The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 17, 1902, Image 1

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f onlglit akd SaturJayOT
Possibly Snow-
f?twHii? n
i hi w...,Jl
".N0 14
iw Mir i-.
are Bf y
U.C JJftgl' "gWt
If you'vo worn thorn yourself you know the reason. If not, you should
Ik your neighbors ubout them at once.
They fit well.
Tticyare made on up-to-date lasts.
They wear well,
They elye satisfaction every time and they're sold by the
pa a spot cash business baelp. You're missing a eood thing If you do not
woar thorn. We're Loving a grand
20 Per Cent Discount Sale .
Of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing.
Jt will pay you to fit out yourself and boys while this ealo lasts. No
marked-up price?, but i.'0 per cent, off from our regular prlceB which are all
Ffnarkod in plain flgnrea.
81 M
iWiWhMti ii! im ' m
E. T. BARNES, Proprietor,
Our Store Closes at 6 O'clock
Every Evening Except Saturday
Cor. Commercial and Chomokotn Sts.
Not Satisfied With
Railroad Lines.
He Plans to Control Atlantic
Potior than over to sorvo our many optical patients.
Our now store will havo ono of the best optical
rooniB in tho stafo. With this and and a thorough
knowledge of optica backed by oxporionce and a big slock of
optical gooda wo expoct a 1U increase in our optical business.
If your eyea civo trouble call and sco us, wo make froo oxam
inationH. WHI bo ready for oyo testing in now store about
Jan. 15th. : : : : : : :
lew Location 120 State Street
Salem, Oregon
Magnates Coining to Trans
fer Interests.
Livkhi'Ool, Jan. 17. A confirmation
of tho report that tho bteamshlp mag
natea nro now en route to America to
transfer the Whito Star lino to the
American Ocean Shipping Cotnblno
that Morgan ia forming, wag printed
hero today.
for Independence
Of Women in the Concentrado
Afraid of Charges
Havana, Jan. 17. Neoloy, who is on
trial hero for -alleged misappropriation
of postal funds goes on tho stand tlila
afterno n. lie anticipates a severe
airaignment but eaya ho Is proparod for
Energetic Hunt for
lengthened into months, but Mitchell
did not como back.
Family influenco was kooping him
from bin wifo. Sho grow dospondonl.
Lato last night a friend heard n queir
nolso in Mrs. Miteboll's room. Some
one eeemed to bo a opoulng a trunk.
It was aotpocaliar that tho woman hear
Ing it called for tho police A police
captain brokoopon tho door. Mrs. Mitch
ell had been dead for hours. Her trunk
was open and $15,000 worth of notes
and bonds bIio was known to havo posr
Bcssed woro gone.
The eccret hiding placo forhor jewelry
worth $5000 had boon rlllod. On tho
eldo of tho open window could be
Boen plainly the imprint of a man's boot.
$ iisiyiPi
SLr " jkx24 ulfsSj r
.Repairing a
Of the finest workmanship is a
branch of our business that wo give
special attention to. Our repairing
department is condncted with tin1
utmost caro nnd skill, diamonds are
refot, and jewelry of all kinds Ih rt-
C aired in the most perfect manner,
osldes optical woik of all kinds.
C. T. Pomeroy
2 98 Com'l St. Watchmaker and Ostlclan
For Colds, Grip, etc.
You will find the pure liquors wo sell in
valuable. If you havo them in II o
houso ready for uso you will rave dce
toi'u bills. Wo guarantee ilia puilty of
all our hq tors. You'll find the old lye
whiskey vte sell especially gooJ.
J. P. ROGERS, a"'4'
Wholesale and Retail Llauor Dcalpr
Font Won. Texas, Jan. 17. A
heavily armed Shoriff'a posso reinforced I
y united States troop i is scouring tho
mountains in tho Klowa-Oomanrho re
servation In search of tho murderers of
Sheriff Smith and deputy Sheriff En
roka at Anadaiko. It is bolievcd tho
outlaws ii'o tho recontly escapod convicts
from Leavenworth Penitentiary.
flOtjis is to Certify
ttfoHOreiroa 1.. c . ... o. ,m
iautr Mirton f" "". 'i . ""
CriwrtedZandlMany Years an Invalid.
Tywlvaai tbeso present! (ball come, Greeting.
