The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 14, 1901, Image 2

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House Work is Hard Work without GOLD DUST.
Member Northwest Aftornoon
Nownpapqr League.
THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 1001.
Dklly One' Year. 93.00 In Advance
Dally Four Month $1. In Aclvanoo
Daily by Cnrrlor BOo Por Month
VVooklyOno Yoar Sl.OO In Advanoo
- - T . A,
fj Thoro Ib much unfnvorablo comment
hi tho Portland mnnngors of the Salem
oloctric light plant raising tho rates to
ligbt' users forty to fifty percent. BomaWnat tho politician wants to
havo stopped taking lights and havo
pat in gao. Tho rates (or gas aro not
excessively low but they havo not boon
changed for many years. Thoro may
bo Bomo ground for raising tho light
f rates that whon it is fully mado pub
lie will justify th a advnnco. Tho ad
vance Is mado at a timo of tho year when
it bears hardest on tho ueors at tho
approach of winter when light bills are
naturally increasing. Ins JoonNAL will
not pass au opinion on tho juetico or
Inlustico of tho advance Tho advance
will mako sentimont in favor of tho stato
' and city owning its own lighting plant.
In fact public ownership is tho final so
. lution of the wholo problom. That a
community should bo taxed for any
necoBBlty at tho will of a private corpora
tion is contrary to sound principles of
economics. Light and water at least
should bo furnished as choaply as
possible. Especially the small proporty
owner ond tho pooror class of light and
water ueors nood tho protection and ad
vantages that come only from public
ownordhip. It is oasy to imagine a light
or water plant being managed in such a
way that only tho most favorably situ
ated of tho community could havo light
or water to uso. That would bo an ol
igarchic and aristocratic monopoly equal
to eerving sunlight in chunks only to
thoso oblo to pay for it and would reduco
civilization to a Caspar Hauser status in
a few generations. But that ' is Just
what a high-priced monopoly leads to
in either case if left in tho. hands ot pri
vate corporations. Ought wo not to bo
thankful 'to Rockefeller or any corpora
tion (or putting up pricos and putting on
tho screws that will most spoodily odu
cato the maBses of tho peoplo to tho
inevitability of publlo ownership ot thoso
things, when thoro would bo np object
butin giving all tho people tho best poi
Bible 8orvlco at tho lowest possible prlco.
Tub Jouiwai. has always been an ad
vocate of tho lktlo things well dono. In
the Greater Salem Oommorclal club or
ganlzation It is to bo hoped thatgroat na
tional mattora and )ong-rango firing at
results will be dolerred and the work
nearest at hand taken up and well done.
3;00 a yoar, or less than ono cent a day
- it is -a small stream to play on the
nation at largo and if it wore all
dirooted ou ono opot would 'not mako
'a perceptible dent on the surface But
that samo three shining Bryan dollars
' wisely used can accomplish tho roal up
building of Creator Balem. Iu placo ot
spending large sums ot money ou adver
tising In lvrgo Eastern papers full ot ad
vertisements of larger and ruoro attrac
tive confers of Immigration in tho Weat,
tho little fund of tho Tush Olub should
all bo used in making porsoual points of
contact through pooplo who are already
heio. A' man from tho East has recently
bought a bueinssi hero and aftoreomo
acquaintance with our people is highly
pleased with Balem and iho Oaegon
country and cllmnto. Ills frieuds are
writing him (or Information and some
of thorn' want to coino here. Peoplo
naturally roovo in groups and through
'acquaintances and associations, There
is tho lino ot tho least resistance. If
tho push club will take up tho work
right at that point and labor
ithrough this man and roach
through him after his ocquaintoncoa
and friends, it will bo touching people
who aro noareat at hand and most ready
io be influenced. That kind of people aro
not entire strangers because they can bo
referred to some one thoy know1 who is
' already here and in whom thoy havo
confidence. If tho Push club will only
do this with each man who hai located
herein the past j ear, and with each
person wlio Is corresponding with eorao
one n tug east about locating hore, it
will havo plenty of work to do and cru
, get results and leave lurgor undertakings
thai md bJg on papr alone for tho
. ,.
M.wIUb. W Just enough u)gfe PSS
;able tfe Republican toxoid their MLjCffl&&M
party together on tho threatened dancor
of tho disruption of our industries if the
wicked and baleful Democratic party
gots into possession of the government.
