The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 16, 1901, Image 3

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    The Small
of the Back
Tlmt ia whoro somo dcodIu feci
weak nil tlio time.
They are likely to bo despondent
tind it is not unusual to find them
borrowing trouble us if they lmdn'fc
enough already.
The fact is their kidneys aro
weak, either naturally or bceauso
of sickness, exposure, worry or
other inmicncos.
"I am thankful in m n .n.. t r n
be I. of Sycamore 111., "that Hood's Snrsnpa
rllla lifts curnl nrn. (Vi ..
troubled with backache. At times 1 wni so
bad I bad to be fmm i. i..i .. i.i
I am now well ami stronir and free from pain."
What this eroat medicine did for him It has
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Promises to euro and keeps the
promise. Betrlu treatment with
Hood's today.
m I - -" ' mi I in I " i
m mmmmm mM
Invitations aro out far nn "nf i,n.r.
to bo given bv Dr. nnil Mm l?
Pcnrcout tlio Hotol Wlllamottnnn NT'
28. Dancing will bo Indulged in, and
tlio affair will bo ono of thoBwolleet of
the season.
Another lecturo of tlm Rinrrr.ii.-cn
delivered at thn Methodist church last
night by tho Rev. Wm. Gaston. "Yoso
mito was tho subject of tho discourse
OnO IllOfO IfcCltlrU will lift, nitron In ll.l.
Tho Kntro Nena club lias reorganized
for tho teason.a meeting being hold
i-riuay niziit tor tliat purpose in tho of.
flco of Edward l'hiclson. Tho momber
Bhip will bo limited to Ip H. m...
and tho parties will probably ba glvon
... ..UK nan. ins intended to havo a
seriea of eight dances, tho first to bo
gl von tho first week in, nt
iinors oioctod for tho season aro as fol
Iowr: Pieaidont. II. J. Shinn. vi,..o..m
cnt, Chauneey ilmliop. Secretary and
treasurer, EJ. Untleon.
Buttortnllk instead of bcor.Iaa pretty
hard alternative next door torn printing
uuii-o. mil wo will try and put up with
TilO East OrdJOIllnn. nnmnflnittn I...
undertaken a hli iilrnnmin,. r......i.
lican candidate for Governor and United
atates senator.
Senator Patterson probably realizes,
a? do nil (oneiblo.mon. tlmt ui,.i,.i
enough four voara of tint f.itnut r,i
oillco In tho etato. But Ike will .im.,
his feet.
It is an oven but nf - .i.-.
ho people of Portland will not adopt
ho now chartor. There ie too much
talent on that coin mission .-Portland
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant mothixl and benellelal
?, 't,,e wel1 kno,vn "meily,
--...... in. uinui- vo liumraio
Z, iir i .' ? L t'""" Kuowa to ue
In your china closet and
see what is missing for
your Thanksgiving din
ner taoie. rive new
patterns in Haviland;
German and En dish
Semi-Porcelain has ar
rived. Also ail kinds of
Fancv China and Silver
Plated Ware, which is
open for your insure
tion. Renumber (he
special sale on Dinner
.bets continues all this
.month. Try our Porto
'Rice Coffee for change.
Mins Florence Wagoner veiled with
friends in Salem tho first of tho week.
Independence Enterprise.
Mrs. W. 8. Sanford has gono to Port
land to rojoln her husband, wlm In m.
ployed in n gun ctore.
Mrs. 0. W. Gay and daughter, Mias
What has cono wroni wlih n. c
tary of tiio Interior to nhniui, -.
uuusolul ofllco as Sunt. Of Fnr.H,-
sorves. It is no doubt dono to mako
room tor other alnecuroi.
mJ.ll.inr?W"e!1 KPU""cansof Clacka
mns wl 1 iaeo tho people of that county in
tlio snrinir pninnil.... in. . -u "
What do thoy caro. What tho peoplo
..lJ0 waving tno nag, loud-mouthed
oratora and lots of hlg appropriations.
tf B 61
What is tho matter with Salem? Why
does eho n. t forgo ahead atnpacoher
77 wanty asks tho Statesman.
uii, elio is a atato ennltni. a. ....-
. , - l .viafc aiuiu
capitals aro Door hiuinnaa ... m,....
depond too much upon the atato and
JlUl onoilgl UDOn thn .nn., f .!..,
!,..... .... , ' "' l"Blr
v.u,.a,-;ii0anv democrat.
ti.n.iu.ii .. ,-i
Uicumiiiiiiiv nvntittn ..! -.
them in tho form most refreshing to tho
utata anu acceptable to tho to... t.
