fKW,ii.vtmaiiiffii''i's'f xym-jcanaxAJiMSb. BOSanBvffMtMB im U if f 1 ,if ?V If I 1 House Work is Hard Work without GOLD DUST. Start Girls Right! Many beautiful girls become Invalids for life, because at the crucial period of puberty they pay no attention to the laws of health Mothers should protect their daughters' health by glv. Ing them necessary Information and proper treatment. When the menses come on a g!rl unaware! In her Inexperience she Is either frightened Into convulsions, or scared Into try ing to check the flow. Many girls have checked the flow and It has never started again. And as a result they have grown pate-faced, with "crow-tracks" on their cheeks, and dark half, moons under their eyes. A dose of WlNEoCARDUI taken every morning after a girl Is twelve year old will bring the menses on properly and keep them recular. It will help her to develop Into attractive Womanhood and equip her for the duties of wife and motherhood. Alt druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine or Cardul. Tho Hollywood. Aabury Pork. N. J., .February 8, 1900. T rrnA nni- nilvnHlflament In resrard to Winu of Cardul In tbo Daltitnoro American, nd It bo favorably lmproascd mo that on irty visit to Ualtlmoro during tho holiday I purchased a bottlo of It for my adopted daughter, who was Buttering with femalo troubloa. Bhe hnd boon under tho doctor!! care foraotno time, and whon her porloua would como on ner aunerinft was oomo thlnir terrible. I Induocd her to try it nnd tho flrt doae brought onhjr xnonsea. Bho took It regularly aoeordlr rcltoved. To uso her c inuUOCU nor vj iry it nnu vuo urv uubh uiuuku . : It regularly aoeording to tho dlrootlona, and was irrcatiy ner own words, "It saved my life." J. WK8LEY OllOBS. roriiJT!endltUrtnr.ddrM.lTtn imptoml, "Tha Ltdltt' Adrtnrr Dtpartmwit,'' Xtu Clutunoot atedlclat Company, Cbtunoo, Torn. THE DAILY JOURNAL Member Northwest Aftornoon Nowopctpor League. BY HOFER DROTHER8, i ., i i - TUESDAY, NOV. 20, 1001. Dally One Year, 3.00 In Advanoo Dally Four Months 81. In Advanoo Dally by Carrier BOo Por Month Weekly Ono Year Sl.OO In Advanoo n H UK AL MAKING TROUBLE FOR THE NEWS PAPERS Tho nowspnporman who trtoa to bo accommodating is often tho victim o! pooplo who ueo lite liberality for tho purpoBO of striking a blow fit n poraonnl onomy, nnd thon tho newspaper man has a lifelong mortal onomy on htB hands forliis corjiplnlsanco. Surely thoro rtro always people who nro looking for slams nnd sharp thruata where nono aro Intended, and tho newspaperman fre quently has tho cold shoulder turned on him nnd goes to racking his brain to find what laches ho haa been guilty of. All aro liable to bo thus wronglully judged nnd havo their motlvoa aaporBcd, but tho newspaperman haa to bo in ovldouco ho much that thoro nro moro opportunities to placo htm In n wrong light than others. Thoro is a species of meddlesomeness, which is worse than nowspapor errors oven if they wore mado maliciously, nnd that la tho work nf Home amall-BOulod neoplo who make it their business when thoy flndsotno Ih'lng in n newspaper that ia capablo of being twisted, ol carrying it to persons of standing and making out that it ia n Btabnt them in tho dark. Thoro nro such. buBybodtoa in ovory community, nnd ovory nowspapor or person who Is obliged to glvo public utteranco to any thing subject to tho vonom of tholr pofson tongues. Thoy nro protty well known In every community, nnd thoy uBually try to spow tholr venom against tho nowspapor that has at Bomo time been obliged to tell the bare truth about Bomo of thoir small ncta. Such creatures try topolson tho minds of decent people ngatnBt oach other, but thoy soon bo oomo known, nnd nro only despised ovon by thpso whom thoy soek to Hatter. Thoro nro mnny