The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, March 06, 1902, Image 1

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Attorney General to
Start Proceedings
Against Persistent Violators
of the Law.
uor union boycotted tuo street carp.
Common Councilman Kelloy, also a lend
er of tho strikers, offered a resolution nt
tonight's council meeting to rovoke the
street railway franchlao lor lapso of two
days in running core. Tlio resolution
wna referred to a special committee.
Two Years
In the Pen
n iu v a n b wi utin u iy j ..
lllUUUlI11iU VJL JLJJlTXX'wifvxXJLl JL U ,aA? A
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Congressman Drops BEad--
Other Items.
Wabhinqton. March 6. It is expect-
fctl that Attornoy-Uonornl Knox- will
! shortly Instltuto injuno'ion proceedings
.'against certain railways which havo
jboonchnrgod by the Intorststato Com
morco Uominiwjioti with persistently
violating tho law prohibiting rate pool
ing, cutting, and robnto. The Idea ia to
', got n Judicial ruling on tho matter.
Dropped Dead.
Washington, Murch C Congress
man Rufus Polk, of Pennsylvania,
dropped dead in the Hotel Walton, Phil.
adelphm, this morning.
Long's Retirement.
Washington, March C Tho dato
now But for Long's retirement from tho
Cabinet is now known to bo May 1,
though no format announcement baa yet
: been made. Representative Fobs, iof
Illinois, is now most favorably mon-
i tioned as liia successor,
Euounb, Or., March, 5. (Special to
the Journal Joseph iCIarko wbb this
morning sentenced to two years in tho
Penitentiary at Salem for tho theft of
an overcoat.
Chinese Again Killing
Great Strike in the Virginia
NoitFOLK.Vn., March 6. A mob of 500
Btriko sympathizers today hold tho
atrcota of Norfolk on which tho main lino
of tho Norfolk Railway fc Light Corn.
pany'e cars aro run last night, and itho
polico wero unablo to copo with it from
: nonn until alter dark, when tho care,
which woro guarded by detachracnta of
military and had run with dllllculty all
day, wero housed in tho barns. Cars
i wero repeutedly dorellcdjwniron-loada of
iBtones wero piled on tho tracks.and free
Blights hotwoen tho military guards and
Ptho crowd occurred at frequent intervals.
In ono difficulty, a Sergeant ran a bay
(onot into tho arm of II. II. Harmanaef , n
barber. Mrs. Harmuneef, who waa
standing by her husband at tho tlmo,
knocked tho Sergeant to the ground with
both lists and discolored tho faco of
Lieutenant E. R. Galo, who waa near
her. Soveral soldiers wore struck by
missiles thrown through tho windows of
care. A number of arrests havo been
do both by tho polico and military.
Eight companios of militia aro on
guard. Tho polico forco of 100 men Ima
tbeon on duty for 48 hours, and is un
able to meet the emergency.
Martial law wna declared in Norfolk
Jin tho morning. Four mora infantry
companies from Emporia, Suffolk,
Jinilthflold and Franklin, making tho
c tiro Seventy-first Regiment, havo beon
spidered out.
The Btrikers last night cut a mile of
trolley wiio in tho city. Tho tioopaaro
Row guarding tlio power plant. A detach-
Iment of a Newport News company ia a
At a mooting tonight tho Central La-
YicfoiuAj JB. O., March 5. Reports of
two massacres of missionaries in China
woro recoiled by tho stoamer Empress of
India, which arrived from tho Orient
this afternoon,. In Kiing Su, Fathers
Van Morhaego and Bougaorla woro mur
dored by a band of Chinese, including
soldiers, who attacked their mission,
tho first namod priest was killed instant
ly by a sword tbruBt, bat tho latter
lingniod for (ivo days, suffering from the
terriblo wound. It is stated that tho
attack waa mado for rovongo for the
deposition of tho Bon of Prince Tnan by
the Empress Dowager at tho request of
the foreign Ministers. Iho Magistrato
of tho district being friendly to foreign
ers, warned tho missionaries, but they
woro attacked boforo they could got out
of tho way.
Tho othor massacro took placo In Ki
ang Si, Father Jullon being attacked
whilo ho slopt and cruolly murdered.
His body was mutilated, both hands be
ing cut off. Hie two servants woro also
killed, Tho Viceroy has sont a troop to
hunt for tho murderers.
Two piratea of a band who had captur
ed two junks in the West River, and
wero guarding tho prieonera tukon in the '
raid, suffered a terriblo death. They
woro attacked by a band of outlaws and
tho pirates woro buried alive.
Tho Kodo Horald is authority for tho
Btatemei.t that 200 firemen from tho vii-'
lago of Wugo worn drowned in u storm
off tho coast of Mljikan, February 17.
