JOURNAL, ffHB" Tontelit and Thursday rifii ,-?. ,'MCfSKem MODEL HOME PAPER Possibly Snow HW. V 'i I l SAUEM OREGON, TEUKSMT JANTJAHY 16 1902 L XII THE DAILY j Salem' Woolen Mill Store m IF i 1 ft w ' 1 V j JrP P IS Jt: V Eas just added to their already fine assortment, oyer Eleven Hundred Dol- Jars worth of Hats in the new styles and can safely say that they carry the largest stock of Hats in the state, Portland excepted. Step in and see ahem. They are easily shown for we have 500 hats on display in our new Jiat case, and no two alike of thelsame size, and many more styles which there as not room to display. We are al ways headquarters for Woolen Blankets Flannels. etC. Remember Our New Location. mk Woolen Mill Store 39fj 24 - 256 Commercial St,. Salem, Oregon. gj ME WILL SOON BE EQUIPPED Rettor than over to porvo our many optical patients. Our now etoro will havo .ono of the bust optical room in the etafu. With Ibis and and n thorough knowledge of optica backed by experience and a big stock of opucHi gooua wo expect n otg lucreaeo in our optical business. II your ovob civo troublo call and soo ub, no rnnko froo exam inations. Jan. 15th Will be ready for oyo testing in now : etoro about BARR'S JEWELRY STORE... Location 120 State Street Salem. Oregon .ijws; ' SS.e Repairing Watch... Of tho finest workmanship is it branch of our business that we give apeclal attention to. Our repairing ilopartment ia conducted with the utinnat care and skill, diamonds nn reset, and Jewelry of all kinds if re paired ia the moat perfect manner, beaidea optical work of all kinds. C. T, Pomeroy 2)8Com'ISt. Watchmaker ooJ Optician For the Aged or Debilitated And all medical purposed, wlnoi and liqnote from Rogera' are th beau Thoir absolute purity hi d fino flat or make them uuaurpiumi i iu hui u eiviiil! imit'Hi'il IichUIihi I a r-i-nll. Thrir :..n N tullm m compmiHl Kith iht- biint ilu give. OPYtHTi J. P. ROGERS, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer 218 222 Commercial Street. Ms' is to Certify .t 'SW&-f ir J SSBffl ft MirV I 8I6. 0r. Ao -ls0 Crliadfend.'Many Years an Invalid. iese pmkeuti ibal) come, Greeting. Teiyjwjuam m' K3BB1.Bg UNHMM tbrwnoiru humbdHUa Homim rteeo yean unco at nine yeara or age tn accideat which cauteu an liilury and pelvlo bone wblcb reiulted lu ton of buinpeU ahouldera and hip. i of the ri-t and dlinlacement oflu ua n'ui unfioiiiug ui aiKiui mo e tj.iib betwefcii idb krieo ami hip. iu ue nuitraxi aipprnre 01 my aeecrioea in iiaroft iwu i wraa eoToro attack ot La Or.po from wolcn I anflursd ereatlv with nir (ait. and when In Alv lftjOI came u treatment with Pr. P. Cook my aa about as fnlUin rvmM Mr. tuilMaual labor, rould not stoop to ptfllc pypa (ie uoot. vouia got Woui me Ml rwlt'j d.fttc iltf. and iraitlni; umtilN W iwt to inwowifle ould we my llmfc ,wt ti uimcui r ana ouo or Uietn vh maah id. M nerrouivhtein was bail It wrecked. ami wsvere puu qu jungi ana near. coum iteii omy in uroaon apeu. or waya tnffered almon constant ami tie aKoulea In thott I wai aa Bin oh. vo. frcvtonair tn mr attaak of I.a vaa treated ortr a ianoJ or vaari bv lytlclana tu no efltclve purpotw. noau Biiaraue bi idm lime n la tbe Lack at anyone My waited red to normal alxa arid but llm more an Inch mrt'r tbut tbe other. Hare toy u iu and can go op tvttn one tbe other with Dernuu nui Mt Uuxiheatug. Cau atoop to tbe floor iii aooutauaao crelir maen f erithiUR other well people can do. to j apiendtd , lep aouodly and an free from rjaln. llred lu lit Uook'a fawtty for nearly w.i. mu wuuu tii me eneei or nia ujwju iMovra, una eaa truly ana recommend the D,wtor and hit tad- a 1 tq any way afflieted. watnaaiaentlatktseai wuwboW to 111 itOtanleal km1U ann.tltn. aJ nistercj No leort to tbe tue mecha' cat appHant or othej juehod : tn. neixig employed ii. i j yeara. utoacubaam baa lived U ine AN HO9UNBA0U. thli TlatuHy ii aaderujroed. are nenosallr aeaoatnt- itheaiK're adlaat and chrfully ub- iuo irui ti tu ioe lorexomz Haieneni, N HLWliNBAUM. rather. BUHAN lIAKKIbOK, AUM