The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, February 15, 1902, Image 1

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ilk '"" -
Train Report Shasta
Express North 5:34p m
A Corset by Its Face
Turn It over
AN' I)
Run around the body
Feature of Thomion's
Sold everywhere
liooklot free on nccllcallon
Grow hip)
Wo hnvo nil tlio now ehapos,
E. T.
Cor. Oommerolal and Chomokota Sts,
. HWnrrl--
SV -
?- I m,
The Popular Host
Ib tin-one who ie nlwsyp careful in the
choice of his Innlo nines and will not
risk his standing bv not providing winol
as good ib his dinner. No mlstnku enn
be mado If yon ,ufo wines and cigar!
ruui IillJ.'1'IH, HIUWI! UNI' IIIU JIUIUBl mill
finest vintages are told
Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer
This is to Certify
Site ol Orecon
m HMem, Ore, Aug 24, 1901
County of Marion
rrirmtM and Manv Years an Invalid.
To wliom these prt-MjiiW shall come, ureciluK,
slmiit fiiiirLAen va&ro fcltlCO at IllDU
10 years or ago 0(
sea an injury
t resulted In
I met with an accident which call
In mv .nlna .nd nAlf tfl Mnfl WhlCa
the formation of uunifKXl shoulders and hip. a
.hnrtotilmrnf I h wallt ami displacement 01 lU'
ternal orgaus, and shortening of about two
Inches ol oue limb between tho kneo and hip.
Iuadatlon 10 mo oww&ru biviiiwj u. m
bodyaaaboTO dectlbet In March 1W0 I wa
Ukeu with a seicre atuck of U Orlppe from
the effect of wl.lch I suffered pea y with my
ISngaand heart, and when In &fay 11W0 1 came
toaud begau treatment with Br. J K Cook my
coudltlon waa about aa followi:- Could per
form no manual labor, rould not atoop to i.lok
anythlUK from the ttoor. Could get about the
houw only with difficulty, and tfrttlni! ; up talr,
waa next to luinomdMe. Could uko my llmU
only with difficulty and oue of them was much
waaed My nerrou ayttera wa badly wrecked.
Had couKh and evere pain on lungf and heart,
no appetite, could sleep only In broken spells,
and In many way suflerod almost oonstant and
fndeaSrlbabIeai:oules. In short I Wftsasmurh
deidai alive, l'revlously to my attack of U
Orlppe I was treated over a pod J"5" "'
many physicians to no enVciive VJPPe
Umb restored to normal sls.i and but iftito more
than half an Inch shorter than the other. Have
free use of my limbs and oau go up stairs one
waait ! lenKthenlug. Can stoop to the floor
wffieaVe. Can get about and do pretty much
anTand everytnW other well people can do.
fly appetite la sptendld , sleep soundly and am
absolutely free from pain. , .riv
IUtIiik Uveil In Br f-opk'a family for nearly
ayearAare seen much of the ent ol j "i
treatment upon othors, and can truly ana
cbrfiiUyreoommeudtJieDootorand his mad
leal skill to all In any way 'afflicted
ly confined to h.s Hotautoa Rmel M. con-ti tu
tlonallr administered No ''",i0,,Ii?Sl
of knife, meohanlodl appliance or oth.r meUi.)d
of treatment being employed n Ra3ENBAVM
Lllllsn Rosenbaum has lived lu this vicinity
about nine years. . .. .int.
We. the undersigned, arc Pan'i,' uib.
ed with the above affiant and cheer ""L. to the truth of he forlugtatement.
Subscribed and aworn to before me this attn
day of Aug. 1901. , . .
Seal attach. W. lwk
Bv A vrrri jrm. Pepntv
208 Commercial Street.
Meals at all Loura Open day and night
Only place In the city banJIIor the
Famous OlympU beer Is tne Ueccp-
tlou Saloon. Wholesale and Het
E ECKERlEN, Proprietor
The Seams
and eoll tliia well known brand
Now spring shipment Just lu.
BARNES, Proprietor,
Our Store Closes at 6 O'clock
Every Evening Except Saturday
" ' 'i'1 inii'my'riiMHit
You are at a disadvantage unless you
see perfectly. If your oyo9 are defectivo
you must havo them given attention. Wo'll
discover tho defoct for you and fit glasses
which will give you the benefit of good-eyes
Herman W. Barr
Scientific OctClan
120 State Stre t.
Of tho finest workmanship is a
branch of our business that wo give
special attention to. Our repairing
department is conducted with tho
utmost caro and skill, diamonds aro
resot, and jewelry of all kinds is re
paired in tho most perfect manner,
besides optical work of all kinds.
