t jmf y 7FTrprt??.!f25Mi-' -jnrrrwBi .-ott-wi tmt.T, -. .3K-i-W"w ----.---- -3. re Su !' .cJ ft la.' I. J! .W ,) i ., f r V It 1 I . W: ! iif A i !-i.. Jr. h'1 i 4$ House Work is Hard Work without GOLD DUST. Iffop goat mFMIi G. W. JOHNSON & CO. The Popular Clothiers, THE OHO JOURNAL, Mombor Northwest Aftornoon Nowspapor League. dy hofbr brothers, THURSDAY, OOT. 10, 1001. Dally Ono Yoar, 8)3. OO In Advnnoo Dally Four Months 91. In Advanoo Dally by Carrlor GOo Por Month Wookly Qno YonKSI.OO In Advanoo EDITORIAL. Supt. Calbroath, of tho atato Insano asylum, Is a gentleman who does not relish much nowspapor publicity for tho performance oi his official duty. 1I has made a flno record for a good business administration, increasing tho produc tiveness of tho farms, employing help from the standpoint of n man who is conducting larco farming operations for hlmsoll, enforcing discipline among em ployes without fenr or favor and having no incompetent pots or lolatlvos to acroon on tho payrolls. All thoao things havo boon dono without any advertising or domagogio pledges of what ho was go ing to do. On top of bucIi a rocord comes the olllolal statement that for tho worst months of tho past Biiminor thoro liavo boon no caaos of typhus or othor Inloctlouu dla caaos In n population of 1300 peoplo un der atato chargo at tho Institution over which ho presides, whon in this city and nil over the Pacific coaat peoplo havo suffering from typhoid fovor and Infec tious dleoaaea all Hummer long. This shows that under state control of a class of pooplo not conaldorod sound mentally orphyalcally in popular cBt!mntion,havo boon moro healthy than peoplo aupposod to be aano nnd physically the superiors of tho patients at the insano asylum, nnd would Indlcato that, to far us sanitary provisions go, atato socialism would produce hotter rosults than pooplo generally nro getting or nro capable of giving thomsolvos. Tho wator supply at tho nsylum is pumped from a doop well absolutely true from con tamlnatlon. The eowago, grounds and Duildlugs are kept In perfectly cleanly condition. Tho patients got fresh air, nro coHipolled to bathe, perform labor ia tho opou ulr, have plain woll-cookod meals and plonty of sloop. The result is a high complimout to the intolllgonco, faithfulness and oxocutvo ability of Dr. , CMbroth and his staff of officers, physicians and employes. It should opoit tho oyos of tho people to tho pulpabU fact that infectious dlseaaoa nro not a part of tho dispensation of Dlviuo l'rovldenco, and if they cau bo avoided with ordlbary caro and as a ioiuH of good administration, tho higher intelligence of a civilized com inunlty ought to onablo Its members to get along us well as tho patient, of an insano niylum. With as good a supply of drinking wator, with as cleanly prom- lees, with as regular habits as tho peoplo out thoro havo, tho peoplo outside tho asylum would bo na freo from infectious ulsoasoa as thoaa iusldo, It would soom aa though municipal ownership of a first class water supply would bo tho first stop toward Improving tho Baultary con dition of any city, and tho pooplo of Sa lom ought to bgln to consider the mat ter seriously. to Tho Salem Juuhnal contains a long editorial lament over thu (aetthatll. W. Oorbett was not elected to tho United States seuato, and insists that had the venerable (Jorbott been chosou be would havo been the whole senate And with ono fell swoop ho would have wiped tho truBta off the faco of thu earth. Thu Journal forgets thoro arc Justus ablu audln fuct, abler men in that august body today than 11. W. Cor bett and amongst tho number Is no othor than John 11. Mitchell, who can accomplish moro for Oregon and the Northwest in ono session than Oorbolt could In u full term, including legishw tlcu of trusts. Eugene lteglster. We aocopt nil you say in good faith. The pooplo are badly in need of good men down thoro to light the trusts, I wiled In Tmd without extraordinary ex When salt has gone up from f 1.60 a ton peuditurus tho oounty will