The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, December 03, 1901, Image 4

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(liww M&ibUi
; About
MMiMMB ""2
To Buy
We are
S Famous
5 Royal Worcester Corsets
ii n.K mn
Our eplondid stock offers some
Kreat values and tlio prlcos ratigo
50c to $8 each
Vi An tint nunrml trlth tllORO
who advertieo to mako figures with
cornets. All we nim la to fit tho
figure with a natural coriet. rat
uro knows moro ahout beauty
than any corsot manufacturer.
Juet eo with tho Royal Wor
cestor kind.
Thoy'ro mado the way a perfect
corcot should bo made and we can
fit any form.
YYtai B
The beet values obtainable will
be found here. We carry many
kinds, either separate garments or
union sultB. Bettor not buy till
you'vo seen our lino.
"Wayne Knit"
That's tho name of tho best
hosiery mado. High spliced heels
double soles and toes and guaran
teed Dlack
25c a pair
- . .n..ti aitlloD 1B Oil DM
The Value Of Seeing.
Perfect viBion broadens tho scopo of your
Wherever you go jou want glasses that
will enablo you to too perfectly, satisfactor
ily. We'll Fit Your Eyes
with glasses that will give you eyo comfort.
It's boltor to havo tho slight defect fitted
bo tho greater difficulty may not come.
C. H. Hinges
Scientific Optician, 206 Commercial St.
Your Holiday Shirts,
collar! aud cuffs will l o right if we do
thorn. Wo do only first class laundry
work, and wo put a fiui-h on linen
that good dressers Appreciate. Wo do
everything right, Including the delivery
on time. Wo call for and deliver.
Salem Steam Laundry
Thone 41) 320 Liberty Ftref t
During this month wo will proBent to our customers fine decorated eoml-por-
celaln China waro, in proportion to the amount of their purchase Taking into
consideration that our merchandise Is reliable and our prices lower than at any
.othorhouso, this is the greatest olft sale before tho public. Drena Bklrts, Silk
Waists, Wrappers, Shawls and Fascinators at reduced prices.
To Carry Our Wares
to Australia
The New Federation Will
Deal Largely With Us.
Another Opportunity for the
Pacific Coast.
Nkw Yoiik, Dec.3. Mr. Kot.ortShnnd,
general manager of tiio Western Aus
tralia Steamship Company who has jn&t
arrived here from Liverpool has bcon in-
tarviowed upon trado conditions. Ho
said in part: "Groat changes in tho
trado relations botween Great Britain
and Australia will probably occur In a
very short time as n result of the new
Australian tariff. ThiB tariff will net
injuro our trade with foreign countries,
but Great Britain's trado with us, it is tho
general Impression, will bo seriously
Formerly tho Australian Colonics, with
tho exception of tho frco trado colony
of New South Wales, imposed protectivo
duties againet one another. Under the
federal constitution they aro all swept
away and n w all iuternaltrade in Aus
tralia is free. This has, of coureo.caused a
diminution of revenue in all protected
colonies and now wo poposo to raiso
that amount of rjvenuo by increasing
tho duties on almost nil imported ar
ticles. This increaso wilt bo levied not
only on goods coming front othur coun
tries but from all portions of tho Brit
ish Empire outside Australia. The
taxed articles include spirits, beer,
wlno, tobnecj paper, agricultural
Implements and furniture This Ib
rather strong evidenco againet tho fal
lacy lhat 'trade follows the Hag,' At
present cur largest trade is done with
tho United Htatep, Franco and Go
Mr. Shund said ho is as hero "to look
over tho shipping field and got an idea
as to the prospects it holds out for a new
lino. If it is started tho route Kill be
from San Francisco to Western Austral
ian ports, 'iliu branch olllco will also
belli Sau Francli'co , Wo uro confident
that the shipping field hero offers es.ol
lent inducements. Trado betweou Amer
ica and Australia lins grown enormously
during tho past four years, and not n lit
tle difficulty Is experienced in getting
suitable and fast freight steamers to
handle It."
