fffifrn'ij h'i ii i n i ii7ijgtiB THE DAILY Tonight and toinflrrbWcioudi llirht rain. ' 5 ' . m SAIEM OREGON, TUESDAY JANUAltY 21 1902, . N0 17 VOL Xil TATE 0FFI6IAU Read the Constitution and then Study the System that Has Grown THE LEGISLATURE OF 1901 APPROPRIATED NEARLY TWO MILLION DOLLARS Up in Oregon. ."J. "4: JOURNAL - I ' " I model home paper SALARY CLAUSE OF THE CONSTITUTION. adtipi n viit Tua rimmrnni- chn rtcpwrp tin mituia sa arv oi tnieen nunurea auiidia. l Lk4 ' l . . i- ii f 1 1111.. i . ' I ' r ti,, c,....... f on cii rot.u nn nnnm sn nrv or uteen nunarea ao nars. ine ncaa- urer AKllULb Alll. lne uovernor snau receive uu -aiinuai omaijr i- ""': i. , c i f o cUii ranal.tc on nnnnnl eihrv nf fifteen hundred dollars. II . c ci -' ,k-ii .,.:,. or.nni cnlorv nf PiVhr hnnrlrpri dollars. The. Judges of the Supreme Court shall receive an annual salary of two thousand dollars. They Shall receive no fees or perquisites whatever for the performance of any duties connect jgth tfielr respective offices; and the compensation of officers, if not fixed by this constitution, shall be provided by law. Salaries of Governor and Governor's Private Secretary i. 2 3. 4. 6. C. 7. e. ANNUAL SALARIE8 OF THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE. Constitutional Salary $1500 00 Trusloo Insano Asylum, Hill's Codo, Sec. 3551, Appropriation Bill, Sotslon Laws, 1601, paao 93 500 00 Supervises, Public Works, Etc., Appropriation Bill, Session Laws 1901, pa0o 99 1, Vlsltlnfl Penitentiary. Session Laws 1901, page 291 500 00 Momber of Orejjon Domestic Animal Commission, Sesison Laws 1891, pago 177 1 ,, nfi 8tato Reform School Seaslon Laws 1893, page 72 "" 8chool for Deaf Mutes, Session Laws, 1893, page 184 Z5 w Commander, G. N. G., 1901, pago 201 2i 2G 27 2S number for years 49 13 83 7C SB 00 t 48 00 74 00 3. 4. G. C. 7. J. 9. 10. 11. Total Sclnrle... .. . .. -' . LIT ISLATIVE APPROPRIATIONS PER ANNUM. Salary of tfuve rnor us Trustee, per annum, Insane Asylum, Sosslon Law, 1101, impi'03 .V J 500 00 Sulury no cf leer of State Penitentiary, Session Law. 1001, iseo 94, with other npM'oprlatlons, por annum 500 00 Salary Oregon State Reform School, with other appropriations, Scslon Luwp, lt'01, pace 94, per annum 250 00 Salary, Oiegon School for Deaf Mutes, with other appropriations, Session Laws 1901, page 94, per annum 250 00 Additional Salury( Prison Inspector, for yenra 1899, 1900, JCOO, Ses sion Lawn, 1901, page 88, per annum, a deficiency 300 00 Salary us Governor, JJ000, Session Laws 1901, page 9S, annum 1500 00 Salary Private Secretary, J3C00, Sosslon Lawa 1901, pace 93, per nnnum . .. ivU .V Salary of Governor, Supervjslni; Public -Works, Session Laws 1901, page 98, por annum Salary on Oregon Domestic Animal Commission, 1901, page 99, per annum '.''.' ' ''' Salary of Clerk and Stenographer, Session Laws, 1901, pace JS, 11200, per annum.. .". " '' " Commander, O. N. G., Session Laws, 1001, pane 215, bee 1000 00 COO 00 600 00 6C,.. port pago 321, $698.27) average per year. . . Trade Mailc fees. (Estimated from average 1899 1900.) . . . " Fees nltlxlng State Seal to Commls ulonu of Notary Public. (Es timate based on average number In 1897.1898).. .... Average commissions Issued nnnually to various state, officers, Joint Senators, Joint Representatives, District Attorneys, Judges, etc., 24 .'! Attaching Seal of State to Purdons. (Estimate based on the yoara 1899. 1900) '" Fees received annually from other sourcos TOTAL FEES RECEIVED ANNUALLY 'C63 01 By Insuranco llcenso fees turned over to State Treasurer, imu- mate based on amount turned over in 1900) 1 TOTAL NET INCOME ANNUALLY, FROM FEES .'.. 