mmmtmmvtmmmmm XTOWHW'""' lh 1 W M f rt! i :l i w. tt'TO r, iBTra 7 - .-i t M n a1 'tJ, l J f i "( THE DAILY JOURNAL r 'illlll i Mnmber NoKhiunnt AftornOOn Newspaper League. FMDAY. NOV. 15, 1901. Dally Ono Year, S3.00 In Advance Oaliy Four-Months 91. In Advnnoe Dally by Carrier SOo Per Month Wookly One Yoar 8I.OO In Advance EDITORIAL ,THE spirit of thanksgiving. Tliero ia clangor of mleslng tlio real flpirlh ol Thanksgiving) Fresfdont Rooeo Volt mildly rebukes tho tendency of the American 'peoplo topasB resolutions and engage In wordy fanning of tlio air. He BOgRoata deeds na the proper expres sion of.thankfalness. For tho individual thoro can be no tnoro appropriato frame of mind than ono .of apprcintivo thank" fulnosa for advantages enjoyed, for a eano mind and sound body, for employ ment to which ono ia adapted, for ablll eat, aleop and work at something tiBoful. Tho nbuBos of thanksgiving day aro bocoming quite numerous, not tho leant being football gameB that fill tho hospitals, collections for foreign missions, (whether it bo some charitable echemo in a largo city or the heathen abroad,) or any other long.rango bonov olenco. It has boon customary to tako up col lections in tho churchos and public schools for this or that institution injeomo largo city. This Is uncalled-for until wo nro mighty sure thero aro no poor fam ilies needing assistance right at home. Has our neighbor bread? Aro his chil dren clothud and do they go to school? Aro wo truo to our living obligationa in our own neighborhood? Is thoro 'one of our own kith and kin neoda help? As Governor Geer wisely puts it, thoro is a need not only of appro priate glftB, but cheerful words as well. Is not tho best expression of a thankful spirit-all around cheorfulnoss and hope fulness. Dolioving tho best of others and hoping for tho best from all nover yot hurt tho world or anyono In it. SENATORS WITH MORAL CONVIC TIONS. That would bo a rare spectaclo in Congross, and moro rare from Orogon than almost any othor state. SlncoJ. N, Dolph had tho tomorlty to declaro that ho did not Biibscrlbe to tho free sil ver Republican platform of his party in Oregon, and whb retired for his devotion to his convictions, Oregon lmu not had atatesmon who wuro vory outspoken in any direction. Senator Simon has had the norvo to diffor with his party nnnnnnmnnmnnniTminmn mm I.lfoarveet ItrbankeQivinQfeeuei BE Tho Daily Jouiinal proposes to got out this year In lieu of a regula- E tlon New Year's edition, a lino Illustrated Thanksgiving Daily, such as will : pbo n credit to our state and community. It has beon a raro year, with f pi bountiful harvests, and a Harvest Home Thanksgiving paper will bo os-: EE peclally opportune at this season. This paper will contain readable ar-i E tlcloa on oil manner of subjects relating to tho state, and especially to Sa- P loin aud tho Willamette Vulloy. Especially will matter bo presented in : fc this Issuo that will bo of Interest to eastern readers and others who aro in-: gi torosted in knowing about Oregon. pE In addition to tho descrlptlvo and historical matter published thoro ; JEE will bo presented illustrated articles with portraits of public buildings and : E: mon, and especially will tho business interests of the city and county bo E amply illustrated. Many of tho flno roBidoncos and business blocks will also bo shown in graphic form. Borne attractive advertising matter will at-: EE eo appear which will bo a credit to our local buslnsst mon, and all wishing ! to uo represented aro invuou to cummunicaio wun mo puimsnera as : to lates and terms. Some interesting articles, and data concerning our ro. ' sources will bo acceptable for thin edition, which will bo made a credit i abto ono in every respoct. llortcii Duothkkh, Publishers. JLMWLMLWilJJlllUJUWliW UMii Cardul a woman can do any reasonable work and enoy good health. The health that Wine of Cardul brings makes a woman vigorous In body and mind. Freed from those terrible devastating pains a woman grows