The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 08, 1902, Image 2

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    kmatffw vm KglffflilJIlfc j
TTTTMr;iT" v, t ''mKJf '" ly1"?". -ws
I .""Haw V"Wk. vassiiB
(t . .MunterAKQcUtidPftsi.
Member Northwest Afternoon Newspaper
WEDNESDAY, JAN., 8 1002.
Dilljr One Year, $4,00 In Advance.
Dally Four Months $1.00 la Advance,
Unity ty Carrier 50 cents Per Month.
Weekly Ode Year $1.00 la Adwce.
The movement on llio part o( the
majority ol the railroads oftlio couutry
to do nway with paises after Jnuuary 1,
; 1602', (gall right. Tho railroad "free
Hat" has boon nin into the ground and
has come to bo a serious burden to
matyr.dl the- railroads.
The paying public has little Idoa ot
tho number of pastes t at aro given
out annually by tho groat transporta
tion1 II1K8. Tho cost of hauling dead
hcada'la a serious Horn and has to be
reckoned with In determining tho rates
to bo charged those who pay.
The1Bacamcnto Bee saya the irony of
of tho pass system lies in tho fact that
as an almost invariable rulo passes aro
glvon thoso who can afford to pay tlioir
way, whllo tho classes who would re
celro sorro benefit from freo transport
Hon nro obliged to put up cash.
-Thoro Beouis to bo a goneral mania
for wanting to travol dealhoad that af
fects all claqsoa and conditions. A man
poesessod of millions wilt work every
known pull and spond tlmo and enorgy
enough; to buy n small railroad for tho
sake of gutting transportation free that
would cost him loss than his cigar bill
for Awcok.
A largo class of thoso who travol on
pasaoa aro not banoflted personally In
tholonat. Blato and Federal olllclalr,
omployos of corporations, otc, who
would limply chargo off tho coaat of a
tlckot as legitimate ozponse, gut free
rides bocauso of supposed Influonce.
Tho railroads are beginning to learn that
for wbatovor bonoflt they got through
tho good will of onu man thoy pay out
of all reason by carrying hundreds who
can do thorn nolthor Injury nor good.
Tho cost of alt this froo riding conue
out of the general public. Tho railroad
dooq not doorcase its profits by carry
lug people for nothlnit. It simply tacks
an additional chargo upon thoso who
pay, If out of 200 patrons a railroad
deems it advisablo to placato 100 by
giving thorn pasfloi, tho other 100 havo
to pay just twice wlmt thoy should tot,
Thtro is no reason why anyono who
travels over a raltoad should expect tho
rest of tho travelers to pay his fato,
Ilcican usually hotter afford tho ex
penditure than thoy, and ho simply grat
Iflos porsonal vanity at their oxponso.
In nluo cases out of tou ho bluffs tho
railroad Into thinking he Is worth car
rying (reel In the tenth case he gets
Ills pass by giving nway somsthlng that
Is worth ton times tho amount of tho
prlco of tho ticket.
If a railroad deems it advisable to
carry a poraon free as a matter of court
day or policy, It should mako him a
presont of a ticket and chargo tho regu
lar faro from tho profits. Tho cost of
carrying him should novor bo mado an
operating cxpouBo without a correspond'
lug return equal to tho return mado by
every other paasongor.
Iu tho matter of froo passes to news
papermen, tho railroads havu always re
ceived In exchange volumes ol freo
advertising worth ten tlmoa what the
railroad trips would havo cost tho jour
nalists at regular rates, Tho pass sys
tem, as a business proposition, has been
n bad thing ,for tho newspapors, Ho
aides that, there Ih no doubt that it has
frequently, oven with mou othorwlse
welMntentlonod, robbed them of much
of that manly Independence which
ehould be tho first quality of an editor.
Iu every way tho press would bo hotter
oft if railroads abolished the (reo-pna
Fills all Places for
Ensuing Year
Mayor's Message Makes a
Grand Business Snowing.
Why b Wm&Ba
le AMo to Uofp SIol Woman
Yhon Oootore Fait
Floating Debt Has Been Al
most Completely Wiped
A Full Council.
Tho attendance at the first regular
council meotlngof tho yoar held Tues
day night showed all present. Alder
men Burrows, Griswold, Larson, Hlinp,
Btolzo, Fohlo, Biggs and Walker were
In thoir chairs and tho Mayor held tho
gavo). Recorder Judah had all his
paporB In his usual applc-plo order and
oxpedtlod tho business In 20th cen
tury stylo.
