The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 18, 1901, Image 3

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.V 4
- ijIk
Dasidruff and
Falling Hair vanish
before the magic touch of
Ncwbro's Ilcrpicide, the
latest scientific discovery.
It kills the dandruff germs.
Destroy ,the cause, you re
movo tho effect. Kill tho
dandruff germ, and your
hair will grow abundantly.
8r,AicTrtoKT,TnAno,Dee.8 .to.
Herplclde uoet all that you claim for It. It
linn cleaned my head from iLindraff and Ml
ray hair flue ami iott. OnxnoBil.CnotioEa,
For Sate at all Flrit-Class Drug Siorts.
b i m
ly SV
For silver ware come and
see us. We carry a com
plete llac of trlcle and ex
tra tipped, or flat plated
ware. Latest shapes and
newest designs. Come
and see It, even If not
purchased. A guarantee
certificate with each piece
from the factory. :: ::
, J
jYokahama Tea Store!
A a- Try the new Porto Rica Coffee. 1
H .vkTa."U.'VJt.OU. ittSMV-UiTJkM
Portland Visitors
Perkin's Hotel Restaurant.
White Cooks. Ius:li IOc to 25c. Meals a U
carte, 20e up. Dally Journal on file. 5-27
Oct. 10. Snorting lift) ur llio Grand
J"Opjr.i llousu.
Oct. 22..!. Wm Hudson's lecturo nt
M. E. church.
ct. 22. West's MinistrelH nt tho
Opoia Houso.
Oct. 20 Utptlst ovangollitiu mpotiiigs.
Bed Time
take a plenianl barb drink, the next
morning 1 fool bright nud my com
ploxiou Ib better. My doctor Bays It
acts gently on the atonmcii, livor and
kidneys, and is a pleasant laxative. It
la made of herbs, and w prepared aa
nnnllv iih tea. It la called LatiiVH Med I
tine. All druggists sell It at 25c and 50
cts. Lane's J'ainily aicdlcino tin vea tno
bowola each dav. If you cannot cot it,
.send for free sample. Addru, Orator
& Woodward, LoKoy, ft. i.
Kobt L Park and wife, Ojrrensburg,
8 Alma Park, Gorroiisburg Pa.
K M Gr.iy, B K.
E Nelson, Koohester, N Y.
0 F Morrow, Ht Louii Mill)!.
II il McDonald, I'oriUntl.
F M Ward, do.
E II Uuify, do.
; W N Jonea do.
rA II Wliittington, do.
LAiiKtia D McQuenn, do.
TFrank Cook, do. . ,
fa 8 Roudebuss. St Louis, 11)0:1.
jE J Ellison, Koseburg,
Aug Knan, Cincinnati, u.
Richard Loyritz, Victoria, is u.
Ohas Griffin, Mctoria. U 0.
.1 Peterson, 8 F.
L 0 Applegate, Drain.
When you cannot sieop for coughing,
is Hardly necessary mat any one
should tell you that you need a few
dose J of Chamberlain's Cough Itoinedy
tdjalloy the irritation of tho throat, and
tnakQ sleep possible. It in good. Try it.
r eaiu uy ut. ftiono d utiK cnoro.
Some Be Radishes.
A. J. Sivirnink of South Salotn brings
an Joun.VAL two largo, white Stutgart
radiahos weighing (l2 pounds. Tho
larger ono measured 10 inches in circum
ference, and the feed was sown last Jan
Came Near Dylnsr.
4'For three days and nights I suffered
Pgony nntold from an attaok of cholera
morons urougnton uy eating ououm
bere," says M. E. Lowther, clerk of the
i t
, , district eonit, Centerville, Iowa. "I
' .thought 1 should surely die, and tried a
uozen Uiiirreni m micnies, uui mi vi uu
purpose. I sent for a bottle of Cham
tierlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and threo doses relieved me
entirely." Thh remedy u for sale by
Dr t-tone's Drug Store.
Grand Opera House.
Walter Bauford presents tho U man tic
Spectacular Drama
Sporting Life
One year at the AdolphI, London.
Five months at the Academy,
New ork. Four months at Mo
Viokers. Cbioaeo.
PRI ;ES: $1. 75c. 0c. 36c. Thketi onV"8 B0. and-
sale at mx offio at 9 a, in.