well and strong naturally. Wine of Cardul regulates the disordered menstruation and cures leucorrhocs, falling of the womb and periodical pains In the head and back uui td by standing or sitting a long time In the same position. Thedford's Dlack'Uraught puts the bowels, stomach, Uver, kidneys and blood in proper shape. Greatly Increased strength and endurance is the natural result. Most cases are cured quickly. All druggists sell 91.00 bottles of Wine of Cardul aftd ?5 cent packages of Thedford's Dlack.DraughL Vb. ailf laa and UUntan. addftt. ttvinff inn Dtoini. Tha TjrtUi' Adrlftorv iftruut.n Tt riilllaaw'i MesUJa on eorno minor matters. Mo Kinlcy enld a tariff on ojir itlnnil products would bo an outrage, but when It came to a' show-down ho acquiesced in thojcilOUgh for the mother but Porto Ttican tnrlfWor revenue", while 81 mon Btood by his convictions and voted against tho bill. So Simon has had tho temerity to go against tho Hanna-Fayno shfp-substdy bill and hel ped suolvo that moasuro aud sond tho Ohio plutocrat's potto tho bonoyard, and in this respect ho probably had tho sincere admiration of Roosevelt who was President of tho Senate, and had no expectation of becoming Prosldonl This turns tho tables so that a tlme- sorvor with no Uxod principles may not bo bo popular as horotoforo in that atiBust bodv of straddlors. Dnt Senator Simon may And that his party does not appreciate a man with such stability that dare tako a stand on matters vital to his constituents and keep that stand against prcesuro of great interests. A single great steamboat company could glvo him a fat place for lifo If ho would got right on the ahip subsidy. Tho question beforo tho Republicans of Ongon at tho noxt cloctlon is not bo much whether they will re-olcct Senator Simon as whether they will puniBh him for daring to have opinions, and whether if they displaco him they wl'l elect a man of convictions or a moro federal patronago trafficker. Oregon has a few mon of prlnciplo and conviction in tlio Republican party, and tho way things have beon going all these gontlemon better koop still if they want the office Even Ilarvoy Scott shows a tendency to muzzle tho ox that treads tho corn. IT IS TIME TO PUT OUT STRAW BERRIES. This is tho season to put out a new acreage of strawborrios. If it is a garden patch or a 10-acro lot, tho land should be well drained and well cultivated. The Btrawborry Is not very cholco as to what kind of Boil It gots plow up any land you hnvo and work as below indicated and you will get a crop- Mnnnrois moro needed to mako tho soil easy to cultlvato than for tho production of fruit. Tho poorest land well handled will produce profitable crops of borrics. Last year this writer spaded up virgin sod among old rotten fir stumps and sot the soil that had novor known n crop with plants of now varieties of straw berries from tho east. Wo nover got a finer result In fruit or now plants. Two dozen of a Blngloklnd produced quarts ot berries and over two thousand plants. Theeo wore sot out in a nowly plowed fluid whoro tho sod was turned down the first of July. Tho sod land was har rowed with a drag and then cut with a disk harrow both ways. Tho plants mmmmmmnmmmm Dome a iMILlliiiJJIiMlllWlllilliiillilMia A Strong Woman low City, Iowa, Aug-. IS, 1900 My wife waa lick (or tbroo yean. We tiled everything without relief anil incut muoh money. My wife tried Wine of Oardul and (our bottleioumdher. She took two more bottle, knowing ehu would havo to work hard during the hay liarveet. Bhe attended to all hr house hold dutlea and loadod and unloaded all the bay, ThU modlclno gave her atreugth. for merly ibe wa weak aud tired and oould hardly get about, but alnoa alio haa been taking Wine of Cardul ahe feols better and stronger than when JO year of age. JOB. A. KlBKNllAVmu Mn. Eisenhafcr had tried everything durlntf her three years ilckneit and had spent conild". rrablt money. She was weak and could hardly jet about for three years before she took