The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 02, 1901, Image 2

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    h.c .
IT? -
f S
if ST, S'l
Boyi-awl Rita's Suits at Cost
m -wqi.iita -
We have selected from our bov's and
children's department 256 suits to sell "
at cost. Among this lot we have se
lected some of the most desirable boy's
' and children's suits we have in stock.
We- take this plan to clean out all
broken lots.
The Popular Clothiers, 257 Com'l St., Salem.
Mombor Northwost Aftornoon
Novvspapor Loasrue.
WEDNESDAY, OOT. 2, 1001.
Dnlly Ono Year, 93.00 In Advance
Daily Four Months SI. In Advanoo
Dally by Carrier BOo For Month
Wookly Ono Yoar OI.OO In Advanoo
Tub Jouiwai. publlflhod tho statement
of tho superintendent of tlio Mleeouri
state reform school at Boonvillo, Mo.,
t,tho effect Hint tho euhool slnco It was
established had only coat that state
about ? 150,000, that tt was self-sustaining
and that all thoy had asked tho Ice
Mature for tho past year woa $1,000 for
itn Ice plant. This has been called in
question by Bomo, and Bccrotary of State
Dunbar has handed Tuts Jourt.vAL the
Btato Auditor's report which throws
some light on tho management. Tho
Missouri reform school is maintained
from funds collected from tho counties
sending tbu boys and from their parents
or relatives who pay for tho caro o! boya.
For tho years 1000 and 1800 tho amount
recolved in this way was $100,312.09, and
tho expenditure was $104,805.04. Tho
stato auditor's report says tho deficiency
Is suppliad by an appropriation by the
general assembly, but as tho school had
a balance of $7,821. 00 in 1890 and n bal
anco on hand Jan. 1,1001, of $3,287.51,
thoro is no ovldenco that tho stato has
paid anything tho past two years for
support. Page (100, of the above report
shows t,o(al expenditures of tho
institution since its establishment
March 80, 1887, to bo $697,741.81,, This
is tho total for buildings, improvements,
repairs, location, construction, support
and contingent expenses. Tills does not
boar out tho superintendent's lntorvlew;
"Since the school was established we
bavo only cost tho stato about $ 150,000."
Wo havo soiit him a copy of thoie facie
and called his attention to the diecrup
nnoy. The intention of tho Missouri
otato authorities seems to bo to make
tho counties Bonding tho boys pay for
their koup, or to mako, paronU or guard
iam pay tho bill. Wo hall uoxt got the
facta of the totul cost o( tho Oregon Btato
reform school and compiiro the expeuso
with that of Missouri. Tho facta will
hurt no ono, and may lead to a bettor
system in Oregon.
9 If O
Lincoln and Garfield were not killed
by anarchists. If thoy had lived today
tholr fate might havo boon tho same as
that of our lato President. Tho now
President is not safo against the assassiu
plottings of tho anarchist, who alms
not at tu destruction of tho individual,
but to startle the world into tho consid
eration of conditions by tho propaganda
of the "died." So President Roosevelt
la not safo for a moment from their as
saults, and ho will bo Justified In taking
all steps allowablt under the constitu
tion to oxtlrpulo (his eghool oi reformer
from our cpuntry,, That ho will toko
rigorous stops no ono cart doubt, nor
doubt that tho nation will sustain
thorn. Thoro is onu weapon Roosovolt
can use 11 ho will that costs nothing and
that is hotter protection than any scour.