remain on a t) f 10.00 a ton Jneldo of two years, and (cash basis, and next year taxes will ooine uw ho international trust is formed to put it higher, it is time someone tho trusts cannot pull down got to work. Wo havo no doubt tho great and mag nificent heart of thu idol of thu people, as Drownoll calls it, throbs for tho peo ple all right, but wo want to see soma ' thing tangible. Under the influenoe of our delegation at Washington 1). O., that ia admittedly controlled by Mitch llj Oregon timber lands havo boon atoian "en bloc" by non-resident corporations and tho mud still goes on Oar only competing ttatbpr at Yaquina bay has been closed to pommerco in the invests of the transcontinental syndl- li mIHIiM;ljllMjli;illMn i MUMf fflfleatbev TIiobo are tho dnya whon you apprecl nto a lop-coat. Too warm for your winter coat too cold for none juat right for a "top." All the now Ideas In tho Uox, the Knglan, the Yoko nro horo. Wear ono of our trp-coats and you may he euro ofj having tho proper thing. Prices range from 5.00 to $20 00, Vur ions fabrics various lengths various shades, as fashion dictates. 257 ConVl St., Salem. cates, and tho good work for tho syndi cates goos on, Whon a light has been on to protect tho outrages perpetrated by Portland light companieson thatcity and tho peoplo of that city Mr. Mitchell has gonerally bosn lawyer for the syndlcato, and Mr. Oorbetthas steppod to the front and held tho exploiters of tho pooplo at bay. Wo aio glad that wo havo now o uoro Influential man than Mr. Corbett at Washington and shall hasten to glvo all due credit for sorvlcos to tho peoplo when they are porformed, but not bo foro. 5 Iho worst thing brought out against Oommodoro Scliloy so far by tho navnl cllquo ia that ho said "D n tho Tex as" at the battlo of Santiago. At least ono of tho dudo officials summonod agalntt him at tho rourt of inquiry pays ho said it. Ho qualifies it by adding that ho did not say it as if ho wore con demning tho Toxub because alio was In tho way when ho swung round on that famous loop, hut ah though ho was irri tated, otc. flow potty all such btuff seoms when ono recalls that tho battle field was at times so thickly covered witli a in ok o that no ono ahip could see tho other, that tho roar of guns was eliminating all possibility of conver sation, and that history was being made that affected all humanity for nil tlmoto come. Tho insectivorous poplnjnya of Washington Bociety, who aro attached llko barnacles to tho naval arm of tho government, cannot forget their drawing room maunorn long enough to damn anything, whether they were exulted or irritated or llambustlcatcd. It Ib moio than likely that Schley did say damn tho Texas. Old Z.ich Ohand ler once burst nut in (Jraut'a cabinet, when the finespun wirepulling of thu diplomatists over tho question of tho Alabama claims had completely din gusted him, witli tho words, "tell her Drltish majesty to go to h 11, but do it in diplomatic language," ho added. Thu recording angel in public affairs will not put black mark; iifjuliiHt men of action like Hchloy and Chandler for their resort to primitive profanity under groat excitement and pressure for a vocabulary to exprosa UiuiiiboIvoh ad equate to the occasion. r u Tho Chicago Inter Ocoan Jiu one of tho newspapers that can llnd in the testi mony being adduced before the naval court nothing favorable to Hchloy, hut n multitude of things to his discredit. Ho did not destroy tho Colon; ho did not coal at sea as ho might havo done; ho did not obey orders; and ho greatly endangered thu Texas, and through her tho Iowa, by IiIb famous "loop" at Santiago. The facts Ignored by such one-sided papers na thu Inter Ocoan are that Schloy iot to San tiago in time and successfully blockaded that pot t ; that he kept on tho watch and discovered the initial movumouts of thu Spanish ships in their nttompt to cicapo; that under his command the Spanish lluut was pursued and destroyed, with scarcely any loss to tho American fleet; that tho Brooklyn, his