ufuimtmmjikmtii i.imsii.sijiupmw'Wr 2 SUNDAY SERVICES. Ministerial Union. The Salem Ministerial Union will meet in tho Y. M. 0. A. parlors at 10 a. in., Monday March 10th. Kvnnu.ollst Constitute Yourself an Improve' ment League to Beautify Your Own Property : : : : : BECIITEL'S DOUBLE FLOWERING AMERICAN CRAB Fatterton nill be present and will prob ably address tht Union. All ministers invited. LUTHERAN ciiuncn. Rev. Ad. Ebcrle, Pastor. Sund.ty school 10 a. in. Altar servlco 11 a m. Sermon 11:30 a. m. German parochial school 8a tnday from 0 to 12. CAIUSTIAS' BCIK.NCK S.cond Church ot Christ, Scientist, 20!) Liberty street. Services at 10 30 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sundays; and every weiiiiegiiay otontng at 7:au o'clock. Suhjoct of lesson sermen: "SubBtauco." OKRMAN 11A1TI8T. North Cottago Btrcet, F. Florrmann. ADMIRAL VON BAUDISSIN Commander of the Kaiser's Imperial Yacht Ilohen- ILLn JLSOlfi lO 9 ?I ?! t I zollern Who Accompanies Prince Henry. 'V' -HViVV WHHVH ft jftfJilw . GV? I 118 STATE STREET. cl VV (&$tinr i A beautiful line of Undervests, 10 to 50c;-also la" JflyjUHr; ?v' ''uwj I "' nee pants 20 anc 2 cents Also a complete line i'mFwVr &&&im. 1 I of ne celebrated Rhuben's infant shirts, 25 cents. I dSMk O. K. Pharmacy I A medium-sired, hardy, ornimontal trco of great brauty. When in bloom this tree presonts the nppenrancc ol being covered with roses scent ing tho atmosphoro for a long dlstanco with their perfume equal to that of any roso. Unllko many other trees it docs not bloom until the loavoa fully doveloped, which mid 8 greatly to its bounty. are Plant Ornamental Shrubbery and Flowers. The Oregon Nursery Company, SALE.U. OREGON. Has Hundreds of Varieties of Roses, Flowering and Decorative Shrubs and Plants. OREGON NURSERY CO. Wholesale and Retail. VlBit our grounds corner State and Twelfth Streets. I tw s Greatest House urnisliiDg Dei mm fnr-n u j. 3E The House Furnisher, a. XvB5eaoir You can buy a Stovo inado of poor material, hastily put together by Incompetent workmen, for very littlo money. fit will NEVER glvo ut- tUfactlon, and will only Hast a few yonre, with fbareful use. M-nrcit is Tin: iisr ARixxiiwDacrio. You can buy s. Charter Oak Stovo or Range, mado of tin best mate rial, by tho most skilled workmen, for a. reasona ble amount of money. It will ALWAYS glvo sat isfactlon and will outlast a half-dozen of tho 'cheap" kind. It also effects a saving in fuel. CHEAPEST IS THE E.MT All otyloaof Charter Oak stoves, fitting" and repairs. Our furniture department fares on Chemolcota street. Our mattrefB department is on tho second Moor. Our second-hand department la the largest in the city, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Ser mon by the pastor. Topic; "Tho Last Comminslou of Christ to ilia Did plea.' At 7:30 p. m.: "Ab.de in lllm.' Everybody is cordially invited. CK.ST1UL C0.S0llKATI0.VAL On tlio corner of 10th and Ferry nrtelp, T. II. Hendereon, pastor. Preaching at tho usual hours tomorrow. Subject nt li a. in.. "The Way to ljecome Equal to Angelb". Subject at 7:30 p.m.. "Club, or Home Which?" YKW PARK UNITED nKETIIKN. Morrltt D.ivls, pastor. Sorvicos at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. in. Rev. Wm. Stewart, presiding older, will occupy tho pulpit both morning and evening. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Quarterly meeting Saturday evening at 0:30. All are Wel come. FIRST rnKSHYTKntAtf. II. A. Kotchum pastor. Services 10:30 a.m. anu 7:sup. m. lonng reopioa mooting at 0:30 p. m Babbatli fcliool at 12 m. Subject of morning sermon "Christian Philanthropy." Text Rom. 10:1 Evening Text Gal. OiJU. buoject "Opportunity." st Paul's episcopal cnuncit. T- -.t. a...ln.i Ir. ToM I I rtl M Pfllll. ruuriu auuunj ... aju.v. v.j ww... j 111 Utiton, I '.M a. m ; lunuui aim ouriuuu , Sundav School, 12 m; Evensong and Sermon, 7:30: Daily Evoeong (except Tuesday and Friday) 4:15 p. m; Matins and Litany, Wednesday and Friday, 8:30 a. m; Evensong, Friday, 8 p. in. unitarian ciiuncn. Corner Ghemekota aud Cottago streets. W. G. Eliot, Jr.. minister. Services at 10:30 o. m. una 7:30 p. m, Sunday school at 12 m. Subject of morning sormen: "Tho Leadership of Jesus." Subject o( lecturo in tho evening: ''Tho Gospol According to Mark." All wel come. LESLIE M. K. H. C. Blackwoll, parstor Morning ser vice 10-30. Proaching by pastor. Class Meeting 12:30 Sunday hcIioo! 