Mi inurteeu jeara unco at nine jenrt o(go
.Jyrtth au actdODt which cauaeU an Injury
'(jfiine iuia peiTic doiiu wuioa ruuuea in
mion ui numifoti wiuiuvsw iuiu uip.
injr vt toe waif t ana displacement oflu-
irguua i i nrru?DiiiK u auoui two
1 oio ,1 ub between ibo knee and hip.
Ion io ilia oiituanl anu-ariiiu-e of mv
Watx-ve itnrribed lu March 1900 I hu
ttUflth a ktTOto atuck of La Or dm from
UtafcgBH of irh I tuffered greatly with sir
HxWSwi bea t, and when In Mar IMjO I came
ggWMiuj trcaiinen. wlih Pr. J. F. ljok tar
mmmaa waa about m follow - CoulU per
(atm& manual laoor, rould not ukP to pick
aUfWgfc from i' e fluor. Could get about the
L T with dimculty and iroulnz uoitaln
wa Beit to im,'OSlUt. ("uuiu uf my Ilml
eulrjwlib aittlculty and one of them nas raueb
u. Wf nerrouj kj tem waa badlr nrreoked.
u anq aevere paiu on tuns ana neart.
totlw. cuuMileep ouly In broken apeiu,
iy way WiSoro-l almort conant and
rtuaileaonle. lnhortI waiasmuoh
aau e. froviouily to ray attauk of iJk
I waa treated orer a rriod or rean br
ptiyUciauc to noenV-ure purpose.
Ptrtonai apne iraooe a tnu lira's J
l in we LA't at anyone u; irutea
irertored to normal mis and but IIt'l more
ihMf am n-h iiionr tbn the other. Hare
aormy Uxubi and can eo ud italri one
'iter the other with perft ease. Uy
lemctbeninK. Can Uxp to the floor
a itei alout anJ do uretiv raann
1 eTenthlac other well Moole can da
ppeuuiUtpleudld, aleep coundlr and am
(eir free from nln
HWmatt Ured In lit. Cook'a family for- nearly
MS2(I baro aeen tnueb of the effect OI bu
MMfeaent upon otheni, and oan truly and
ttruuy recammtua me Dootor and burned
till to aU in any war afflieted.
Doctor i treatment In thUeaae waa what-
neu to ou otiaairai itesieaiea. eoatUU
r add auterrU No raturt lo the naa
e. mecbamcal aDrilUucu m other mtli.l
Uaent being emptor ed
lit.! JAM B03KMRAHW.
lUn Boat ubaua bus llyed in thU Ttetnlty
t nine Year.
', the unJerujued, are penesally aflqualnt-
ta me auoro aauoi asa uieeritiuy u-
i la i&a imm or iae wreHBs naMaaeai.
n KuabMAix. rawer.
aal IV ra ui baton me th.U tolh.
Am. iwi.
auaoata. ,w w tiaxj
CVuaty (fork
Bf X. McOCIXOCU, Deyntf
...Are made only at.
3p:io::aEs s
IU State Street.
Boer Governor Krause In a
Bad Box.
London, Jan. 17, The trial of Dr.
Krause. former governor of Johannes
burg, one a charge of inciting tho mur
cer of John Douglass, an englishman
who wa6 on the elaff of Lord Roberts,
began today. Krauto pleaded not guilty.
very young girl sho was unfortunate In a
lovoaffair,runnlngftway from homo with
a man who abandoned her In a few
weoka after a fako marriage ceremony at
Lexington. Ashamed to go homo, the
slrl determined to mako her own living.
Sho trios unsuccessfully until a rich matt
undertook to manago her finances.
Then camo tho Spanish war, and Lox
EtlJwoman InownUionTs Pearl KfUgCr WiV6S Deiliaild
Urawioru, moi a young buiuiui, ureuiur
ant Cullon O. Mltcholl of tho first
MlaaiBsippl Volunteers. After that her
formor .financial advUor was forgotten,
Mltcholl belongs to ono of tho promi
nent families In Mississippi. Ilia father
is a physician of much Importance yi
tho South and head of tho Insano asylum
in his natlvo stato, '
Ponrl Crawford and tho soldlor woro
married, and aho with their tnonoy,
$15,000 In bonds and (5,000 worth of joW
elry, camo to Louisville. Tho Spanish
war was over but Lieutenant Mitchell
obtalnoa a regular commission nuu Ambtkiuum, Jan. 17.-A person of tho
went to tno x'tuuppines. ms "" hlfchoat uuthorlty declares that after his
lilm id Oaicianu on ms return, iiiuro , . ,, t roniion n.n. Dutch Prem
they quarreled. Uo brought hor to ior( Kuypor, porsuaded Krugorto walvo
IulsTllle, then lolta few months ago to j ,,, ,i8mRn(l8 for absolute Indopendonca
visit hiB parents. Ho was to be gone 0, tho SoulU Aftlcnn ropi,bUcs. Krugor
but a woek. Tho wook passed ......
proval of tho pooplo of tho republics
were obtained and Uils. It is understood
can bo quickly secured.
