wtem!teti! kmeu THE DAILY JOURNAL M ODEL Home Paper for Willamette; VXugy wrim' Free Rural Delivery t , Showers -fiaSSS Fair mV 4E VOIj XI SALEM OREGOK, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26 1901, worn i L .u-.r.x: ;sTSHaHBHBraHHDrcHHgui3raHfl SHOES huh anil HUB (Special M lion's, JSalo of fouls' B H n am 75 On Noy 1st we move to our new store, 254-256 Commercial street and in order to open up with a clean new stock we have made a special reduction of S3 On 300 men's and boys' suits. These have been segregated and placed on sep 1 arate counters. The value or our goods is known and the opportunity to get such values at the prices we I quote does not often occur. :: :: :: 5 " a . m 5 296 COMMERCIAL STREET. J (DIHBBHHflaillSBflQHIDflBB0BBI8BBaBIBIDBHBH!fflllieBBBlBIIBI Repairing Of tho finest workmansb I p is n brunch of our business thnt wo givo flnni'inl nttnti- a watcn tenliou to. Our repairing department 1b conducted with tlio utmost enro ami aklll, diamonds aro rosot, mid Jewelry of all kinds la repaired in tho most perfect inani)nr, besides optical work cf nil kind). Cf T. Pomeroy 288Com'ISt. Watchmaker sal Optician S7P SALE Men's Shoes MEN'S Edwin Clapp Vlcl Kid, tO.OO values Smash-up Price MEN'S Kdwin'Olapp Itussla Calf, $0.00 values Smash-up Price MEN'S Edwin Clapp Willow Calf, $0 00 valuos Smash-up Price MEN'S Russet Oil Grain $5 00 Val ues Smash-up Price MEN'S Hanan & Son Patent Leather, a fine dress bIioo, 7 00 valuos Smash-up Price MEN'S French Calf, plain toe. a nlco easy bIioo, $4 00 values Smash-up Price MEN'S Russia Calf, 5.00 val uei Smash-up Price MEN'S Russia Calf, Beacon tip, $3.60 values Smash-up Price MEN'S Vlcl Kid, roin too, $3.C0 val uta Smash-up Price MEN'S Box. Calf Leather, lined, $3.60 values Smash-up Price MEN'S Willow Calf, $4.00 val ues Smash-up Price MEN'S Kong. Calf, Empire Plain, $3 00 values Smash-up Price MEN'S Satin Qolf, good shoo, $3.00 valuo Smash-up Price MISSES' MISSES' M 18SBS' CHILD' CHILD' GUILDS' Remember the Place SMASH-UP SALE gjgg- hat the SALEM NEXT Broken lines mi anil Boys' Cloing PER OENTl S3 -SS -m ml . Xt . t OP n fa IYaSw Q SH The entire stock of shoes at the Salem Shoe Store must be sold out. Come and see our bargains. $3.50 $3.75 $4.00 $4.05 $3.50 $2.95 $2.95 $2.75 $2.70 $1.95 $1.95 $1.75 LADIES' Vlcl top, f I 00 LADIES' Vlci $4,00 values LADIES' Vict $3.60 values LADIES' Vlci Viol LADIES' IIQJ L A DIES' UPB LA 1)1 IIS' Vial $ 00 values LADIES' Viol II Ail LADIES' Box Calf Wet Weather shoe, fS.OO values Smash-up Price LADIES' Kid uui LADIJfS' KM shoo, good shoe, $2.50 vol ute Smash-up Price I.ADIIW'BQxCalf shoe, flue wearer, $2.60 ahiG Smash-up Price LADI18'KIiIb1i0o, ft 60 valuo Smash-up Price Box Calf shoe, $1.76 value Smash-up Price Vtol Marguerite shoe, $1.76 valuo Smash.up Price Viol KW shoo, 8.60 value Smash-up Price VIoUCM ehoe, $1 76 value Smash.up Price Viol Kid shoe, $1.36 valuo Smash-up Price VW K:d shoe, Tie value Smash-np Price $1.00 $1.15 $1.25 $1.00 .75 AS We have not the space to give all j.rkfs same prices will Lrttail throughout entire SHOE DOOR TO El'SITS BANK INTERNATIONAL YACHTS IN THE FIRST CUP RACE Columbia and Shamrock Get an Even Start With Fair Wind. Al L ENGLAND HOPING THEIR BOAT WILL OUTSAIL THE YANKEE Columbia Led From the Start and When They Turned the Stake Boat She Was Half a Mile Ahead and Rapidly Leaving the Sham rock Bchlnd Nmr YoitK, Bopt. 20. With brilliant autumn euu and piping breeze tho first day of tlio International yacht raco opened with every promise of perfect conditions, wind and weather. After blowing a half galo nearly M night, tho northeast breeze Bubeided a trifle at sun riee, but at 8 o'clock both Sandy Hook and tho Highlands at Navcslnk reported still blowing at 13 knots. On board tho challenger and defender every ono was. early astir. By 8:15 o'clock both boats not on jtba and stay saila in stops and laid the