ahlp, did more execution and received moro blows than any other ono of our vessels j and that in making thu "loop" the Texas was not as a mat ter of fact damaged nor in any serious danger. In all these matters Schley cxurelsud his judgmunt, and with completely satisfac tory rosults, except to some Jealous and uumltouscllluersaud politicians. Appar. ontly they would have been extremely pleased If Schley had gone right alioad and lost his ship and sevural hundred men, nnd thorehy accomplished un more, probably less than he did accomplish. A Tlio report of tho treasurer of Marion oounty for Outobor 1, aliowa a total of oash funds on hand u( $71.01132, with almost thirty thousand dollars In tho gnoral fund, livery warrant has been down, Thu oounty levy can be reduced some mills, and as tho state tax la based on current county expenses, which havo boon reduced about $80,000 a year, our share of tho state tax will bo much lower. With reductions in taxes land will advance and Inquiry for property in Marlon county is already quite marked. Invuotmeuts in Marion oounty farms will become most desirable, as interest is low and owning farms will be more profitable. In the campaign a year agu last May, Tim Jouk.nal predicted those things and forced the Wsuo tint has brought about tho result. It covered thrt county with printed swatter, show-i Ing how taxca woro going up and valua tlona of land coming down. Tho ox ponso of printing tho lltoraturo and mailing It, waa boino by prtvato citizens, no political party putting up, and the roault has justified tho expense. Tho time has come to ovorhaul somo features of tho atato government, and pit Eomo of its affairs on n different basis. Tho wastoof Bpondlng $22,000 for legislative clerks and many othor waatea, should ho abolished, and moro of theso depart ments) sot to turning revenues Into tho Btato treasury. How best to reach this result Ib being carefully considered by gome of (he best business men of this statu, nnd doubtless n plan of campaign will bo arrived at that ninv mako those reforms possible, no matter who Ib to fill the offices at ihe election hold next Juno. t e Reports aro rlfo that Lord Kitchener has resigned, or wishes to quit South Africa. Ho must necessarily regard tho conqueet of thu lloors as hopeless, and sees with chagrin that the struggle Ib wliuro it was two years ago, or rather, with tho big British army cooped upon tho railroads, while tho Hours nro run. ning at will all over South Africa, with tho peoplo thereof Inactual rovolt or in strong Bympathy with the republican forces. Hero Ib nn extract showing the extent of the country where tho Hoera ore operating in Natal, the Transvaal, tho Orange Free State and Capo Colony : Schneepor'a Nek, whero three com panies of Hrltish were taken, the scene of a similar exploit eighteen montliB ago, 100 miles north of Lndvemith. Ladysmlth itself, econe of the gallant defense of General White, now once mora partially surrounded bv lloors, is in Hrltish territory. The Natal militia have been called out to its defense. Hcrccholl, where Krltzlngor Indicted heavy loss on Lovatt'a pcouts. ia on the Orange rivor, just east of the Allwal North. Klanda IMvor Poort. whero Smuta gal lantly ovadod capturo, la in thu Western TrariBvnnl. Vlokfontein, whore two cannon woro taken from tho Hritish, is almost under tho guiiB of Protorin, now Hrltish mili tary headquarters. Adonburg and Carolina, whero two Doer commaudeos wore taken, aro ap parently in Capo Colony, Tho London Kxpress reports tho Hours in nrms forty miles from Capotown nnd along tho coast each aldo of it, and sayB that " tho Dutch element in tho colony Ib in rovolt." It ia not surprising that Kitchener wants to quit. A NEW MAN FOR GOVERNOR. No man In eastern Oregon atnnda higher In tho affcctlonn of tho peoplo thnn Senator Williamson and ho will como na near getting anything ho may ask" for of tho Republican voters us any man this side tho mountains. Tliia Ib what The Dalles Chronicle says n iimn who It