MJfti.AJtW..l'"'"'" """ '- " rnr-,ry;Ar : .Kusvciuu: gir' t 1). ., r I Royal Flower Toilet Soap Special 13 cents per box Imported Glycerine Soap Worth 25 cents a cake For 15 cents a cake Tuesday DOORS OPEN AT "1902" Dress Goods Tho now spring weaves and color Inga Imvo nrrlvcd. Wo'vo never shown a more comploto lino. Kvory thing that will ho In voimo this spring can bo found hero. Wool Waists Reduced Your pholco of thoromnlniler of tho stock of wool wnlsta In black and colors nt a reduction of ono-third from tho marked prices. Flannelette Waists 39 cents each Mndo In tho latest stylo. and coino In oil colore. I'rotty Persian strlpo designs. Boy's Waists 2 5c each Mado of porcalo and Imvo patent waist bands. Pony Stockings For Boys and Girls Tho best woarliiK nchool stockings made. 25c a pair "New Idea" Patterns for March Ready 10c Everybody Likes Oood coffeo, but It's hard to get good one tlmo and bad the next. You've found It so, haven't you? Let us eup ply you with our eoffoo. You'll find It good all tho time. All our groceries ato tho same good nil tho time. ML T. Rineman Old Style Curing Smoked Hams and Shoulders They Haye the Flavor Hams reduced lo 12c Shoulder reduced to )c Fendrich's Market Cottlo Mock, Grand Opera House JOHN V. COHDHAY. Mnitr- MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17. FIUST TIME UKUK. Anthony Hope's Greatest Horn anew li Rupert of Hentzau H goquel to "The Prisoner of JSeda." Complete original produetlon. 8plm. aid eii. Magulflwnt Mtmery. llm como oottutuet, aud a best ol auxiliaries, PrIcVa-tl.60, (1, T5, SOe aud ge. Box qtlico open (or sale el sata u Monday at 9 a. tu. i IWAXVi 1 4 1 VI Jt HO VI V0FrEEyM HolversonS TO Tuesday's Great Suit Sale only wo will sell a lot of lino TAILOR SUITS worth up to $20,00 end. for $7 There's only about 25 of these suits left so if you want to see them all you'd better come early TUESDAY MORNING 8 O'CLOCK Ribbons Buy Them at Our Store And wo tlo way at tho thoin in a very ribbon counter artistic free ol chargo, Many new weaves spring aro here, and shades for ..Hair Pins.. 9c box 200 best grade hair pinB put up in a pretty box. Special, 0c per box. Laces Novor saw such u pretty lot. Hun dreds of dainty patterns in "Val'" lacoH ranging In price from 2c to 35c a yard. Torchon Laces Whitu nuil Kuril In widths up to il Inches. Kpeoial 5c a yard. Art Ware and Decorative Candles... In one of our Court stroot window b wo show a very pretty lino of those goodc, Ifyouudmlro dainty China waro you'll purely not miss toning these. Genuine llavlland Ware, Souvenir Ware. von Spring Sewing This is tho tlmo of year when.wiso women are planning to not most of their spring Bowing off their hands. Wo liavu sowing machine, new ones, from the Kastem bargain counter," mauhlnos at f 17.50 up to tho very highest quality Standard aud White machine). Wo have tlrnt-elaas Kuaranteed ma chlnoat ftt and sell lots of them. They aro made of llrst-claea material by a first-claim company, and nro the h.yt $26 machluo tliat la sold in this eon i' try Heat, because tliey are more up-to.iUto, and because the material is second to none. Hut for quality real, genuine quality when you want the best, you get up to tho Standard or tho White, aud you stop. Thiwo in the ltotary Machines i pi Idi ohinu building. They run faster, easier, make Uvea noise, hold more thread than any other sort. Como and see for your self. We have a plmiwint sewing ma I'hiim department, where ladiea may look over tho stock undisturbed. There are quite a 'nt of second-hand machine), too, goodlmrgalns.from fi up. Home at f 10. that aru really splendid. High arm White, Domestic aud New Home, at that figure; nil overhauled ami ready to wiw, boma old erooka that artt worth noth ing but for thu tud $1. Mr, Hurley has returned from Port land alter Hime weeks abtHiuoe, aud will do repairing at our place. Hriug in your old machine. Needle, oil aud parts for all iuh ehliifts. Heat uwmIImi, 2Va a doMii. F. A. WIGGINS 355-257 Uteny St. Salem. Farm Machinery, Wnuona, liuggios, HI cycles, Sewing Machines. Wheat Market, Chisago, Feb, 15. Wheal, 7Sa tf 7S14 ban Franolwo, Feb. 16 Wheatfl.ll, and 1.11H- GOLD DUST FLOUR MADS BY The Sidney Power Co. HIIMMY ORMON Made for family H, ask yir srooer (r it. Hrau wt,krU always en hand A. T. WALN Aeent "1902" M,MMM,MM,wtllMWMlMiMWiMiiMWMMBMMMlU ,- in i . fa i Talcum Powder 15 cents a box Worth 25 cents Dental powder 35 cents a Jar A splendid tooth powder Worth 50 cents a Jar ft? 1902" Wash Goods... It's not a bit too early to talk wash goods. Our foreign importations aro hero and wo want you to eeo thorn. There's three reasons why you should buy new: 1. Tho varloty wo show at tills time will not likely be hero later in the season. 