The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 11, 1901, Image 1

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MODEL Home Paper for Free
Rural Delivery,
NO 241
i - f VV I'V
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waii ii i ii hi 'iJLWigwaK3guwawBni
TR ttbber
IOU DON'T know what It Is, Como In
hero nnil wo will glvo you bo much good
vnluo (or bucIi Blight expenditure that
you will think you ore spending clastic
Try us and bco. Did vou over wear
Thomson's Glove-fitting coraete? II not you
hnvo doubtless known them by reputation for
years There Isn't a hotter known or belter fit
ting corset on tho market Wo hnvo nil tho now
nnd staplo shapo? nnd Bull thorn at "KACKHT
PRICKS." Kxnmino our lino of lndlea' and
mon'e furnishings. Worth, beauty nnd low
prices go hnnd in hand at this store You can
dopond upon getting honest vuluea when you
deal wllh tho
IRew fljovh IRachet
Wo are also showing one of tho hoBt linos of
men's nnd boys' clothing in the city nt money
Baving prices. Shoes for the wholo fninily. Our
nseorlment Is lniger thnn you will find nt most
shoo stores. Wo glvo you the best quality nq
well as tho loweBt prices. : : : :
E. T. BARNES, Proprlotor,
By the Columbian Ministers.
Venezuelan Revolutionists At
tack Government Troops
Near Barrancas.
Revolutionists in Both Col
umbia and Venezuela are
Buying Large Supplies of
"Fire Works."
IP y iml;
Our Store Closes at 7 O'clock
Every Evening Except Saturday
Cor. Commorolnl and Cliomokota Sts.
ggrtyffiHyjamagauiB ssssasKTrmnnssiSita
Repairing a
Of tho fluent workmanship is a
branch of our business that wo
glvo special attention" to, Our re
pairing department is conducted
with tho utmost euro nnd skill,
diamonds nrfl reset, nnd Jewelry of
nil kinds Is repaired in thu most
porfcut manner, besides optical
work ol nil kinds.
C, T. Pomeroy
288 Com'ISt. Watchmaker aad Oitlclaa
z i vV. ' -5-J.I '
Wilmcmstad, Curacao. Oct. 11. A
civil englneor who hns just arrived here
on his way to Caracas Irom Bogota, wliicli
ho left on September 7, assetts that up
to tho tinio of his doparturo there was
very littlo talk in Bogota of n war with
Venezuela. Tho members of the Cabinet
aad high olliclals there did not seem to
cousldor the war Imminent. They ap
peared to bo more deeply coneornud
with tho. revolution and with tholr
efforts to pat it down. On of thu mom
hers of the Cabinet admitted to tho en
gineer thnt tho Tachirn Invusion and the
cngegemont in July under Generel Ban
gel Gerhires wore mistakes on the part
of Colombia and regiottnblo.
In tho opinion of tho onglnee'r tho
Liberal movement was strong through
out tho outiro country, only needing
aiilmtiiiltioii to succeed. Ho described
tho influence of tho priests In Colom
bia ni extreme nnd dotormlnal to Itho
country. According to this statement,
exchango and national bank notos wore
rising rapidly whon ho left. In his judg
ment, Cojombla will never declare war,
nor will fche again attack Vonoznola,
huving too many homo troubles to bo
nblo to nfford to do so.
A fairostimato of the Colombian forces
would bo, ho thinks, 8000 on tho Sant
nndor frontier, 1000 nt Lahacha, 800 at
Bantn Martha nnd 800 nt Barautiuilla.
Trickery in Connection
With Rhodes.
Buller's Defence or Himself
Was a Great Failure.
Kitchener Finds Traitors in
the Rear and Plenty of
Rebels in Front.
nmony military nnd government ofllcials.
IIii.VKitsu.M, Tho Netherlands, Oct. 11.
Mr. Kruger wns tho rcclplont today of
many gifts nnd nddrossos upon tho oc
casion of tho second Anniversary of tho
declaration of war in tiou'h Africa
Among Ills visitors woro tho Uurgomas-
tor of Hllver8um nnd other ofllclnls.
int. j
Government Will Not Get
Through This Week.