10,513 46 SUMMARY OF SALARIES, FEE8 AND APPROPRIATIONS. Tnl Annual Anlnrln rf,9UU UU Total Annual Fcos Total Annual Appropriation ' 10,618 46 8,983 55 Total Cost Department of State 23,852 01 State Printing Appropriations for j Four Years "" Annual Expense APPROPRIATIONS FOR YEARS 1899-1900. Senlon Lawa 1899, page 190, uniform serlea sohool records.. ..$ 3,000 00 Session Laws 1899, pago 190, publlo printing and bind ng .... 60,000 00 Session Laws 1899, pago 191, pay for printing eleotlon blanks .. 1,800 00 Session Laws 1899, pago 241, printing for stato Board of Agri- oulture 1,81 7B Sceolon Laws 1899, pago 241, uniform series sohool blanks.. .. 1fl30 40 Session Laws 1901, pago 243, binding for stato and district fairs 155 83 Session Laws 1899, pages 243, 244, printing Supreme Court Re- ports, Vols. 33, 34, 35, 36 .- M00 00 Session Laws 1899, pago 244, binding 637 Da 75,205 04 The Total Tax Levy This Year is $250,000 Greater than Last Year . Average Annual State Revenue for Past Seven Years State Revenue Required for the Year 1902 Increase in Annual State Revenue Required $ 640,175 $1,100,718 $ 460,543 Salaries, Fees and Perquisites for Two Years Clerkship Graft by Legislature of 1901 Higher Education, Normal Schools, University, etc. Scalp Bounty for Two Years Total Saying Possible on Four Items ProEont ISxponso $182,660 $ 22;000 $351,409 $115,000 $ 67f,069 On Fair Allowance $ 80,000 $ 12,000 $ 150,000 $000,000 $242,000 nuba Redaction Possible $102,660 , S 10,000, $201,409' $ 115,000 $429,09 i in i ii II i linn si 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. , 36950 00 the Gov- Totat T .l...il4 t aln.t Im rtnniinnllnn wHll till) elfTlltll (tOtTl OC trnor-s aalary (covered by tho 11th item of aPPropriatlonu). that "v Oeer ha not drawn any salary as commander-ln chief of tl e Oregon Nation" Guard,-nor f eeo,. inlk-ago or perquisites, so far as can bo fworcO. "ul " law referred to cleutly intends to pay tho Commonder-ln-C JUef o u ia . tlonai Guard as a member of tho state military board under certain con0 cles and for certain servlcoH. and some future Governor mlgl t take "antago .,1 this law and Increase tho emoluments of this olllco considerable out or tno 146.000 appropriation por year for tho support of the National Guard. Governor Geer also claims credit for not talcing 3100 a year that hns been allowed In the post for expenses Incurred In visiting state Institutions. SALARIES OF GOVERNOR'S PRIVATE 8ECRETARY. 1. Prlvato Seoretary's Annual Salary, Sec. 2196, Codo 31200 00 2. Salary of Societary as Clerk of Asylum Board 3. Salary Governor's Private Secretary aa Clerk Capital Building Commissioners, Act 1893, pago 199, Sec. 3, for computing electric light bills, per annum 120 00 Salary Governor's Prlvato Secretary as Cleric Capital Building Commissioners, Act 1891, pago 37, Sec. 1, (not repealed) 100 00 soinrv rjovarnor's Private Senretary. as Clerk of Board or uom- mlSBlonorM of Publlo Buildings, Act 1885, page 4. 31 100 00 31520 00 The amount actually allowed by previous laws as quoted Is 31620, or 13040, for 2 yours, while tho Legislature appropriate! for tho 2 years 32600, or ?5C0 more than the sums allowed by statutes. ITEM AS FOUND IN THE APPROPRIATION BILL. Kor the payment of tho salary of the Prlvato Secretary to tho Gov ernor, Including his salary an clork of tho Bourd of Trustees of the Oregon Insano Asylum, Clerk of tho Public Building Commis sion, und Clerk of the Bourd of Capital Commissioners (for 2 years) 32000 00 0. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. .16. 17. 18. 19. ro. 21. 22. 23. 24. 20. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Total for two years APPROPRIATIONS FOR YEARS 1001-1902. 