Already tho cry lmsgono out that ovou
tho reciprocity treaties aro fraught with
dancor. in soito of tho (act
that President McKlnley'a last words
wore an appeal (or a Iatgor basis of
reciprocity. Now the wool men nro being
etirrod up and tho beet sugar industries
nro being aroused to tho danger and de
struction that awaits thorn it reciprocal
trado arrangotnonts are allowed to pre
vail. The treaty with Argentine is laid
asido as doslructivo to our farming
industries, tho troaty with Franco would
ruin Our (ruit and vino traffic, in Bpito of
tho (act that Oregon prunes aro soiling
at i cents a pound on tho (arm, But
thoso things mako a cry and a cry is
get voteB
and with a cry ho will got them cheap
est and easiest, and tho Democratic hard
times and Democratic distress undor last
Democratic tariff will bo used (or n genera
tion to como as tho panics of 1850 and
1843 woro used by tho founders of tho Re
publican party. In 1891 this writer was
campaigning in North Dakota with Sen
ator Hansbrpugh in the county as
Republicans arguelng (or bimetalism
ou tho Republican platform. Ham-
borough was then talking tariff reform
but arguoing that it must bo dono by
the Republican party. Ho was right ns
a Republican and whon tho pooplo elect
n Republican administration thoy should
be eivon all tariff legislation by that
party and in occordanco with Republi
can principles of dealing with tho tariff
question. Rovision of tho tariff must bo
by tho noxt two congresses. That is
tho only safo proposition, and Ifans
brough is right. Tho Ropubllcan party
will faco about as complotoly on the
tariff as it did on tho monoy quostion,
aud as it followed Cleveland on flnanco
it may follow him on tariff reform and
mako him its caudidato for tho Presi
dency in tho groat battlo yet to be
fought ogainBt tho trusts. Rovision of
tho tariff will bo either radically pro
tective or it will ho radically rovonm
tariff. About the Columbia Knocker.
AitorU Newi:
Tho Whcn,t Peel has Just'sont its
Knockers down tho rivor to defaino tho
Columbia river bar. Tho pool is raking
off millions of dollars each year out of
what belongs to tho (armors of tho In
land Empire. Tho Oregoulan is its
organ. When tho whole country Is err
ing out (or tho railways to uso this great,
first class, freah water port nnd thus add
mllll&ns of dollars to tho value of tho
wheat of tho Inland Eraplro, tho Oro
gonian responds by sending its Knocker
hore to dofamo its own waterway.
if tho proposition that use ot this port
will add ton por cent, or other largo per
cent to the valuoof tho wheat, la not
truo, then a common point for Astoria
will not bring the wheat to thia port.
There is no need to Bend a knockor
down horo to dofamo tho port, Tho
proof of tho pudding is in tho eating.
Rut tho Wheat Peel cannot afford bucIi
a list. It has millions at stake. Such a
tost would not suit at all. Thoy profnr
to defame tholr own bar as their only
Rut tho defamation is falso. This bar
is just as good as that ot Now York,
whore thoro is an unprotected en
trance. It is truo, hero aa thoro, that
greater dopth on tho bar is wanttd.
Hut tho heaviest ocean ships can como
in at this port Tho oriental liners can
como hero and unload and got tholr
freight to New York a day oarllor than
it can go if tho stuff has to bo trans
shipped at Portland, Much largor ships,
too, can como in at this bar than can go
up to Portland, Ohoipur freights
can bo had by chartering largo shins
for this port than by having smaller
Bhips ckartorod for Portland, Every
consideration ot the IntoroBts ot the
Columbia Basin merchants and farm
ers, and 'of Portland roal ostato owners,
demands that this port shall bo usee' by
tho O. R, & N. Co., and tho Union Pa
clflo. Yet Instead ot using it, instead of
a loud demand for its ueo coming from
lha "only papor'Mn Portland we hoar the
stertorous knocks of tho Knocker ot tho
Whoat pool defaming tho bar.
Sotno groat Influence Is backing this
Pacific Wheat Peel is holding down this
groatest port in tho West, Irvlu M.
Scott saya it was Huntington in his lite
tlmo. It Is "Jim" Hill now, with his
alliancoi in the Union Pacific and with
tho Pacific Wheat Peel that has the
wheat market at its mercy.
