The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 21, 1901, Image 3

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BK '
M v
F If you hinn't rrtcular, licaHbr morenunt of tho
I bowtli o.orjr day, ou re ill or Trill lie. Keep your
iBSwJ icpon well. Fore, In tlie h.of lo-
lYntrhTlorvMpolon,f dungeroui. Tbo amoottt-
t.lot. inoitprrct-ay of keeping the boweli
ctaarand clean Uto Uke
ff.fttant. Palatable. IVit.nt Tit.tii flnrwt Un (lA?wt.
IKeYtr Hlckrn, WeaLen. 01 urliw. 10. IV ami M rnli
per box. .Write for Ires lapipfe, and booklet on
pheiltu Adiireia 133
FUinuTii imuFDr rosmT, cmunoor tore.
Ikeep your blood glean
Alcmbersliip Already Large
But More are Needed.
In Order to Make the Organ"
izatlon What it Should be.
" R
, In your china closet and
"see what is missing for
your Thanksgiving din-
.ner table, nve new
patterns in Haviland;
German and English
Semi-Porcelain has ar
rived. Also all kinds of
Fancy China and Silver
Plated Ware, which is
open' for your inspect
tion. Remember the
special sale on Dinner
Sets continues all this
'month. Trvour Porto
RicoCjfTee for change.
The Greater. Salem commercial club
Wednesday nlalit showed up about 250
members and as many mora in sight.
Another meeting will bo held in two
weeks to completo tho preliminary or
Iho beat of spirit prevailed and thero
was a determination manifest to moke
tho order permanent and useful.
PrxpidiinT Thiolfon nppolntcd a com
mittee ol Ave, on order of thoaoprceont,
to report nprogrr-m and graid rally 'n
tho interests of Salem an I Marlon conn
ty In the near future. Tho rnmmitteo
are: N J. Judah, J. II. McNnry, E. A.
Piorco, F. A. Wlirj-ins mid A. F. Hofer.
Tho flvo . oiiirnlttues on the member
ship canvass wero continued and will
comploto tholr work, when flvo hundred
members are expected to bo enrolled.
Tho foe is so small and the disposition of
tho members and of tho olhVors in to
make every cent count for actual work.
Tho question of a census of Unmtcr
Salem was brought up and (h nereeelty
shown of havine Hint work clotm onco
from the standpoint of the cIIj'h real
population, instead of leaving it to tho
whim of Bomo employo of Polk & Co., or
soma cansus olllclal.
Of Admiral Schley's Good Common
Knoxville Tenu. Nov. 20. Following
tho report that the court of inquiry
would cost Admiral Scholy f 20,000 tho
Knoxvlllo Sentinel sent him a dispatch
asking him if ho would consent to a
public subscription (o pay tho same.
Today tho Sentinel received a porsonal
letter from Schley, In which ho says ho
cannot accept, that tho matter is "loo
dollcate to diecusp."
Violent Austrian Conflict.
A Vlunna correspondent says tho sit
nation In tho Kelchrath, duo to violent
conflict going on outsldo, is n critical
one. A leading paper of Prague says
all tho efforts of tho govornmont and
German partj will bo In vain if under
taken with tho purpose of prolonging
tho present situation, which is an in
jtiEtlco to tho linguistic rights of tho
Reports from Vienna say tho ap
pointment of Cuont Nicholas SzecVn,
ai Austrian Araba sador to the Vatican
Is generally approved. He is now un
der foreign secretary He has often
been mentioned In tbo past yoar as ttin
probable mcccssor to '.Count Rovortom
Salandra, who is now retiring from the
post of Ambassador to tho Vatican.
4sbMHb " SB i
J'Ramtmharo'ir froh coffoo.
wliani'i Tea Store
249ICornm'roIal Street, i'ali)m, Ongon,
..i-uoue-iu. l'rou u
Portland Visitors
'erkiii's Hotel Restaurant.
"'SjWte Cooks, lunch 10c to 25c. Meals a la
Htmegzucus. ujii journal on me. 5-27
3. Woraans's Club, Art
fto-date. Cadtal City flour lias
HQsuperIor,try It. Sold by all erocers.
' ''John Lllandloy, Djnver, OjIo.
hEJK Williams, Chicago.
BW Cooper, do.
w jjBJJ Cooper do.
'TT-. . B --,w"w ' "ft v
,alj. uarrett s wlto, Hubbard.
Horbert Platte do.
