BTCWwIaHWWB Mtiaifi XHMI EfiflRSSSaRl 1 w- ! tte 3K wN9ES8a W To airour FriendandPat ronsWe.isli A . . mmuiit lift JVe wish to thank all for tho generous roingo given uff;, during Ufa , past r, gerfcroua beyond oJpectntton.Tho iatlous between our. patrons and our live haVo been mutually satisfactory ad we hope they will continue to bo bo. With tho'cloaing 6f the old1 year- and tho beginning of tho now, wo hopo tha friendships will not cloio, but'will ro- wain aa warm aa in tho naat. and wo invito all to visit our alore In tho new rear ai during tho past, M, Trsiirvivi ifle WtdiX. Rohnia Tea Store M. BREDKMEIER, Prop, Rhone 2411. Free Delivery. Portland Visitors takiirs Hotel Restaurant. itfBlte CookiJIunch !0c to -25c. Meals a U rcirte. 20cu Dally Journal on file. 5-27 V&2&2i EN YOU TURNED OVER M THAT NEW LEAF JflN 102 Di Your Write at4he Top of onon OREGON s -Shoes a - P. S. Happy New Year to Everybody. SALEM SOCIAL t 4 m .jT' i: , LOCAL EVENTS. Jan. 3-Bllvor Ball Banco. Jon. ft "Tho Irish Pawnbrokers" at I tho opera house. Jan. 6 7 Farmer's Congress. Jan 8 Entro Noua Party. Jan., .10. "Tho Mount obauk by the Ffodorlck ' Wdrdo company at the opera lidueo. "Irish Pawnbrokers." Tho two Amorlcan Macks, tho cole brated Irish comodiana, with the charming-aoubrotto Mazto Trumbull, with a muttitudo of pretty girls, clover comodlanB, and adequato aconory, couplod with tbo funniest play thoeo rlovor. artists ever had, will ba (he at traction at' the Grand Opera Houso next Monday night, and if woll-enrnod repu tfAZIE. TRUMBULL; tntlons count for anything, it goes with out aaying that tho houeo will ho packed. Tho two Amorlcan Macka have for a long tlmu onjoyod an onviablo rep utation aa Irtish comodiana and farco comedy etora, and havo always boon as sociated with wholesome performances, Their new skit, "Tho Iriih Pawnbrok era," iBan exceedingly laughable enter tainment to those who go for tin more pleasure of laughing at absurdities and tho broadost kind oi comedy. A num ber of Bpcclaltioa of an exceptionally high btandard will bo introduced by- the Shoe tt ...Where I Buy My Shoes... And if you'll keep that resolu tion we'll guarantee to saye you money on your 1902 shoe bill. m SHOE COMPANY X X 27& COMMERCIAL STREET and Satisfaction 0SSS)ia3i3S WORLD PERSONAL MENTION membora of tho Company, which will add aditlonal lustre to tho performance. Prices 76c, GOo and IW cents. Watch Night Party The rosldenco of Mr. and Mr?. Joseph Martin, cornor of Liborly and Brfsh atrcots, was tho aceno of ono of tho merriest watch night parlio8 given Tuesday night. Tho largo party waa nearly dlvldod in tho ovenlng'i pastimes, cards and dancing, but all aliko enjoyed tho delicious refreshments aorved. About forty guests were participators In the event, among thorn tno louowing; Mr Rnd Mrs Goo. Maaon, Mr ana Mrs 8 Kightllngor.Mrand MrsGooNowberg, Mr and Mrs Peter Hanson, Air nnu airs Martin Vleako, Mr aud Mrs Jou Martin, Mrs Will Bouhott, Will Smith, Elmor Seoloy, Mr Lucas, Mr Pue, George Vlesko, Henry Vleeke, Mr LoGrange, Mr George, Mr Evana, Mr and Mra Henry Franks) Mlaa Leona Vlesko, Miss Mildred Ducas, Misa Dora Mason, MifB Dora LoGrango, Miss Ann Sutton, Miss Clara Wurnor. Miti Eslella Groahoug Miss Sylvia Vieako, Misa Anna, Parks, Miss Laura Bounett, MrB Simpson, Fred West, Mr Gergia in. Tuesday Party. MrB. Mary Huffman entertainod somo of hor friends at a watch party Tuesday night at hor homo Various pastlmos made tho ovcnlng a pleasant ono to all. Those prcsont wero Mrs. Mary Huffman, Mrs. lva Phaw, Mina Lianie Porklna, Misa Dollle Elkins and Mossrs. Montie LobIIo. Ed 8haw and II. West. Congregational Catherine. At tho Firat Congregational church there will