Will our pooplo novur awaken? It
only needs Portland to understand how
tho Orcgonlan is Boiling her interests to
tho Great Northorn in order for a
speedy chauge to como. Thirty days of
education with 600 free copies of the
Dilly News Is all that la needed.
2 There s a Class of People
Who are injured by the use of coffee,
ltecoutly there has been pluced In ull
tho grocery 'stores a new preparation
culled OHA1N-0, made of pure
Bruins, thttt takes, tho place of coffee.
Tho most delicate stomach receives
It without distress, nnd but few can
toll it from coffee. It doea not cost
over as much. Children may drink
it with great bonetlC 10 ctu. and i.'5
ctii. per package. Try it. Ask for
i mitulYMHara touted
Official Proceedings for No
Yember Term
Of the County Commission
ers Electric Light Fran
chise Granted.
Official Report of proceedings of tho
county commissioners for Marion coun
ty at its November term, 1001.
Road and Brldcre Account
John Ltchty f 5 70
JohnLlchty 8 88
W D Clnggett 15 00
W D Chtggett 2 CO
Capital Lumber Co 3 84
Capital Lumber Co 2 10
Capital Lumber Co. .. ( .'vtt.t.. 12 72
Capital Lumbor Co. .......... 3 84
Olms Stowell 25 08
LW Potter 4 (12
EL Brlggs 4 02
Gray Bros , 11 15
ASEppley 2 03
G Dupont ,.... 8 00
I O Noedham 7 25
WmMlloy , 0 00
CO Heater 10 60
W JCulvor 2 50
W J Culver 81 28
MR Moore 10 00
G W Mooro 7 25
EllVaughn 2 35
E E Barrett 1 25
Jennings Smith -........ 2 60
AJohnson , 203 00
W W Landers ;'..'.... 1 60
R Shaw 4 82
Herman Stego 3 00
OL Weaver 4 00
Bowley Bros 32 80
J J Solles 28 85
Ralph 8worta 80 70
Leo Brown & Sons 20 21
P J Larson 3 00
Colo Bros 101 09
WG Wolksr 20 00
IONeedhum 1 45
Salem Gun 8toro 18 00
Salem Gun Storo 0 00
D SLivesay 10 43
D 8 Livesay 10 60
John Hughes 0 00
J It Landon 22 08
W MSiogmumi 2 25
Amlel DanlelBon 60
S Potorson 3. 00
J II Simmons 1 50
A K Nelson 1 00
Clyilo Townsond 4 . . 4 00
JD8immons 20 00
RM Wado&Co 1 50
J U Knighton 8 26
O Batt 4 00
O J Donlels 4 00
J B Vondalo 8 00
J B Vondalo J) 60
II L Earl 4 CO
JR Worden 7 60
G W Jory 10 60
Harvoy Hoffman 4 38
Gray Bros 2 40
E T Malvln 8 14
Honry Molring 28 00
Luckamutto Mill Co 3 02
AJohnson 40 37
J R Worden 4 60
Raudabaugh & Francis 2 00
W O Gentrv 3 00
Earnest Matthias 3 00
N WSIlvor 4 00
Dan Stanton 3 00
Amoa Bros 3 10
Ed Gales 3 00
11 E Dumas 10 24
Iu tho matter of tho Application of
Waldo for County Aid. Allowed $2.00
per month,
In tho matter of tho roport of D. D.
Keller, Stock Inspector, Approved.
In tho matter of the resurvoy ot tho
County road loading from North cast
corner of tho Giutavo Cono D. L. O. to
tho Salem and Boon's Ferry road. Mo
tion ot Roppol overruled, aud road es
tablished, Poor Account-
A II LaOrolx $ 3 CO
A H LaOroix 3 00
llarritt & Lawrence 2 30
Harritt !cLawrenco 0 GO
Harritt &. Luwrenco 0 17
John A. Simpson 3 00
Grlswold & Chase , , . . , 17 73
Salem Woolen Mill 8toro 2 40
BroweterA White GO
Salem Hospital , 20 00
Mrs AD Leach 35 00
AC Locks, disallowed.
M M High 80 09
-- 4 20
D F Lane 42 00
D F Lane , , , , 20 76
E A Poarco , 218 00
J W Baker, not allowed.
