inLiMuu-nimnj .j ....m :? uMn - - -.-. -i .., . -" ' - ' r- .- n I sv u i a ,m jljb-l... -'- " w I . w kj i I " --i-mmmmmm' H V " I NEW YEAR'S . V I MODEL HOME PAPER , 'V-iX. " ..I i i ' ,-J JME.CEER ADMINISTRATION The political quoetlon in which the people of Marion county nnd of the whole atate of Oregon life moat "deeply interfcatod ia whether Governor Qeer will boren0ralnatcd bjrthonoxt Repttb lIcaTfttatoSdntrenttdn. If the rank Arid file of 'lheRspdbllcan party woro to tie consulted on a direct vote, no ono doubts but tbat'tbd present entire atato admin istration would be givona second term. But the way the nominating business la managod there mutt bo an aronssd pub "He Bdrltlmont to do justice to any ad ministration upon Its morlta, For the purpose of arousing public intcseet In .the mattor, Tu Jorjatui, has taken the troublb to preaenfa rovlow of tho Qeer administration In tho various dopart menta'of our stato government from an entirely independent standpoint. It is aiaumed that there Is a largo body of cltfzona who aVo primarily interested In Booing the state woll governed, who aro not interoatod in puroly personal con troversios between aapirants to ofllce, and who are willing to aeo fair treat mont'of any man in public office who has eduglit to do his duty without fear '"or favor, and 'who baa uphold the good airne of hla Btate, advanced the cause of Reed government to the beat of hia abll- itlna. Political manaeara cannot al- , ways be trusted to deal fairly even with thoe whostrive hardest to moot their demands, An official who shows a high 'scnabol rosponaibilily to tho people and ft decent regard for the welfaro of the state as tho boat moans of sowing his party, is not apt to be found an univer sal favorite among thoao who follow tho 'p&rtyllag solely from the standpoint of unrestrained party plunder. It can be fairly claimed for Governor Gear that he waa nominated against the wish of the machino managers in Oregon and that he has conducted bla administration not solely for thoir benefit. It can bo safely aaaumod that in standing for a ronomlnatlon ho does bo without con sulting tho boasoa who declared that hla nomination in 180b was an acoldont, and that auch thing as any man succeeding himself on the merits of hia administra tion is an imposaibllity. Tho Geer ad ministration will go bofore tho people squarelv upon ita record. When iliacuaeing tho Geer adminis tration aa a whole, it canuot bo claimod that tho govornor ia ontitlod to any moro than hia share of what has been ac complished for tho improvement of tho state government, or that ho la to blame ' for any moro thau hla share of what haa not' boon accompliahod. While throe state institutions have boon placed solely in his care and koeplng, ho is a member of tho boards that have five othor insti tutions undor their control. As the head of the otato government a largor degree of reaponaibility attachos to the ' govornor than to any other one state offioial. It ia upon him that most praise or blamo will bo bestowed, It is the govenor who must go boforo the people and mako tho canvass and defend tho administration of tho atate government nnder'bimself and hla colleagnea in the onaulng campaign. It can bo said to the " credit of the Geer adminlatratlon that it has been froo from all clashing and atrifo betweendho officials who have had con 4t trol of tho stato'a affairs for the past three years. Governor Gear and hla col lengues on the Btato boards havo workod ,' as an unit. They havo conducted all publlo buslnoss In a eplr't of harmonious X corporation, It can be claimed with , out fear of contradiction that they have labored in tho publlo interest and to Im- prove the public sorviee in overy respect that it might not bo said of them, they had been obstacles to tho development - of tho commonwealth, They havo falth . fully tried to do what waa exactly right and what was required of them by the law In every instance to the beat of thoir ability. It would bo the holght of folly to 'proclaim that they havo made no mistakes. But it ia doubtful if the atato ' has tver had a moro faithful and intol- ligent sot of men in control of its affairs. The governor and hla associates are men a till In the early prima of life, men bred to pnblic careers and taking the natural pride In publlo affairs that distinguishes every true American. These men be- ' lie've that self-government by the people li boat carried on when publla officials ' show a bigh-mludad determination to .saccwd for the solo purpose of lessoning the burdens of tho taxpayers as well aa promoting the true Interests of their Governor Geer has been Intensely loyal at all