moroenvlablo positions tuan editor ol n paper in a town just aboutjlargo enough to have everybody tf oil onto 4he eurvos of protty nearly oyerybody else. Tho editor often feels like swapping placos with tho lawyer, tSo bankor or tho mlulator, but ho con eole,lilmaoU by tho thought that thoy too liayo helr troubles. this, while Alfonso ate hi8 melon. At Inst he looked up, with a frown. "Why do you stare so ?" ho naked. "T'm not n wild lion having his din- nor that you should make such oyea at mo." , ... Tho little girl turned away, with a sigh, and curled her ragged apron uround her lingers. "If you think' ho continued fiercely, "that I'm going to give you a bite you'ro very much mistaken, because Fin not." , Thoro was no answer to this last speech, but a big tear fell on tho ragged apron. Alfonso quito choked over Ins next bito. Somehow it did not tnsto nearly half as good as tho last. Ho peoped at Nita undor his long lash es, but sho was still looking another way, and thon quickly, with sudden deep dimples and black eyes shining liko summor stars, ho held out his picco of melon. "TTnvn n Into, liltlo Btrnntfer: we'll no shares -wo two." Edith Fi lac in London Piccalih. uedPlime ENGLISH , , AS. IT IS? WRITTEN Excites tlie mind of a Journal Correspondent. "Raglan" Scores Common Methods of,ExpreSjpn. , Eni-ron Joubsai.: In 1 T nrnn- readlng our newspapers from tlmoto .tliuoj J. nouco many trrors In tlfb comp&Htiun of wrltora which' srom to mo moat un pardonable. Thifnew "coins," especially, nre violations of all tho roles of pro priety. I do not object voy strongly to many of tho slang worda and phrases in gonernl ubo, becauso they aro usually approprlnto and cxprcsatvo aud not open violations of tho rulos of syntax- Uut I do object to tho introductioi ot words in serious writings that nro improper n violation of classical English and altogether without authority tor their use. When tho laity usothoeo worda In their wrttlnga, or In common converen tloii, wo enn overlook it; but when Editors, Judges nnd Soholara begin to make ubo of them, it is time to cry "halt." Journallata especially, biiouiu be particular In such matters, for many heada of families aot their children to atudy tho editorials and correspondence of newapapora in order to acquire a correct stylo ol writing and speaking. J Tho nowspapor should be a family educator. Lot us begin with tho word "expert," oi which wo soo bo much in tho papora juat now. Tho word "export" ia n noun it ie tho name of something and cannot bo used bb n verb. Thoro Is not a lexicographer, bo far bb I know, who sanctions Hb ubo as n verb. And yet wo talk of "oxporttng" the books of tho county otllcoril Tlioso bookn enn bo in vestigated, examined nnd tostcd, bu they cannot bo exported. A printing press gets out of repair, and tho owner calls Inn Bkllled mechanic to "expert" it, And yot thero ia as much warrant for tho uso of tho term in thia instance ns in tho case ol tho Investigation of tho county recordB. A (armor's binder gets out of ordor, and does not run as it should do, and tho farmor forthwith calls upon tho man who sold him tho mnchino and tolla him to sond out ono of hia men "to export it." What an absurdity. Ho doea hot ask to havo it exnmlnod or ropalred, but to bo "oxperted." And ho haa aa good n tnko n ploaBant horb drink, tho noxt rights to make ubo of the tormB nB an mornine I fool bright nnd my com- nrf,tnnt. n iudeo or nn editor. Wo ilfc&gjrjtszittSsx klunoys, ami is n pionBani iuxuuvu. '"""; - 1 --- " ia mado of herbB, and is prepared as by wny of illustration tho medical pro easily as tea. It is called Lane's Medl- feBBjon . a. doctor considers himself au clno. All UruKglBta sou i ai o. wiu ou . . .IckneB. A chHd ln ft eta. Lano'B Fnmlly Medlcino moves the bowels oacli any. n you cannoi koi. u, uandlfor free sample. Address, Orator Woodward, LeRoy, N. Y. You'll Have to Hurry If you got your plcturea in timo Ohrlstmna. Cronlso Studio. for Ilia Ailvnntnue. "I have played n desperate game, nnd I linvo lost," remarked tho Btago vll lnlu Just before hts tlnnl disappear ance. "Hut you nro n dnrn sight better off thnn we arc," murmured a tired look ing man ln thu frout row. "Wo paid money to get lu."