C. T, Pomeroy
288 Com'l St. Watchmaker and Optician
Records Gone to Smash.
New Yokk, Fob. 15. Tho six day
walking match ends tonight. ThiB
morning the Hegelman-Cavanaughteam
still held the lead and will undoubtedly
be awarded the first prize. They are
over one hundred and fifty miles ahead
the world's record.
the Houses
Bill Will
at the
Wahiunoton, Fob. 15. It is fully ex
pected by both Democrats and Republi
cans In the sennto that tho Philippines
tariff bill will bo passed noxt wook. Tho
debate on tho measure has now been
running a week.
On Monday tho treaty for tho pur-
chaso of tho Danish West Indies will bo
considered in executive session. Tuesday
and Wednesdays sessions will bo dovotod
eatlroly to the Philippines tariff bill and
a note is expected on Thursday. As
soon as tho tariff bill is out of tho way
tho irtigation bill will bo taken up. Tho
tloueo will pass tho war rovenuo reduc
tion bill noxt week. Tho voto on it will
probably bo taken on Wednesday.
Famous Mlnistrel Dead.
Chicago, Fob. 15. Billy West, tho
famous minstrel, died lioro this morn
ing of cancer and a complication of dis
eases. West was ill for many months
and had undergnno fifteen operations.
About two months ago ho came to
Chicago from San Francisco. Whllo
there ho had been operated on, and as
his condition been mo worse several more
operations were porfoimed. Up to a few
weeks ago West conducted his theatrical
affairs. Ten days ago complications set
in and it was econ then that the end
was not far away.
To Protect Our Forests.
Tacoma, Wash., Fob. 15 Instructions
from Washington aro that numerous
northwestern forest reporves will here
aftor bo Btrlngontly policed by inspectors
tho year round to prevent tlmbor cutting
and dres. Tho watersheds of the rivers
will also bo protected.
Hop Market Better.
Frank Boltor, tho Brooks hop grower,
...i. i.rt. ..... l.t. mm ..-A. Uiin i. n n..a.
pool which has been sent to London, has!
work from Frank Fellor, the roprosontn-
tivo otthourowors who conetituto tho
pool, and is Informed upon investigating
tho situation there that the prlcos that
were btalnubloiupou their nrrivaj wore
II cents better than had boeu expected
by the most Banguino members of the
pool. Atdde from this it is loarnod that
the market was advancing at the ttmo,
the pool will make n pood thing on their
crop, and that tholr efforts at co-operation
will provo a success.
Real Estate Transfers
ChB fcott and wife, to Wnltor Scott
and Ella Korb and husband, to J. K.
Sklrv n 4 lots in block 11) in Scott's
Mills 183.25.
Win. H. Haynos to his wifo a ono-half
interest In tho three IoIb In Auburn ad
dltlonMoBnlL'in,f300. Marion L. Wilenot and wifo to Sarah
E. Jones. 50 feot "long tho north sido of
lot 13 Oak Lawn addition to Salem $800.
Luko A. Port to Addio Parvin, lot 2 in
block 26 of Salem, with a strip of land
adjacent $1200.
Edmund J. Lund to II. J. Oleson
Lund, CO acres in section 4!l tp 5 s r 1 w,
$1200. p
Miss Uosa Mason died at Santiam Or
egon. I'unoral will bo held in Halom
Monday afternoon.
Some very nice articles for
Hearts, etc., at
t!4 State Street.
"Lucky Curve' ' Fountain Pens
1bae Iffou Seen ftbem?
If Not, Why Not?
5KHEY have improved features
1L you will not find on any
other fountain pen. If you
have been worried, disgusted, and
ready to swear at your fountain
pens, try the Parker and be con'
tented eyer affcr, The Parker
feeds ink perfectly, writes smooth
and prevents soiled fingers. We
sell the Parker pens on the money
bask if not satisfactory principle.
Satr'e 3-ewelt
Jeffries and Fitzslmmons.
New York, Feb. 15. Jeffries and
Fltasimmona signed articles today to
fight (or the world's heavy weight chain
p!onship,the content to toko placo boforo
the club offering tho best Inducement on
or beforo May 16th, and lo bo a twenty
round affair. It ls expected tho battle
will bo fought in San Francisco. The
bids (or tho light close at noon on March
Teddy Still Improves.
Giiotom, Feb. 16. Young Roosovelt
slept tho greatest part of tlc night and
awoke this morning bright find cheerful.
Thnro is little doubt of his complete and
early recovery.
Dlaze in Cincinnati.
Cincinnati Fob. 15. Tho plant of tbo
Cincinnati Butchers Supply Company
was burned this morning. Tho Iohs is
ono hundred thousand dollars.
