The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 17, 1902, Image 2

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    rJKigigu JwtesswwjR
lit .
and thousand of other women and
tell $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardul
KaChSongo Btrtoi, ort Wayne, Ind., Maroh , 1000.
Yoar Wlno of Oardul baa dona a world of good for rn. I have pwd Ore
I bTaatiirtil to uia It I will not ba without it In tun houij. It nalpad my
alitarin Toledo, who did not monatrnata a aba oueht. flhe waa alaMen
yaara of aati and nothing alea halpad her. I was in a . ar bad iUt wrja"
boforo I lined your medlolnoa, butl found relief in three paya. And now I
teal Ilka a new womimand do all my homework and wwhlnri wjwh I fonld
not do bcforo I took Win of CardaL I would b rery glad to writs any poor
woman and tell bar bow J eaixered before X need Wine uf Oardni.
Mr. O. F. DlEumii
Eor nAiim end MJorawre. addraee, tWistf irntftam". "Ttie ifSLiSS
and Oil
Granite Safid Roads Sprinkled
and Dustless.
Editorial Oorreponrtanco.
Pasadrma, Jnn., 13, 1002.
It takes but a few days In this charm-
Idk winter cllmnto, eurroundod by tho
luxury of a fashionable wis tor iceort
city In Southern California to rob fin
OroRonlnn of thoonorgy rcqulrod to even
writo a letter homo. Wo nro hero on
volopod by continuous sunshlno, a lar.y,
Imay atmosphere nnd tho fragrance ol
orango blosfloms. Thoso conditions nro
pleasant to w'rltu and rend about, and
delightful tcozporlonuo for n short tlmo,
but they lack tho tracing Influences of
the gonlJa Qregoq nilst nnd our vlgor
ladcn atmosphere.
After leaving Frisco we caruo down tho
new coast road which has only boon In
operation by tho flout horn Poclflo for a
short time. Previous to that the gap
between Ban Joao mid Santa llsrbara had
to bo made, by singe, which was most
enjoyable rooroatloa but hnrdly swift
enough for busy Americans, Tho 8. 1.
la now running inagnlllcont fast trains
In tula section, conducting their own
dlnliiK.cnr sorvlco and giving superior
sorvlco gonorally. Los Augolos has
doubled Ju population the past ten years
us a result ' of eastern
tourists becoming permanent resi
dents and tho Itripotui (given by tho dis
covery and development of Itha oil In
dustry, It p.ow forms the south westrn
totnilrjiiB for tho Bouthorn racllloami
Baota Fo Railroads, and tho Oregon
Short Lino and tho Halt Lake roads aro
loaded Oil war, which will mako a
'Kirmnnont railroad nnd commercial
tenter. Oraniio, groves havo leen put
out hero by thO'thousands .of acres tho
pastidocado, aud as tho growers are mastor tho dotnlls of tho
business it Is proving profitable. Wator
seews to bo tho great necessity and It
usually 0t rouou wore tna lnB ,AUd
wEleh It Wftkos to blossom aud bear
rleh orops. Thero tare many creeks and
rtfore hero but thoy have no water in
th&r chnnfU. It Is easy to boo, how
ever, whore tho Ironjplpet nnd ditches
offtho rauchors oy It off for storngo In
reMrvoIra and distribution to the fallow
la&l. After n rauuh has been thus
flnfshed anft the former can turn tho
nracloua wator ol H(o on ond 0ft hit fruit
trws ftt will, he. bus n pretty comfort
able wlatenco. A hourly as I can
) n, howover.ttho Oregou prune grower
liof tho advauta&o ol itis uamornia
brother. In that It takes a
emitter Investment, leas artlflulal means
'. . ...(l, ... I.a .M
ThlCYalttsyi font hundred miles ast
!rci tlittcoaot is rapidly titling up Willi
improvements, now homes and signs of
prosperity generally.