Mayor Bishop's Message,
Tho mayor's annual message to tho
council was read:
"It aflords mo great pleasuro to call
your attention to a few of tho leading
results of tho municipal administration
of this city for the year Just clotcd,
(1U01), among which may bo men
tioned :
Total rovonucs for tho year
wore $21,700 42
Total expenses for the year
woro 21,377 01
H.GIhson.flno 5 00
F. 1 Tulkitlgton, 4 tilts 2t QO
Ueo K. Waters, 2 nits 12,00
.ML Hamilton, 2 nits 1200
w U nit
I) Waibsoit.ddfc tax.
I,M Kirk, agent..
Mnw oWAv would men fly to wo
man's aid did they but understand 0 I.J. M. I'aynp, agent . .
woman's feelings, trials, sensibilities, J. M. Payne
and peculiar organic disturbances.
Thoso things aro known only to
women, and the aid a man would give
is not at his command.
To treat n onto proporly it la nccca
Bfiry to lcnow nil about It, and full
Information, many times, cannot be
plvcn by a woman to her family phy
h'lolan. She cannot bring herself to
toll everything, and tho physician la
uas. a.
An exchange tolls, how a then tutVey
decided a lawsuit:
Tho other day ..Mrs. Norma Adams
andbamuol Gardner, -who llvo on ad
joining farms, began suit to determine
tho ownership ol a brood of fourteen
turkeys. Tho brood, headed by two old
liens, a white and a brome, had been
running the fluids of both farms all
Bummer. Wra. Adams owned tho brunse
nwiauaAir. uaruuor tho wbltj. Kadi
claimed that their reactive heu was
the mother of the brood One ot the
witnesses before the Juslloa testified that
ho had 0111-0 tutued a dogupou the
iragKung oanu 01 turKeys. At.thoap
nrqaeh o( the dog the young birds thy
tnw iroe, the bronco heu rau Into the
woods, whllo tho hlta heu stood under
the tree and gave battle to the dog,
which she repulsed, then called the
brood to her, and they marched off.
Alter herltnc lids wllneas, tho justice
decided that the whllo hen was the
uiu.uer o. wio uroou, ana gavo the tur
fceyt to Gardner.
Tlic hopeful vtow consump.
tives take of their own ensos is
strongly in their favor. Each
year is showing a larger per
centage of cures.
One of the best reasons for
goo4 hope is the record of
Scott's Emulsion as a medicine
for consumptives. So long as
the system is strong enough to
msi; luuuiuini; vi any kiwi It can
The reason for its helpful
ness in this disease is because
pf its long tolerance by the
fmtient; one does not tire of
t as quickly, a other medi
cines and that is whore the
rat benefit comes.
leaving incomo credited wlth$ 'i'i'i 81
"This Is the third year In which the
city has been kept within her revenues,
and in tho caso of tho year just finished,
rollouts tnoro than ordinary merit upon
your sagacity by reason of tho fact th 1
tho incomo was heavily abated by tho
reductions mado by tho Hon. County
uourt in tne matter 01 larii values on
the tax rolls.
"Tho currents business of tho city
finds crodltablo showing In llio record
ers department, which, under your caro -
ful direction, has for Its record tho
following facts:
Year Collect. Disb'm'ts
lHO'J $8915 34 1 1(1,087 00
1000 0.505 Bl lf,0:i7 02
1001 0847 GO 13,360 71
HThla ffsi(innut f nlatsa I lirt I Iki nnllhnll
MuuwMlutllHlllvq klSltlr 1IIU IjUIUWIt
has carefully watched tho business de
tail of the city, so as to steadily Incroaro
its curront revonuo and, as atoadlly, to
decreaso Its expense account, a conclu
sion that will probably ho endorsed by
tho taxpayers In general.
"Tho bonded Indebtedness ol the city
remains undlsturbod at tho former llg
uros of$lM0,18l.60.
"I am glad to announoo that tho rev
enue from general taxes, for tho year
1002 will bo materially enhanced, and
afford tho council an opportunity to
carry out certain public impiovoiuenta
long necessary but which woro dolayed
011 account of Uo restricted Inoomu of
1001. Tho increase will approxlmato
Standinc Committees
Tho followlag assignments wero an
nounced for tho standing committees of
tho council,
Ways and MsatiH (loo. driswold,
chairman, Thomas Hlmj, and 1 1 or nam 11
l'ohle. ,
Ordinances-K. 1. Walker, chairman,
8. A. Itlgga, and P, J. Larson.
Accounts anil Curront Kxponsac
Thos. Hurrows.uhalruian,!':. 1. Walker
aim wueon wtois.
Streets and Public Property 8. A
INggs, chairman, llermauu l'ohle, and
Thomas Hluis,
Llconaos Hermann l'ohle, chairman,
Thomas Iturrows, and !, J, Larnon,
Klro and Water Thomas Slma, clialr
uian, (lltleon Btoltx, and It. 1 Walker.