Tho, boats hud gncajojig way H s .and, j
uoing ovcrwiKcn uy mo Biorm, wero
lost. Only 13 out of moro than 200 fire
men f re in that ono village returned, nnd
they camo in on an upturned boat.
Fleets from other villages also Buffored.
A Tokio diBpatch states that tho Bri
tish subjects in Jbpan havo decided to
order two Bllvor vneos incommemoration
of teh Anglo-Japaneeo alliance, and to
prosent ono oach to tho sovereigns of tho I
allied nations. Tho British Consul at
Vnkntinmn. nhn l thn fililcf mnvnrln BOnS
WV...., ,...-... ...- .
this matter, has alroady ordered tho
Are Already Pouringlihlo the State of Washington
One Thousand Arrived Today.
The Railroads Anticipate a RemarkaMejgush"New Comers Buying
Wlieat Lanastlie First Waveias struck saiem.
Tacoma, Wash. March, 5."The first train of lirle-seekers taking advantage of the
reduced rates, arrived here last night. Today over onMhousand immigrants reached West'
ern Washington. The railroads state that an immense jtfafTic will be carried on for the next
six weeks. All the available wheat lands of EastermpVVashington are being rapidly pur
Many of the immigrants, who are almost entirely'ot the class who have money where
with to purchase homesj express their intention to use the privilege allowed them by the
recent orders of the railroads and will continue theirjHurney throughout the states of Ore
gon and Washington, many of them taking in the enir& country as far south as the limit of
their transportation to Ashland, Ore. w '
: The fame of the fertile Willamette and other vajleys of Oregon will draw thousands of J
new-comers. This, it is said by the railroad people is) but the first wave of the tide of inv
migration which is expected to far exceed any of recent years.
The advance guard of about ten families landecftat Salem last night and have been
busy today seeking new homes in all directions.
Head of the Oyster Trust
Chicago, March 5. Alfred Booth,
head of tho A. Booth Packing Co.,
sometimes called tbo Fish and Oyster
Trust, died this morning of hardening of
tho arteries. Two sons snrvivo him.
He leaves au estate valued nt several
Passed Through Cleveland
This Morning,
Clcvhland, March, C Prince Henry's
special passed through hero at nine
o'clock this morning. Tho train mado a
live minute stop during which tho Prince
left tho breakfast table to go to thn back
platlorm whera lie acknowledged the
cheors of tho crowd in tho dopot. Thcro
were no formal ceremonies.
With His
Stern Methods
Men Best
Wichita, Kan., March 5. Lillian
Nordira sang to an audionco of 2000 per-
last night. An unique featuro.of
the concert was tiio transmission of tho
vases, which ore about 20 foot in height. ! music by tolepuono to various parts
Tho flags of the high contracting powers,
tho territories and seas of Great Britain,
Japan, China and Corea, aro said to bo
shown in tho designs for these vases.
Other Jupanceo powors comment favor
ably upon tho treaty.
An Indiana
Bank Robbed
Washington, Ind., March 5. Tho na
tional bank at Montgomery was burglar
ized this morning. The cracksmen got
over four thoueand dollars.
New Embroideries
New all-over laces and embroideries. New ribbons,
immense assortment just in at the
Full Line of Spring Clothing
For men and boys just opened. New styles in Nobby
Suits at prices that make you wonder how we get them.
It's our plan of business that does it. X X 2C
the city, also to other citios, tven to
Kansas City. Transmitters tho eizuof
tho ordinary teloptioue mouthpiece wero
placod among tho footlights. Mine Nor
dlca did not loarn of tbo shrowd ar
rangement for the telephono concort un
til a few minutoi beforo singing tho last
number. She waa indignant and almost
refused to sing the closing selections.
Mmo. Nordlca said after the concert
that never again would she sing into a
telephono, and that hereafter her mana
agera would investiuato tho stago to see
if there were any receivers secreted.
Slio eaid that those who hoard her by
telopbono would havo a falso impression
of her singing.
Searching for
The Dead.
Tkllciude, Colo., March 6. Tho
storm is over and 150 men are engaged
today in searching for the bodies that aro
buried under masses of snow and da
brie. J. D, Cedarberg, who wbb listed among
those killed in tbo slide at the Liberty
mine, last Friday is alive and well. He
was caught by tho avalanche, but man
aged to dig his way out and reach a place
of safety.
The only mine in tho violuity of Tel
luride that continues in operation is tho
! Tomboy, and 600 miners are out of em
A Destroyer
Sunkjn a Fog.
Dover. Eneland. March 6. It is re
ported that a British torpedo deUroyer
bad been sunk in a collision during a
fog in the English channel.