times to hia party and yet it can be claimed for him that no man has ye; sat in tho Governor's chair who came nearer giving the atato a non partisan buaioeati adminlatratlon, In ..1 all bis appointment on state' boards r'iNiiitspf educational institutions ho haa sought capablo men and effici ency for public service rathor than to consult only his personal Interests or inclinations. Ho lifts reappointed or continued compotont and experienced mamliora nf nfutn hoards rOBOrdloaB of their politics or whother they woro his personal adhorentB. He haB consti tuted now boards nnd made appoint menta entrusted to him by tho legls- ilaturo with the 'same caro and puuuc spirit. Tho leglalaturo put many now appointments Into hia hands with full confidence In his judgment, and In no instance waa their confidence violated by unfit appointments. In aelectlonqf mon for tho stato board of agrlculturo or tho textbook commission nnd for olhor important placoa he doomed no man too good to ak him to aorve and to political pull ho paid little or no at tention. Governor Geer has gone farther to consult tho maaaea of tho people and tho proea of tho atato in making nppolntmonta' than any prede cessor. He haa tried to find their wlahba and proteata and has sought to meet the ono and rospoct the other. And it is not strange that ho has fairly well succeedod. Hia lifo haa been for twenty years a continuous training for public aervico. For ton years ho dls cuaaed publio questions in the news papers. Four times ho aervod in the logialaturo, once na apoakor and tho state nover had a bettor- man in tho chair. In 1890 ho mado a campaign aa prealdential elector, apeaklng for aovon weeka and In that timo ho waa at homo but two hours. Ho haa mado apecchca in all but two counties of the Btato. In montof them speaking many times. No man has a hotter record for party aorvico or haa contributed moro of his time and ability to help carry on popular government. Ho won his nomination for governor in 1803 against tho opposition of aomo of tho beat party managers In tho atato and carried hla state ticket by a large majority against aa united oppoaition for a strong can didate & ts e Besides giving tho stato a good Buai nesa administration, aa will appear from the review of tho workings of tho differ ent departments nnd institutions, Governor Geer haa not neglected his dutioa to hla party, going out and apeak ing in tho Juno election and proaldontlal campaign of 1000. Tho past year ho furthor eorvod hla party in tho Ohio campaign, taking a full hand with mon llko Governor Naih of that atate and Govornor Shaw of Iowa, and in evory county whoro ho apoko tho party rollod up an Increaaed majority. This becomoa a aourco of prido to many mombers of hia party in Oregon who havo known him from boyhood and watched him win hla way from obscurity to parthil- pation in national affairs. Governor Geer has a record lor having taken an Interest in military affaire, and a patriotic intoieat In tho home-coming 8ocond Oregon rogltnontfrom tho Philip pinea. He went to meet their transport aa it sailed Into Ban Francisco Bay and went again to moot thorn with his atalf at the Btato line. He took tho Initiative In securing recognition at the hands of of Becrolary of War Root who on tho Governor's suggestion had a medal struck from a bronze cannon captured by tho Orogon boys. For this purposo ho made a trip to Washington at hla own oxponae. Governor Geer has done much to put this state in touch pith tho larger llfo of the nation, Ho first met Presi dent McKlnley atGauton when carrying tho electoral voto of Oregon, won In a close contest largely by hla own labors on the stump. Ho met him again at Chicago In 1800 waa with him at at San Francisco at the home of Irving Bcott, when he was on his way to visit Oregou, Thoao seem not important mattera to aomo, and others may think lightly of them, but by tho people of a state that has been too little in tho eyes of the world It will bo viowed and appreciated, or at least it should bo, In the publio spirited light of all of Gorver nor Geer's actions since he haa filled tho chair aa chief exocutlve. His solo thought has been to fill that offico worthily and to conduct himself so that ho might come boforo the peoplo again with fair assurances of having mot all his public obligations fully aud credit ably. Governor Geer is ono of tho few mon who have lived all hia life on a farm and went from his farm to take the gov ernor'ti chair. He has no other occu pation than that of farmer aud when he retires from public life it will be tore turn to tho plow. He carrlos with him tho careful waya and plain manners of the farmer, and