Health and I'olloe Uldeon HtoU,
chairman, 8 A, lllggs, and (leo. Oris
wold. Prlntlna 1'. J. Ursen, chalrmnn.
Thomas llurrows.Jand Ueo. Urlswold.
Wholo Force Re-Elcctcd.
II. CttApratr.
at a constant disadvantage. Tills Is
why, for tho past twcnty-llvo years,
thousands of women liavo been con
llillng1 their troubles to us. and our
advico has brought happiness and
health to countless womon in the U.S.
Mrs, Chappoll, of Grant 1'nrlc, 111.,
whoso portrait wo publish, ndvlson all
Buffering womon to uso Lydlu K. Pink
hum's VegutnbleT Compound, as it
ourcd hor of inflammation of tho ovaries
and womb ; uhe, thoroforo, Kpoalts from
lcnowlcd(ro. and her oxporlenco ought
to glvoOtliorH confidence. Addrcmi Mrs.
I'lnkham'a Laboratory, Lynn, AJasa.
cash, $27,002,(10. On credit account Dec.
111,1001, $27,002 00. lialnnco Dec. IU,
To'Llelit the Armory.
Jas. McUuIro of the Bslom, Oo. O. N.
a., madu following proposal for lighting
tho armery: "As tho ropresenlativo of
Company "F", Fourth Kegimmit, O. N.
Q., your losteos In tho Armory nt tho
City Hall, I deslro, for said company, to
submit tho following proposition for tho
consideration of tho council :
"Tho company wishes to equip tho
armory with gas. Tho company will
purchase and Install all chandeliers and
burnora. The company auks tho council
to Install tho ncpoasary plpoa from tho
motors to the chandeliers, and at the
oud of the company's occupation of tho
premises, the said uhaiideliera to become
tho property of tho City of Halem "
Heforred to committee with power to
Recorder's Quarterly Report-
Iu Recorder's court total feci uollr ti
ed,'); days committed, '20,
in the justice court total feus uolleotod,
J. P., $5; Constable, $3 00; pending
$8.(10. Total fees still due, .1. P , $lo.70;
Constable. $10.05; pemliiift: $31 76
Miscellaneous ounIi receipts: Odlohsr,
$150.05 ; November, $1211 08; Dneomber.
$i:t28.60j (or riuarler, $8!W0.6il.
Cash on hand Dru. 1, 1001, $I(MS.07.
Tolaldobllfur DiH'embur, HK)l,ltW7.(K)
Credit by eaah to the trMsurer,
$ !700.tX). "
Cash on hand. January I, 1002,
Warrant Imldbtetlneas ; October,
$1061.02; November, fltfOfl.flU Dweirtber,
$101187; for (piartur, $1170.99.
Recorder's December Report
Total linos $ 7 50
4 70
18 00
18 00
18 CO
Total fees
Receipts for mouth .
Warrants for mouth.
Cash I) Treasurer . .
Cash 011 hand Jan. 1
Salem Water Co Out. mid
Nov, Rent
Urlswold A. Uliaw, Nov. and
Dee, Rout
1. I) llergau, agent, Ins. I.k)..
Pishur-VanOlovo Vroup, Show.
Uoo. K. D.iv, II. P Lie
C. P, Martin, ouout, Ins. Liu...
Pae. wtatwi T. A T. Oo
K. Neokeriiiati, 1 ulta
J. P, Rogera, 7 nits
S, PrltHlmaii, Auetloneer Lie. ,
J. Cornier, Saloon
II. M llilu t (i uiunlu I..u I I..
. -. ...n v...l.n... t ..Ba ,.hi.
ilieapplioatlon of J. W. Lewis, ulghtl u Ulle o.ageuts.liia.
imni t lillllHllH
81 7fi
l.Sffl SO
1.01 1 87
.1,5.00 Cu
107 00
Total receipts $1,828 60
The Cash Road Tax
Attornoy W. II. flnlm,!, 011 bijhalf of
the city as a member ni Uie cpintnlttco
to confer with tho representatives' of tho
county court the maltor ot tho levy of
tho one and one-half mills tax, as pro
vided by tho city charter, mado a verbal
report to the council to tho effct that
Doputy District Attorney .1. II. Mc
Nary and Goo, Q. Wngham for tho
county court, and ho, for the city of
Salem, had hold a conciliation at 2
o'clock yeatonl.iy afternoon and the
conclusion whlcli t' cy arrived at
was in substance at follow J." It was
Uguerted that, Inasmuch aa the city
otdlnancc, under which authority the
city council had levied tho aforesaid tax
upon tho property of tho city to apply to
the roads within tho district, had been
tested in tho courts and found valid, tho
county court would bo Instructed to levy
thn special road tax of ono and one-half
mills upon all properly in the county,
us provided by tho statute enacted by
the last Legislature, and to except tho
city of Salem therefrom.
