The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, December 04, 1901, Image 1

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lodel Home Paper
Tonight nnd Thura-f-tf s.-. ..-.
i a
.NO 288
Spident's Expres
sions on Anarchists
Commends liis Courag
eous Attitude.
London, tyould be Glad to See
the Last of Them.
Dee 4. o pirtion of tlio
ino3-t4o ia mora co'dinily
nl in England, than that
ito tin- qtmatloii of tin trout
mont ofmanarchisP. says the London
correanondont of tho Tribune. It is con-
BldwedsSexceedlngly gratifying that
ProsldHnflRoosovolt Bliould not bo afraid
to mako proposals, which on tlio eurnto
aro openSto tho criticism tliat thv aro
lubvorsnwof person 1 1 liberty in tl o
mattor?ofppinioti, In this countn there
ii a 'Strong undercurrent of feolinir
Bgalnelawf which permit and mutually
encouringostho Immigration of foreign
Jbonaon, especially loom strongly on
tho point and owing to tho vast numbur
of undaB.rable aliens who have taken up
t their abode In tlio Must End, tlio motrop
oils wouldjjjladly wolcomti any restrict
ive mcasuroj. In reference tn tho pro
posal that, mankind should bind Itself
togolhor to make anarchy, llku piracy, a
crime against tho law of nations, it la
pointod out that tho dilllculty is to do
lino what anarchy consists of and to ob
tain trustworthy evidence ogalnit those
hoi ling such a doctrl m before they con
talt ovort aots nhich would rendortbem
amenable to ordlniry crfinlnul lawn.
Reduction of Import
On Her Pacific Coast
of Entry.
Means Increased Business for
Dot So6a
Will keep out the Cold
Try Some at
ftbe Spa...
IM-Stite Street.
We Make a Specialty
of .Salted Peanuts ..
Tacoma, Dec. 4. Oriental advices say
tliat tho Russian authorities at Vladivo
stok have nilhdrnwu tho new tonnage
duties rccontly Imposed there on all for
eign veii'els. Heretofore all foreign vee
sols liavo paid harbor charges, amount
ing to 30 kopecks per last. In Octnbor
the Jrtpaneto steamship Yniuashiro
Maru wascompolled to puy 1500 ronbleH
as additional tonnaso duties before alio
I .. -Il.-...l - l rrt. .
n is Hiiunuu iu uiuur. ina iiiiioiiiu was
paid under protest, tho .lapmceo Couiul
being informed that thoBo chargos were
authorized by the new Russian tariff.
The Consul then demanded that Jap
iineeo vessels bo declared exempt under
a clause of tho tariff excepting vessels of
all nations entitled to tho most favoroi
nation treatment. The KiiBsian customs
oilers derided tho cobo in Japan's fa
vor, and tho next Japanese BieaniBhlp to
enter paid only the usual charges Ac
cording to dispatches received at Yoko
hama n number of Ameiican vessels
were required to pay tho now tonnage
dutios at tho eamo time. It was expected
that tho mo"ey would bo roturnod and
American steamers placed on tho eamo
footing aa those of Japan.
twMMiiMiMMri nm
Steel Interests Struck.a Knot
Nnw Youk, Doc. 4. According to tho
Journal of Commerce It ia authoritative
ly stated thatthonegotlationa looking to
tho formation of a big stool plato com
bination have been declared off. It is
also stated that there is llttlo likelihood
at preterit of the projection being revived
The proposed combine was to have a
capital of f25.000.000 to 50,C00,000 aud
and it waB generally supposed nt the I
tlmo tlio negotiations wero in progress f
that tho combination was being organ-1
ized In the Interest of tho United Sutci
Steel Corporation.
This viow of tho cftBo was strength
ened by tho fact that an announcement
was made that Prosidont Schwab.of that
concern, was giving his counsel and
guidanco to tho formation of tho trust.
Tho plants that wero booked to enter
tho trust wero tho Tidewater Steel Com
pany, tho Lukona Iron t Steel Com
pany, tlio Worth HroB., and tho Central
Iron & Steol Company.
When tlio combination was proposed
it was said tliat tlio project was prima,
rily taken up eo as to provont a diBrup
tion of tho pool through prico cutting.
which, it was argued, would result in it
trade war, which would soon effect tho
whole steel industry.
In any event, tlio fact should not bo'
lost sIkIu ot tliat even tf tlio plans of
those interested iu the ateel plato com
bine I mil been carried to a successful is
Mi", it follows that the consolidated com
pany could not havu been a closo corpor
ation There are several important con
cerns outside of those mapped for mem
bership in the organization and also out
Bldo tho United Statos Steel Corooration.