.II Uutclitir. Han Francbci.
W RIdgway, Portland.
JP Ferguson, Oincinuatl.
jTjrOlellaud. Portland.
L,,"Jiibn.;F Cord ray, do.
FOGo'i-ad. Chicago.
Miss Adi Yardroo, Portland.
WAY Gago, do.
HyEtLounsbury, do.
lOJMfrcott, do.
UffilQlunnoss. Andaraoa. Iul,
(Ibwo Jon-ii, Oakland, Or.
ouuinouii, juiiiueuiKjiie.
ur :
iWlHTBe C, p. schoen. of the Steel
Car Company.
(4 Understood that Charles F.
jBchoen,, formerly president o the
Pressed Staid Oar Company, will bo
made.presldent of a new sttol plate com
pany: in tne formation ot whicti rresi-
.denrl Schwab, of tho United Sta'es
SteeuOorporntlon, Is said to be proml-
The concerns to be
the n6w corporation,
which will be capitalized at about $ 26,
OOOjOW; are, it la said on good authority,
trTampikon IronWorkp, of Coateville;
ffie&jflewater Steel Company, of Ches
ter.ffifcWCentral bteel Company, of liar
rlaburgfand tbo Worth Bros, mills.
L i
, jBoptTy Interested
consolidated into
You ctn be turej of nr form of tobacco using
cullj. Im ditto well, atroatr, magnetic, fullol
new life and vigor by taking NO-TO-OAO,
thit mkei weak tua Uronc. Maajr gala
ten pound In ten dart, Oter 800,000
cured. All drusKUta. Cure guaranteed.' nook-
'lllUVnV m rhinrrnn. M Vorlr JT7
. ."- "" mrm w .n w.- -r.
Grand Opera House.
Under tho energetic and popular
management of John F, -Cord ray and
tho charm of tho most perfectly nt
pointed little theatre in tho north nest,
Salem peop'o nro boltig educated into
playgoors very rapidly. A flue audienco
wbb present at Maloney'a Wedding Day,
which was full of good comedy, good
dancing, and tome not bad singit g, al
though tho part of villain was ro well
grained Into tho tonor that ho sang ono
song in a villainous voice, whether due
to a bad co.ld or overestimato of talent is
not known. Ho redeemed himself on a
self-responded recall by it patriotic song
ondlug with flag-waving and that always
gots n chuor and made tho audionco for
get his atrocious shortcoming of a few
moments before. Tho honors of tho
evening wero divided botwoan tho
comedian and Miss Rlloy, tho danaouso,
who put Lottie Collins and La Lolo
Fullor into tho samo class with hersolf
and suffered no dotrimont by compari
son. Tho orchestra had sovoial now
pieces and tho addition of Mr. Savago on
tko clarionet.
Mr. Cord ray, lesseo of tho opctj
house, wbb in tho city Wolnosday night.
Ills bnBlnujs hero w.ts to inako arrange
ments, if possible, for tho appearance of.
Mrs. William Le Moyno in this city ouo I
night next woek. Ho says ho cannot
securo her for prices less than $1.50, and
if tho pooplo hero will pay that to eta
ono of tho boat actrossVs of tho world e
can nrrango a dato. Tho box
ollko of the theater will bo
opened ono day for tho votes to bo regis
tered. If Mrs. Lo M yno c unt to Sa
lem it will probably be next Weduesday,
in matinee and at night. O.i Thanks
giving evening the Wieo Woman" will
bo prorontcd and on the next night "The
Cowboy and the Lady." Both of these
are first class attractions. Tho lattoi la
having a phenomenal run in the eaBt.
For the noxt week "Tho Llon'a Mouth,"
"Yon Yonson" and one othor attrac
tion' nill bo presontcd. On
learning of the companies eoinotitnes
cutting out parts of their regular pro
grams so at to leave on tho 10:30 night
overland, and of the many complaints
being mado in consequence, Mr. Cor-
dray has made arrangements so that no
repetition of this will occur soon, The
trains will not bo held again for tho
company, as was dono for tho Rorul
Italian band, and ho has aUo instucted
tho expressmen not to tuko their scenery
and baggage) out to the depot. Mr, Coi
dray seeks to please the theatre goers
of this city by his selection of tho com
paniesuud by fulr tr. atment.
A New Catarrh Cure Which
is Rapidly Ceming: to
the Front.