And Denounces the Capitalis
tic Class.
Some Statements That Are
Their Own Most Conclu
sive Kefutation.
Following is about one-fourth ot tho
oiatter sent In by an nllepod Boclalist,
that will be printed in Tub Daily Joun
nai. in Install inputs, as faBt as spaco can
be found En. J.
Euitoii JocnNAti! havo read your
drastic criticism of Mr. Robertson, and
ynur glaring misrepresen'ntion of said
article iinpolls mo to accoptyour Invita
tion to Socialists to uso tho columes of
Tiih Jouiinal for tho presentation of ar
guments. 1 assure you that I npprecl
nto your gonoroolty and manifest fair
ness in giving tliis bromlcnat invitation.
Now, Mr. Editor, In charging you with
misrepreontntion,I do not wish you to
understand that I bellevo or wish to im
ply that you aro Intentionally guilty, but
rather that you havo written hurriedly
nnd without duo consideration of the
Btatomenta you wero making. I hopo,iu
what 1 shall havo to say, to show you
that you have gono widely astray in
your reading nnd application of Mr.
It's, article. You quote from him as
THEIR LIVING." You aro pleased to
call thia statement "dangerous inflam
matory and incendiary.' ' Now I wish
to say that I endorse every word of
the nb'ove statement, as quoted by you,
notwithstanding your scathing denunci
ation of It, nnd shall undertake to prove
Hint it tins no element of danger, that it
is not inflammatory, only In bohalf of
truth and rtghtouiucss, and is in no
eoneo incendiary. To tho contrary, I
will show that tho said statement is tho
whole truth, and nothing but tho truth.
I don't consider Mr. R. "a caroless, iu
dlscriiiiinatttig denunciator, of all capt
tul." Right fiero, Mr. Editor, is where
you fall down.
Mr. R. says nothing about capital in tho
extrnet quoted. How nan you bo ao
superficial aa to not see this? Not a
word about capital, and hero you aro
putting words into his mouth making
him miy thlngB which ho did not think
of saying, and, I vonturo would not say
under nny circums'ances. I hopo that
you did not Intentionally misrepresent
Mr. It., for I would much rather think
that you wero mistaken than to think
that you wero dishonest. If you will
road Mr, R.'s words as thoy are, and ns
ho intonded they should bo toad, you
will see that hospenkaof CAPITALISTS
I understand that a parasite fl nny
sort of life that Uvea by absorbing from
some other nlaut or animal Its suste
nance, and not returning anything as an
equivalent for tho same. Now, MV.
Editor, I fully agree with Mr. R. in
bringing this chargo against tho capit
alistic class. Tho capitalist, through a
system which permits him to mo his
capital ns a highwayman doos his club,
and "holda up
n" mi1 ritia flin irnrLrfnrr
producer of the
products of hla labor.
Hut you exclaim, should not capltialists
bo pur in Html to exact and take a portion
of the producer's products for tho uso of
his capital. And I answer, nol Labor
should own tho means of production and
not bea bond slave to the tools which ho
lues. He should be entirely Independ
ent of the capitalist (not capital.) Who
produced tho capital which thecapitallBt
owiib? Was it nut tho worker? How
did tho capitalist get his capital? Did
he produce it, or earn it? Nol Ho ex.
ploited it from labor by means of
tho capitalistic club, the privato
ownershipof capital. Did JohnD. Rocko
feller produce the mlIionsof capital which
he holds? Or doos ie earn the Mi or liu
millions of dollars which he takes from
labor by the way of profits onch year?
A man to oarn one million dollarr at ten
dollars par day would have to work more
than 260 years. John D. gets more In
tho way of prollta In ono vear than 11,
000 men could earn at ton dollars per day
in tho same time. Is he not a parasite,
and a ety vigorous one nt that? I see
nothing In the words of Mr. R, to pro
duce anarchists, but I do eeo in tho pres
out unjust conditions cause for much
righteous discontent. Why should the
producer receive only 10 to '-"J per cent.
of the products of his toil as his share
when ho produuos it all? Why should
the oapitalidt by means of the ownership
of tho means by which labor produces
its living ba allowed to take 00 per cent,
of his proiueti?