Theso inclulo ttio Phcuaix Iron Com
pany, Otis Steel Company Ltd , Glasgow
Iron Company, Carbon Steol Company
and one or two plants of tho Crucible
Steel Company, besides tho Jones &
Laughlins, Ltd. Among tho other im
portant concords which aro members of
the pool, but which aro conductod on in
dependent llnee, are the Birmingham
Rolling Mill Company, Colorado Fuel &
fron Company, Paesaic Rolling Mill
Company, Republic Iron & Steel Com
pany, Cambria Steol Company and tlio
Tennessee Coal & Iron Company.
Commission's Report
before Congress
' i
President Sends new Treaty
to the Senate .
Burrows would Exclude
Deport Anarchists.
Chili has Bought two
Torpedo Destroyers
Argentine will buy a Battle
ship in Retaliation.
Conflict may Come at Almost
any Time.
Ortifw $&)
Baking Powder
Uncle Sam Orders Brazil
toe the Line.
Thanksgiving Cheer
Requires tho best in liquids to give np
petlto for tho abundunco of rich foods
that make up tho feast. Our w iuos and
liquors stimuiato tho appetito and aid
digestion, becauso they are pu-o and
wholesome. We sell the best.
Nkw Youk, Dae. 4. Accarllng to tho
Itio Janeiro corrospondontof tho Herald,
It is asserted that tho United States
Government has roquirol Brazil to
adopt tho prjposod tiriff on Hour. Tho
hill 1b now bolng considered by the
Sena to.
J. P. ROGERS, issr"1
Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer
Jewelery For Christmas
K!lta is beet selected uhead.. We havo
1 lid in a splendid stock for tho holiday
trade, which it will pay yon to examine.
Wo have a magnificent stock of rings In
all the latest settings, solid gold rings at
$1,50 and up. You can make your selec
tion now and wo will hold them for
C, T, Pomeroy
Wtchmktr and Optlclin
Gratifying Increasein the last
Washington, Dec, 4. Tho report of
tho Isthmian Canal Commission was
Bonl to Congress today. Tho commission
favors tho Nlcaraguan route and makes
an estimate of $180,801,002 aB tho total
cost of construction of tho canal. It is
estimated that tho cost of tho Panama
routo is $144,233,258 but the report Bays
t would cost $100,141,000 to obtain tho
Panama concoBsiou.
The Prcsidont Bent a number of recofs
appointments to tho. Senate and now np"
points Geo. W. Liebarth to bo collector
of internal revonue for tho Sixth Dis
trict of Kentucky. Among tho recess
appointments was that of Attornoy-Gen
era) Knox.
Tho Prosidont Bent to tho Sonato tho
now Hay-Pnuncefoto treaty for tho Islh
minn Canal.
The Navy Department hns received
tlio following cablegram from Captain
Perry, commanding tho battleship Iowa,
dated Panama Dec. 4 :
"I roembarked all our force from tho
isthmus, tho perfect security of transit
being effectually rostored "
The 8tato Department has received a
cablegram from Sponcer Eddy, United
chargo, at Constantinople, reporting that
Mies Stono and Mmo. Tsllka aro held
prisoners at Gultopo, in tho South eido
Senator Burow a today introduced a
bill "to provide fortho exclusion and dc
portatioli of alien anarchists."
Wahiiinoton, Dec. 4, Tho President
and Postmaster Genoral Smith hold a
conference today at which it waa decided
to reappoint Cornelius Van Cott, post
master of New York.
New Youk, Dec. 4 An official an
nouncement has been mado that Chile
lias purchased from tho Lairds in Eng
land, two torpedo boat destroyers , for
which they paid 70,000, not Including
artillery, says tho Buona Vista, Argen
tina correspondent of tho Herald.
Tho purchase of theso vessels ia con
sidered hero aa being a violation of tho
agreement of both republics not to in'
crcaso thoir navies. Argentina, as a re
sult of Chile's uction lias decided to pur
chaso n battleship of 11,000 tona and baa
inatructed ono of the Ministers In Eur-
opo to enter In negotiations for tho pur
chase of the voseol. It is believed that
tho Bhlp will bo ready (or Borvlco next
It Is announced that tho Chilean Min
ister tpArgentino has postponed his In
tended trip to tho Chilean Capital to
consult his government in reforonco to
tho pending trouble,
The Argontino Govornmont has re
ceived no reply from Chile. It Ii bo
lievod that tho Chilean administration
will proposo an evacuation of tho dis
puted territory by tho forces of both ro-
publlca until a decision ou tho boundary
question Is announced by the British
Government, to which it has boon re
ferred for arbitration. It ia understood
thut tho Chilean Govornmont wishos to
lot matters drift along and try to avoid
an actual conflict with argontino and yot
refrain from making a frank explana
tion. Argentine has decided to insist
upon obtaining a response from Chile
that will chiar away tho unsatisfactory
foaturoa of tho cae
Dr. Price's Baking Powder supplies
a pure, wholesome leaveninjr aeent..
which, makes the biscuit and cake of
highest healthfulness at medium costi'
and protects the food from alum, which
as the greatest dietary danger of the day.