'breeding for eggs.
ATWOOD At tho fumily homo on
East Mill streot, Tuesday, Dee. a 1001,
after a protracted tllnoBS, J. II At
wood, oged about CO years, of par-nlyBls.
How About It?
Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store
Next Door to Post Office.
Improved - -Strawberries
Ideal and Ruby. Dest canning, shlo
pint and Home Market berries yet
Introduced In the not thwest. Ideal
Is very early, same shape as Clark's
Seedling, Hood River berry, but bet
ter canner, holds up In size better
than Wilson, Ruby Is a late and a
larger berry but like Ideal tarts
showy, deep red clear through. Both
are co'ld and have been tested for three years. Limited stock of plants now ready at $5.00 per
1000; $3,.OforSOO;IOOto300 plants $1.00 per hundred. Per dozen by mall 25 cents.
Applyto f. W. Walker, Nurseryman, or E Hofer, sole propogators. Salem. Ore.
The real test of n wagon Is In tho ex
treme not weather, or in tho extreme
dry. Oregon (armors need wagons that
will stand most anything.
STUDEBAKERS aro built for this
country. Tho huba aro made of blsck
birch and aro warranted not to check or
split. Fellooa are mado from tho beat
Indiana oak and are soaked in linseed
oil, which prevents looso tires. Tho
spokes aro made of second growth
Indian white oak, uud aro of the slope
shouldor pattorn which Ib an exclusive
patlom of Sludebaker wheels, If you
will take a tapo and measure thiu'cit-
cumferenco of tho spokes and felloes on
a Btudebaker SMncli wheel you'll find
one in l 3-1. Tho wheel is the lifo of u
wagon They represent about two
thirds of tho cost of tho guar and that's
whore that proportion of your money
Got good wheals.
You'll find that Studlioakora stand
more hard usage, art) guaranteed to
carry turgor loads, uud last longer than
A full lino of nil always on hand.
A Pcir SnnrweatlonK on How to Oct
200 Hunt l'cr Hen l'cr Ycnr.
More poultry men nnd women get
from UK) to 12." ogff3 per hen per year
than ovpr that amount. And why?
There nre only four rensons why first,
the stock; second, tho houses; third,
the need; fourth, tin core given. Agnln,
there nro only two classes who make
intincy by Isooptug poultry the person
wlm hits on'y n few nnd the one who
l taken It n business. Two hundred egg'
n'V lien per year nre not an unusual
ofiit. mill there Is no reason why ev
ery iHJitHi'ymnn should not have that
It h tint iiecwary to hnvo trap nests
'c lind nit j our layers. Tho poultry
ninii who tins to use them for that pur-i
pjc i not the oiip to mnUe ti success
i r poultry IteephiB. hecnuse If ho lia
tn r.cpciid on n eontrlvinco It Is only
iiif ilmt he cannot place nny depend-
in i' on hlinelf. As soon us one has to
iely mi others It Is high time Hint he
gives up the business. If you wnnt to
tl nt 1 your Injurs. tny with your fowls,
pick theni out. IiuiiK up a dully egg rec
ord ami wnteh It. If you lmve not tho
Him. fnr tin. then you cortmuiy no
lem: to the middle class.
give the fowls alt your tlmo you can
not expect them to mnko money for
you. Unless you know your fowls they
will not make you mouey, oven if you
do give them nil your time. If you
have n hen that Is n known lnyer and
she Is undcrsUed or too large, don't
breed from her. If you do, you arc
wasting both time nnd money.