WINEoCARDUI Now, alter taking the Vine of Cardul, she can work with her hutband In the hay Held. That Is hard work, but It Is not as Injurious to a woman's health as labor In stores, factories and offices where thousands of slrliare closely con. fined vcar after vear. With the aid of Wine of Company, Cbauuwoga, Itu, NURSING MOTHERS A mother's poor health is bad worse still for the nursing baby. Mothers find Scdtt's Emul sion a nourishing and strengthening food. If the breast milk is scanty or thin Scott's Emulsion will make it rich and more abundant. When mothers take Scott's Emulsion the babies share in the benefits. Thin babies grow fat. Weak babies get strong. We'l I tni you A Utile to try, 1 1 you like. SCOTT & IIOWNE, 409 f earl ttreet, New York. were carefully planted with earth on tho roots and will mako a big crop. THE M0DELEVEN1NG PAPER. That papor is yot to bo published. That it will not bo over fourpageB is sure. That it will have largo readable typo is also sure. Tho so-called metropolitan papers aro a conspiracy to enrich the ocullBt, as much as tho manufacture of cigarottes iaagamo to fill tho jails and asylums. It will print tho news in aeon donsed intelligent manner and with headlines that read as plainly ns a shm-board. It will give all tho import ant news so that its readers need rely no other publication to bo well In formed. Its news roports will bo a con tinuous story, so that if a matter is not concluded in ono day or one week it will be taken up where it left off and tho reador fully informed of tho conclusion of tho matter. Lastly it will bo clean and its columns will contain nothing that cannot bo read aloud in tho pres ence of men, women and children. Tub Daily Joohnal (four months for $1.00 by mail) ia trying to approximate this ideal in news. ALL ARE NEEDED IN THE PUSH CLUB. Not only all tho business men are needed In tho Pub!) club to mako it a success but workiugmon mon who mako a living at wages. Tiieso mon nro dopondont on employment, on enterprises, on a glowing city and investments of capital. Thoy pay largo sums of monoy for inauranco aud social organizations, for cigars and balls and theatres, but thoro could bo no bettor investment for n man dopendcut on wagts to mako than to bucOmo an actlvo member of tho Greater Salem Commercial club aud pay bIx bits each threo months in tho yoar t promoto the legitimate growth of tho city. A workingman was member of tho city council of Bridgeport, Conn. IIons intelligent and public-splritod in tho right way. Ho was only an engiuo Btoker but ho has boon elected Mayor of a city of wealth. Tho workingman has a good right to tako part in this organization for tho upbuild ing of a city as tho banker or tho lawyer. Ho la noedod and he needs tho organiza tion. If such men would take hold, tl o membership of tlio club could bo mtido a thousand and its rallies would moan to lift Salem out of tho rut of indifforonco and hogsishnoss and mako it tlio best city in the atato to live in for a work in jinan who wautH to make n homo for himself and family. The best Prescription for Malaria Chills and fever l a botlle of drove' Tostelon Chill Tonic It In tlmply Iron aud miliiltio lu a ttutoloM form. No curo-uo pay, Price 60 c. WORLD'S GREATEST SHIPYARD. Tho Norfolk, Virginia, Dispatch has caught tho Twentieth century spirit and comes hurtling over the mountains on a breeze from tho Atlantic, telling tho world of tho greatest shipyard on earth that is to bo developed with a million dollar plant In that vicinity, and incidentally celebrates the introduction of a new press, an en larged issuo and other features indi cating that it is allvo. Among literary foutnres it has contributions from Geo. I, Vlett, who swings n iifiughty pen, aud a banker, 0. V, Tebault, tells of somo vory practical work ho has done tho past two years to extend Noi folk's reputation to the whole world, Wo on tho I'ucitlc coast, tho land of goldplecos, prunes and plenty, shako with tho bright brother on tho Atlantic. Wo shall watuh with in terest tho growtli of that shipyard, and quid pro quo" will nsk him to keep un eyoon Ilia Cornuoopla Capital Oity of the Wilieuietto valley, BEER . WILL BE TAXED Wasiiinhton, 1). 