bo a social thia ovening at which all members and frionda of the church are expected to bo presout. A abort proo-rammo and othor interesting i!n0 wm lm made to contribute to tho entertainment and pleasuro of all. Tho ladies are preparing refreshments aud doing ovorythlng to mako the ovening a pleasant one for nil. Itiadoubtful It tho convening. Gov ernors will institute suits agalnet tho merger at present. the Page X X 0 60. Fidgety people arc lacking in nervous strength. The weak, care-worn, melan choly, headuchy, and low spirited men and women are easily excited, impa tient, fidgety, and unable to sleep at niglit. Worn out nerves must be built up, and the vitality of the wnolc system replenished before relief can come. "The least bit of noise or sudden iarwoitld nearly drive mo cnuy, and 1 was Just too fidgety for anything. I was so nervous that I could not rest or sleep. Tho first dose of Dr. Miles Nervine brought me sleep, and after that I got wed fast." Mrs. a. K. moxrkix Arcom, ins. Dr. Miles' e irvine builds up the nerves, strengthens the brain, and fortifies and refreshes the whole system. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart; Ind. PERSONALS. Mrs. K. M. Ilurd is vi&sting relatives In Portland. G. B. Hoyt of Jefftrson waa in tho oily yesterday. A. T. Gilbert has gone to San Fran cisco for a few days. D. 8. Llvosa of Woodburn was in tho city yesterday on businoas. Mrs V. W. Withors has gono to8alom on a visit. Eugene Guard. L. A. Greenleaf of Los Angelas, Cala is in tho cltv far a brief visit. D. B. Zeh nod wife went to Baletn this afternoon to romaln. Guard. Olydo Brown of Heppner is visiting hia parents, Mr. and Mra. Q. S. Brown. Contractor Richard Ely has gono to Aitorla to look attor aomo public build ing work. Rev. and Mrs. AI. M, Wlilto havo gono to Portland to visit thoir daughter, Mrs. J. P. Merefce. II. T. BrUco aud daughters, tho Misses Lena and Bculah, havo returnod from a visit la Portland, W. T, Taylor, of Paialuo, Oregon, r rivod in this city last night for a briof visit to relatives. Misa Gordon of tho North Salem Schools has gono homo to East Portland for a low days visit. 0 W. Cartwright of Hay Oreok has beon in Salem on business connectod with the stato land cfllco. Mra. O. S. Mooroand motlior Mrs. N. Langell of Medford, woro in Portland yestorday visiting friends. Miss Bertha Hubbaul spent tho holi days with hor people in thia city aud has roturned to her music work in tho city of Portland, Judgo II. L. Bonsoa is ox pec led (o ar rive from Joso, Gal., op this more ing's overland, whero he wont-to attend his mother's funeral recently. Aire. A. W. Prescott baa beon ill with typhoid fever for several weeks, at tho honpital, but ia convalescing, and it la thought alio can bo removed to hor home next Monday. Mr. Harry Drum, of Lansing, Mich., who haa boon visiting with friends in thia city the past fow days, dopartod last night (or Honolulu, H. I , wtiero he ex pects to engago In business. D. 8. Kain returned to Portland today after seeing old frionda at Salem. Ho haa recently returned from tho Copper river whero ho haa, with others, mining properties bonded for 1,100,000. DrBuifs kCOUGH SYRUP, cures ITncldnc; Couclis, RnrA T .tvrt era Tl - All I Grippe, Pneumonia nnd iironciuus, nil severe luniranbotions. Why then risk consump tion, a slow, suro doath ? Tako warning;! Aot nf oncol Buy a bottle of Dr, Bull's Cough Syrup, ft doctor's prescription, uecdovorCOycaru. Price, only 29 cents. Insist on having It. Don't bt lm- Sosed npon. ItefUao tho ealer's eubstitute: it Ifl not as good aa Dr. Bull's. Salvntlou Oil cure RbeumatUm Arhes o4 Catiu. 