DPoWny AMD ...flngel CHOCOLATE CREAAS .,.Arc made oily at... ISLAND IMPORTS FAVORED Will be 25 Per Cent. Reduction. Cuban Planters Fighting for Reciprocity. Other Interesting news of the Capital. Washington, Jan. 10. A large nunv bor of Oubana and delegatea of tho Mow York Produce Exchango, who tiro favor nblo to reciprocity with Cuba, nro be fore tho IiouboW ays and Moanacommlt tjo todny. A delegation from (he boot auar growing district who are opposed to reciprocity woro nleo preBont. Troaident Thotnaa of tho Now York Produce Exchango tnado a strong plea t tl.o committed for a reduction of tho duties of Cuban producta. Ho declares n refusal to do so would moan aorious in dustrial disturbances and disorders in O iba and would work serious injury to tho Interests of American investors thoro. Tho Senate Philippines committee toJayagroed on tho provisions of tho Philippine tariff bill. It makes a reduc tlou of 25 per Lent on all products of the islands entering tho United Htates as compared with tho dutios upon Jlko ar tlclos imported from foreign countries. Dccauso of opposition from the Demo crats of tho committee, action toward reporting tho hill to the Senate wna psstponod until noxt Monday. Tho Domocrats effrfr no amondmouts of their own. Tho German Ambassador informed Bosrelarv Hay this morning that Prince Henry during his stay in Washington would bo the Embassy's guest. Tho Sonato this aftornoon adopted tho House resolution providing for tho McKinley memorial exorcises. Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, reportod to the S'euato today a bill from tho spec ial committee of Washington couatora and representative!) prohibiting Chinoio met immigration and announced that the bill did not moot the unanimous wiehos of tlio committee, It was ro forred to tho conimitto on immigration. jnquest" TO FIX BLAME " ' For the Recent Tunnel Smash in Gotham. SPEECH FROM THRONE Parliament ANOTHER CANAL SCHEME Company Wants to Construct It Free of Cost. Brilliant of Royal might possibly havo reached Port Simp son. Tho woathor was clear when ho picked up tho boats, und ho cruUed In tho vicinity for aoveral hours, and if tho boat had been afloat ho would havo sighted It, ns ho could acan tho waters lor a instance oi iu muua. i Tho CoLtago City had a most tempes tuous voyago down, being seven days " sho encountered a storm of unusual DCilVCrCd M BritlSll vlolonce. Tho sea rolling so ntgn tuat sho could not mako hoadway, and at times tho propeller was out of tho water. Sho sought shelter in Union Hay. but tho wind blow with such forco that tho itockn to both anchors woro broken and would not hold, and for 48 hours sho steamed back and forth In tho bay to keep from going nshoro. Tho storm abatod and tho vossol pro ceeded, but when Dixon Kntrnnco was reached, owing to high Boas, she wob do talnod 24 hours beforo sho couid cross. Tho storm wrought havoc at Wrangel. Tho Davldgo warehouso, a big structure 120 to 80 feet, built during tho Klondlko excltomont, waa picked up by tho wind and dumped Into tho bay, and la now floating in tho channel, a menacoto navigation. Tho Cottage City sighted the big struc ture as sho was entoring Wrangel Bay. Other buildings woro moro or leas dam aged, but no lives woro lost. Tho storm was followed by a heavy fall of snow. Display State. trlct lights, it Is porfoctly propor to agrco that anarchy is abominable Wo would bo falso to our surroundings if wo did not. Wo aro all woll drossed and protty woll to do financially, ana It is only natural (or us to tako the po sition ot tho party in possession, ''I think no assume a littlo too mucli if we mako tho mistake of congratulating ourselvoa on tho presont stato of our oo FIERCE BATTLE IN MINE to resign his offlco farm in tho spring, portor. and return to hit He la a Geer tap. IttuS duty or our position In It. Tho arlstoc-XriPPle LFCCK )T racy and nobility of Franco took tho j ' . Thieves Caught Streets Lined with Cheering Crowds. Wants only Government Guarantee Bonds. to New Vouk, Jan. 