spinnakers ready to break. No n changes mado in the principal sails. At 0:05 tho Columbia slipped hor mooring and was taken in tow by tho lug Clint. A moment later tho Sham rock was taken in tow by tho Lawrenco, heading for Sandy Hook light ship. That hour tlio wind decreased slightly and was blow-Inn 10 knots from tlio North east. Sir Thomas Lip ton's iuton Hon was to sail in tho races aboard tlio Shamrock but this morning concluded that his leg, which is still lamo from his recent full, would prevent his taking an active part in tho managomout of tho boat, so ho remained ou tho Kriu, Yachts crossed the starting lino, uubf flclul time, Shamronk, 11 :10 35, Colli m bla 11:10 20 At 10:10 tho wind still hold at about 10 knots. Fully G0.000 persons loft tho city for tho race. It was 10 o'clock when the first excursion steamer passed Sandy Hook, and then began a splendid proces sion of beautiful yachts and excursion boats. Tlio ofllctnl starting time of thoShum rock was 11:11:01, Columbia, 11:10:10. Tho Columbia seemed to havo tho best start but, the Shamrock forged well ahead, footing much faster than tho de fender. After two boats wont about on tho starboard tack, it was noted tho Columbia pointing was higher than Shamrock, and at 11 :14, tho American -UP SHOES Ladies' Shoes Kid Turn solo, vostlng $2.95 values Smash-up Price Hand Turn solo, Smash-up Price Hand Turn solo, Smash-up Price shoo, $3.60 val- Kid Kid $2.95 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 Kid Smash-up Price Kid Turn solo, $4.00 val- Smash-up Price Kid Cloth top, $3.60 val- Smash-up Price Kid Shoo, Vesting top, $2.00 Smash-vp Price Kid, Turn sole, 3,50 vol ; $2.00 Smash-up Price $2.00 shoo, Cloth top, $3.00 val ; $1.95 Smash-up Price $1.50 $1.50 $1.25 Remember the Place SMASH-UP SALE hero stock STORE boat seamod to appear mora llko hor old solf, and began to get along faster. Howovor, at 11:42 the Columbia crossod tlin Hlintnmplr'a hnnf nml nfc 12 ;UR an parently hod tho lead of a quarter mile. Tho w nil rnnltniiml fn nu. rn tin raco wob slow. At 12:31 p. in., tho Columbia was nuout wu yarus on mo weawier now oi Shamrock and still in the lead. TweUoJ minutes later unamrocK caugni a iretn puff of wind and pointed up finely. Tho Columbia Boon caught the breeze how over and outfootcd and outpointed tl o shamrock. Yacht Race at 1:20 P- in. At 1:05 p.m. Sandy Hook reported wind nine miles, increase of about throe in tho last hour. Both boats camo about on port tack standing off shore. Sham rock appeared to windward, with good position. At 1 :20 p. m. strong tide set ting westward and boats making slow progress to windward w 1th brcezo now prevailing. Looks doubtful if thoy will bo able to cover course In tlmo limits. Not moro than ton in ilea from starting point At 1:30 tho outer mark was but four miles distant, aud the Columbia slightly iu tho lead. The wind continued fresh ening. At 2 p. m., tho Columbia had apparently blanketed tho Shamrock and ranged ahead, gaining n load by nearly 100 yards. At 2:27 tho yachts wero less than three miles from tho mark. Columbia had Increased her lead decidedly Both yachts woro headed for the mark. At 3:00 Columbia turned tho stako boat aud netting tier balloon jib, ran for homo with tlio Shamrock half a tnllo astern. At3:12tho Shamrock turned the stako boat and set her jib topsail for tho homeward journey. This is to Certify CtaSt? BESon I Ore, Au,. W, U01 Crippled and Many Years an Invalid. To whom tlicso presents ilir.ll come, (Jroctlug, Auotii iimnccn jeurs since nt nuiu rears or aro I mot with an r.cclrttmt which caused an Injury to mr iplno mid pelrlo bono rblch rciullm tho form a' Ion of humped ihoulUer and li (Ml In khortculnit of tio walrtand displacement or fa. in. Icrnal orKSiiH. and iliorU-nliiK ' nliout two inciici ol ono limb uelirceii lua kiipo mm Iilp, In addition to tho outward anncarinre or mr body at abovo