Petor Williams ',.... 2 25
U J Fry ;.,.,,. 27 15
Rlgdon & Olough 18 00
ullbert re Baker 3 po
Gilbert&Baker ,.,.,..,,,, ji 60
1 . . , . . , . . , , , , 60
LH.i.. 2 60
Gilbert A Baker
R K millnim nn.ill.t.ii.l '
" """'"I"!
Gray Bros ;.'( 3355
John Gray 7 go
TIIIboh, Bartlett Co 3 05
MMHIgh 1243
MM High 000
J II Scott 3 25
Robert Retd 7 50
In the matter of the painting ot floors
and kalsomtnlug or painting walls of
rooms ou lower Uoor of house at Poor
Farm, aud making noeded repairs, etc.
John H, Scott authorised to havo floors
ot poor house and walls ot rooms paint
ed or kalaomiuod and to got needed sup.
plies, also to have towor of wlud mill
Circuit Account, Witness Claims Al
lowed. OB Whlto n 8Q
WM Murphy 7 qq
A tlughes
Thos Hughes ..
Frank Lambert
FT Tucker 2T20
Alfred Lambert '..x 7 00
DW GlbBon '"2 20
Robt McGuire ....... n... .... . '--2-20
OhasWelch 2 20
G LNeal ' 2 20
ET Hall .'
M It Mooro . t ..- i, ,-t f . m, ,
2 80
3 40
3 20
3 20
3 30
3 30
0 00
Earl Jory ,...' A . s . ..
ThosTrlco .'. ....
j k uiuaon r.
RD Gibson
Clydo O Townsond .
Hartloy Bonnoy OOO
Bertha Zumwalt 60 80
R A Pratt 7 GO
8 W Mitchell t 0 00
Mrs A D Mitchell .' 8 00
Albert Weodworth 1 80
J B Underwood 3 GO
WP Gilbert' 4 40
Jack Johnston 0 00
AH Wyatt 8 20
John 11 Portor t . . . 40
James Kelly ........ 3-GO
Hadley Hobson 8G0
Maud Latourell 3 20
Sylvester Pritchard 8' 80
DrJ W Rnnran it... 3 00
SJ Connor 7 00
McKlnioy Mitchell .4 80
Frod Yorgan 7 GO
W T Colemon 7 00
WLWhito 2 20
W II Cross 2 40
Walter Broed 2 20
Geo Beenian 2 20
Ed Granthau 2 20
DWSoars 4 40
G G Swart 2 20
OlaudGntch 2 20
Tom Trico 3 20
DWAboll 8 00
DWGibson 2 20
Henry Portor 4 80
Albort Morris 8 00
Josephine McOlalno 8 20
Olllo Zumwalt 50 80
RayZumwnlt 50 80
Wm Grant 8 40
W R McKay 8 40
A J Haas 8 80
Stephen Morton ,,..-. 8 40
NGooding , 8 40
J FTB Brentano...i 8 40
John F Kerrigan 12 80
Frank 8now 12 80
B B Horrlck Jr 4 00
E L Romington G GO
Wm Murphy 7 00
Petor Managuo 7 00
OS Whlto 480
D A Mngness 7 00
Frank Lambort 7 00
Alfred Lambort 7 00
James Hoator 8 40
Thos Hughes 7 00
A F Apple 13 GO
F Pollond 8 40
Geo Ehlon 7 80
BFlynn 7 00
A J Van Wos8onhove : 7 CO
JosPlllott 7 00
J G Eberhardt 7 00
J G Cook 8 40
O floss 8 00
SMc Donald 8 40
ThosKIrk 8 40
Win Flynn 4 00
J Provost 8 20
F Coleman 8 20
O Gooding 8 40
WTDavidson 8 40
T Kerr 8 40
Theo Boutin g 40
Henry Ernst 7 00
A Hughes 8 00
Henry Wolhf jrt 0 40
J FTB Breutano fl 40
Goo Gint 8 40
BN Whlto , 2 20
OlaroucoMaulola..: 8 00
O 8ulllvan m 00
Mrs J 8towart u go
MrsV8ulllvan 10 00
WF Gardner 12 80
Myrtle SulllvanMisallowed ieJ
Meta Sullivan 12 80
Daisy 8ulitvau 12 80
Archlo Sullivan 12 80
MyrtloGrler , 10 00
D WGlbeon 2 20
Hoy Sullivan 12 80
Robert McGuiro 0 20
Alico Pretty man 2 20
Justice's Court Account.