0, Nov. 15. Tho Commissioner of Internal Hovenue de- elded today that beer manufactured In tho Unitod States and shippod to the i'hillppinos Is BUbjeot to an internal rev jenuo tax. This ruling Is a reversal of the one rendered by tho commissioner several weeks ago, SOUTH AFRICA AND THE FILIPINOS A Parallel Drawn That Charges Barbarim.s Are the Americans Guilty of Running a Concentrado -in Samar? Tiik JotmvAi. prints tho following " "parallel barbarism" " from tho Chi cago Public bet auso It brings Out a view held by many peoplo who believo that tho United Stntes Is tint In a position to criticise tho people of Great Britain in their war against tho Doers in South Africa. While wo print this for tho infor mation and satisfaction of such ns hold that view wo do not subscribe to tiio parallel, but hold that the people of the United States have only good intentions townrd tho peoplo of tho Philippines, that our country and tho present ad ministration is seeking to glvo them self-government aud free institutions, while Great Britain is carrying out its policy of obliterating self government and destroying existing Republics and crushing weaker nations to tho wall, contrary to tho declarations of tho Hague Intornntionnl Peaco conference. But hero is tho Parallel In Barbarism. Hardly a year has sono by since inno cent Republicans were protesting against having the McKinley colonial policy do scribed as a policy of imperialism. But cvonts nro now taking placo which givo to tlioso protests an emphatic negative, tf tho American government wo are de veloping in the Philippines is not tho govorumont of an omplro, then it is a nondescript. It is not n republican gov ernment. It is not a military govern ment. It is not freo enough for a limited monarchy. It ia tho most absolute gov ernment, professing civilization, on tho faco of tho earth. It is moro absoluto than tho Russian govornmont. For au tocratic authority it is without a paral lel outsido tho British military lines in South Africa. It has forced tho people of the island of Samar to leavo their homes and to con grogato in tho towns. Tills is tho infam ous "reconcontrado" devlco of Gen. Woyler in Cuba, Partly becauso he drovo the Gubans into tho towns, wo wont to war with Spain. President Mc Kinloy declaring this "reconcontrado" was notcivilized wnrfaro; it was extermina tion. Tlio only peace It could beget was that of tho wilderness and tho grave. Yet, in less than four years after thoeo words woro written, tho McKinley co lonial policy has led us on to doing in tho Phllippinoj what President McKinley so vigorously condemned Spain fordoing in Cuba. Nor is that tho worst. Tho later dis patches from Manila tell of a policy of oppression in tho Philippines which goes beyond the drastic laws ot tho Spanisii, wlion they, as our predecessors ruled with imperial sway over those un happy islands This oxtromo and un precedented policy consists in making treason punishable vith death, and in defining it with such grim absurdity that the people w ho aro lighting for tho liberation of their own country may bo executed as traitors by us who confront them ns foreign invaders. Treason I Is it treason? Treason against what? Not ngaiii6t tlio United Slates, for under our constitution only citizens can bo traitors. These peoplo nro not cit'zens. It cannot bo tronsou against tho united States. Whnt then? Tliero is no answer that meets tho re quirements of public luw. Thoy nro to bj shot as traitors merely because they nro in arms against tlio Ainorican army of invasion. It is a war uieaBtiro. This may posstbly bo an effective way of car rying on a war of conquest, but it is new to modern warfare, strange to the prin ciples of public law, ami abhorrent to all our own traditions, hven in our ef forts to aub