2. Tlia exclusive novelties sell early, aB we seldom duplicate a pattern. il. At thlB tlmo of tho year it is easi er for you to engago tiio services o a good dressmaker than it will bo later on. 25 cents each All the now ehapoa no "relics." Hut ties, bows, four-lnlmnda, lm purlals, tccks, etc. Sou them in Court stieot window. Men's Hosiery Spring Styles Ready New laco stripe effects and em broL'ored patterns. 25c to 65c pair. 'Royal Worcester" and Bon Ton Corsets. Rupert of Hentzau. The action of "Rupert ol Hentzau" hosina three years after that of "The vegl 'rlw I'riuonor of .enda" ends, and is con cernod with the results of a Bchomo by which Ituport of Hentzau, desirous of reinstating himself in the King's favor and regaining hia confiscated estates, possesses himself of a letter written by Vlavia to Itassendyll in which, while re nouncing for tho future any communi cation whatever with him, she confesses her love for him, It is the attempt to regain possession oi tins letter winch brings uasseiulyll once more to Uurltauia, and the Incidents which fol low in rapid succetsion form a drama even more fascinating in its excitement than the first .enda story. Tho oompauy and equipment is the very best. Price f 1. 50, 1 1.00, 76c, 50o and 96o. Opera house uext Monday eve. ltox otllue open Monday at 0 a. in. NEW TODAY. FOR SALti.-A. freah eow. Alas one yearling haifer. Hall a mile nrth of teel bridge o Wallata watt. Jobs Ferguwn, 2 i gt Thayer a renresentatlve of Um- .1. ., M tfl i u ver apitafUta wHl iwre ar of lu the Malhsur valley. v. A ") J? Men s ISM Ties NO INTEREST ON STATE JFUNDS Is the Decision of Judge Boise in the Metschan Case. All Depositors of Private Funds are Allowed Interest From the Williams and England Receiver. That Hx-Stato Treasurer Phil Mots, chan unlawfully looned stato monoy and rccoived interest on same, was decided today in tho case of J. A. Baker v. tho William fc Hngland banking com pany. This decision waB given to decido as to tho objections filed by I.add it Bueli regarding tho payment of in terest on the claims of E. C. Gittnor, Phil Metscahan, J. A Dakcr, assignee of tho claim ol E J. Swafford, and W. II. Oiloll. Tho obicctcra alleged that Glltner was tho agent of Motichan, and that both wero depositing funds belong ing to the stuto treasury, that tho claim ol Swafford was for a deposit of city funds, and that of Odell for state money hplnnuins to tho atato land board. Ladd & Hush wore creditors of tho VVilliamB & England bank, upon a claim in tho principal sum of $10,000; tho court found they Imvo received in dividends the full sum of I10.170.83 from tho recoiver, and that tliero is still due them interent nt 10 per cent per annum tho principal sum of 110.000 from Nov 14, 1805, until the date of the first payment. Court's Findings in its findings tho tho court held that thu claim of Edmund (J. Uiltner lor 2 , 000 waa state funda improperly de posited, as waa also the claim ol ..!... I. Qfl1'l f'.n Tin. nn(f..iantl Mets chan lor $8013 00. Tho payments made oflloa)and 172?, were na aim lor in terest upon the public iiinue, anu tne claim oi Meteclian for 1 789 73 is tho balance remaining of tho account altet It had boon drawn from by check. Tho claim of K. J. Swnfford for $7317 33 was allowid as it wbb proved that ho received no interest on iiia de posit, Tho claim of Odell amounting to $50 17.27 was for drafts, checks and post olllco orders made payable to Odell, who was clerk of tho stato cchool land board. Ho deposited them thoro, pending tho accontunce of tho