thinks would be u good candidate for the Republican nomi nation for the governorship of Oregon. We of tho eastern part of tho slato, who really represent eastern Oregon und not tho western part as do most oi Uioeo living at or near Tho Dalles, desire to pay fiotno compliments of Senator Williamson, the Chronicle's candidate. Sonotor Willlanuon is a man of vory high standing throughout tho statu, and he has many friends hereabouts. Ho has a vory good record aa n legislator, and whero ho resides la known aa a eltl.on of fine personal uhuraotur. In tho event he bo nominated, his opponents cau truthfully say nothing durogratory of him na u mail. Pendle ton KuatOrugonluu. The Latest "House or lilts" Publica tions. Tim greatest hit over mado with a bal lad by tho Primrose and Dookstador Minstrels was mado this ceason by them with "While the Convent Hulls Wore Hinging." This is a now and beautiful song by Max S. Witt and Hubert S. Hodeu "No Uso in Asking, Cuueo You Know tho Iteason Why," la an odd coon song, featured by Low Dookstador, himstlf. He sings it inimitably, and tho song, which is by Hob Cole, J. W. and Hosa inond Johnson, is u great miccoea, "A Thousand Leaguos Under tho Sea" ia tho title of Potrio'a latest and greatest basa song. Our readers of course know hlH "Davy Jones Lockor," but tills is thu finest song ho ban written, "When the Irish aio on Parade," Ib a character song introducing all the old favorite nirs. It is by Hi ohm and Ilolf, writers of "Kvory Hnoo has a Flag but thu Coon." "Ma Heart's Doaiah Is Mhw Mariah," is tho greatest hit In n won song ever fuaturod by Lew DocKstador, the famous minstrel. He says himself that the melody of thu song fascinates. "East l.ynne!" Just think of thu beautiful hut sad Incidents embodied In both the utory and thu play wo all like so woll. This snug is one of llttelau and lUII's greatMt efforts. Thew souga itru Issued this month by "riiolloiuwof HitB,"Joa W, Stem A Co., who w ill be pleased to send nuyuuo writing them their wa andiiwtrunion tal orchestra and baud, "Haw UV band instrument, ltearo Majestic Violin, S.S. Mew art's Isous lUui In Catalogue, fieo on application to their headquarters, 31 Kant 2Ut Street, New York City, Caturrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot roach the mmU uf tliu diveaiw. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional dis eio, and in order to onto It you must take internal rumediM. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and aota til rvctly on the blood and mucous surfaces, Hull's CaturruhCnro is not a quack mat. lolne, It was proscribed by one of tl e twst physieians in this country for years and is u regular proscription. It is oum posed ol tho best tomes known, com bined with the best blood purifiers, uct ing directly on the mucous surfaces Thu perfect combinations of thu two in gredients Is what produces such won derful results In ouiing Catarrh. Send for tesUmonlalti free. F. J. Chunky A Co , Props,. Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 76o. Hall's Kumily Pills uro the best. Brtl j WW ' "III AnttJ WtgH JnnaiTO SAILS SATURDAY London, Oct. 10. There ia no founda tion tor tho report published in the Unlte'd States that Ambassador Choateof the Court of St. James, who will Ball for Now York with his family Saturday, to tako a holiday, will not return. JOURNAL X-RAYS Direct Legislation will not atop hull rect BlouliiiL'. ft ' I no Imtlleeliip Oregon ia aimo&t n pigmy befldo tho Wisconsin and Indiana. Tho present city govorumen id putting down lots of good sldowalks und cross walks and they were badly needed. Young man ,ot hold of a ploco of land and put out ten acres of somo good standard winter applo. It will keep you in old ngo. The Eugene Register com plains that there BceniB to bo but one man on tho Lowls and Clarke centennial board, and ho Is a nowspapor man. e This country ia not yet qulto ready for the political program announced from tho tail-board of a carl of tho sunt coulotto orators of French revolution, ft