The foremost baking; powder ia aif
the world.
rmoa bakinq row D k ooi
Not. Alum baking powders ar .low
priced, i ulum coU but two ecnli
pound ; but alum It a cotroilva
cotton and It renders the baklnc
powder dangerous to uio in food.
Of Expediting a
On his way to Panama
AH Political Offences will
The London Times
on, Our
We still
Owe much
Waiiiinoton, Dec. 4. Tho prelimin
ary report on tho saw mills, planing
mills (operat d in connection with saw
mills) and tlmbor claims of tho United
Slates show tho following figures for
1000 and the increase during the decado
Establishments 33,035, increaeo 10 por
cant; capital f 11,010,412, Increase 00 per
per cent ; average wago earners 283,610,
decrease 0 percent; total wages $104,
033,091, increace 10 per cent; miscella
neous expenses 110,710,230, decrease 20
percent; cost of materials 317,f07,038,
increase 31 por cent; value cf produc
tion $ 500,832,081, increase 20 per cent.
1 r: -
, ':. 10
1 IBi 7 v at
J llR'S
Per Cent. Discount 'XLAT
e have a swell line of Umbrellas these make
very apropriate present for Ladios or Gentle
men. JtiFine perl handles, Hand carved
Ivory. Antique Ivory. Sterling silver and
gold filled also datural wood handles. (IVe have marked
the price en these quite low in order to make them move
quickly and now with the 10 per cent off will make a big in
ducoment. You will do well to look over our Umbrella
stock before purchasing.
Just like fladloi It. IjD
. H
Nkw Youk, Dec 4. A dispatch to tho
Herald from Colon, Colombia says:
General Domingo Diaz, the insurgent
o r, witli a govornmont ofllcer, has
akon n for Panama. His going to
Panama indicates that ho 1ms decided to
surrender to Genoral Alban aud obtain
the freedom of his forco .from imprison
ment. An announcement has been made
that all political offenses committed
previous to Novombor 28 by thoto
Liboruls who surrendered in Colon aro
forgiven. Municipal crimoa are punished
aa before.
Exclusive Evanston People
Dislike Toilers.
Chicago, Dec. 4. Property owners of
Evanston, greatly worried over a threat
ened invasion of that exclusive suburb
by flat dwellors, have induced tho
EvauBton Council to take up a building
ordinance tliat ia intended to prevent
thu erection of further flat buildings in
the district. The ordinance has had its
first roading and probably will bo pas
sed on Ihureday. It provides for metal
stairways, all outer and party walls ot
brick and stone, roofs of slate, metallic
standpipos and ladders combined and
reaervoira of water on top. It Is aimed
to inako tho building of flat practically
Nkw York Due. 4, A ditpatob
from London says: The Prince of Wales
is quickly adapting himself to his great
position and in aoeepting the office as
Presidentnl St. Bartholomew' Hospital
he is following worthily in the fooUteps
of his father who has always taken the
deepest interest iu the hospitals of
Nkw Youk, Dee, 4. The financial edl
tor ot tho London Times, in discussing
the forolgn credit of the United States,
dwells upon tho fact that, in aplto of the
largo apparont balanco of trade in favor
of tho Unitod Sta'es against Kuropo, tho
balance has really been tho other way,
because of the borrowing operations ne
cessitated by tho enormous consolidation
and othor schemes In process of execu
tion by American capitalists, says the
London correspondent of tho Now York
Tho United States, says tho articlo,
owes less abroad than it did but It la still
a debtor country and must remain so for
many years to come, temporary appear
ances to the contrary notwithstanding.