10. Tho Coroner's Inquest which will fix tho responsibility for the New York Central Tunnel acci dent l gan this morning. Marion County Probate Court Clydo J, Thomas of Jtffereon petitlona tho probate court to appoint his grand father, E. N. Thomas, rs hie. guardian, hia father having lesigued. The petitioner is 17 yeare of age. It. 12. Kirk has filed papers showing an Nkw York, Jan. 10. Plans for n now ship canal will bo presented noxt Thurs day beforo tho Bonato committee on ca nals by Gonoral Edward W. Serrell, for tho American sthmuB Canal Company and tho Isthmus Company, both corpo rations of New Jersey. Thoroutofortho canal proposed Is from the Gulf ot Sun Bias to tho Pacific Ocean behind tho Poarl Islands and Is called tho Mandigo routo. It will bo proposed that tho company build tho work under tho supervision and protection ol tho government, with out any cost to tho United States, which will bo asked to guarantee tho bonds of the company. Tho company will pro poso that tho government havo tho uso of tho canal freo of charge for till government vecsels, and if at any time the company does not do as agreed, tho ' government shall tako poseoselon of tho 1 canal, Tho company asserts that it has secured a right of way. The nowly suggested route Is lees than I!0 miles long and therefore is shorter than any other so far proposed. No en gineering difficulties aro encountered, its supporters say, until a Bpur of tho An des is reached. This mountain chain musr bo pierced by a tunnel seven miles long, and tho plans state that it will be 200 feet high, 180 feet Hde and deep London, Jan. 10. Parliament oponed today under advorso weather conditions, a raw mlBt marring the beauty of tho usual pageant. At ten thirty tho Ser geants at arms, with a company of re tainers performed tho ancient coromony of? soarching tho Parliamentary cellars for Guy Fawkcs, conspirators. Tho routo from Marlborough Houso frfrn which tho royal procession started to tho Parliament Building was linod with troops. Peera and Peeresses lu full cohrt dresses, arrived early nt tho Houso ofiLords, Among them woro tho Prince ami Princoss of Wutes. Tho royul caval cajlo moved at 10:30. Tho first five coaches boro members of the royal household, Tho sixth contained tho King and Qucon, who bowed gravely to tho plaudits of tho crowd, Upon arriving at tho ond ot tho Jour ney, the party proceeded to tho robing room whoro magnificent robes woro placed on tho ahouldera of tho king and gueen. Tho royal party then matched into the House of Lords, everybody In the hall arising. After tho king and queen had mounted tho throne, tho mombors of tho houso of commons filed Into tho Houso of Lords, and tho lying read the a pooch from tho throno. Tho King began by tolling ot .the eafo return from hla world's tour of tho Priuco and Princess of Wales, and of tho enthusiastic manner in which ho was received in tho colonics. Ho said tho relations with other powora continuod cordial, regrottod that tho war iu South Africa v as notfat concluded, and praised tho soldiers for their cheerfulness in tho endurance of hardships and an nounced that fresh colonial troops would soon roiicii South Africa. Tho King's voico during thu delivory of tho speoch whb almost strident. Tho exlfof the Koyal party waa na elaborate oi tho entry. Col. Lynch, thu now Irish member, whoso ad rent was expect ed to cause trouble, did not nppour to lake his suut. ABSOLUTE EXCLUSION PROVIDED racy and nobility Bfimo positiou beforo tho rovolutlon in regard to what they called thoir rights, Uut was It not their lives which caUBod tho rovolutlon? Tho noblos nmusod thomselvos in luxury and wealth whilo tho peoplo starved. Who woro tho an archists? Tho peoplo or thoy? Recorder Golf said that In our ofTort to doviso legislation for repressing anarchy thoro was gravo danger that wo might go to tho othor oxtromo. "You cannot oxtlrpato ideas by legis lation," he said. "Laws novor mado men and womon virtuous. Do not en doavor to repress an Idea, If tho