Action on Licenses
Application for renewal of two liquor
llconeos of J P. Itogors woro reforred,
LIcenaof Fred Neckerman renowod.
8. Friedman the auctioneer, was
granted permission to remove ills placo
of business to ISOl Commercial streot.
Street Improvement Ordered
Tlui following motion waa made by
Geo. Urlswold, clmrlman oftlio com
mittee on streets and public properties.
That a special tax of six per cent bo
loviuJ upon each lot and parcel thereof
as assessed In tho lion docket of tho city
for tho Improvements on Stato streot and
Oak streot and university addition, and
for tho construction of a sowor in block
Claims Against City.
Rill against various departments woro
read and referred to committee on ac
counts and curront expenses
Thank Fire Department.
During the past year, with ono ex
ception, the Fire Department lias not
responded to calls outside tho city limits.
Tho communication from the Hoard of
Trustees for tho Stato Reform School,
to tho chief of the lire department ack
nowledging tho Hoard's gratefulness for
the efforts oftlio department to rendor
nBsIstanco npou tho occasion of tho fire
at tht! above named Institution, was
road and ordered placed on file.
A Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks.
Prof. Itnxu Tyler, ol Chicago, Vice
President Illinois Woman's Alliance, in
speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy, says: "I suffered with n eovoro
cold thin wlntor which threatened to
run Into pneumonia I tried diffeieut
remedies, nut 1 peemwi to grow worse
mid tho medicine ujieet my stomach. A
friend advised me to try Chamberlain's
Cough Retmdy and I found it was pleas
ant to takoaud it relieved mo at once. I
am now entirely recovered, saved a doc
tor a bill, time and Buffering, and I will
never be without this splendid medicine" For tale by Dr. Stone's Drug
hap ommim.
The $ki:i 13 the seat of an almost end
less variety of diseases. Thev arc known
by various, names, but nro all due to the
name cause, ncid and other ioison9 In
the blood, that irritate and interfere with
the projer action of the skin.
To have a smooth, soft skin, free from
all eruptions, the blood must be kept pmc
and healthy. The many preparations of
arsenic and potash and the large number
of face powders and lotion9 generally
used in this class of diseases cover up
for a short time, but cannot remove per
manently tho ugly blotches and the red,
disfiyurlntr pitnples.
Etornul vlgilanoo in tho prico
of a hoautifu! oomploxlon
when such remedies are relied on.
Mr. It. T Shot, 9704 1.uraa Avenue, St. Iiuls
Mo , saj " My Ui i:liur win nfflictt J for j ear
with a Ulnfigttrlw? eruptic n on licr face, wlilcli
resulted nil trrniment Slie was tnk n to two
celebrated liesllli spring!, but recelvid no bene-
...Northwest Normal College...
Corner State and Commercial Sts , Salem. Orceon.
1 m...rA
Coursesof Classic, Scientific. Normal, II Wb ,B' '
Art, and Elocution. The latest and the best In Hook kee Ing, J :(' ," f
and Shorthand. Tho most extensive lino of olllces for mmort.n '
Northwest. Evening School on Monday and Widav ''V"9; f'Zl,
Saturday ovenlnga. Full courses to trradua ion either in , c toe 'culture 1 mno.
Violin. Orchestral instruments, Harmony, Counterpoln , Iugu , elL. Jul '
also In Flno Art. Falntlnc in oih. Water Colore, Pastel, and Crayon mawinj,
fi mrmfm
fit. Many medicines were prescribed, but wltn
out result, until we ilerldeU to tr;
IIICICJ ll. It.ll .! ...., J " - i
alie i now seventeen ) can ow. mm uoi n iirh oi
yS H S.,nniiuy
completely and left licr tkln .porfecliy ainootn.
uui iraiin.HiiMi ,..,,,.'-"- -'.:, ...i
becan lodltwppear A dozen IjouIca cured her
a. tiiiiiisit;
Students may enter nt any titno.
(lii.wl fnr nnlnlninlO.
