The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 10, 1901, Image 4

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    3JSRflHWHWIWBBWIffcW!!tT?v,w?5. yF&g&T$ntoxxK&m&ts-x
U-fc.VIV-'- - - -
...Gold and Silver Brand...
Of shirts are the best made, best wearing, and most stylish
shirt in the market. Call and see the new style.
...The Silver Collar...
Is equal to
any 25 cent
height or
sold, and
for only
comes 'in any
Episcopalian Canon on Mar
riage and Divorce.
Prohibits Wedlock of Persons
Divorced for Reason Not
Existing Before Marriage.
3E" XT 3E& 320 I S 3E3E 3C
We carry the most complete and most reasonable priced
"line of underwear, hosiery, sweaters, gloves, handkerchiefs,
suspenders, etc., in the city of Salem.
pntmiwiw iniiMnmiwiMiiiMiniiimwiiiiiimniiiiiii urn
IRew TOtalfemg
Another lot of fine quality walking (skirts with
double ruffle, made of fine quality cloth
$6.00 each
IFlew XTailornba6e
Some sample suits just in. The very latest
New York styles.
$10.00 to $30.00
M MM - M
If Not Give us a Trial
1( IV i
Thoro is no
thing tmiuful
or disagreeable ubout nil examination ol tho
eye. It Ih not oven tlrcBomu for tliu run
aou wo have tlit latest and rnpi.l testing
liiHtrumuntH made and wo umlortitniul our
business. Oyer twenty years continuum
prnctlco has umibluil us to iiliuont toll at n
glance wlmt ia needed ut a glance what In
needed for tlio rollof of oycH that tiro easy
or blur. Wo nuiko a specialty of children,
and no motbor should compel hor child to
pursuo Iter atudles with u troublesome sight.
Wo recommend glasses only whoro thoy
nro needed. A talk with ua and eyes tested
San Fiancibco, Oct. 10. Tlio action of
greatest, importance token by tlio
.triennial Episcopal convontlon wns
tbo ndoption, by tlio limiBO of biahops,
by a voto of 37 to 21, of canon .'10, which
rolatoa to tlio solemnization of matri
mony. All of its provisions had previ
ously been argued except tlioeo con
tained in suction I, which forbids tlio
marriago of persons divorced (or any
causo not ox'eting beforo marrlagu.
"For any catiBO not oxlstiug before
marriage" is understood to refer
to such cntiBO bb insanity, inability
to execute- a contract, tho existence
of a living Tlfo or husband, or liko
masons, wlifcli practically ronuereu tlio
marriage null and void. This section
has boon a bone of contention, a strong
oleniont in tho church holding that tho
re-marriago of tho innocent party to a
divorce granted on tlio ground of infi
delity should not bo forbidden. Tho
bishops have refused to accept this view
of tho matter. Tlio question ia by no
means settled, aa the whole subject is
now to come up in tho house of deputies,
where it is expected to cituse a protracted
Tlio canon as finally passed by tho
houao of bishops reads as follews:
Text of the Canon,
Canou 30". Of tlio solomnization of mat
rimony. I, Tho solemnity of matrimony In
this church Isa eorvico in which mutual
consent of tho parties entorini into this
siutooiwo is given in tlio presence ol
the minister, who, having pronunccd
them in tho name of tho Holy Trinity
to bo man and wife, invokes tlio dlvlno
blessing upon their union.
II. Tlio requirements of tho law of
tho stato regarding tho conditions for the
civil contract of marriago shall in nil
cases bo carefully observed before tho
innrriairo is solemnized.
III. No minister shall eolemnizo tho
marriago of any person who ia n minor
under the laws of tho placo of marriago
unloBH tho parent or guardian of such
minor Ih present and consenting, or shall
have given writton consent to tho mar
riage, or is permanently resident in a
foreign country. No minister shall sol
emnize a marriage except in tho preaenco
of at least two witnesses, the minister or
tho witiiossoBboing personally acquainted
with the parties. Kvory minister shall
without delay formally record in the
proper register the name, ago and resi
dence of each party. Such record fhnll
ho signed by tho minister who performs
tlio ceromoiiy, and if practicable by the
married purlieu, and by at least two wit
ueasaes of tlio marrlagu.
