The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 06, 1902, Image 1

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Tonight and Tomorrow Fair
Cooler Tomorrow.
NO 4
7- -
H I " M !'! '
model home paper
If you'vo worn thorn youraolf you
Sak your neighbors nbout tliom at once.
1 hey fit well.
They are made on up-to date lasts
They wear well,
They give satisfaction every time
Qa n spot cash business basis. You'ro
wear thorn. Wo'ro
"" IN
20 Per Cent Discount Sale
Of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing.
It will pay you to fit out yoursolt
imarked-up price?, but 20 per cent, off
marked In plain llgnres.
ffS" . Sfi
' j,Ci'il
Cor. Commercial and Chomokota Sts.
f -
m?fm&zj&nw?mm p
SV- n,
Poultry Foods,
Incubators, - Brooders,
Bone Mills at
BSHA."W-!&. C3-3E5
HP 822-D2I Commercial etreot.
Ms is to Certify
Ttififlreiron 1 ,,.. r . oj ton.
cirtOf Marlon MOB'0lUl "'" ""' "
CriMleiJ and Many Years an Invalid.
'nTwl,"Sm IV.c nrnuinUl thul fOHlO. UruetlUC.
,win - .-. r.r- - -.-,-
AWNH lourieou ycar uumai muv jwi.u. .
lin an ucciuent wnivu "tu u nun;
IOO nua pouio none wuicu rwuni in
aatloti of humped ihouldew and nip. a
uk o( thrt vrtlil and displacement or In-
liSrSRfirncajs am kliurieulne or about (wo
7lBeBW5t6ueiliUIewuen llio knw una nip.
luadtHUau 10 the ouiwaru aiipeaMii ui mj
bodyTat'above Uecrlll J" ilareh 1W0 Iffii
Ukea'wJUi a "tf vera attack of La ilrlppe from
the ajfeet ( v Kt Huffered Breailj wllhwy
lhugra4 1) an. and whonlu Mav 19uOI came
to m4!beu trcaunout with lr. J K t oak my
oanJHl&a a about as follow". - Could par
tBim &b Biauuai labor, oold not ktoop to pick
ajaytHUitrrom tee Qoor. Could et about the
bowMfiurw Hilimculiy and totting up lUIni
hMI to m oosul le. Could uio my limb
odlftwlh d.ffica y andoueof theta wa much
to; Wr uerroua a -tem vraa badly wreoked.
llAdMMh and aeTere vain ou luoga and heart,
naaiiiSutu cau" Uleet. ouly tu broken sptslU.
a4i5a-.y wajsmtlBiedaliijort oonrtanland
jUainarHwtbw agoale. lufhortl waaasinuoli
,da;a"anve. lictuiiy tu uy attaek of La
1HUH1C'4U r -
iTUCJausi Vi -iO cnetiv imrpow
T . .. ... . . .k.a lima M
la the btvk ai anoue Mr waited
ored to normal ilia ana out iiuo uiurr
anlncui lOrter mu uieotiiir. umve
'ofmy imb and od go up nlr ooe
toe oioer mw N-.n itw. ...
teuxtbeuiuff tn itoop tu the floor
uan Kt)l auout auu no ireny uiueu
rerj thing other wall ptopt can da
me la pieuuiu, iiecp twuuuiy tutu kui
frfia fmm nftin.
BafWjff Uvea to Dr. cook'a family tor eaariy
ayearirnaTe aeen moon oi
tlte eeet of hU
upon othera, and ran truly aaa
KromiaeAd the Doeter asd hia mad-
ail in any way amteiea
Sector treatment in thla eae waa wbol-
M to hi Uuu&irai awnoiim, um
kUj nutered Ko temotl lo the om
mecnau cai appllauie w oUiaf iaeU.M
ent being enipued ...