Statu of Oregon vs. A M Humphreys
JO'Donald $3 00
Stat6 of Oregon vs. Alvin Jones.
WmPugh.,.., 170
.State of Oregon vb Honry Sullivan.
JO'Donald 335
F W Durbln 10 00
Btatoof Oregon vs. Peter Williamson
JO'Donald 6 05
JOEstos 130
Stato of Orogon vs. John J Claughlln
J O'Dooald 8 15
J if Lewis,. , , 31 oo
Stato of Oregon vs. Walter Krlio.
J O'Douald Bsn
i HLowls A 5 70
Stato of Oregon vs. Silas McDbwoll,
JO'Donald $ 545
J 11 Lewis 3 00
Htato of Oregon vs. BaU DeJorden.
11 vverion ,, ,,, 1 7 25
J L Kendall 2 70
John DeJorden.., 0 10
J M Poorman , , , , i 70
Amos Beach 10 80
J Bingham 2 30
Agues i'tjjoruen ,,,,. 2 10
Stato of Oregon vs. Joo Moulett ot a).
II Overton ., $ 12 00
Mary Andres, . 8 i0
Petor Kushnich,,..M 2 70
EL Romington.,,,,,,. 1 70
J O Phelpa ...,., 3 20
RACooIoy ,,.,4 130
Lunuel Walker , 1 go
Amoa Beach....,..,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ia 58
Win Komp , 2 10
Jdsou Doud ...... ,, ,,, ,,,, , 1 70
James Uow.,.. , 1 70
John Komp ,, .,,,., l i"0
John Schwab... .,,, 2 40
James Whitney ,.. 1 00
Stato of Oregon vs. Bert WatUrs etfaf.
W H Queener ..,,,,., ,. tfiw
Alex Downlug..,. 1 70
CouttuueJ'oa third tge,
To Mothers of
Large Families
In this workaday world few women
are so placed that physical exertion
Is not constantly demanded of them in
their dally life.
Wo mako a special nppcal to mothers
of largo families whoso work is novcr
dono, nnd many of whom Butter, and
Suffer for lack of intelligent aid.
To women, young or old, rich or
poor, wo extend an Invitation to accept
froo advico. Oh, women I do not let
Una. Gjuumt BiausviLus.
your lives bo sacrificed when a word of
advico at tho first approach of weak
ness, may fill your futuro years with
healthy joy. Address n letter to Mrs.
Pinkham's Laboratory, Lynn Mass.,
and you will not bo disappointed.
"When 1 began to tako Lydla E.
Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound I was
not ablo to do my housework. I suf
fered terribly at timo of menstruation.
Several doctors told mo they could do
nothing for mo. Thanks to tho Pink
ham advico and mcdlclno I am now
well, and can do tho work for eight in
tho family.
" I would recommend Lydla E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound to nil
mothers with largo families." Mns.
Gxiuue Belleville, Ludlngton, Mich.
Woman's Vote In Municipal Affairs,
Editoh Jeurnal: Just provious to
our late election In New York, tho New
burg News Bald editorially;
'If tho women of Now York City were
allowed to vdto at tho coming municipal
eloctlon, Tammany would bo given nde
foat from which It nover would recovor.
Whatever may bo nrgued ngainBt giving
womon tho right of suffrage, it stands
upon record that tholr influence is al
ways upon tho side of justice and moral
ity. This is no moro truo of tho women
of Groator Now York than of tho womon
of Newburgand all othor cities, largo
and small, throughout tho stato."
That this Is truo is photvn by tho fol
lowing editorial from tho Leadvtllo
Domocrat, whero thoy havo soon tho
practical tffect of woman's voto in mu
nicipal affairs:
"From a mining camp with a reputa
tion for bloodshed that extended to tho
ocoauB.Leadvillehas developed intoono of
tho most upright cltiosof the country, as
froo from violenco nnd crime of any kind
as a New England vlllago. This result
has been brought about through tho In
fluonco of tho good women of tho com
munity. Thoy worked for tho election
of officials who could bo trusted to en
force tho laws and make tho city and
county a most undesirable placo for law-
oreaKers anu vagrants, ana tholr mornl
influence throughout the years has boen
most bonollclal in this respect. Thoy
havo ovolvod a city of good homos and
good government from a mining camp
with a record."