Mr. It. Ib eminently correot when lie
says that the capitalist must not own
the mean j by which laboring men pro
ducu their living, and I wano threats in
those words nothing about retorting to
force. It is very plain that Mr. It. says
that the capitalist must not own the
tools of production. WhjT liwauso the
man who owns the tools and the man
who UHa them, and through the capital
isiic ownership of the tools ol produc
tion and distribution, the working man
is the slave of the capitalist, Mr. It.
says nothing about striking down
or applying the torb. All
tho iueendiary aud ilanaerous
inflammatory r.o.U air t.w w--rds f
Tiik Jouu;vceUior WIwummi- would
thero be iu Waning Mil with a levolver
In una haml and a tvrvli and Iwrub in
the other ami making on assault ca ev
ery capitaUt oae mijbt met? M'. R
be!oaga teaihosof it formers who do
not believe in any such means of light
ing the wrongs of the laboring man. He
I prediej. never , will, ad-
roeate any sacli metbous. uvrtainiy
socialists would utilize nil existing cap
I Hal. Who said thoy would not? Suroly
not Mr. R., as he said nothing against
capital. Ho spoko of THE CAPITAL
IST, NOT CAPITAL. Hero is where
you continuously stumblo Mr.
Editor, not being ablo
to discern tho distinction between
believe in capital, but contend thatthoro
should bo no capitalists. Bui aomo might
say, Low can you havo capital without
hnving capitalists?
CAPITALIST. But socialism doea not
proposo to forcibly wrest from tho capit
alist his capital, in order to get posses
sion of it. Socialism propoeos to get
tho capital of tho country by honorablo
means, much mora honorablo means
than by which tho capitalist of the
country got possession of his woallh.Now,
Mr. Editor, I think that I havo shown
conclusively that tho-capitalist doos
not produce or earn that which ho gets.
Then if ha does not produce what ho
gctH, then bo mo othor person' doos and if
tho capitalist geta tho products ofBOino
ono which he docs not earn, thou ho
must certainly be a parasitt and Mr. R.
is right in ids statement. It is not tho
Blating of facts, as they exist that breeds
8. T. Gunn,
Salem, Oro.
To be continued.
For sprains, swellings and lameness
there is nothing so good as Chamber
lain's Pain Halm. Try it. For salo by
Dr. Stono s Drug Store.
Alt Ancel Items.
Already tho number ol studont at
Mount Angel collego has passed tho hun
dred mark, tho actual count being 107
A musical contest is to take plncu in
the near future bctwen the studouts of
tho collego and tho pupils of Mount
Angel Academy.
To Keep Their Digestion Per
fect Nothing is so Safe and
Pleasant as Stuart's Dys
pepia Tablets.
ThouEnndu of mon and women havo
found Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets tho
safest and moBt reliable preparation for
any form of indlgostlon or etomach
Thousand of people who are not sick,
but aro will and wish to kui-p well take
Stunrt'a Tablets after oveiy nmnl to in-
sure perfect digestion and avoid trouble.
But it is not generally known that tho
Tablets are just as good and holeeonio
for littlo folks as for their elders.
Little children who aro pale, thin and
have no appetlto, or do not grow or
thirvo, should uso tho tablets after eat
ing nud will derive great benefit from
Mrs. G. II. Croltloy, 633 Washington
St.. Hobroken, New Jersey, writes:
"Stuarts Ryfpepeia Tablets just till tho
hill for children as well as for older
folks. I've had the best of luck with
them, My three -yoar old girl takos
them aa readily as candy. I have only
to Bay 'tablets' and she drops every
thing else and runs for them."
A Buffalo mother, a abort time ago,
who dospaired of tho Iifo of her haho,
was so delighted with tho rosults from
giving the child these tablets that she
went before tho notary public of Krje
Co , N. Y., and made the following
Gentlemen: Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets wore recommended to me for my
two-month-old baby, which was sick
and puny aud the doctors said was suf
fering from indigestion. I took the
fhlld to the hospital but found no relief.
A friend mentioned the Stuart's Tablets
and I procured a box from my druggist
and umhI only the largo sweet lozenges
in the box nnd was' delighted to find
they ware just the thing for my baby. I
eol justified in saying that Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets saved my child's
Miw. W.T. Dmtiiuii'r,
. Sukwribed ami sworn to before roe this
13th duy of April, 1W7.