8cssion Laws 1901, pago 87, ruling, binding sohool registers.. $ 428 27 Session Laws 1901, pago 87, binding Zk Soeslon Laws 1901, pago 100, printing and binding CO.000 00 Session Lawa 1901, pago 100, five vols. Supremo Court Reports 9,000 00 Session Laws 1901 page 100, eleotion supplies, printing eto 1,800 00 OPINIONS of im STATE PAPERS No Argument is Produced Against a Business Pro gram. State Officials on Flat Sal aries Would be More Apt to Check tne Legislature Total for two years $ 71(260 27 PRINTING EXPEN8E FROM OTHER FUNDS. I Rsform School, Sec. Rep. 1001, page 189 , 47 74 Deaf Mute School, S. R. 1901, pago 182 3 66 Printing volumo 32 Supremo Court Report, Sec. Rep. page 196.. ZOO 00 Board of Horticulture, 8eo. Rep. 1901, page 204 008 79 Blind Sohool, 8ec. Rep. 1901, page 274-277 63 71 Reform School, Sec. Rop. 1901, pago 303 47 04 Legislative fund, printer's page, 8oo. Rep. page 319 123 00 Penitentiary, Sec Rep. 1901, pages 331, 333, 335 107 75 Insane Asylum, See. Rep. 1901, pago 365 52 49 Soldiers' Home, Sec. Rep. 1901, pago 490 40 64 TOTAL SUMMARIES. Total Items from other funds, for printing department, for two years , " 3,444 82 Estimate for two pears expense, water, light, heat, power, eo 13,000 00 Appropriations for 1899-1900 75,205 04 Appropriations for 1901-1902 71,260 27 Auernna annronriations for nrintlnn for two years $ 73,232 65 Other printing bills and estlmato for expenses paia iv't uc jci icn.ua hcyicw. Salaries and Fees or the Secretary of the State of Oregon ANNUAL 8ALARIES OF SECRETARY OF STATE. Total blonnlal expense atato printing and blndig 89,977 47 Annual sxponss stato printing and binding 46,988 73 Salaries and Fees of the Fiye Principal State Ofticers EMOLUMENTS OF GOVERNOR'S OFFICE. Conet Rational ealary per year. . . , i'IS?S2 Salaries per year on various commissions and board 2,750.00 Total annual ealary ......... 4,260 00 Appropriations for executive cfilco by tho last legislature, not Including services as commander National Guard $ 6000.0') EMOLUMENTS OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Constitutional Salary, (Or. Csnst.. Art. 13, Sec. 1.) 3 1500 00 Trustee Insane Asylum (Laws 1901 page 93.) , 100 00 Supervising Public Works, etc., (Laws 1901 pago 99.) 500 00 Oregon Domestlo Anlmul Commission, (Laws 1891 page 177.)... 2S0 00 Stato Reform Sohool, (Laws 1893 page 72) 260 00 School for Deaf Mutes, (Laws 1893 page 184.) 250 00 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 J 20 21 23 Total Sularles Paid 3 2860 00 ANNUAL FEE8 OF SECRETARY OF STATE. License Fees paid annually by 67 Plre and Fire and Murine In surance Companies 3 2850 00 Filing fees paid annually for filing the annual reports of said 57 Insurance Companies , 235 00 Fees received annually new Fire Insurance Companies inci dental to aommenolng business In this state. (Hstlmated upon average number of new companies for years 1899, 1900.) CO 00 License Fees paid annually by 35 Life, and Life and Aooldent Insurance Companies 3800 00 Fees paid annually for filing the annual reports of wild 35 Life, und Life and Accident Insurance Companies , 17S 09 Fees received annually, New Life, and Life and Aoeldent Insur unre Companies, (estimated upon average number of new com panies for 1899, 1900 30 09 Annual Lncense fees paid for agnts and solicitors of life, and life and accident Insurance companies. (Batlmated on the basin of each company having 16 agents, on an average to the com pany) I6 0 Annual License paid by 3 plate glass and 1 steam hollar insur ance companies , ,- 30 M Annual fees paid for filing annual reports of said 3 plate eUftw, and 1 steam boiler Insurance companies MM Annual fees paid for filing annual reports of 6 Mutual Fire In surance Companies and associations , 120 00 Annual license fes paid by 6 surely eompaalefl .. .. W0 W Annual fees paid for filing annual reports of 6 surely eompanles ' 2 00 Annual license fees of 10 Building and Lon Ooinjnls MM 90 Filing fees for filing annual reports of 10 Building and Lean Companies 69 00 Filing nnd recording articles of Incorporation, general. (Bstl- mated upon average number filed In 1S99. 