And yot womon nro denied tho ono
womanly, dignified and effectual means
through which they can iufluenco legis
lation, tho ballot, and at tho Bumo timo
urged to do tho most unwomanly act of
all, solicit tho votes of men. "Consist
ency, thou art indeed a jewol."
Elnoha Monkok Baiicock.
Bed Time
take a pleasant herb drink, the next
morning I feel bright and my com
plexion is hotter. My doctor says it
acts gently on tho stomach, liver and
kidneys, and is a pleasant laxative. It
is mado of horbs, and ia prcparod as
easily as tea. It is called Lanoa Medi
cine. All druggists soil it nt 25c, and 50
cts. Lane's Family Medicine moves tho
bowels each duy. If you cannot got it,
send for free sample. Address, Orator
Woodward, LoRoy, N. Y.
Great Stock Feed
Herman Jakol, of Aumsvilla, brought
to tho Journal ofllco two mammoth
carrots and sugar beets, of which ho
raised fifteen doublo wagon loads, or
about that many tons. They wero only
cultlvatod four times, and the ground
was not specially prepared. This is a
reat crop for stock feed, and should bo
moio genorally planted by Btoek men.
Dr, BulFa OouBu Syrup wi.l euro a
woumi or vom ac onco. Conquers
Group, Whooplnff.CouKh nnd Monslo
pouch without foil. Mothers pralso
It Doctors proeoribo ib for Bronchi
tls, Ilporsenoas. Grlppo, Tnoumonla
and Consumption. It jica quick,
Burereanlta. PiIco,25cts. Rofusothe
doaler'a substitute r it is not ns pood.
Always oures whon othois fail.
Dr. Bull's Pills cure CoiWirM ln urd LUci
TrouliU. so pliu. iu cu. Vial box, ",'
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anrons lending- a (ketch and rteacrlptlon. mar
qulcklr acertalii our opinluu free whether au
luntloa U probably patentable. Cominunlra.
tlon Mrictlr conndontfal. Handbook on I'atenta
1'atftuU taken through Jiunn A Co. receli
ann k ih. iu.ij.
vunotut, wiiDoucnai
sckwir fc Jimciicii!.
ntv, im iuu
AJ!naotnely niaitratA4 wMklr. T-iveit nir
cQlatlou of any cienlino louruaX Tcrtoa, I J a
iri 1
yeari mur moiiioi, u CKMaoyaii newioealen.
n 3BlBroad. NQU1 Vnrlr
(Bo, &AVUL. WoahtlKton, IU
ftsm Jufilli hi
j kkkkkkBBkkS
UV?.,?tirjJ5r,erwarJ" ,fyu havo the time ami money.
LULLERR Aril firrnnD.1 tvllh n vtrup tn, tlim.. ll.
but devote pur onorKlej lo comliiotliiR
dent, miininiii nTim n ... ..1 1 .V...: ". "."
- - "vt vms BiituumvD hid auwimiuif OVIMI IUT L'llinil)K1l(
. W. I. 3TALEV. Principal. Snlcm, Or.
capital normal and Northwest Normal CoflTge
ffiRRPSDnNnRNPR orunni I of Literature, Duslntss, Music and Ar
i-'riJ.t'GW TCJlvc .weeks opens Sept. 301h
In First National lUnk nulldlnc Our spccla
iWf,kis.I?.Uih.!he "nOerlylnj, principles. No
time wasted on the non-cssentlai9,
The home study and mail department offer
you a rare chance to spend your evenings pleas
antly and profitably In f mine yourself for your
Home study department $5. '" "Addresi4"'
UK mnn, luiuun ior inc icnn seven ao ars.
lome study department $5, Address
A drst-oluBB piivato hospital (or tho treatment o( chroulo and suivtcal
crtsos. Built the past year ospoolally (or tho purpose (or which It is
UBod. Convouontly located within (our blocks o( tho business part
of tho city. Tho most mrxlorn (urnishlnKJ nnd latest appliances
throughout tho hulldinR. Heated by hot wntor and lighted by Kas
and oloctlclty Horo tho sick can havo tho'comlorts o( nn oloKiint
prirate homo, comblnod with all the advantages of a gonornl hospital
without tho noise, coiKubIoh, nnd publicity nltomliiig ono. Outside
phyBcians bringing caeoo in treatod with tho greatest courtesy, nnd
iissletod in oporations i( requostod. For torms and (urthor inlormn.
uouwruoor appiy pursonuiiv.