IIekkv Kakis.
Notary Public in and for Erie Co , N. Y.
For babies, no matter )iow young or
delicate, the tableta will accomplish
wondsrs in Increasing flesh, appetite
and growth. Use only the large sweet
tableta in every box. Full siml boxes
are sold by all druggists for 60 cent, and
no parent should neglect the uso of this
safe remedy for all stonnoh and bowel
troubles if the ohild Is aiting in any way
regarding its food or assimilation.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets havo been
known foryeArs as .the beat preparation
for all stomach troubles whether in
a Jults or infants. 10 14 1G IB
li& pM
Heart? ill
ore Nature's warning notes of
approaching danger from a dis
eased heart. If- you would
avoid debilitating diseases, or
even sudden death from this
hidden trouble pay heed to the
early warnings. Strengthen the
heart's muBcles, quiet its nerv
ous irritation and regulate its
action with that greatest of all
heart remedies, Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure.
"Darting palna through my
heart, left Bide arid nrm would
bo followed by smothering, heart
spasms and fainting. Dr. Mlloa'
Heart Curo baa entirely relieved
mo of thoso troubles."
Jorw VANDBNDimaii,
356 Kewaunee St, Milwaukee, Wis,
controls the heart action, accel
erates the circulation and builds
up the entire system. Sold by
druggists on a guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Cb., Elkhart Ind,
OF J. M.
Rev. II. Gibson on tho occasion of tho
tho funeral sdrvliio over tho romaluB of
tho lato J. M. Wallace, of this city took
for his text the ld Psalm nnd said :
Bev. II Gibson took for his text tho
23d l'salm. I bring to you today a mea
sago from tho word of God, tho aweotest
song that over passed thro' human lips,
on its way from God to human ears and
hearts. I do not wish to Boparato this
beautiful string of penrls, so wo will ex
amino overy verse ns it Hashes boforo ub.
Forhaps no othor portion of tho Word
of God has brought so much joy and
gladness to his believing peoplo in all
tho different conditions of Iifo. It tins
strengthened tho weak, comforted tho
sorrowing and prepares tho dying to
meet death triumphantly.
David, tho author of thlo Psalm was n
shepherd, nnd all Hint ho was to his
flock, God is to his peoplo, and much
The Divine Shopard "Tho Lord' is My
Shepherd." David was right whon in us
ing thia titlo. Olirlat says, "1 am tho
good shepherd."
His tondor care for hia ahoop Ho sup
plies all tlnir wlnts, ho restoros tho err
ing, cooking them when thoy stray away
from Chriet. Ho brings them back aud
ovor aftor lsads them In right paths.
The Lord our shepuord la with us
when we pass into tho dark valley and
his presence comfoita and protects tit.
Tho Psalmist's resolution I will dwell
in the house of tho Lord forever.
This was onoot the distinguishing
characteristics of our deceased friend,
he loved God'a housr. My first recollec
tion of Brother Wallace was at a meet
ing of our church board in 1878 when ho
presented tho needs of our weak con
gregation In Chicago, through wIiofo
efforts, nt least partially, the church wua
helpful and to whom belongs part of tho
honor of having eight good con
gregations in that city today. This
ia only a sample of what his whole life
was. At llio age oh "0 years ho waa
elected to the ofllco of elder, au olllco
but rarely boslowed ou 0110 so young.
Ho was ever laboring by hia life, his
works aud his means to extend the
kingdom of Christ.
"Bleesed aro the dead who die in tho
Ixird, they rest from their labor and
their works do follow them."
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot roach tho seat of th disease.
Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis
ease, and in order to curo it you must
tako Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, and acts di
reclly on the blood and mucous surfaces.
Hall's CatarrahOure is not a quark med
icine. It was prescribed by one of tho
best physicians in this country for years
and is a regular prescription. It is com
posed of tho best tonics known, com
bined with tho best blood purifiers, act
ing directly on the m neons surfaces
Tbo perfect combinations of the two In
grodionts Is what produces such won
derful rosults lu curing Catarrh. Send
for testimonials freo.