-Uoston Trauscrlpt Eiluento Vour jiorrola 'With Cuicnret. Candy Cntliurtlc, ouro conntlpallon forever. lOo. 3o. It a O. O, (all, drucglsts retuna mono; Wltlln llolluml TurUer. Ili.w- Arc Your lummy t bit free. AUd, Dr. Hobb1 Snaraain lMlUeuroall uiiiojr iui. nm. it lylW-niUM IVVUIVUJ ww.vmvvivi i n. ik. i Tin KW Ym Hava Always Boajft filunitnra of L&a&rxTctcuM '"""SSfesSK'' Olio lUrnrtrutlou shows n white not' land turkey lion. Tlioeo birds nro very popular with mnuy poultrymen, aud In soma markets they aro preferred to the brouzo or other breeds. FOR THE LITTLE ONES How 8tlialneB8 8polled tho Tasto of fpno'a Melon, Littlo Alfonw sat on tho stono jtcp outiido hie motlier's door und lioked his slico of molon. It had Just beou glvon him by old Kosa Jfov rurminf u moisago, and, indeed, it was a great rownrd. Ho was iust taking his first opol, juicy bito whon hojhoard u deoj ekh. VWhat's UioirTio cxriid, jumping BnTafj vioo, nl than lie mw that a liftlo girl wa ailtiug ut the farther eut of tho stono stop and had lior bJavy baskoi dQvn in front of hor. f tfonftjlo. tbnl ajain, thon," said &wm- m lofrielitaju you sho eald. "But I u$ bo tirotl and thirsty i" Tharo 4friglitaj votisl rf ro tiroa and t "I didn't mwn ehoBald. "But I food Par l.nte Olilcka, With clitekB hatched In Mny tho Bame trontmont as Is given tho early broods will Halllce. With June and July chicks, liowovor, this will not do. While, In my opinion, It Is novor ndvisnble to give soft food to youngsters Intended ultimately for breeders, It Is little less than murder to feed It to Into chicks. It Is well enough to say It can bo fed In troughs aud Unit tho troughs can bo cleaned out, but It has boon my ex pcrlence that no matter how careful one mny naturally be tills Important duty Is often neglected. l"or that run von, therefore, ir for no other, the lute olilcka should have nothing but dry food. -Treat M Klgut In Poultry Monthly. HOW'S This? Wo offorOno Hundred Dollars Reward for any caeo of Catarrh thit cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Ouro, F. J, CHUNKY A CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned havo known F. J. Cheney for tho last fifteen years, nnd bolievo him porfeotly honorahlo in all business transactions and financially able to carry out nuy obligations mado by their firm. WwtTib TnuAX, Wholosalo DrugglaU, Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Curo ia tnkeu Internal. y, acting directly upon the blood nnd mucuous surfaces of tho system, Price 76oper bottle. Bold by all Druggista. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. famllv becomos ill. Tho father calls upon tho doctor and asks him to como and "export" tho caBO of tho child. Tho doctor goes nnd oxamlnostho caso diagnoses it but ho does not "oxport." Ho loavos that term for the ubo of ac countants! Tho word "export." there fore, whon UE6d as a vorb Is perfectly meanlngloBB, unjustlilnblo, nnd absurd. Tako nuothor word very much in com mon ubo, "suspiclonod" I "suspicion- ed" him. The word "suspicion" is nn noun. Adding "cd" to It will not make it n verb. In that caso it becomos no word at all. It cannot bo found In any dictionary. You mny entertain "sus picions," but you cadnot make tho word do anything. You may "suspect" a man of a crlmo. beoauao BUppcct ia n verb, while "siiBplcIoned" Is no part of speech whatever. Tako anether: "Ho was ndarkcom pleated man." Complexion la n color.and thoroloro u noun, but "complected" Is nothing. Thoio la no such word nolther can thoro bo. It would bo right to Bay "ho was n man of dark compaction, "but wrong to say "he wna dark complected'1 yet how many fnlily will educated per eonB ubo thia korrlblo word, Hut tho moat common orror of nil, and ono that grntoa moro harshly on my ear than any othor Is tho frequontuao of tho worda "Uut what" instead of "that." It (Ban ingrammatlclBin that has beon con demned by ovory grammarian of any standing hi tho English speaking world. You may search every classical authority In either England or Amorlca, and you will not Hnd a "but what" In olrthelr writings I Neither Addison, Johnsou, Mocttuloy, GladBtono.Hoeobery, IUchard Grnnt Whlto, Hnwthorno, Irving, Pros cott or Lowell would doillo their paper with a "hut what." When n writer Ib engaged on a piece of comiiositlon aud ho cornea to n place where he Is, lucjineel to ueo "but what," let him heeltato'for a momont, and buy tho sentence with the "but" loft out, and bco how much more smoothly nnd nicely it will reau, ;ur it ( may bo that ho can use tho "but" with out tho "that," and will convoy exactly nil that he wishes to convoy, Bnt in no caso ueo tho words "but what," for in eo doing ho will violate the rulos of gram mar and thocauonsot rhetoric, At another time I may notice more of these common errors, but for tho present let these eufllco, IUolan. Marion Co,, Oregun. KntltiK ItnUwnr Ifort. Iron for tho blood has evidently been prescribed for tho quails of Florida; nt lenstthcso blrds'nro eating ntccl rails rftl tlio trnckfl of tho sugar belt near Runnyuicdo Tho report, which Is well authenticated, docs not chargo tho quails with actually swallowing tho rails, but It does say that they pick away their particles wherever they llnd a rusty spot where they nre loosened. From several points ili. tho stnto comes tho report' of holes, found In steel rails, and lu cases they arc . large enough to seriously weaken tho ma terial. Where a rusty ajfipt starts nud In picked out, It naturally holds mois ture, continues to rust, to bo ngnin picked out, nnd so tho work of destruc tion goes on. Hallway engineers really believe that tho quntls tnko the Iron tonic becnuso they arc not well and find that-it re lieve their distress. CAUSEOF DEAFNESS The Alost Common Cause Only Recently Discov ered. It lini beon stated on good medical authority that nine-tenths of tho cases of deafness are caused from catarrh or from soro throat troublo. Tho littlo tuho which leads to tho oar from thff throat Is lined with a sort of velvoty s'.rueturo called mucous mem brano. Thia mombrnno Is simply n continuation of the mucous mombrnno lining the throat. Whon disease of nny Kort attacks tho mucous mombrnno of tho throat it is vory liablo to extend into tlm Htifltnchian tube and un into the oar. The history of nearly all caBoa of deaf ness ia like thia: A cold la contracted and neglected, othor colds nro taken, tho throat becomoB soro nnd inilamed.which is aggravated by particleB of dust and ecrniB from the air. This condition caubob tho diseaso to Bproad Into tho tube that loads to tho ear. ltBoem8 a littlo far fetched to say that most cases of deafness aro caused from catarrh, but it la certainly truo.and any one who haa had a eevero catarrhal cold must havo noticed how tho hearing wub affected whllotho cold lasted. With catarrh sufferers this impair ment of hearing becomes chronic nnd growB worse tho longer the catarrh Is neglected. You can curo catarrh aud dealness by tho regular ueo of un oxcollout now preparation called Stunrt'fl Catarrh Tab lets, composed of nntleoptio