dricrlbod In March 1VU0 I wan Ukcn Willi asoTcro attack or lm urlpjo rroin tho died of which I ul!orod ercully with mjr ImiKJKnd heart, and when In May lwjOI came to and bcitau treatment with Dr. J. r. cook mr ooudltlou nu about aa followi Could per form no manual labor, rould not stoop to plolc an) thliiK from tho Moor, Could eet about the limuo only with dllQciilty, and iceltlnic up italri was nozt to lmiKoull'Ie. l.'onld uto mr llmba only with dltllculty and one of intra waa much naa vl. ilj nerroui )tcm wu budly wrecked. Had couch and torero pain on lunv aud heart, no appetite, could ilcep only In broken apolli. and In many wayi lullorud ulmotl oonataul ami Indetcrlbablu aKonlei. Imliort I waaaauiuah dead aa alive, i'rovlouily to my attack of La (Irlppol wu treated orcr a period of year by many phyilclana to no clloctlvo purMo. My er(oul appearanco at tula time la itralglit in tho back uf anyone. My wattel limb rcatored to normal tlio und but little more than half an Inch shorter than the other. Have freo use of mv llmbu and can to un italri ono foot after tho other with perfect ease. My waii ii lenKtlienine. tan stoop to me noor wlthCHto, Can sot about aud do pretty muoh any and ewnthlnir other well people can do. My appetite la iplcndld j sleep soundly and am absolutely free from pain, UarliiK lived In llr. Cook's fatnll) for nearly ayeurl hare seen muoh of thu effect of hla treatment upon othora, aud can truly aud cheerfully recommend tlio Doctor and his med ical skill to all In any way allllcted The Doctor's treatment In thla cane waa whol ly conQned to his lloUuleal ltmedles, con tltu tlonally administered tin rort to tho uae of knlte, mechanical appliance or other method of treatment being empkn ed 1.1LI.1AN ItoaK'JIIAUU. I.llllan Kosenbaum hat llred In this vlolnlty about nine years. Wo. thuinderslcned. are iiertonsllv acquaint ed with the alxire alUaut and theerfullr sub- scrlbo to the truth of the foregoluif tlatemenl, N. liOMKNHAiM, raiuer. HUMAN IIAlllimUM, A. V.ItOHKNItADU. Subscribed aud sworn to beforti we this 81th day of Aug, 1WI. oeai aiucueu. r n.iiAi.i, Oountr (Jltrk. i.i. Iiy A iloCl'l.UK'H, Deputy. H2 xBgM mm OUT" I I i,, MJI'jjf' At 3:37 p. m., tho boats had the wind almost exactly on broadside All salts wero pulling finely and making good tlmo and they will apparently llnish by 4 HO, the tlino limit. At 3:59 p. m. the wind dropped and U seemed likely the raco would finifh within tho limit. The Columbia a nillo in lead and gaining Bteadlly. 4:24 p. m. the race will bo called off as it cannot bo finished within tlio tlmo limit. Nkw ;Yokk, S-pt. 20, 4:43 p. m. Signal Judgo'i "no raco" displayed fiom tlio boat. Nkw Yowc, Sept, 20 A dispatch to tho World from London says: I All England is hoping that Shamrock will outsail Columbia. Tho small handi cap imposed on Sir Thomas Lipton's yacht has strengthened the bollof that ho will lift tho cup. Tho King, whoto 6ro,t in tho races is woll knbwn, has "reu ,eciai CBUIO UUUClinS UltOCl '0 Marborough Home and from thero ho vyll 1 be kept fully informed. Fata, Cas Ex.piOSon ,nkw Yoiik, Sept. 20. Eight men were killed and seen eoriously injurod in an explosion at tho works of tho IJssox & Hudson Company at Newark, N. J today. Tho foreman of tho works, llowraan Otto, onu two workmon named Moyors MCKINLEY'S ASSASSIN RECEIVES 1 i No Certain Time Fixed for Ills Shuffling Electricity, y Buffalo, Now York., Sept. 20 d during week beginning October 28th, vvrrvvvTVTVTrrvTVTYyyvvvT and Kocch woroclcanlng the iusldo tank when ovcrcomo by gas. Koncuors wero called for and nino men volunteered. All woro ovorcomo by gas, while en gaged in romoviug a pinto from the tank. They got threo nion out iincoiiscloUH. A spark ignited (he gas, and tho exploilsn Was followed by lire, and tho flames spread rapidly. CHINESE , STUDENTS HELD Ran FitANaaco, Sopt. 20. Two Chi noeo atudeute, Foi Chi Ho