it can bo said he has honestly and plainly and economically 'lived in Salem without putting on any show or appcaranco of stylo or adopting any habits that ho was not accustomed to when living on hla farm. Hla homo llfo ia aa plain aa his station and tho du ties of hla position will permit. With out playing the demagog to tho cxtromo of JoffersonUn simplicity for appearances and effect only, htn homo nnd offico nro open to any citizen at all tlinos. Ho works hard, mostly in his shirtsleeves, in hla offico from nino a. m. until from eix to ten p. m. He haa taken n plain art aa a plain citizen in the ordinary duties of llfo. Ho haa not run a aocloty adminlatratlon and has given no public receptlona, but haa received evoryouo cordially and haa fully borno hla part In all tho little dutlo8 that go to mako community life agreeablo In thoso ro spects Govornor and Mrs. Geer havo humbly and unostentatiously borne thoir part. In nnothor way Govornor Geer has mot tho peoplo a groat deal All tho timo ho could sparo from his official duties he has gono out and de livered addresses in all parts of the Btato on all sorts oi occasions. Ho line not accepted one-third ol tho invitations ho haa receivod, but ho has gono whonovor he could without neglecting publio busi ness. Ho haa done this to got bottor acquainted with tho peoplo and to lonrn moro fully the needs of tho people. He haa gono Jo their homoa and assem blages to inform hlnieelf moro thoroughly aa to their Wants and conditions. From social standpoint Governor Geer bn9l filled tho moasuroof public ideals under democratic '.Institutions. Ho has been more democratic In hia poraonal conduct of his administration and in all hla in tercourse with tho pooplo than many politicians calling thomsolvca Demo crats. Thoro will ho critics who say such things nro all put on for effect, but they aro not to be found among thoeo who havo soon tho Govornor in his daily lifo at Salam and who knew him and mot him when ho lived on hla farm in tho Waldo hills. If for no other reason than the troat montof tho quootlon of tho soloution of textbooks for tho public schools, Govor nor Geordeaorves well of the peoplo of Oregon regardless of party. A prominent educator from Milwaukee, Wis., recent ly lectured boforo the toachoro of Marion county and said that a toxthook of twen ty years a,;o was as much out of dato ae tho old muzzlo-loadtng Springfield rifle In modern warfare Oregon had n soriea of textbooks practically unchanged for twonty years, all supplied practically by ono firm. Many of thoao books woro of inferior manufacture, to Bay nothing ol tho contonts, and all wore higher priced than more modern books could bo bought for, and tho corporation furnishing them was charged with using all kinds of in direct methods to hold Its monopolistic grasp on tho peoplo of this atate. Tho leglalaturo placed in hia hands the nam ing of a commission of fivo mon who should mako n now contract (or text books, and it was froely prodlcted that money would bo used to dictato results. Tho textbook trust that had tho Orogon contraot was charged with trying to se cure a commission favorable to ita graft, and othor firms wero charged with try ing to dictato results. Govornor Gear wont about making his commission in a moot doliborate open, and above board, manner,anddlaregardod all rumors of at tempts to influence him ono way or tho othor. Ho askod tho busineaa men aud oducatora and farmors, men and womon all over tho state who took an Interost in education, to ouggoat names of suitable persona for that commienlon and out of the names auggeatod ho picked five that aa a body entrusted with an Important duty haa nover beou surpasBod for ability aud high character In tho history of the state. As n result tho pooplo of Oregon got a toxthook adoption froe from all sor did iulluonces whatever, aud that in quality and price are pronounced tho host adoption ever madu in tlio UnHod Statos. Textbook agents who went up against that commission and got not a book adopted said they woro tho best and fairot commission that had ever been organizod. Gov. Geer refuaod to listen to tho clamor that demanded -per-aona only of a certain class or profession, and namod two business meu, two law yers, and one oducator all mon of tho highest and moat irreproachable stand ing mu who gave their timo and spent their own money freely to got only tho best result for the peoplo of this stato, for tho glory of our common echoola and tho wolfaro of tho coming generations. It waa a moat Important service perform ed In a high-minded mannor, when it la romemberod that Btates all around Oro gon havo beon disgraced with scandals