offers by tho Hoard, Tliey woro dopoiltod for collection only, anu tho llret oi eacn monin n payment oi nil funda in ids handd was made to tho Mate treasurer. '1 no stato was reim bursed for thu entire amount of OJell'a claim, and aB no Interest was received on thu deposit, the claim was nl lowed. Tho total nmnuiit of interest allowed now due is $17,000, but excluding tho ac count of H. O. Uiltner, Phil Metecl m, treasurer, and Phil Meteclian, the amount of Interest duo is f 11,580.83. Not inoro than $7000 of tho estate Is now applicable to thu payment of claims against the estate according to the re ceiver's report. Claims not Allowed. E. O. Giltnor, aud Phil Metschan, aro not entitled to any interest on their laims of $25,000; to Phil Mot-chan's claim of $8013.110, or Phil Motsclmi treasurer, for $780.73. Interest Allowed. .1. A. linker, assignee of tho claim of Swafford is entitled to interest nt 8 per cunt from July 3, 1800, on (7310.33, un til tho date ol tho first payment. W. II. Odell-is entitloil to Intercut on $5017 27 for tho same longth of tlmo and at the samo rate, and nil persons having an account nro allowed tho same interest, and tho receiver is ordored to compute tha amount of interost duo and the sum in his hands, and report samo to tho court. Another Suit Pcndlnz. A suit still unsettled in tho court is to sccuro the repayment of the interest on tho claim of Uiltnorand Motcchan.whicli amountP to nbout $1712 It was brought by Theodore Noll, a creditor of the do funct Williams & England bank. Try wl'd 1010 Hour, tho beat by test: tho best in every way. Another Osteopath for Salem Mrs. M, T. Schoettio, who has been studying osteopathy at Kirkaville, Mo., for tho past two years, has roturnod home, and will soon open an olllco in Salem for the practice of tier profoss'ou. Mrs Schoottlo Is a sister of Harrllrothera of this city, and lias many friendB here, who will be ploased to know of her return, Wild Hoie Flour, ouce ufed, always wanted, at all tho stores, Try it. Ask for it. DIED. OAHPENTEK-At the family homo in North Salem Friday, Feb. 1-i, at 0:30 p. m., Mis Jennie Carpenior, aged 32 years, of typhoid fover, after an illness of three weeks. I)eceased is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S Carpenter of North Salem. She was born in Iowa and lias lived here for several years. Tho funeral will be hold from tho residence Sunday at 1 :30 p. in. The aorviceu will be couduotod by Elder George ol the Friends church. D. E, llunislmcr, Funeral Director, 107 State Street, Phone Red 2423, Balem Oregon, Resi dence 390 Court. Phone BUck 2181. Hast ever made in tho Willamette Val ley, Wild Hoso Flour. The St. Elmo Restaurant lias tho best meal service in he city. Give them a oall. Why Not take your meala at the best plaoe in the city? The St. Klmo lUetaurant oaunot be beat tor good meals. W1LLAMETTEHOTEL. J H lUldwin, Portland. W N Jones, do. Abx S Hurruws, Indpls., I ml. MJ Jeunincs, Davton, O, CEBHm, Pa, 0. W J Slater, I'ortland. J Low, do. Geo Lorenson, do, P Petur, o. R 11 Stevens, Syraaruso, N. Y. William 8mith, Baker Olty. F O Thayer, 8. F. 1) A DquuIsoii, S. F. Ktwar Godburg, do. Wild rwo market. Uftur, the fineet oh the &Asta DiiHieut met with as aaoident Friday at Mftoato, wrked. Hs muskine waa Wild Roso Flour is all thn rage, whitest, the purest, the bMt. The , fcrnit.wgiTiirrTfgtii .- NORTHERN PACIFIC WORKING To Bring Settlers Oregon. to The Journal Advised of Their Plans. t ! nf thonresont widespread ef forts to double, If posiblo, the population of tho Wlllametto valloy, and especially of Salem, tho following lettor from A. 1) Charlton, the Assistant General passen ger agont of tho Northern Pacific rail way is of more than common inierem., evincing as It does a doBire on tho part of that great corporation to second tho effortB of our people in that behalf. Mr. Charlton wrltea to Tiik Jooiinai, editor as follews: To tho Editor cf Tho Journal : I am moro than pleaeeil to ndviso you that tho Northern Pacific Hallway Company has computed arrangements for applying the $3 rate for homescek. era from Chicago and $25 from Minneap olis, St. Paul and Duluth, Minn., via Portland, to nil points on tho main 1 no and brancht a of tho Southern Pacific between Portland and Ashland, Or. This will undoubtedly rosult in a very material increaeo in your population, and I assure you wo will aid you In every way possible in securing a largo number of Bottlers for points in your territory. 