and Knng Using Il4aiu, who arrived fiotn tliolr native land ou tho Dorio and have been hold at tho detention nhrda owing to tho alleged irregularity in tliolr pasgpnrtH, havo heen releauod on telegraphic In structions from Washington, pending tho final disposition of thoir cases. Both tho Chinese attempted to land on pass ports signed by LI Hung Chang, tho first, It is said, that huvo ever been offered at this, port and which woro no considered suillclent by the local ulll clali. Boers Going North. London, Hopt, 20. A dispatch to thu Times from N ewcastlo, Natal, enyH that tho portion of a Boer commando which penetrated into .tiliiland has retired across tho border. Tho dispatch adds that It soems to bo the tendency of Com-niandant-Genoral Dotha's lorccH to head northward. Salted Spanish Peanuts THE" SPA Peanut Roaster 114 State Street, Salem, Oregon. Don't Be Envious Our Jewelry is attractlvo. Wo know that, for wo have The Most Elegant, the New est and the Most Correct Fashions Always. But don't Ihi envious. Come iu and buy n hat you want and to have tor your own the beautiful things) ou admire. Barr's Jewelry Store leaders in Low I'rfcws. IIS Statt Street., Salem. Ortftn What to Drink? At any lime U matter of eireumstaiu t and eholcu. Wicn you havo your choice you should alnays ohooeo, good liquorat If you drink Itogurs' llUora you odii know they aro the purwt aid Ixttt. Iu the change of woatlior that Id now routing on you'll apprtnilato ur w lilt k;ua and hraudlw. J. P. ROGERS, E! (18-222 . omotrcui Street. Wholesale sail Retail Liquor Dealer ENGLAND SHOULD NOT OPPOSE THE CANAL President's Recognition of American Suprem acy Important. THE NATIONS ARE GRADUALLY Questions of Tariff and Grain Duties Discussed In Germany By University Professor The Report of Manchurlan Conditions. Now Yoiik, Sept. 20. A dlspttch to tho Trlbuno from Lcndou Bays: In the now issno of tho Fortnightly Rovlow there appears an anonytnouu articlo on "American Supremacy," that Is likely to nttrart much attention. Tho nttthor cousidora tho notion of Huropo Imlng overwhelmed by tho boundless produc tion of tho United States n most fan tastic figment of tho Imagination. Upon tho now President's recognition of tho limits of Ametlran itipromacy. he argued, tho commercial and political fortunes ofthowholo world may In no llttlo dogrco depend. Ho goes on to j show that Kngland will maVo a brfd uiIb- DEATH SENTENCE Off the Mortal Coll By Czolgosz sentenced to bo electrocuted 1001. tako If alio opposoa tho wlshoa of Amer ica In regard to tho isthmian canal. Tho United Htatea should hold tho iron keys ot tho gate of the two oceans, and should havo tho power to close ltogahiMt enemies. London, Bent. ii(J. Tho Vienna cor respondent of the Times, quotes tho WIenar Tagclilatt,"whlch BayB a move ment la on loot for sympathiorR with the Boors in nil couutrioa to hold meol Ings, Promises of adhesion to tho plan huvo been received from Germany, Aus tria, Jtuasla, I'rnnco and other couutrlus. A parliamentary campaign in Austria as threatened against tho ulleged in fringement by Great Britain ot the law of nations. Tho Relchwelir prints an editorial accusing Great Britain of violating all tlio prllnolpleo of warfare rim Vitturhiiid remarkH that thero- eoiit Ilrltlili reverses iu South Africa have dimed Hatlsfauttlou throughout tho whole civlhud world. Nkw Yoiik Sopt. 20. Concerning tho South African situation tho London correspondent to tho Trihunesays: While there nro no fresh reverses in South Africa, there Is an undertone of of public discontent with thu conduct o' the war and tho resulti of paper diplomacy, Clubmen of till p.inloH are Uughiiig heartily uvur Gould's effectivo cartoon, entitled: "On tho Links of thu Kmpire," To Golfer Aniuith, com- inonting casually on the uiifcatlnfactory war nows Golfor Balfour replies: HIVIint wiir? 