Tolstoi Is not Dead.
Yalta, 8011U1 Russia, Fob. IB. Tho
report of Tola tol'8 death is untruo. His
condition is much improved.
Miss Stone
to be Released
Washington, Fob. 15. Tho Stato de
partment today officially confirmed tho
dispatches that convoyod iiotvb of tho
payment 01 aims owns b rMora hi io
that MiesStono'B actual liberation would
AW u ..-,- --. ----
it to nifttAci in niiniLinn
I Fierce Gales Raging Off
Scclsftl to Capital Jourunl
Astoria. Feb, 15. -One of the heaviest gales of the season Is raelne
off the Orctron and, California coast today, and many ships arc thought
to be In dire distress. There has been no damage reported as yet,
but grave disasters to shipping are feared.
as tho brigands got
out of tho woods.
Conbtantinoi'UC, Fob. 15. It Is ro
norted hero that Miss Btono has been
mlminnd but no confirmation Is obtain
able. Another report says tho negotia
tions for the release havo again tailed
nul the Turkish authorities aro i
everything to mislead tho public
as to
factB in tho caeo.
Hundreds Horrible Death.
Vibnna, Fob. 15. A fow details of tho
SliBtnaka earthquake havo boon re
ceived. Despatches say the shocks
opened up groat fissures In tho earth
Into which hundreds fell nod poriBhed.
up to last night, at -wWtff'ITflnrwA
quakes had not coasod. 8cores of women
were in linth houses when tho first irroat
shock carao and almost all wore kllloU.
. Costcllo Property Sold.
The guardian of the Oostello heirs,
August iluckestoln this oftornoon sold
tho property of that estate It consists
of three lots on Ohomekota and Twelfth
Btreet, ono block south ot tho East
Salem school. It Is surrounded by per
manent improvements and Ib a desirable
rosidonco property.
AIbo lot ono in block 0 and tho old
hnlfwny or Mansion house In North ba
lom, and tho half aero of ground on
which it is situated.
As ono of tho heirs camo of age olnco
Mr. Iluckestoln became guardian, only
a two thirds interest was Hold, ami the
remaining H interest is for salo at tho
samo ratio as waB received for tho other,
Tho bids on tho Chomokota streot
property started at $C00. 8ome of tho
bids were: N. J. Haas, fOOO: G. A.
Bach, $1000; F. Lo Branch. 1050; N.J.
Hnus $1000; G. A. Bach, 1070.
Tho North Solem lot was bid In by G.
W. Watt for $10, nd tbo Mansion
House by F. Lo Branch at $100.
Public Land Sales.
John II. Albert today purchased the
property sold by the sheriff to satisfy a
judgment In tho cato of Mackroth v.
M. V. Hork et al for $2302.45. It lea
strip of land 00x20 feet in lot 10, block
7 Jin this city.
Store '
He Left Bremerhaven
Amid Enthusiasm
German and American Airs
The German Papers
BnoMKiuiAVE.v, Fob. 15. Princo Hon.
ry sailed for Amorlca today on tho Kron
Prinz Wllholm. Largo and enthusiastic
crowds bade nlm good byo. Thousands
gathered about the pier as tho steamer
drew off and raised a cheor that became
a roar In volume, and waved hats and
flags in a frenzy of enthusiasm. Tho
steamer put out to tho strains of Gorman
and American national airs.
Biikmkn, Feb. 15. Princo Honry, af
tor an early broakfaatat Kiol and having
bid informal farowolle) boarded, n spoclal
train with his suit and a small crowd
. . ... ,,,. No,,miv waB i
r "w,,,,b ,,u"w"""'"
- ...
lowed lo approach tbo station when tho
the Oregon Coast Today
- ."X
train nrrlvod hero. Aftor luncheon tho
Prince and bis suite took another special
train for Hromerhavon.
Berlin Papers Pleased
Bkulis, Fob. 15. Papora horo com
ment on Princo Ilonry'a departuro in
jubilant tones. They tako tho ground
that as tho recent mlsuudorstandtng has
boon cleared away tho prince's visit wll
cement friendship betwoon Germany
and tho United States.
Reception Arrangements.
Nkw Yoiik, Feb. 16, Uoar Admiral
Princo Henry this morning. Tho squad
ron will not strain down tho bay to wol-
como tho Princo btitEvans will tako n tug
and greet tho Princo at Qnarantlno aflor
watds taking tho tho Princo on board
and carrying him up tho harbor, pais-
ing tho United States squadron, to tho
St. Valentine's Party.