1 roper advortlaing matter bearing on the Willamette Valloy will bo prepared nnd distributed through out tho east nnd every facility offered Intending sottlera with tho object of having tliem thoroughly Invtst gate the opportunities offered in tho Willamette Valloy before making final locations. It ha8boen decided to ploco theeo rates in effect daily commencing March let, and contlnuluu till April 30th. Tickets will bo on Bale nt all points east and anntlmant liitRinB on theeo rates from Chicago and St. Paul, and judging from mit nynnrinnnn wIihii rates were in effect up to Portland only, tho reeult will boa .... l..Milnmit Innrndon tn flirt nf) nil lft- tlon of the Pacific Coast und I trust to the Wlllametto Valley in particular. Again assuring you of our hearty co operation, I am Vonrs truly, A. D. Ciiaiilton, A. G. P. A. SUNDAY SERVICES- Ministerial Union. The Salem Ministerial Union will meet in the Y. M. O. A. parlors Monday Feb. 17th at 10 a.m. Rev Wm. Conoy will read a paper. All ministers aro modo wolcomo. Gko.C. Ritciiky, Secretary, ciiuncii oi- ooi), North Salem, Rev. A. Wilson, flaator. PreachliiK nt 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Subject for morning, "Tho Discovery of Immortality." Sunday school at 10a. in. CHRISTIAN HCIIi.NCK Second Church of Christ, Scientist, 209 Liberty Btreot. Services at 10-30 a, m. and 7:30 p. in. Sundays; and every Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Subject of lesson Bermen: "Mind," YEWI'AMC UNITED IIHETIIRK.N Merrilt Davis, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Subjoct of own ing Bermen: "In tho Vaults ol Omnip otence." Sunday school 10 a. in. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 :30 CKNTIIAL CONQIIEQATIONAL CIIOIICII On tho corner of 10th and Ferry streets, T. 11. Henderson, pastor. Sub ject at 11 a. in., ' Suro and Enduring Results of Christian Effort." Subject nt 7:30 p. m , "Tho Glory of Tho Spirit's Ministry." I'illMARY UNION. Tho Primary Union will meet at 3 p. in. next Wedneeday in tho parlors of the Presbyterian Church , Mrs. A. A, Leo will present the lesson. All inter ested in , rlmary nr intermediate work aro invited to attend. KVANUKLICAL Seventeenth and Chemeketa street, N. Sliupp, pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. jn. and 7:30 p. in. Tho revival corvices will bo continuod each evening this week, at 8:30. Sunday school at 10 n. m, and Y. P. A. at 0:30. KIIIST CONOIJEOATIONAL. Preaching at 10:30 a ra. Subject "Tho Pitv of God." Sunday school at 12 m. Junior Endeavor at 3:15 p. m. Minnie Perrine, loader. Y. P. S. O. E. at 0:30 p. m. Hlancho Kantner, leader. livening services 7:30 p. m. subject "The Gospel of Heauty." 8T. I'AI'L'S KI'ISCOI'AL. First Sunday In Lent. Holy Commun ion 7:30 a. m. Matins and Sermon 10:30 a. in. Sunday school 12 m. Evensong and eormou 7 :30 p. in. Evensong daily except Friday, at 4:15 p. m. Matins and Litany Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 a, m, Evensong Friday 8 p, in, LIBERTY STREET EVANGELICAL Miss Hulda Siewert will give a Bible reading at the Evangelical church on Liberty street tomorrow at 7 p, m Revival meetings will bejin at the Liberty street Evangelical chuich to morrow. During the coming week the services will be held at 7:30 p. m. 1'IBSr I'RBUHYTEIUAS H, A, Kotchum, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. in and 0:30 p.m. Young peo ple's meeting at 0:30 p. m. Rev. I. G Knotts, Sabbath School Miaaionary for tho Preibyteryof Willamette will preach at 10:30. Pastor will preach at 7:30. Offering for Hoard of Aid for Colleges. UNITARIAN, Cor. Chemeketa and Cottage Sts William G. Eliot, Jr. minister. Services at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 12 m. Subject of morning eer mou, "The Way of Life." Subject of lecture in the evening, "The