Roaenbaum baa llTed tu lltto vleUKy
uuienianed are panoaallr aaaualBt-
hea-jfve aat aad cbeHll7 w
and (worn to befere ae thU Silk
JW1 ... .
bed. .W.w- nai-'a .
By a Mcculloch, Dtpuiy.
i i$jfWMftt
i "y
know tho rouson. If not, you should
and they're sold by the
missing a good tiling if you do not
having a grand
and boys' whilo this ealo lasts. No
from our regular prices which nro all
Our Store Closes at 6 O'clock
Every Evening Except Saturday
New Designs for 1902
In jewelry and watches are
now shown at Pomeroy's. If
you want the latest and best
there is, you will examine this
stock. You can make your
selection at a pi ice to suit,
and will be sure of
the best value for the
i ices cut in two.
C. T, Pomeroy
2 38 Com'ISt.
Watchmaker and Optician
For Grip, Coughs and
Thoao Is nothing like a good, puro high
grade whiskey. Our whiskey is tho
thing to have in readlnof p. It is a great
savor of doctor's hills If you havo none
in tho house you'd better order some
right away.
Wholesale and Retail Ltauor Dealer
- Lice Killer,
- - Plione 1701.
11", ".. " ''J "" llllfHllljMIIMI
f)0t $06a
Will keep out the Cold
Try Some at
..THE SPA....
tu State Street.
We Make a Specialty
of Salted Peanuts. ..
MUs Hannah It. Phillips, the New
York educator and physician, having re
quested it upon her death bod, hor body
has been cremated and next Saturday
after a simple, service on the decks of one
of tho titaten Island ferryboats, the ashss
will he scattered upon the waters of
New York Bay.
Plans are under consideration to pie
sent the City of Orange, N, J , with a
site for a public gguool a 01 ty Hall
nnd a public bath at a cost of f 160,000.
It. Coudert. the prominent New York
lawyer, Ib improving in health. His ill- J pmary system have reaehed the mild
ness which was regarded as serious, re- mum figure predicted by Senator T II
sembled not vous prostration. I man when he niada the campaign in
2r Tfir
On Cut Glass, Silver Plated Hollow Ware and 8 day Clocks.
Remember for a Few Days Only. 4
118 State Street. Salem. Oregon
Of the Charge of Dis'
Against Schley-- Says
Navy Department is
Cohoes Man Steps
Maclay's Old Shoes.
Washington, D. 0 Jan. 0. 8ecro
tary long has addressed to Bonator Nel
son, a letter defending tho Navy De
partment against what Is declared lo bo
unfriendly criticism lu connection with
tho distribution of prize money nnd
bounty. Tho letter is called forth by
one of the Bonators asking information
on this point for a Western nowspapor.
Tho Seerotary has declared that tho
criticism that tho Department discrim
inated In favor of Satnp'on and against
Schley is unjust because tho Department
has no control over this matter, the mon
ey being distributed from tho treasury
and all questions of law and fact rolatlvo
toprizos and bounty haviug boon deter
mined by tho courifl. Tho Secretary
says that the distribution was made
under a decree of tho court of claims
from which no appeal was taken.
Secretary Long, has appointed John
A Koarnoy, of Cohooa N. Y. ua succossor
to MucLay, tho historian laboror, at tho
Now York navy yard, who was removed
by ordor of tho President for strictures
upon Admiral Schloy.
Representative Jenkins of the Judic
iary special committee which is forming
antl-auarchlBt measures today intro
duced a muasuro which in addition to
providing tho death penulty for assaults
ou tho President, requires alien im
igrante to tafco oath not to assault thoEo
in Government authority and not to
publicly uphold tho subversion ot tho
Government by violent means.
The b'enatoand House adjourned with
out traueaetlng any businoes as a mark
of respect to the lato Senator Sewell.
On an Exclusion QUI That Will
Wahiiinoton, Jan. 0. Tho Pacific
Const members of Congress havo agroed
upon n Ohlnoso Exclusion bill. It fa
drawn so as to absolutely prevent
Ohineso coming Into this country save
ofllcials and tliofo already horo.