'liin Rnlltli A-I1? Why, I thought that was finished on tho 15th. Wo fixed the date." That cartoon with characteristic poneu of both men, express grimly the public Impatience over what Is now generally regarded as a silly farcu iu attempting to o id ho.'tilltlus by proclamation. Mr. Chamberlain has always boon c red I toil with the authorship of the proclamation and his uuumins,Tory and Radical alike, do not nparo him. Kqually effectivo Htrlctiiren ore found In tho coneorvatlvo journals, llko thu Bt, Louis Gazette, u ion tho appointment of Gcnoruls But ler, Wood, and tho Dukiiof Cmiuaught, ai comiuunilors of tho Hot Ihrm army oorp4,iundur tho mIioiui nf roorgnnlza tlon. Mr. Kruger has Juit recuivwl reports estiinatiuK the rube I it in ih-i field at lo,000 I'robahly this lit a greatly ex agaratwl number but thu n are still gottlng many recruits iu oipu Colony. Sir Michael lllckhilnaeh h note bullevnl to have uuoiivth money in hand to' carry on the war until tho end of January IIkhi.ii, 8opt ?(!, Tho conference rsgurding liurnnwiy's rominorriul policy, no bulug held iu Munich, Is well at tended. Prof. Walter Lotz, of the Uni versity of Munich, took for his thnmo the quattiuu: "Is an itiareaio In the grain duties compatible with tho welfare of Germany?" He aimvered It In the negative, raylm in part; "The dealro for dearer grain results in results iu a deslrtifor dearer meat, wit, fruity, o,tluhhts,lron, paper, yarn, building material and more oxpeiulvd dwellings. Iizport is possible onl when the cost of produetlun Is aheap. But the new tariff anni at n higher ooHt of production. Whilo wj oposo higher grain duties we must ask ou the Jollier hand Ifora roduutlon ol numerous In d'istrifti duties." Thu spcakor uttered a word of caution against tariff war with tho United Btatos, imlntlng out that Germany would loeo her markets In South Africa', j :i Ore it-Britain and HasteroAna, Prof. Bchumacher. ol Cologne, in FAVORING THE BOERS doracd.tbo doctrlno of a moderate in crcaio of duties. He said ho thought a duty of lis marks for ryo and tlx and one-half for wheat, would bo jiutlfiablo. "Full reciprocity iu customs questions muatbbBecutod with tho United States," ho observed. "Both Germany and tho United States must bind themselves. Wo mUBt unconditionally abolish favor itism. The scaro ot a tariff war la ex aggerated, but Germany cannot fulfill every wish of tho United States.". Wasimnoton, dopt.20. The Stato De partment hasrecotvod from Commercial Agont Groor.or, nt Vladivostok, undor date of July 21, a comprohonsive report on conditions in Manchuria. Mr. Ureoner says that tlioro is much exag geration as to the number ol Russian troops in Manchuria. Uo places their uumborat about 20,000 Manchuria, ho saya, la ono of tho moat tortile countries on tho globo and thero nro no butter crops In all Asia. "The Manchu," says Mr. Qroenor, "has barely scratched the surface, and yot tho business activity, tho actual trafllc, and the tangible results are a n continual surprise." American goodj tiro already Known nud favorod on account of their cheap ness. The area of gold fields In Manchuria, says Mr. Greener, extends moro than 1128 miles along tho shores of tho Argun and Atulr rlvors, and thero Is no doubt as to tho richness ot tho mine. Only Hnsslans and Ohlnoso my go into tho country ovorland. It would not bo safe, ho nays, (or many foreigners to venturo into thu country now. PFARY'S DOCTOR"" WAS NOT MAROONED BBmSB 1'oiiti.anii, Mo., Bopt. 20. Mrs. Peary ol Lieutenant Peary who has returned to Booth Portland has promptly denied the r'liuttthat Dr. DehMck was marooned. Hi positively refuted to go back aud said ho would stay with a party of na tives. It was not deemed proper to nt tempt to compel him to return to the Windward becaitso of Ins peculiar mon tal state. It was thought that possibly ho in If lit recover If left on shore, but In the opinion nf Dr. Cook ho was in dan ger of becoming