Idoa ia right it will triumph and tho repres sive molhods will provo only bo much itioi to loou tlio names; wbon wrong, ideas die ot thomselvos. In dealing with anarchy lot us romembor that if our Government is fouudod on righteousness, then anarchy la a craze and tula craze wilt pasa as othor crazes havo in the world's history." In the Act and a Desperate Battle Ensiled. Detectives Beaten off Thieves Escaped. -the LYNCH BADLY WANTED English Detectives Watching ' for Him. Chinese From Islands Not Enter. May Will be Arrested on Charges of Treason. Do'vEit, Kim., Jan. 10. Detectives aro watching all boata arriving hero for Col. Arthur Lynch, the now mombor of par liament from Galway, a city warrant for whoso arrest has boon Issued on a charge of treason. Lynch fought with tho Boci s against tho British, FRENCH YluoocL WRECKED Passenger Steamer Goes Down in Mediterranean. Dknveh, Jan. 10. A desporato battle betweon oro thlovos and private dett-c-tlvca and employes of tho Independence mino, at Cripple Orcok occurred this morning ou tho fourth level of tho mino. About fifty shotn woro fired, but it la not known that any ono was killed, Ono of the dotecttvea was shot through both arras. Tho thiovea oscaped. Some Marion County Politics A Salem special has this; Thus far thoro has beon littlo talk hore concern ing the offices of Stato Troasuror, Super intendent of Publlo Instruction or Su premo Judge, lho impression hore eooms to bo general that tho presont in cumbonts havs no very active opposition so no attention has boon given to thoir interests hero. Tho Secretary of State's chnncsof ronomlnation wero tnado a subject (or discussion until Senator Williamson annotincod hin candidacy for Congress man Moody's placo, but it is now be llovcd hero that Dunbar will havo no niatorlul opposition. Mr. Dunbar has declined to discuss, either privately or for publication, Mr, Williamson's announcement, or Its effect upon his chancos for ronomlna tion. It ia vory apparont, ho trover, that Mr. Dunbar and hla friends woro groally ploasod and relieved whon thoy read Senator Williamson's announcement ot his decision to run for congress. This stato of affairs leaves tho Goer Wrightman contest as tho chief toplo for political discussion. Tills is Geer's homo county, and it is therefore certain that ho will havo his haidest fight hero. Both Geer and Wrightman live In Pie c'net 8aldin No. 2, and tho hottest work of the campaign will bo dono thoro. Geer's homo precinct ia Maoloay, and Wrightman'fl is Huhllmlty, bordor- Maimmllu. Jan. 10. Tho Fnnch' ,ruomuiB- ah Miompj win ue mode to stoamorSldon, which sailed for Lovant carry ouuumuyprccinctagainst Wright. State Office Goingjegging Uou. Napoleon Davis, who waa clerk of the School Land Board undetGovcrn orPonnoyor lain tho city today and ex pressed himself Ireoly in regard to the political eituation (mm the Democratic standpoint. He thinks the Detnocrata will nomtnato Geo, E. Chamberlain, presont district attorney of Multnomah comty.for Governor, and If those is r docided split In tho Republican party he may bo olected. Hothinka Chamberlain could dofoat some such nomlnoo as Furnish, but Is not so suro ho could doftat Geer on m count of tho lattor'a ability on the can vasa. No one olee In the Democratic party seems to want the nomination for Governor, iu hla opinion. Mr, Davis it ono o( tho shrewdest and deepest poll ticiana (n tho party andhls roBurka mast bo viowed from that standpoint. Asthma The doctors tell us they cannot cure every case of asthma with Aycr's Cherry Pectoral They say it is the best thing for relief and that it often completely cures. We arc willing to. take their word for it, are you? "After having spent hundreds of dollars trying to be cured ot my atthms, I now rely entirely on Avers Cherry fcctorai tor tno rcitet oi me severe It is the best for this I can find." Geo. W. Stout, Sacramento, Cat, 2c.,tfc.,il.M. J.C.AYER0..Uircll,MM, paroxysms of coughing. meaictnc on Saturday last witli it lar.'o number of of