F. J. CiiexKY A Co . Props., Toledo. O.
Bold by druggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills arc tbo best.
r.a A II Vnf.lntip liatt rulMrllful In
her home in Portland ulter u brief visit
with tho family of her son, O. K Forst-
cure ITaclrinK Coughs,
Horo lyings, urojicniMH.
fjrippo, riioumonia mm
all hovt-ro lunpaffoctiona.
Why then risk consump
tion, ft slow, Buro dentil ?
Tako warning I At nt
oncol Buy a bottlo of
Dr, Bull's Cough Syrup,
a doctor's jireacription,
used ovor60 year l'riw,
only 23 cents. Insist 011
having" it. Don't bo im
posed upon. Rcfuso tho
dealer's substitute t it la
not aa (rood aa Dr. Bull's.
Salvation Oil cam RheuoutUra
Auca iuki rvui 9 .
An English Melodrama Will
be Given Saturday.
"Sporting Life" is declared to bo tho
greatest melodramatic production over
made In America. Such waa tho
unanimous verdict of the Now York and
Chicago press. It Is a massively pictnr
erquo presentment. Fourteen lingo
sots of scenery from New York'B lundiiiR
studios being used, Tho importance of
tho scenic effects may bo judged from
the fact that tho followlno celebrated
artUta wero kept busy for sovornl weeks
in pieparlng tho t(u!ptnont: Homer F.
Emeus, Krnest Albert, John II. Young,
Jos. P. riiysioc, Galea & Morango, II t
it Becker and F. Plalzor. The most
noteworthy pictures are the training
stables at Newmarket, tho ancestral ha I
of tho Karl of Woodstock, copied from
tho famous pnintlng, "llio Day of
Reckoning," the Karl's Court KxhlU
tlon, tho Hotel Cecil, tho interior of tho
National Sporting Club, London, Covent
Garden by night, and i view of tho
Eb8om Downs raco courso in Derby
week. Kach of theso points of Intorcst
has been reproduced with fidelity, aud
all aro massie in construction nud
perfect in dotal). Tho superior cxcol
lonco of the east provided by tho
management will attract no less atten
tion than the great display of elaliorato
sccnory. The company is one of tho
largest that has visited this city nnd tho
chief players aro said 'to ho tho most
capable over seen in melodrama. Tho
big production is to be seen nt the Grand
Opera House, Saturday night.
It Happened in a Drue Store.
"One day lastwintorn lady came to
my drug storo and asked for n brand of
cough medicine that I did not have In
stock," fays Mr. 0. H. Grandiu, tho
popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "8ho
was disappointed and wntited to knew
what cough preparation I could recom
mend. I said to her that 1 could freely
rccomtnond Chaiuherlalti'H Cough Item
ed)- and that she could take a bottle of
tho remedy and aftor giving it n fair
trial if sho did not ilnd It worth tho
money to bring back tho bottle and I
would refund the nrico naid. In tho
coureo of a day or two tho lady camo
Lack in company with n friend in need
of a cough medicine and advised her to
buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. I consider that n very good
lecommeadAtion for tho remedy." It is
for-sulo by Dr. Stono's Drue Storo.
Poktlanu, Oct. 18. - Wheat vulley
nominal Walla Waila,6:t 51.
Flour Portland, best grades $2.()5
3.50. Graham 2.00.
Oats-Cliolco Whlto 00 1 00.
Barley $15 tloki nor ton.
MlUstufl Bran, $l7and JIB; shorts, 1 1)
Hay Timothy $llf 13 por ton.
Onions $1. 1.15.
Potatoes $1.00 Q $1.15 por cental.
Butter Best dairy, 18020; fnucy
croamory, 2oGJ27aC ; Store HGSI5 .11.
Eggs-Oregon, ranch IMcQ-'li dnz.
Poultry Chickens, mixed $.'l(360.
lions -lu -Oiie: turkeys, live lldd-V.
juuuon uruas, i--j
Hogs Gross jj0M.
Boot Grots boot, II.OO $:i.GQ
Veal-Gross, 8Pj8)ell..
Hopa 8 l0cll.
Wool Vulley, ll13)i,'clt.; Eastern
Oregon, 012jo; Molmlr, 20(321cN.
Hides Dry hides, 10 pounds ami up
wards, 16c.
Now Whoat lfo
Wool, 11013c, Mohair, 21c.
Hops llQSlH&c
Oata 70(i76o inir cental.