Miss LolsCoshow proved a charming
hostoss Friday evening nt one ol tho
ploasantost St. Valontino Day parlies
ovor given in tho Capital City. Tho
function waa hold at tho young lady's
homo, corner of Cottagoand Mill streets,
aud was In honor of a young girl's club
nnd tho gentlemen acquaintances of the
Tho Coshow homo was profusely deco
rated In hoartB, suggestive of tho Valen
tino Day season. Tho dining room was
artlatlcqlly arraoued in red, innumer
able cardinal streamers, to which were
attached hearts, being suspended about
tho room, whllo tho table decorations
woro artistic. In fact It was strictly a
heart affair, tho edibles served at tho
delicious luncheon being heart shaped so
far as possible, whilo partners for sup-
per were ueiermineu uy hihiuiuuk nvwy
iittlo heart souvenirs bearing appropri
ate inscriptions.
Tho gentlemen woro mauo me viuuiuh
of an innocent Joko that conlrluuti'U
much to the merriment ol tlio occasion.
Each was assigned to a partner previous
to the party, but without tnoir Knowl
edge, the respective young ladles chang
ed their placos of residence for tlio ovou-
ing, with tho result tliat no gonwemuii
accompanied to tho party tho young lady
to whom he was assigned. Inasmuch as
all guests went masked, tho substitu
tions In many instances were not reveal
ed until aftor the masks had been ro
rnoved at tho party, Relationships were
then re-established and tho homo-going
was carried out as originally planned
Mrs. 0. II. Jones, appropriately cos
tumed and housed In a wigwam, cleverly
impersonated tho gypsy fortnno tellor
and in bright ami flattering terms fore
told tho future of the young people.
Music and the serving of a delicious
luncheon together with tho largo enter
taining capacity of thej young hostess
caused the evening to pass rapidly
Several Hash light pictures of the group
wore made by Miss Lucia Cochran.
Those enjoying the hospitality of Miss
Coshow on this occasien: Miss Edna
Hubbard, MUs Mao Jones, Mlia Lela
Horren, Miss Louise McGee. Miss Ka'e
Jones, Miss Dot Borry, Messrs. L. E.
Hooker, Ralph Glover. Win. Evans,
Illff Garrison. Eward Thlelsen, James
Walton and John VV. Cwhran.
Marlon Circuit Court.
The jury In the caBe of the Rate
versus bmilh were dismhaed at suvei
o'clock this morning without having ar
rived at a d.cislon. Thev had been out
since 11 S20 Friday morning.
The Jury in tho itilt against John
Daly were reh awl at live this inorninv
after deliberating since 3:30 on Friday.
Anew veulre was drawn consisting of
Mesera. J. R. Linn. A. L Htadrick,
Henry Havre, A.T. Motilt, I) A. While,
Silas Rhodes, J. W. Watt, Ch. Chap,
man, Paul ithodea J. II. Howor, II.
Wenger, J. H.Campbell
The special venire drawn on Friday for
the trial ol Frank Binlth was Jos. Benoit,
V. B. Dayton, Ed. Jory. Chas. BenBon,
Walt 1.0W, w r. nn. i. "..
W. Bair. O H. Fav, Fred Bteusloff,
Robt. Downing, and Jas. Vaughn.
l'hey returned a verdict ol guilty In
about two hours time,
Standard !
Price's Cream Baking Powder is
everywhere the acknowledged standard?. .
the powder of the highest reputation
greatest strength, and absolutely purc.'
It renders the food more healthful and
palatable, and using it exclusively you
are assured against alum and other dan
gerous chemicals from which the low
grade powders are made.
Dr. Price's Baking Powder is sold on
its merits only never by the aid oj
lotteries, gifts, commissions or other
schemes. The entire value of you'r
money comes back to baking pewr:
der the purest, most economical made.
Price Oakino Powocr Co,
Carey F. Martin has gouo to Astoria
on legal business.
Mrs. F. I. Dunbar ban returned from
a visit to friends In Astoria.
MIssJonnloGoodolinsgono to Portland
for n short visit with (rionds.
A. B.Crosnoand B. F. Jonosof Toledo,
woro Salem visitors yesterday.
Mias Oda Chapman has; gone to Jef
ferson for an ovor Sunday visit.
Miss Gortrudo Jakes has gono to Port
land to visit frienJs for a few days.
Foreat W. Poorman wont to Wood
burn to spend Sunday with his parents,
er'bl TVdodburn precinct,' is in tno city.
Mrs. It. Campbell of Portland 1ms
roturnod homo after a brief visit in this
Mm. P. Mooro of Oroiron City has re
turned homo aftor n visit with f rio.itW 1 1
T. B. Kay and Dr. W. T. Wllliamion
returned Friday ovenlng from tho me
tropolis. J. II. Ackorman Iain Monmouth ti
day, whore ho acts as Judge In an ora
torical contest.