For several yoara, Eucalyptol Gnaiacol
and Hydrastin havo boon recognized
as atandard remedies for catarrhal
troubles, but'thoy havo boon given sop-
All Excellent Combination.
Tho pleasant method hnd bchcflcinl
effects of the well known remedy,
3rnup or FiOb, manufactured by the
GAMFonitiA. Fio Strut Co illuitrato
thevalueof obtaining-the liquid laxative-
principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in tho form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is tho one pariect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing tho system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and favors
esntly yet promptly and enabling" ono
1 overcome habitual constipation per
Mianently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality mid mtb
stane, and its actlntr on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening1
er irritating' them, make it tho Jdoal '
In the process of manufacturing1 flc
nro used, as they are plsaaant to the
taste, but tho medicinal qu&lltlesof-the
remedy aro obtaiuod from senna and
other nromatla plants, by a motliod
known to tho OAuroRKiA Fio SuDr
Co. only. In ordor to tret its beneficial
effect and to avoid imitations, pleaso
remember tho full namoof tlioCompany
printed on tho front of every package.
Juiavii.r.E. et. rrsw Toiut,.K. t.
forsulo bjoll Drurrlts. Price Mo. per bottlft
3c,4.f In 91 CrinA Vlitnr Tuncfffli
ji n
&MM ' -J
.'' A Constantinople correspondent says
aid Pasha began his duties as Grand
Tuesday, His appoint-
is regarded with favor by all
wploinats exerpt those of Russia,
tha correspondent. All reoognize
ormous diflianlty of his task, the
administration being dieorganiml
ID nrnvlnrAfl tiMlnt. in a nlfttn nf
WmI disintegration,
; p
j WKKBmf
"f mR
$ iafcu
. SJJkJUJtir
Bel Time
easant herb drink, tha next
I feel bright and rav corn-
is better. My doctor savs it
tly on the stomach, liver and
s, and ia a pleasant laxative. It
ol herbs, and is prepared as
tea. It is called Lanes Medi
draegista sell it at 35e. and 60
s i-amny ileuieai&'moves the
th dkr. It von cannot trot It.
free isunDle-XAddraes. tJraior
By the Honorable Acquittal of tne
The murder of Mainio Cunningham,
tho school girl of New York on Memor
ial day, 1800, has just came up again in
tho courts through tho discharge of
Frank Far roll, the sut pected mnrderer,
by Recorder Goff in General Scrslons.
The girl was found beaten to death in
the basement of her borne, Farrell
was arrested toon after the murdor and
on trial the jury disagreeing, was re-
aratoly.and oulyvory recently an ingon
ious chomist succeeded iu combining
them, together with othor antiseptics
into n pleasant, effective tablet,
Druggists soil the romedy under tUo
namo of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, and it
has mot with romarkablo success in the
euro of nnsnl catarrh, bronchial and
throat catarrh ntid in catarrh of tho
Mss. F. N Denton, whoso address is
Clark IIoueo, Troy, N. Y. Baye: "When
I run up against anything good I like to
tell people nbout it. I havo been
troubled with catarrh moro or less for
oouio timo. Last winter moro than ovor.
Tried several so-called cures but did not
get any benefit from them. About six
weeka ago I bought a CO cent box of Stu
art's Catarrh Tablets and am glad to say
thoy havo dono wondora for mo and I do
not hoaltate to let all my frlonda know
that Stuart's Catarrh Tablet aro tho
right thing." . ,
Mr, Goo. J. Casanova, of Hotel Griffon,
West Ninth street, Now York City,
writes: I have commenced using Mu
art's Catarrh Tablets, and already thoy
hnve given mo better results than any
catarrh cure I have over tried."
A leading Pittsburg physician advises
the use of Stuart's Catarrh Tallota in
preference to any other treatment for
catarrh of the head, throat or stomach.
Ho claims they aro far superior to in
halers, salves, lotions or powder, and aro
much moro convenient and ploasant to
take, and aro so harmless that littlo
clildren tako them with benefit as thoy
contain no opiate, cocaine, or other pol
eouous drugs.
All druggists sell- Stuart' 0 Catarrh
Tablets at 60 cents for full size package
and they are probably the safest and
most reliable euro for any form of
catarrh. 1M0 21-23.
A Large Catherine of Germans In
This Glty.