growingoutof tho aelectiou of textbooks. A new boundary stako has beon sot in textbook adoptions and mercenary greed has beon told to keop ita hands off tho EDITORIAL PAGE OF OWE JOURNAL EDITION, most oacred treasure of tho Atnorlcan pooplo Ita common schools. Tho labors of tho textbook commlBalon havo nover boon called In question or even subjected to a disinterested criti cism, while It can bo cosily shown that about $20,000 a year haa been saved to tho people of this stato. It was a body mado up ontlrely from tho standpoint of nhllitv. and without a thought as-to ita political composition. It Is known that rroro than ono moinbor on that bcurd spont hla own money to employ expert educators to road through toxtbooka that ho had not time or doubted his ability to pass upon. Tho selection of Buch u board to deal with such an im portant mattor may nover bo fully ap preciated, but it should win for Govornor Geer the hearty admiration of those who lovo our freo schools and tho cause of education in gonoral, as it will no doubt win for him tho covert opposition of ono trust that was knocked down nnd dragged out of tho public arena in old Webfoot, This is an ago o! tho world when ono man who nets nnd doea some thing tanglblo for tho peoplo Is worth a thousand academic theorists or loud mouthed demagogs. Tho samo devotion to buelncaa principles waa shown by Govornor Geer in his formation of a new Btato fair board oi fivo men, the solo appointment of whom was vested in tho Govornor. Tho old fair board had rff- grown cumbersome and waa not mooting tue uomanus oi mo peopio. in inct mo fair was about to go undor,and Governor Geer had to pick out a board that could aot it going on now linos. Ho retained ono of tho best business men ou tho old board Goo. Chandlor of oaalorn Oro gon, nnd namod Messrs, Wohrung, Set tlomlor, Wilkins and Reoso. The board organizod by electing tho only Democrat president and haa kept him thoro Mr. WehrUng. Tho two falra conducted by this board havo boon great succossos in apito of bad weathor. Thoy havo boon grand oxblbita of tho real ag ricultural resources of tho Btato and a financial succeas as well. Tho whole ad ministration of tho stato fair has been on a business and non-political basis. All tho old faBhloued grafts have beon qui etly dono uway with, and the reputation of tho fair even for its raco management has beon put nmong tho very highest ol such shows any whoro in tho country. Tho displays of Hvo stock havo beon In creased until thoy aro tho equal of any In tho host cattlo showfl in tho United Statos. Tho stato fair has been mado a reality in name and nature and tho uc cuBatlouthat it was in overy respect only a local exhibition has been ontlroly dono away wltn. Tno maintenance oi mo stato fair ia no longercal'ed questionable and for this tho pooplo of Salem and of tho atato at largo havo roason to feel thankful to Govornor Geer nnd tho la bora of his fair board. Tho state penltontiary haa boon well managed in tho past, but at no time bottor than for tho past three yeare. Thoro has boon great Improvement in tho sanitary conditions prevailing, Bot tor bathing and vontilatlng facilities havo beon provided. The health of tho prisoners and the amount of timo dovoted to labor has been Increaaed, Land haa been leased and cleared by convict labor, employing moro of the convicts at producing food and supply ing tho fuol (or tho Institution. Tho amount of farm produce has boon in creased, moro land has beou mado pro ductive. With tho increased quantities of (arm products and garden truck, and tho larger earnings of tho convicts, tho ponltonttary has boon made as nearly solfsustaiuing us it is possible to mako It. Llko all the Institutions it ia woll officered. Aa theono institution directly undor the oyeol tho Governor, he has taken a trot pride in having a vory efficient sot of mon in charge, and they havo proved thoir worthiness by n record that Is haid to best. Undor this administration there has not been a single escape from tho prison, and two convicts havo been recaptured who hod previously oscapod. There luvo been but two escapes from tho trusties, ono of whom has beon ro'akon, and the other 1b quite generally believed by ho authorities to havo drowned himself. Tiie greatest improvement haa been made iu tho management of the atato atovo works, which is iu part duo to tho prevailing better times aud bettor markot for tho. product. At tho beginning of this administration tho Loweuherg & Going Oo. waa behind In its payment to tho Btato so far that alter a compromise was effected that company waa indebted to the Btato in the Bum off 32,200. This has all been paid. Tl