punttonKora aboard, is reported wrecked off thu Port of I'otrns. .enough for tho largest vossol which . would go through tho canal. Tho 10 k through which tho tunnel wot 1 1 bo cut Washington Jan. 10 Tho" Puoiflc Coabt senators itud repMwiiutiitivesj niot again today to put thtt li.iUliing tonulicJ I. u.l.l l.u .!..! .11.. ! !, . W MIO UIPIItMl CXUIIIIIIIHI lllllJMyillfll 18 net a trolley appliance would tow the to ,iavo tl!yiiiwirtoTdpptMl a blilpa. resolution approving tno irolloyntnd gen General Ferrell, who is at the head of orul Provisions of tho bill whfcTi Kahu tho project, waa euglneor (or thePanama wilLlntroduco In tho house. Itallmad. nnd Iirh acted qr enelneor for Mitchell provided that In tho senate theGovernrnent.Tho'latolt.P.Kothwell. y m2jbor Is to havo tho right of who at ono time was pretidentof the "iindtng. Tho point of greatest dlf Bocioty of Miuluc Knglneers and editor 'louIty waa "nall' llpoil of. Tho fol- ''"Oi r I . II--4-. afl... 1.I11.I11M. tl.ft.flln nf nn nnnnnnf hol.l t.v ,. of thn Mlnlni? Journal. tllOUffllt tllU " IB BOUHOH Ol UIO HOW lllll ." iim. agalnBl Thomas Combest at the time of scheme entirely feasible, and waa hear- "iitri4.0vi.BHgeo, i..IB3u4U.,r ALBANY HOTEL SCRAP mau and Macleay precinct against Geer M. W. Hunt, pruHont attoruoy (or tho Stato Land Board, has a (arm at 8ub. limity, and has announced his intention i Pioneer Minister Revlvlne Portland, Jan, 10. Ret, N, Doana, D, D , tho venorable and Well-kaovn pioueor Mothodtost minister, who wm strlckon with paralysis at hit home at Unlrorslty Park a few days ago, Is slow ly iccovprlng, dovplto hia old age.' This morning his condition was much im proved. Tho ontlro left side was at first affected, but at no time did the old gontlomnn loao full ponojslon of h! mental facultloo. Dr. Djano was first stricken about two wooks ago, and It WM (eared .that ho could not recover, X FRESH TODAY A Chocolate Chews l Peppermint Chews 3 ANU4 , ...Peanut Taffy... 3 -AT- Ellis &: 154 SlalclStrcet Zinn's rfnone2874 Owner and Employe Together. Come mmmS x IU sate street. TRY THEM. X 3L SAWTELL'S NARROW ESCAPE Nearly Killed by Slide. a, Gravel The Dalles Times Mountaineer says: While working In a gravel had back of ttia old fair ground, from whioh gravel ia being taken to repair the streets, William Sawtell met with an aeeident last Saturday evening that came nearly costing him his life,' Ho was working in the pit when a eave oetirred. The cravel came down upon and almost Lurried him. He was pinned fait to tbe ground, and when rescued it waa fouad that both bones of his left leg below the knea were broken, ami be was ethorwiee I ijured about the head He ia unler tbe hia death, to his widow, Mra, Louisa Combeet, February 24 was set as the day for the final hearing ol the account of T. K. Ford, executor of tho estato. Claude W. Hurst petitions for an or der to sell curtain land belonging to the estate of A. Strain, nn infirm person. Tto petitioner is guardian of lho citato and tho property ia valued at f 200, HEAYY NORTHERN STORMS 0 mm Wreck and Disaster Along Alaskan Coast. tily in sympathy wlt(i it hia death at tho time of SEATTLE SAFE CRACKED Robbers Got Very Booty. I ittle into tho American Mainland territory of tho states toChlneso laborora mining from any of tho insular possession of States shall bo absolutely prohibited and the prohibition shall ap ply to ai upioflso lauorors as wgll ns those who wore In such inuilar posses sions at thu time of lho acquisition tlon thereof by the Stales or thorn who may oomo hero hornaUar, and those who may lie hereafter Immii tlieru." The hill in a general wa J xtou's Indell nltely the Axclutlon law.... , V. ROiZKBA Ibed and itrora to before ma thli Mih injr. lAil. tmtcuei .W. W.UAIX, Icare ofDr Farraaon. and fVknu flAV I Uj A. UotrLWCU, Itaimty. Bkattlk, Wash. Jan. IU Tlio safe of the Ban Francisco Hallway Navigation Company at West Seattle was cracked by three masked men last night lhev bound and gagged the watchman and laftitr dolne their work e