Certification and registration are pro
vided and moat rigid inspection compell
ed. Transportation companies are made
responsible for bringing Chinese not en
titled to entry.
Tho Chinese in Hawaii, tho Philip
pines and Porto Kico are not allowed to
oitor tho Unitod States nor aro Ohtnoeo
allowed to enter theso islands.
Ice Bridge
At Niagara
Nrw York, Jan. 0. Tho bridge now
In tho gorgo below the falls appears to
bo a substantial structuro in every way
and there aro good prospects that it will
remain ceveral weeks, says a special
from Niagara Fallj, N. Y totheTimos.
I'ho first crossing was made by William
Uhlrigand Robert Phillips, who picked
their way most carefully from tho Amer
ican to the Canadian ihore.
Gas Pnt
Por Mexico
Nkvv YottK, Jan. fl. Tho Loomls
Pettibono Company of this city has se
cured a concession from tho government
of Nuevo Leon, Mox., for the construc
tion of a 600,000 gai plant at Monterey.
The structural material and equipment,
pipe, etc., will be purchased in the
Unitod States.
Profits for Tillman's
CouJMHOtt S. O, Jan.
derived from the South
6 The prcUts
Carolina Dis-
Ucllu Oil
favor of tho Btato monopoly of tho liquor
business. Ho then said that tho dis
pensary profits would reach from $500,
000 to $1,000,000 a year. Tho annual
report ol tho Btato board of directors
shows that purchases of liquor during
tho ycBr amounted to $1,017,073 and tho'
msRnlBH pjccIub vo oi ueor uy ncer
itlmnnsfirn wore J2.328.081. Tho total
not profit Is $55,218.
Must Serve
His Term
Washington, Jan. G. Tho United
States Supromo Court today refnsod to
intorforo in the caso of Captalu Oborlln
M. Carter, who sought a writ of habeas
corpus that would roleaBO him from
prison at I-oavonworth, Kans.
Would only be Possible Were
Men Angels.
Or Under an Absolute mon
archical Government.
Nkw YonK, Jan. 0. Archbishop
Corrigan has juBt preached a sormon on
Socialism at St. Patrick's cathedral,
which la 'attracting general "attention.
Ho snld that tho thoorles of tho Social
ists would bo found faulty In actual
practice Ho did not agroo with thorn
that religion had nothing to do with
morals or morality and that Socialism
alone Is able to do away with wrong do
ing and crlmo. Ono of tho chief nrgu
tnonts to prove tho Divinity of Chris
tianity, ho said, was that of tho amelio
ration of tho charactora of tho adhe
ronte. Today Socialism appoared before
the world with most soductlvo promises
of an earthly paradlio.
"iModorn Domocratic Socialism may
be found to bo roducablo to practical
ueolulntss under certain conditions" ho
added. "If all men becomo angols, or
again, under eomo strictly abaolutogov
eminent such no that of tho iucas, or,
again, for a short season under tho lu
lluencoof somo wild revolution, such
doctrines might overcomo the whole
country as a cvclono does, but unless
hiimnn naturo bo changed, they would,
llko tho c, clone, lose their power soon,
and old habits would return."
How Soldiers
Got Booze
Chicago, Jan. fl. Tho officers at Fort
Sheridan havo Anally discovered how
tho soldiers found laruo supplies of
wMubnif tvlltinnf Initvlni? Min rAAivnf tnn.
A saloon at Highland Park closed re
centlv and soon nftor eevoral barrels of
whiskey disappeared from tho stock. Tho
whlBkey, it seems, was hidden in the
woods, nnd tho men of Company K found
it. They all tilled thoir canteons and
then told members of othor companies
Many soldiers, It is said wore walking
about with canteens full of whiskey, and
others with empty canteens could not
Theoflkors questioned tho men In vain
until tho supply was practically ex
hausted, then the secret leaked nut.
the Civic Federation
Will do Good.