ft 6 Not a single cneo of typhus at tho In sane asylum this summer with over 1300 people, ought to cause people gen erally to inquire into tho superior sani tary conditions that prevail at that in stitution. ft ft ft Governor T. T. Geer und Hon. Willis Duniwny of Portland, will atump tho state of Ohio in the interest of tho Re publican ticket, the governorship and tho State Printing office. No bottor Re publicans could bo choBon ft ft They havo u troublesomo bull at tho Agricultural collego, and the local paper says: "Tho animal, n splendid Jersey, line developed such n tondoncy for pure "cussedness," that tho college authori ties havo decided to depose of him to somo butcher." w a W. H. Donnla, thu Black Hutto mining man who purchased tho Kugeno street railway system from tho Holden Hros. over n year ago, was in the city Sunday and mado arrangements for shipping to Salem the four cars of tho system which ho has Bold to tho tialom Light and Traction Co. Salem will probnbly ab sorb the Albany carlino next, 9 9 9 Speaking of difficulty in gutting tho now school books, tho CorvalliB Times suya: "Their reitBon for this conclusion Is that the publishers are holding up or ders for books with tho hope of delaying tho exchange until after December, when tlioy may secure bottor prices for their hooks. Thoro ia no way of sub stantiating such opinions nnd It may be that tho viow expressed ie hardly doing the publisher, justice, and is a little Eevoro." VACCINATION AND DANDRUFF. There Is as Sure Prevention of Bald ness as There Is for Smallpox. It is now accepted thut vaccination renders tho vacciuated person exempt from smallpox jor at worst, ho-never has anything but tho lightest kind of n case. Now as euro a provoutivo and cure for dandruff, which causes falling hair and baldnoss.has beon discovered Non-bra's Jlorplcldu. It kills the dandruff germ. TJ. II. Hoed, Victor. Idaho, eaes: "Mv self and wlfo havo been troublod with dandruff nnd fulling hair for several yours. Wo trlod remedies without effect until we used Nowbro's Horplcide, two nottloaol which cured us." Hundreds of similar testimonials. The Second Lecture of tho Star Lecture course occurs tonight at 8:30 at the First M. K. church. Hear Jay Win. Hudson on "Iloroos of the Golden Age." II m m A Special Service. At the Cougregutiouul church on Sun day ut 10:110 a. m. there will boa sorvlce of n special character at which it is hoped ovory mombor of the church will bo present. The pastor has a plan for the full and winter campaliig to prosout, which will b oi interest to all. Largest Stock Of new shooa lu tho city at the Now York Racket. Ask thoio who have traded with us about our prices, 10 10 ad lw Pour Lectures for $1,00 including Jay Win. Hudson tonight, on "Harousof the Golden Age," Single Tickets, oO cents. Tho first Lincoln County fair is opon at Toledo. This w ill be an exhibition of the various resources of the county and will embrace agricultural, horticultural, and iloriculturul feat u roe ;also live stock, fisheries, natural and manufactured products of thu oounty. Art will alto be given prominence during the fair, It Is nut a money making scheme in any eeiiMuf tin term, and Lincoln deserves to meet with auoctws nud eneouragoment in her undertaking and beyond doubt she will. Craln-OI Crala-OI 4 Remember that uame whou you Viiint a delicious, appetizing, nourish ing food drink to tako the pluce of coffee. Sold by ull grocers nud liked by nil who hare used It. Graln-0 Is made of pure grain, it aids digestion und strengthen! the nerves. It Is uot it stimulant but n health builder nud the children as well na tho adults can drink it with great bouout. Costs about Vi as much as coffee. 15c. und 'Mv. per puckuge. Ask your grocer for Uruln-O, a -A f2 !" "" T3 . ICtui y?IMMMTMHlttMffl Br. U j9 'M M W MllWWJI BMgU Bfcnatw. jTZr . yAS9ar- utryx t-Ce&Jut'C Man. FnANrc OAnTKn. 