o monthly amount due for the wages of the convict labor haa been paid promptly and monthly, aa haa the quarterly rontal of the plant. The 1902. amount received during this year for convict labor haa beon n llttlo over $ 12-, 000. This with tho 12000 for rontal of tho plant makes over $14,000. During tho last throo yearB nearly $3,000 has been paid Into tho Btato treasury for convict labor, making about $70,000 which tho Lowonborg & Going Oo. haB paid Into tho treasury for all purposes tho past threo yoara. Tho taxpoyora can hardly nek for a hotter buslnoaa management than this. ft A Tho Geer administration haa put tho management of tho atato Bchool land (unda on a higher plnno of efficiency than oVor beforo. A system of promptly collecting interest on tho irreducible school fund was inaugurated at the be ginning of Tronsuror Mooro'a term that has resulted in n marked improvement. Ono of tho most difficult things in tho management of tho school fund la to pro vent dollnquencioa in tho collection of interost. Tho borrowors aro situated in J evory county of tho Btato nnd many of them in remote districts. Many aro Inclined to regard the stato as thoir easiest creditor, with which thoy can sottlo last. On tho first of January, 1899, thoro was about ten percent ot tho interest fund delinquent from one to ten years. At tho presont thoro is losa than ono percent, due, and tho Interost on ovory noto In tho atato treasury, except ing only about twenty, la paid up to aomo time in tho year 1000. Compared to the samo kind ol collections In pri vate institutions, it would bo hard to find a batter business management than thlfl. Tho entlro service in tho atBto school land department haa beon Im proved, as It la only natural and proper that it should bo with tho dovolopmont of the etato nnd tho oxporiouco galnod by succefllvo administrations. Prior to tho year 1899 tho duties of the stato land agont woro confined to tho Bolectlon of lieu lands. Tho retiring agent reported to tho logialaturo of that yoar that there was no moro land to select in quantities that would justify tho contlnuanco of hia offico for that purposo. But for many yoara there haa boen no ono specifically designated to look after tlio (ariUB which had bocome tho Btato pro perty through foreclosures, or to look (or purchasers, or to find renters aud colloct tho ronta. Por this purposo the office ns continued with tho Intention of having Bomo ono loak nltor thoeo ad ditional duties. At that timo tho Btato owned 44 farms. During tho succeeding two years thoro wore 160 foreclosures, and 02 farmB Bold for $188,000 which had coat tho atato $105,000; and $10,000 had also beon colleotod for rent. During tho present year thero hnvo been 30 foreclos ures, and 44 farma sold, leaving 103 on hand. Tho farms aro practically all rentod nnd tho ronta oro collected prom - ptly, which In addition to tho ealos, makea tho Btata land agont a vory busy offlcor. The atato'e farms aro all for sale, and atneo tho avorago money lender who is compelled to (orecloeo (aims for security, seldom does so without a lots, tho record of tho state land agent in tho matter of salos Ib worthy of considera tion. Tho Btato land board has adopted a vory strict and careful system ol inves tigation In ovory instanco boforo making loans and the gonoral charactor of loans has boon Improved for the past throo years. A A Thero baa boon reduction iu tho run ning expenses of noarly all of tho atato institutions. Tho atato reform school an nual oxponses have boen kept down to the economical standard maintained by tho preceding administration. All sup plies aro nuw required to be purchased of the lowest bidder here as in evory department of the etato. The industrial and educational work havo beon extend ed and tho general health of the boys improved. Like the penitentiary it has been placed undor a good businosas man agement. Tho samo has been done with the Soldier's home at Roseburg. Until the beginning oi tho present administra tion the management was under a board of trustees. The fact that thero waa moreorloaa strife existing there was not allowed to drop qut of tho mind of the public. Tlio nowfpapore of tho eluto wero full of it. Tub Jouunal got regular lottera from old eoldiera at tho Home burning up i lio commandant in in charge or the trustees. At tho legis lative aosalon of 1899 the board ot trus tees wit? abolished, and its management placed under direct control of tho Gov ernor, who appoints tho superintendent and matron aud to whom tho wholo business and every employe is directly responsible. Under the new system all troubles havo disappeared and every thing haa been perfectly