-- j ---., av
Flmirlnrt1n.l I l I ..
; 13.60. Graham sM. Br8U09 m
OatB- Ghoico White 00 f 1 00.
Wll'-Htufl lirnn,15i (.J 7.
. Uav T imnthv-.iiiX?io. ' i
I Onfons-iKfro i,." " lul"
UtUtor-Pest dairy, 1822: lanov
rfY, cB,nj ;,26SMscj Wore 12Qh"d!
j I hgK8-Uregon, ranch 30j doz.
Hogs Grops fi?4'o.
iJcef Grobs 3.W) c?$3 50
Veal-Groas. 8Q8i lb.
iuub o (WIUC1U.
n oXS'i??' A1 ,. no,b S' Ktern
I.ldef,7Dri 'J',efl' 10 Pounds and u
ovv Wheat 47c
"ui, ntgiac, jviiioalr, 21c.
" Hopeli3&c
waiB-bOQS5c per cental.
T! ttSVZs. ?MSrlr&!.-
rf &nZ2.
j...o, jiua JiurilO tlift nmninu j
and 1ms been inndo unaor Ms pcj
RonnlBiiporvlslrn Blnco ltaJnfimoy.
Allow no ono U denolvo youin thfaw
s tho pne perfect strengthening ltixn
Vil0' fii ansi,3? "l0 syteni effeotuutly,
UlflDelllniT Pn1(l lmn.taM... .... .1 "
n "l ' "y'"i "u lovers
rently yet promptly and enabling ou 1
overcome habitual coratinntlnn nr.
every obiectionoblo mmilt.. ....1 ...1.. 8$9.
afnnvn mA t- ..iluJ ir Vr..M of
xuuiatuno-jJran.Jlo 00; shorts, $17.50
jjancntly. Its perfect freodom from
j uujcuiionauio quality and aub-
Btatiro. unci Its m.lll.nn 41.- 1-1.1
liver and bowels, without weakening
or Irrltatlne them, make It tho ideal
In the process of manufacturing fltra
aro used, as they arc pleasant to the
j, uui uiaoioaicmai qualltiesof the
remedy aro obUlnod from senna and
pthsr aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho OALiroiutrA Fio Strut
Co. only. In order to gel lUbeneOcial
effeoUi and to. avoid imitations, pleaso
printed on tho front of overy package.
yorilsbjftllDriwglgUPrlcaC((! .ppfbottla
nariey 14 nor inn
flay Ualed.cheat.jnU'ia 7? Hmn..,
How's This?
for anv rnnnnf Pnu.u i,Ai. 1 1...
j 1 ..... .V""14 Hl'tfc UUIIIlUk uo
O. W. Ma.x. nrofcaaor of ,opI,ubi T, nl "'' .' E""i . .
engineering In the Unlversltv n"' """ tu.,l'rop3., Toledo,
IlfXJ . fill tnnt r.
LiVOrilttlnKtnora 1lQ.1l '. An
3 OO; --.4.fJWB, a.0
Bheop-$2.r)0 gross
Dreseed Veal-0' cents.
202b b, stoie fdaiftrt. 7 WXy
xouiiryneiis, 0(30 IU.
rotatoos -10 ier bu.
Fat nnr n. II.... !.....
Fryers 7"
Ii-KKBpcrdez., cash 27c
All flonntlh r .r "M "" on- uoIvo youin thfau
.u-lim, uco ngatost Mxiiorimoni;
Castorla is n, lmrmlc?3 snbstltuto ftr Costor Oil Pn,-
utataiico. Its ta u -T-S, ." "r.i !"