IV, No minister shall solemnise a
mnrriAgu between any two persons un
less or until, by inquiry, ho shall have
snlislled himself that neither person Iiiib
been, or if, tho husband or tho wifu of
any person then living; unless tlio for
mer marriago was annulled li a decree
of some civil court of competent juris
diction for causo existing betoru such
foriuor marriago.
Tho bishops have yet to consider canon
37, providing for tlio discipline of per
'sons marrying aftor being divorced.
This will also ciiuw) a lively discussion.
Want full va no fsr your money, trade
at the Now York Racket, Halem'a
cheapest one price cneh store. 10 10 2d lw
The Corner on Wood Now
Making High Prices.
A Salem special says that Salem is
just now feeling tho effects of tho wood
fatnino which was predicted last Sum
msr. Although tho roads are now ex
cellent for hauling, tho prico of wood is
high, and apparently going hlghor.
Second growth fir brings (from $3 to
$3.50 por cord; largo fir, 3.7G to $1, and
grub oak, $1 to $ I. CO. Tlioso who bought
wood on speculation last Bumuior aro In
a fair way to make a good profit on their
foresight. Farmers sold large fir wood
readily nt 2 75 por cord, dollvorcd in
Salem, and now thoy aro fulfilling their
contracts, while tho speculators reap a
clear profit on $1 to $1.25 por cord.
Many residents of this city loft their
wood-buying until aftor tho Summer va
cation, or until after hoppieking, and
now they aro paying a penalty for their
procrastination. "All Bold" is the
answer usually given by a fnrmor when
ho is accosted with an inquiry for wood.
Wood wagons nro quito numerous on
tho streets, but thoy are hauling wood
sold last Summer.
It is thought by somo, however, that
the present prices wilt not bo main-
Several Hundred Scalps That
Will Fetch Money.
CorvRlllft Tlinoi!
Readora of this paper will recall tho
details of tho capturo of Henry E. Egger
ton, In Eugene, somo months ago, and
his conviction on tlio chnrgo of fraudu
lently deposing of bcalps to various
county dorks. II o was scatoncod to
servo his timo out in tho county jail at
Kugene. Last Wednesday, in company
witli others, ho made his escape from
jail. It appears that tho young man iu
quostiou wns merely n tool in tho hands
of a clover awindlor. Young Eggorton'a
homo is somewhere in tho East, and ho
had been doing military duty iu tlio
Philippines and was short of money on
arriving on tho Pacific coast on routo
homo. He fell In with the awindlor and
concluded to take n chnnco on tho scalp
buaines until he could secure enough to
pay his faro homo.
The pair having failed to defraud tho
clerk of Linn county, thoy considered
tho matter of coming to Corvallis or go
ing to Eugene, and finally wont to tho
la' tor town. Tho oIllcialH; Jn Eugene
wore notified and a warrant was issued
for young Eggerton, who whb tho only
Working Plan to Spend Rocka
feller's Money.
In Promoting Health and
Physical Welfare of the
Commencing Thursday, Oct. 3 at one oV inn,
p. m. and continue each day, of a fine ift
shoes, hats, bankets, quilts, furnishing ffoodf
clothing, notons, etc. This is a rSrt Ss
tunity for the public to avail themSeivff &
purchasing fresh goods direct from ,Sa. f
ufacturers which on account of tleVrib t
were placed in my hands to dl o T
they will go without reserve on the ?co?Lanf
w - a a v vviiiiiiviWIUl U LI z - I
t t
Zlfo st v v o a t Ih rt m .5
Tho Duly Journai, proposes to get out this year In lieu of a regulation j
New Ynnr'n tulitinn. n Ann illustrated ThnnksL'ivilli! Dailv. such as will bo V
4r a credit to our etnto nnd community. It has been a ruro year, with boun- v
;? tiful harvcBtH, and a Harvest Home Thanksgiving paper will bo especially W
opportune at this season. This paper will contain rcadnblo articles on nil Q
4b mnnnor of subjects relating to tho state, and especially to Salem and tho 4b
4b Willnmotto Vnlloy. Especially will matter bo prcsontcd in this issue that A
2L will bo of intorost to caatorn readers and others who nro interested in J&
k knowing about Oregon.