1990.) 169s 00 Filing fees of articles of Incorporation, benevolent, et&, (Hstl- mated unon average number In 1S99, and 1960 213 59 Filing fees of Incorporation of cities and towns, under gmtftntl law for Incorporation of cities and towns. (Estimated up$n av erage number filed In 1899. 1991) 12 59 Affixing State Seal to miscellaneous commissions. (Bstlmate baaed average number In 1899. 1990) 169 Affixing State Seal to commissions of Commissioners of Deeds. (Estimate based on average number In 1899, 1999) 1$ 99 Estimated foes received for making copies of city charters and other laws for dtlea and private parties 399 Foa for copying laws for Statu Printer (Hstlmate based upon the Secretary's bill for copying lawa of 1899. page 3S1 of his re port, 31199.12) average per year 599 36 Copying Senate Journal. (Bstlmate based upon the Secretary's bill for copying Senate Journal 1899. Secretary's report page 239, 3733.15) average per year 3.J7 Fa for copying House Journal (Bstlmate based upon the Secretary bill for-opylnr House Journal t, Seeretary its- 2.000.00 puu.uu Salary per annum Services on two boards, per annum Total salary per year...... ;,,,; $ 2,00 00 Legislative appropriations, including- clerical aid, traveling-ex penses and prlntlne per annum $ 5,326 81 EMOLUMENTS OF STATE TREASUSER. Constitutional salary per annum $ 22'99 Services on two boards per annum oQQ 00 Total salary per year.. lP'SS Annual fees received by State Treasurer 3,911.87 gaining by its hol-antl-coltl expoSo 'of tlio fees and oxponees of certain state .oUlcinlB. It could with equal Jusllco taka tlio eanio position m to tho stato iiiFDno asylum, penitentiary nnd deal muto and reform nnd blind tclicols. It Inlteo money ond lots of it to float tho ship of stale nnd liur numerous in stltuttons and dopondoncies. Tho only question that could bo rulsed Is ns to tlio honest expenditure of tho vast Bums. 'Ilio impression has so far prevailed that tlio Btnto of Oregon lina always received full val ue for money expondod. PUT ALL OFFICIALS ON A FLAT SALARY. Eugcss Gusrd. ThoSnlotn Journal linsdono n good work In com piling tho snlarlos and feea of Oregon Stabs officials. Whilo tho emoluments fixed by tlio constitution ore ridiculously inndequate, the feo system Intended to supplement tho salaries lias been abated ami in some Instances carried to the other extreme. The most notorious iimtiuico is that of tho secre tary of statu, who during tho last fiscal year drew FYlTflVflP'flnt AflflrOOriatiOllS l4'0S3-l ln,cc8 sldotho aunual .alary of are Not Authorized or De- 8.8:j m fr c,ericni m ,n ,i, mc- Tim Journal makes no mistake in utnmnuing that nil stato officials bo put on a flat salary and that fees ho covered into tho stato trepiury. Tho ubovo fails to credit tho secretary witli f 1131.55 of fees covured Into tho treasury. Ilusldcs tho lircicnt secretary has ntndo tcnio pood recom mendations. THINKS THE CONSTITUTION IS IN THE WAY Salera Statesman. All this talk- about putting tho stato officials on calorics is for mure sound, It hns been throtha I over and over again. It will tako a Constitutional amondmont. or a Gonstltutlotiiil convention, to strnixhtun tho matter nil out. And tho pooplo of Oregon aro not prone to make Constitutional amendments. They liavo had a good many oppor tunities, and they have never mado ono yot. Tho combined Constitutional salsries