Ity that laws or walla of steel can afford
"lot tho GOLD DVST
Send for pur
TREE booklet
Nm mmmpt ho soda, no borax, no ammonia
mmthfmff hut water Is twarfarf with
Jo clean anything pots, pans, furniture, clothes, wood
work. It requires only half tho labor as soap or any
other cleanser, and costs much less. See that tho
name "Fairbanks" and the "Gold Dust Twins" are on
the package, Refuse all imitations and substitutes.
an ofllclut In a high plnro. That Is to
livo and express sympathy or tho op
pressed and down-trodden. Tho senti
ments that Lincoln expressed toward
tho suffering and afllictod of humanity,
tho tho tender and kindly feeling ho
manifested for tho weaker brotherfl and
sistors in this world, was a protection to
him, until tho stogo-struck Southern
sympathizers, slew him ob tho closing
act in tho grcnt Civil War drama lo
which his death brought tho climax,
Itoosovelt is a grcnt brainy representa
tive of tho world's most favored chil
dren. Ho is of aristocratic birth, has a
social prestige and Inho'ited wealth, a
collego education and n trained mind,
has lived all his Ufa with all tho advan
tages on his side of tho struggle. Why,
should ho not go out of his way to say r.n
uplifting word for those less favored, or
for thoso who havo had no favors, for
tho lowly, for the poor who livo from
hand to mouth? This will cost him
nothing, and if lie foels that it is right
in a country of tho peoplo to includo all
tho peoplo in tho swoop of your Hympa
thioB, and expresses tho thought with
sincerity, and something mora than tho
affectod formalism of n handshaking
ofllcc-Beokor, It will bo a greater protec
tion to him than all tho guards a secret
Borvlco or special police can throw
around him. Lot him romomhor that
of faith, hope and (charity, tho lust la
the grcateit, and unless ho has tho gen
uine article of feeling for all that is hu
man, all other professions aro na Bound
ing brass and tinkling tymbu).
Tho Now York Tunos Jublloo number
was a historical uvont in American Jour
nalism, chronicling tho completion of
fifty years of continuous newspaper life,
bogiuniug Its caroornfluu one-cotit morn
lint and evening paper published by
Henry J. Raymond, George Jones and 12,
U. Wosley. Tho II rat editorial tolls of thn
risks, and dangers of establishing auothur
dally paper In that city, and the tlrst
number is reproduced in "fso simile."
A beautiful goldou fubileo souvenir re
counting tho history and achievements
of tho paper In linlf a century, accom
pnuieH tho regular Issue, which is com.
piaed of sixteen seven-column pages
Of those 112 columns of matter there aro
24 col u m nu of gnnorul nuws, 15 columns
about Now York (much of national lin
portanco) and 7 columns of editorial,
Thoro are 18 columns glvon to ohipplug
and commercial news, and about 18 col
umns of advertising. The Times motto
of printing all tho news that's tit to print
la rigorously adhered to. The odltorlul
pago is flatly and solidly devoted to seri
ous mattors, treated in a most comically
Horloua manner. Thorearealx jokes and
a uowspaper skit of a poom, Hut It mutt
bo romombercd this was a historical
number, and thoro was no room for the
llghtor veins of journalism, bo wo must
not set tho Times down as incapnblg of
humor. Tho grave editorial stylo la still
nn affectation of tho college-bred man
with whom it Is the easiest avenue to a
reputation for wisdom. It is aim tho
choapest editorial pago tho big money
grubbing newspapers of tho big citios
can get up. A dashing, hoUoff Uio-bUI-lt
stylo of editorial, that has tho high
qualities of tho outortalnlng en I
the dramatic demanded by news
papors hi the wild und woolly
vtost, cannot bo hired written for
20 a week, and would Bliock tho sensi
twins do youn work!"
Chicago. St UuU. New York. Boatdn.
tive civilization of New York, whoro
well-bred and reopectablo women travel
ing without malo escort cannot got a
room at a hotel If thoy arrivo in tho city
after dork. With tho single criticism
that tho oditoriol pago la in tho old rut
of the ago of tho Btagc-coachos, not up
tho times in literary quality and devoid
of tho bright, breeay, Ihah-llght treat
ment of public mattors, which Is pro
bably foroign lo tho purpose of tho
Times, this can bo sot down as a great,
clean model American newspaper.
When you cannot sleep for coughing.
It is hardly necessary that any ono
should tell you that you need a few
doses of Ohatnbcrlnln'a Cough Remedy
to allay tho Irritation of tho throat, and
rnako Bleep possible. It is good. Try it.