The Aliddle oTSovember Will
Not See the End of the
Our Stock is Never
Low .
Only our prices nro rcaled down
to tlu) lowest notch, nnd wo prldo
nurtiulvus upon tho fact that wo
sell tho best and purest liquor
und wines at prices lower thnn
anywhero ebe. Manv of our
choicest brands can only ho pur
chased acroes our counters.
Nkw Youk Oct. 11. Advises from
Chuliui Bolivar, nnuounco that tho
Venezuela revolutionists commanded by
General Geronimo Kivas have attacked
nnd defeated tho Venezuelan Govern
ment troops under Goueral Arostegul,
near Barrancas, in tho Stato of Bormudoz
nnd that General Arostegul has been
taken prisoner. It la further announced
that the Venezuelan troops from Sau
Felix, commanded by Gonoral Afrlcano,
sustained a defeat near that town nt
tho hands of the revolutionists under
General Vidal. General Afrlcano
ocenped to 8au Felix.
Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer
Just Received from Holland,
a choice assortment of...
. Hyacinth,
Tulip and
Crocus Bulbs
The finest Utiles ever shown
In this city...
This is to Certify , UPTON
State of Orvtrni 1
Couutf (iflUrtotij
iorni orHtu, ami kiiriruiiiiu ol uhii two' connection with tho international yacht
reoe problem that If no one else chal
lenge for the America's cup, he will do
KHlom, Ore, Aur at, 1WI
Crippled and Many Years an Invalid.
Tu whom lhee prxwnt that) tome, Uracil1.
Abjut Jourioou rears tlno at nliw yr ottge
I nwt with n uovlJeut wlilfu (wu.l njLluJury
tomr kilciB ul h)1vc bone trMc'i rMuiioa in
tbu turuiu lull of liuuitKfil aliuuldvr a id Inn. a
tiortwiiuot fie wil.taixt tlUiilHCvtatiitof iu
lonial orKHtu, ami Miriruiiliu ol uUwl tut
lnuhi. oi ouu Haiti between lb kbaa uul kin
luadililtuu lo tte uawaM au)wr.n' of my
Unly abuTo (louriiiftl nt .M.rch Ivod I wm
t.kun ttltlit. wTru Altai k ol la (IritiM) flora
tUo ttltfCl of wi leh I uHorHl Krtutly with my
HIDL'UHnu ncart, aim wneu iu nay itw i twice
to ami Irtgau trtwtiaem with lr. J. K Cook my
condition mm about a. lollovr. CuuU r
form uowauual labor, i ouUI not coop to plak
anything from tle r).r. Ooul.l pet about tho
bouw only wtta illttVouUy, aad KtiiiiK up Halt
wn uil to inipouill. t'oula dm my limb
oulv with dlBlcult) and one of ibero much
m el. My norTOUl lyMeiu m ai badly t roked.
llail cough anJ sejer itin ou luui and hart,
uuappeiu.ooul)klMji only In brokan ilti.
audlomaur wa)iMinrdttlmoal conuutand
lndwrtbabl agoule. In abort I uuwMa
UeaUaialHe. fieviooaly to my auask of U
Urlpixl wa4trawioTBr a Miiial of ytart by
many pbylelaui lo no edicilvc purport.
My ixnorut appearanee at tbU tlu it
f-alKht In the back a a'lyuua. My wat.l
llsib rtored to iiornal i and but little more
than half aa lnb ihurtor tbaa ibe otbrr. Hare
free oje of ray ltiabj and oau go up utn iwe
foot after the othur with eriei ae. My
vra,t u IvDtttbentuc. Clan ituop to the Boor
wlthenv, faucet about aud du prett looeli
any and everythlos other retl jwople can d.
My appetite u ipteodld kleep K'uudly and am
aUolutoly free froui pain.
HarluK lived Iu Dr. Cook'i family t"t nearly
a year I bate aeeu Mueli of ibe t-ffeoi of hU
trealaaent upon other, and cau trulr aad
?i'!Hr roevwnmBd the I) xttor and bU med-
klt to aU Id ny way aftlleted
Tlie Dueler treatmeot tn tble mm waa whol-
ly eonfliMKl to hU iiauuloat rwnedle. euiiuta
tiwttaiir uiumtujubi c .a... .a ikj u.