London, Jan, 17. Kitchener today,
forwards n letter from acting president
Schalkhurgor to promlor Salisbury in
which Schalkhurgor protests against tho
treatment accorded Boer women in tho
South Africau concentration camp?,
Kitchener, replying to too lettor, offers
to Bend all womon and children who are
willing to loavo tho catnpa to Schalk.
burger that the latter might treat them
aa he saw fit.
London, Jan. 17. A strong bollof
prevailed iu financial circles hero laio to
day that negotiations for poaco had boon
reoponod between tho loading Boera and
the British Qovornmont. South African
stocks rose in sympathy with tho reports
Tho exaot naturo of what was goin on
was not known, but It was learned that
leading Boors had indirectly appronohod
tho govornmout, protesting against tho
appropriation of farma in the Transvaal
or Orange River Colonies by British sett
lers which syatotn is now being rapidly
pushod, and that strong inllienco had
been brought to bear on tho Boor leaders
to save nt least a vcstlgo of proporty for
their followers. Whothor what is pass
ing today between tho Boers and tho
British Government can bo termed poaco
negotiations. What will bo their result
can only romain speculation for tho pres
ent. Tho Stock Kxchango ovidontly
takes a hopeful view of tho outcome
Tho Vienna papers declaro that tho
Government of tho Netherlands has ou
tercd into confidential negotiations with
tho Boer leaderH with a view of bringing
the war to an end.
Dispatches from Brussels assort that
Dr. Leyda, thoHuropoan representative
of tho Transvaal, ft III opposes any nego
tiations but that other Boer leaders
havo been confer! iim among themsulvea
and with l)r Ktiypers. tnu Dutch
Premier, with a view to arranging
negotiations. Nono of tl0H0 stories have
a veiy solid basis. Iu thu budge txonij"
tnitleoof thu Duteli Chamber yealorday
sovernl members complained llmt tho
government Imd taken no steps to
intervene in South. Africa,
Senate Committee on
merce Reports.
Frye's Bill
to that
Washington, Jau. 17. Tho Senate
commit teo on commorco today by a
strict party vote directed chairman Fryo
to mako a favorable report to tho Sonnto
on hla bill providing subsidies for ships.
tho beating admlntslorod to tho Help
less woman in tho presonco of her in
dlffutent husband, stands prepared to
swear to a complaint against tho aeealt
Gubatta nnd Conova, who are both
Italians, worked at Bella Vista as coko
Miovelors for the Bulfy Hill Mining and
Smolting Company, which Bhips its
coko to that point by mil on to Bully
IIJ11 by wagon. Friday ovenlng, Gubatta
was a guest of Conova and his wlfo. Tho
men drank hard and both aro declared
to havo been drunk. Conova quarrelled
with his wlfo nnd threatened to loavo
her. Sho clung to him nnd ho pushed
hor away and sho foil to tho floor. Gu
batta thon set upon hor nnd kicked hor
in tho most brutal mannor.
Tho woman's screams attracted John
Falkon, a neighbor, with hlsnicco. They
saw tho drink-crazed Indian still kicking
tho proBtrato nnd now unconscious
woman. Falkon dragged Gubatta away
and gavo him a sovero boating. Gubatta
escaped to the bruuli and has not sinco
beon aeon. Dr, Bryant saya the woman
cannot live.
The enragod poople of Bella Visla did
not roport the matter until Monday af
tornnon, nsthey expsctcd to find Gubat
ta and bring him (n thomtolves, Ernest
E, Bateman, who roported the affair,
said that bad tho lumbermen found
Gubatta after tho full extent of his vic
tim's injuries became known thoro would
havo boen an oxhlbltlonof mob violence.
Governor Geer Has No Mercy for Wade or
A Doctor Writes That One of the Men Did NotfKillftoorrow
'Governor Geer Says That is Just What?0ne
of Them Did Do. ;
Launch of
Willies Yacht
Wasiiinoton, Jan. 17. Tho ship build
Ing firm which la constructing Emporor
William's yacht announcod this morn
ing tho date of tho launching had boon
Hxod for February 25th.