Stock has greatly improved In tho
past five years, but egg production has
not. When poultrymen devote moro
time trying to find out which way nnd
Iww Is tho best to feed, then they will
lncrcnse the egg production. Because
John Jones tells you thnt bin wny of
feeding Is tho best that Is no reason
why you should ndopt It until you
know It to bo n. fact Bccnuse Sam
Jones tells you that ouo variety of
chickens will lay moro thnn tho others
don't sell what you hnvo and get them
untIL you know It Is so. Poultrymen
nre too ready to listen to tho other
fellow. '
My method of obtaining nnd holding
great layers Is ns follows, no matter
what the variety kept: ,
As soon ns tho pullets nro fully ma
tured they are carefully watched. As
soon ns one starts to lay she Ib removed
to her pcrmnucnt quarters, punch
marked, a record hung up, dnto of
hatch, pen hatched from, etc. This
goes on until pons nro full. Those
thnt nro backward In starting nro put
In a different buildlug, wo counting
them ns culls. The pullets nnd records
nre cnrefully watched. Wo do not '
breed from these ns pullets, but will
breed from tho cream of them na year i
lings. They nro now yearlings, nnd we
start to hatch. Ench egg Is marked
with pen number. When put In Incu
bators, same Is set down In n ledger '
for that purpose, also giving tho num
ber of mnle bird nnd whnt pen he was
hatched from. When the eggs nro duo
to hatch, they arc put In pedigreed egg
trnys. This keeps ench pen of chicks
separate. They nro then punch marked
and placed In brooders, which uro
grouped In colonies, separated with
fine mesh wire, so that tho chicks can
not get mixed. The cockerels nro re
moved as soon as possible and fattened
for market. We pick out n few, thoso j
that we think will make extra good
ones, nnd then turn them on free range, j
Soon the pullets nro removed, each lot
to n separate house nnd yard, nnd then
we wait for the first eggs.
You must stnrt your feeding for
lienvy laying soou nfter tho chick Is
hutched. This part of poultry keeping
Is entirely too much neglected. 1 be
lieve more damage Is done by letting
the cockerels remain with tho pullets
while growing than from nny other
cause. It will put them back two
mouths In their laying, and they will
never make us good birds. It certnln
ly stunts them. A pullet must bo In
the best of condition If you expect her
to be n heavy layor, and you must keep i
her thnt wny If you want Her to keep
on laying. My cxporlcnco teaches mo
that we must hnve largo framed birds,
nnd to get that kind you must start
feedlnc ns n little chick. You can nut
on flesh any time, but there Is only ouo
time to form largo bones, nnd thnt Is
on tho Btnrt.-O. A. Durllng.
The Payment of Ven
ezuelan Obligations
By Naval Occupation of
Chaos Reigns in the Financial
Venezuelan Circles.
Nkw Youk, Dec. 3. Says tho Port of
Spain (Trinidad) correspondent of the
Herald: Passongers arriving from La
Unless ydu IGuayra tho port of Caracas, say tho Qor
man Minister in tho Vonczuolnu Capital
has recommended to his govornmont
that eight war vessols bo stationed iu
tho various ports of Venezuela to enforce
tho payment of claims againBt tho re
public. General Guerrero who was romovod
recently from the olllco of Minister of
War, and arrested on tho chargo of con
spiracy has applied for n trial by
court martial.
Gonernl Centcno, formorly a friond of
President Castro and Generals Muguor
za, Romeo Garcia, Hernandez, Michele
na and Pnlacios, as well as tho presidents
of banks and principal merchants ot
Caracas aro prlaonors iu tho capital, nc-
Wlint n Womnn'i Soolctr Hn Ae
ttotnutUljci1 tn n New York Town.
In n town Iu central New York tho
hndles' Vlllngo Improvement society
has purchased opera chnlra for tho vll
lngo theater and n street sprinkler.
Five of the women have been deslg.
natcd the "firemen's relief," nnd they
make coffee nnd provide refreshments
for the firemen at fires. Tho society
has exercised Its Influence ngnlnst tho
provnlcilt hnblt of the male population
of expectorating tobacco Juice on the
sldewnlks nnd has had n gratifying
mensuro of success. It nlso brought
about tho enactment of a vlllngo or
dlnnncc which provides for the unrest
of tramps If found within tho limits of
tho village, and notices to this effect
nre posted nlong the highways near tho
town nnd on tho trees In town.