12. Junior Loasuo 3:30. Epvroth Leaguo 0:30, Evoning service 7:30. Proaching by the Presiding Eldor of Salem Dirstrict Tho Hev. D. A Wattoraj followed by tho administration of tho Sacramont. first conoreoatio.val. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. Suhjoct "The Lower and Higher Zones of Life." Sun dav echool at 12 m. J. B. T, Tutlll, Supt. Junior Endeavor at 3:1G p. m. Frauk KoenB, loader. Y. P. B. O. E. at Oi'lO p. in. Miss Ella Illneman, loador. Evening sermon at 7 :30 n. m Bubject "A Man in tho Grip of his Conscience, or "Tho Massago of Lea Mlsorablcs." KVANQEMCAL. Seventeenth and Ghemeketa streets. N. Shupp, pastor. Tlila is decision day for tho church and Sunday school. Mag uot object lesson in tho Sunday school at 10 n. in. Subject "If I be lifted up will draw all men unto mo." Preaching sorvico at 11 a. m. aud 7:30 p. m. Tho revival meetings aro being continued with success. Y. P. A. at 0 :30. (UNITED KVAN(lKLIOAL chukcu. O. A. Hubing,pastor, Cottage between Marion and Centor otreota. Sunday por- vlces March 0, 1002, 10 a. m. Huuday school, 11 a. m. Proachlug Subject " VVaitingforthoHopoof Righteousness " f!:30 p m., Y. P. S. O. E. Prnyormoet lug, 7:30 p.m. Gospol sorvico, Subject "Applying tho Golden Rule to Every day life." MHTIIODIST EPISCOPAL. John ParsonB, pastor. At 0:30 a. in, in tho lecture-room tho quarterly moot ing love feast will be held, which all tho members of tho church aro Invited to attend. At 10:20 a. m. Prosldlng-Elder Wattara will preach. Sunday school at 12 in., and Epworth Leaguo at 0:30, p. m. Speclel music by tho choir, Prof. Francoeoo Seloy , leudor. Servico at 7 :30 p. m. Flllfir CHRIST AN. Corner High and Center streets. Geo. C. Ritehov, minister Preaching at 10:30 a in. '"omonal nesnonsibility." At 7:30 p ni. Kvange'ist II. O Patterson, and singing Evangelist Miss Nena Mc Cornlck, will hae charge of tho services aud begin u sorles of revival meotltge. Bible school at 12 m. Sunlor O. E at 3 p. in. New Testamont History class atC p.m. Senior C E atGiHOp. m. Miss Delia Osboni, leader. A very cordial invitation is extended to jou to be present at these services. . ' WMMjW oid -pmm H' ifHLi Admiral Von Baudissln, Commandor of tho Imporial Yacht Ho is now ono of Princo Henry's party. This is his latest picture Next to Damon's Grocery SALEM GIRLS ARE CHARMING In the Eyes of Wooers All Directions. From Youth from a Valley Town Causes Chronic Insomnia. The young ladies of tho Capital city are undoubtedly the most popular b the state, as is evldencod by tho rocout mar ridges ot Salem girls to Eastorn mon and men from various parts of tho West. Any ono acquainted with tho young la dies horo can canity account for thia (art, as nowhere aro there to bo found a mora beautiful or intelligent class of young people, Another reason which makes thorn greatly in demand is tho fact that thoy aro not easily won. No class of young mon in tho Btate aro bo completely infatuated with tho charms of Salem girls as tho awalna who iiail from up tho valley. A young at torney from up tho rivor, who Is quito enamored of ono of tfio fairest daughtora of this city, has almost abandoned his law practice in tho pursuit, and it has apparently rendered him tho moro per sistont. Ho is determined to win and makes fiequont trips to Salem, and often remains several daya at a time, ''attend. ing court." Tlio location of tho State Library is a good excuse for that. Each evoniug ho called on tho lady whom ho ardently admires, and because tho timo so agreeably passed, his departure was seldom earlior than midnight and of ton lator. Anyone can keep lato houra torn nUHo and not notlco tho ksa of elcop. but when tho affair bocomos habi tual or chronic, oven tho strongest must suffer thorofor. and so with tho valley attorney's friond. Sho ia now sorlouely ill as tho rosult of losing so much sloop, and tho physicians doclaro hor recovery a matter of timo to regain tlio sloop