Nkw York, Jan. Samuel Gompere,
president of tho American Federation of
Labor, who attended the recent meeting
of tho National Civic Federation, was
expected at tho meeting of tho Central
Federaton Onion, just held hero, to
make his report ou tho conference. As
he was utuble to leave) Washington,
however, he sent a written roort,
Mr. Gompers stated that the move
ment of whlnh the conference was part
would help establish rightful relations
between laborand capital and prevent or
roduce tho number of strikes. Several
Socialist members of the Central Fede
rated Union made an attack on tho Na
tional Civic Federation. Tho Socialists
wanted a resolution passed denouncing
the recent conference, bat It was daaided
to leave tho matter to a referendum vote
ot the different afllliatwl unions.
Struck a
Nkw Yokk Jan. o William Barry, a
dollar a day laborer, from the ago of 13
to iM, aeaording to a special from Syra
cuse, N. Y. to the World, is now heir to
property valued at a quarter to a third
ef a million dollars. Two mouths ago
Mr. Itarry read in the newspaper of the
death of his father's brother, Charles M.
Berry, la South Africa, and now he has
been notified that he la one of the tielri
to this uncle's estate, which Is valued at
a million dollars.
Now Venezuela Wants
rom Colombia- Anotner
Revolutionary Expedition
Starting Out.
lador and Peru are also in
11 lint UnAf
IkU V TT (1 tvl .
w Yohk, Jan. C In explanation of
thofnoto which tho Colombian Govern
ment has sont to Prosideut Castro do
claflog that tho grievances of Venezuela
fngfinst Colombia aro not founded upon
actja dispatch to tho Horald from Car
acas says: Tho noto is considered a
disipsclonato presentation ol Colombia's
atdijof the case.
lots evidently an answer to Castro's
cornjnunlcation to tho Chlloau Mlnistor
nt Ifcgota in roforonco to Chilo'i offar
of njediation to nottlo tho Colomblnn
Vonjzuelan Imbroglio. President Castro
doc! trod in his conditional acceptanco
of tl o offer of mediation that Vonezuela
oxpi ctod reparation for tho nllogod in
vasl m of Colombian troops and for other
grlo ancos.
Gi nornl Pedro Ducharno, a Venezuelan
revolutionary loader, with sixty follow
ers has sallod from Trinidad (orGulria,
on tho Vouezuolan coast, whore hun
dreds of othor Insurgents aro ready to
march under his command angnltist Car
upano, cables tho Port of Spain, Trinidad
correspondent to tho Horald. Carupano
Is about 75 ratios awav from Guiiia.
Tho Kcuadoroan Government has
sent a strong forco, led by tho Cotn
miBsary Gonornl to tho eastern frontlor
to tako poBsession of Kcuadoroan
territory, recently Invaded by Peruvian
authorities, cables tho Guayaquil,
Ecuador, correspondent of tho Herald.
In tho meantime oulcial roprosontatlons
aro belug made to tho Peruvian Minister
of Foreign Affairs.
4 -
He Stood Before a Mirror to
To End it All.
Salt Lakk, Jan. 5. John II. Goo, a
miner, aged CO, of Balmon City, Idaho,
stood boloro n mirror in a room in n
Stnto etreot lodging house and shot him
self through tho heart, early this morn
ing. Ho catno here six weoks ago for
medical treatment for epileptic ilts.
Letters found ou hla body Indicate that
his family is well connoctod nt Moberly,
Yankee Goods
For Tokio
Nhw Yonic, Jan. 0. Tho Tokio Tesudo
KubuBhlkl Kwalsha, a Japanese con
cern, lias conciuueu arrangements
through Mitsui and Company, of New
York City, whereby American firms
will furnish tho equipment, valued at
nearly $800,000 for the first electric trac
tion system lu Tokio, tho largest con
tract ol ita description over awarded for
Amorlcan machinery, etc., by a Far
Eastern concern,
The Luella's
Close Call
Ban Fhancihco, Jan O.Tho stoam
s'hoouer J.uetia wiiicu saueu ycueruay
for Tillamook was obliged to put hack to
port for ropBirs.