The society fosters town pride and
public spirit, nnd through Its untlrhiK
efforts the vlllngo stnnds out as u
model to bo followed. Since Its or
ganization the society litis completely
changed the nspect of tho town, nnd
where neglect nnd carelessness wero
formerly tho rule ncntness nnd tidiness
now prevull. Fences and sidewalks nro
kept In repair, lawns laid out, the
streets cleared of rubbish, mid flowers
nnd shrubbery have tnken the place of
weeds. The women's Inllueuce has ex
tended to tho neighboring farmers,
who, patterning after what they have
seen In the village, shave their lawns
nnd make their cottages and fences
neater. Tho society, It should be lidd
ed, religiously abstains from politics.
Trust, reliance, dependence. tr
things to be exercised by the creature,
not by the creator. There's uo trouble,
with God; It's nil with us. If wo will
trust, he will bestow; If wo will lean,
he will support; If we will hope, ho will
fulfill; If wo will hnvo f tilth, he will
bring It to pass. Itev. C. J. Wright,
rimnlaln United Rtntes Navy.
At our storo results in tho deligvit of tho folks at homo nnd abroad.
Wo now put at your disposal appronornto gifts for evjry member of
tho family. Besides wo havo cap.iblo hoop, who will tnko pains to
mako your holiday shopping pleasant. We havo the heat lighted
store in the city, and you can see just whnt you aro buying,
, We havo lu luriro stacks ut prices that will
"surely make you wl.h yon wero worth a
million. Aothing but tho best Is kept hero
nnd nothing but what wo can fu'ly guarantee.
Francis Feller Elected to Ac
company M. H. Durst to
With the Hops Consigned to
the Peel.
cording to latest advices. Eighteen
mcrchantllo houses in Cnrucaa nro
closed, and not a single bank transaction
has takon place tlioro in moro thnn a
Grnlo-OI Grala-OI
Remember thnt name when you
want a delicious, appetizing, nourish
ing food drink to tnko tho plnco of
coffee. Sold by all grocers nnd liked
by all who havo used It Graln-0 Is
miido of puro grain, It aids digestion
At 1:30 o'clock this afternoon a meet
ing of thti Oregon llopgrowers' Associa
tion was hold at tho olllco of tho Boero
tary, Mr. Winstnnloy. Tho first busi
ness beforo tho meeting was tho eloctlqn
of one to nceompnny M. II. Durst to Lon
don with tho hops consluncd to tho pool,
Tho second was tho naming of five grow
era to net as n committee to superintend
tho forming of a pool, Tho votes
weto counted in proportion to
the number of balos each
nun represented In the pool.
Ue'nro tho first ballot was takon
Messrs. Kuan, of Urooka, mid Nlbler,
of Gervais, whoso names, wore prom
inently mentioned in connection with
the London trip, otatod that It wns im
possible (or thorn to go, ns they wero not
to bo voted upon. Tho ballot resulted
in 1!!81) votes being cast for Francis Fol
iar and till for James Wiuatuu'oy. In
expression of tho ontlefactlon with tho
man elected, it was moved that tho voto
for Mr. Foliar bo made unanimous,
which was heartily done.
Tho following gentlemen woro elected
by ballot to bo in chargo of tho pool hero.
Mcasrs II. I). Mount, Frank Niblor,
Frank Simins, and 0. F, llarrott, who
will servo with W. II. Kgan, president
of tho Association,
OiittiAao, Nov. 80 Zjtv.