and legislative al lowances of tho stato officials now aro not hlghor than tho salaries would bo tundo by a Constidutlouul convention probably not as high ; excepting in pos dbly ono or two cases. Ono of theso casus Is that of tho Httttu printor; and tlio remedy In this cato is in tt.u hands of thu Legislature. It la nil right to holler for fixed tnlatics, If anyone wants to holler. Hut as U la like blowing against tho wind. Tlinro aro a whoio lot of things in tho way ol the proposition. THINKS THE REFERENDUM WOULD RIGHT these Ires down would probably appropriate the f0,000 for Bonie special graft, and the state would be no better off than at presont. Give the PEOPLE dlroct legislation nnd let thorn settle these nutlets of economy by tho roforondum system. Thft Journal may bo, and probably is in earnest, but it is trying to relso a ''tempest in a teapot;" If it would spend half as much energy on tho Dtrocl Legislation amend nicnt it could do much good. Aa it Is, Its chlino U impractical and cannot result in any permanent good. Wo must go to tha root of tho ovlt which is tke rop rcsontntivo system of legislation now In Vojroo from which thoro ia at presont no appeal. If ire can got Direct Legislation, nil laws and jrpjjrjationapaii ed by tho Legislature will borele'rred tffllio"LpeopIe, who will thus practically kill ALL bad legislation, Instead of trylnu to cut out some ONE Item of ex trnvngivnco as tho Journal's scheme proposes. We do not wish to he undeistood hi opposing Mr, Holer's idea of reform but why not shut out' ALL grafts by adopting tho referendum and putting if in bprUoT Mr. Hofor proposes only a partial retoedy for exist ing burdens on tho taxpayers. manded by the People. THE PEOPLE KNOW THE JOURNAL IS RIGHT. Aurora Ilorcatlj. Tho Salem Journal ia pounding nway on tho injustice of ihe fo system. 'I ho people know tlm- tho Journal Is right and nro nwnro that tlioy linvo llit! remedy In their own hnnda. SHOWING UP THE RIG GRAFTS. I'liti Capital Journal 1 cliouing up tho big Krafts of our statu officers under tho foo system and advo cates placing IhoHo officials upon a stntod ealary. Such action would savu toveral thousand dollars yearly to tho tnxpnyora, and tho press of Oregon, wllli the exception of a fqw papers owned or controll ed ty politicians, will join tho Journal in Its light. Total per annum In salary and fees........ $ Iv&k'H Annual appropriation for clerical aid, In his office 2,90000 FMfll IIMFNTS OF SECRETARY OF STATE. Constitutional salary per year. . $ J. 500 00 Salaries on boards ana commissions per year i.jju-uu CERTAIN TO BECOME A CAMPAIGN ISSUE. Astoria Bu'lttt. Tho Bflloin Jeiurnnl issued n red letter uumhor Tuesday, tho front page of which was devoted to statistics showing tho imtui'iieo savin g Hint could bo mado by placing tho stnte officlnla on de flnlto ealar aries in place of paying them a nominal salary nnd In addition allowing thorn numoroui fees and commis sions, Thu Journal is tlio 11 ret to tnko up this quus tion that in certain to bo an important factor In tho coining campaign, FROM A CANDIDATE FOR STATE PRINTER. Cervals star. It is ciiuai notoriety that tho Snlum Journal Is EVERYTHING. Salem ladepeadent. Thk Jouiinal has a plan to put tho stato officials on a ealary and savu $50,000 to tho taxpayers. Sup pose this wore dono, tho samo legisiaturo that cuts VIEWS OF A FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE. Euteae State Journal. The Salem Jonrnal Capital Journal la sdrocatlng tho nbolithment of all foes and perqolnltiei for state officoni and tho establishment of fixod salaries. Mr. Kincaid thou roproducos Tub Joon.SAL's showing of expenses of each olllco and does not call them in quostiou, but