,,,. . Uj.IAN R03KSBAIU.
idl.i?.KfiMnb4mIl",'rd n 't WBy
about nie yean.
- . .- WHW v 11V
New Yohk. Oo'. 11. The World
quotes Sir Thomas Upton nn gayins l
Nkw Yoiie, Oct. 11. Tho tribuno
ay a: Tho Colombian Government has
boon buying eovornl rapid tire giinn hero
and HhippInK thorn south. Speculators
in tho West Indloa and Central South
America expecting sventually to dlipoia
of nmiH and ammunition to tlta rovolu
tionlets, who arc paying good prlcci for
such wur4, nro sending Blocks to South
America marked "flro works," The
ueo ol tho term "flro works," Is not in
tended to conceal altogether tho naturo
of tho ihlpinout, as they aro not contra
band. It makes unnecessary a full
doecrlption and insures careful handling,
Within tho last week upward of 200
cases of ''fire works" besides fire arms,
cartridges, dynamito and fusos, labelled
'us such, have been shipped to Argentina,
Brazil, Chile, Central Amorlca, Cuba,
Kouador, Moxico, Uruguay and Colon.
bia. It la believed that the revolutionists
in Venezuela and Colombia will get most
of the ' fire works." The government of
Colombia recently forwarded the 15
pound rapid Ore Seabury and Drlggs
rillo which was on exhibition at tho Pan
American Exposition I and which it
bought Two of four riflod pieces alio
obtained woro shipped by the Atlas and
Panama Hues a few days ago.
London, Oct. 11 Tho Spectator today
prints letters from Cecil Rhodes, and
the late Francis Scbnadhorst, from 1885
to 1892 to the chief organizer and ad
visor of tho Liberal party, sustaining
the sensational allegations made some
months ago, that Mr. Rhodes, In 1891
gavo 5,000 pounds to tho Llboral party,
on condition that Mr. Gladstone would
not bring about the evacuation of Egypt
by British troops. Roth Sir. Win. Ver
non Harcourt and Sir Ilonry Campbell
Uannermau, Llboral loaders, havo pub
licly dcclarod this to bn faleo.
From tho text of the correspondence
published by tho Spectator it Is loarnod
that It confirms substantially the origin
al statemont made by Charles W. Boyd
rospecting Mr. Rhodes contributions to
tho political fund of tho Llboral party
alter tho occupation of Lgypt. It
proves that Mr. Rhodes, in dealln g with
tho liberals through out an anchor to
windward, as ho had done in contributing
to the Irish campaign fund and that
tho retention of British control in Kgypt
was one of tho conditions of tho gift, as
the maintenance of imperial connection
has bean when the subscription was
madofor tho honofitof tho Irish cause.
Mr. Boyd drow this parallel, apparently,
for tho soke of removing unionist pre
judices against Mr. Rhodes, ou account
of his homo rulo subscriptions.
Tho Bpectotor extracted larger
inferences from tho matter than
tho facts warranted and Sir Henry
CampbolbBannorman in ado so sweeping
a denial that Mr. Rhodes ought to in.
tluenco tho ministers but not to bribe
thorn, with a paltry subscription nnd
that Mr. Schnadhorat replenished thu
party chest wllh a good conscienco be
cause tho a'suranco asked for respecting
Egypt was easily obtained. The party
managers methods of filling the
catnpnlgu chest weru not discussed In
the Cabinet but Lord Rosebory and other
leadors were awaroof the conditions of
Mr. Rhodes subscription.
Nkw Yohk, Oct. 11. Sir Redvers
Butler's extraordinary speech is re
ceived with consternation by this morn
ing's papors, says tho Trlbuno's London
correspondent. Tho Standard attacks
him severely and tells him that thu
best thing ho can do now is to resign
his command of tho First Army Corps.