Meady, d'cR .ftv U
1 he Sidney p0wp
Mir. T" Rli '
Mado forlorn I v i, ...
font. n'MMdnffi'
D. S. BENTLEY & rn '
Phone 301 ID
ri (VraA Jlllfcvp'
On Our Skives
And counters you will flndonlr tb,k,
of canned and packaKo goodJK
best of every kind. Whatever IWtB
you will find our Prices rfghtcntS
coffees, cann.d goods snJ ve,tw
groceries. Wo pride omisIiTO
courtesy and efficiency of ooritaij
M, T, Rinem;
32 SUteStrtct
Flnrtori i ntt-Pi-tni- '""' siroiigiucns me nerves, it is not
Clbbliu a Ulilbiui, nrlmtilniir hnr n linnllli linlliW nml
GrniH'Prfl of tills district todilV eluded I tint ..lillili-nn na rvnll na Hin n.lnWa nn
Wm. Hilloarv. of Turner, n dimctor of idrlnlc It with grent benefit. Costs tho premises at tho time, hence tho ac
the Lower Columbia (Granco Co-operfl-'nbtt V as much ns coffee. lDc. nnd
jc. per package. ask your grocer
for Oraln-O.
!i MBM Mil !! JillHJBBO lml'J WTJHU UBH
tivu) Insurance Coiiij
An action of forclblo entry mid de
tainer was commenced injustice O'Don
aid's court today against W. G. Dowcs,
by F. Levy. The action is to got resti
tution of "51 acres of land, known na tho
Lovy farm and situated 5 miles north or
H.ilem or. tho Spong'a ferry road. Iho
end wan leased to Mr. Dowoi for one
year from November 1, J00O, and Mr.
Dnunn fitllml In nult nnd niirrimdnr nit
, . , . :.,...
b juur grocer ior u. 6WU
mnfllt tnlfiitnma.f H.t mm .Kh.
tlon. L. II. McMnl.Rii Ib attorney 1! made but as vou'd inaleitvonra
Great Sale o! Late
?l CO books reduced rednced (ofj
and $1.20. Solos begin Yefe4,i
0 a. in. Goods on tale from 9 in
o p. m. isoo our stiow window,
Annora Al. Welch wfa?
11 2tl tf.
iT3JWrfiiXJEaffpBfcgHSidBtiBi MmZIkiwjM3.KB32BiK
-is commended by Statesmen, Professional men and thousands of
othero prominent in the world's activities, for Us fine discrimi
nation in sifting the actual newt from conflicting report and the presen
tation of current events in their just proportion They comment on Its
freedom from daily-paper sensationalism, All men and women who
want to know what the world is doing find it an Intellectual necessity,
to judgo from the letters received from hundreds. Its editorials are
comprehensive, and labor saving to the busy man or woman Its
tlmoly contributions on Important topics aro by the best-informed
writers. Its reviews of other magaxlnes give the best of their best
work. It Is profusely illustrated.
These letters will enable all thoughtful men and women to judgo
of Its voluo to them i
PRKSIDENT "1 am a constant reader of the
"I know that through Its col- 'Review of Reviews.' and appre.
umns views have been presented to elate It very highly indeed 1 think
me that I could not otherwise have It a very Important part of my
bad access te: because all earnest library, and practically a neiestliy
and thoughtful men, no matter for one In public life.". B
bow widely their Ideas diverge, are Foraktr, U. S. Sntater, Okh.
given tree utterance In Its col-
umns." Thtedert K9ftvU
"I consider It a very valuable
addition to my library."
i iirwtr UfVttana,
" It Is one of the best and most
satisfactory publications of the
day." CXarltt W. Falrtanht,U. S.
Sumtir, Indiana,
" I do not have a great deal of
U l publication of very great time to read magaxinei. but I take
value, I have sometimes found peasure In saying that the ' Review
there very Important matter Indeed of Reviews' Is among the number
which! should not otherwise have which finds a place on my table
dhKovered."-Cw Ixr,U.S " month. A. Jmts,
Smattr, MattatAuuttt. V' A Stnaitr, Arkansas.