caned. Ik- , , , , I yond a few dollars nothing of valuo was Port TowwsKKn, Wash., Jan. JO. All ' Loata. bones of Captain James Mclntyre and his comrades, of the Ill-fated steamship Bristol, being at ve were dispelled by the arrival of the Cottage City from the. North today. Captain Wallace, who picked up the survivors, eays that ho believes that tbey went down with the vessel when she slid from tho reef, and even IftLey luul got clear from the ship it would have been almost impossible (or their small boat to have lived in the tea which was running at the time, as the fury of the storm had Jnereaued after ha plelccd up the othor three boats, and they were nearly a wamped and the teas wera break nig over them and the occupant were nearly chilled by intense cold. To clean annuel blankets n good way Is to put two ubliMpooufiilii of borax and a pint of Hoft aoap Into cold water sutllelcut to cover tlit blanket. When Hit borax and soap have dliwolved, put In tho blankets uud let thorn stand over night. Tho next day rub them out, rliifco 'n two waters and hang them to , dry. Never wring them. ia doing well us could have bean expectd. i Hoaays there is only one chance of j their being alive, and that is that they DUKE PAYS THE MONEY And Portia Knight's Suit Settled. is LoNnojf, Jan. 10. The cult for breaoh of promise brought by Portia Knight against lho Dake'of Manchester l set tled, the Duke paying tbe woman a thousand pounds and costs. RECORDER G0FF ON ANARCHY Amianv, Jan. 10 A warrant was it sued out of Itocotder Van Winkle's couit for thu arrott of Mr. Frank O'Urien, of tlio ht. Charles, on tho charge of assault upon Frank Davidson, an em ploy o of tho hotel. According to Mr. Uavldtor, a statement last night ho went to tho depot (or tho hotel, and instead of re turning directly to tho hotel stoppod fcr awhile at thu Forester's banquet at the Rubs Houso This (angered Mr, O'Brien and when Davidson returned to tho 8t. Chart awhile WorH 2 o dock, he attacked him with thuslirk to thu closet keys, hit ting him BMvernl times on differ emit parts of the head, ealislui n number of ImI biniass. .Mr, Davidson has since bwun ui bvti, whwru his statement has boon taken by the Kcuulver and Deputy , District Attorney Kelly. Mr, O'liilen'ti version is that Davidfnn obJe(Ml to going to the train but llnni'y went. When he came hack he askd mill wnu whb iuiiiiiiik iiiiug. huu n iiib- i pule followed when Davldtvu struck at him with h chair, when ho hilhiui wlih his fists and not with anything else. The oast will ho heard by Ifecordur Van Winkle at - o'clock tomorrow aftirnoon. - .-hi ymr-mmm Oil in Mtaoriary lor.., Aloyement will Die if Well Founded. Not Nkw YoBK.Jan tt HworderGoff has just made aud address before the Nine teenth Century Club upon Anarchy," here. In part the Ileeord.r akl - "For us who are" gathered here in thin well-appointed and baautlfuily-deoorat- 4 chambsr.under the glare of these elec- lelectloa ofQcen. Registration is Very Languid Re I ration by precincts s as follow! Aiimsville, 2; Aurora, 1; lirooks, 3; Hutierllle, 3 . Klkliorn, 1 , Knglewood, 6; Fairfield, 1; Gervals, 1; Howell, 1; Marion. 1; Prospect, 6; Salem No. 1, 10; Salem No. 2, ?0; 8alem No. 3, 0; fialem No. 3, Ki rlalein (North) 6; fialem (South) 5; Sidney, 8 ; Silver Falls. 1 fiilvertou (South) 2; Kllvorton, 2; Htay ton, 1; Sublimity. 2j Turner, u; Yew Park, 0. Total 131. In a number of precincts there are not many voters a aro nquirod (or ll Hll 11 M ...SEE! HERE 200 Pairs -OF- Men's Pants Tho ooats and vests have been sold from 190 suits, leaving on our hands the pantf oaly. ...200 Pairs... Thoy uuBt bo told. We must sot let Wi stock got broken. We need the raw thr cupied for our new goods. ARE Ti ML 12 00 Values (or 2B0Valif for 3 00 Value for .... f.J36 Valuea for 3 60 Values (or 1 75 Valuta for ...... MOO Values (or 1133 fl 07 It 08 W17 & -10 4 25 Values (or...fa J jlfiOVoIuea for....'f"',2' 5 00 Values for..,. ........ 5 60 Values (or t 0 00 Values for - J J 10 60 VtsltMHI for -...HI k