Forsaloby Dr. Btono'e Drugstore.
At Life's Last Tavern.
How changed Is all! I lone no
To climb the lilehts where many fall;
But sit here, at Life's tavern door,
And smoke my pipe and quaff my
If in the clouds of smoke that rise
And fade into the ether fast.
I do behold Letitla's eyes,
They lack the luster of the past-
It was butJycsterday when she
Knowlnir my heart adored her so
Gave all her dances bright to me;
And yet it seems an age ago!
Far off I seem to see her now.
Before her Kneeling worsmpcr.
The dust of years is on her brow,
The centuries are over herl
I dare not think what might have
Yet, as she comes at Love's com
mand, . ,
The heart thrills like a mandolin
Swept by a lover's trembling hand;
And still I dream, when dreams arc
Far off Love's voices faint and fail:
Here, at Life's ghostly tavern door,
I smoke my pipe, and Quaff my ale.
Atlanta Constitution.
Mr. Norman Hnpgood follows up Ills
llfo of Lincoln with n biography of Wash
ington which will bo published by The
Macmillan Company next mouth.
A Maid of Vonlco will bo tho title ot
Mr. F, Marion Crawford's now novel.
Tim tinrloil of thu Btorv is tho end of tho
liftecnth Century when the Quean of.
tho Adriatic was Hearing tho time of her
greatest Bplendor.
Tho publication of Mr Golott Uurgess'd
Dooms in tho little vo'uuiu ontitled A
Uago of Youth, which is nnnouncod, by
Small, Majnnrd & Company, will bo
quito likely to surprleo many peoplo,
who, romemboring "lho Purplti Cow"
and thn "Goup" versoi, of tho ''Lark"
havo thought Mr. UiirgesH h intieo to ho
thu singer of tho totally nl6tird.
Booker T. Washington's anecdotes,
and tho stories about him, li.ivo had no
email part in making him famous. Ho
Iiiib put tho best ones, and many of
them, in It ts Autobiography, ''Up from
Slavery." Tho publicity and Hureoss to
which tho work 1ms achieved luadii to
separate these stories und edit them for
newspaper use.
Tho last tno volumes of Doubledny,
Patio & Co 'h "Personal Edition" of
George Eliot, aro to bo particularly
notuulu In that they contain each ii
hitherto uupublMml portrait ono of
Georiio Eliot, herself, und tho other of
father, Robert Evans, both drawings by
jura. Uliarles tiray. llio two volunua
contain respectively tho poems and
essays, and they will complete u moat
laudable effort on the part of tho editor
and publiflhera to tho works of tho
greatest English woman novelist Into n
form to bo best appreciated hy twentieth
century reiulurs.
Tho "Now" Lipplncott poetry lina
come to fctanJ (or something besides
space-filling. In the October nuinliir
may bo found excellent examples from
Felix N, Garson who, wroto tho eon
nottoQiioou Victoria, republished with
editorial comment In tho Loudon Timer,
Clinton Scollard, Clurouco Uriny, Guy
W. Green, Paul Laurence Dunbar,
Charles Hanson Towno, und Frances du
Latest Musical Publications.
Everyone lina heard of or seen tho de
lightful play, with Its scenes of rmal
life, entitled "Lovers Lane." It la on
tho beautiful story of this play that Mux
S. Witt und Hobt F. Itoden'a latest
ballad. "Its A Long Lane That Has No
turning" Is founded.
Otto Langoy, thu composer of tho cel
ebrated "Mandolin" Mexican serenade,
IniH just written a beautiful now
serenade callod "Verona." Every music
lover should have it.
All tlioao musio hvors to whom tho
beautiful b.illad "In Tho House Of Too
Much Trouble" nppoulml strongly, will
bo delightod- with "A Little Ktnpty
Nest," the latest by tho eamo authors
"Don't llutt In" is tho odd title of a
now coou song, which is u big hit with
Lew Dockbtador, thu famous minstiu),
tills 6003OH, It is by Johnson, Colo &
Johnson, thu wi iters of May Irwin's hits
last season,
Tin new bouk, "Tho Puppet Crow n,"
is thn latest eraxo this joar, and Maty
Howling Sutton's waits of tho sum tlt'o
Will bo one of tho big hits,
ln-orgo Piimroco, tho iKipuhir min
strel, is singing a now coon mug. "When
Tho Jack O'Lantern Starts To Walk
About" iu his show. It Is a sploi dl I
success for him.