Hon. I. O. Mttcrum of Forest Grove
waa n guest of his daughter, Mrs. W. II.
Uyrd, last night.
Miss Edna Eng of Melntma has goro
homo for u short rlMlt. She is attend
ing Bchool In tills city.
Miss Bertha Murks ban roturnod to
her home at Aurora, nfter attending the
teachors' examination,
Miss Martha Crowder oxpeota to start
tonight for Los Angeles, Gal,, for an
extended visit with relatives.
Mrs. W. 0. Knighton, of Portland, is
in the city visiting at tho homo of her
mother, Mrs. E. E. Waters.
T. E. Cornelius, second warden at tho
state penitentiary, has returned from a
business trip to Forest Grove,
Mrs. E. A. Lommoii of Irving hns re
turned homo after n visit with her eta-ter-in-law,
Mrs E. L, Letumou of Salem.
Mrs. 0. I). Purdy entertained tho
womans Foreign Missionary society of
tho Presbytorlan church yostorday after
noon, Hon. T, W. Catch, of Corvallis,
has returned homo after a sliorr
visit at the home of his son, Claud
J. L. Lamblrlh, manager of tho Salem
L'ght A. Traction Company, was a Port
laud business visitor Friday, returning
last evening.
J. O. Hall, nrlnclnal ol the Mt. Tabor
schools, came up from the metropolis
Friday ovenlng to spend Sunday with
friends lu this city,
Miss Francis Cornelius has returned
from Jefferson for an over Sunday visit
with her parents, she being engaged in
leaching school there.
Miss Stella Crawford came over from
Sllverton Friday evening to take the ex
amination for n life diploma beloro the
Marion county examining board,
Miss Oca McCrow, Miss Cora Atkins
and Mlis Baughman, of Wo xl burn have
returned to their homes after having
attended the teachers' examination.
Sick Headache, Constipation, Wind,
Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion,
Disordered Liver& Female Ailments!
Prepared only by the Proprietor. Tiiouaa IIkciiam. St. Ilsleiw, M,ji,ld..
B65 Canal rtreet, New York. Bold everywhere iu box, 10c. and aoc.
4.. 1
Note. Alum baking powders nro low
priced, ns they cost but three ccntsvu
pound to make. But alum lonvos In the
lirend or cake glnuber salts, sulphuric
acid nnd hydrate of alumina all injuri
ous, tho last two poisonous,
A. . Glosy nnd 0. 1). GabrlelsonMil
loavo this evening for San Francisco,
whero they will attend tho annual
meting of tho Flro Underwriters , As
sociation. Mrs. 0. II. Hinges nnd Miss Winnlfred
Byrd roturnod from Portland Friday
ovouing. They woro among tho Salom
iter who heard the beautiful singor, .
Nordica, nt tho Marquam, .
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Russell of Lodi;
California, aro oxpectod to arrive this
ovenlng lor n low weeks visit wmi mr.
nnd Mrs. Ernest Poper. Mesdames Rus
sell and Popor nro listors.
L. J. Colo, of St. Paul, Minnesota,
stopped off at Salem Friday night for a
abort clalt with Ida iinnl f)orjr K
polntmont as hospital steward in the re
gular army and is on routo to tho Philip
pines to assume nle position.
0. I). Hartman,-of Scott's Mills, re.
turnod Friday evening from Portland.
Mr. Ilartmnn', who was a member of the
lnnr Inulntiitiirn from this OOlllltV. add a
staunch supporter ot Mr. Corbett for thev
Unitnd HtateH 8onato, may be a candldato
for ahoriff boforo tho Marlon county. Re
publican convention.
Tlio Presidents decision on tho Schloy
appeal la expected to clear up tho caso
Gran Hair
Aycr's Hair Vigor doesn't
suddenly restore color . to
your gray hair; but gradually
the old color comes back
all the dark, rich color it used
to have. It stops falling of
the hair, too, and will often
make the hair grow to be
very long and heavy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor it certainly won
dorful. It has restored the natural
color to my gray hair and has made a
splendid new growth," Miss llmma
Calder, New York City,
tl. All tfranUts. J. C AYW CO., Uwcll.Mm.
"' V V
Booker I. Washington Is to bo qom
mencemeut day orator at the University
of Nebraska.
Something New
W. W. lim'i
Seven men are dead near Little Rock,
Ark A boulder smarhed u passing
train. '
' ' i
W . .SJ
. ?U1
r 't '