harmonious and satisfactory. Iu many reapeota this ia ono of the hardest iuatltutlona to man- ago, The old soldiers aro tho wards ot tho itato and nation and, while it ia mUfortuno for any man to hnvo to go to an Institution to ond his daya. thoso votorana aro eritltled to nil tho care and attention thoy recolvo. Tho prosont efficient sorvicolenvoB nothing to com plain of, nnd is a credit to tho officora nnd thnreforo to tho pooplo of tho atato who havo mado liberal provision for thorn. Additions havo been made during tho paBt yoar to both hospital nnd barracks nnd the capacity of the inatltullon haa boen Increased about 25 per cent. In tho Blind aohbol new Industrial work hns boon ndded for the dovolopoment of tho skill of tho sightless children. This does not conclude tho rovlow of all tho departments of admin istration but tho gonoral statement holds that thoro has boen progresa nnd re trenchment nil along tho lino without injury to tho publlo eorvico. In (act, what Tub Jouknal has always claimed, that thoro was an actual Improvement to bo accompliahod In tho public eorvico by a closor busluosa management, haa boon accomplished In noarly ovory department of tho Btato government at Salem and in the institutions named. Then Ib no inconalatency In tho strictoet economy nnd good government in fact they thrive together and aro not objected to by any but thoso who thrive by oppoblto conditions. e If a stato admlnistrat'on ia to bo judged by tho oxcollont moral nnd fi nancial condition of its several stato ins titutions, Buroly tho Govornor nnd mom bora of tho sovoral atato boards aro to bo congratulated. While tho appointing power carries with it tho responsibility of disappointing sovarnl aspirants for each placo, nnd somo of thooo can always be relieved upon to mako uncoaBing war upon whatever is dono in tho position thoy Bought to eccure, thoro haa boon lees scandal nnd fowor sensational charges mado In connection with tho atato government at Salem than over bo foro. Tho big asylum with its tromond ous stato farm adjunct, tho Reform school, tho Deaf-mute echool, tho Insti tute for tho Blind, aro all doing their work smoothly aud well. Faithful eor vico isrendorod to tho unfortunate wards of tho stato. An examination ot tho ox noneo nccountB of thoie institutions shows that thoy havo novor boon mon- aged with greater economy than at pros- ent. At no time In tlio past uavo tnoy been moro froo from critlciam than now. What tho JounsAi, llkoa und what It bo llovea tho peoplo llko ia tho purely huBl noes aspect of thoao mattora, as divorced from moro partisan considerations for political effect. At tho city ol Salem a newspaper man hoars all tho complaints and defects that arises in tho manage ment of any department of tho atato government. One hoara the worat aide 1 of evory thing that happens. Viowed (rom this standpoint, overy nowspapor man in tho city will say that thoro has nover beon a cloanor or moro wholosomo atmosphere surrounding ovory detail of tho govornment, or one which the peoplo would moro gladly soo contlnuo. Tho moral considerations involved in con ducting institutions for defective ele ments of society have boon keptln view. There have been no cruelties or sensa tions at tho asylum for the insane, no Inhuman punishments at tho state pri son, no fbgglngs at tho reform school, and nono oi the abuses of the unfortu nate that aro eomotlmoa 'read about in tho nowapapora as happening in other states. The peoplo ot Oregon can dcclaro with pride that In no ntato aro tho prin ciples of humanity carried to greater length in tho caro of tho uufortunato than In Oregon. That a humane nnd christian management is insured in ev ory instanco tho publio institutions ought to count for something with tho prido of Oregon's best citizenship, It ia gratifying to tho buslnoaa Intoreata of the state that good management prevail iu finances. Tho reduction mado in tl e running expenses of the state institu tions it bound to mako a reduction in state taxes if kept up. But the greatest satisfaction cornea from the knowledgo that thero is absolute righteousness in ovory detail of their management. To a disinterested observer, ono who haa never aBked any political favora of Governor Geer and who under uo cli cumstances will bo an applicaut for any appointment he may have in future, it would appear wisdom for tho people of this atate to recognize tho condition of things ho has brought about and that it would bo tho highoat political aagacity for the members of hia party to continue such an administration by giving it an unauimousendoraotnent at tho prima ries and in the county conventions. Such action