3 Merrill Stroot, Ameibury, Mmi. Tit la lot tor should onvry Faith andGonvlotlon to tho Hoar t a of all Sick Women. " I suffered -with Inflammation nnd falling of tho womb nud other dis ngrooablo fomalo weaknesses. I had bad spells every two weeks that would last from eight to tfcu days nnd would havo to iro to bed. I also had betid acho anil baelcacho most of tho tlmo and such bearing' down pains I could hardly walk across tho room at times. I doctored nearly nil tho tlmo for about two years nnd seemed to grow worse all tho tlmo until last September I was obliged to tako my bed, nnd tho doctors thought nn oporatlon was tho only thing that would help mo, but this I refused to havo done. "Then a friend advised mo to try tho Plnkham medicine, which I did, and after uslnfe' tho first bottlo I begnn to Improve. I took in all live botttcs of Lydla E. Plnkbnm's Hlood Purifier, four boxes of Lydla E. Plnkham's Dry Form Compound, three boxes of Liver Pills and used thrco packages of Sana tivo Wash, and I nm as woll now as I ovor was. I nm moro than thankful cvory day for my euro." Mits. Thank Caiitf.ii, 3 Merrill St., Amcsbnry, Mass. ifizirinri wM t Paid If thlm tautlmo &OUUU ,Hl ,m nn, anulno. Lydla . Plnkham Modlclno Co. BUSINESS CARDS. O. H.MACK SuccccBscr to Dr, J. M. Keono, in White Corner. Salem Ore. Partios de siring superior operations Ht moderate" fee in any branch aro inespbcial request, Dr, Grace Albright GrdUflteloflAmcr!can Schost of Osteopathy. : : : Every day excopt Sunday. Office hours 1) to R2 a. in : 1 to 4 p. m. Odd Fellows' Tomplo, Cor. Court nnd High streets. Phono. Main 2281. Dr. Taclc Deal, assistant. Money to Loan On farmB and city property. Invoit menta judiciously made. Insurance ef fected . JOHN MOIR Office with Balfour Guthrie & Co. 207 Commercial Street. 4-0lf S. C. STONE, M. D. PROPRIETOR OH Stone's Drug Stores SALEM OREGON. The stores (two In number) are located at No 235 and 333 Commercial street, and are well stocked with a complete line of drugs and med icines, toilet articles, perfumery, brushes, etc. DR. STONE tissual some 25 years experience In the prac lice of medicine and now makes no charge for consulutlon.texamlnatlon or prescription. Salem OFFICE, OITY HALL For water service apply ut ufflcb Bills payable monthly In advance Mnko all complalntH at the oftk u CAPITAL OITY Express and Transfer Meets all mall and passenger trains. Baggage to all parts of the city. Prompt sorvlce. Telephone No. 241. DISQUE & HOMYER DON'T WAIT Till it Rains But book your orders with LEMMON & BURT for your house painting-, paper hanging or kalsomining at 105State st. Clothes Regulator For Cleanintr. Dying and Piesslnc At this establishment you cun get any thing set to right, from a pair of gloves, to tho most ulaborato silk gown. A gentleman can get his hat cloauod, his trourers creased, or his whole suit re juvenated to suit his tutte, also four suits a mouth for ono dollar. Buttons sowed ou, rips sowed up, suits preseod on short notice. AIRS. C. H. WALKER 10fi Commercial hi. SCHOOL TICKETS. The Salem Klectrio .Car Company has now ou sale school tickets for pupils be tween tho agos cf o ami 15 years, at the low rat of ten rides for 35c. Theso are good for rides on any of the lines at any time during tho school term. Gall at office. 0 1(1 lm Call For City Warrant Notice Is hereby given that there are funds on luiud applicable to thu pay ment of all warrants of the City of Salem drawn on thu general fund en- donKHl on or before rob. 1,1001. Holders of said wurrunU will ploaso prooonv uiam ior inivihwiiv in uiuu a'7", tT i"" "" """" . ' ' " mA7 Oitv Treasurer. Salem.Or..Oct. -L 1901. 