vlolontly insane if taken back. CHINESE PRINCE NOT COMING Nkw Yoiik, Sept. 20. Disappointment rulgus In Chinatown because of the an nouncement that Prince Chum, brother of tho Chlnoio Ktnperor, will not come to tltu United States ou his way from Berlin, whore ho went ai tho hiad of tha OhlnoBoexplatory mission. The Chinese Merchants Association, under tho di rection of tho counsel general, has worked out an elaborate program for thu ontertalnmontof tho Prlnco, SSS I I MSSM S I I S SsSs A Well Known Firm Witli a Spread Record,,.. j I wmebf'i ...Read Every Word..,. The White Corner j ears It now located on thu corner ol Court and Liberty streets In the McCoinacJk building formerly known a the Old Opera House. This building hit been beauti fully rcinodulcd for our rprrhil uioand we have occupied it since January 1901. Wo are proud of our new store and the extensively growing patronage whleh w are reoolvInK at thu bauds uf tho generous public, whluh we ato striving hfcrdw ai.d harder to pleum, Our new store Is well lighted and fitted with an electric elivator, waiting rooms, toilet rooms, wi'IjIiir deks, etc, for tho accomodation 61 ty custojawa who ar aUayi walcoum, wliotbur purejiaiers or vialtorsj Do not be misinformed the Wjiite Corner s;-Jos. Meyers & Sons new store, Cor. Court ?nd liberty Streets, one block east of the old Store. IT Any ofer firm tiling the uame "While PROFIT SHARING Discussed at a Convention of Members of the Co opera tive Association. Nkw Yon Sept. 20.8evon organiza tions havo been rbprccenUd at tho con vantion of Cooperative organization which has been in session bore. A com milteo waa appointed to plan for , national organization which, when ready, will summon tho delegates to another convention. ' A leador of the convention wna Brad ford Peck, of Lewlston, Me.f president ol tlio Co-opor atlvo Association of Amer ica. Kov. Charles E. Lund, eccrutary of tho Co-operative Association p( Amer ica, addrossed tho convention upon tho subject of profit sharing. Alexander Utrr, of tho Freo Land Association bt tills city, told how his Association had organized a "counting lipuao" to keep within tha law concerning Banks. Theodoro Atworlh, of tho "Straight dge People" of Manhattan and Ko ville, L. I., who presided, spoke briefly on the work of his organization, Lewis II. Berdsteln, secretary of the Worklngmen'a Cooperative Atiociatlou of Philadelphia, said his organization had 1,-100 members and soon expected to manufacture hats and shoes. Steps had boon taken to follow the general plan of cooperation known ai the Rock dulo or Kngllsh plan. Ask Him Ask your doctor what h thinks of Aycr's Sarsaparill! He knows the formula, sov ask him if there Is anything better for purifying the blood, strengthening the digestion, and building up the nerves. Follow his advice, whatever it may be. "I have taken Aycr'8 Sarsaparllta every spring since 1848. As a blood purlfylngand ncrve-strcngthcnlng medl clno It cannot be equalled." S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. II. AlUrnnlili. J.CAYCRC0.,UwiII.Mm. Episcopal Triennial Nkw Youk Sopt. 20. Bishop 1'ottor. alter attending tho annual convention ol the Hplscopal uiocote ot Now York lelt for San Francisco to attend' tho general convention, accompanied by the Rev, Dr. J. L. Parks, who takes tho place ol tho Rev. Dr. Morgan Dlx, During tho sessions of the New York body, Dr. Greer introduced a resolution providing that n pstltion bo made to the delegates attending tho general con vention asking thorn to present to th convention a resolution asking for uniformity of dlvorcoand nmtrlmory, among all the churches. SalteAJmonds Fresh Spanish Salted Peanuts at Ellis & IMs WE GIVK COUPON8 S4 State Street, Sltat'PboaeSB74 SsSsSs ssssssssssssWsBisssMisBMBiaBi'V-M Wide Under Ilia manataibntof JoMoyer and Sons' for tho piut iwentj-on Comer" J W o ttWa k paWfe M 4 m n nl m ts B .'I I'l I H '