The Association of tho German Bap
tists, ot this state, hold their cession
with tho German Baptist church, on
Cottage street, from the2Ut to the 21th
ineU On Friday special essays on diff
erent subjects will ba read. The meet
Father, Mother and Child Cut to
Los Inobleb, Cat. Nov. 20. Tho dead
bodies of A P. Wilcox, wife and two-
year old son, wero found in tholr homo
at Downey, 12 miles from this city tcday.
Alt the bodice wero horribly mutllatod
and tho bloody condition of thopromtsOB
indicated that the murderor or murdor
ore had met with flerco Ycoistance.
Wilcox nnd his family had beon' eliot
and thon literally cut to plocos' with a
knife, TI10 crime was discovered when
a neighbor called at tho house and found
tho place evident! abandouod. On forc
ing the door ho found tho bodies of tho
murdered family stretched out on the
floor. Tho woman had beon shot wltilo
carrying n plato from the stove to tablo.
Tho baby lay in tho middle of fhu'.room
whilo tho disemboweled body of the
father was strotched out near tho door.
It is supposed tho crime was committed
two or throo daya ogo. No clue to tho
perpetrators htiB yot beon found.
Portland, Nov. 21. - Wheat Walln
Wail a, 60 C7.
Flour Portland, boat graded 12.05
$3.60. Graham i2,60.
Oats Choice While 00 fl 00.
Barley $litf '10 per ton.
Millstun Urau, 15) 17.
Hay Timothy $1112 per ton.
unions fi.ou osi.o.
Potatoa fl 00 fl.lO ppr contal.
Butter Be6t dairy, 18022; inuot
creamery, 62G)$c : Store 1214
Eggs-On-gon, ranch 303 dor.
Poultry ChickonB, mlxod $2 60
3 60; bona M; turkoya, live 11 15c.
Mutton-Grose. 3
iloiia-t-Grosa 6?X
Beef Grots 3.U0 $3.60
Veal Gross, 88)c!b.
Hops 8 .Oott.
Wool Vallev, 11 Molbj Eastern
un-gon, 8 12J$o s Mohair, 2021$ctti;'
Hides Dry tildes, 10 pouuda uud ti
warns, 100 $ lbft.
Now Wheat I7c
Wool, llQH3ic, Mhoalr, 21c.
Hopo llQlSc
Oata 8086c percental,
llarloi f 14 per Ion.
Hay Ralcd.chpat. fOJO V, timothy
f8f0. Clover f0$,
Kgge 27o
Flour In wholesale lots, 3.0O; retail
7ffflh0c sack-.
Millatuffa Bran, $10 00; ahoita,17.50
xiugn Ull 1001, OO.
Live cattlo Htcora, 3(a34' jcown, $2.76
03 tH).
8hcci-j.2.60 grosa
Dressed Veal Q4 cents.
Butter Dairy, ie20cU; creamery,
202511j, store 1012Kelb .
Poultry Hens, 07ol1.
PoUttoos 40c per bu.
Young chlckena, , 0(JJ7
Hens 0
Kggsperduz., cash 27o
Bad Lot In
Central and
One of tho worst bands of cattlo rustlers
that ovor oxlstod in the West Is now nnd
has boon for sorural years in unchecked
awing in tno interior e: uentral anu
Eastern Oregon, Such is the sturtllug
situation known by practically no one
outside tho men who havo to bear tho
brunt of tho savago dopredatlons of tho
rustlers. Terrible as aro the conditions
existent today In the intorior stock
country, tho facta in the case havo nuver
been passed out until now. Tho oxposo
has just beon mado.
Beginning almost at Uklah the field
of oj-crations of the cattlo rtiBtlors ex
tends southward through thu entire
John Day country. It pass ta on out of
Grant county into Harney, spreads
westward Into Lake und eastward Into
Mainour and Baker, und only uuda when
tho Nevada lino is reached and the far
distant lino of tho Southern Pacific In
Southweitern Oregon
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward
for any caoo of Catarrh that ennnot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure,
. J. UUJSNEY & CO.. Prons.. To cdo.
We, the undorslencd havo VnowtiF.
J. Cheney for tho last fifteen yearB. nnd
uoneve nun periectiy nouornblo in all
business transactions and financially ablo
to carry out any obligations mado bv
tueir iirm.
West TnuAX, Wholosalo Druggists,
Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internal
ly, acting directly upon tho blood nnd
mucuous surfaces of tho system. Price
76c per bottle. Sold by nil Druggists.
Testimonials froo. Hall's Family Pills
aro tho best.