10-fi-lOt h EDUCATIONAL wMw -f. tUMV The best is always the cheapest, The training that may be cut to use In the everyday affairs of life Is the most practical for the average person. In fact no one should be without such. The Capital Business College. Is a model business training school, well known and endorsed by business men who have tested Its work through Its graduates. Class and Individual Instruction. Cheap living expenses. Send iur tniaiuKiic W. I. CAPITAL NORMAL AND CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL SALEAl. OREGON. Pnll term nf twi-lvc wrrku nrn Kmi. Ifllh ImMrst National Hank Utilldlng. Our specia ' work Is to teach the underlying principles. Ho time wasted on the non-essentials, The home study nod mail department offer you a rare chance to spend your evenings pleas antly and prontably In fitting yourself (or your lite work. Tuition for the term seven dollars. Home study department $5, Address l J, J. KRAPS, SALEM, ORE. THE FLORENCE SANATORIUM SALEM. OHEQON. A first-class piivato hospital for tho trcntmont of chronic and surgical cases. Built tho past year especially for the purpose for which it Ib used. Convenontly located within four blockB of tho bualnosH part of tho city. The 'moat modern furnishings and latest appliances throughout the building. Ilocted by hot water nnd lighted by gas and oiecticlty Hero tho sick can have the comforts of an elegant privato homo, combined witli nil the advantages of !a genoral hospital without the noloo, confusion, nnd publicity attending ono. Outsldo phyeclans bringing c.ibos in treatod witli tho greatest cottrteuy, and nssleted in operations if requested. For tonus und.furtbor informn tionwritoor apply personally. R. CARTWRIGHT, M. D. SUPT. VISITORS WELCOMED BETWEEN 2 AND 4 P. M SCOTCH WHITE OATS Anyone wanting a healthy nutritious diet should Scotch Oats. They are a valuable aid to digestion and be readily served. Sold by Harritt & Lawrence ' OLD POSTOFKIOK aitOOUKY Gas Stoves for Summer Cooking Gas Ranees, Gas Hot Plates, Gas Boiling- Stoves. Call and examine low prices. Special rate for Gas for Cooklnc Purposes. :' : : : Salem Gas Light Co. 4- Chomokota St. Tolophono 60S IRON IS KIN And when It comes to doing work on shoot Iron, tin nnd copper, wo tako tho lead. All kinds of ROOFING, SPOUTING, TINNING, C0RNISE WORK Dono on shortest notice and with tho utmost satisfaction. :::::: BURROUGHS Sc FRASBR PHONE 1511 103 STATE CAPITAL BREWERY Ilcer has stood the tost of oxporlonco. Then why not glvo n homo production tho preference. Home capital, home labor and homo brewed boor are growing in popularity. I'ooplo loyal to home indus try glvo it the preference. CAPITAL BOTTLING WORKS J CAPITAL ICE WORKS MRS. M. BECK, Proprietor. BRBHISTBR -VE13DMKN AND A complete stock of Grass reliable seeds, xc x x . SPECIAL PRICES ON 91 Court Street, ZrAftr ' E. S. LAMPORT A Bureau i M The Hurlington ticket office in Portland is a veritable Bureau of Inforntatioa for travelers a plc where they can learn what it will cast to rch AKY point in America or Uurope; liow loaf th trip will take, and what there Is to sao on the way. If you are figuring on an eastern trip, drop in and get full information, or, if yw pi afar, write mo about it Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City, St. Lotils and F.VERYWHBRR beyond. Cor. Should be given a practical cduca1Ion- j STALEY, Principal, Salem, Orecon. Northwest Normal College of Literature, Business, Music and Ar (INCORPORATED.) Literary courses arc: Collegiate, llgh School Duslncss and Pieparatory. Full al the Important brant lies of Music and Art. Dip lomas granted or Degrees conferred on comple tion of cither of the above courses. Send for catalogue or call at rooms In the Murphy nlock, Salem, Oregon. A. J. Garland, A. M., President, Z M. Parvln, Mu. Doc, Dlrcctsr, try can & WHITE SKKDSMHN- Seeds at Lowest '"prices for xc xc x. ca;a FI.OUK IN IIAItRKL LOTS. Salem, Oregon. Harness, Saddlery, Whips, Lap Robes, Fly Nets, etc. Lone years of experience, superior jklUand hlehest Quality of stock are a guarantee that we turn out the test coods for the money ever offered In Salem. SIGN OF THE WHITE HORSE How closing out Rowotrc? & Tcmplelstock bought at 50c on dollar. ESTABLISHED 1869 sTSH1 strect MP' 1 1 i W mi hi m A. C. Sueldon, General Agent, Third and Stark Sis.. Portland, Ore, JjoKo 1 pumm iumtMONPACiriC DKPAKT KOlt awsffistt? ml, Or, AltltlVK KUOM (,'lilcnRo I'ortlniul Hpeclal a. in. vln Hunt. liigtou ""ATlVtiTio" Kiprcti u p. m. via Hunt ington ""HUraul" Kant Mall 0 p. m. via Bpokano ?,l..Uko" !nvor. Ki .3o p. a. ?lt Lake, linn.n. u. i'lti "."""'"i KntiMi IVn.M. r.JL.. .' I. 