The ubova publications uro Issued this
month by Joseph W, Stem A. Co., the
"Honsoof II its" who are also ugenta for
ho celebrated lUwkes Sonorous Band
lnstiumenta ami the Ueurn "Majeotlo"
Stringed Instruments. Thoy will bo
pleated to send their illustrated cata
logue free, upon application to their
main oillcoe, 31 K '-Met Street, New
Tte best Prescription forMiUrU
hUli na fey t.U WittU of Qrvv' Taititf
rjiiiiTjmo. u nun iy iruu uu qtrtune iu
tmtcJuM rrin, Kowiio-uup, jVic60ii
From tho Last luo orNewYork Ufo, America's
Urtatcit Humorous Wooklr.
Tim rirnnm of Boclotv seldom rises on
tho Milk of Human Kindness.
"Don't you know It Is unlucky to
postpone tho wedding dty?" "But not
if you keep on doing It."
Daughter: Thoro will be literary
peoplo there.
MotLer: Yes, and bo on your guard
with them.
"But how flhall I know them,
"By their batr; long in tho men, and
Bhort In tho women."
2 mispionaries, working 2 hours a day,
can convert 2 Chinamen in 2 J years, at
an expense oi f 10,000. But three mis
sionaries, working.! hours a day at an
expense of $00,011), can convort only 2
Chinamen in 20 years. How many mis
eionarUe, working 0 hours a day, can
convert l.OTO.OOOOhlnamon In 100 years,
and what la tho expense?
The story is told of thrpe Protestant
ladies, who walked Into a Catholic
church In Ireland during high mass. It
was raining and thoy had gone in for
slultor. Tho priest, ono of nature's
gentlemen, recognized tho ladies, and,
stooping down, said loan attendant:
"Three chairs for tho Protestant
ladies "
It was a kindly thought, but tho priost
must have wished lie had novor thought
it when tho man stood up in tho church
and sheuted:
'Three cheers for the ProtoHant
It was over in a niinuto tho elisors
were cheered and could not be called
back; but it waa ono of tho most un
comfortable moments in tho good prloat's
Came Near Dying.
"For three days and nights I suffered
agony untold Irom an attack of cholera
morbus brought on by eating cucuni
bo s," says M. K. Lowthor, clerk of tho
district court, Centorvillo, Iowa. "1
thought I should surely dio, and tried a
dozen different medicines, but all to no
purpose. I sont for a bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Kemeuy and three doses rollovou mo
entirely," Tliii remody is for sale by
Dr. Storm's Drug Store.
Ai answer has boon filed in tho case
of W. K. und O. V. A lluu vb. tho Allen
Packing Co. Tho suit was brought to
restrain tho defendant from interfering
with tho operation of the fruit dtier
co.mcctud with the plant of tho Allen
Packing company, by thn plaintiffs, and
Judgo Bolsograntod un injunction to this
Tho unswor denies nil Iho allegations
sot forlii iu tho petition for nn injunc
tion. A motion is also filed to dissolve
and vacate tho injunction, on tho ground
that deningo amounting to several
thousand dollars la being dono tho
defendants hy their not bolng allowed
thu usu of tho engines und boilers in
p.mklng fruit. Curny & Muya of Port
laud are attorneys for tho Allen Packing
Iu tho suit for accounting of D. B,
Stoaves et al vs. Willis Bros. & Co. et
tho defotiddiita havo tiled an answer
denying moHt of tho allegations of tho
complaint and praying forajuJgmcnt
against tho phtln'lffn.
1'ORTUMO, Oct. 2.. - Wheat valley
nominal Walla Waila,5 1.