lost. This man icoms sloopless when ho is aroused into action on certain lines. The Elks Minstrels. Hon. James Ross, Shoriff of Lincoln county, farmlllarly known to Salem pooplo as ' Jimmlo Ross" has offorod his eorvicoB to tho local Elka for tholr per formance at tho Grand Opom House Tueadaj ovonlng, Jimmlo is ono of Salem's old timo favorites, ho poaoasos a bass voico of unusual rango and culturo. Tho Elka have certainly addod greatly to thoir entertainment by recotvtng his assistance. Ticketa for tho Elk'a Minstrels aro on salo at Jos. Moyors & Sons, T. Uolvor son & Co., Dalrymple, V. II, Burg hardt, Jr. Patton Bros., and Goo, E. Waters. Buy your tickets now and get first choico of seats. Box ollico open Monday from 1 to 5 p. in. only for those who have purchasod ticlcots in advance. Don't target tho date, Tuesday, March 11th, C. O. COMPORT, PROP. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES, Call and See Us. 333 Commercial St. Salem, Orceon.- Ice Cream Soda With Crushed Fruits 0 s That Can't be Beat at THE s & 9 OJr JnL WILLAMETTE HOTEL. J F Clark, Ban Francisco. O A Giles, do. E E Wiocnoator, do. EDBakorNon Yoak. Irwin L Harlow, do, It K Cartoll, do. O F Dumorost, Portland. Lon Hansou, do. Tltoa Oollinson, do. II N Swank and wife, Vaucouuor, Wn. G W Brown, Oohocmi O. .1 M Haborly, Seattle. R A Booth, Eugiuo. James Larson, Iowa, 11 McMurphy, Grand Rapids. Franklin T. Griillth, Orogon City. James Heron, Sa'wm. N Roiss, Chicago. A M Drake, Pilot Butlo, Or. J C Wolf, Sllvorton. Goo Spangeiiborg, Dunvor. E B Forguson, Cincinnati. 114 State Street Salem, Oregon; Westacott & Stolz, Props Special Rates For Ice Cream in Quantities. Burroughs & Fraser Tinners, Plumbers, Iron Workers SALEA, OREGON. . Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron, Cornice, Roofing, and all work in their line about a building. Estimates fur nished on short notice. ITS PRAIS ES ARE SUM vwmwwrm n-matxsvji Not merely here and there.jbut everywhere. '-gwMB SSMTRffliiNGOUARTERS! fwilliam Muldoon, Famous ExChampIon Wrestler of the ; Wo" Ooens Palatial P ace to Build up uroKen uowu dusihcmi. j j......v., .--. upens m. World of Sport and Doctors Deeply Interested. fJKMBaW3MplgMSMWPt3WBWPWS . i.ititiiotiwk ...uwiratAi - i i wwoawiMwJii -w A great stir ha. been occasioned in tho .porting and medical world by ths , opting oT-w Jl T PB.7h N . T b' -0-p,on Muldoon. A --"- ' oitl 1 JJ whW, h. made of .w rcauus uy ueauuy exorcise, iiorseoac twuuk. ;- --- . iu-.in-i irflB1 1 ulllvan a magnificent specimen out ot a pbyaloal wrwk. Mulioon is rslgad with '"?" ' ' t U I, not a sanitarium or a money-making sobeme it U difficult to under U ta U all nver the country, the Profeisor feels '"" not a sau tarium or a mofley-raaKing saneme u is ". - anlnaa tralnlna nuarteri. Inclined. Some famous men Including several mllllonal.e., are niw raining health at his naWi tr.ln.ng qnariert. WHEN BICYCLES ARE IN USE on the Western Hemisphere or the Eastern one, there is the Columbia known, there is Its worth recognized, there is it in demand, there is it acknowledged , ! to be the best, the leader, the head and front, the world's standard of bicycles, the bicycle that gives the greatest satisfaction and the least trouble to the greatest number of people in the greatest number of places. ""exmmsm It is THE WORLD'S THE COLUMBIA'S UNDOUBTED TRIBUTE t0 UNDOUBTED MERITS for merit only can win such a triumph, such a proud place in the world's esteem. $40 - Price - $40 4w i- ' nt - Why? Why? Why do you continue to ride that heavy, hard-running wheel when you can get a thoroughly reliable, up-to-date highest grade and easy running Columbia or Hartford with any equipment desired for $30, $35 or $40. If you cannot get a new wheel we can improve your old one very much If you will let us give it a thorough cleaning. It may save you money to nave it attended to at once. We carry a complete line of tires and bicycle sundries, do first-class repairing, sell on easy terms, and take old bicycles In part pay ment. We would be pleased to haye you call and try our new 1902 models. Our new location - 135 Court Street. OTTO k iW0N. s .- 4 M 4 u a i iVJ r i I fi x . t i I V "5