vfk. In addition to tho doscripllvo nnd historical matter published
will bo prcsouted illustrated articles with buildings nnd portraits of public
buildings and men, nnd especially will the business interests of tho city
unit f'ntmtv tin nnttilv HliiRlrntitil. Mnnv nf tlin linn riN!dinriii anil liminipa
blocks will also bo shown iu granitic form. Somo attractive advertislncr T
r matter will also appear which will bo a credit to our local business men, V
4r nnd nil wishing to 1)8 represented nro invited to communicato with tho 4f
4fi publiahora as to rates nnd terms. Somo interesting nrticles and data 4fr
4!fr concerning our rosourcea will be acceptable for this edition, which will bo
nuulu a creditable one in every resjiect. JL
VVatchnukcrand Jeweler.
296 Commercial street.
Ellis rurvino Is In rortlund today.
Mrs. Oswald West Ih visiting In Toit
lnnd, II. Q. MuKlnioy of Portland is iu the
olty today.
Mrs. W. T. Williamson has roturnod
from Eugene,
Mrs. Z, F, Moody has returned from
n visit to tho Dalles.
Airs. Olivo England has returned to
hor homo In 1'ortlaud.
Mrs. A. A. Jesaup has roturnod from
visiting relatives In Portland,
Mrs. Ohas. S. Cornell is visiting her
on, T. VV, uoiiier at rortlaiui.
J, E. Harris, Bubjcrlptiop nguutof tho
Portland Tologram, is In tho city,
Mr. and Mrs. Y, P. Uuusakor were iu
the city from Sublimity yeaturday.
Night Policeman Low is was on a
hunting trip near Albany yesterday.
J. W. Wilson has rotumed fiotn
Urownivillo, where ho viiltod his
Mrs. K. L. Hooves of Cedurvlllo, Calif,
la Yllting at the homo of hor uou, Jr,
W, Keevea,
Mrs. F, A, Fisher of Portlaud has ro
turned homo aftor a abort visit with
Mrs, II, G. Meyer.
Mies Abble Wilder has gono to Me
hatnn, whero she has boeu engagod to
"teach a term of school.
Mr, nnd MrJ. F. L. Suuvalu loft this
morning or Portland, whoro thoy
. will.make their futuro homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lookley, 6r., bavo
gose.toMoQUna! to visit their sou, Fred,
who pent tho summer (fibre,
Mr. M. A, Cook of Hood Illvor has
returned bom after visiting hor
d4ttgutNr, Wr. A. E, Dinsmoro,
Mrs. D C. Shormnn and family leavo
on tho 11 a. in, train Saturday morning
for Washington, D. 0., whoro tho) will
make their homo iu tho future. Major
Shornuui holds an important position in
tho hind department.
Mrs, W, M. Jackson and daughter,
Miss Until Jnokaon,nro visiting relative a
iu Itoaeburg, They Imvu boon visiting
Mrs. Jackson's daughter, Mrs. John 1".
Chas. A, nnd Frank Ilort have ruturued
from Taooma, anil will tuslde iu Salem
this winter, tholr families having arrived
several days ago.
It, N. Hrauson, of Shoiidau, is iu tlio
olty, whoro Mrs, Hrauson is iu tho hos
pital for treatment. I lo us pouts to re
turn Sunday,
Mr. nnd Mts. C, W, Oilliugbam have
returned from Newport. Mr. Gllllng.
ham also vlaited his tluibsr olaim niwr
Mrs, Francos Cornell and daughter,
Miss Huby, and Mra. It. 1). lillburt havo
gono to Portlaud for n dhort viit.