Flour Portland, host grudoa $2.05
$3.50. Graham 2.(10.
Oata Choieo White 00: $1.00.
Barley $15 CtS $15 por ton.
MiUBtulI Bran, 17; shorts.lO $20.
Hay Timothy $ll$13 per ton.
Onions $1. (1.15.
Potatoes-$1.00 $1.15 por Back.
Buttor-BoBt dairy, 18&320; fancv
uroamory, 3r(!l27'tfn : Storo 12015 . Jb
Kggs-Oregon, ranch 20c 2f3 doz.
Poultry Chickens, mlxod $3$l.00.
hous -lo ,o ; turkeys, live lll2.Hic.
Mutton Gross, !Hj
Hogs Gross 0 03Sti.
Bejf Grofca heel, 3.V.0 $3 25
Veal-Gross, 89J1.
Hops lOdJlloll).
Wool Valloy, HOltiJjJcn.; Fustorn
OrRon, 8012,0; Mohair, 201221c U.,
Hides Green, salted UUIb, 738;umlor
Now Wheat He
Woo), liauic, Mohulr,2lc.
Hops lhglSJrfa
(lata 7075c twr cental.
Bar Ity $11 por ton.
Htiy-linled1hiut,$eg$G.60; mothy
KgKi -0u
Ifottr In wl.oloaalo lots, $3,00; retail
CBo suck.
70MillBtufls Bran, $10.00; shorts, $10.00
Hogs On foot, SftjoKc
Id vo catUo Steers, li'W ;cows, $2.75
Of3 50.
Shear $2.D0 gross
Dresped Veal OJv iiti.
Butter Dairy, loB80e1l; creamery,
20a6n.1Hlorol012Kfi .
Poultry UotiB, U7olb.
Potatoes 16c per bu.
Fat lions per IU livo weight 7t-o
Fryera &g pc
ICggs per dnx . cash 'iSc
TryGrsla-OI Try Grala-OI I
AsU your Gtocor today to sIiqw jou
a puekngo of GUA1NO, the now food
drink Unit tnkea tho phtco of coffee.
Tho children niny drink It without
Injury ua well as the adult. All who
try It. llko It. GHAIN-O has that
rich soul brown ot Mocha or Java,
but It U made from pure grains, und
tho most delicate stomach receives It
without distress. Vi the price of cof
fee. 15c. und 25 cts. per package.
Sold by all grocers.
Bursth. f iM K'M Yi Hare Alwys Ej
No EMtipto$&i
The blood may be In bid condition,
yet with no external signs, no skin
eruption or cores to indicate It. The
lymptoms In such cases being a variable
tppctilc, poor digestion, an Indescribable
weakness and nervousness, loss of flesh
and n general run-down condition of the
system clearly showing the blood ha9
lost Its nutritive qualities, 1 as become thin
and watery. It Is In just such cases that
S. S. S. has done some of Its quickest nnd
most effective work by building up the
blood and eupplying the elements lacking
to make It strong nnd vigorous.
"My wife used rcv
eral bottles of 3. S. S.
as a blood purifier and
to tone up n weak and
emaciated eystem.with
very marked effect by
way of Improvement.
"Wn rciraril It n
treat tonic nnd blood
purifier." J V.Vvvv,
,.j ..... n, FTr.i
ITlIItVlun, i'l. C1SJV,'
Is the greatest of all
tonics, and you will
find the appetite Itn-
returns, and nervousness vanishes a3 new
rich pure blood once more circulates
through all parts of the system.
S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable
blood purifier known. It contains no min
erals whatever. Send for our free book
nn Wood and skin diseases and write our
physicians for any information or advice
wanted No charge for medical advico.
A Few Pointers
Tho recent statistics of tho number o
deaths allow that tho largo majority di
with consumption. This disease mao
cornmenco with an apparently liar ley
cough which can bo cured itiBtautly ss
Kemp's Balsam for tho Throat aby
Lungs, which is guaranteed to cure ud
roliovo ull cases. Price 25c. and nnd
For sale by nil druggists. 1 50c.