13&25ct, Grand Opera House JOHN F. CORDRAY, Htaner. MONDAY, JAN. 6. JOE W. SPEARS' Comedians IN THK Musical Extravaganza The Irish Pawnbrokers And tbc Comedv SUr Trluwvlrsle Tbe Dainty Comtdkaae MAZIE TRUMBULL Aid tie Faatous Orlilfl! Irlsb ComnJUni THE TWO AMERICAN MAKS MORE MUSIC TUAN A COMIC OPERA Prices 76c, 50c open for tale 0 a. m. and 95c. of seats TIav i(lJ Momlay atl RAILROAD CONTRACTS TOE LET For tlie Construction of tHo Bohemia; Line. Comas Gnovx.Jan. 3, It is expected tbatcontracla lor tho construction of tho drat 20 miles of tho Bohemia railroad wil bo let wltbin a month or six weeks ai tho outside. A tolcgram was received lately from tho Eastern capitalists asking for information aa to tbia.acction of tho road Land tho flsurea v.ero furnished them. Correspondence is bolng carried' on with big company of contractors at present looking to tho lotting of a contraction. Tho engineers aro expected .to finish thoir work in ten dayaortwo-tfeeks'atid cotno down to tho mouth of Mosby crook- and run out tho spur that la to bo built up that stream, for the Booih-Kolly Company. This spur will Jlkoly extond upas far aa Palmor's or about 12 miles, Shorter spurs will also bo built tor tho accommodation of tho Booth-Kelly Co up Teeter's creek and Sharp's creek. Thoso Bpura aro for hauling logs, and it a aaid tho company will likoly put a mill near tho mouth of Mosby crook' whero there is an excollont mill alto, about four miles from Cottago Grove. It is learned from parties who have ovory facility for knowing what ia going on, that dirt wlllbeglnto fly by March and aa contracts will probably bo lot to mon who havo tho moans to push tho work aa rapidly na-possible, tho iron horeo will bo snorting up Row river early next summer. Prof, and Mra. Atthur T. Winches loft yestorday for thoir now field of labor in tho Oanby public schools. They aro ox porlonced toachors and tho peoplo of Canby aro to bo congratulated on so curing their aervicea. Prof. Newill, Principal of Bithop Scott Academy has roturned to Portland after a few days visit with Balom frionda and patrona of tho school, While horo ho waa tho guost of Rov. Conoy of tho Episcopal church. Ohas. P. Dorian, special agent of tho Now York Mutuil Lifo Insurance Co;, went to Portland yesterday. Ho la mat ing 8alem hia hoadquarton for buslnosa in five counties. A Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks. Prof. Roxa Tyler, of Chicago, Vlco Prosldort Illinois Woman's Alliauce,In speaking of Ghamborlaln'a Cough Rora ody, Bays: "I auilorod with a aevoro cold thiu winter which threatened to run into pneumonia I tried difforout romediea. but I seemed to croir worse and tho modiclna upeot my stomach, A friend advised mo to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and I found it waa pleas ant to tako and it reliovod mo at once. I am now entirely lecovorod, aavod a doc tor's mil, time anu auiiaring. ami I will never bo without this splendid modicino ualn." lror talo by Dr. Stono'a Drutr Storos. Feet Across the Sea. Great Drltain had still a great deal to icarn,so the lecturer had said, before tho could command tho undivided admira tion aud respect of tho whole world, and ho was tho man to ahow her how it waa to bo done, "What doea thia nation need?" ahotit od the Impassioned orator. "What doea thia nation require II aho steps proudly acroas tho broad Atlantic if aho strides boldly across tho mighty ocean in her march of trade and freedom? I repeat, what doea she n:od?" "Rubber boots I" suggested tho gross ly materialistic person in a near soat, A Mother's Favorite. Ohamborlain'd Cough Romody la tho mother's lavorilo, It la pleasant and safe for childron to take and always ciitea. It is Intended especially for coughs, colds, croup aud