romiedies, which act both on the mucous mem branes, but principally and most effec tualy on tho blood, eliminating tho ca tarrhal poison from tho system. People wIioeo hearing la dofectlvo mny think it a little remarkable that n almplo nnd harmloBS tablet would vory olton remove nil traces of deafness, but when it la remembered that catarrh causes tho dea'nesa and that tho catarrh ia easily cured by tho regular uao ol Stuart'a Catarrh Tablets, thoro is no myEtory about it. If you are subject to nasal catarrh or catarrh of tho throat, bionchlal tuboe or catarrh of tho stomach and liver, tho safest and most effectivo treatment Ib tho new catarrh epeclilc, Stuart's Ca tarrh TablotB. sold by all druggie at 60 cents for a full sized package. II 20 28 30 BEST FOR THE BOWELS KHH33SHK ;owfltl'ctl, Itntrni- .t rllliotti vlcaranil cln remtnt or in , Hoop your ".V..J r,,iil i)Qlsou.Udaliitrou, Tho mootri take CANDY Ilirciuun aiid Piiiwum- st, inbttrorrccnTftjr oi nvriuuv hip wumw n is iu OATHARTIO Jv JJ Xw T v. EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY p?r box. Write for tree mplf, na booklet on KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN Proof or Snperlorltr. "How Is your daughter getting on with her plnuo lessons." 'Splendidly," nnswured Mrs. Cum iox. "We are very proud of her. Sho Is so very classical aud accomplished tlmt she never thinks of playing a thing that anybody wants to hear." Washington Stur. feDUCATlOtUL DEMANDS CAREFUL CONSIDEIUTION Thoro dro two kiudn or oaucatlou prActlcal nud ornamental. The former should bo Kccuroil b; uvcrrone, becauae it may bn put to tiaa quickly lu tatnlnR 11tlk.i.. 'I'hnlnrnrn ltniipA lint tnnnA. f(, U1J?.,?,iri.nncrw,ir,,, ,f '0" havo tho timo nnd money. Ttio ooumcaof tho CAPITAL. MJMNIisd COLLEGE nto nrrAiiKcii wllh n view to uaoluliivas. wo do nolitabhlo tn ft UUlo or everything, but dovntc our oncrKics to cnmluallng n flrat-oUm bunlncss school l.lvlim oxpeuca cheap, Slu diMiU Atliultlcd nny timo. Our grnilimtoa nro kicccmRiI. Bend for cainlofriio. W. J. STALEY, Principal, Salem, Or. &k ICOMtifV CAPITAL NORMAL AND CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL SALEM, OREGON. Northwest Normal colli ge of Literature, Business, Music nnd Ar (INCOIU'OKATEI),) Uzx Pull Itrm nf twlvi uiIii nnnne Qrnt. tmh In r.lrst National Dank Duildlnr. Our stecla work 19 to teach the underlying principles. lime wnsicu on nio non-cssentiais, ue i No Llttrary courses arc: Collcalatc, llljli School Business and ficparatory. Full or partial of fbitn mrtiinl hrnnrbr nf Mlltlf AnA Arr. nin. The home sllldv and mill rlmartmrnt nttr ., .j n j .. voiiarre ehVnrVtn .Bi.nA-.,;;T,V;i-.-,r;::' '"" sgronica Dr unices cumencu un sumpie- nntly and profitably In fittlnc yourself for your Hon of either of thft above courses. Send for life work. Tuition for the term seven dollars, catalogue or call nt looms In the Murphy Block, Home (study department 95. Address SflCm. Orcton. A. J. Garland. A. M.. President. J, J. KRAPS, SALEM, ORE. M. Parvln. Mu. Doc, Dlrectsr. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE YourLlfeawnyl You cn be cured of any form of tobacco ualnc caillr, be made well, atroilff, liiaeiieHc, full of new life and vigor by talcing NO-TO-OAO, that make weak men strong. Many Rain ten pounds in ten days. Oyer 000,000 cured, All druggists. Cure euaranteed. Hook et and advice I'RHIt. Address 8THRI.1NO iUMliDY CO., Chlcaeo or New York. 4.V THE FLORENCE SANATORIUM SALEM, ORECON. A firat-clnsa pilvato hospital for tho treatment of chronic and surgical cunos. Jiuilt tho past year especially (or tho purpose for which it Is ueod, Convonontly located within (our blocks of tho business part of tho city. Tho moot modorn furnishings and latest appllnncos throughout