Director of College of Music.
motion and preferment In business Is the result
of ability to do. At this school Is the best place
to obtain the knowlcdee of how to do. There
is an Increasing demand for competent help
Persons completing the business and shorlhand courses at the
cansecur employment. For eleven years, but one young man has ir1iiated from m"1""
rt,,,m,ntrJrrt.tcnmtieiin,Tfr,ehii5lcss course, Why? Because all took positions before
readvtoeraduate. Itcostsbut little to secure a usable education compared to the benefits ae
rived. Send for catalogue. W. I
9TALEY. Pi.nclpal, Salem, Oregon,
n,r. nlKirrnliiir diseane lus ccr rcturucu.'
S. S. S. Is a rKHMtive, unfailing cure for
the worst forms of nkin troubles. It is
the greatest of all blood purifiers, and the
only one guaranteed purely vegetable.
Bad blood makes bad complexions.
purifies and invigo
rates the old and
makes new, rich blood
that nourishes the
body and keeps the
okin active and healthy and iu proper
condition to perform its part toward?
carrymgoii uieiinpuruius num mv.-uuu.
If you have Kczema, Tetter. Acne, Salt
Rheum, Psoriasis, or your skin is rough
and pimply, send for our book on IJlood
and Skin Diseases and write our physi
cians about join case. No charge what
ever for this service.
O B Stevens, Portland.
I. Cohliitz, do
fleo. (3 Chamberlin, do.
W II Zimmerman, do.
.1 i.ow, no,
F B Johnson, do.
A M Long, do
B L Rrodon, do.
O B Whnrtan, do.
I. R Wobstor, do.
M Friedonthal, do.
II ilamboruur, S, F.
.1 F Kelly, Eugene.
W M Klrr, N. Y.
J M Church, I.a Grand.
G W Greoly, Osakls Mlu.
James Wlthycomb, Corvallis.
Goo. K Ilnrton, 8. F.
O II Woolington, S. F.
Edward Everett Younv and wife,
W R M or wood, Soattlo.
F I. Howe, Albany.
II I) Dectrlch, N. Y.
F M Garrison, Cleveland.
1. (J Oulnor, lndplis.
The La Corona.
10-cont cUnr is the kind that mile.
Hy far thn best, and always on hand.
'ug. iiiu'Konetoin, saiem.
Why not go
whore you can get tho host? The St.
Elmo Restaurant is torvlng tho best
meals In tho city
Blanke's Coffee
Touches the Spot
Did You Get a Free Cup: We Did at
Harrit & Laujrbncb
8.00 a. m
via Hunt
ington ""AThnitio"
9 p.m.
via Hunt
ington TnrKanT"
6:16 p. m,
From I'ortluml, Or,
Salt Uke, DoliTor. Ft.
Worth, Umabit, Kaniai
UltT, Ht. liOUln, Ctikigo
11m i'aBl.
Palt Lake. Denror Ft
Worth, Omaha, Kaiuas
Cltr, St. Louis, Chicago
and Kaat.
Opokaue. Wallacs. I'ull
man, Mlnuenpolla 8U
I'alll. Duluth.Mllnauki..
unicaso, nu iiiut.
4:30 p
" 10
no Chanjc or Cars
Through tickets via this route to all
Eastern points on salo at Southern IV
cific depot ofllco.
Prom Portland'
Have You Cold Feet?
If eo it may havo been catned
by getting out of bed this mom
inif 011 a cold llnr in .1 cold
room. Got one ol our small UAS tli'. l lilts nun at smnii expento nave u warm
bedroom for riiti8 and retirinir. The turn of a key and the touch of a match is
all that 1b needed to start the flro.
4Ctierr.ekot.iSt. SALEAl GAS LIGHT CO. Telephone 563.,
Havo er:ured and will operate tho Humphrey warohouso nt Salem,
the Tumor mill and warehouse and tho warehouses ntMacleay, Pra
turn, Switzerland, Shaw und Urooks, conducting n general warohouso
and storage business. :; :: :: :: :: ::
Salem office 207 Com. St.
SackH will be hold at theso points for delivery on entno terms na pre
vailed provlous uenwHiH. See them before disposing of your grain.
Top Prices are Always Paid for Grain
J. G. GRAHAM, Manager
sp. m.
8. p m.
Bat unlay
10 .m
lAlUallliiK dates alibject
IU UllfiaRO
Bailee 6dnya
ToAatDrla and Way
s P.ffl
4r. ra.
u nd i j
A movement has bwm started iu
l.lveriiool, Kngland, to replace foreigners
on Hrltlsh ships hy lliitisli sailors,
The oslate ol John W, Ilondrle, the
Calllornia philanthropist amounted to
Mtll.GM. A Inquest of f 10,01 J awaits
bin niece, Sarah l.ouusbury, who can
nut be found.