Mrs. T, Holvorsou nnd Mrs. II. J,
Digger wero tlio guwU of Mrd. W. P.
Cumpboll of Choumwa Wmlnesday.
Mrs, O, Holland has gono to San
Franuisoo to visit friends.
Mra. U. A. Pat ton of Marion visited
Salem friends Wednesday,
J, II. Uhunor of Maolo.y was iu tho
olty today,
tallied. Aa a result of tho oxpoauro of
tho shortage and of tho wood cornor,
last Summer farmora woro Induced to
out na much wood as their timo would
permit. Tho cool weather, which lasted
until midsummer, was favorable to tho
cutting of wood. Tlio hop and prune
curing industries hnvo not taken ijuito
as much wood as wan anticipated, for
both crops cured more rapidly than
usual. As tho demtiud for wood is very
strong, and tlio supply not pressing up
on tho market, not much of a reduction
in prico can bo oxpectod, while thoro iu
more prospect for an advance.
(lIRI Dayton, 0., Oct. 10.-Pending nn in-
HJ1IaB-w . vostigation to dotormino whether tho
chargo of murder will bo preforred
Gruco and Leila HolUclnw, of tlila ' nguinal Mary Hollo Wltwor, suspected
olty, were returned from Portland! of wholesale poisoning, tho prisoner is
Wednesday by tho olllcera of tho Hoys' still detaiuod nt the central pollco eta-
Hiid Girls Aid Society. They nre about, tion, though linboas corpus proceedings
II) and 17 years of ngo nnd nro classed . to secure a roloaso uro oxpectod. Today
with Salem's ineorngibles, having lived
reoHews lives for tho last two yours.
Thoir father, J. HolUolaw, has u munll
farm near Chemawn, and raises ouioua
for tlio local market. There are three
girls and two boys iu tho family.
They woro nrrosted on tbo charge of
vagrancy in tho Itoyal Lodging II on bo on
Fourth stroot in Portland, in company
witti six young men, ono of whom ia
well known iu this city, Three of tho
young men woro locked up in tho police
station, threw discharged with eevoro
reprimand., and the girls sent homo.
The girls rlrst gave their names as Grnuw
and Leila Mxty.
I the bodies of Frank 11, Wltwor, her
'fourth husband, and Mrs, Emma O.
Pugh, Bister, were disinterred for n
chemical examination of tho stomach.
Social Dance
Tho Silver Hell Circle W. O, W, will
give n social danco tomorrow (1'rlday)
evening nt tho llolmau Hall. Co mo
and have a good timo. Good music.
Admission 36 cents,
WtutStullwe iuve torUejertr
Tills iiucHtlou arise lu the family
every duy. Let ua nuavver It today.
Try JellO, a delicious und healthful
dessert. Prepared lu two mluutcs.
No bolllngl no baklugl ulmply add
boiling water aud net to cool. Fla
Torn. Lemon, Orange, Kaapoorry and
Strawberry. Get a packugo at your
grocer'u today. 10 eta.
Lowest Prices
On clothing nt the Now ork Itaaket.
City KoconUr Juduh totlay completed
the counting votusou the froo fOOO piano
votlugeontostuiid nnnounuea follewing:
St. Joseph's Soeioty U8,032
Y. M. C. A rVD.snB
II. P. 0. K., 1,044
St, Joseph's Sooietv plurality . . . 3, 131
The iiutrumout la nt Holveriwn's dry
goods store and will bo delivorod to tho
The Grainor piano voting contost is
not yet deoidod, but probably will be in
a few days.