The St. Elmo Restaurant
Is the place to go to get first class meals.
It h under now management and ovoiy
thing up to dato.
They Will Struggle Against American
Germany is not going to sit down
quietly under thu loss of its commerce,
says the Trlbuno's London correspond
ent. Thu merchants of tho great urban
district of tho Rhino havo determined to
leave 110 stouo uututned lo meet the
American compotltton. Thu first stop
they havo decided upon Is tho canaliza
tion of tho Moselle and Samnr, by whloh
menus they hupo to lessen the cost of
transport to tho coast. The schemo Is
to coat 70,000,000 marks am' will tako n
fuw years to completo.
Wrut Sha we Have rorDcjeitr
This (lUCHtJoii arlHcs In the family
every day. Let uh answer It today.
Try JellO, n delicious und healthful
dessert. Prepared In two mlnutca.
No boiling! no uuklngl simply add
boiling water and uct to cool. Fla Fla
eors: Lemon. Orange, Unspberry and
Strawberry. Get a package nt your
grocer's today. 10 eta.
fish market, 181
Phono 1021 main.
Notice of Election
NollrH Is hereby alien, that iu accord
aucewnhlhu Churer of tho City nf
Srtloin, Ongiin, an e'outlon will bo held
Iu IMS city, 011 Monday, IVceinlior 2,
1001, for tint 'niiriiOBu of oleetimtnuo
n df rmiin fromeaohof tho four Minis
Dux innin iimul ' of said ultv : am) on which day tho noils
1. ...nn..i 1 ..... -it .1.1. t will bo open from 10 o'clock a. in, until
::. . rr", :, ..." .."".. . B,,ou "? p.
leased on 11000 ball, AseUtant District' inga are open to all. In the evening a
erj good trained chorus will sing.
Chronic Constipation Cured,
The moat important discovery of
recent years is the positive remedy
for constipation. Cascarets Candy
Cathartic. Cure guaranteed. Genu
ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never
sold in' bulk. Druggists, xoc
Birthday Anniversary.
On occasion of tho 72d birthday of
Mrs. Cordlngly, her nelco, Mlia Lunore
Ksy, gavo a birthday dinner yesterday.
Only the family were follews:
Mayor Bishop and family, Mrs. Tboa.
Ksy, Joseph Cordlngly and family, Mrs,
Cordlngly and Mtss Kay.
:andv CiVrMArrnc
Attorney O'Connor reported to Recorder
Goff that he bad been investigating the
case; that no new evidence had been
dickered; that there was not sutfloient
to permit placing thi de'endant on tiial
again and recommending the defendant's
dismissal; Accordingly Farrull was
was honorably diioharged.
lMacK Tone tiowoli With Cittearetc
Caady OattMrUe. cure eonsUpsthM forever.
1 Enthusiastically
The London Times announrui tlat a
large crowd at St. James Halt hut Tues
day evening, voeifvreuiy weit-umed
Miss Cdslie, the Australian eantatru
who mdebr rlrtt appeaianee in hng
land Mies Castle has U hailed the
Melba of th Antlpodbs.
Uw Are Taar KUaey f
Clarm. AO4jK&BladCi,di&0r.r. I
tu. afc ' I Bii I 1 1 1 1
Gamk ibunptd CCC Ntvcr old In boBc
Bcwart ci the dultr who trie (0 u&
oraethfex kut u iood."
territory. Uakor City Demorrat.
' m m '
Fears Ruin if Their Advice Is Not
WABHiNaTo.v,Nov. 20. Reciprocity
subjects, especially tbo French treaty
weredlecussed at this morning's session
of tho reciprocity convention. Win. G.
Barker, representing tho national auo-
clatlon of agricultural implement manu
facturers, said that utiles reciprocity
waa applied as a safety valvo, a tariff
explosion would follow that would cre
ate general rjn. At noon tnuomoe a
of the convention and a committee of 10
called on President Roouovelt.
fiurtth yy Il Kwd Yw Haw Always Baglr
To elect onu nldorman In tho first
waul to succeed Thomas Burrews: Polla
will bo at Freelaud'a Factory, corner of
II lull and Division ntreets:
To elect ono alderman In tho eecond
ward to succeed A II. Buren : Polls will
be at Simpfon's Livery atables, Court
Mroet, uoar High.
To elect ono alderman In tho third
ward to fiinueed J. It Kratisue: Polls
will be at Freuland's store, State street,
near Ilhih.