whooping cough, and ia thabeat medlcino mado for tlieao diseates. There ia not tho least dangor In giving it to children for It contains no opium or other injurious drug and may be given as confidently to a oiiKias loan auuit. For sale by vr Stone's Drug Store. Tho Leavenworth - Kansas prisoners who recently mado a break for liberty are being tried for tho murdor of Guard Waldrupo. American missionaries and officers re port horrible atrocities iu the Congo Freo State. Belgians Are arming canni bals forlnternecino war. President Roosevelt dined tho Cabinet in Washington last night. UifllHIIIIMIIIMII M Cove Oro., waa yesterday destroyed by fire. OAISTOIIIA. wcjm& ItU McCowan Discharged. The caeo of the State vs. John Mc- Gowan, of Scotts Mills, waa heard before Judge O'Donald, 'Ihursday, Ho was charged with seducing a girl at Scott's Mills and was recently arrested at Baker Oily and returned here, He pleaded r.ut u'lllty when arraigned, b4 waa pu undir $500 bonds. At the preliminary yesterday .the caso against him was dismissed, Maxwell & Hayden were bis attorneys, J. II. McNary appearing for the State, Beat Out of an Increase of His Pen sion, A Mexican war veteran and promi nent editor writes: "Booing the adver tisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy. I am re minded that aa a soldier In Mexico Id '47 and '43. 1 contracted Mexican diar rhoea and thia remedy lias kept me from getting an increase in ray pension for on every rem- wal a dose of It restores me," It ia unequalled aa a quick cure tor diar rhoea and ia pleasant and safe to take For sale bj Dr. Stono'a Drugstores. O uA. JS S? O tUt X Jk. m Bstu st m ih fan MjHTj Bwsfl hesSmmimM BbkIMMM Mcfjctable PreparaliOnTorAs -similallng llwFootlaruincgula -ling thcStotnaChs ordDowcls or Promotes Digcatlon.Chc6rful ness nndRcstConlulns neither Opium,rorpluno norXiiicral. .NOT NARCOTIC. jv afoujy&KVEtnTCHEn tmpktn Seat' Atx.Smn tlSOninot 'fianr. Apafccl Remedy forConsilpa Tlon, Sour Stomach, Dlarrltocr. nndLoss) OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signnlure pP NEW "YORK. EXACT COIV OF VHAPPER. I 4lfpaSMf"'''W'" Hi WmThiJiIPi H'i 'tUn uffi j majestic steilram: X A NEW X WILL ARRIVE SOSM. When we will be able to Fill all OrdersV They have been over six months on the way, . but customers have waited. R. M. WADE & CO. Peloubet's Notes. Gist of the Lenen's Torrey. Bob, Son of Battle. All $1.50 NovelsRcduced. Annora M. Welch 325 com, st. O. G T, Go's PASSENGER STEAMER POMONA Leaves for Portland Monday, Wednesday and FrldiyOs.m. For Corvallls Tuesday.Thurs dsynd Ssturday it 5 p m. QuickTime, Cheap Rates Deck: Foot of Trade ot. M. P. BALDWIN, Alt. C. H. Johnson, Washington's Pan American Commissioner has resigned out o( respect to Governor McBrlde. TryCraln-01 Try Craln-OI l Ask your Grocer todny to uhow you a puckugo or UKAiN-u, tno uow roou drink that takes tho place or conee. Tho children way drink It without Injury as well as tho adult. All who try it, like it. GUAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it la mado from puro grains, and tho most dellcato stomach receives it without dlstrcos, 'A the price of cof fee. 15c. and 25 eta. per package. Sold by all grocers. E. II. Boyd of Milton Oro. haa been ar rested, charged with criminal assault on Eflle Wilson, 14 years old, tied Time takes plttasnut horb drink, the next morning I fed bright aud my com plexion ia botW. My doctor eays It acta gently on the stomach, liver and kldneyn, and ia a pleasant laxative. It Is made of herbs, and la prepared aa easily aa tea. It ia called Lane's Medi cine. All druggists soil it at 25c. and 50 cU. Lime's Family Modicino moves tho bowels each day. if you cannot got It, tend for free sample. Addross, Orator Woodward, LeRoy, N. Y. It ia rumored in Stoue la freo at last. Vienna that Mlts Patrick Carrlgan, fireman on the O K, & N, was killed near Baker City, Governor Hunt of Porto Rice reports the island tranquil. Ask your grocer for G. 8tolx' home- mule mincemeat not as your mother made but as you'd make it yourself. 