. . o -. m.m uustrovn ivtrmi
ntil nltn
niiiM'H J'OVOrlMlll.nua T- .....-
23 ss&s: as333
Tho Cbudren's Pnimcca-riio Mother's FrlontlU
a tw B tSif" vwwiiO
Jioars tlio Signaturo of
Heuieniberour frmli n.ffn
itoliani.1 Tea Store
ftV?mrnrcial Street, Salem, Oregon,
JHEhonoSm. Froo Djilvery. b
t?( BK aW i f J Mi '.' "vl
1 "- xZESSESX HI . m m
laaSBBSmaiMTmii siRRi
I illlllHBIlBsBlH.,!rMIBT rf tJlislV
5.. v
"The 0 on vlct'a
daughter" which
will bo tho attrac
tion at tho Grand
Opera House to
night ia ono of tho
cloanest and most
h o a r t reaching
playa over pro-
uuced. Tho moat
thrilling opisode is
wlioro tho innocent
convict ecnloa tho
prison wall mid ee
capea on the top of
n nasaing frolght
train. Tho rest of
the play ia simplic
ity, human and
pathotic. and well
blonded without a
single objection
nble feature. There
ia no ono killed
during tho entire
play and the bring
ing in of a horo in
forthiaclalaefplay: nndtthnC,lnB COmy tho "troniw.t over brought together
Bouri, has declined tho appointment to
tho chair of engineering In the Unlver-
Hiiy or uiuviiinntl.
The favorite recreation of President
Ullot of Harvard during hla vacation
Biiniiig, mm in tins lie Indulges near
ly erery day, being n first rate snllor
nnil handling n boat with 110 little skill.
ProfOSSOr .In lHOS flnnlnn MnnHh...
of Halifax. N. 8.. professor of physics
nt the Unlwrslty of Liverpool since
iiiuo. uus ui-eii npimlnti'd professor of
iiuiunii puiioHopny at Kdlnburgh unl
Dr. IUehmd Cecil Hughes, the new
president or Itlpou college, Is one of
the youngi'M educators In America to
occupy tlm blgb pom of n college pres
ident. He wilH born In niii.. i. iuni
and Is di'sei'iuli'd fram six generations
of WelBh Presbyterian clergymen.
D. C. Huntslne,- t.. m.... ... -. .
StffCt. 'Phone Rrt tAti c.t .. ' .
4ce 390 court. Vhone S tak r ""'
t Ai ,', "'"'orBigned havo Inown F.
J. thenoy for tho laat flfteon yoare, and
bollevo him perfectly honorablo In all
ptialncaa transactlona and financially ablo
to carrv nut nm. i ....
their Arm. J
WkstA Tninv WI,nU..1 r i...
Toledo, Ohio. ' "'" " "BK'B"'
Hall a Catarrh Otiro ia taken lntornal
ly, acting directly upon tho blood and
I11UCUOUH mirfflcn nt llu m.cln.n !).!..
75c nor Inttl.. W..I.1 1... n 11.'.. ..!..
TestlmonlnU fr.... II.iii. fJiJTii Ki.m-
are the best. ' ""'
vO v?
Tte Kind You Have Always Boujfit
! uae ror uver SO Years.
Mil "'""""" TT Mu"" " w to. errv.
Saturday Morning Fire.
Til a Vnw Purl- 11 r.. .1....... 4 . i. -..-
idenre of Mrs. McUormott at Fourteenth
and Lelio etreota. Tho (liu waa Imnio-
(lIUll'lv tint llllllpp rntilrnl a... I It ....
unneeeosary to unreel tho hoao. Itwni
only a chimney tlro and no damigo
7-1 1 mi,.,,,,
Bewi th. jA Tho tind YwHare Alvrars Banjrht
" C. C. C." on Every Tablet.
Every tablet of Cascarcts Candy
Cathartic bears the famous C. C. C.
Never sold in bulk. Look for it and
accept no other. Beware of fraud.
All druggists, ioc.
be JBqs&
' Portland Visitors
Parkin's Hotel Restaurant.