Marquette Steamer
Goes Down.
No Lives Lost But Cargp
Fighter in
World's Fair
On the Plea that Foreigners
are not Ready.
Wasuisotox, Jan 17. The manager!
of tho St. Louis World's Fair will try
to persuade CooKresa to postpone the
celebration from 1008 to 1004. They
will put forward the plea that foreign
government will not be) in readiness to
make their display next year, but
be prepared Jn lttOi.
Alexander of Servia Would
Be Free.
Fjenna, Jan 17. A Belgrado dispatch
rays King Alexanderof Servia has nke.d
tho Greek church to arrange a divorce
for him from Queen Draga, Four co
rospondotits art) named.
Ciievbnnb, (Wyo ), Jan. 17. Tom
Horn Scout, Indian fighter and stock do '
toctivo, was urrcBitd hero nt noon today
by Sheriff Siimllcy and Deputy Proetor
on a warrant charging him with the
murder of Willie Nickel, the thirteen-year-old
son of Banulimau Kels P.
Nickel of Iron Mountain, who was ass
assinated In July lastutar his father's
It in estimated that other Eonsatlonal
arrests will bo made at Iron Mountain iu
a few days. It is alleged that Tom Horn
vtaahlrod to kill Kels Nickel and hla
boy, and that several neighbors of
Nickel wero the instigators of the plot.
It is also charged that these neighbors
attempted to assassinate Nickel a few
weeka following the murder of his boy.
1 t '
- : :WINS A
Steel Magnate Breaks tho
Bank at Monte Carlo.
Ludinoton, Mich. Jan. 17. A Btoam-
orol tno i'eru Mnrquetto line wont
ahoro noar hero this morning and was
scjiltled in ten foet of water. Nino
passongers and thirty sailors woro taken
off. Io la believed no lives wero lost
Tho'voBsel and cargo nro at a total loss
Refuses to Stand in With
Wade and Dalton can hopo
for no commutation of thotr
sentences from Govornor Geer.
While no ono has thought tho
Govornor would exercleo his
pardoning power In their be
half, Governor Geer baa not
mado public hla Intentions un
til ho gavo to tho press a lottor
written on tho subjoet. A phy
sician whoso name will not be
given out, wrote to tho Govern,
or urging that tho Wado and
Dalton Bontonces bo commuted
to llfo imprisonment, "for tho
reason tnat ono of tho con
domnod men did not kill Mor
row." Governor Geer's short but
pointed reply to this letter con
tained tho following statoment
of hla intention in tho matter:
"1 oil will ploaso permit tno
to offer tho suggestion that I
could not consent to bucIi a
commutation for tho reason
that ono of them did kill Mor
row," Tho (act that tho uamos of
persons interceding for Wado
and Dalton havo not boon mado
nubile has beon as an indica
tion that no clomoncy would bo shown, It la tho custom whero a commutation 1
undor consideration, to mako natnoa of petitioners public, eo that any person, who
wish to do to may prepare romomtrance, and so that tho public may know to
character of the petition for loulancy.
At the Jury. They Gave Her
Pnti.ADKi.rniA, Jan. 17 Isabollo Ev
o'bod, octroi's, was awarded thirteen
hundrod dollars damagos today against
Florence Zeigfleld, tho husband of Anna
Held for breaking a contract. Whllo
Mi!B Hold was on the eland, tho Judge
robukod her for attempting to maku a
otago out of the court room. Tho attor
ney for tho tlefonss then accused Mlsi
Evosson, of making ' Goo-goo
tho Jury.
Mayor Schmitz
Means Business
San FnANCisco, Jan, 17. Mayor
SchmilK, has suspended county clerk
Mahonoy, on account of pledges and p-
p)lntmonta msdo)be(oro election in viola,
lion of tho'city charter.
Chocolate Chews
Peppermint Chews
,. .Peanut Taffy..,
Ellis &
154 StateXStrcct
Mysterious Features of the
Suicide of a Soldier's Bride.
Louisville, Ky., Jau, 17, With a
crumpled, faded lovo let'er clinohed in
her hand, Mrs. Onllen Calhoun Mitchell
was found yeatenUy lying dead. An
empty laudanum vial beside her showed
the means of death. No one seems to
know the cause, farther than that she
loved her husband, Lieutenant Mitch
ell, and thvy had parted. Fifteen thou
sand dollars' worth of bonds and f 1000
wotth of jewelry which she had have
disappeared. Coming from the liome of
bis parents, whom he had sought in
vain to reoonttle to his marriage, Lleni
tenant Mitchell will arrive in Louisville
Elizabeth Crawford.that was the dead
ni.ll . woman's maiden name, came of an ex-
I cellent Central Kentucky family. As a
Montenegro Would Avenge
Girl's Death.