11 2o tf. Perry Belmont will bo supported by Tammany Hall In bis race for ofllco in New York. CASTOR I A For Infants And Children, Tli Kill Ym Havi Alwijfi BtiigM Brtrt tJtt && 4 ftttputtate of For Tnfantfl and Childron, "' Hi in i ii hi mini mmmmmmm m n n im The Kind You Have Bought For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THC eiNTAUR OOMrANY, NCW VONH CITY. a!Ljj. CARGO X many BUSINESS CARDS. O. M. MACK Succcossor to Dr, J. M. Koono, lu Wlii to Corner, Salem Oro. Partlos de siring supsrior oporatiaia st modorate feo in any branch are inesptial request,- Dt, Grace AlbHght Graduate of American School of Osteopathy. I i t Every day oxcept Bundai'. Office hours v to l- a. 111 , i lJ 1 ,'. U4 UUU to 4 p. ni. Odd Fellows' Tomple, Cor. Court aud Higl; :i atreeta. Phono, Main 2231. Dr. Tacle Seal, assistant. . S0ULH BROS. PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS PORTLAND OR. Porsiem and vlcini vicinity leave orders at ceo Will's Music Store. Salem Iron WOrkS Ary All kinds iron and brass cast ings. Repairs of all kinds of farm and mill ma ohlnory. JAMES GILL, Leasee. 10 22 tf Royal Insurance Co. A. T, Gilbert, rosldont agont ot above Insurance Co is now propared to do a largo Insurance business. Will alio handle real estate. I have a team and carriage which Is at my customer's ier vice and I will take pleasuro In showing partlos what I have for sale. Offlco a) present with T. A. Llvesler & Co. CAPITA L CITY Express and Transfer Meets all matt and passengor traits Damage to all parts ot the city. Pron p' service. Toleplmne No. 2(1. niHQUK A HOMYBR FOR SALE I will offer for aale tho on tiro plant and premises ot the Crystal lea Work on easy terma or will lease same for a number of years to a responsible party, provided sale or leaao la cousumated in aide thirty days. Party can have op tion on (K) cords ot fir wood In the tiro beratcoet. Apply to James Mcmirr on the premises. 0-23-tf t S. C. STONE, M, D, lB0PWET0 or"- Stone's Drug Stores HALEM OREGON, Tbe stores (two la aumten are located at ita. 235 ad 333 Coumercial street, sad are wtU stocked vrtth a complete Mae of drujf aa4 mt4 IcUsea, toilet artlctei, irfuMry. brushes, etc DR. STONE Hab4 some 35 yean cxserUace la tbe erac Iks of wmHcUo cad uw. awkei a charn fer Bears the i Signature fiw ru X Use CLASSIFIED' X ADVERTISEHfeNTS -' '.T'.., Advertisements, five Hats orfeMrtf & 1JZ lotettedthrte times Tor 25 c S0CaWtiii?a awonth. ah over twe lines suae iSw'Vit? WANTED. yANTKD.-30 do!. ixjRnorn egga Will tnlrn thnm nutu pure dioou ISiOta Artdreea W. C. 1'rico. Lvona nli Till linKOiuci uarucn Koau, HAlem, Ori l-S.Ity-dw. -.. -. .."' .VM I'! Oil ' .- ."".'" WANTED.-A blacksmitUftehiH village or good locatlonuo biiUd om wil pay cash if 1 bay. 'John Tleme Salem Oregon. 12 0t ADANCE-W II bo given in tho H61- man hall, Friday night, Jaii. 10, by ,' " Circle. AH wishing in vital ona seo O. T. Pomeroy oaOom. nterclal strcots 12-31-3t. LOST AND rOUND' LOSTS-Botween this ofllco and Sooth Balem Store, a sack containing a pair shoos. Finder le.avo this ofllco. 12-303t FOR BALE. COW EOR BALE-Good milker, fresh : with or without calf. Bam Ludi, cor. l-ront aud Center street at blacksmith 'hop. 12 30-ot BUFF LEGIIORN-Unff Wyandotte Cockerels 1.50 to 2.00-Egga-l!M0 per setting-Used Queen citybroader. Turner Poultry Yards, Toroerlorti gon i.2 3t COW FOR 8ALE-Gotrrm1i'kir,ffc cor. Iront and Centot stteet a Black smith shop. 12-30-3W n... u. niiiiuuk cHii. Mm i .mm. FOR BALEA good driving horse ami buggy and somo huff WyiwdoH poultry. Also housohold gaods.