luo the American I idians, barbarous us oar methods of'.en woro, we novor went tho length ol executing hos tilo Indiana as traitors, For precedents for this new mothod of conquering our "pacified" Philippine subjects, wo nro confined to Great Britain in her wnr in South Africa. We have lolt evon the Spaniard behind. But with Great Britain re swap precedents, Mr. Ohnmberlnin refers for precedents for his South African outrages to our exploits in tlio Philippines; and wo In turn may clto in Btipport of our Philip pine aggression? thooxploits of Kitchener in South Africa. Between us we may yot build up a body of precedents for the imperial conquerors of weaker peoples that would msko the rough aud ready codes of the barbarous conqueror ol ancient times eeom by comparison like advanced leseous in moral phil osophy, If it woro not for their own rever elou to barbarism in tho Philippines, the American people oould contemplate only with horror ttie kind of warfare which the British aro carrying on in South Africa. As with ua iu tho Philip pines, their govornmont roachoa uo farther than their rlllei can carry hardly eo far, if recent events iro any Indication, Yot they, like us, have presumed to declaro themselves con querors. They are there, and they intend to stay, as tho American tice-i governor ol the Philpplues says ol us with reference to that archipelago. Thoy, too, have adopted tl.oj Woyler invention of "reconcentrado." Thoy, too, are killing for treason. But as yet they are a little behind us in that re spect. Thoy do not make traitors of the enemy, as we propose to do, but confine their treason killing to inhabfe. tanls of Gpo Colony. With our Philip. pine precedent to go by, however, theT, wtinvv Cftiieeroi aro most fre quently to be seen upon the face, neck or 4$ brenst, though they are liable to appear upon other parts ot tlie body, wnen tiisy oegtu to sprcau ami cat into the lleih, sharp, tmins arc felt ns the titiderlyinir tissue i9 destroyed and the tender nerves exposed. Cancerous Sores develop Irom very trillini; cntics; a carbuncle orboll, swollen ?lauil, a little watery blister cm Uie totiguo or lip, n wart, mole or bruise of some kind becomes an indolent, festering sore, which In time degenerates into cancer. "Ton years ntro I had a aoro on my loft tomplo, -wliloh tho doctors prououncod a oanooroua uloor; It would ltoh, burn and bleed, then ectib o v o r , but would novor lieal. Aftar takinir S. S. S. awhllo tho Horn bofrnn to dlsclinro, nml when all tho poisonous matter had passed out It trot -woll. X took In nil about thirty bottles, continuing it for somo tlmo after tho soro had Iioalod, to bo euro all tho poleon was out of my nys toic. Havo Boon no stern of tho enncor In ten yoars. JOSEPIIUS ItEID, Ctant, Audrian Co., Mo. is strictly a vegetable remedy, and, while possessing purifying and healing properties that no other medicine does, contains nothing that could derange the system. While cleansing the blood it also builds up the general health. If you have a suspicious sore, or other blood trouble, send tor our free book op Rlood and Skin Diseases, and write to us for nuy information or advice wanted; we make no charge for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. British also may adopt the handy ex pedient of proclaiming tho enemy as traitors. And why nro tho British maintaining this war in South Africa at enormous cost to themselves? Is it to eottlo a dis pute impossible ot sottlomont otherwise? Not at all. Tho Boora offered long ago to closo tho war by arbitration. Indoed thoy offered arbitration beforo tho war began, Thoy havo even offered to closo it upon Great Britain's own terms, pro vided only that tho independonco of tho two ropublics bo continued. But tho British ministiy hasdcclined every offer. Thoy demand unconditional surrender. It is for that, and that alono, for con quest and nothing else, that thoy now carry on this terrible, disastrous war. Disastrous Is n mild term to apply to a modo of