W. II Wehrung, of Forest Grove nnd
M. 1). Wisdom of Portland, president
and secretary of tho Stato Board of Agri
culture, havo roturned home, having
completed tho business of tho fair. Thoy
aro justly pleased witli tho results,
having hy good management been able
to pay all bills, including an old debt,
against tho board.
eurcfl Hacking Courcha,
Soro Lungs, Bronchitis,
Grippe, Pneumonia una
nil Bovero luncnfrcctlons.
Why then risk consump
tion, nfilow, euro donth?
Tako warning I At tit
oncol Buy a bottlo of
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup,
a doctor's proscription,
tiBcdovor GO yearn. Price,
only 25 contH. Insist on
having It. Don't ho im
posod upon. RoAtso tho
doalor'a nubstltuto : it lo
not na good nn Dr. Bull's.
Salvation Oil cures Klieiimntlsni
Artie and Pain. 1 5 & 23 cts.
Succcessor to Dr, J. M. Koono, in
White Gornor. 8alotn Ore. TartlcB do-
airing superior operations it modoratn
leo in any orancn aro mospwiai request,
Dr. Grace Albright
GrsduateloflAmertcan School
of Osttopalhy. t : :
Every day excopt 8unday. Ofllco
hours It to 12 a. m : 1 to 4 p. m. Odd
FoIIowb' Tomplo, Cor. Court and Uigh
streets. Phono, Main 22S1.
Dr. TaQie Deal, assistant.
Mpney .to Loan
On farms and city proportv. Invest
ments judiciously made. Insurance ef
fected. JOHN MOIR
Ofllco with Balfour Guthrie A Co.
207 Commercial Streot. 4 Dtf
Piano Tuners and Repairers
ForSalotnand vicinity Itate oidtr tt
Geo. Will's Muslo Storo.
S. C. STONE, M. D.
Stone's Drug Store
The stores (two la nurnter) are located at Ho
235 anl 333 Commercial street, aoi are wtll
stocked with a complete line of drutsaad med
Iclnes. toilet articles, perfumery, brushes, etc.
Has had some 25 years experience Iu the prac
tice of medicine aud now makes no cturje tor
consultation, examination or prescription.
Sewing Machine Repairing
1 li4ve rented repair space of F. A,
Wiggins, at his uew location on Liberty
street, and will be glad to eeo all of my
old friend? thoro. Any tewing machine
tep.vring ontruited to me will bo guar
anteed satisfactory or money refunded.
N. II. BonutY
257 Lilwrtv Rtnwt
Salem Wer Co.
For wAttr fnrvlrfl annlv nt iitTIc
Hill hanalilft . . r. .1 tl I. nr)wi.n.A
a I l.C44?iU "
Muko all couipjajuts at-.thooffltu
The test Is always the cheapest, The tralalnj that may tepunouscin nie everyaay stiairs
of life Is the most practical for the average person. In fact no one should be without such. The
Capital Business Collcec
Is a model business training school, well known
lis work through Its graduates. Class ana inaiviauw instruction, mtap imi. i-avcu.
for catalogue. STALEY, Principal' Salem, Oregon.
Academy of the Sacred Heart
Salem, Oregon
Boarding and Day School for Girls. Ed
ucttlon thorough and practical. Ceurses:
Kindergarten. Primary, Urammer and
ntory Methods. Piano, Violin, Guitar and
AUndolIn, ucst Instructions In Art and
Languages Send for .Prospectus. Ad
dress, SISTER SUPEHION. 801m.
School Reopens September 3d
Fall term of twelve weeks opens Sept. 30th
In First National Bank Building. Our special
work Is to teach the underlying principles. No
time wasted on the non-essentials,
The home study and mail department offer
you a rare chance to spend your evenings pleas
antly and profitably In fitting yourself for your
life work. Tuition Tor the term seven dollars.