-M. 1. DeVoe, West Salem. 12 80 If NEW WOOD YAItD.-PawedaWtosw foot wood, Largo and ttctoid gfowijk ur, asn anu willow dellverM'ite'iaiV turt of tho city, I'hone 26I5fr,. W. II. Burdick. 12-1 8tl. FOR SALE. Entire furnituro'Jor a htW or lodgo room including now velvet carpot at about half value. Call on J. W. Payno ovor Lndd &. Bush Bank. A, J. Baeoy, Res. Asylum Ave. 12 18 tl FOR SALE. 3000 Cedar Posts. I alie havo on hBnd four grades of cedar shingles. No ahingloa to be fonu'd olsowhoro in tho City liko Our Ho. 1, II. Those shingles aro the Detroit brand, acknowledged by all who have uaou mom as tno Dest made shin ;m jt,. on tno market. Bold by S. P, uraoxen 14 and Nebraska streets Englewood. JO 29 tl. , FOR RENT. TO RENT Good onion, celery, and po tato land, Apply to ffm. II. Egaa, Brookii, Oregon. ' 12-28-lm. FOR" RRNT Newly finished oS rooms In McCornack Block. 8ta boat, elevator. 10-2Mf.,i in mil r - i ii i ii i - LODOES. FORESTERS OF AMERICA 1 0oHf Sherwood Forest No. 19. Meet Fri day nights in Turner block. It Hamilton, O. R. A. L. Browa, Secy, Mls"CBLUNE0iIS. WILLSON'S SHAVING PARLORS. Tlio only shop in the city using the Antiseptio Rasor Sterilizer. I also have a Dandruff Cure that cures or na pay, Jas. w. Wlllson, Prop., 247 vu 3um. St. I'M lastf ATTENTION FARMERS-Oats, Barley, Hay and Prunes wanted. Will buy or store. Chopping done promptly. Get our prieos hoforo you soil. 0mce o Soslte Court Houso, Tillson-Dartlett train Co. HOP ANDIPHODUCB BUYERS. I CARMICIIACL-Ilop buyer. Office la Burt . UreymanUife. , Salem. Oregon, as ui mwc nuyu joutura iron au jrowern, f ILtENTIIAVnrTol.wYor LeedetBa fljfW'i'.A0' '.n:nal!t. Oretw.offSe; Ladd &uush Oldr.. Salem. f.VJ. OiiesbelsNr, maaaier. Pboae 401 T A. LIVESLEY A CO.-Hop mercba its. P IIS. U il erocira uikk, sa:eai. orejon. J J. ( WRIGHT t CO.. tuvtracTfrult uj dm. due of alt kinds, oepotlte Ctcital RrewtfT Coromerdil St., Salem HS.OILEACO.-WholeMO fruits. KOdMt. etc Prult sacks for sale. Outers i m eton prunes, potatoes and produce of all Uais, Wallace Warebouie, corner llljbasd Trade m Salem, Oregon. OFFICE, OlTi UALL, For water eervico apply st oflte Bills J payublo monthly in adoee Mako all complaints at ths ofllc"? Vl J Si B. R. JONES, Attornoy-ftt-Lw , (. Toledo. Oregon, Vu Olork oX Circuit Courtfor six jtmM&.h in up-UHlato aUtraat or alt property tu Uaeow auuty, U-lln The Variety Store , Just received a new line of fine OhlnSj agate, and tinware, dolls aud doll disfm, itatiouefy, envelopes, etc, Fred G, Keens, ' 9i Court Street. Notice. The annual meeting of the shatoholAg era n( tho Canital National BaBkofSa?f sS em for tho election of Directors will m, ;J held at its banking house ta mjWW J alem, Oregon, at throe o'Was k TueidayJanuarv 14th. 100.&- ( " J03. H. ALBERT, CasWtr,--12 12 lm Salem, Or., ty. 1 J Fatuous Winter ' A winter trip to Boutbwri 0alJfpJ ind Arisona via the famous IP Route is one nevsr to be fet. ft nswed acquaintance with Mf , will ever develop trerfi poteta ti JM ud added sources of enjoyiewt H4er. its sunny skies, in the variety fi Mktv sstsand addel ludBtri 4 Ite Pt UQq vegetalioa and WWm fW& ess resorts ot wwWhi, WW. VJVkf tnd pjaiu. . , , .' Two trains leave Pwtlasa 0y, ap ing and veulaK.forOttllfwiae. Wm wains are eqalppei w Hk ?Mjfe ot ed pattern ot eUiwUed m Wm keeping ears, ad tb low tf ylm tho trln in reach of sM. For illustrated Hltte oi ind ANsos ! tS$t. uk k Mil c M4m&c CMt4t4tiMi, eusitastwu or Ktrlttla. Hu --V. -..-," -i.