Anyone wanting a healthy nutritious diet should try
Scotch Oats. They are a valuable aid to digestion and can
be readily served Sold by .
' Harritt & Lawrence
Something New
Humphrey Gas Arc Light
And wiion It comes to doing work on sheet iron,
tin and coppor, wo tako tho load. All kinds of
Done on shortest notlco and witli the utmost
satisfaction. :::::: :
PHONE 1611
Beer has stood tho tost of oxporionco. Then why not ijlvo a homo
production tho preforenco. Home capital, homo labor and homo
browod boor aro growing in popularity, rooplo loyal to homo Indus
try rIvo It tho preforonco.
MRS. M. BECK, Proprietor.
jBl. cut acisff sjslx":!?
50 lbs, table salt $ 65150 lbs. Half irronnd salt $
100 lbs tabic salt.
$1 10
91 Court Street,
The Burlington ticket office in Portland Is a veritable
Bureau of Information (or travelers a place whore
they can learn what it will cost lo reach ANY point in
America or Europe; how long the trip will take, and
what there is to see on the way.
If you are figuring on an eastern trip, drop in nnd
get (ull information, or, i( you prefer, write me about it
Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and
XJESir-a? IKS"!!?5
8ucccessor to Dr, J. M. Keeno, In
White Corner, Salem Ore. Partios de
ilrinc superior operations nt moderate
fee in any branch are inespwial request,
Dr Grace Albrigh
of Osteopathy, : : ;
Every day except
Suuday. Office
11 uira u io 13 a.
m : I tn 4 n in C,A
Fdlowa' Temnle. Cor. fiourt ml Ttih
struts. Phone. Main 2281.
Dr. Tacie Bcal. assistant.
&&& -.
J. L. JilUlNl:, fll. D.
Stone's Drug Stores
The stores (two In number) are located at No.
235 and 333 Commercial street, and are well
stocked with a complete line of drugs and med
Klnes. toilet articles, perfumery, trusties, etc-
Has had some 25 years exceritnr' in h. .,.,
lice of medicine- and now makes no thir tnr
wutuiiaiioa, examination or prescription.
'JUnjronro two Ktudi of cducntlou
prsctlcnl ntnl oriinmoiiul Tho form or
should Lo ccurod by ovrryono, becauso
It inny bo put to turn quickly Iu pernlni: ft
Till) ixmrnMnf tun PAIilTAI miciiunaii
i.iiH. (iiviciuic, nicuiu uiuiormer
Ant-cliM b'uilucM iohool
'e do not dabble In a llillu 01 ovi'iytlilnir.
" rZZ: . "."l". "."."" Vrc," cneap, mu-
Literary courses are: Collegiate, High School
Business and Picparatory. Full or partial of
the mporlant branches of Music and Art. Dip
loin 9 granted or Degrees conferred on comple
tion of either of Hie above courses. Send for
'o '" rooms n the Murphy Dlock,
"uih.i. a. j. uonanu, a. pi., ITCHaent.
Z M. Parvln, Mu. Doc, Dlrectsr,
1 100 lbs. Halt eround salt $
Salem, Oregon.
mm "miipm mi 11 1 mi 11
A. C. Sheldon, General Agent,
Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore.
For water borvlco apply at offlc
Bills payable monthly in advaoce
Mako all complaints at the office
Express and Transfer
Meets all mail aud passenger trains
Baggago to all parts of the city. Promo!
.Luiupuona o. -11.
Toledo, Orovou,
WasClork of Olrouit Oourtfor six yearr and baa
an up-uxiato aUtraet or all property in LiuooJn
Money to Loan
On (arms and city property. Iuveit
ments jndiolously made. Iusuratico ef
(ected, JOHN MOIR
Office witli Balfour Quth-io & Co.
3P7 Commercial Street. 4 01
Geisler Patents Co.
Chamber of Commerce Building
Portland, Ore.
beourea aud markets patents, model
making and light manufacturing. No
better terms or facilities chtainahln
j anywhere.