warfare such as that the Brit ish bavo in thoir desperation adopted to conquor tho Boers. In the mnttor of "reconcontrado" alone, tho facta aro appalling. The figures as reportod by tho British press for tho period begin ning with Juno and ending with Sep tember nro ns follews: Itato por yenr per 1,000 100 180 214 204 TotM Number lu campa Juno 85,410 July 03,010 August 105,317 September ... .109,418 Deaths 777 1,412 1,878 2,411 It will be observed not only that tho number ol deaths has increased month by mouth, but that tho rato por thous and por annum has llkowlso increased. ino rate tor boptemoor, L'U4, is moro than ton times a normal death rato. It is higher than tho rute in tho midst of n plague. Whnt may bo tho death rato we havo imposed upon our riilllpplno aubjocts may novor be known. For wo havo gone beyond tho British in this species of in humanity. Not only do wo drive the noncombatant population into towns, as tho British do, but wo havo blockaded tho Inland of Loyto, preventing the im portation even of food, and tho inhab tants aro upon tho vereo of starvation. Wo are actually etarvlng womon and children becauoo their huabandd and fathoro refuse to surrender thoir to our invading troops. guns At first tho British spbko of thoir "re concontrado" device as philanthropic. Thoy aaid it was for tho purposo of pro tecting tho Boer women, children and noncombntouta from tho ravagea of war. Butnow LordMilner, In a iottor through his yrlvato secretary, publlshod in tlio London Leader of October 7, admits that this inhuman device was adopted purely on military grounds, as a means for hastening thooud of tho war, , which Is. after all. thn flrxt lntnrnn nl I tbo refugees thomeolves. Tho military durdoso eervep by tho "re concentrado" Ib to mako tho Boers real ize that unless they stop lighting their families will bo put into plague ramps to dlo off at an enormous rate I It is tho same motive that wo have in starving tho women and children of Leyte. If war i boll, what Knglish word remains to describe this kind of war? Frisco Dunlway the Portland blllard player was yesterday defeated by Dr. Burns of this city for the amateur ohamplouship of the Pacific coast. OAiaT'oriiA. Brs tho ji Ito Kind You Hate Always Bought Bipntnre -a yy 'Mfc of af7Ket Soattlo Dick Burkman testified yesterday that Kx-Chief Meredith had told him ho would kill Consldino if he lost his job. Other witnesses for the do.'eimo were hoard alopg the same line. mm COUCH SYRUP, cures Hacking Coughs, Qrlppo, Pnoamonia nml nil eovoro lungnfl'octiona. wiiy inon viBi: consump tion, n Blow, suro death ? Tako wnrnlngl AH nt oncol Buy a bottlo of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, a doctor's proscription, used o vor 50 yoars, rrlco, only 25 couta. Insist on having It. Don't bo Im posed upon. IlgfUso tho (lealor'a eubatltute: it la not as good aa Dr. Bull's, Salvation Oil cure RheunutUra ArbcaiuKiPiJa. ia&23cti. Mtffefc O'lt a irro;sRgggwBmifrtw EDUCATIONAL odaadmv the Intte r afterward, If yon havo tho tlmo nml money, COLLERF. fttti nrrnncrd Willi n vlnur In iiifiiltini. V bin devote ourciiorn(u to couditotlns n Ontcl.ui dcutf ndmttled any time. Our grmliiatwuru CAPITAL NORAIAL AND CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL SALEM, OREGON. ! Fall term nf twrlve wrrk ntuno 5fM tntli In First National Rank Uulldlnr. Our scccia work Is to teach the underlying principles. No umc wjica on me nonessentials, Thehome study and mail department offer you a rare chance to spend your evenlnrs pleas antly and profitably In fitting yourself for your life work. Tuition for the term seven dollars. Home study department $5, Address J, J. KRAPS, SALEM, ORE. THE FLORENCE SANATORIUM SALEM, OREGON. SALEM, A flret-claea pilvato hospital for tho treatmont of rhrpnlo and aurclcal pes. Iluilt the past year ospoolnlly for tho purposo for which It la CllPCS, uaod. Conveniently located within four blocka of tho business part of tho city. Tho moat modern furnishinc and latest