Two freight trains collided near
Lombard, 111., oarly totlay resulting in
death of engineer Oharloa Andrews,
liremen Ilouren nnd Mayhor, nuU
Hrakuman Win. Glenn, Three train
men were slightly injured,
ono who appeared in passing tho scalps,
At tho timo ho was arrested ho was
playing cards with Ilia clovor rascal of n
partner, Thoro boing no wnrrnut for
arrest of tho greater criminal, ho made
hiaoscapo aud has not yot boon appro
honded. Tho young man nrrosted slated
that he had not received pay for what
ho had done, nnd that tho man who te
caped had something over $600 on his
person when Eggorton wag arrested, 'a
his siio. Lggertou hnd only about $20
when arrested. The young man stated
that thoy had several hundred ecalps in
Portland awaiting thoir convenience whan
tho game camo to an end. Part of this
tale line boon substantiated by facts that
camo to light later, while other portions
of tlio recitation woro nioroly voiced by
tho young man who wado his escape n
short timo ugo.
Sulnir For Texas Oil Fields.
MoNTtioMiutv, Ala. Oct. 10. W. A,
Humphreys of Wnco, Tox , Marcus and
G. M. T. Humphreys of Anniston, Ala.,
nnd thoir relatives have begun suit for
tho possession of oil fields at Ueaumont,
Tex., upon which nro altuntod 14 oil
woIIb. In tho suit that has been brought
against the capitalists now controlling
tlio property it is claimed that when tho
oil lover struck Texas, Captain G. M.,
Lucas, J. M, McFaddon and 23 othora
took possession of 6070 acres of oil laud
south of Ueaumont. Tho valuo of tho
land is said to bo $25,000,000, Thie
property, according to tho pnpors right
fully belongod to tho Humphreys ostato
aud suit is outered against tho capital.
lata for $25,000 per year from each de
fendant for trespass upon the land
besides S3 cents per barrel on live
million barrels of oil shipped out of tl.e
Nuw Youk, Oct. 10. Tho Tribuno to
day says: A tontatlvo working plan has
boeu ndoptod by tho ofllcors of tho Insti
tute for Medical rosoarch, founded by
John D. Kockefolior, by whom it wns
endowed with $200,000. It follewa:
To oxpond $20,000 a year, divided so
aa to proviuo lorty ncnoiarsnipc
To mako appointmonts for ono year.
To have candidates recommended by
heads of various laboratories to tho
board of directors.
To cliooso only persona pursuing or
about to pursuo investigations on some
important subject In pnthology, bac
teriology or hygiouo.
At tho timo the announcement wna
mado that Mr. Rockefeller hnd given
$200,000 to found tho institute, it was
said that ono of tho things tho institute
would do would bo to investigate tho
milk supply of tho city in cooperation
with tho board of health. Tills task was
completed somo timo ago. It wns said
also that work of a moro ambitious nn
turo involving original research nnd nn
effort to throw now light on problems
which aro ns yot unsolved by modicr.1
science will bo taken up iu tho autumn,
Tho board of directors, which ia ns
eiating and directing thesa investigators
in their work, comprises William II.
Welch, Professor of Pnthology, John
Hopkins University, President; Dr. T,
D. Mitchell Prudon, Professor of Pathol
ogy, uolutnbla university, vtce-i'rcsi-dent;
Dr. L. Bmmott Holt, Clinical
Professor nf Disoasoi of Children,
Columbia Uuivorslty, Secretary; Dr.
A. Hartor, Professor of Pathological
Chemistry, University aud Hellovuo
Hospital Medical Collego, Treasurer;
Dr. Theobald Smith, Profoesor of Com
parative Pathology, Harvard Univorslty ;
Dr. Simon Flex nor, Professor of Pathol
ogy, university ot ronnsyivanta nnu
Dr. II. M. Biggs, director of tho Labor
atories of the Hoard of Health.
Marquis Hirohoumi Itoof Japan has
arrived and will remain in Chicago
threo days.