Shu carried a large quantity of coal on
her lower decks. When crossing the bar
she shipped a heavy sea, Tho coal ou
her decks was washod down into
the engine room and lire room, Tho
machinery was immediately clogged with
coal and several parts were broken. The
engineer finally succeeded in patching
up the broken machinery and tho cap
tain hofcded back for the city.
The Principals to Commence
Training at Once.
New Yokk, Jan. . The detslls of the
inftteh between Jeffries and Sharkey
have been finally determined upon at a
mretiog between Managers Kennedy
and Delaney aud Sharkey, who was rep
resented by Alvle King. Tho men
agreod to fight for 02 per cent of the
gross receipts, the winner to take 75 and
the loser 26 der cent. The tight will
tako place on tome date between March J
28 aud April 5, to be decided upon later.
Tho scene of battle will bo tho Me
chanic's Pavllllon, San Francisco, under
tho auspices of tho Yoscmito Athlct o
Club of that city, Champion Jeffrios,
Sharkey and tho Yosemlto Club man
agement havo ngroed tu post 12500 forfeit
each with Harry Uorbott as unni stnko
holdor. Tho principals will go into ac
tive training at onco.
British Won
This Fight
Bloomkountkin, Jan. O-rOorcsford's
constabulary oncountercd a forco of
Doers on Jan. 4th in tho center part of
tho Orange Itivor Colony, and killed
Field Oornox Protorlus and ton men,
and capturod thirty-flvo Burghers.
Is Rapidly Taking the Trade
of the Colonies.
And is Attracting Canadian
Nkw Yohk, Jan. O.Tho Standard,
rnforrlng to tho statistical abstract of tho
trade of tho British Colonios which' has
Just been issued, says a London ditpatch
to tho Trihune: Tho main lesson of tho
roturn Ib only too plain, and it is that
tho businoBS done by England with hor
colonies, is too ofton smaller than it
should bo, In regard to Canada, It Is
only natural that her chlot customer
should bo hor closo neighbor; nor is it
surprising that tho United States runs
Groat Britain vory closo In Newfound
land and tho West Indlos.
It is, howover. disappointing to boo
that wo are excelled lu Australia and so,
too, it Is to find confirmation of tho rathor
distploting fact that Canada hns dlfil
ctllty in attracting settlors, and that her
territories remain empty In spite of her
Improved means ot communication and
the offore mado to colonists".
Wall Must Go
Ciikvknnk Wyo. Jan. O.Tho cole
bratod Hole in-the-Wall will In n
short timu bo only u remembrance.
Tho Holo lias boon tho "ofugo of outlaws
from Arizona, Utah, Montana, Colorado
and Wyoming nnd waa practically
inaccessible. It lies in the southwestern
part of Johnson County and directly in
tho lino of a county road which is soon
to be built,
Tho Holodn-tho-Wall Is not wldo
onouli to allow tho passage ot the road
and dynamite will ho brought Into mo
to widon thotlssuruln the red sandstone
cliffs. Tho Holo-ln-thu-Wall is tho only
outranco from the south to a beautllul
and rich valley and must be used to
prevont a day's detour.
Prince on the
Anxious Seat
Nkw Yokk, Jan. O.Tho Prlnco of
Monaco has sent a special mossenger to
Home with a request for a special inter.; projootllu. wliloli, If tlio claims oi mo
vlow with thu Pope on tho subject ol oh- Inventor holds good, will prove of groat
talning a dlvorco from the Princess, tho Importance. Tho mechanism of tho In
daughter of Mlchaol Heine, the New , vontlon is a secret und Pottlngo'lls now
Orleans banker, cables the London cor- 'negotiating with tho United Stales
respondontof tho Journal andAmorfcnn. I Government for tho sale of tho device.