Emu, Pa., March 6. -At Olovoland
some excitement was caured by tlio
irantiacffortfi ot r intdOlt?cd man to
board tho train. Tlio cocret sol vico men
throw him hack but as tho Princo caught
I eight of him ho said "Let that man como
up." ilo was ushered Into tho 1'rluco's
prrsonco and talked with him forBovoral
minutos. Tho man proved to bo Peter
Kapp, who was tiio Prince's valet twenty
years ago.
What a French Inventor Says He has
New Yodk, March 6 E. Ducrotat,
tho French oloctrical engineer, ims mado
tho following ttatomout concerning the
system of wirclees telephony which ho
lias invented, says tlio Paris dispatch to
the Journal and Advertiser:
"Tho Academy of Science, to which
my invention of telephoning without
wires has beon submited, acknowledges
its value. Tho transmitter and recoiver
aro much lik those in daily uso for tho
ordinary telephone. There Is this differ
ence, that a small coil ia introduced and
tho clestrical intonelty ia slightly in
creased. "When the Instruments aro put down
deop in the earth, messages can be
transmitted over enormous distances.
Forests, rivors, mountains may separate
armies, yet they can communicate with
each othor through tlio earth by wireless
"Wireless telephone mossages can bo
transmitted through soa from shore to
shore or between chips. The voico Is
transmitted without tho least dllllculty,
and the most delicato articulations reach
tho ear,"
New Yohk, March 6. A Htrango
story la exciting much discussion among
military mon, says a London dispatch to
tho Tribune, although it has been kopt
nut of both press and Parliament. It
relates to alleged reprisals taken by Aus
tralian troops for Boer outrages in firing
upon wounded and Draconian measures
adopted by Lord Kitchener for enforc
ing discipline It is stated that tho
Australian officers and men who took tho
lox tallonls into tholr own hands, wiire
tried by court-martial and somoof thorn
woro sentenced to ho shot. Nothing
has been obtained on tlio matter nt Lon
Is the Most Economical
Greater in leavening strength, a spoon
ful raises more dough, or goes further. ;
Working uniformly and perfectly, it'4'
makes the bread and cakealwajrs light t mt
and beautiful, and there isMevera waote
of good flour, sugar, butter and eggs. '
While it actually costs less to make a
batch of biscuit with the Price Baking
Powder than with the so-called cheap
powders, there is the additional advan
tage of better and more healthful food.'
Price Dakinq Powder Co.,
Note. Alum powders should not be
used, no matter how cheap they are.
They induce dyspepsia, liver complaint
and Kidney trouble.
German Steamer LandsArms
on Batangas Coast.
All Eastern and Southern
States Affected.
Nitw YonK, March 5. A fiorco snow
nnd windstorm broko over tbo city this
morning. Btreet car tralllo is '(impeded
and threatened with blockado,
PiTTduuaa, MArch. 5. A groat snow
I storm prevails throughout all sections
of Pennsylvania. Huslnosa nnd street
cnrtralllc huro-oiul ulwhora te badly
Nahiivillk March 5 Hoports from
Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia and
Tennessee indicate the worst snow ttorm
of tho season. All crops aro Buffering
heavy dauiHgos.
The Durst Hop
Peel a Success
i ;ts3?
E. T. BARNES, Proprietor,
Our Store Closes at 6 O'clock
Every Evenuu Excett Saturdsy
Cor. Commercial and Chemeketa Sts.
Receivership Expenses.
II. II Thellsen has petitioned the
circuit court for an order upon Claud
Gatch, receiver of Gilbert Bros, bank,
for 1(54.72, the expenses of the tern
perorary receivership In whioh the
petitioner was receiver.
A ten tlMXJsaad horse power plant Is
to be installed on the Nookeaok river to
supply Seattle and Vancouver B. 0.
Win. II, Kgun, President of tho Oregon
Hop Growers Association, camo up from
lirooka Tuesday evening. Bpoaking of
the success of the pool of 2600 bales of
hops recently mado by Wililametto
Valley growers. Mr. Kgan says the lat
est advices from the growers' representa
tive in London, Mr. Francis Feller, are
to the effect that the major part of tlio
pool has bfctwi dipoed ol at remunera
tive figures. Nono of the pool will bring
less than 10 ee its net while many balen
brought as high as Vili cents, uottlng
the growers an average of at least 11
ce its for their product. Mr. Kzan saya
all business connected with the
disposition of theeo hops in the London
market will soon have been completed,
tndMr. Feller's return to Oregon in the
vtxy near future may be expected,
when the settlement with Individual
growers represented in the combine will
be made. Mr. Egan is elated with the
eueeees of the pool, which has uot only
provn a successful experiment to the
growers fluaitaially. but glvee the Asso-
edition a reputation in thn hop markets
of the world.