No moio Walla Walla pattteimere havo
been heard of. II Is feared they lure
Hranson & Ratran
aro making a epwiulty of nlco goods In
u...o ,...c nvvn. ,uri uiiuk wneat iinur
In quantity, anoiv whlto salt in bbl
Iloiuzoa sweet pickles, and mince tneni
tho finest in the market In bbl. Genulnt
old fashioned lye hominy 3 times n week
Heer has stood the tost of oxperionee. Then why not give n home
production the preference. Home capital, homo labor and home
brewed boor are growing iu popularity. People loyal to home Indus
try give it the preference
MRS. M. BECK, Proprietor.
A Mother's Favorite.
Chamberlain's Couuh Itomedv is tho
mother's fuvorlto. it Is pleasant and
safe for children to tnko and alwuva
50 Q(p cures. It Ih intended especially for
iuuiikiis, L-ini8, croup nuu wiiooninc
poilwman W, W, Johnson, uhlef of tiro
department $ W. W, Williams, driver of
huso leani; W. II. lhllllns. driver of
eiiKluo team, ami J. 11. Campbell, Jr
oiiglneer ol the tire department, for the
re-appointment to theirrospootlveolllcos
waa preeeutou to mo oouneil, ami upon
tho motion of the oouticll each was re
elected by unanimous veto, upon ballot
oast by the city reoorUur, to eorvn dur
ing the year llRHf.
J. 1 Friwell was also deotod to sue-
ewi niineeii as sweet oommlailoiier to
servo during tho ensuing year.
Theappjlntment ol W. W. Johnson
J, II. Campbell, Jr., as spwla) police
men Hflthout pay, and I It, Murphy as
IHXjtainiKiitoliiBer wUli pay, was rati
tied bo the couuqII,
Floating Debt deduced.
An Interesting faet brought out iu the
summing up ol tho year's finance
shows that during the prwwnt oily ad
oilulstration lor the last three vear, a
grwtpattol theoity ttvwtlng debt lias
betn disposal ol. The warrant ludebt
oJuwm has Ueu dlmtulshtl iiMrly (t -000,
leaving a Hosting debt ol 6,i 00.
This will be wiped oat during the coin
ng year without dimUmlty.
Report of Chief of Police.
Chid of I'ollee I). W. Utum reiwt. d
a further colli ct lou ef dog lleeusa tuthu
amount ot Jt.75. The total oaah turned
In for dog llsenws during 1991, m ),
expenses, was fW W.
Street Commissioner's He port.
Street CtmuiiMioiivM- J. i FiisU re
ported S3f) days laber ami 1SS dya UUtr
with trams Oath Jan. I, IWI, fM.9
uotleoteddribg)4rkVtj DWburs-d
durlncyear fW'.ll IUUiJaHry I.
City Treasurer's Report-
John ililr, HilLy trwsuwrvn M.-1 a '
hlsdebt WHHt u IVc UiJI, tu
1 mta
..... . f .; " -
J. i. Wilson, show Ho
It, W, NewiMimu, Hue
A. T, Utllwrt, agant, Ins l.lo. .
lhuili NiuWtunek, wken lie .
Haeh k NiiiUtnnek, fe
II, II. Tlieiiwu,ut
II, 11. Theilmm, uxent
John Molr, agut
J, W, ltoluud, agent....
J. Connor, II. It. l.lo
II. Wlprut k Co., nita ....
Lnllraueh A Kaugu'tiot. I nit .
I.ellrnneh A Uotli, 1 nil
U Uekerliu tH hum.) 1 nit ...
It A Kirk, lull
Salem I. I'.AT. Co., Oarl.ic. .
J. nirifir, u it. .'qra
.-an'iii uter im , ivo,
I Hill, J tuts
) 00
18 IX)
10 00
IS 00
acj no
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'J I J
100 oo
18 00
18 00
8 00
18 IK)
iXKl 00
18 113
18 00
18 00
IS 00
it m
lit 00
tl U)
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U 00
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16 00
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2ft 00
IS tH)
cough, and is the host medic I no made for
iiiosti tiieeasos. there is not the least
danger In giving it to children for it
contaips no opium or other injurious
drug ami may bo given as confidently to
a b-tboan loan adult. For sale by Dr
Meno a tirug store.
Joseph Sharkey ami John l'owera
wero killed by a Soutlinrn Paaitiu train
nt Houston, Texas,
TryGrala-OI Try Crala-OI l
Ak your (irooer today to ahovr you
it puoUage ot (lltAINO, the new food
drink that take tho phico or coffee.
The children may drink It without
Injury mh well na the adult. All who
try It. like It. QllAINM) has that
Hch Nwtl brown of Mocha, or Juvu,
but It Ih made from pure graltis, and
the moot delicate atomaeh receives It
winioui iiwiriHw. tile price of cof
IVo. fti. and SB eta. per package.