Pasadena Is acknowledged the finest
re!lncfl cltv in the west, bahiu made
upol beautiful homes, broad paved
ttwti, flower nardns,ud all tho luu
rlaathat nealil ud aturocan produce,
Uere-we have found many friends from
alSarta of tho East and West, and the
rei&wal t oUUtlmo aequaiutaneeshlp is
prswlmr M grtMtt ft luxuy auu reaieauen
m S chH at ellmato and surround
lntfi, Hero the fat millionaire In hla
MiSor palc s woli as the humble ooU
tarr, enjoy the sufroundinjs side by
aU& invalids tftgerttr. and the Great.
JUvfrler se9m t bring out their letter
unities in (,'' wy l0 tl0 IIetu
tke&ood turn they oeeiu to nwl.
ie 9(rns ad tdlt hareabouts ar
lldtolsdulgaJ puWta ImproTS.
iw&U wb mw Mtanslvifly than
w)Sh the tonrict Is net a faster In the
getl prosperity, ad as a rwult the
MilfltptlU hV l the problems of
wnMttnt t V that oontront
ti't OrU, 4l y hesldes.
all fttrtjeu nro siwiokieu,
tlt 'uie4 Gtt ore
)m 4t bflt tw40 a yoar. This
iai wi rad tlniehwl off for
wKk n8 groHiie a
w4U) rtO, lit Thli hoWi
AnllCV '
eHMbf asutAs
Seek Relief !
The great proportion of women who mffer
never make a eriou effort to benefit theny
t tlvc. The moit of them go on paying no at.
tcnllon to their little merutruil dliorden, be.
lltying they will eventually wear off. Thty
grow wotte and worie every dy. At the
period of mewtruaUon a woman li peculiarly
suieeptlbld to cold and other txtenul Influence
and It. la alio the moit favorable time for the
development of hidden dltuie germs which
may b lurking In the system. Any phyileUn
knowi that disordered menstruation, felling or
Ins womb and feucorrhoea are blighting lives In
almoit every horn,. No woman should neg
lect hertelf moment after ihe sees Indications
of femala dlscaiea. Almost Instant relief an
bt itcurtd by the use of
It will relieve you right In your own home.
Will Vdu accept the testimony of Mr. Dewier
really seek relief today 7 All drugguu
thoduBt, and makes a superb driveway,
wlilnti ! nnirnnlxnil liv tlin linnilriile nl
lino turn-outs, automobiles, bicycles nnd
evory form of a vehlclo known to modern
times. Hero tho rich and poor nliko on-
Joythssunshlne.ornngo groves, endless'
llnwer gardens, countlo88COttago,,villns,
hospitable homes and oxclusivo man-1
lions of the ''rich but reflpectsblo" fore
igners. At Long Beach tlioro Is a thriving sen
sldo resort, which Is reached from nil
directions by trains, nnd thousands horo
enjoy the sea air suramor end winter.
The streets havo been handsomely
graded, and hnndreds of typical resort
cottages as woll as many comfortable
homos are built and In progress. Nearly
ovoryonobas an Individual nnino over it
door, such as "LaCorona," "Itoso Cot
tage," "Tho Stanford," etc, each ex
pressing some family or rominlscent etn
tlmont that lends attraction. This Uttlo
city of 6000 people has Just porformed n
creditable foot In tho matter of granting
municipal franchises worthy of a more
pretentious placo. Sir mllos of street car
franchises were granted to H, E. Hunt
ington over tho principal street, for
which tholattor paid $18,000 in cnsli nnd
binds tho roads to pay two por cent of
tho gross earnings after tho first flvo
yoars. This prlco being paid by so
shrewd acarporatlon manipulator nsono
of tho great Southorn Pacific family
woufd indlcato that such rights nro
worth at toast (3000 par mile, and It is
doubted whethor twico that amount
would Induce him toglvo up his bargain,
This Is apparently tho tlrst start of this
Uttlo soasldo city along tho tllit lines,
for it has in the past sold long time
bonds for a wator system at 7 per cent
Intorost, thus draining good money out
of the troasuty for yoars to come at a
high rato of luterent whou thero Is
abundant cash awaiting Investment at (1
per cent right at homo. This town runs
on m mills tax levy, but tho property
is assessed at ntout one-half to two-
thirds actual value. This Is probably
double tho valuation placed on Bnloin
property, honco our ten mills tax levy Is
60 per cent llghtor than their 1 mills
levy. The school district has excellent
primary and grammar schools, no well
as a superb high school.