You Don't Pay
Your neighbors' dobta when you deal
with the Naw York Haoket. 10 10 3d lw
Strone's Restaurant
haa on hand a I a rue suuulv of vvholo
wheat bread and all kinds of pastry. I
They also servo tho best meals iu the '
The Best of Everything
That's in Our Line
That's what you'll 11 nd hero, and nothing short of it satisfies us.
Studebakcr wajrons and buetries: Monitor and Tlecr Drills and Seeders:
Russell engines: Syracuse and Mollne Plews: McCormlck Harvesting
machinery: Buffalo Pitts Harrows and Dlscs;Trlbune Bicycles: Standard
and White sewing machines.
Call and too us for anything iu our lino. Wo aro growing and are constant
ly looking for tho best goods to bo had.
Got your name aud address tiled, with tho name nnd nuniior ot your old
machine, aud date of nurdium,. and vou mav bu thu liicki- nun tr mnaliiu tliu
. White Sewing machine which wo glvo away next Saturday, the 12th, to the
persou using tho oldest machine of any make.
Dopartmont ono of tho circuit court
was in session this morning and beforo
adjourning until Monday tho following
cases wore heard :
State of Oregor, vs. E. Curtis; Crim
inal, selling liquor without a license
Con. July. 1902 torm.
Stato of Oregon vs. Philip Kemoy
Criminal. Con. Foby torm 1002.
Adam Ohmart ve. II. I). Coffey; For
monoy. Settled.
Studaker Bros. M'fg. Co. va. Joseph
Scliell ; For money, Con. July 1002
A. II. Damon va. Ray D.Gilbert;
Damages, Plffs motion for postpone
ment July term 1002 ovorrulod.
Frank W. Jewott, vb.H. G. McKinley ;
For money. Motion to strike out trnrta
of nmonded complaint overruled oxcept
ut tho cortalu specifications which nro
Joeeph Kendall va, Thomas Fallon, et
ttx; Appeal. Hovorsed by consent.
DopuuiSc Cook va. Androw McFarland,
ot ux; Appeal.
W. K.Allen et nl vs. Allen Packing
Co; Injunction. Motion to dissolvu in
junction overruled aud motion to strike
out parts of answer sustained,
An attachment suit has been instituted
in the justlco court by the Tilleon
Bartlott grain company a corporation,
who sue to recover $33.50 from W, G,
Dauia, Jno. A. Jeffrey is attorney for
tho plaintiffs.
Sent to the Reform School.
Walter Krlao aged 12 years, tho
adopted son of Mra. M. E. Krlso who
lives north of Saturn, was today com
mitted to the Reform School from tho
Justico court of J. O'Donald, Ho wan
taken from an orphan's homo when a
imby by Mrs, Krise, who has cared for
him until the presont timo, when he be
came unmanagablo and had to be taken
to tho echool of correction.
Attachment Suit.
John G. Wright haa instituted an at
tachment suit by lila attorney, R, J.
Flowing, to recover $180, with interest
at 10 per cout per annum from
February 20, 1898, and attorney's fees.
The principal is the balanco duo on a
promissory note.
Tr" HE GREAT Discount Purchase Sale of Dry r r
LL Now on. Fine assortment of Pillow Shams tI?
w..w -. ........ ..,o rtl icauceti DrffAc
Pears soap only 10c a bar. Toothpicks, lanre hnnV
hnYAC fnr Kr Tnrctc 01r ntrh t. ....- wiHIQ
TrtWAllilP Jit A.C H VJirri Tahla rinilm ip. .
r ' ; : ..; jr . " " a yd. iar?.
Turkish Towels, a bargain at 25c. now ior f. ...
straight front corsets only 48c. The store is m of
gains. You are invited to call and inspect- our stocV
Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store
First door south of Post Office.
. '
You Can't Get
Something for
Shoe dealers may try to make you fr,
they are selllne you goods below cost, etJ
It Is not done, Tlicy sell goods to nnVes
and so do we. But we can furnish shots nS
boots, and everything in our line as low 114
lowest. We don't mark our goods btitaj
then drop the price to fool buyers. M
the best goods for the lowest price all tbcCac.