.TfcWye cooks. lunch 10c to 25c. Meals a la
,',yyi.a0cuP- Dally Journal on file. 5-27
jjov; 10. "Tho Convict's Daughter," at
lo opera house. '
N15.-8tar Lecture, by Rev. Win.
Nov20.-,'Malonfy'a Wedding" at tho
-Opera Houao.
fWWs .1 .
r-JJMocto Your iioirel With Cascarcts.
Wafa.' lfci nrnC;nnUrH cfHpat!oa forever.
W0jb. If C. CO. fall, druggists ref una monoy
' MSjO Banfleld. Portlaud.
ftRB Hanke, Portland.
SRDAS.Bi,d?0,' CaK
A-FijtfcClaino. Taooma.
EmllPnrech S F.
Earl tobank, P. F.
j;u?JUricpatrtclc, Dallas.
I L Jmies, Jefferson.
Sr'Sun.tin8t0U. Sacramento.
tfWjIl Ogden. N Y.
?RfilPrall. N Y.
Mario Clifford, N Y.
Gay of Gervais, havo returned after vis
iting menus iiero.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson havo ro
turned from Albany, whore- thoy visited
Harry Alien went to Salem Monday
for a fuw daya' islt. Oregon City Cou-rior-IIorald.
Miss Ellna Ixiwo has returnod to Port
land aitor visiting flalom friends.
Mr, and Mrs. W. P. Gnnr am uiu
lug relativea In Oregon City.
Mre. Carrio Athey, of Boise, fdaho, is
visiting Mra. II. B. Holland.
W. II, Leeds has gono to Ashland for
a short visit with relatives.
Mra. G. B. Hoyt waa in the city from
Jefferson yostorday.
Mss. 0. A. Peck has returned from
visit in Portland.
Mar O. Buron waa a Portlnmi win-
jartorday. 0
Gatoa Cochran has returned from De
Rich and Poor Alike Suffer
From Catarrh in This
All observant nhvalclann lmv m.111
tho enormous incroato in catarrhal dia
easca in rocontyeara, and the moatlibor
nl and oiillglitpr.r.-t lmve cheorfully glv.
Free from every objection, with points -of-exceUenco
I ,i 7 . aiy 0M,ur VY00a "eater" on the mar-
ki. a is aDsoiiueiy perfect in
Construction, Material and Operation
They have just arrived and are now on exhibition
at our store.
.Car Hi! atoro closes atOiir, o'clo:k overy evening oxcopt Saturday. .
K. M. WADE &
Vnii faf.' Ha
VSoul, Philadelphia.
Hed Time
VaTA nl..bnni I.A.U .!... .,
:s-i H.fccui, jioru urinr, tue next
9?K feel brifrht ani1 "y com
dexloa la better. My doctor aaya it
oUjUy on tho stomach, liver and
??y, and la a pleasant laxative. It
lSS5ft,)l herb8, and ia prepared as
W?lft' li Ia cal,el iWa MedN
fwWdtll drnegiate cell it at 26c, and 60
WijJAna'B Family Medicine movea the
3W6IS each day. If you cannot get it,
,n4 fre wrople- Address, Orator
i.Mwnuiu, .oivoy, a. x.
Vjifjjts f Tin IM Yw Haw Alwn Bolf
mm uoera House
.JOHN F. CO RDRAY. Manager
Shot at Train.-
Just beforo tho north bound ovorlaud
train readied Woodburn yesterday ove
niiig, somo unknown person on tho out
fcido fired a rovolvor, and tho bullet
crushed ontlroly through the car. John
Wolfard and Scott Hobart, of Silverton,
woro sluing by tho window where tho
bullet ontered, and tho glass from the
window fell on them, partly flying into
their faces, thus allowing how noarly
the bullet had a human mark. Thia is
the ieCOnd UCQIlrrnnrn nf o..l, .... it.i.