The latter brings scores of families to
the place to educate their children.
Thiy ptr lit a al tuition, nnt hams and
spend considerable money in othor
ways. It Is estimated by thoso who
know that the tuition thus paid In fully
malutalns tho oxpensoi of the high
school, and that the people of the dis
trict get the Institution free except as to
tho original cost of tho building and
equlpmont. This la a credit to tho town
and a good advertisement for the Intelli
gence and thrift of the community.
We sail over to the famous Catalina
Islands tomorrow, and I hope later to
give Tim Journal readors a little Idea
of this noted resort In the Papilla, which
ll'loss than 60 miles west of Ban Pedro
harbor, A. F. Horun, Jn.
'f s in I
American Beauties
Armour A Oo.'s Society Olrl"
calendar for 1002 Is a highly artistic
achievement. The IdeAfels unique. It
embodies six types of the American girl
ol today as dosorlbod by six of the (ore
moit American illustrators William T.
Bmedley, A. U. WenaollMlbert Sturnei,
Howard Chandler OhrUty, Henry Hutt,
and A, I, Keller. All leave ouo of the
drawings are In colon all' are -full
length flgares plaeed against 'SoH
toned backgrounds. Tho artlits eheern
for the task were in no instaneov-ieitrto-ted.
Thep wero simply i atked to give
their Ideal type of modern wetnanhood,
Sometimes thftwafcht goes
up that way whqn taking Scott's
Emulsion. Snyen pounds of
new, healthy flesh from a one
pound bottle of Scott's Emul
sion is on rcco.rd.
Scott's Emulsion, brinus
every thingjtoitffaid?irgood-ap.
petite, strong digogion, rich
blood, new body strength, nnd
above all the power to get all
the good out of ordinary food.
For those wlro are in need
of more flesh. there is nothing
batter, Thin folks try it!
&VVK m4 jv a fell try, Um Mle,
All havo done bo, and the result asset
forth In the six original drawings Is nl1
that ran poelbly be desired. .Each
aUlcli.U charactotistlc of Its creator;
and enuh ono technically considered
preeenlfllhe prodncernt his best. The
artists were given nmplo time for tho
selection of a model and for tho exe
cution ofthecommleion.
I When the namee ol the Illustrators
BPleclcd to fnrrtih ektcbes for tide cub
oodar bpcnme known ono to tho other
etch ntnn natiirnlly desired to wnd
forth only his best effort, for only lead
hir artists had Won chosen, nnd tho
sp'nt of rivalry wns nrouswl. Thrt six
'drawing In various vehicles nro eeeen
'tlallv catholic which makes them suit-
nHo for tho purpose to which thoy aril
put ; and thoy testify to the great versa
tility and originality of American Illus
trators. Thoy also pay tribute to thn
f.Biivnf nur women, end the types.
although differing widely, aro bP dls
tlnc'ly American. It.flnomont, lutolll-genceiSupp'enei-e,
vervo anil wholesome
nefH aro tho doinlnsnt traits ofAmericnn
womanho')d, and these chnracterletics
are found In varyfiu? degrees
In alt of tho six sketches. All of
' tho artists are woll known through their
various contributions to leading maga
zines, as well as to Import art exhibi
tions. Armour & Co., Chicago, will rend
thin beautiful calendar, securely packed,
postpaid, to any nddrws on receipt of
twenty-five cents In portage.