would have the moat far reaching results for the welfaro of tho atate by endoralng good eervice and 'do- votlon to tho publlo welfare instead of throwing overboard an adminlatratlon J& THE PAPER OF THE PEOPLE. thathaa nothing to fear in going boforo tho pooplo with tho Btnnlloat dotnlla of Its public-record. To allow a faction to ' . .. - ... doieat Govornor Uocr (or ronominatlon, for ulterior roasohfl not connected with the discharge of official duties, moans to extend tho factional fight within tho party that haa horotoforo boon confined to federal affairs Into tho stnto adminis tration, whon the party would bo des troyed for nil usofuliiosa nnd no posslblo bonefit could cotno to the causo of good government. It la up to tho republican party to cndorBO a atnto adminlatratlon for keeping ita pledges nnd faithfully discharging ita dutioa or to lowor tho standards of publio eorvico and drag them In tho miro of puroly factional and personal place-seeking. Republicans who lovo tho cause ot a bottor stato gov ernment should ecu to It that tho party takes no stops backward In this matter, and to uso a homoly phroso, lets woll enough alone, and not swap horseB nt the crossing of a Btream, If Govornor Geer and his colloagues havo cot tho atnndnrda of good govornment In Oregon a notch hlghor thoro ought to bo peoplo enough in tho Republican party with tho courago to say bo, nnd if they do tho peoplo of all parties will ondorso their action at tho polls. If Republicans al low a cownrdly policy to prevail, and ro fiiBo to endorse a man upon hla record, what ehnll tho independent pooplo of tho Btato any whon thoy go to tho polls? Thoy will bo tomptod to apow out tho wholo proposition nnd turn tho atnto over to tho opposition nnd who shall say thoy would not be justified in doing it. An adminlatratlon that la clean enough and good enuugh to win tho beat expres sions ot good will and public approbation of many of tho most intelligent mon in other pottles ought to be good enough for Republicans. And that will bo the vordict of Republicans when thoy go to the primaries and conventions. Tho foregoing review of our statu gov ernment haa been without any intention of disparaging the labors of any former adminlatratlon. It In n recognized fact that tho dovolopmont of n atato gov ernment requires constant progress. All that is asked or claimed for tho present administration ia a fair consideration ot tho facta na fthown by tha records. Wo think thoy prove conclulvely that our atate officora hnvo maintained tho roputntion of tho atato in evory rospoct, iiave boon a credit to tho party to which ita members belong and worthy to be entrusted with furthor management of public affairs. STATE PRESS ON SALARIES YersusFees and Perquisites Now Paid. System Should be Changed and Fair Salaries Only Paid. Albany, Linn County Democrat. Salaries, not fees, YYestoa, Umatilla County, Leader, Rep, State officora havo too many perquis ites. Pendleton, Umatilla County, East Oreronlsn, Dem, Tho Salem Journal says stato salary reform Is not a question of party Ibiuo, but ono nppsaling to all. Baker City Herald, Baker County, Hep. Tho Salem Journal has a plan to put the Btato ofllcera on a salary by which tho atate could savo $50,000 a year. Athena, Umatilla County Press, Rep. The Salem Journal contonda that atate servants put on a ealary basis would save money for tho commonwealth. It ia a Btate roform proposition, YVasco, Shermaa County flews Rep Tho Capital Journal, of Balem, Ib mak ing a hard flight to ahow that by putting nil stato officials on a reasonable salary and turning alt feea into tbo stato treas ury, the taxpayers could bo saved about $50,000 a year. Milton Umatilla County, Eajle, Rep Stop the leak. Put Btate nffuira on a ralary. The Capital Journal publiahea some intereating official figures, showing that the officials ought to be placed upon salaries and tho fee system entirely dis pensed with. It Bays that in this man nor tho taxpayers of tho atate would be saved at least $50,000 per year. The Dalles, Wasco County, Times Mountaineer Dem. The Salem Journal rightly concludes the present ib tho time to discuss the proposition of putting atato offluials or stated salaries If it la put off until the convening of the legislature thero will bo so many other jobs to attract atten tion that tho saving of $50,000 a year in etato officers' salaries will receive no at tontion. ' ' The SUytoa, Marlon rm...u ....