'l)a.m. Walla Walla, LoWi,lo',r Spokaue .Wallac! I'u 1 man, Mlnncai,ol & I'au . nuinih.i(ii....i.D i' m Ulilcago, and Kat. " 72 ' MOURJ - PORTLAND TO CIIICAnn Ho Change of Car C0 Tliroug boat and ;li tickets East via all roil . rail, via Portland. ' ur OCEAN AND niVBR SCIIEDULn " From Portland All KallliiK dates iiibject 8 p. Ill, For San Franclwo Hall erery t daya p.n Dally cucpt Bimdny 8. p tn. tiatunlar 1U a. m, COI.UMIHA niVKH To Ailorla and Way Landings. j.. ex. annlij WII.I.AMPT-rn ktucn Steamers, water pcrmlltlng. leave Salem rpw ant,.y ,an,J,a' Moniy.Wedneiiy ana Fr davattna. m. Tn...,, t ,...... '. Saturday at7 a.m. For Independence Albany ana Lorvaills Tuesday, Thursday aad Saturday at 4 p. m.For Indepcndence.Monday.Wednesday Tlirouch tickets Ent vi n r.n n. . rail via Portland, Ticket office, dock. E. T. THAYER. Agent Salem, regon. Illinois Central H. B Efficiently Serves a Vast Territory By through service to and from Ihe principal cities In the following starts : IOWA ILLINOIS INDIANA MINNESOTA WISCONSIN SOUTH DAKOTA MISSOURI ARKANSAS TENNESSEE KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MISSISSIPPI Through Tout 1st Cars From The Pacific Coast TO Chicago .ad Cincinnati Connecting with through trains (or all totals East, South and Southeast Fast and handsomely equipped, steam-heittl trains Dining Cars, nutlet Library Can, Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chairs Cars. Send fifteen cents la stamps for wall imp of the United States and Cubs for par ticulars regarding rates, time, service elccalloaeraddressl: DTI,UMBuLL 142 Third St. Conn. Ag't. Poidand, Oregon. Corvallis & Eastern Railroad TIME OAHD. No. 2 For Yuqulna: Train leaves Albany 12:60 p. m, Train leaves CorvalliB.... 1 GO p. ui Train arrives Yaquina . 0:46 p. m No. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina 000a in. Leaves Corvallis ll:0i. ut Arrives Albany 12:15 p. in. No. 3 For Dotrelt: Leaves Albany 7 00p m Arrives Dotrolt 12:15 p. m No. 4 From Detreit: Leaves Dotrolt 12:45 a. tu, Arrives Albany 5:40 a.m. Trains 3 and 4 betwoon Albany and Covnllla, TucBdavH, Thurfdays and Sat urdays only. All othor trains dally cept Sunday. Trains 1 nrrivea In Albany in time to connect witli tho 8. 1. south bound, train, ai woll as Rivinij two or three hours in Albany boforo departure of 8. P. North bound train for Tortland. Traiu No. 2 connects with tho S, f. west aide train at Corvullls CrossiuBfor Independence, McMinm 'o and all points north to Portland. J. ToiiNin, Edwin Stonk, Apt nt.Altany. Slacajtr 4 T Is the only line 1 lie Lrf eat operating week- -. - - . ly Personally KOCK island Conducted ipuf ivwciv. xoiaiiva , ,...ir.ioc,r lit Excursion car between l'prl- lin.l und C liCl- Route ,. ..!..... ..i it... Tirl.li,, nru.ilnat Bfl8n- c line, niaking closo connection " cago in un'on uepoi ior an I''"J" uaiiy eiuiiuuru aituiniH car between SaM Lake Cltv, Denver and Chicago, Iluffut, Library Rinokinn cars betwuen I'ueblo, Uen- ..a- nml fW.l.xn.ir. Tl.u lutltt roasonablo dinuiK car service between Puublo and Ohlcap. If you ure golns 'to Kansftii Cltv. Omubu. Des Moines, Liu- ..-.. ....... I-..,. .- nn ahoulu eo VUU U, ... I(...U VMM.. "-.. I f,A..IU quire about tho Great Hock I-lftnd KouW bofore purcbaeinR your ticket. A9 your nearest ticket agont about IW u' wiite for foldera and any iuformatloa doairod. A. E. Coopm. Gen'l. Act.,.'ortianu, O. C, T, Co's PASSENGER STEAMERS Pomona and Altona Leaves for Portland Dally Except Sunday at 7 a. ffl. Quick Time, Cheap Rates DOCK Between S.nrtsM. firiTTT.TC TSTIOS. Pia-o Tunere ad Rep I PORTLAND ORE. For Salem and vicinity lcateord.r i Geo. Will's Muaic Store. kkmJxli.LlxHP and lOOit i " i &S SS S aSS7iS-- -, -ipj .u. ,. . a P. JJJgUttVIUW v per ceuv. rsgsisui r$mr?SL w iVatlon of '.w,'r."V,e.I.Kl....'"""'' v . i-. I ItH HIlHkUVfi w -lk - SjiiJiJiJiJV ' nnd tua l