Camera Craft for January
Tho salon numbor of this beautiful
photographic monthly has fifty photos
, reproduced, with flftoon in co or. There
, are priro pictures by Mrs. Wlgg w i and
hot0(raplc ftrt TrB(Io auppHel at
Halom by PattonUros, booksoilers.
Htatk op Ohio, CiTrof ToUdo, )
I.tioAti County. f
Fhank J. OiiKNKr makes oath that he
is tho sonlor partner of tho firm of F. J.
Chxnby & Co., doing business in tho
City of Toledo, County and State aforo
snld, and that said firm will pay tho sum
each nnd every caeo of Catarrh that can.
not hocurodbythe uso of Hall's Oa
TAnim Curb. FltANK J. CHENEY.
Sworn to boforo ma and subBcrlbod to
in my pronunco, this sixth day of Decem
ber, A. 1). 1880.
A. W. GLEA60N,
iSiHir. Notary Public.
Ilitll'a Cutarrh Ouro is taken intor
nally and acts directly on tho blool and
mucous surfaces of tho systom. Bend
for trstimnnlata free
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo O.
Sold by Drncglsts, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills aro the best.
1 ,
' till
t ..
To learrutlio worth of a man's religion
do business' with him.
The devil possesses no one who does
not desire him Sister Totem.
Altruism-ls a privilege rathef than a
,niy( Tlio Symphony of Life.
a iv
A quarter of a million ran be trimmed
off of the legislature and' hut t no one.
ft a it
Hpovpii nndf hell are vory rel, but
l liny are states of mind, says a new
A ft
Huiiih take bumor for flippancy, be
cause their own flippancy Is devoid o
A 6
Ther' Is not much gained by a lvcrtlr
Ing a city's contagious dlsoacoe. If yon
have the I tela yon don't tell of it.
A poet may be a good companion,
but, so far as I know, he is oven tho
worst of fathers. D'rl and I.
Mo rubbered hard to see Hip stage,
Nextday he hoard the play was bad,
And he was glad of that.
John Henry.
Utiles of grammar cannot glyo us a
mastery of language, rules of rhetoric
cannot make us eloquent rules of con
duct cannot mako us good.
Albany Demecrat: The Salem Jour.
nal wanU tho office tf attorney general
and district attorney abolishod, claiming
that ther aro not needed. As a matter
of fact thoro isu't vory much In the
ofllces. The nttomoy genoral priaclpally
gives opinions, which are ecmotimes
needed, and most of the business of the
district attornoy is dono by deputies,
who could Just as well be county attor
noya and attend to all tho business.
CreleOI Crela-OI
Remember that name when you
-want a delicious, appotlrlnr, nourish
ing food drink to take the place of
cartel-. Bold by all grocers and liked
by all who bare used it Qraln-0 is
made ef pure train, it nlda dlgcstloa
and strencthens the nerves. It Is not
a stimulant but a health builder and
the children oe well as the adults can
drink It with great benefit. Costa.
About U aa much as coffee. lSc and j
2Sa. per package. Ask your grocor
far OralA-O.
Cash Shoe Store
303 Commercial
Khcumatic paina are the erica of protest
and distress from tortured muscles, aching
JoInU and excited nerves. The blood baa
been poisoned by the accumulation of
waste mailer In the system, and can no
longer supply the pure and health sustain
Injj food thcy-requirc. The whole aystcm
facia the effect of this acid poison J nud
not until the blood has been purified and
brought back, to n healthy condition will
the aches and pains cease.