Barley $U per ton.
llav Balcxl.clumt.KliiTi fO.S'J: Limothv
Kaita'i to.
Flour In wholoialo lots, fU.Od; retail
750SOc sack.
7OMillntufT-Bran,$17.G0; siioits,$18C0
Hogs On foot, 0(860.
Livocattlo SUioro,3Qj3' ;cows, $2.76
$3 60.
Sheep $2.50 gross
Dressed Veal 0d cents.
, Butter Dairy, lo-U lb ; oremnory,
2032olb, store 10 ISJtfclii .
PoultryT-Houa, 07ull..
Potatooa Mc per bu,
Fnt huns pur Hi live weight 7u
Fryers'. Hv
Kgga per du , cash 'Jftki
Whit Shall wei lUve forUeurtf
'rtile question urlHoe lu the famllj
every Uuy. .Let us unswer It today.
Try Jell-O. 11 delicious nnd healthful
deusort. Prepared In two minutes
No boiling! no linking! simply add
boiling wnter and net to cool. Kla.
vorfl; Lemon, Orango, Raspberry and
strawberry. Get a packnge at your
rocer a today. 10 eta.
Clothes Regulatop
For Cleaning, Dying and Pressing
At this ostahllshmontynu ran get any
thing set " right, from a pair of gloves,
to tho most elaborate silk gown. A
gentleman can got his hat cleaned, hi
trouters creaMid, or his whole suit re
juvenated to suit his taste, hIwi four
suitB a month for 01 0 dollar Buttons
iuwed on,., rips aewiil up, suits pressed
on short notice.
1IM Commeruial f-,t.
Sewing Machine Rearing
I liHveronted repair space of F A,
Wiggins, at his new lowttion on Liberty
street, and will bo glad U fee all of my
old friends 1 1. ere. Any tewing uiHibine
repairing onMMed Wi me will x vuar
anteed aatlsfaetory or money refunded
N H. Buhmcy
3o7 Libortv Wreot
I will offer for sale iho entire plant
and premises of the Crytal fee Workt
on easy terms or will leaeo same for a
number of years to a responsible party,
provided sale or lease is ooiuuinated in
side thirty days. Party oan have op
tion on 00 corcjs of fir wood in tho tim
ber at cost, Apply to James Megulre
on the premises. 0.23U
yLililW W JiillK VsW hsbbbh iBIIHtw- smm H 1 iff jLbHIh Hd
Tho Kitul You Hnvo Always
in uso for ovor 30 years,
-Xyz- Honnl
AH Counterfeits, Imitations and" JuBt-ns-jjood." aro hufc
Experiment Unit trlllo with an i endanger t!ta health of
Infants ami Children ISxncrl' nco ngalnst Kljiorimout.
Contoria'ls a liavinlc.a ouhstltuto for CaStof OH, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Cniuin, Mnrnlilno nor other Nnrcotlo
Buhstunce. Its ngo Is its gutimntce. It destroys Wirma
nnd nllays Pevorlshucss. It cures Diurrhooa and. Wiiul
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures ConatipCtlon
and Flntiilyney. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep.
Tho Children's Panacea- Tho Mother's Friend.,
oars tho
Tht KM You HaYe Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
That the Quality of an Article is Remem
bered long after the Price is Forgotten.
R. M. WADE & CO.
You Can't Get
Something for
95 State Street,
The Exquisite Odor of a Sav
ory Roast
Of Inwf will innko your mouth wntnr
ftftor Indulniti lu turkuy (or your
TiiMikfKivliiK (ctist, Our hmsUi ol prdnu
busi lira roynl In tlioir diiluious lluvor,
ami our stvnks, rousts, oliop, olo, urn
dreams tor tno oiuuun 10 inuiiiuM in.
I'imiiu 81)1.
Have sro irwl anil will oporato tho Iliimphroy wtrehouso at b'alam,
the Turner mill and wuruhouw hih! the wurchouos at Mseleay, i'ra
ti in, Swllwuland and llrookrt, oouduotliiK a gensral warohouso and
s'crflKO bueinvss. :: :: ; I :t :: :: :: :
Salem office 207 Com. St.
fkd a will ba hold at tha oliits for delivery on satno terms as pre
volh d pravlotis irtmsons. Hi them before dIspslnK of your grain.