Home study department $5, Address
A flrat-claefl ptlvato hospital for tho treatment of chronic and Hurgirnl
cases. Built tho past yoar especially for tho purpoio foi which It Ib
used. Convonently located within four blocks of tho buhlnesB part
of tho city. Tho "most modern furnishing and latest apnlirtiicea
throughout the building. Heated by hoi water and lighted by gnu
and olecticity. Iloro tlio alck can havo tho comforts of an elegant
privato homo, comblnod with all the advantages of a general hospital
without tho nolao, confusion, and publicity attending one. Outaido
physclanB bringing cosoa In treatod with tho greatest co'irtwy, and
apsieted in operations if roquostod. For terma nnd further Irforma
tionwrltoor apply personally.
Anyone wanting a healthy nutritious diet should try
Scotch Oats. They are a valuable aid lo digestion and can
be readily served, .bold by
Harritt L Lawrence
Gas Stoves for Summer Cooking
Gas Ranees, Gas Hot Plates, Gas Boiiinsr Stoves.
Call and examine low prices. Special rate for
Gas for Cooklnir Purposes. : : : :
Salem Gas Ligtit Co.
V Chomokota St.
Finest beer on Upmarket,
hotter than ovor.
Oursuporlor beer, kopt in
Free city delivery .
Tho purest crystal Ico made
at lowoat ratos.
A complete stock of Grass Seeds at Lowest prices for
reliable seeds. x zc ?c sc a ca:x
91 Court Street,
up and aro now roudy to do a general
milliui: buriness, and respectfully invite
the public to give our flour a trial.
A Bureau i
The Burlington ticket office in Portland is a veritable
liuroau of Information for tnuolar a plage wjiero
they can Joarn what it will coat to reach ANY point in
America or Uurope; how Itwg tho trip will take, and
what there is to see on the way.
If you are figuring on an eastern trip, drop ip and
get full information, or, if you prefer, write me about it
Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City, St. Loujs-and
Should be given a practical
and endorsed by business men who have tested
Northwest Normal College
or Literature, Business, Music and Art.
Literary courses arc: Collegiate, High School
Business and I'teparatory. Full courses, a I
the Important branthes of Music and Art. Dip
lomas granted or Degrees conferred on comple
tion or cither of the above courses. Scud for
catalogue or call at rooms In the Murphy Block,
Salem, Oregon. A. J. Garland, A. M., I'rcsldear,
Z M. Parvln.Mu.Doc, Dlrectsr.
1 i ill offer for sale tho entire plant
nnd premUes of tho Cryntul Ice Works
on eaHy toruiB or v, ill lease buiiio for a
number of yonrB to n respoiiflibio party,
provided sain or lease Is consu mated In
Bido thirty days. Tarty cun havo op
tion un 00 cords of fir wood in the tim
ber at cost. Apply to JaniPB Mngitiro
on tho premises. 0 21ttf
Tolnphona 603
Best facilities for making the
tin and iron work on fruit and
hop dryers in the valley. We
have the machinery and the
men and a vast stock of ma'
terial ready to fill all ordefs
promptly, .t A)
has Btood tho tost of twonty yeara and Ib
cold storage, all jordera filled promptly.
from puro distilled wator. Froo delivery
Salem, Oregon.
Express and Transfer
Meets all mail and passenger trains.
Baggage to all parts of the city. Prompt
service. Telephone No. 241. n?5U
A. C. Sueldon, General Agent,
Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore.
9 a, iii.
vIa Hunt
9 p.m.
tIa Hunt.
Past Mall
0 p. in.
Rail t L.
;.;!..""" 'onvor. fi.
Mid'iraV ' L"IC,,K
Jnlt tjito riA..... ,.
Wit, .tnttl."(
WaTlaT w7tl!i f..V.V
Bjiolritiio, WhIIhco. Pull'.
Paul. Dulnih nfn....L"'J
5: a m,
nillrA(rn m.i.I !.-. ur
av, miiu unci.
n J U K N j
no Clunirn of n. "
Miroucn i cicpts East via all rail ,
boat 011(1 rail, via Portlond. ' 0r
From Portland
All talllns tlates aubjoct
8 p. at.