Drnsels dispaUtiei
the diamond trade.
' allege a ertals ia
Victohia, IJ. 0., March 5. The Ma
nila Amoricansayelt has very good reas
ons for bellovlug that recently a vossol
Hying the Gorman flag lam'ed Mauser
rifles on the Coast of Ilatangas, for tho
uso of thoinsurgonts. It is said that tho
Bhlpmsiit comprised 70 cases, Lor about
1400 riiles, with ammunition. Tho ves
sel was seen hovering about tho coast
of Mlndoro for soveral days, finally
dropped up to Batangas, almost within
cannon shot of Manila, and lator diii-
oppeared, About the same time a car
goof arms was laLdod, Thn destination
of thcBe woapons, tho American says,
can bo readily imagined, Uancan were
uaod in both instances,
TiiU dangerous system of smuggling is
rather safe In the absence of nn ample
system of patrol-boats, which are now
being built. Tho riiles can be bought In
Germany and Japan for something like
$13 Mexican, and thoy readily command
$50 in gold on being deliverod to the In
surgent commanders. In view of the ex
istence of numerous recruiting stations
in tho District of Manila itself, the
American believes tho importations are
A Divorce Granted
On Tuesday Judge Boise granted
Hester G, Thompson a divorco from G.
F. Thompson, nn tlio ground of deser
tion, An interesting part of the testimony
related to the two children of tho mar
riage, a girl and a boy, aged resprctively
seven and five years. It appeared from
the testimony that G. F, Thompson
deserted his wife about two years ago,
leaving her the care and custody of the
two small children. After she brought
suit for divorce and shortly Le'ore the
c-a'o was ret for trial, the defendant
eatno to where Mrs. Thompson was
living with her father and mo her, at
Dalla, Oregon, and upon the pretense of
wanting to visit his children, took them
to the hotel and then auldenly departed
with them for parts unknown. Judge
Boise awarded the legal custody of the
children to Mrs. Thompson.
The German Jimperor bis express d
great ratisfaelion at the reception Prince
Henry has received in the United
Mayor Humes of Seattle has been re
elected by a email majority. The Re
publican tioket generally was successful.
In the'Ruins of Battle
a J
. '
British Catch Botha's
London, 'March 5. A Pretoria dis
patch received today states that Oftoon
Boers including Hold cornet Midtiol and
Hntha'fl chlei telegrapher Cooper havo
beon captured near Stoynsdorf, Eastern
UliarnctorUtiostioet scones in London,'
Furls, Tho Hattnii and other European x
cJlIen. inStereopUjjoii vLWfl.Iir!dfty JiJghtMr.,
at V M. 0. A. Admission 'JGe, school
chiidion ICo.
Bat-tlb Ciikck, Mich , March C Ono
hundred workmen today begun digging
for bodies in the ruins of Battlo Greek
Sanitarium recently destroyed by fire.
Tho charred skeleton of one inun lias
beon found bo far.
Martial law has been declare! In Nor
folk, Va. Thcro was fiorco lighting be
tween strikora and militia, Tuosday,
It's the experience of every
one. Sooner or later we all
take cold. Colds naturally
tend downward, that's the
trouble. Aycr's Cherry Pec
toral stops this downward
tendency and qjfckly cures
these early colds. Ask your
doctor. If he say ir this isn't
so, don't believe us.
"I know from prnal experience
that Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral quickly
breaks up n hey cold on tho lungs.''
D. C. Snsdekcr, Pin Hill, N. Y.
. JJc.JI.eO. J.C.AYLKCO..Ltwll,Uu.
Humor Contradicted.
Boston, March 5. Tho rumo circu
lated last night thai Julia Ward Howe,
was docd, is without foundation. Mrs.
Howe la not even III.
Hmlles gently upon our way. Tho blu sto:o has
donned instead Its garb of Hprlng.
put off its wintor robo and
We are showing a splendid new line of
The new Windsorette tie for men Is very solt and tummery.
...Boys Clothing...
Our now Spring stoek embraces all the latest fsds uud fuuuies iu Boys' i
bums rui.-gnig in priee irom
$2.90 up to $8.50
Special for Wed'sday
A vary elaborate line of Ladies' Muslin draw
ers, irot cover and gowns, worth $1.00 each
will be sold at (ft cents on Wednesday,
Neck Ruffs
Shirt Waists
Dress Skirts
Fancy Hosiery
Lace Hose
All Over Laces
New Today
Atl Over Embroidery
New Wash Goods
Wool Etamlnes
Lawn Kamonas
Silk Waists
W B Corsets
Ladles' Suits
Silk Skirts
. ,V-:M
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