says: Whether Stnte ofilcors receive fees, aanow (oaly Secretary of State and Treuiuror nnd 8upt. of Pub lic Instruction do rocclve any) Of shoald rccftlr a little moru or less, tlio present amounts or uothtaf at all, Is not n question of any practical fmportaaee to tho people, although it was made the sUndiof hobby of a few unscrupulous demiiogues connected with thu press for four yean previous W th pram term' when the feca were much lea than bow, Whether thero be feea or no feea allowed tho 8c rotary of 8tato and B'ate Treasurer, and whstbe those olllcora ami tho QorernOr should receive more or less thnn now, wonld msko'nb perceptible difference in the revenues and expedsi"of the State. It ia thu Mteeless aud extrftTagahtappropriatlous mado by tho Legislature, all demanded by the people themselves, and for which the people who elect Legislatures arotoblame, thutroake large et penditures and high taxes, such approprlitJoos as woro mado by the last Legislature, aloost doublm the amount by adding f 100,000 to the already large amounts of former years, These are the saeanUlos, Tho pay of throeor four state officers ate laolebllli. Totalannual salary ; v;;;,$ 2,85000 Annual receipts from fees ana pavmenis iqr services unocr li ferent acts of the legislature, estimated from official ,..,, records 14,053.01 Appropriations for clerical services per annum $ 8.983 55 Total salary, fees, and allowncesfor clerical aid per an- num for department of state $zo, 486.56 Less Insurance license fees turned Into treasury $ 4.134.55 Total fees, appropriation andsalary $22,352.01 EXPENSE OF STATE PRINTING AND BINDING. Appropriations for state printer for years 1899-1900.........$ 75,205 04 Appropriation for 1901-1902, Including paper and election supplies 71.260,27 Tolal cost of printing for four years Including binding and paper 5146,465. ji Other printing bills and expense for water, light, fuel, etc. ,,.... for two years ... -. ; 16,74482 Average expense of printing and binding per year, not In- eluding deficiencies to be made up by next legislature- 45,988 73 SUMMARY OF FIVE OFFICES. For governor salaries 5 i'SIR Aanual appropriation S'sE0, Forsupt. of schools salaries S'57 Annual appropriation . - i For state treasurer salaries and gfees ... . ; Z3Xk Annual appropriations for clerical service 2,900 For secretary of state salaries ,?,?2V Fees collected per year 's'SiH Annual appropriation vlSi Doc turnM nvfr tn treasurer 4.ij Appropriations for state prlntlogand binding 18,98-1899 Z$$2k Appropriations for state printing and binding 1901-1902 71,260 OF FIVE OFFICES $ 6,950 8,212 vv nttttttttntttttnnttumttuttttutttitnntnttmmititninmiittuttttmtiuitju:imwmm Appropriations for state printing ; ANNUAL EXPENSE Governor State treasurer State superintendent of schools Secretary of state State printer and binder Total MOO! -VOTE TO SAVE- $200,000 TAXES -IN FOUR YEARS- 1001!) JOURNAL VOTING BLANK Do You Favor Fixed Salaries vs Unknown Fees and Emoluments forState Officials? Cast your moral influence in fayor of this Reform by Or dering The Daily Journal on this blank at Special Rates and your yote will be Recorded. WW 13 Subscriptions to the Daily Journal (an expanded newspaper) will be re j ceived now at 53.00 per year by mail. 7.827 22352 45,989 $91,3301 The subscription price for 1902 will be advanced to 54.00 per year by map. X, X ZC X X X u SW Indicate by Kncloned find 30 cents for Daily Jookhal one month. Hnulosed find tl for Daily Jouunal four mouths, Knoloaed And $3 for Daily Journal one year. Kudosed find l for Wkbjsly Journal one year. NAME rOSTOFFlOB, , . , 8TATK,.., ,.. ittmmnttmmuwMmmmtmmttjtwttmmwmmtMtMnrmm I Favor Salaries -VI- Fees and Perquisites. 1&J r ' olfe