Top Prices, are Always Paid for., Grain
Bought ami which has been,
hns homo tho Bignntnro oC
hns hconmndo under his per-
suncrvisku slnco its lnfimcy.
Signature of
Shoe dcilers may try to make you ttlleve
they lire selling you goods ttlow cost. etc.. tut
II Is not done, They sell (oodi to nuke money
and so do we. nut we can furnish shoes, rubber
tiooli, nud everythlni M our line s low at the
lowest. We don't mirk our foods high nd
then drop the price to tool buyers, but we sell
the best goods for the lowest price all the time.
.Salcin, Orctron-
the Pick of the
Ham Iwcit tnkim to supply tliu stock
ol luiiiliHr In our yiuil, mul nowliuru
Is it poHftiblo to ifutl n moro com
jil.itd or moro siitlsfitutory stock
tliini wo of fur to our customers.
Willi Hi" iiallty tho best, our
lirlutM aru tliu lowtiet for tlio iiunllty
any vvlioro, anil tliut iiiukun ourstock
loiilily ili'sirable. Two cars No. 1
Hliluirlon Just rooslvml. Near ti. I'.
l'iiwinKir dopot. Phono 1)51.
Goodalc Lumber Co.
A Fastidious Man
I'avH as inuidi attention to tho
laundering of Ills llnnu us to tho buying
of It. That's why ho tho 8a
lom Hteam launry. This is the only
placoto send good linen, it wears
Ioniser aud looks butter when we do tho
work. You cau prove this f r jour self.
Salem Steam Laundry
rflone4IJ 320 L berty Htiost
Advertisements, five tines or les9. In this column
Inserted three times for 2 Sc. 3 oc a Week. $1. SO
a month, au om fivlinesat the same rste
WAN I Iil),Ook wood ami fjrfgo ucr-
ond growth tlr at Williunetto Hotel.
, 10 10 it
BOY WANTED.-To carry JoiTrnalflon
n rrKtihtr route. Inqulro atfilfico.
"WANTED. Funiislicd liousln dosir
ablo location, llonllliy and !rv. Close
to Car line nnd school. Address stat
ion terms, elc. l!or 122, .Jnrslifleid,
OfOKO"- 0 It ti
VANfE,l)A-rjO0 bushels' liand-plckcd
opplos Bald wins, NorthornMSpy and
Bpltxenlmrgs must bo ft to from
scab, rust or worms. Address M. I.,,
Cnpltnl Journal, lowest cnsli prlcn do
llvorcd. .10l20l
WANTED Competent laurldress at
v Cartwrigiit Banftorlum - 10 0 t(
WANTED To rent 25 or 30! acres of
land suitable (or luirsorv anil berries.
Apply to W. W. Walker, 21th st.
nnd-ChomokctABtreots, Balcm. 10-Gtt.
IG 00 TO $18.00 AlVEEK salary for aa
iutullicont man or wouinn'ln each
town. Permanent position" 00 cents
lor hour for spare time. &MAnufac
turor, U6x 1102, Clilcago.' -lQ.!!!!"
WANTED Men to work oh sewer. Ap
ply at tho job, on East Centra street.
0. A . Gray. -8 20-K
cow at a- bargain.
Inqulro "pi
and Trado tits.
FOR SALE 2000 dressed cedar posts.
CapltalLnmborliiK Co. "10 10 St.
FOH SALE Good maro mule: weight
about 1200 lbs., 8 years old. Will soil
or trade for good Iroeli i.'Ow. Euquiro
nt H81 Ccntur St., Halom, Oregon. J.
II. Campboli 10 10 5t.
FOH SALE Two largo Durham cows,
ono fresh and tho othor will v bo inn
month. Inquire ol John Holm, next
door to Salem Hotel. ""10 16 3t
TOlfsXi.'E Ott KENt-Affarm of 135
aires. Inquire of O. llomyor, North
Salem, corner of Oak and Commer
cial streets. '10 4 lm
ket (the old Frcuburger -market) far
cholco hoof, pork, lamb, veal, poultry,
etc., Slate and Twolfth Btrcots. f.
Farrington, proprietor. '1'liono, Main
202 J. 'O-lB-tt
FOR BALE Spun two yoar old colls.