tho hulldlng. Heated by hot water nud lighted by gas and oiocticity Horo tho sick can havo tho comforts of nn elegant privto homo, combined with all tho advantages of a gonernl hospital without tho noise, confusion, nnd publicity attonding one. Outaldo physcians bringing cauos in trcntod with tho greatest courtosy, nnd nssieted in oporations if requeatcd. For terms and furthor informn tionwrito or apply petsonullv. R. CARTWRIGHT, M. D. SUPT. VISITORS WELCOMED nBTWEEN 2 AND 4 P. M . mx AND DEPAUT FOIl H5KraRciHq CniciiKo Portland Special In, m. Tla Hunt lufrtou "ATlTiitro' Kxprcsi V p.m. tla Ilunt lugton "HtTPaul" FaatMall Op, m. via Bpokant ksssaiw a. i. i -t. wXi.irLA'ot, n S2sF'. ?!i.u lonvf vt onn. i mria ir - City. 8t. Loul."' laffH dHant. ' " '" and Kast Spokane., lSll- Paul, Duluth.Ullw Chicago, and Kat. AltrUVt Mp 1.11,, m, a 72 poUl1!?--I9..ciiicaoo Jl Through tickets East via all mi boat amf rail, via Portland. ;f OCEAN AND RtVEIt SCIIEDULh" From Portland lHave You Cold Feet? CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tiie Kind You Have Always Bought If so It mny havo been caused by gottlngout of bed this morn inir on a cold floor in a eold room. Get ono of our small GAS HKATlilla and at small oxponco linvo a warm bedroom for rising und retlrlui?. Tho turn of a key and tho touch ot a match is all l hut is needtd to start tho fire. ChcmckctaSt. SALEAl GAS LIGHT CO. Telephone 563. Boars tho SiRnaturo of &0i BUSINESS CARDS. O. H. MACK Succce8sor to Dr, J. M. Koono, in White Cornor, Balom Ore. Parties do siring superior operations at rnodoratn fee in any branch aro Inesptoial request, YES Blanket Coffee Touches the Spot Did You Get a Free Cup; We Did at HaRRIT & LACJJRBKOB Dr, Grace Albright Graduate of American School of Osteopathy. : : : Evory day oxcopt ry day oxcopt sunuay. umco hours 0 to 12 a. m : l to 4 p. m. uuu Follows Tomplo, Cor. Court and High streets. Phono. Main S231. Dr. Tacle Deal, assistant. S. C. STONE, W. D. PROPniETOIt OF Stone's Drug Stores 8ALI3M OREGON. The stores (two In number) are located at No. 235 and 333 Commercial street, and arc well stocked with a complete line or drugs and tned Iclnes, toilet articles, perfumery, brushes, etc- DR. STONE IRON IS KINO And when it comes to doing work on sheot Iron, tin and copper, wo tako tho lead. All kinds of ROOFING, SPOUTING, TINNING, C0RNISE WORK Dono on shortest notice and with tho utmost satisfaction. :::::: : BURROUGHS St FRASBR PHONE 1511 103 STATE 8 p.m. i)atf ox JO pi ButiUny 8. i m. 'Saturday juh. m. All Balling datea aubjoct For Han Franclico Ball sirer J 6 da;i OOMIMIIIA niYKK To Aatorla and War Undlnji. ' . x.8uja WILLAMETTE RIVER Steamers, water perralttlnr. leave Sal(a he Portland and way Undines. Moaday.vtdiHi,; and Friday at to . m., Tuesday 1 iaSi Saturday at 7 a. a. For lndcpead(nc Altaai and Corvallls Tuesday, Thursday taj Utofi, at 4 p. m.For lndependencc,Moa(lay,WHMd and Friday at 4;30 p. m. """ Throuih tickets East via all rail or loitu rail via Portland,, Ticket office, dock., B.T. THAYER, A(ti Silem, i rum Has bad rome 25 years experience In the prac tice of medicine and now makes no cliarce.for consultation, examination or prescription. Thanksgiving Dinner. TnkeyonrThnnkBgivlng dlnnorat tho White llouso Uestaurant and get your money's worth. Tho reputation of this house Is vvldoly known, em urn CAPITAL BREWERY Itcer has stood tho tost of oxporionco. Thon why not glvo a homo i,a,litntlnti 4liA nvafaiinnftn 1 fnniA nonlinl lini lnliia Mti1 Immit browod boor aro growing in popularity, l'eople loynl to homo Indus try give it tho preforonco. CAPITAL BOTTLING WORKS urn- CAPITAL ICE WORKS MRS. M. BECK, Proprietor. Illinois Central 3$M&jr VI I Efficiently Serves a Vast Wy lermory Bythroucb service to