To elect one alderman in tho fourth
ward to succeed P. J Larson. Polla will
bo. at Red Front Livery stables, cornor
of Commercial and Trailo streets,
Dono by order of the Common Council
Dated at Salrm, Oregon, thli20lh day of
November, 1101. N, J. Judah,
llldtd City Recorder.
VsM bbibibibiWm vilaBBBBV asH ibiH IbHI aS fc bbibI bibbV IibRs!
Tho Kind You Havo Almiys Botirrht, nnd -which hfl boca
lu uso for ovor 30 yenrs, has horno tho Binatnro of
iitul lms been ntntlo tmdor hla per-
jfyyjPl,. sonal supervision slnco Its Infancy.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " uHt-ns-ood" nro bub
Experiments that triflo -with m lemlnngorl'to honlth of
Iufiiuts nud Children Expcrl' aco ngalnst llvncrlnionU
What is CASTOR I A
Castorla Is n lmrmlc?3 snbstltuto for Cnstor Oil, Poro
gorlc, Drops nnd SoothltiB1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphtno nor othor Narcotle
suhstnnco. Its ajro is its guarantee. It destroys TVrnis
and allays Fororishness. It cures Diarrhoon and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething1 Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulate tho
Stomach nnd Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho Children's Panacea- JLT10 Mother's Friend.
JBoars tho Signaturo of
Thb KM You Hare Always BougM
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Free from every objection, with points of excellence
not found in any other "Wood Heater" on the mar
ket. It is absolutely perfect in
Construction, Material and Operation
They have just arrived and are now on exhibition
at our store.
sTJbF"TIiI atoro closos at 0:15 o'oloalc evory ovoning oxcopt Saturday i
R. M. WADE & CO.
You Can't Get
Something for
Shoe dealers may try to nuke you believe
they are telllnc you loods below cost, etc, but
li it not e, They sell (oodi to make money
sod ado we. But we caafuraUh shoes, rubber
boots, sad everything In our line as low as the
lowest. We don't mirk our roods high and
then drop the price to fool buyers, but we sell
the.beit goods for the lowest price alt the time.
95 State Street.
Salem, Oregon
A Matter of Absorb
ing Interest
l.los behind that of tho spprojcliinu
Than linlvlii, und that lithe lum-
lur question, uuring tno winter
tho Hipply Is always uncurtalu, but
by ordering of us before cold weather
comes you can bo sure o( having
your wants tilled, We aro roady to
supply any kind ot lumheryouiioed.
Goodale Lumber Co.
Nuar H. V. I'ass'r. depot. Phono 051.
Juicy Morsel
Your Best Friend
Famous Winter Resorts.
A winter trip to Southern California
and Arizona via tho famous Shasta
Route is one never to he forgotten. Ite
uuned acquaintance wth this M-oliou
will ever develop fresh points of inUrest
and added sources of enjoyment under
its sunny skies. In the variety of inter
ests and added industries, and its pro
line vegetation and among its numbrr
Ims resorts of mountain, shore, vallev
and plain
X wo trains leave ortland daily, in rn
ing and evening, for California These
trains are enuirid with the most im
proved pattern of standard and tourist
sleeping cars, and the low rates place, -
tliH trip in result of all.
For Illustrated uuules of California'
and Arizona h inter resorts, addre's i
It. I). JIillkk, t
Gen'l Paes'r, Agent, Portland. Or. i
11 7 If '
When you Hud your clothes all out of
order, worn and with buttons off, etc.,
yon want tho light person to take care
of them and that person is your step
mother at tho Kalem Dye Works.
At tins establishment you can gel any i
thing set o rlghts.from a pair of gloves, I
to tho most elaborate silk gown, A
gentleman ean get his hat cleaned, his '
troupers creased, or his whole suit re. I
Juvenated to suit his tautt, alto lour
suits a month for one dollar Huttons
sewed on, ritw s-wed up, suits nrosml
on short notlse. New uoodn shrunk for
drees making.
Or dinner you can enjoy from ono of tmr
tendoraud delicious muats, steaks, lamb
or mutton chops' veal outlets or ork,
Our meats aro all out from the fattest
and iiriiiitsl uattlu, and wo can supply
your tablo with fresh, nutritious and
wholesome meats at bod rock prices,
Phons 2M
' "!-" TJ
J 06 Commercial bt.