Book of Rxodus in the Light of Modern Scholar ship." All welcome. LK8LIK u. I. R. O. Black well, pastor. Mernlni: service at 10:30. Subject: "Anakima' Evening service at 7:30. Sut jct: "Little Foxes." Sunday school at 1 ra. Junior League at 8:80 p. m., Mhw Gertrude Johnson, superintendent Epwortb. League at :90 p. m. UNITED EVANGELICAL. O. A. Rabintt, pastor, Cottage street, between Marion ana Center street Morning service at 11 a. m. Subiet: Ohriat the Bread of Life." Gospel ser' vl at 7:80 p. m. Subject: "A Barren Ufa." Sunday school at lOa.m T P. S.C.E. at 6:30 p.m. l I'lBST CHHIBTIAN Corner of High aud Center etreeta Geo. O. Ritchey, minister. Sunday sar' vkea 10:30 a. m. "Ibe Chureh, Its Pur posa and Work." Sermon 7 :30 n n, TheVoieoot God, or How doe God speak to man?" Bible tcuool at 12 m J r. a h. at 3 p. m. Sr. C. E. at 30 d na. MiiM Mabel Shoemaker. ladw Prayer meetiBg Thursday eveaiie Bd1 Usual serviee at eonolmW m graJegood.. "" IM0 l h -t&J 15 to 25 REDUCTION I On Children's clothing, To make room :i . . -t f for our spring stocK soou iu aixxvt, wc f will allow 15 to 25 per cent, on all our Children's clothing, The reason we 1 make this great reduction is because our I I stock in this line is .; we care to carry over. iw uie I time to get a good suit cheap for that boy, G. W, Johnson & Co. The Popular Outfitters. SUs3K3HWK5 Dalrymple's j .... ... The "Ad. man" in search of bargains for this issue picked out the following items, everyone ot which is new and desirable. below the regular. Ruffled Curtains 20 pairs fine rullled curtains in new patterns; made ol sneer rrencn mm- lin; extra well finished; wortn ii.ou a pair $1.10 a pair ZZJJP: The suits wo are about to detcribo aro all this season's latest styleB and fabrics but tho prices are reduced about one-half because tliero la only ono or two sizes ol each kind. If your size is hero it is a bargain. 1 only, size 32; made of navy peb bled cheviot. $10.50 1 only, size 30 ; black cheviot. $6.60 Two only, aizo 32 and 34; Mode Venetian; atitched taffeta bauds on i collar, front, and cuffs; cloth buttons, a great value, $11.25 Two only, sizes 33 and 40; fino quality Navy Venetian ; jacket lined throughout with heavy black satin; silk buttons, deep graduated tlounce skirt; wide stitched silk bands. $16.75 The entire lino at great reductions We can't tell about all today. j& 4fa tip f j-. l .fllilx I Dalrymple's CREDITOR' Of P. Friedman's stock of goods consisting of dry gooda.cloth intr, rubbar gools, ladies' and gents' furnishing goods," trunks and velieea, fancy goods, notions, etc. Will sell in lump to the trade or at retail to suit purchasers at pricea that will be an inducement to all economic buyers. Anyone in need of above lines will find it to their interest to call and Investigate. No trouble to showgoods. : : : 7 ; : : R. U SABIN OUR PnccitM loll VuiouteJJ"1," ,raaiB oTthe clty, " SfetWof our' .'" ,U "V BEANS, 1901 CROP. 7 lbs. Pink Rr.n. 6 bj. U. BMflJ ... 6 t. Bye 5 bs. Fancy hayy Betas. .25c -25c 25C -25C -25c ist'i i2rA9SJTorJ" MnH h'th trade coffee. 5? ") for the test bitnJMMii.. u :!.. TJiVv Vi " rw o' I mou$ Mocha ..OTH Sl per cent. f 1 A Jr large and more than ;? TU . 1 i1. -I ; 257 Commercial St., Salem j . j going me rowms in The prices are far X X' Clothing Our Spring Line Just Opened Contaitia positively tho boat values wo havo ever offered. Boys' suits from f 1.25 up; young men's suits 14 to 20 years, from ft. 50 up; mon'a suit 6 from f 0.00 up. Hats All Iho now shapes in stiff and toft hats. We eoll tho boat $2.50 hats made In this country. Outing Nightshirts For men. Mndo of extra hoary outing flannol. Good pattorua and liberal ilzos. 85 cents each Wool Hose j of natural uroy In good A lino weight. 2 pair for 25c We Take Orders for the International Tailor ing Co, Of New York and Chicago and show 600 samples of the finest wool ens. la city. The strictly JWlfflJ?,." nt? our Vre T f T M S ' " I FLOUR. 7c 1 4 Brands of the best valley flour at CEREALS. -3(X -25C 25C ! Eastern Ortioa Farina, s ih. Rct rrfin nt9. 5 lbs. Rolled Oats and Java of Wo Hee Coffee Vo Civ SALE STORB GRABBR 1 Telethoae 5H