Da. m.
via Hunt,
?.lt..,'Xr. I'onvcr. Pt
aKt""' "Io.
1P.IB. .
9 p. m.
via Hunt
lnuton "St" Paul"
Kant Mall
S p. m.
5Rll,W&..Jlw n.
aSf,n?.wM!, J'n-
rauV. nni.Vrhoy"!J
Chlekgorand,KMt:n IW
79 " HOURS
nOCMnitOfCar. "
1 nrougii tickets East via all
boat and rail, via Portland.
rail, 0r
nuia rornana
All lalllng dates aubjcct
S p.m.
For Han Francljco
Ball every S days
8. p tn.
10 a. m.
To Aitorla and YaT
Uudlngi. '
Steamers, water peralttlnr. leave slca ht
Portland and way landing. Monday.Wtaoeii,.
nd Friday at 10 . m.. Tuesday 1 1 n"rX !fi
Saturday at 7 a. m. For Indeteslenc. Alt
and comma Tuesday, Thnrsday a.d &,,,
t 4 p. m.For lndepedence.Mosdy.Wedi"iV
nd Friday at 4:30 p. n. "";
Through tickets East via all rail or ton u
rallvls Portland. Ticket of flee. dock.
B. T. THAYER. Attn
Salem, rtioa.
Illinois Central W
a Vast
3sosy Territory
Rythrouth service to and from the
principal cities In the folia wlnr states:
Throuth Tourist Cars From
The Pacific Coast
TO .
Chicago ,Cfacfonafl
Connectlat with tbrouih trttas tottll tolitt
East, Southland Souffteasi
Fast and haudsimely eiulpul. tUa-ktW
trains Dining Cars, Outlet Uirwr Cv
Sleeping Cars, Free Recllnloi Chairs Cm
Send fifteen cents In stamps fortdiiiM
the United States and Cuti t w
tlculars regarding, rates, time, ttnti B TRUMmL
142 Third St. CralAtt
Portland, Oregon.
Copvallis & Eastern Wiui
mrr m n a nn
No. 2 For Yaqulna:
Train leaves Albany 12:M p. m,
Train leaves Corvallls.... 1:53 p. ft
Train arrives Yaqulna . 6:i5p.u.
No. J Ileturnluir:
Leaves Yaqulna Sx8,0,
Loavos Corvallls 11:30.8.0.
Arrives Albany 12:16 p. b.
No. 3 For Dotrelt:
Leaves Albany ?rl
Arrives Dotrolt 12d5 p,
No. 4 From Dotrelt: 1C
Leayes Dotiolt lV?
Arrives Albany 5-J0p.,,tt.
Trains 1 arrives in Albany in tta
to connect with the 8. P. south boarrf,
train, as woll as Riving two- or W
hours in Albany before departure ol a
P. North bound train for Portland.
Train No, 2 connects with W 0, f.
weat Bldo train at Comllls Oroiiijjl
Independence, McMinuvilla nd
points north to Portland.
J. TUUNBlt, Edwu. Btmj,
..,W..., ....-, .
m, , Is tho odI lb
The Great $!$,
Rock Island tiiS
Route SaWcg
so change via thn World's Vjffig.
fo lino, making close cm ft,
cago in union uon " ,
Uatly etanuaru sitoi'
car bHtween Salt h98
f!lv. Ilrtnvnr and Chicago,
-Buffet, Library smoking
cars between I'uauio, ua- ,
1 m,i., Tim boat anuu"
reasonable dimng car service b rt
Pueblo anil Oblcag. II yu "rfneg, Cat
Kansas City Omaha. ffl V
cairo or an v nlaco east, yqu sboow
quire about the Ureal BocK " Jj
before purcnasing yu -- . 1,
your nearest ticket agent ;g W
write ior mmora u- - ,
Jostred. .. A. - y . Qu
Qen'l. ARt..i" -
Leaves tor PortlaalMooW
Wednesday and Friday.?
Quick Time, Cheap Bates
Dak: Foot of TW ;,,, I
?. BAU-n- 1
snnr p RRO
1 O. C. T, Co's
M. I
-w gawwiTiiiiwiiiTWawwiwffaia 1 1 1 anmMU'iimiiwi'nM
l,"jww'!srB4Hgr" r - . sg - - - -, - ajWHBWH