I wilt offer for sale tha entire plant
and premises of the Cryr-tal Im Work
on easy terms or will leaso same for a
number of years to a responsible parly,
provided sale or lease fa contumaled m-,
side thirty days. Party oao have op
tion on 00 cords Ur wood la the tirn
beratcost. Apply to James Mairu)r
on tho premises. ' 9 'A tf
"" IL Mfill 1
'" r lc' as
Eyer Peep Into This
I would tlo you good to see tho per
feet system and abnolutuolearilliifM
ho maintain. Wu have ovnry facil
ity for dolinr perfect laundry work
nud that's the only kind we do. If
you send your linen hero you'll
havo no ciuie lo iMidteiatldllwI. Wi
deliver und collect.
Salem Steam Laundry
Phono 411 Wl-VtrHiwi
Advertisements, five Hoes or less, la thu column
wsertedihree timesfer 23c. 50ca week stlso
a month. All over five line. ttheMmerete
TO MIS LADIES-Brlng and mako
your dresses In tho school. Waists,
skirtB, dressing sacques or wrappers
All Iossous freo wlm Limotton
dress cutting system. If. you do not
caro to learn tho nyetom bring your
eowiagkyott cau make skirls or wsUts
with a llttlrt nssljtauce. Oiiargei
roasomiblo. Apnts wanted da Ct
morton Dress Outting tcho-l, Diish
Broy JJIk. over Dil.-ymp'.e'a Btoro.
AGENT8 WANIED-Now hnll,t
books. Memorial Life MjKInley, Life
President Itoosovelt. (Jreat sellers.
& Co,, Port
1112 2r.
Outfit freo. b. O. Miller
land, Oregon,
Ilouso and part ot lot on southwest
corner of High ami Millitrees, threo
blocks south of court homo. Also what
Is known 8 Iho Savago Truck & Dray
barn, h good blacksmith shop, nud full
lot. corner Statu and Krout streets.
Uld& w II bo received for ilthsr or both
until December 1. Addr;s all bida
to Geo. Grlswold. HaIoiu, Ore., or to
Phillip Savage, administrator Wako
lee, Mich. n J6 td
FARMS If you want to buy a farm,
either largo or small, improved or uu
Imnrovod, addreas look box 105 Aums
vlifo, Oregon and soo how quiet; you
Mill got Just what you want.
11 0 1 mo
FOR SALE.r-3000 Cedar Posts. 1 also
have on hand four grades of cedar
shingleB. No shingles to be found
olsowhoio in tho City liko our No. 1,
11. These shingles aro tho Detroit
brand, acknowledged by all .who havo
used thorn as thy boot msdoL shingles
on tho market. Hold by S. P. Mo
Oraokon 14 nud Nebraska streets,
Knglewood. 10 20 tf.
FOR SALE C, 10 Bnd 15 acres orchard
and chicken ranch, Naw house and
barn. Well water. To miles out.
Beo G. W. Pearmlno, 2 miles north on
rtvor road. I. F, D No. 8. 10-25-tf
kot (tha old Freeburgor market) for
choice beef, pork, lamb, veal, poultry,
oto., Stato and Twolftb streets, T.
Farrlngton, proprietor. '.Phono, Main
.2024. 0-18-tf
FOR RENT Newly finished offlco
rooma in McCornack Block. Sloan
heat, elovator. 10-26 tf.
PASTURE For rent, the best tbsre is,
rates reasonable, Oollon or addrast
II. L. Ueatty, Ohomawa, Oregon,.
10 21 Im
Sherwood Forest No. 10. Meets Fri
day nights In Tumor block. Ira
Hamilton, O. R. A. L. Drown, Secy.
Tho Stato Fair Hoard havo decided to
thin out about one-half of tho trees on
tho Fair Grounds and Invite proposals
for tho wood. Partios purchasing the
wood will bo required to cut tbo troes
off oven with the ground and remove
all tho brush and bodies. Parties de
siring to bid for the wood, can illo tho
same with tho undorilgiied at Wood,
burn or at thu postofllco at the Fair
Grounds, whoro tho bids will bo
opened and let on Saturday, Novem
ber tiOtli, Right to ri'lfct any and all
bids reserved. J. Il.Sottlemler. Com
mitt. ' 1118eod6t.
ing into our now shop, corner Liberty
and Ferry streets, south of the Salem
Steam Laundry, and havo for nalesomo
tccoutMiaud blacksmith tends. Wo
will bo dono moving by the 25th of
this month. Wu would ba pleased to
havo all our old as well as now cus
tomers moot ut Iu our now shop.