.-... w. ..t,i, nu niiitir
v.itnin tliu latt few weeks, a similar
event having taken place noar Brooks
ono evening while the Albany local was
v wm
a feStV
A Beautiful story of the
present day Depleting
Love sad Pstboil lisle
ana Passion. :: :: ::
!fe,Sr,f,an 5t9ry of Thrill.
'Iifn iNo
m c
C 15!
A Great Display,
For a email window unarm tlmm t nna
of tho m"8t varied ilintiiavo nt i.i,i
J aiuff in the front window ol MoIIwalnV
I Capital Bak,ry mado. It contains bIx
teen kinda of cake, from the llghtoat
Angol food to tho royal fruit cake that
will keep until after the holldaya. Be
anie there is an ondleaa vriiv ,.f
cooklea, maotoona, lionbonB and overy-
uuiigyou can imaglno in that line.
Pipe Tone Parlor Ortrans.
Pereons attending tlm rv,nnrr..iin.i
ohurch tomorrow will have the plwaure
u uoaring ono 01 ttiose new famoua pipe
on their approval to tho new inlornal
remedy, Sluarfa Catarrh Tablete, aa tho
most Biiccosslul and by far thotafeat
remedy for catarrh yet produced.
One well known catarrh ntwntnllf .
noon aa he had made a thorough test
of this preparation discarded jnhalera,
washes and epraya and now lnnn,l n-
ureiy un Stuart'a Catarrh Tablela in
treating catarrh, whether in the head,
throat or stomach.
Dr. Itisdell aaya "In pitients who had
lost tho eense of araell entirely, and oven
wnere tne hearing had begun to be af.
fectd from catarrh, I havo had flno re.i
autta alter only a few weeks use of 8tu
ait'a Catarrh Tableta. I can only ex.
plain their action on the tbnnrv ii.ui .
cleansing and antiientlc nrooertlui
of tiie tableta daatrnv i mi,.. 1..
al germs whore ver found, beeauio I have
found the tablota equally valuablo fn
catarrh of the ttiroat and atopiach as In
nasal catarrh. "
Dr. Kiatbrook save Stuart' Patnrri.
lauiatsare espeoially
USuful In mini
oatarrh and catarrh of the throat, c!e$r-
toalnirW,..i.i i, 7 " " """o"nes oi niucoua ,'and
O. WIlfihT .1,. : 1 'Z'l "'I "y Oyeroon,lng the hawking,
t u ViT -"... n win nt-; couuing:!
Than Old Noah Use Newspaper Advertisine.
How the Want Columns of the One Cent Dally
Enables You to do Business at Home anri
Never Leave the Farm or Neglect Your Work.
A Sample Adlet, 3 Times for 25 Cents,
Including Once in New Today; One Week
for 50 Cents, or $1.50 a Month in the
Daily Journal will Buy or Sell any Article
Noali ia aald to havo boon the first man to adver
tise. He advertlned the flood and kept constantly
at it until the flood came, This ia but ono more
proof of the eillciency of advertising and ono
that should be Imitated by all farmers. : : :
flow fo DO the Business
Kvery farmer has eoirothlug to aell that ho can
turn Into monoy and thorn are plonty of pooplu
who want that particular thing. Many havo land
to aell or rout, Block to roll or rent on shares,
monoy to lend on real estate, fruit. to aell In tho
orchard, young atock to dirpoee of, horfea or
breeding cattle eating their heeds off, that bo me
ono would buy If tney only knew where to find
them. Here la tho way to get the business going
that will eavo you trouble, put you long on cash,
eavo you time, wear and tear on teams and travel,
havo people coming to you instead of your run
ning after them: s : : : ; : .
1. Write down In ts fe w words ss posiltle Just
wbit you hsve to tell or want to buy, from
a wife up.
2. Put down your full nsme sal postofflce ad
dress by mall, so that people can write you.
and your locsilos so Ibst people can cone to
see you.
3. Enclose cth with your order and stile Just
bow loaf you want (be sd. to run. You way
not sell or buy at the ead of lb time for
which sd runs, and then you ca extend It sl
the same rate sod py difference.
The Poper of ih? fid.