Tho Daily Mall, which considers that
tho speech would havo boon moro In
place on tho boards of a theater, points
out that tho moiiag to Ladysmlth is
oxactly paralleled by Sir II. Parker's
famous ordor to Admiral Nelson at
Copenhagen to break off tho battle and
to retire i order a request which post
erity has unsparingly condemned. On
thu whole, Mr. Brodrick's statument
concerning the South African situation
is fairly well received, but two or
throo of tho Conservative papem are
not satisfied with it, continues tho
Trlbuno's Loudon correspondent.
If Minister optimism was un
warranted 12 months ago, why. It la
asknd, should the public have faith in
it today? If the goverumont cannot
Wabiiinuto.v, Oct. 11 Lieut J. II.
Holdon, Capt.Ohadwlck, Admiral Samp
son's chtof of stuff during tho war with
Spain, Lieut Commander 0. C. Marsh,
and Lieut F. L. Bennett, who served on
tho flagship New York, Lieut Adelbert
lUthouso of tho Massachusetts, Lieut
Francis Boughtor. of Marblohead, and
Lioul Wm, II, Reynolds, signal olllcor on
the Texas, woro tho witnesses called to
day In tho Schley caso.
Cap'. Lomlcy had supposed ha would
be able to concludo his presentation of
the government's side of tho caio by tho
close of this week, but ho now finds
ho will havo to consume thu greater part
of tho first half of next week. lUynor
estimates that tho court will not bo ublu
to concludo tho Work bolero tho middle
of Movombor.
Lieut Adulbort Althomo, formerly
watch and division officer of battleship
Mabsachusots detailed movements of
that veBeel in connection with the Hying
diuadron, on day of bombardment the
Cristobal Colon, llu had beo:i in charge
of tho eight Inch turret of the Massachu
setts. Asked what developed as to
strength of land battorlos by this rucon
nalnanco, ho said to his mind 'it was
shown thoy were vory weak.
Licutonaut P. O. Dewey, nephew of
Admiral Dewey, who was watch
olllcor ou ftho MaeHachuentts, was the
next witness. I lo placed tho distance
tho blockading lino under Commodore
Hchley from tho mouth of tho lutrbor,
at the to eight miles day and night.
There was, ho said, no particular
formation of tho vessels. Ho said thu
Spanish shore batteries hod not given
the American ships much trouble on
tho occasion of tho reconnaleiiucu
against Colon.
Captain Clmdwlck, Sampson's chief
of staff, recalled it convorsMinii ho heard
between Fumpnoti ami Schley at Key
West, iu which Schley assured tho Ad
miral, that ho would bu unilrely. loyal
to him,
Salted Spanish
Peanut Roaster
114 State Street. Salem. Oregon.
Omaha, Nub.,, Oat. 41. A storm In
Western Iowa yesterday caused much
damage at Sheandoah, Willises, and the
towns between Red Oak and Hamburg
and on the Burlington line. At Shenan
doah a deluge caused the Kishnabotha
to spread over two miles of bottoms,
covered the railroad tracks and caused
Woshoutsof crops. A small cloudburst
in the Northeast Missouri Valley took
out several bridges.
contrive to wind up operations without Jsioiis
Situation Open to Any Com
pany. Roosevelt Will Appoint Some
Soul h)rn Gold Democrats .
Wahiiinotox, Oct Jl. A ttornu) -general
Knox Hindu a verbal report to tho
president and Cabinut totluy regarding
the result of Investigations into tho IV
ollic Cable quostlon. His conclusion was
that under the law of 1800 tiny domestic
company uonld land, any oabh) on tho
shores of thu United Statue or its poevs-
Claim it Has Reduced
Principal Cause of Destitu
tion in Old Ireland.
The Socialists on Strikes
Bishop Potter Argues in
Favor of Arbitration.
Wasiiinciton, Oct. 11. Surgeon Gen
oral Sternberg, in his annual report to
the Secretary of War says the health of
thu Army wsb unusually good during
1003. Deaths from all causes amounted
to 28.75 per thousand comparod with
1)0.78 for tho previous year. Health of
troops In tho Philippines Is steadily im
proving. Tliora is steady decrease of
lato years in admtsslous to hospitals for
nlchollsm among men lu tho regular
army, This Is mattur for congratulation
military officers may bo said to bo unan
imous in tho opinion that Is mainly the
result of tho establishment of tho post
exchange, or canteen, at military posts.