Thero.'ore, New York exchange, except
for a brief poriod, haa been in favor of
Tho writer reviews the conditions pro.
coding and following tho Wall Street
panic last Spring. The article proceeds
"Kndoavora were mado to keep up the
dolusion that the rise had been only
temporarily checked and that it would
soon be resumed, The great prosperity
of tho United States waa pointed to aa
evidence that prices would go much
higher and tho belief that the
United Slates was wealthy in the
eonso that 'tho United Kingdom
and Franco are wealthy, In the possess
Ion of large quantities of cash or securi
ties readily convertible into cash waa
upheld. It does not seem to have oc
curred to those who hold those views
that no nation, however prosperous, can
pass over in two or three years from a
state of being largely dependent on mon
ey borrowed from abroad lo one of being
a large lender to foreign countries."
A. H."FiSK
Ghand Rapids, Mich., Dec. 4. Tho
8uporlor Court Jury in tho bribery caso
against city atlornoy Lant K. Salisbury
roturnod a verdict of guilty of accepting
a bribe of $ 15,000 for hla assistance in
pushing through a deal by which tho
cltv ofJGrand Uapida waa to award cast
oru capitalists a $1,000,000 contract for
furnishing tho city with water from
Lake Michigan.
Texan Grand Lodge Extends
Hoostok, Tcr. Doc At last nlght'a
session of tho Masonic Grand Lodiro of
Toxaaa resolution extending fratornal
recognition to tlio grand lodgo of thu
Valley of Moxlco at the City of Moxico
and of the grand lodgo Benito Juarez of
tho Stato of Coahulla waa adopted, and
tie representatives of those bodies in
vited to soats in the grand lodgo of
Toxaa. Thla action J is important to the
Mexican Masonic Lodges as it glvos
thorn standing and recognition in tho
United States.
Hapsburgs, aro indignant'' at tho out
rages committed by the Gormans in
Tho National Dog Show at Birming
ham, England, haa 1500 ontrlos mostly
sporting dogs. ,
Bottk Mont. Doc. 4. JoBOpli Marin
waB inttantly killed this morning by S.
Maradllo, who fired two shots ia hla
breast. Both mon aro Italians. The
affair took placo In a saloon. Tho nmr.
deror useaped.
Lazu Lk
azu jbver
When the liver goes wrong,
everything is wrong. You
have dyspepsia, coated
tongue, constipation, bilious
ness, sick headache, nausea,
general debility. One of
Aycr's Pills each night, just
one,. gently starts the liver
and removes all trouble.
" I have used Aycr's Pills for liver,
complaint, and have found them to be
the best thing I have ever tried." '
E. N. North, Sldell, III. .
K-l. J. C. A VC CO., Lewill, Msss. J
Htankouo Univkiimitv, Calif., Doc. 4.
The Intorcolleglato Dobatiug Corr.mlttoo
has agreed to Uio terms proposod by the
University of Washington for a Joint
dobato. It ia proposed to hold two con-
testa, tho first at Stanford next April,
tho socond at tho University of Washing
ton at a dato yet to be fixed.
Fresh This Morning
County Judge
Word waa bought to Eugene this
miming that A. il Fisk, a former coun
ty Judge of Linn county, and who was
promlntnt In political circlet as a Demo
crat, died auddenly Monday night, at a
ranch near Mapleton, on the Siuslaw,
The body will be brought to Eugen today.
Wires Dolled Down.
Foxhall Keono may form an American
polo team to play In England noxt year.
Thoodoro 8. Woolsey appointed tem
porary dean of Yalo. ,
The Austrian Polos, who play a rathw I
Important part In tho roalm of the l5-i8UiSireety
Ellis & Zinn's
Salem 'Pboat 217
This Day Only
Our forty -fifth Wednesday
surprise Is such an exceptional
ono that we did not consider
it neceieary to advise It or
display the Kooda until the
day. So here it Is aud only
for today.
Silk Waists $4.38
WORTH $5, $6, $6.75, $7,50
In White, Pink, Blue, Hose,
Ited, Pearl and Black, tfizo
32 to 44. Come today to get
the price.
Grand Musical Concert
Saturday Evening,
Prom 7 to 9 o'clock You ire lavlua
Great Sale
Quilts, Blankets
It's a generous offering ou
our part, You will agree if
you read these prices t Tan,
whlto and groy ten quarter
blankets, extra good values Ofel
M.00 Fancy Hobos, special 001
1.115 Fancy Double Blankets 1.00
2 05 White Extra Heavy ' 1.0SI
U.50 Extra Large Blankets 2 W,
4.50 Groy and Plaid Blankets 3 0b
6,00 Grey ami Whito Blsnkela 4,00
0.00 Grey Mottled Blankets 4 60
0 50 Assorted Kinds 4.08
7.00 Values for 5,08
Thesa reductions are gen or
ously make and ever oue
should taVe advauUge of tho
opportunity before them.
Comforts 68c up to $9.00
4 I