The Portugese composer, Isador Del.ura
is the cauue of thu breach-said to bo past
mendiug-between the two, but the
Prlnco lias deckled to Ignore Do Lara
and not banish him from thu principal
Make much Trouble lu
land Cal.
Oakland, Cal , Jan. 0 With their
captain dead, two men lu prison for re
bellious conduct, aud a crew bordering
ou mutiny, tho subordinate officers of
thu French bark Coniiotahle do Kiohe
inont, dlioharglng uoal at Howard's
Docks, have appealed to tho Frtnch Con
sulate, the ooininaiider cf the French
cruiser Protet, lying in Han Francisco
harbor, and the Oakland police fur pro
tection. Mate Thioutln, who is In temporary
charge of the vessel, is maintaining hie
authority with a loaded pistol. Thu
trouble on board the hark began durlug
her 107 days voyage from Swansea to
San Franulsoo, 30 days of which wire
oeoupled in beating around Cape Horn
They delay enraged the crew, ono of
whom knoekod the chief mate down
Another flatly refused to obey orders.
Captain Tuoreaux died last Friday
and eluce then th mates hav been un
able to control the men. Two of the
mutinous sa'lors havo bven arrested
aud if the Jvgsl courts cannot with
them they will bo turned over to tho ol
flcr of the cruiser Protet.
Of the Fearful Walla
Walla Disaster
Her Bow Stove In by the
Captain Blames the Lookout
on the Walla Walla.
8an Fiiancisco, JAn. O.Tho French
bark Max, Captain Bonolst, which sank
tho stonmor Walla Walla causing a Iobb
of nbout forty lives was towod lnto this
port last night. She was badly damaged
n tho collision. Great holes were torn
In hor bow and only wntor tight com
partments kept hor from sinking. Hor
captalu said his vessel was closely fol
lowing tho rulos of tho road when tho
stoamor camo under hor bows. Ho de
clared tho HghtB of tho Max woro prop
erly displayed and that his crow saw tho
steamer a long timo heforo tho collision
After tho collision tho Max was un-'
manageable Tho captain added ho
thought tho lookout on tho Walla Walla
waa intoxicated but this chargo .Is em
phatically denied by Captain Hall, of
that vessol.
Ninety-two survivors of tho Walla
WaMa arrived hero today from Eurokn
ou the stcamor Pomona. Thoro is still
bo mo discrepancy In tho lists of tho dead
and missing. Tho number ranges from
37 to 47. This dluciopancy is duo to tho
fact that sovoral paeBongers boarded the
vessol just nB slio was leaving port.
Others who wore traveling second class
gavo aBsumou namos in oruer to niuo
their Identity. By striking out what
possiblo duplicates, tho number of lost
stands at 42, classed ns follews: Known
dead, nino; missing, passongors, lit;
crow. 20 Ono llfo raft is unaccounted
for and it is feared that nil the misting
nro lost.
Nineteen Men Drowned
Coast of Portugal.
Lihiiok, Jan. O.Tho British steamer
Alfonzo, from Dooomber 15, for Glbral-
tor, and the Spanish Btoamor Vllelvay
both loaded with coal collided on tho
night of January -1 off Avolro, Portuga
Both vresola sank. Kightron men of tho
Alfon.o nnd ono of tho Vllelvay wero
An Oakland Man will Throw
Nitro Glycerine.
oakmnii, Uai.., Jan.u-n. u, rettin-
gell of this city has Invited a glycerlno
Tlio matter will be ooiiBiuorwi uy tuo
Ordnance Department today.