Nkw Youk, Oct. 11. A telegram from
Cork to tho Times says arrangements
havo been made to hold a monster
meeting in connection with tho United
Irish Lenguo at Toomovaia, Tippcrary,
uoxt Sunday. Willlein II. Redmond,
John Dillon nnd othor mombers ol Par
liament nro to speak.
Tho Rev. Father llohlr, In addressing
his congregation In regard to tills moot
ing said it was folly to sitpposo that
snapping thuir lingers at tho government
would euro Iieland'ullls. Tho main re
quirement of tin) Irish people was so
briety, Until Ireland wrs a sobercountry
neither tho league nor any othor organi
zation could mako the pooplo Independ
ent and happy. Thu growing vice of in
tompornnco wns responsible for moro
misery, destitution and crimo among
thu Irish people than their political dis
Nkw Yohk, Oct. 11. A dispatch from
BriiBssls In thu Times, says the general
counsel of Socialists have Just held a
meeting, to conttder thu action of tho
miners federation at Liege, in voting for
a general strike.
It was dealded that local strikers woro
a mistake, tentliiu to weaken tho unity
of purpose nhloh nlouo could liisuro
success iu thu mattur of universal suf
frage. A resolution waBpamod, calling on tho
owners of colliers to treat the men hu
manely, hut also enjoining thu workers
to watt for u universal strike, which Is
the Socialists trump card for compelling
thu government to yield on the question
of electoral reform, ihfiiM oll.e.' means
Encouraging Reports
Continue to Come
'bonkpilla n (IMltUn. .. -.
.v .. .JV..V.UMI, uuu, uu, wiuy to
fuse to rovcal any of the facta concern
ing his relations. It has been learned,
however that the boy's mother, who la
widow, Is tho owner of a mansion hi
New York, another in Los Augetes,
whoroshonow resides, and that for a
tlmo sho lived lo Chicago with horfion
In tho most faBhlonablo quarter ot Hyde
Gibson admits bis guilt and aa ara
sult of his confession much of the
Jewelry stolen has been recovered at n
pawn shop.
Big Reward Offered for the
Head of One of the Gang.
Four Additional Brigands
Have Been Captured by the
much further delay there is lilt'u com
fort In tho fact that the nation Is em
ploying a great many men and horses
and spending enormous sums of money
over tho still unfinished task. Sir Mich
ael HluksBeach, although he did not say
much that was new in his speech, af
forded the Information that tho special
object of tho proclamation of mnrlial : umiits ol uisnarally. uuain chiiiv ii.
a rm i .- II T "
aw ai uape town, was to stop supplies
Want It for parlor, library, dlnine room or bed
room, or do you want a clock for the kitchen.
SoUariUM aad iirora w
tae tbta aim Alanine
w .,. Cathedral goug for 3.00 to 10 00
" ""TW t
We have clocks of ory detcriptlorj; 'Ml alarm docls for fl 26, eight day
ling clocks in oak caw for flftO, and beautiful parlor mantel elooks with
"-', BARR'S JEWELRY STORE nii!ii'h,V&.
of ammunition, which nave been
making their way through Cape Col
ony to the Boers, (ieneral Utillor
talked garrulously about tho coinci
dences and dealt freely in innendoes,
but ho was merciless in attacking his
own reputation. His attempt to con
nect the visit of some blackmailers of
Alderahot with articles written by men
liko Bponcer Wilkinson and others of
tne highest character, lor the press, was
faroiaal. He does not seem to know that
men liko the Duke of Cambridge have
turned against him on his own record.
Nkw Yohk, Oet. 1 1. Dieeusslug tho
South African situation, the London
correspondent of the Tribune tayat Tho
best explanation which lias been received
regarding the proclamation of martial
law In Cape Colony is that Iord Kitch
ener insisted upon having some means
of protesting the army against traitors
iu the rear who were more dangerous
than the Capo rebels, hidlug ami light
ing in the mountains.