CoNSTANTiNorot.x, Jan. 17. Montene
gro has demanded at) indemnity from
the Sultan for tho mutder oJ a Monte
negrin maid servant In the Royal
harem. Russia is supporting the olaim
NkwYoiiic, Jan. 17. A catnVfrom
Monte Carlo says : Charles M. Schwab,
pres dent of thu United States Steel
Corporation, who has been playing
: roulette hero for high -stakos for roveral
days and who broko tlm bank yesler-
I day aftornoon, repeated this perform
ance ten mlnulea before the roonn closed
1 laat night. He won (H, 00 francs on No
'20. The Casino wan thronued at tho
time and Suhwub's feat was greeted
with cheers. Previous to this Schwab
bad I it many UioiiHiud francs on II. o
same number.
Lazu hi
zu L,wer
When the liver goes wrong,
everything Is wrong. You
have dyspepsia, coated
tongue, constipation, bilious
ness, sick headache, nausea,
general debility. One of
Ayer's Pills each night, just
one, gently starts the liver
and removes all trouble.
" I have used Ayer's Pllla for livor
complaint, arid have found them to be
the best thing I have ever tried."
E, N. North, Sldell, III, A
By a Drunken Brute
Her Sottish Husband Calmly
Looked on.
Rttimixa, Jan 17. At Bella Villa
last nlitht Oharlt Gubatta beat and
kicked Mrs. Peter 0ueva Into an uooon
solous condition. The woman was to
Lave been a mother within three months
The ehild la dead, and physicians my
they ran hold out no hope of Mrs. Cene
va'd recovery. Her awailant made Ids
eseafie. The District Attorney and
Sheriff were Informed of the awault in
Redding this afternoon, and effoits are
now being made to apprehend Gubatta.
John Falkon, who witnessed the last of
1.0X1)0, Jan. 17 The timwnont to
omulliiitt) thu opposing faolions in tho
ooulittt fur the Liberal leadership in
Parliament is hj,'hIii balked. Itosebory
has rejtiotod tli kiIkmih whereby ho
wool 1 usiiiiiKi the Umltirship In tho
ILiuirt of Lords, whiloCampbitl Banner
j man would continue as leader In tho
Head of Sisters of Charity
Seriously 111.
, IUi.TiHihh, Jan, 17. Mol or Margtt
ret, superioress of the Sisters of Charity
of the United States in itIUchIIv ill at
Kmnii'Uburg, Mil.
Baker City Baby Wins the
Hearst Prize.
. Ilia prettltwt child In the United
glates lives In lUker City. Over all
companion he teourfd a flOO prize.
The child lu question Is four-yenr-old
Nina Imhuiii, the daughter ol Mr. and
Mrs, N. K Imhaiis, 21 Bridge Street.
Onee a week the Heart syndicate of
papers, Including the New York Jour
nal, Ohloago American and Kan Fran
Cisco Examiner offer iOO for the piet
tleit child in the United States. Utile
Nina won lu the last prize competition,
their bolug thousands of applications i
from all parts of tho United States. Tl
photograph for the prize was taken at
Parker' studio of this eity and here oue I
of (he pieluresls on exhibition. The little
girl was taken )u a statutory pose. It
would be hard to find a more beautiful
model. Republican.
lejct.Mc,... .... .
I ia Jiaicioucei fflQBCZB
M .11 II - .
Extraordinary fc
200 Pairs
Men's Pants
TUe -oa(s and vests have been old fraas KM
siilld, leaving on our hands the pnw oaly.
...200 Pairs...
Tliey must be told. We iuut not !t fc
stook yet broken. We need the foe they
uupled for our new goods.
...SEE! Hill
tZOOValnea for 38
'2 60Vala for .,, CI 07
IU 00 Value Jor fl OB
i 26Valuea tor IB 17
18 60 Value, for 13 S3
pi 76 Values for J 40
H 00 Value for 13 MJ
TBI Pffls
11 86 Values for...,,.. w
$16Q Value for,....t tB
8 00 Value for 1
(5 BO Values for I8
Slinn Values for .. WW
ii 60 Valuee lot. ..'1