Mrs. lames K-;i, oi 707 nimn iri. ......
nthlnzlort, D. C, writes as follows) "A few
loDtlis ogo I bod in sltack of Sciatic Wieutua.
tnnntlin aao
tlitn ill Its worst form The
pain was so; Interne that I
Lccame completely pros-
Uaieil. Teaiiaeiiwan
unusually severe one, and
my condition was regard
ed ns belnjrvrry danger
ous. I was attended by
one bf tlie moit able oor
tors In Washington, who is
alson member of th fac
ulty of a leadliiR medical,
college here. lie told me(
llonsandlwouldMlwclT. After having I filed
twtlve times without recelrlnjj tlie slightest
benefit, I declined to continue his treatment any
loneer. Havlne lieard of S. S. B.ISwIft's Specific
recommended for Rheumatism, I decided, almost
In despair however, to give the medicine a trial,
nnd after I had taken n few bottles I was able to
hobble around on crutches, and very aoon there
after had no uie for them at alt, 8. 8. S. having
cured me ajund aud well. All the dUtresalnp
pains have left me, my nppetlte has returned,
end I ara happy to be again restored 10 perfect
the great vcgciautc
purifier nnd tonic, la
the Ideal remedy in ull
rheumatic troubles.
There are no onlatcs br
minerals in It to disturb the digestion nnd
lon1 tnriilnnuw habits.
' We have prepared a special booli on
Rheumatism which every sufferer from
this nainful disease Bhould read. It is the
most complete and interesting book of
the kind in existence. It will be sent free
to any one desiring it. Write our physi'
clans fully and freely about your case. Wc
make no charije for medical advice.
Tho body of a Walla Walla victim baa
been found floating fifty five miles from
tho sceno of tho disaster, It has been
identified as the body of J. A.Gallagher,
a 8t. Louis commercial man.
Bed Time
take a pleasant herb drink, tho next
morning I feel bright and my com
plexion is bettor. My doctor says It
acts gently on tho stomach, liver and
kidneys, and la a pleasant laxative It
la mado of herbs, and is prepared as
easily as tea. It is called Lane's Medi
cine. All druggists boII It at 25c, and 60
cts. Lane's Family Medicine moves tho
bowels each day. If you cannot get it,
send for froe wimple. Address, Orator
Woodward, LeRoy, N. Y.
O jr-V. R Of O 5c. X JSl. .
Dears tee O " Kind YOU Hat! AIw)rt BKjli
i ft-'
Mllll ,, matfSBWwiiinnnni"ii ' ! '""' ' Hwi'ii"'"111 "ZZZ rjr-rTii u .""
"? nnlirATlONAL I Affi. TiTC rfSsk TJs?
...Northwest Normal College...
i.i. ..a rMrtn -
corner aia-.,....
,, m,,u,.d. 'ft. mj.i . .ja'T.K';" .& !""
Knitmiav .wenlnizs. Full courses to oraduation, I'llliw in 0 ice 1 uh
rwrtriiiu-nsr i'.vtriiiiu uliiijui s- a ts.w--j
Saturday evenings. I-ull courses 10 Hrauu'"" "" ,'V, ' ,."et0, Fu comses
:.. t. . . . ". ... . - 1
Students may enter at any line. omm.K- pAnVIH ftlus DOC,
A. J. OARLAND. A M. (So SfMl.stC.
n...... hi. nnA hnrtltand
can secur., employment. For eleven years, but one your man Mittomm
department after first completlnr the business course. Why? Utcause a 11 1 00k positions , wore
a-asR-ss- ""gsasig1'
a1"w in, nwtaBnnMWMl
Did You Get a Free Cup; We Did at
Have You "Cold" Feet?
room. Get odo of our email U AS iiKAiKiis nnu ur. hiubii epouro .ii " y
bedroom for rising nnd retiring. Tho turn of n koy and tho touch ol matcU is
all that is needed to start tlin flro.
4ChemeketaSt. SALEM GAS LIGHT CO. Telephone 563...
Have secured and willoporato tho Humphroy wnrohouse nt s.ilom,
the Tumor mill and warehouse aud tho warehouses utMncleny, l'rn
turn, Switzerland, Shaw and Ilrooks, conducting n gonernl wnrchonsc
and storage business. :: :: " : :: ::
Salem office 207 Com. St.
Sacks will be hold at theso points for dollvery on samo terms ns pre
vailed previous aeasons. Sihj them beforo disposing of your grulu.