Whether or not there was any con
troversy between Lord Kitchener and
bir Alfred Mllnerover the proclamation
is anopen question, but the report that
another commander in chief iu South
Africa would have been requisite if it
had been iwued I geuerally credited
Thu president and cabinet woro con
vinced by the verbal roporl that no
oxectttlvu action Iscallul foi at this time,
The President will go over tho mbjwit
moro iu detail with thuattorntiy-guuural
tomorrow and review the whole imutor
lu his mussage to emigre,
The question of southern appoint
rroiiueiii roittmuwi tlie poiiev ol up
pointing republicans If suitable applU
cants could be found, and if not of ap.
pointing gold democrats. His policy
meets the apptuvul ol the cabinet.
Ktankjrp, Conn. Out. 11. A mysteri
ous submarine boat whlah has been
under eonsimetlnn for tho last three
years at Ware Island, near the
mouth of Stanford Harbor, has
departed for the Now Jersoy Coast
where she may have deep water for
Iter trials. J. L. Carter, who has
superintended the buldlngof the boat
has maintained inueh seerwy about her
design but the is said to be fifty feet
long and to havo a cigar shaped hull of
pine sheathed with galvanised iron.
The motive power Is supplied by two
powerful engines driving two dynamos,
koroseneoll being used as fool and serv
ing also as ballast. The boat is supposed
to have been built as an experiment for
a party of capitalists.
Bam Fiiancimco Oot. It. Bishop
I'ottcrotNof York was thu principal
epoarkurat a meeting of the Church
Association for thu Advaim-mont of
Labor held at thu Alhniuhn Cheater
last night. Bishop I'-ttter mid iu part:
"Wo will uavor solve thu tiiitloii of
labor until tho organizing minds, the
guiding hands and i mpUying uuuagers
are Iduntilled with lli union with
which thu employers am hhuitilled with
the unions with whlah tho employes
are Idoiitilted, There should hu a mutual
understanding between employers and
their help, and both should bnunlmated
by a common tie of brotherhood and
Bishop Potter spoko of tho operations
of the board of mutilation and concilia
tion of New York, of which ho Is presi
dent. He said the hoard oamu Into
being wlllmut nuthorlty and milled that
that wns thu reason probably why ho
was clioien as Its pmsiilent. The hotrd
was In existence como 10 yearn ami hud
settled a number of inoiuuutiniis labor
disturbances. Tho operations of tho
board were oonduolml ou tho principle
that nothing fungible could he accom
plished if the iiuMtlou of notlal oou
taot was Ignored
In oonoliisluii'hu wld- "Hit) laborer
and employer must l brought olosur
together, ion may ltgl!te as you
please, Impose tmulloi hh please, or
by any other proots riwiijisl the oon
llieliiig elements of modern Mteiaty, but
if yMi have not your heart in the woik
)ou will fail utterly.
Thu solution of tho labor problem
eoiishtta In the awakening lu thu hearts
of the Hipluytr a tliep oouet-rii for thu
welfare for those lu his employ Their
Ideas and hopea sh'i4ild not 1 aiitag-l
onlslls. They ahou'tl mlriirh logethur
and obsuivo the laws ol mh.'uI t:ontaat.
Their aims being identical, their
methods should be harmonious If these
alms are to be subserved,"
Washington, Oct. 11. Tho Slate De
partment hns heard again by cable
from United Btatos Consul General
Dickinson and Secretary ot Legation
Bpoucor Eddy, touching tho progress ot
negotiations looking to tho rcloasoot
Miss Btono. None of tho dotalls aro
made public. Conditions aro by no
moans as rcntsuriug as wero expected
Nkw Yoiik, Oct. 11. Threo battalions
ot tho Sixth Bulgarian Infantry Reg
iment marched through tho cotfiitry be
tween Dubnlt7.a and Bamakov and
searched tho villngeaof IMIoklostor's dis
tr'ct, in one of which It was reported
tho brigands had concealed Miss Btone,
says tho Sofia cortcspondnnt of tho
Journal and Advortisor. Colonol (Jasch
ol, at tho head of a searching party com
posed of U00 Bulgarian Infantry nnd 500
Dragoons Is scouring tho rangos ot Dot-
pat nnd Ilhodopegolblrgon,
Tho American Consul General at Con
stantinople has arrived at Sofia, with an
Evangelical pastor from Phllipopolls. as
dragoman, and both are taking energetic
steps with tho Bulgarln government to
effect MIbb Stone's release.