For 8an Francisco
Ball outjt 6 days
i p. a,
ex. aatidij
8. ji m.
10 a. m,
To Astoria nnd Way
Wll.l.AMPTTn muDn'
Steamers, water pcrmlttlnjr. leave Silem
ffi ".Y"1' lan,lnM.Monday.Wcdne8day
and Friday at 10 a. m.. Tuesday 1 hDrsday and
Saturday at 7 a. m. For Independent Albany
and Corvalll j Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday
and rrldayat4;30p.m.
Thrpmh tickets East via all rail or boat an
rail via Portleni, Ticket office, dock.
E. T. THAYER. Atent
r Salem, rcgon.
Coiullis k Eastern Railroad
No. 2 Kur Yaqulnat
Itujn leave Albany I2'0 p u,
Tra n loaves Uorvaiits . . I 5 1 .,.
Train arrives Yanuliiu n 6 p. m
No. 1 Buttirnlui;:
Leaves Yuqulua ftOOaiu
Leaves CorvalllR 1 1 :: o i m
Arrives Albany 12:1G p. in
No. 3 Por Detreit:
Leuvcb Albiiuy 7.0ip. u,
Arrives Detroit 12:113 pkm
No. 4 From Detreit:
Leaves Detroit 12-15 n in.
Arrives Albany.... 5:40 u. m.
Trains H nt.d 4 between Albany aud
Covnllis, TueBdays, TlmrrdnvH und Hat-
urdays only. All other trains ei-
copt bunday.
Trains I arrives in Albany iu time
to connect with the K. P. south boitml,
train, nH well as Hiving two or three
hours iu Albany before departure nf S.
P. North bound train for Portland.
Train No. 2 connects with the S, I1.
west side train nt CorvJlls Crostting for
Indetundouce, McMinn 'u and all
points north to Portland
J. Tuknlii, EnwiN Stonk,
Agent, Albany. Manager
T . Is tho only lino
J lie VJreat oporatingawei'k.
P! i t i 1 -v I'fonalIy
KOCK Island Coiuluctcd Tour-
1st Excursion car
Imtwnn n I'ort-
iiiml and Chica
go chungo via tlm World's greatest Seen
Fc Hue, making closo connection at Chi
cago in Uiron Depot for all points Last.
car botweoa Salt Lake
Citv, Denver and Chicago,
Unfftst. Librarv smokint!
nnva Iiu.idiiiiii tilttl.ll Da,I
WHO wuwwuw.i A .ww.v, -.
ver nnd Chicogo, The best and raojt
rensonablo dlntng car service betweon
Pueblo and Chlcag. If you are going to
Kansas City, Omaha, Des Moines, Chi
cago or any placo ear,t, you should en
quire about the Groat Rock Island liouto
boforo purchasing your ticket. Ask
your nearest ticket agent ubout It, or
write for folders and any Information
desired. E. E. Coopeu,
Gen'l. Agt., Portland, Or.
Till it Rains
But book your orders with
LEMMON & BURT for your
house painting, paper hanging
or kalsomining at lOSState i.
Clothes Regulator
For Cleanlnjr, Dylnrr and Presslne
At this establishment you can get any
thing set o right, from a pair of gloves,
to the most elaborate silk gown. A
gentleman can get his hat cleaned, his
trourers creased, or his whole suit re
juvenn't'd to euit his taste, also four
suits a mouth for one dollar Buttons
Eewod on, rips sewed up, suits pressed
on snort notice.
195 Commercial f.t.
i Succo'Bor to
Bash Doors, Dllnila, Mill York in Gen
eral. Hop and Fruit Baskets, Fruit
Trays, elc. a specialty. Chuich ana
fchoolfuinituro. Estimates promptly
furnished on all kinds of work.
Church and Mill Sis., Salem
O. C, T, Go's
Pomona and Altona
Leaves for Portland Dally
Except Sunday at 7 a- m.
Quick Time, Cheap Rates
Dock Between State and Court sts.
M. p. BALDWIN, Alt