asd frqa tti principal ?ltlcs(u the f olio wls(itit( IOWA ILLINOIS; INDIANA MINNESOTA WISCONSIN SODTH DAKOTA MISSOURI ARKANSAS TENNESSEE KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MISSISSIPPI; Throuih Tourist Cart From The Pacific Coast TO Chicago M Ciaclaiail Connectlni with throuih trains for alt politi East, South and Southed GRAY BROS. OFFICE, OITF HALL. For water borvtce apply at unlet, Bills payable monthly ln advance Mako all complaints at, tho oftlco .f A COR. STATE AND LIBERTY STS. OjSLSTOHIA Bears tie yf KW YM HartAIWJS Bl$l Blgutore f HwKlwJYwHateAlwars Notice of Election Notice is hotohy irlvon, that In accord nnco with tho Olmrtor of tho City of Salem, Oregon, an election will ho held In this oity, on Mondny, December 2, 1001, for tho purposoof olectingono a'derman front each of tho four wards of said city; and on which day tho polls will Do open Iroui lu o'ctocic n. m, until 4 o'clock p. in. To elect onu alderman In tho first ward to eucceed Thomas Burrews: Polls will bo at Freeland's factory, cornor of lliuh and Division streets: To elect ono alderman in tho second ward to succeed A. B. Huren: Polls will bu at Simpson's Livery stables, Court Btreut, near IUkIi. To elect ono alderman in tho third ward to sucoood J. It. Krauese: Polls will bo at Freeland's storo, State Btreet, noar llluh. To oleet ono nldormnn in tho fourth ward toHitccoed P.J. Larson. Polls will bo at lied Front Livery stables, corner of Commercial and Tnulo streets. Dono by order of tho Common Council Dated at Balem, Oregon, this'20th duy of November, 1001. ft, J, Iuijah. 11 10 td Oity Recorder. Iloiv In 1'rovrve Citki, The following recipe Is given by a woman lu a country place, who has used It with success for many years: Three gallons of soft water, one quart of slacked lime uud one quart of Bait. If perfectly frusb and kept In a com motily cool cellar, tho eggs can be put in n plcklo In the spring and kept for use the nest winter. CAPITAL CITY ress and Transfer MnAtfl All mail and Dassencer trains. Baggago to all parts of the city. Prompt service. Telopliono No. 241. DISQUE & HOMYER Exp B. !F. JOISLE3, Attornoy-at-Law Toledo, Orooron. Waa Clerk of Circuit Courlfor aix yuara and bra an up-to-aaio ADauacioi au prupi-riy in mncoin couniy. lM7m Geisler Patents Co. Chamber of Commerce Bulldlnsr X- Portland, Ore. Secures and markets natonts, model making and light manufacturiuir. No better tortus or facilities obtainable anywhoro. ARGE line of Airtight and Cast Heat ers, Steel Ranges, Cast Cook Stoves Fast and hanasomtli eviUttft, tUttlioi trains Dlnlnc Cars, Dutttt Ulrv Co, Sleeping Cars. Free Recllnltf CiihCw Send fifteen cents In stamps toftlm the United States and Ciu ta tf tlculars reiardlnt rates, uat, wta etc. call on or address Bii ,!. t42 Third St. Conltft Portland, Oreton. BRBOISTBR & FEEDMEN AND SEEDSMEN- 91 Court Street, Have Just received a full lino of WHITE Salem, Oregon. Walla Walla hard wheat flour. Graham. whole wheat Hour and tho famous Farina for mush and gome. Improved--Strawberries Ideal and Ruby, Best canning, shlo ping and Home Market berries yet Corvallis h Eastern RaiW TIME OABD. No. 2 For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany. 1M0M Train leaves Corvallls.... lP- Train arrives Yaquina . :p.B. No. 1 Beturnlnu: M Loaves Yaquina Loaves Corvallls Arrives Albany iz.iop.n No. 3 For Detreit: - Loaves Albany WH Arrives Dotrolt .?" No. 4 From Detreit: ,- u Leaves Detroit tAl'i. ArrlToa Albany. .... JS' Trains 1 arrives In Albujlto-W to connect with the 8.P. lhJJ train, as well " KT,BJ ", if i Salem Iron WOrkS Ary All kinds iron and brass cast ings. Repairs of ail kinds of fnrm nnd mill 'machinery. What Do the Children mink? s Don't glvo them tea or coffee, navo you tried the