The roputcd leader of tho gang, who
killed Ulaubotloff, has met his fate,
Suspected of being associated In the
capture of Miss Stone, he was shot
dead on tho frontier nrar Koston
dity. Though 1000 roward has been
placed on tho head (or the murdor of
Blambouloff, Hallo, thu name under
which ho was known, was too lulluontlal
a rufllan for tho Bulgarian police to ar
rest. Four additional brigands havo
boon captured near Tachwplno ami a
band of :0, fully armed, woro discovered
near DtihniUa nnd driven Into tho
mountains again.
For the City of Mexico Will
Call for United States Ma
terial. New YortK, Oct. 11. The Journal of
Commercosays: A New York syndicate
of capitalists has acquired tho conces
sion which was granted some years ago
to William Mackenzie, formerly trafllo
manager of tho Mexican Gulf it Mon
terey Railroad, for the purposo of bring
ing a new water supply to tho City of
Mcslco. Warren II. Loss ot thla city,
has been awarded the contract for car
rying out the undertaking which, it ia
estimated, will entail an expenditure ol
nsarly fO.000,000 American curroncy,
and will mean the purchase, It Is said,
of no loss than 35,000 tons of matorlal,
In tho United Btates,
There are about four now cases ot
bubonic plague dally at Itlo Janeiro,
An Heir to Several Hundred
Thousand' Steals Jewelry.
You don't sec very many
wigs nowadays. People have
been educated how to care
for the hair. That's one
reason. Another is, Aycr's
Hair Vigor makes wigs un
necessary. Nothing its equal
for feeding the-hair.
"For many yenra my hair has come
out so fast every winter that I had
to wear a wig. I tried Ayer's Hair
Vigor. It stopped the falling, and made
my hair crow so that last winter I did
not use my wig at all."
Saran F. Lewis, Pittsburg, Pa.
II. J. C. AVtR CO., Uwcll, JHlU. '
Joshua Kwlng Brooks, second vleo
presldunt ot thu l'euua Railroad Road
tiled today ol ltrlgttts dlscato nt Salem,
Chocolate Creams
CiiiOAuo, Oct. 11. William 11. Gib
son, ID years old, said to bo thu heir up-'
on tho death of his mother to several '
hundred thousand dollars Is conlncd at -tho
town hall poltco station ou a charge
of burglary.- Thu police admit that tho
namo under which thu prisoner is
& Zinn's
5 Slate 5tiut. Slum 'Here 287
iff 4asBHKjrejfffiw
r i inA r i in Al
t sLsZ ' i " ''' '".' lii's '' '.i . i i ' M sn i i si i nwassiassai wisisiiin s H sr
Don't miss this last and rare opportunity to tret the best furs on
the market at maker's price. All genuine goods, no Imitations.
Genuine seals, beavers, Persian Iambs, minks, chinchillas.
Alaskan fox, martins, muffleons, etc.. ranging in price up to
Pensions for Salemltes
Pensions have, been grauUvl a follows,
Including two Salem veterans:
Original, James il.nliey, Portland, pi;
Dexter Field, Salem, f8; Inoreain, rest,,
rels., ele Marvin Wood, Kagle Point,
$7; Luther King, Ulodgslt. jl.', origi
nal (war wlthWpaln), Miner L. Doollttje,
Cottage Grove, flO; Inc., rest., rels , etc.
James Uatnholor, Salem, 18; Klliui V,
Bteel. Portland, f 12; Hauford ti. Jours.
Boldlers' Home.Uoieburg, $12;hpaphro-
dltui H. Jameson, Bums, ft).
$250 &
Flannel Waistings
All wool satin prunellas and otto
man flannels that formerly soiaior
50c and 75c. Special this week
I 42c and 62c yard.
Men's Underwear
The two strongest llaps ever showa
In Salem are now shown trttfctBlr
Store The profits are small bat th
values are big
50c and 7 5c