points on BuleHt buuthern Pa cific depot office. OCEAN AMD MVER SCHEDULE Prom Portland All nilllUK ilRtts subject to cnanRO ForanFraticlBco Sll(;er7 6dn 8 p. m. p. m Dally e?Crll Similar 8 n in COLL'MPIA K1VKK ToArtorl aod Way Laudltigx. 4 p.m. ex. Bund. i HMurdiiJ m p. in. WILLAMETTE RIVER Sleatnor-Ruth leaveB Balera for Tori land and way landing on Tuepday, Thurs days and Saturdays, about 10 n..m. For CorvalllB tind way Inndinge, Moodayi, Wctlueedaya and Frldajs at about 6 p. m. A.L.CRAIG, M. P. BALDWIN. (Jon. I'ona. Act. Agt. O. R. & N dock Portlaud, Ore. . Balom, Ore. At Easter Time 1 when the building business will lie In full wlng. 1 you haven't given your otdera for your lumber requirements ft will pav you to get eslfmitle irom Oooilalo Lumber Co., for any and oil kind of lumber for out or ltiBido work, lath, shingles, pa.ili, door, bllnda bdJ everything needed in tills line. Goodale Lumber Co. No.tr B. P. Pass'r. depot. Phono 051. i-r-r-ri "YI d.A?.t --- ffw a1"- mU Paeans of Joy Tho ohlrt sings as well aa tho wonrrr, when it has been laundered with each cureful handling and perfect methodeit tlio Halom Steam laurdry, No tan, no frays, no featheied odgee, and with a color and flniti that defies competition outside of tho perfectly now article. Our laundry work has roauhed the top notch ot perfection. Salem Steam Laundry OOLONEli J. OLMUTKD, rUOFHIETOB. oonoofl DoLMbTtri), mob. Phono 411 SR0 Lllforty Bttwl All Doubt Removed The quojtlon as to the wholeeorceoMi and nutritive propertied of beenlupradi entirely upon the kind. In Jills inraoce it iadccldtd in the alllrraative by exrrit testimony. An absolutely pure product of barley, malt and hop, the fBniooi bottling of export beer is unrivalled ait table beer and stlmnlant. Gives zeitto the moul, strengthen, Invigorates. Al ways the best by overy teat. Try a vit of export bottles of beer made at b'alera Capital Brewery, Mrs. M. Beck, Prop, Balem, Oregon. JgSt I J&Bip SEEDSM tMmmwf