JhI hy all grouers.
Tba entire provinao ot Vilna, Uussia,
la under martial law owlug to Folish
Chilian deb gates at Mexico City re
furo to sanction the l'an American
arbitration plan.
Cwi tb Tha Kiad Yh Hm Aia Bsh
oiSaatnro S p . SSrf .
is your Hair
worth Ono Dollar?
lfo tyl(l,,( N.!lu.ti4
M iu .i. ihi ,lu,irun (l.l U
Uil) Uj(.uiv)) iuanux)uu tM.
...,ly , uv lUl kl'U tK ml n.W' al wH
i Mi IwirixKa. Ihua U-Mroln hv
out tnaJ will euaTtiteru Umuub
wiu rLtrur.T! :.a i,
T ., wnii
V" aai. Um Um aih
i iiMkkj'uyU. 'T11Cl "T
i(. MrRiiitrikiincsau
For $! at all Flrt.Ct Dru Jtw
Heat Out of an Increase of Ills pen
sion. A Mexican war veteran nnd iirnmt-
I nenl alitor writes; "SoIhk the advar-
i it enient ni Chamberlain's CaslU), Olwl
i wr ' Diarrhow Keinedy, I am re.
nimi iiimi aiaioidier In .Mexleoiu
J. au.t 4S I contraciwl Mexlwiu diar
rii.vaand this remedy has kept me from
otitis an iucrtMM in n,y penaion for on
i ery renewal divwol it restores uie "
it i une.j tailed as a iuick uri tor diar
I h" and i plnaut and safe to take
r sale by Dr. Stono'a DrugSturw.
W. J Arki-II has failed to wtalii,h a
I r inch of the American IKwnoliv Cj.
at Kingaton, Out.
I ThirtMN inii are -utwnUl at N -um,
Mh., Uy mine oave iu. urn
body hs bm rajivicsl.
ft tWhtuwMlM Daisioeratii) a..
ik Sttl'MUih I
grMluiud dlitrast Ua m datated
Jamos Itossol Kvorott last night in
suited and thenkilled Victoria l'rico. a
11 year old girl.
Do You Kr.OW
Whero you can get a llr.t class meal?
hvoryono nays the Whlto House Itwiau
rant is the beat place.
Manila morchiints are having difficulty
uniin; iu uiu uuango irom .Mexican to
American currency.
Stops the Couth and Works nff th r.,n
LaaaUv Mroiiioguiiiliw Tabiau euie a colli
1 1 HUD liny. NuCuw. .Nol'jy l-fic i" ovui. vl,
Btirt Us A lM Kind vw Hirt Alwirt Baask:
W iuston Cliurchill has been appointed
to a captaincy iu the Queen's Own Ox
fordshire Hussars.
The Excitement set Over
The rush to the drug store still con
tlmuw and daily Booree of people 0hII for
a bottle of Karon'. ItaUun for he Throat
...m i-unga tor t.ecure of Coughs, Colds,, is sola 0n a guarantee and nvr
SlVSlSK "? ml(M' Ice
Mayor Ames of Mhj oapolia U ill vl h
a ux. & -i a 353. x j t
Basra tW ) H M Yw fats Atom Bssfll
KmployMt of the Chicago and Nonh
western Ity wall in ,utlire W8yB
peusions hi tor twenty years service.
should not b overlooked while you
are buying other things. Thoros a
good many things vou can do in the
building line if you plan them now.
Pricing and selecting tho lumber
are important factors iu the plan
ning We havo the beat lumber of
every kind pricoa lowest or tho
Goodale Lumber Co.
Noar S. P. Fase'r. depot. I'hone 051,
A Juicy Morsel for
Or dinner you can enjoy Irom one of our
tender and delicious meats, steaks, lamb
or mutton chops' veal cutlets or pork.
Our meats are all cut Irom the fattst
your table with fresh, nutritious i nu
wholesome meals at bed rock pris.
Fbon at)l
&m. yy Sz3?
a)lilal.k La. l... ft. .
....,wr ,ros- vok seventh Cm i ,i"Y"f,ullf' lSSact8. IlefuOm
w-- - "muHJ j H 19 not I
J. Howard Waei. lorawly of Ul
Wall VIU Osslews. , .,
rrlval. wwary to Uojtrswr eBciOai
of U aiiingion.
Wtiiialtw iltm. -.. .... .,
trasONUiiMU raistwda au.l ik. .... I
?Z2tt&L"' ' 2ViSrfftGJ!!s
""" v",
o yoa
SJnK oNXl fW W.1 cure a
8uougn pr Cold at once. ConuuN
ouA without U fiXifSS!:
Jiooiora preacrtbo It for nmn..i.i:
?i o oiiiwiirnr.i if to.... .
uough Syrup
,,..; uursa wnen omers fail.