Top Prices are Always Paid for Grain
J. G. GRAHAM, Manager
Doer has stood tho tost of experlenuo. Thou why not nivo n liomo
tiroduction tho preference. Home capital, lionn; labor tnd Iiurso
browed beer are growing in popularity. 1'hojiIo loyul to howe indus
try givo it tho preference.
MRS. M. BECK, Proprietor.
A Juicy Morsel for
Or dinner you can enjoy from one of our
lonuor anu ueucious meats, steaks, Iamb
or muttonlchops' voal cutlets or pork,
Our meats urn nil rut Irnm tlu laitaat
and orimost cattle, and wo can supply
yuur luuie wun iresn, nutritious it ml
wholesome meats at bed rock pricos.
Phon 291
majestic mmm
When we will be able to Fill allJOrders.
oZr SlX m0mhS n but many
AflrsHas8PUvatohMoitaS,C.OW- '
SaTi rtUt tl,ePMt y respeolai; fai ti,.1 M cLr0u c Rnd "lcal
Fk nveneutly located within d?r ki " ,PurIHe for which it j
of the aty. The most modern fnr.v,Wock8 of tue ainow pan
throughout the building. HMted iUKh " a,ld ,atwt appUaScIs
and eleyticity Here the sick IS ty ho1 tw and lightie b
private home, combined wit, .iwS hftTe the uforta of aTeK?
t'oawrlteor apply peraon7a"teJ' Fr tWma autl Iwtttr fa&S?
i! Kin.. Salem, Oregon
--- -77 n . . ...,. ,.
-- 7 . - i ...i
hum I'lnilO.
motion and preferment In business Is the result
of ability to do, At this school Is the best place
to obtain the knowledge of now to do. There
Is an Iflcrtaslnj demand for competent help
courses st the
MTJWHMIHlM3SBWnsflBiHnraVHaPIaswKjvu - ZZ - -- -
Blanke's Coffee
Touches the Spot
If eo it may hnvo boon caueod
by getting out 0f bed this morn
liiLfnn n nnlil lloor ill It Colli
. .... imvr 1 l 11 ... ...!. bsji 1 u'nciu
A Happy New Year
And juetn wind In your ear about the
superior (lunHtles of our lumber. Tell
your boss that he can't tct better soa
toned 6tuff than what wo carry. Wo
havo every kind of lumber, all of the
beet nnd ut Ihe lowost prices for the
Goodale Lumber Co.
Near S. P. Pass'r. dopot. Phono 051
Going Through
Atnrele laundry will go through
your laundry in two washings worn
out as completely as if yon had worn it
a year. We pave your shirt and save
you money. Wo will eond (or your linen
if you send us your address,
Salem Steam Laundry
Ihone -111 aoariiu,.. .......
.w; onoti
'4 1 'm&iPil
i .' J?; '-'s tta'
From I'ortluntl, Ur,
8:50 s. m,
8 p.m.
tit Hunt.
Km til si I
i;li p, m.
Silt Lskc. Dnnror. Ft.
Worth, Omaha, Kausas
UltT, ttl. LiOUIri, uiihko
4:30 p(
KI1U Jknnv,
sU I.skp. Denver Kl.
Worth, Oraalm, Knnsnf
C'itT.Ht, l.ouls, (tlilcago
1:1 It,
sua LUl.
WTl Walls, Lcwlnon,
8iKkne. Wallace. I'ull-
mtn. Mlnni'nivolls Ht.
l'nu), UuliitU, Milwaukee
unicaKO, anil
79 , HOURS v 7")
Ho Change of Cars
Throuah tiukots via thin routo to all
Enstorn points on Bale at Southern l'a-
ciuo depot ollico.
From Portland'
AUsallltiK tata subject
10 cuaugo
Ball c cry Sdoys
8 p.m.
4 . t
cue ii.
10 (lay
To Astoria and Way'.lltigs.