Send for particulars as to how It can be had with an Invaluable set
of boolrs (or 50 cents a month,
$()e ftebitto of ftcbicUtf Compmui
255-257 Liberty St. Salem.
Farm Machinery, Watsons, Uugtries, III
cyclos, Sowlnu Machines.
Tun Cnii'l tlrlbe the AlmlKlitr.
.'Jacob even tried to tnko God Into
partnership "If thou prosper me. thou
Bhnlt bo my God." Hut there Is ouo
thins thnt you can't do. You can't
bribe tho Almighty. Rev Dr. Lorlmer,
Tromout Temple, Boston
Clirlat'a llcrtr.l.
Christ dlffors from other teachers be
cause ho offers the greatest reward.
Agnosticism enn give nothing becauso
It knows nothing. Infidelity is "n leap
In the dark." Rev. Chnrles Stelzle,
Murkhum Memorial Mission, St. Louis.
Are You Certain of Siiliutloii!
Idle speculation about the number
mved or not snved Is a vnln thlivg and
iilwnys tibi'less. The one question for
every man to consider nbotit Is this:
"Am 1 saved? if not, how can I be?"
Rev. nV. Qullllnn, Trinity Church, At-
Two pound can of calcium cmbide . Go.
Mitchell, Lswls and Blaor Co. 12-2tf.
Our Store is Full of Good alues Which You Must Not Fail ft
see. We are Preparing for a Big Holiday Trade in all Our Lines.
In Pictures and Pic-
! ture Framing ....
I Klondike, December 3, 1901. 1
Salem, Oregon.
ll am about ready with my Reindeer to start tj) gather 1
I up Dolls and Toys for all the good girls and boys and
E Chribtmas presents for Anybody and 1 want to make!
I THE FAIR STORF, at Salem, my headquarters again, fori
I I lmvf hi.n nviH tlvir TUP PAIR RTHRP i full nnri I
it 1 a-' W l I IUWVI It all I, at! K. m flll W V ftAW r a vav
I riming over with Nice Holiday goods for anybody and
i that your prices are o low tliat 1 will be able to buy a
good supply pf everything. Yours for Holiday goods,!
and a good Jmje. bANTA CUAUS.
PP. S Remember that Dabney and Gllimore are the proprietors of THE
BAlt !TniP. Tliiu nrA on th( "arftinft flnnr nn 1ivatlnn In rirlrpq
..., W . W..M- M. V WM .. .VMW ..WW., MW V.W.M..W m, ...
I or locality, t , "
We are well supplied with all that
is new and up'to'date. Our prices
for framing and art subjects are the
lowest in the city. A few Pharaohs
ho ses framed at 50 cents '
8 If
Goes for $2.25 if you cut out this
"ad." and bring it with you.
Regular price $3,06
flPHEl Morris
M'll Chairs
vm I I Ml J&j&jv&istt I'i El I 'SSSS
v re T?m'MMilmSp
We always carry a ''first class line of
Morris chairs, but at this season we are
especially well supplied, Come in and
see what we have for
. $8.00
To see our China clotdtf
i,i,;n. linns hev are W
VjVlllUIIMllWlll'f mf
1 TEHpMflKj
add i xniPQ' nRESSING
nm.a Uanrlcnmlv finished. TJW???!
in oak, mahogany and bir 1
mafile. ' -,u vy
would be ?. real
proper thing for
(he baby's Christ
mn nresent. It IS
ro-cart, high chair,
low chair and a
rocker combined.
"' B
IJpfef '.
rffl '
WfJ m I ' .
SW ff v
" t '1
mmtmimmvmmifmivmHKimmiri' "Ffi " . rirT -r-T - - - - . mmommmmLWtKBBHBBKi
BWlItiJr 'V li-&BfMWfm& rJWk --- . ON- 11 !!.- I i.i in .,MmmmmmmtttlMUtitMmitmtUtttKtUKttMtKKmim agJBlHgMaWaWBajjaB