new food drink cullod G1U1N-0 It Is dolicloua aud nour ishing and takes tho placo of coffee, Tho moro Gmlu-0 you glvo tho chil dren the moro benlth you distribute through their systems. Qraln-0 Is uiudo of puro grains, and vruou, prop erly prepared tastes llko tho choice grades of coffee but costs about H ns much. All grocera soil It, 15c. aud 2fic. O J. JS "OP C3 3D. X dx. Bears tla KM W Hart Hmi BsUfch' Ooug-li? Dr. Bull'a Cough Syrup will curo a Cough or Cola at onco. Conquers Croup, Whooplng-CouRh nnd Moasle Cougli without ialL Motliora prnlso It. Doctors presoribo It for llronchl tla, noarnonefia. Grlppo, Pneumonia and Consumption. It glvca quick, Biiroresulta, Ptlco,25ct8, KofusoUio donler'a Bubstltuto j it is not ns Reed, Dr.Bull Cough Syrup Always cures when others fail. Dr. null' PUta curo Cojutlrwtloo and Uver Troublaa. jo pUU, to cU. frUl box, j. eta. JAMES GILL, Leasee. 10 22 tf Northwestern Nurseries Wholesale and Retail Largo stock of fruit trees and shrub bery. AU stock freo from nests and dis eaees. All trees delivered freo in Palem. Writo for catalogue. Novemhor is a good month to plant trees, T. D. JONES, Proprietor 8alem, Oregon. 11 1 lm" Seedling, Hood River berry, but bet trr canner. holds up In size better than Wilson, Ruby Is a late and a ' larger, berry, but like Ideal tart showy, deep red clear through. Both are solid and have been tested for three years. Limited stock of plants now ready at $5.00 per 1000; $3, SO for 500: 100 to 300 plants $1.00 per hundred. Per dozen by mall 25 cents. Apply to W. W Walker, Nurseryman, or 13. Holer, sole propogators, Salem, Ore. introduced In the northwest. Ideal hours In Albany Mioro w-t Is very early, same shape a, Clark's P. North i bound train or Fortu &&5Sfil9 THE SALEM GUN STORE -II. F. SOIIOENFELD, Propriotor.- RemoYed From 92 Court Street to 234 Commercial Street- All kinds jf repairing done with tho greatost exnetnots and promptitude Guns, ammunition, sporting goods, cutlery, otc. Hand loaded shells to order Holiday goods arriving daily. WANTED ket price. To buy apples suitable for dryinirat mar- See Lee & Co-, fruit driers. Cottace and Trade streets. Across the race, left hand side Salem. Ore Cedar Fence Posts Tho undersigned is prepared to fur ulah persons in need of cellar iot8. H. JACOBS, DettQit, Or. 10 86 d&wlin A Bureau si Snf ormaf sqi Tho Hurlington ticket oOice in Portland is a veritable Bureau of Information for travejars. a placen where they can learn what it will cost to reach AN.Y point in' America or Europe; how long the trip will take, and what there is to see on tho way. If you are figuring on an eastern trip, drop In and get full information, or, if you prefer, write rae about it Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and EVERYWHERE beyond. rndonendence. McMinnvill points north to Poland. Ageuvi r. thBontf'bt The Great lTt Rock Island g-Slg Route iSSi ro.oIuu.b- yU W--JSBlSi- o lino, roaKing ciu" r--r v0zU't cago in Un-on """" tor " m if CBKU IU V... --. ,,,, Dally standaru '.. 'i.,m.on Rait W8 City, Denver and ChicaKO. vinttlt r.ibrarv smoklnK "-" -.,- iiftn ben .... k.taaAn Pueblo, inin UUfcHVVM , ver and Oblcwo. '1 m " v; Wi j( MB t tnl reasonable dlntnR fOiOtf reuHuunuiD """" ii -on re V"!, Pueblo ami u'k. f,': Molne., KansaP City, Omaha, tD" 0 ,hoaU ; cago or any P, VhoekWajR,fS quire "bout the Great RocKi before purchas tig your u , your nearest ticket 8? "liCor' write for folders anAdBBnycoori, Weired. fl ., ai-fcrtWA A. C. Subldon, General Agent, , Cor. Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore, j- l O. C, T, us PASSEhCER STEAM" POMONA SBttSSSSSS Quick Time, Cheap I1- ; - caiiic RRA ClUULLi ajtw ,.,cnC PIANO 1" ANP Ktr "-.flj L W F0rSleS'l Wm ww ailonno for a few jnuiutoa uf tor i-..