Here is a eonciau form of an ad, (or tho Wanted
and New Today oolumn, and the gentleman who
rura thfe ad. doea quite a large real ettate buai
neaa through Tub Joou.vai, n ant ad. : : : ;
Shoe deilera may try to make you believe
they are selling you goods below cost,, fc5 bat
It Is not i fn aell goodsito,mke3iiaey
and o do we. nut we can rurnlsb saoesrjiiber
bsots. and everything la our linens loYaij the
lowest. We don't mark our goods blgblaad
then drop the price to fool buyers, but w sell
the best goods for the lowest price all the time.
95 Slate Street.
Salem, Oretrpn
For Joists and Flooring
Tho boat place to buy i whorpMejbeat
stock of lumber la carried. Tho emtlro
building trade know that thoro lanot a
llnor atock of lumbor than. thU led
by ua. Wo aro ready to .1111 tha. Inmost
contract promptly. Wo don't) koeg the
btiildor waiting. That'a a veryluipprt
aut iolnt,
' r?iadj'
Goodale Lumber-Co.
Noar 8. P. Paaa'r. dojot, Pl0tiC51,
Juicy Morsel
Or dinner you can enjoy from one of our
tender and dolloioua moata, Dieaka, lamb
or mutton chopa' voa outlets or pork,
Our moata aro all cut from tho fattest
and primeat cattle, and wo can
your table with fresh, nutritious hik!
wlioleaome ineata at bed rook prices.
Phono 201.
. t ... t -T , p , ,
used by Miss Slielton who kI
eleal program.
a tua-
the II. It.
A Strom? Cast!
A Story from Life!
paraonagein Souih SUura, Wwlnawl.y.
.... v. .irui. jii"h iii.riiiin A
eon to 3Ir. James F. Sykw
Blaekwell ofllcialiug.
Rnr. It.f.
OA.J3 ri"- T?i a
Bti ) IK 14 YW HiW JUwtw BwaH
: and exneotoratinir.
Any hufTmer from catarrh will And
Stuart'a Catarrh Tableta will give imme.
dlate relief, and being In tablet form and
piMsant to the taste, are convenient and
nlwaya ready for ui-e, aa they can ba oar.
rind in the pooket and used at anv lima
aa thoy contain no Dolsonona .Irm,. ,
uly the claanalng, antlaeptlc propertlea
of Eucalyptua bark, (iHBiaeol, blood root
an Hydrastis.
-ill druggists aall the tableta at 60 centa
ior complete treatment. 11-12-14-16
FOK BAT.K-5, 10 and 15 aons orohard
and cfiinken ranoh. Nuw hotiso and
barn. Well water. Two mllea out.
Boo O. W. Pearmine, 2 rnilea north on
.er man. IV. r. V, f-O. O. IU 20ll
Tho above ad goeo throe times for lS6e ( Including
one time In the "New Today" and two tlmea In
the classified Want Column.) In thia time it will
reach about ten thousand people and some of
them aro anre to want what you Lava or to havo
what yon want, If it's a Mormon Bible. r s .
At Your Best on ....
i.vory man should be tlmt expota to
meet the "smart sot" at dinner or aoolal
gathorlnua. Your ahlrt front, collars
and ouff4 alwuld bo Immacuiata'and
uliorv geutol doinoatlc llnlsli aad exnuls
He color uimmi thorn. Kveryoue ItT 8a
linn should sample our tine laundry if
they would have Just came for Thank,
Salem Steam Laundrj
uonooa p. OLXJsran, waa.
Phone 111 aWLilwrty. Bvt 1
Havo eeonred and will operate the Humphrey warehouse, at Salem,
thn Turner mill and warehouse and the warehouses at Macleay, Pra
turn, Swltzeilarid, 8haw and Brooks, conducting a general wart houao
and atorago buaJnesa. :: :j :: ;; : j.
Salem office 207 Com. St.
Id at theao points for delivery on same terms aa.pre
aons. Beo them beforo diapoalug of yofygralnl" "
Top Prices are Always Paid for Grjia
J. G. GRAHAA, Manager
fcUeka will lih
valltfd previous aasona.
I -.'I
W-M A-