No. 1 tllBk harrow, broadcast seodor,
hay iako and blndor. No. 1. fanning
mill. Inqulro at Balotn Soap'works.
FOR RENT. About 100 acros of No. 1
bottom land, threo miles southwast of
Halem. Call on F. Levy,Balem. Ore
gon. It) 12 lm.
HOUSE TO RENT Flvo room- cottage'
In South Salem just back of the brick
storo. Inqulro of Goodalo Lumber
Co. on 12tli Bt. 10 10 tf.
STRAYED. A dehorned red Hereford
with whlto face, from Jcfforson, Oct.
lOlli, tor reward roturn animal to
or write to Mike Douohuo, Jefferson,
Oregon. 10 14 Ot
Sherwood Forest No. 10. Meets Fri
day nights in Turitur block. Ira
Hamilton, 0. 11. A. L. Drown, Bccy.
HOARDING. With or- without room,
day or weak, Also furnished rooms,
Torino moderate. No. 322!llfh street,
diagonally opposit tho city ho, II.
10 15 lino
Studio, Interstate University system:
diplomas granted. Hours 10. to 12 aud
2 to 4 o'clock. FirBt National lUuk
Hlock. Residence, 370 Church St.
ATl'EN l'lON FA KM EllS-Oats", Uarleyi
Huv and Prunes wanted. Will buy or
store,' Chopping done promptly. Get
Tour prices buloro yoij sell, Olllce op
....-I... ',..... Il..n... 'IMII..nnlt i.ll.ilf
U rain Co.
HUIinARn&CROSSAN-lloptmTers. Room 7
mwtrt A IJAt-ft ftllllfllH. Hilem. Clrefon.
Sa'mples or choice nops Miuuedr Uei tUMero
and kuropean coaaeciioos, Physe 1101.
I rAHMICIIARL-llopluyfr. Of rice la Rush
J Urermnn lildr... bileni, Oreioa. bsmpies
of cliolcVbwpj kolKirtJ Irom sll growers
t. i'rocls:o7 hop mcrctuols. Oreioa office,
LsJd & uub nwi . htlcin. II. J. Oiicalieliaer,
uisasgcr. l'lione44l.
SQUIRB FARRAR-llop Commls.'co mtrch.nt.
414 Cominerculst. Room 2 u.Mtlrs.
T A. LIVESLEY&CO.-lloptaerch ts. Ob
it eriieltn uiock. dAlcai. oreioa. PhoselZli.
CAnER A rtEIS Hop mcrchsats. Mslo offks
I Albany, oreioa. Saltm office m uuh-Urey-jn
iiullJin, sslem, Orejor
WM. UII0WN & CO Hops. Motislr, Wcol. Hop
Gruwcrk' supplies, fw. 2tt ComniereUl
utrea. btleia, Orecoo, Phoat I JOl.
MCKINLEY TtlTCHELL- Buyer of whest,
ill oau, bops, wool pouioes sad produce of
all kinds. (iervl. Orttos.
HENRY A. TOWNSEND will buy prunes, Tel
ephone Red 2193. Oftue. rrsldesc ncr
Liberty sod 2JOCommcrcuisireci, bslem.or.
H" 8. CILBICO.-Wholesaleliults. produce,
. ck Fruit sck for sslr. uoytrs oi Or
econ prunes, powtoes and UtfMtotMMnU.
VVsiwce Warehouse, coiner lUpb sad Trade Us..
Salem. Oreion,
CIIAS L. DAILEY-Duyer of dried fruits. At
Wallace Warehouse, on Trade street. Mlera
Oreioa. t
I ers of prune, tic. A Frul I sacks for sale.
r.tifi,.t Att (.niiih oiA I'eUows Halt. llliB
street, balcm, Oreton.
Royal Insurance Co.
A. T. Gillwrt, resident agent of above
Insurance Co M now prepared to do a
larue Insuranc bnsliiMS. Will alio
handle real oite I imve a tc
oarrlago which e at my customer's er
vice and 1 will take pleasure In showing
parties what I have for saje, Olllco at
prusont with T. A. Llvosley A Co,
Geisler Patents Co.
Chamber of Commerce BuUdln
Portland, Or?. ,
Beflurea aud markets .Pf&nts. model
unywhero, k , "
w v'