annlianmn throughout tho building. Heated by hot wator and lighted by gna and olocticity llore tho Blck can hnvo tho comforts of an elegant private homo, combined with all the advantages of a goneral hospital without tho noloo, confusion, aud publicity attonding ono. Outaldo phyeciana bringing cases in treated with tho greatest courtesy, nnd assisted in operations if requoatodi For terms nnd further informn tionwrito or apply peraonallv. CARTWRIGHT, M. D. SUPT. visitors Welcomed between 2 and a p. m R. SCOTCH WHITE OATS Anyone wanting a healthy nutritious diet should try Scotch Oats. They are a valuable aid to digestion and can be readily served Sold by Harritt & Lawrence OLD F08TOFF10B CmOOEKY Something New Humphrey Gas Arc Light 4 C1IEMEKETA ST. TELEPHONE IRON I KING And whon it comes to doing work on sheet iron, tin nnd coppor, wo take tbo lead. All kinds of ROOFING, SPOUTING, TINNING, CORNISE WORK Done on shortest notlco and with tho utmost satisfaction. :::::: : BURROUGHS St FRASBR PHONE 1511 CAPITAL BREWERY Beer haa stood tho teat of oxporionco. Then why not givo a homo production ttie preleronco. Home capital, notno lntor ami nome browod boor aro growing in popularity. People loyal to homo Indus try glvo it tlio pretorenco. CAPITAL BOTTLING -w. MRS. Mo BECK, BRBOISTBR &. FEEDMEN AND SEEDSMEN- 50 lbs, tabic salt $ 65 100 lbs. table salt $1 10 WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR 91 Court Street, A Bureau! The Durlington ticket office in Portland is a veritable Bureau of Information for travelers a placo where they can learn what it will cost to reach ANY point in America or Europe; how long the trip will take, and what there is to see on tho way. If you are figuring on an eastern trip, drop in and get full information, or, if you prefer, write me about it Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louisand EVERYWHERE beyond. Cor. BUSINESS CARDS. O. H. MACK Succcessor to Dr, J. M. Keeno, In White Corner, Palem Ore. Parties do siring superior operations at moderate fee in any branch are in especial request, Dr, Grace Albrigh Graduate of American School of Osteopathy, t ; t IT tt-i ei Every day excoin Sunday. Office ours U to 12 a. m : 1 to 4 p. m. Odd Fellows' Temple, Cor. Court and High treots. Phone. Main 2281. Dr. Tacle Deal, assistant. S. C. STONE, M. D. PROPRIETOR OF Stone's Drug Stores RALFM OREGON. The stores (to In namterl are located at No. 23 and 333 Commercial street, and are well stocked with a complete line or druts and med Ulnes. toilet artkles. perfumery, brushes, etc- DR. STONE lias had some 25 year9 experience In the prac Ike of medlclae and bow. makes no charge.for consultation, examlnatiuu or prescription. la lW,MI'we"M'"M""ewiimiteKMIflBrllM DEMANDS CAREFUL CONSIDERATION 'J. hero sro two kind of edticntloo R'nuiiuiii nuu urilRlllciHBl nlio'uld bo icourcd Thn fnrmitt by ovcryono, becauie irnayiioputto iiimiulokly Inoarnlnrja iiiik (uciviuivi rvuiim iim in fnrtnn tlr! Tlio council nf Ilia CAPITAL itnciNmco Wedoiiutitabblo In a llillo or overruun, business tcliool successful. Bend for caIsIoijiim. VY..I. STALUY, Principal, Salem, Or. Northwest Normal coll' ge of Literature, Business, Music and Ar (INCORPORATED.) Literary courses are: Collegiate. High School Business and fieparntory. Full or partial ot the mportant branches of Music and Art. Dip loin s granted or Degrees conferred on comple tion of cither of the above courses. Send for catalogue or call at rooms In the Murphy Mock, Salem. Oregon. A.J. Garland. A. M.. PruMmt ' 2 M I'urvln, Mu. Doc, Direct jr. OREGON. EFFICIENT CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL 563 SALEM GAS LIGHT CO. 103 STATE WORKS CAPITAL ICE WORKS Proprietor. WHITB 150 lbs. Half eronnd salt $ 50 1 100 lbs Half ground salt $ 95 AND 0TI1EU CEREALS. Salem, Oregon. information. A. C. Sueldon, General Agent, Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore. Sa er OPFICE, 01T7 HALL For water service annlv at urtleb Bllfa payable monthly in advauce ly 1 tho 1 Mako all complaints at tho riffle o OAPHAL CITY Express and Transfer Meets all mail and pasaengor traiur. Baggage to all parts of the city. Prompt service. Telephone No. 241. DI6QTJE & HOMYER B. I JONES, Attornoy-at-Law Toiodo. Oraion. WuCloik of Circuit Courtfor six years and bia an up-to-date abatraotw all property In i.lDciln county. r r iM7ra Money to Loan On farms and city property. Invest ments judiciously mado. Insurance of fee ted. JOHN MOIR OfHco with Tinl f nn r ftnthrlA A, f!v 207 Commercial Street. 