Pohlp it Hlshop 11 20 10 1
DRESSMAKING: And new and perfect of dress cutting taught by Mrs.
h, Ilumphory, Commercial and Oak
streets, North Salem. - Tailor made
suits a speciality. 11 11 lint
Hay and Prunes wanted. Will buy or
store. Chopping dons promptly. Get
our prices before you soil, Olilce op
posite Court House. Tillson-llartlett
Jlraln Co.
HUBBARD A CltOSSAN-llon buyers,
and 8, Rous UuIMIbi. Siltm.
uimo ti or cnoica noci sonc uta.
and fcuroteiu conn titloni. Phone
Room 7
Offtes la Quih-
of choice bops solicited fron all growers.
I CAHMiriUni. -Uofitnvtr.
J- HreymasUldr. . Htltm. Orccoa. ssmsles
London. Sso
oi. ornce,
a. francls:o. hop merebsats. . 0rt
Udd A Uuih BUg., Saicoi. It, J. Oil
miaiger. l'boae46l.
SQUIRE PARRAM-llop Commlstloa mercbint.
U CommercUl SI, Roonu ntalrs.
eruna uiock
UM. BROWN A CO Hods. Mohilr. WooL
ii -rower iuie cs. no
Strct t. Salers, Oregon, Phoot
A CO. -Hop ruerchi ts Ob
,&iim. Oregos.' fboae 1211.
2-0 Cobibi(i1
MCKINLEY MITCHELL -Buyer of wbest.
oils, bops, wool (autoes produce of
all kinds. Ccrvals, Orefos,
I C, WRIGHT A CO.. fcuyersof fruir aid pro-
due of alt Kinds optssits ti
Capital Brewery
HS. GILE A CO.- WhoicHi frulu, troduce.
eta. fruit tacks for siif Buyers oi Or
eeoa truaes, toutocs sad produce of all klads.
vvaiuce Warehouse, corBtrllUtiaad Trade sts
Slm, Ortjon.
iia l nillAV -Ruvtral irlti frulU.
Lv WslUce VVirehouse, on f nde street. Mm
Tnanc Marks
CopvniQwra Ac.
Anrooc Mndlas nkeUh iu dtertUlan umj
autr uwuin rr uvtuma fre. libr u
IUm l
ml Iim, f.J.. riMjrr fur iMurlntf lt !.
"... - T . . . r . ..- l: a a . m. tw.. -
fBtanu taiMi lun.uMU mhbh vv. iiwh
rt-loct-tlOL (Is
lluttntlreuialHI-L lIo4looli mi f fttetitl
ri fur uwmi
utfb Uuun k. C
nitial notU4. wHhsut elitrcA, la tt
Scientific Jlincricait.
AJU-&iwilrniiittrU1 wacklr. ' ir
tBWWn ( ir wtlia h" ttnutiU a
iw i UMt iU, ft. SvU byfl n-ltilj.
MUNN ft CqM8WjQrk
iiiUi Smiirfa r St, WukUsus. ii,Ju
Have return! and will operate tho Humphrey wirehouas at Salem,
th Turner mill and Harehouse and the wureiJ0UMs at Msoleay. Prn
tnin, wlizerland, Hhaw nnd lironks, conducting a get oral waruhouM
bihI storage biirluesa, ;: :j : i t: i: it 1
Salem office 207 Com. St.
stacks will ba held at t'isso point for delivery on ran o terras ss rr
valbnl prevails soaiwni. Bvo them before) disponing of your graui,
;Top Prices are Always Paid fojr Grain
i J. G. GRAHAM, Maniger
Qnwlnrr MirftlrtA DAniirlmv
Ihv rented repair spaoa q( F. A,
Wiggins, at his new location on Liberty
street, and will be glad to see all oftiy
old friends thero. Auy sowug msrJiines
repairing ontrustod to me will bp guw
anteod sutUtactory or mooey refuudad.
N. J I. Duaut
257 Liberty gUsjjt .
Royallnsurance 60.
A, T. Qllbert, rasldeut agent l above
Insurance Co Is now prepared to do A
largo Insurance buslaew. Will lu
IibihIIk rii fluiam. I have a team and
carrUga wblah It at my customer' er
vice ana l wilt wae pieasuru ih uwiuk
parties what I hY for ile QUW a)
presout with T A. Llvasley 0