95 State Street,
Salem, Ortftt
ARGE line of Airtight and Cast Heat-1
ers, Steel Ranges, Cast Cook Stoves,
(( JUL
Get a Gasoline Lamp
Costs less to run and gives more andtetlii
I sell only the best makes and each lamfj
Mantles, chimneys and supplies
288 Com'ISt.. Salea.Or?
Telephone 401.
Geisler Patents Co.
Chamber of Commerce Bulldintr
Portland, Ore.
Secures nnd markka patents, model
making nnd light iiinnniacturinir. No
hotter torma or fucilitios obtniunble
In shoos, rubbers, box, hose
glovos, mon'a nnd hoys' cloth
ing, hats, caps, umbrellas,
Trunk?, valises, dry goods,
underwor of all kinds. Tin
and grnnltownro, lampB, dielies,
blankets, quilts, notions of all
kinds. And tho faota are that
this great combination ot bar
gains can not be had at anv
place iu Salem, Ore , but at
Remember the Place.
The Fair Store
274 Commercial st. Salem. Or.
Wheat Market
San Fuancihco. Oct. 10 WheUd
iv. nil. l.. Iftl.. HnHMBI
CmaAOO, Oct. 10. -Wheat Oct'
and 07&5 Dec. 09'4.
The Sidney Power Co,
..V .nnf ttit
Alailo or tumiiy uh, jj - -jm
(or it. Bran auJ shorts aliMJ"8 . Tl
. . M A I . -1 '(.'?
A. T. WALN Aflis
-AftC rk
Honest Prices
And square dealliiK, together with the
spot CHoh plan, have boomed businuss
tor ihe New York Racket. 10 10 2d lw
Glass Jars and Stone Ware.
Ilraueon A Ragan are now making a
specially 01 ineir stocic ot irutt jars nnu
stone waro, aa tho fruit canning and
preserving eeaaou ia in full blast. Their
.Monmouth stouo waro is the belt.
on our Shelves
And counters you will jlgV .
of canned nnd lckffllSrif
beet of evory unu. " "flBj be ?
I flno urnrnrlaa VOU ' ?u. m
... .....-. . . ,,,,
you will find our P"c"lll,JwrfiW
raff ret, canned go j
groceries. . Wj.P'S Si r '
courtesy and olllciency w
Liberty Street
gW Successor to K. M. Oroiaaa nnd E. F. Parkhuiet. Studebnker wauons and
buno bicycles,
buggies, AlcOormlok llarveatinK Muolilnory, Russell eugiues nnd threuhora
inuiuio uicyciee. mnnonru ana wuita Bewinu mncninea.
IIOUSK TO RENT Five room cottage
in South Salem just back of the brick
store. Inquire of Goodale Lumber
Co. on 12th St. 10 10 tf.
VANTK DA r theAileu Packing Co.
(cannery), 5,000 incka canning apples.
From 8 to J10 per tou, according to
quality. 10.10 Ol
FARM FOR RBNT.-.260 aorea, 175 in
cultivation. Inquire of Mrs. Ruth
Sayre, 14th aud Ohemeketa streets.
10 10 St
D. E. Funeral Director, 107
Street, 'Phone Bed 2423,SaemOregon,
deuce 390 Court. 'Phone Blick 2181.
Money to Loan.
Plenty of money to loan on improved
farm and city property at 0 aud 7
cent. No commission. No dela
Maxwkll.1 Havukx,
10 4 tf Moores Block, Salem.Or.
M. T, Finenia"
132 State Street
Prime cedar
prices, see Miss Smith, State St.
costs, cjfjf
.r l. 1 31 .
llnrno. HVft UIHtt
,,-..,.,,- p. w ir llbu B'
I 13- . .
. -
10 4 lw pnote 301
4." --
SfiSrZ&4.-ri" Journal o(
e incta."
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ili8ca of tho
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par ceuv
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