4-0t ffa Geisler Patents Co. Chamber of Commerce Building Portland. Ore. Secures and markets patents, model making and light manufacturing. No better terms or facilities obtainable anywhere. "V II !! "' lilt GQR3GDfl- MHn urunrMiu ... c lit. DEPAltT TIME sriiBtM..T roil Fromro-rfaOTr," MjUT, no Chicago Portland Special 9 a. in. via Hunt ington i&K.Uke. 1W.. . "QHh, Onuud. ir Pk Atltlltlo Kxprcaa . m. via Hunt. ltlRtOH "ItTraiTl" Fast Mail Bp. m. via Spokauo e.Ait Uko. n.n... v. Worth, ObiIh v .'l City. A. Gun ' 1 1 V" and Wat. Ulc,W Hi " HoTlPc v MWftBP-W-CBicXS 7) Through tlckota Enat via .11 , boat antf rail, via Portland, OCBAN AND RIVER SCBEddi.' From inni.,i UUB IAU Mlllng datei lubjtcq I p.m. Bail" expt Bundity I. p m. 8atuitlay, For Han Franclioo Ball aiery 6 0;r COI.UMIIIA RIVRR ToA.torla and LaiKlIligj, ' In lBt, Wll 1 IMDTTn K...JJT Steamers, witn umiKi.. . . '""""I. Kivesikii. nTFrid,t.5Vm:TaVga Saturday at 7 a. m. For tndepeile8tl 1 and Corvallls Tuesday. ThnrjdVt.Ti.S at4p m.Forlndependencejrtoadir.wS and Friday at 4:30 p.m. ''"": Thrnii.l. f I1m u. .... . u .. . t yi 111 rau or tut u rail via Portland. Ticket offic. t. ' " "THAWl.ipB Illinois Central Efficiently Serves a Vast Territon Dy throuch service to aid froa tit prlaclpalcltleslatherollowlantitii. r '"' IOWA ILLINOIS ' INDIANA MINNESOTA WISCONSIN SOUTH DAKOIi MISSOURI ARKANSAS TENNESSEE KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MISSISSIPPI Through Tourist Cars From The Pacific Coast ... wgiA t'ALIF! I TO Chicago dCiflciooif Connectlne with tbrouin truss for tO to!n East, South and Souths T1 Fast and haadsxntty twlttti. ttttm-t trains Dlnlm Cars, Dutttt UUvj en Sleeping; Cars. Free Redlntnt tltkiCm Send fifteen cents In sUmy fotJevif the United States and tut (or t tlculars regardlnt rates, , urrtt etc., call on oral Jres j D.ll.Tlcncil. CoaVttl 142 Third St. Portland, Orcjon. . Corvallis & Eastera KaM Hn 9. Wnr Vnnnlna! Train leaves Albany lf-Mtj 'Prnln InnVAU (Inrvallli.... Win Train arrives Yoquloa . '' Ma 1 Pnt.nrnlntr r.annao Vnmilnn OOJUl Leaves Corvallls'.! 'J1!1 Arrives Albany iaf No. 3 For Detreit: ,MilH Leaves Albany ij Arrives Detroit ..."" M No. 4 From Detreit: ,..,. Leaves Detroit -lfJ Arrives Albany....... MJM Trains 1 arrlvei in Albwj h to connect with the 8. P. sooft w train, as well MRMafSl hours In Albany before i$W fli 1 North bound train for PprtUn J. Train No. 2 connects with th ft ,' weit sido train at Coryllis CrNW Indopondeuce. McBiinnvmo points north to Portland Agbnt, Albany. J I" the only ; The Great ygjjiSi. Rock Island ggSJfc Route iWSJi go cbange via th World'. g to line, maicmg cioau ----"aUi no 1.. Union Depot for U P0"" ..",.:" r r:..i '.iMnDf di car betweea Salt Lake City, Denver and CliicaKO. Buffet, Library smoking cars between 'ub,i"" . , bet .ol v; ..... .,.! (ll.ff.nirn in w-- ronnnnnlilo "dllllM? Car iblo -dminK car eerTiea u and Ohlcau. WfSlffi hh City, Omaha. De"0gjrri M& nv Dlace east, yqa d ' .SH t'ueblo caKo or any place iJAgi l I quire about the Uroat I ",. il Ar tWore Durcbasing your "".uy IVUIlHlin IlILIl v your nearest ticket 88Dl J:fwSil write for folders aAdB"ygrii. g Jesired. . Po,tIand,0t, UBU I. h" - O. C T, Co's PABSECER STEAWER POMONA KmTrorPortl4W2' Wednesday and Frll.T Quick Time, Cheap W,B kfTXiw ortlll ? DDA OUULC UW c "oVTalSs. fliiw ,N1i'' -uj PnitTLAND 0R. ,itSW 1 ... " tmmmmmmmmafff"m W1 ri i s J 1 tM ri ,v,. . mmmmmummmmm$im 'OWp"1?!'."1"" 'Jawy f,tSSSR'3 'WUiil.lMMi