'C Bull's puia cure Cuitiiio. ... , ..
(Wr A Am
" i . . . . -. vmn.
I 4 M
4 3--
Getting Points
Ju laundry work Isnlwaye advisable bo
tore taking your garments to bo renova
leil Anyone who has had their laun
uerniK done at the Salem Steam laundry
knows the quality ol our word. It's al
ways Kpod, giving the onrroot finish to
wn ..J1 NV0". JrMW' '"en nppreclata.
)V call for and dellver-you need only
to send us your add rota.
X . J.
Salem Steam Laundrv
2J Liberty Street
fhone -111
-5 '..
Steamer Kuth loaves Salem for Fort
laud and way landings on Tuesday ,Thurs
days and Saturdays, about 10 a. m. Foi
Corvallis und way landings, Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays at about 6
p. in.
Gen. Fa89. Agt. Agt. O. It. & N. dock
Portland, Oro. Salem, Ore.
Illinois Central R. K
a Vast
Dythrourli service to aod Jrom.the
principal cities la the followlat states:
Throuih Tourist Cars From
The Pacific Coast
- Chicago .ad Cincinnati
Conncctlai with through trains for all points
East, South and Southeast
Past and handsomely tnulpced, steatn-beatcd
trains - Dluuu Cars. Uul.'et Library Carl
blccclnf Cars. Free Itccllnlar Chairs tars.
Send firteen cents la stamps for wall map ot
the United Stares and Cuba for par
ticulars retardlnr rates, time, service
etc., call on or address ,,
142 Third St. Com'l. Aft.
Portland, Oreeom
Corvallis k Eastern Railroad
No. '4 For Yaqulna:
Train leaves Albany 12:o0 p m
Train leaves Corvallla.,.. I 00 p. iu
Train arrives Yaqulna . 0:45 p. tu.
No. 1 Returning:
Leaves Yaqulna 0-00 a ru
Leaves Corvallla 11:30 a. tu
Arrives Albany 12:16 p. ni
No. 3 For Dotrelt:
Leaves Albany- 7.00 a.m.
Arrives Dotrolt. 12:15 p. m
No. 4 From Detreit:
Leaves Dotrolt 12:45 p, tu,
Arrives Albany 5:40 p. nt,
TraiiiB 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with the 8. P. south bound,
tram, as well as Riving two or three
hours in Albany boforo departure of S.
P. North bound train (or Portland.
Train No, 2 connects with the S, I'.
west sido train at Corvullls Crossing for
Indorendonce, McMinnville and all
pjlnts north to Portland.
J. TuiiNkn, Edwin Stone,
Agent,Albany. llansco
Is the only Una
operating a week
ly Pers o n a I ly
Conducted Tour i
1st Excursion car
betwe e n Port
land and Chica
go change via tho World's greatest Seen
1c line, making closo connection .t Chi
cago in Umon Depot for all points East.
unny standard sleeping
car between Salt Lake
City, Denver and Chicago,
mitiet, library smoking
cars between Pueblo. Den.
ver and Chicago. The beat and mod
reasonable dining car service between
i uuuiu una unicago, it you are going w
Kansap City, Omahs, Des Moinea, Chi
cago or any place east, you should en
quire about tho Great Hock Island Kouti
ueoro purchasing your ticket. Asi
your nearest ticket acent about it. a'
write for folders and any information
ueeireu. a. K. uooi'eii.
Qen'l Agt, Portland, Or.
The Gr eat
Rock Island
among the
tls, Hoarsvno
Tl,.. n...i. .
- ui-mgion uo-.ite tanks
Jvr nules long; mm' ;
fl static tmversed bv i- ,mtha
n;qualcHl JrviIU.1 hfi Ko'S" UtiJ?
l-t. next time 4u mnJm 10U should
for water service apply at otci
uilla payable monthly In adutoil
aiak-e all complaints at the oftuc
Toledo. Ornvnn
WaiCterit o drouu Courtfor aUt yr aat h
onViJ'"" oiraci au proper (Jiu w""
Omh. OkL
time yau gQ Mgt
City, St LoaU and
rrT Siiiujw,, General ASent
O. G T, Go's
ufi.ves Ior Portland Moaday.
Wdatsdayaa4 Frtday.10a.ffl.
For Corvallis Tuesday.Thurs
day and Saturday at 5 P m.
Quick Time, Cheap Rates J
JO: Foot of Trade at. , ,.