A plain statement of wttat'SKoloc oa at tbe Rlf Store. ThUk
atout It; talk stout It: take advaataie of the occortutlty.
f 0 00 Suit for 0 Q0
IIS 00 Hulls for I 8 00
(16 00 Suits for f 10 00
$18 00 Suits for 112 00
120 00 Suits for 113 31
r:i M Suits for $16 00
ISO 00 Suits for ISO 00
Balespeotmi who ar exiuirtuiicttU lu
cutting and fitting, to waft upon yon.
All wool flannels tl 10
3 60 lljunel waists fi 10
All new snappy styles.
38cCounter-OoiuprWng a lhi id
ehoieu Huttings worth Mo and wo.
48c Counter Ootnnowl of Drew
Uo'hU varying in prlw from Uuo to
II 80.
98C Counter Comprising a line of
our 1 36, $1.60 aud $1 76 values
One-Third Reduction on
Tho invontton, Pettlngell says, It a
shell that will carry without the loaat
conciiBsiona from 50 to 200 pounds of
glycerlno oil ns far as the ordinary shell
can bo fired by ordinary modern ordi
nance Tho concussion necessary' 'to
to project tho sholl ho says, la by his de
vico roflectcd back to tho sides of tho
sholl so that tho glycerlno oil is not
disturbed in tho least.
Schley Sees
The President
- I.L.-S3H.
Washington, Jan. G Admiral Schley
was with Prcaldont Roosevelt about
thrco-tiuartors of nn hour today. The
prosldont sent tor tho admiral to como
to tho Whlto Houso. At tho conclusion
ot tho conference 8chloy declined to
Btato tho objoct of his visit.
In Raising all Taxes
Direct Taxation to be Left to
the Counties.
CoMJMnua, 0., Jan. O.Tho Ohio leg
islature convenou today In biennial ses
sion. Botli branchos elected officers
nominating llopubllcan caucuses. The
moBsago of Governor Nash was noted
(or rocommoudatlons, for a new sys
tem of taxation, undor which all
taxes for statu purpoeos will bo raited
from corporations, franchises, liquor
traffic, etc , nnd all diroct taxation for
county, miinlclpal,or othor purposes are
to bo loft to the counties. It Is a system
of homo rulo lu local taxos.
.An order by Judgo Lacombo, of Now
York, appointing Wm, W, Ldd Jr,
tomporarv recolvor for the Crudo Rub
bor Company undor a bond of f50,000
was filed today In tho United States
circuit court.
Lost Hair
It's risky, this losing of
the hair. You may not get
it back again, . iYhei jhe
hair first begins to fall out
use Aycr's Hair Vigor. It
will stop the failing and will
make new hair come in. And
it always restores color to
gray hair.
"My hair came nut badly and was
fast turning gray. I tried Aycr's Hair
Vigor. It stopped my hnlrfrom coming
out and complstoly restored the color.''
Mrs. M. I). Gray, North Salem, Mass.
tl. All lirwUli- J. C. AYCR CO.. Utll. Mim.
Tho ChilcArgentlno trouble is break
ing out afresh. War seems to bo Im
Taffies and
Cocoanut Loaf
Ellis & IMS
54 State Street
Phone 2874
See our Liberty street window,
$10 00 Suits for I W
111 00 talis for $ I
tl" fin Bulla for I 8 -W
113 80 Suits for f,g $
$U 00 8ultsor f 000
flt8 00 Suits for $1260
Two special linos shown on Lib
erty strset. , m
Vi 00 values
Wo and$ I 00 values -
$8 00valuB Jjpo
fi oOvaluw $3 w
OWvalues J5S?
10 00 values J,7, 00
$16 OOvalues $u
Queen Quality Shoes, $3 00.
Uurlua our sale we give ft 1P,'
heat grade storm rubbers, with evwy,
pair of shoes. '
Meyers Men's Shoes. $3 IS
Kuual i aver respect to $1.00 WW
f 1,60 ahoe store shoes,