-.. Jhe b",om Journal i'a at'lll t ,, ""'t t,0n. ,or 8tato mcll.nd thl prOSBOf tllO BtatO. reannlln.. -.'lM proaaot tho stato, regardless of t;' . . , "ii uie plan. v. hope ho newspaper chops will keen. it and forco tho salary plank Into J2 party platforms. Do a good L state once without u,IR7jllvr booat somo party. ,0 AD-ri0B a W County. Herald. Rep. Tho Salem Capital Journal ha, pub. llshed an article advocating tho pladl of all offlceia on aalary, and turn. Ing tho (oo, of tho varioua office. Into tho Bta o Troaaury. By this mothdd tb. Journal thlnke thoro will bo a aavioBLl at least $50,000 to tho stato, and Edit? Hofor has compiled Btntistlcs to sho. that ho Is right. Woodburn, Mirloa County, lidcpenJtnl, Re Tho Oaplthl Journal is ia tlio right but, llko Govornor Van ant of Mtnne sota, is standing up boforo giants. Tlij Journal clearly shows how the state would savo $50,000 a yeai by having the officora on a reasonable salary. Our con tomporory aBka that "tho proper salary figures bo put into tho stato platforms.', Tho party that doesn't expect to win win uouotioBS aot upon tue suggestion. Aurora Borealls, Msrtoa County, Rtp,; Tho Salem Journal, publiahea official flguroa Bhowlng that, if atate ofllcera woro placod upon aalaries, tho state would oavo $50,000 a year. Our con temporary alms to havo propor salary figuros put into tho stato platforms with promisos that all foes above a fixed salary be turnod Into tho stato treasury, If Colonol Hofor succoods In this he will havo accomplished ono of tho moit stupendous political undertakings orsr attomptodln Orogon. And he is on the right track. Mt. Aaiel, Marlon County'St. Joitth's Cermin, Ind. Blttt, Unsorworthor Kollogo votn Capital Journal in Salem macht Anstrsugungen, alio Beamtou dos Staatos mit olnem fixon Gohalt bezhalt za sohon, wodurch dor Staat jaehrllch otwa $50,000 apaaren koennte. Dor Vorachlog iat eehr gut, wir f ueroht m abor, daz erciohtdarch drlngt, well dlo Politlkor oa so aui gozoichnot voratohon ihr Bchaelichea euerat in'a Trockno tsu bringon, oho ita fuor andoro eorgen. Das Journal hit durch aoino unabhaonglge, geeunds Volkswirlhechaft vortrotonde Politic dem Staato schon sohr vlel gonuatx, Horr Hofor lobe hoch. Florence. Lane County. West. Rep, Tho Salem Capital Journal has taken up tho quostlonof putting the state offi cers on a rogular salary and cattfag off tho foos which thoy roceivo for perform ing tho v.rlouB dutlos connected with thoir officos. Tho papor gives statistics showing tho amount drawn by each (or salary, clork hiro, etc., and urgoa that l( each one woro paid a regular salary as high aa thoao officers In adjoining states recolvo, $60,000 por yoar would ha saved to tbo tax payors of Orogon. lllllsboro. Washlnjloa County, Indepesdent Uep. Tho Capital Journal, Hon. E. Holer, editor, iu hia campaign commenced tbli week, looking to placing tho atato offi ciate on a salary iuatend ol paying them by feoa, gave out that tho annual cost ot conducting offico ol Btate Bupt. of schools ia $12,087.00. To thla Bupt. Ackormin ! takes oxcoptlona and quotee figures to show that It costs no more than $5U.w to defray tho oxpenaeaof hla department which added to $2500, the personal sal ary of tho Superintendent, make $7011.10. In tho aamo Issue in which Mr. Ackerman aetB hia critic right, Mr. Hofor explalua that by mletake hla tig urea wero mado to bo tho cost ol oas year wheraaa in fact they represent the appropriations for two years. On the samo boala Mr. Ackerman'a figures lead $14022 30. , Tho legislative appropriation, asw from tho ealary, for the above office.. $5,320.81.J-Kd. J. WUERETHERE IS RECKLES WASTE, Corvat'ls, Beaton County SW.Uj"j In a timely article, tho Balem Journa points out how money can be i saved w peoplo of Oregon by providing tat ialarloa for Btato officers. A Prtl r itom ot reckless waste is In the w printer' ufflco. -The conBiau u -i-i o( public funds through tha-offic. ' ...i .. Ii I. nrofl 28.6. F ...! .-.!. II1ILI1 is as unwarranted as it s i.-- is as unwarrau.uu -. - - four year, ending wlih the fiscal er of 1001-02, not IncluUing me '0'"T, uclttha'tlho next legislature ,wj called upon to make up, the ataepni er'a office la to coat the enormous $.02,010 IS or $10,752 jJ'V thla huge cost is under tha i ". ,8 tlonof a atato printer ob0oml. claimed that ho la unusually econ ca'' i -imllv Indefeni 'rim unnecessary and wnouy '" . throogh iblo expenditure ol state inowy thla channel ts eo nuiu. --- - , . ..,nrminV ----SU? thata reform In thooffic;Mrg(ba Governor Gcer'a flr-t legislature. Attempta h' to correct the abuse but a ,pl. ud ever P"VnJrV'1 tal has invariably baffied ever' refoim diseaia 'or The only cure for the tho people to take U In hantu be mado an Iasue In next J ,,; P4lgn. It Bhould "'JSi.ioiafc- understand or evade. ,,, r' alrould beaupported on tue less ol party rJBlUttoni. A requires horolctrea."