4 u. m. ,
ex. a u mi, i
Rtonmer Ruth leaves Salem for Port
land nnd wav landlntgB on Tuesday .Thurs
days nnd Saturdays, about 10 a. tn. For
tJorvniiifl vuu way latiuings, nionuays ,
Wednesdays nnd Fridays at about 6
p. in.
Gon. i'ass. A(gt. At. O. 11. !c N. dock
Purtltiud, Oro. Salem, Ora.
ioois Central R. R
a Vast
Dyttiroufh service to and from I the
principal cities la the folio wlni states:
Throufh Tourist Cars From
The Pacific Coast
Chicago Mi Cincinnati
Connecting vrtth ttiroush trams (or all polnti
East, South and Southeast
Fast and tisndsomely cqulccect. ste.i i-heatei
tralus - UialDS Cars, Uulfet LibrJiy C in
Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chairs Cars.
bead fifteen cents In stamps for Mil mas of
the United States and Cub for re
ticulars reeardlnt rates, tliuj, service
etc., call on or address -..
142 Third St. Com'I.At't.
Portlsad, Oregoa.
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad
Nn. S TTnr Vnnnlna;
Train leaves Albany 12:r0 n,
Train Icuvch Corvallis.... 1U50 p,
Train arrives Yaqulna . 0:4G p.
Nn. 1 Rnr.tirnlnir!
r,iivos Ynnnlna. fl'ftO n. m
Loaves Corvallis 11:30 a. ui
Arrives Aioany jaao p, m
No. s For Detreit:
Loaves Albany. vm a. ni.l
Arrives Detroit, 12:15 p. uii
No. 4 From Detreit:
Leaves Detroit.-., 12:45 p. ru,
Arrives Albanv. 5:40 d. ru.l
Trnlnsl urrlvea in Albany in .times
to connect with tho S P. south bound,!
train, aa well as giving;, two or three
nun re .in Aioany ooiore-uepariuro oi a,
m" ".' i."u""" " "". " .-." '.'."""
mop -j conneaw wun tno - m, v.:
iich wu uwu nv vuryHio uruaeiiiK iot-.
Indnrhndnnon. MnMinnvilln onH nllit3
pointa nortb to Portland.
J. ToilMwt., Edwin. Sto.vk.
-. r- --.--. r,.,.. H .. .-,
Auent.Albany. Managaj
The Great
Rock Island
Is the only lint
ODeratincr a weol
ly Pora o n a 1 Ij
uonaucteu lour.
1st Excursion cat
between tort-
land Anil f!lllc.
W cpango via tho World'i greatest Scen
ic line, mnltlnn clnon nnnnnpllnn' at Plik
cago in Un'on Dopot for all point Eait
"iir oiuiiuuru e cod ncr
car botweon Salt Lnko
Cltv, Denvor and Ohlcatjo,
Unffet, Library amoking
cars between Pueblo. Den
ver and Ohicaco. Tho boat
and tiiout
reasonable dininR car service botwew
l ueblo nnd Ohlcapo. If yon arogolnjjU
Kansas City, Omaha, Des Moinea, Oh
cajtoornny ceeaet, you ahould es
quire about Groat Rock Ielnnd Ron!
ueore purch ng your ticket. Ail
your nearest ticket agent about it,
wnjo for folderB and any information
uealred, a. E. Cooi-kk.
Qen'l. Agt., Portland, Or.
O. C, T, Cos
ufAVM Ior Portland Monday,
Wednesday aad Frlday.tOa.ra
For Corvallis Tuesday.Thurs-
V and Saturday at 5 pm.
OA Time, Cheap Rates
-eck: Foot of Trade at
Royal Insurance Co.
r 'lrt rodent agent of abors
insurnn j Co la uow prepared to "o
h.rRn ' eo.rance buslnesa. Will U
nandie ral Mtate. I have a team &d
Sw Sei ?h ,s at my cnatomer's ier
vice and I wilt take pleaaure In ohowifll
Parties what I have for tale. Office
prwoLtwithT. A.LUealey&Oo,